These bags really are amazing. Small but fits quite a bit. I have 2 that I love using for when I'm running errands. I love the organization of these pockets.
I will NEVER buy anything from this company after watching Jane Traecy selling one of their bags called "Take 2 Bryant"- apparently these revolting people missed the helicopter accident that killed an NBA star, his daughter, and others. Positively DISGUSTING.
@MissMaddiePie There is nothing "ridiculous" about this. It simply highlights how incredibly insensitive, tone-deaf, and narcissistic the salespeople and management of the "Q" are. Have a good day, and I do hope you avoid going over your budget when buying "multiples" of ANY item for your gift closet. Truly.
These bags really are amazing. Small but fits quite a bit. I have 2 that I love using for when I'm running errands. I love the organization of these pockets.
I will NEVER buy anything from this company after watching Jane Traecy selling one of their bags called "Take 2 Bryant"- apparently these revolting people missed the helicopter accident that killed an NBA star, his daughter, and others. Positively DISGUSTING.
The Take 2 Bryant bag is the updated version of the Bryant bag, hence the "Take 2". Both have been around since way before the helicopter accident.
@@MissMaddiePie Yes, I know. Unfortunately, it makes no difference. It shouldn't be aired. The name of the bag is beyond offensive.
@@anymongus The connection you're trying to make is ridiculous but to each their own.
@MissMaddiePie There is nothing "ridiculous" about this. It simply highlights how incredibly insensitive, tone-deaf, and narcissistic the salespeople and management of the "Q" are. Have a good day, and I do hope you avoid going over your budget when buying "multiples" of ANY item for your gift closet. Truly.