Call of Duty Warzone - Deadliest Sniper...

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @tusharthapar6547
    @tusharthapar6547 4 роки тому +520

    The comms between this squad is half of their winning formula. What a great watch! Keep it up, boys.

    • @Counz223
      @Counz223 4 роки тому +22

      That and the way they immediately ease pressure with massively clutch snipes.. having a good sniper is invaluable. This team got a few of em

    • @Viper3220
      @Viper3220 4 роки тому +17

      @@Counz223 So much easier to push when 1 person on your team breaks the armor of half their team with back to back sniper shots in a few seconds time

    • @thebathuman
      @thebathuman 4 роки тому +4

      Their response to callouts with backup, also. Yu can have great comms but if nobody follows up on them then they become moot.

    • @xerquee
      @xerquee 4 роки тому

      Good decision making also plays a role in some of their clutches, when to engage and, when back off then conquer. Sweet

    • @Chris71920
      @Chris71920 4 роки тому +3

      I wish the people I play with communicate and react to things even half as quickly as these guys do👌🏻😅

  • @mrhumanman
    @mrhumanman 4 роки тому +604

    Jack's always so calm when pulling off incredible shots. He's like a violent Brian Cox

  • @Wraith_of_Storm
    @Wraith_of_Storm 4 роки тому +403

    "He's a Jack-in-the-box!"
    Well played, ol' chap! 🤣🤣

    • @Maqcimus
      @Maqcimus 4 роки тому +5

      found that so funny

    • @rolandcod2462
      @rolandcod2462 4 роки тому


    • @silkaverage
      @silkaverage 4 роки тому

      +10,000 punsmithing exp for that

    • @inforism.
      @inforism. 4 роки тому +1

      he said “PEEKABOO!” 😂

    • @jamesredai5257
      @jamesredai5257 4 роки тому +1

      MMOJunkie boobjobjbojbojobjbojboobjobjobjobjbojobjboojbobojbojbojbojjobojbojbojobjobjbojobjobjbojboobobobjoojobjboobjobjobjbojbojobjobjobjobjbojbojobjooojbijijojbojobjoijbijobjobjobjobjobbojbojboobobjbojboobjbojjobojbojobjbojobjobjbojobboobjobjbobojojoobbojbojbojbojbojbojbojobjibjobobobjbijjoibjboibjibjojijbijobjobjobjbojbojbojobjbijbojbojobjbojbojibjbobojbojbojobobjobjobjobjobobbojojojbijbojbojoojobbojbojobjojboobjobjbojooojojbojibjobjboibjbijbijbojobjooojijobjobobjoojijibjobibjbojibjbijobjobjbojojobbojjoijboobobjoboojboojijibjobjiijbobijobbojobjojijobjobojbojobjbojibjbojooojibjboobjbojbojobjobjboojjobojobjbojobjooojbijbojojobibjobjooojboobojijobbojobjbijbojobjioojijbijibjbojbijobjbojobjbojobjooojbobojibjobjbojbojbojobjojbojibbojobjbojobjobjojoboojoboijbojiobbojbojobobbijbojiijijbobobojobbojooojobjbojobjbojojobjobjooojojoijobijijbjboijibjbojooijbijibjbijijbijbijobjioijooojbooojobjboibjbojbojbojooojijobjobibjoojijibjobjooojbobijibjoibojbojijibjbijbojobjbojoboojijbijojijobobjobjjoobojjiibjibjoijbojoboojbijoiboijibjbijobjooijbijibjojjobibjbojbojojobbojoboojbooojobibjobjobjobbijooojboojijboibjobjibjooobjijibjibjjobooojijobjooojoboojijojooojojjijoboojijbojbojbojoboijibjibjijojobjobjobjojijboboobjoooboojbojobjbojiobiojijoboojoboojobjobjobjooojojobjbojobjobboboibjbojobjoojoboojobjobjobobjibjbijooojoboijojooojboooboojojoboojooojobibjobjooojobjbojbojibjobjooojibjibjiijijboibjijooojobibjbojobjobjboobboboboibjobjojoboojobjboobobjobjoojijbojobjbojoijbijojijoboojojoojojbooojooojbojoboijijbobobojboojijibjbooojobibjbijbojbojojjiobjbioojbojbojobjbojbojbojobbijbojoobjbojiobijobijijobijibjobioijobijobobojjibobijobjbojibjoojijobjobjobjobjoojojibjboobjjobijioojobbijibiojobibjijboijibjobobjijibjbijijojijoboojbooojobjobjjobooojobibjbojbojbojooojbijibjobjooojbojbojobjoboojobbobojbojbojioojojoboibijobbioojbobojojoboojbooojoboojoboijibjbobojboibjbijibjobibjjioijboboijoboojbooojbojjiobibjibjobjojijibjooojobojobjoboijbijbijbojoijbobijbojobjbojobjbojobjobjbojbijobjbojbojobjobbobojobjibjbojibjobjobobobjbojbojibjbojbojbojbojbojbojbojojbojbojobjbojbojobjbojbojbojbojobjbojbojobjbojobjbojbojobjobjbijbojobjobjbojobjobjobjojibjbojobjbojobjjoobobjobjobjobjbijobjbojbojobjibjojobobjbobijobobjobjbojobjobjobjobjjoboobjibjbojbojjoojobibjbojoijibjboobjibjoobbojbojobjbojbojibojojbobijbijobjbojbojbojbojobjbojbojobjobjobjobjbojbojbojobjobjbojbojibjbojibbojbojbojbojboibjbijbijibjbojbojibjobjojboobjbojobjobjobjbojbojbojbojbojojojobbojoojbobijobjbobobojbojobjbijobjbojobjbojbojbojobjbojobobjbojbojbojobjojojjiobobjobibobjobjobjbojbijbojobjobjbojjoobobjbojbojbojbojobjbojobjboobjbojobjobjobjbijobjobjbijbobojbojbojobjobjbojbojobjboibjobjbijbojbojojbooojbjbobojibjobjobjobjobjobjbojobjbojbojbojbojobobbojoojijbobijibjboobjobjojobobjbojbojbojobjbojbojbojbojibjbojobjbijobibjbojbijobjbijbojobjobjobjbojibjobjbojobjbojobjobjobjobjbojobjbojbojoboojijbijbobijbojboobobjbojobjbojbojobjbojbojobjbojobjobibjibojobjobjbojobjjiibjibjobjboboobjobjbojobjbojojjibobojbojobjbijbojobjojijobojboojibjobbojbojojboobjbijjobooojijobjbojobjbojobjbojobboobjbojbojbijobbijobjobjobjbojbojobjibjbojobjbojbojobjobjbojbojojobbijobjobjooojbijbijbojoboojboobjbojibjbojobjobjobjobjobjbojbojobjobjbojobjobjbojobjbojbojojobobjbijbojboobbijbijibjbojoijbooijbijobjbojbojobjbojbijobjobjbojobjbojbojobjbojobjboobobobjbobooojojboobbijobjibjibjobjoijboibjbojbijbojioobijijobobbijjoboobjobibjibjbojobjojbobojobjbojibjobjobjjoobjbojbojojijboobjbojobbojobjobjobjbojobjbobojbojbojibjobjobjobobjbojbojobobjbojojobbojobjooojbobojbojobjboobibjobjobjbojobjibjbojobjobjobibjobjibjbijobjibjbojbojobjbojjoobjobjbojbojbojbojobjbijobojbojobjboobobobobjobjbojoboojijboobibjobjojojoboojojbojobjobjboobjbojobjobobbojbojobjobjobjbojbijobjijbojobjobjoijobjbojobobobjiojbobijobjbojobjjooboojbojbobojobjooojojobjobobojojobbojbojobobobjobjbojbojobjobjbojbojbojbojbojobjbojjoobjboobjbijibjbojojojbooojijobjobjbijbijbojbijobjbojiboobjobjobjobjbojobjjoboobjbojobjbojbojobjobboobjbojbobojbojobjobjobjbojbojobjobjojojobibjboibjobjoboojijibjobjojijbojbojbojobjobjjibijjiobjbojbojbojbojojobjbojobjobjobjobjbojbojbojbojobjbojobjboobobjbojobjobjobjboobjbojobjojijobjobjobjbojbojibjbojbijjobijjoobjbojibjobjbojobboobjobjobjobjobjbojobjobjbojobjobjbojiobjboobjibjboobobjobjbojobjobjobjojjiobojobibjobjbojbojjobobojobjobjjoobobjbojobjobjbojobjobjobjbojbobobojbojbojobjobjobobbojobjobjbojobjbojibjobjobjobjobjboojibjbojbojobjbojbojobjojbobijbojobbojibjobbojobjjoijbobojobjbojbojbojbojibjbojobjobjobjobjbojobjobjobboobjbojbojobjobjobjobbijobjbojobjbijobjojboobjobjiibjboobjobjooojbobobojbojbojobjbobojobjobjbojbojobjbojobjobjijboibjobobjbojooojobjbojobjobjobjbojbojobjbojbojobjobjobjojbojobobjobjoobijbojiojbojbojjoibjobjbojbojbojbojobjobjbojbojbojobjobjjobobojobbijibjobjojobbojbojobjobjbojjobojobjobjobbojboobjbojbooojbijibjbijobjbojobjobjobjobjobjboobjbojbijbojojijbijbojbojibjbojbojbojobjjoobjobobjbojboobjobbojojibjbojobjbojbojobjobjbojobjobjojbojibjbijobjobjobjobjbojobjooojojobjobjobjbojbojbojoojbojobjobjobjbojobjobboobjobjobjbojobjobjobjobjobjbojobjbojojooojobjboobjobjbojobjojobjbojobjoojbojibjojboobjbojobojboobjbojibjobjbojobbojbojbojobjbijbojobbijbojobjbojbojobobjobjbojbojbijobjobjbijobjbojobjobjobjbobobojbojibjobjojijobbojbojbojobjbojobjojobobjibjobjobjobjbojbojobobjobjbojboibjbojobjobjbojbojobjbojbojbojobobojbojboobjbojbojobjobjbojbojbijibjobjbojobjobbojbojbojobjobjbojbijbojbojobjboojbobojbojobjbojbojbojobjobjbojobjbijbojobjbijbojbojobjobjobjobjbojobjobjobjbojobjibjboobjobbojbojooojboobjbojobjbojjoboobjbojbobijobbijbojbojobibjobobjibjobjbijbojbojbojbojbojboobibjbojijobibjobjobjbojobjobjbojbojooojojooojojojojbojobjooboboobjbojojojobjobojobobojojobjbooojbooojbojoboojbooojbojobjooojbojbojobjbojbojbojbojjobobojooojboob

  • @charlesrupp3976
    @charlesrupp3976 4 роки тому +71

    This is it. This is the peak of warzone content. All of my favorite creators playing together.

  • @SimplSimba
    @SimplSimba 4 роки тому +395

    I guess when I jump off a building, no I gotta remember that there is a Jackfrag just waiting to snipe my head off.

    • @boomborgoyari5781
      @boomborgoyari5781 4 роки тому +6

      jack be like: its not me its the kar98 that aculite told me to build. 😆😆

    • @AlejandroShredderDJ
      @AlejandroShredderDJ 4 роки тому

      @@boomborgoyari5781 very nice

    • @jonmurray660
      @jonmurray660 4 роки тому

      Happened to me about 20 min ago...

  • @테리스-d1x
    @테리스-d1x 4 роки тому +33


    • @iamazngi9540
      @iamazngi9540 4 роки тому

      you have problems that need solving friend.
      and quickly.

  • @Jay00x00
    @Jay00x00 4 роки тому +146

    nothing better than when you’re dying from a cold and jack uploads

    • @jamj59
      @jamj59 4 роки тому +47


    • @Rendall98
      @Rendall98 4 роки тому +6

      Apart from not having the cold and Jack uploading 😂

    • @saadnizami399
      @saadnizami399 4 роки тому +4

      Same ahaha :D Get well soon!

    • @bradhaines3142
      @bradhaines3142 4 роки тому +4

      @@jamj59 cept you dont die from rona, so thats a bonus

    • @moonpig118
      @moonpig118 4 роки тому +9

      As Cardi B once said, "Coronavirus, shit is getting real"

  • @__Mr.White__
    @__Mr.White__ 4 роки тому +73

    Aculite, Stone and Jack. What a dream team

    • @SprainedPhil2116
      @SprainedPhil2116 4 роки тому +1

      Mr White I mean it is missing tomorrow 😅😔

    • @john_voske
      @john_voske 4 роки тому +20

      Don't forget Tomo tho!

    • @ianb_5644
      @ianb_5644 4 роки тому +2

      Been waiting for the squad to come back for a while.

    • @zackee
      @zackee 4 роки тому +3

      They need levelcap tho

    • @ChodRukhKhan
      @ChodRukhKhan 4 роки тому +3

      My absolute favorites (+ Tommy)

  • @ianb_5644
    @ianb_5644 4 роки тому +75

    The squad we’ve missed

  • @meditatedgold2861
    @meditatedgold2861 4 роки тому +1

    Jack i love them shots ,also Jack shows that kindness isn't a weakness cause this kind guy got soooo much skill , its enjoyable to watch ,thx bro

    • @Teddayyy
      @Teddayyy 4 роки тому

      Hey bro hope this isn’t too much of a bother but I saw you’re also a fan of Jack. If you could check out my UA-cam I’d really appreciate it 🙌🏻 and if by chance you enjoy and think I’m good enough maybe you’ll wanna support the rest of my journey. 💙

  • @davenguyai7916
    @davenguyai7916 4 роки тому +163

    Damn how do you even play against this squad

    • @romainc2659
      @romainc2659 4 роки тому +69

      You run to the other side of the zone and hope to place 2nd

    • @davenguyai7916
      @davenguyai7916 4 роки тому +6

      @@romainc2659 exactly 😂😂

    • @bradhaines3142
      @bradhaines3142 4 роки тому +5

      @Noneof Yourbuisness name anyone better, especially as a team

    • @Retrofire-47
      @Retrofire-47 4 роки тому +14

      I think it's kind of shitty because no one else can compete. It's like a chess grand champion entering a novice tornament. No one else has any fun. Lame tbh

    • @bradhaines3142
      @bradhaines3142 4 роки тому +8

      @Noneof Yourbuisness no he wouldn't, back in PUBG days aculite beat shroud, so its proven.

  • @GutHoister
    @GutHoister 4 роки тому

    Those callouts during the final push! Incredibly satisfying

  • @nevlov6728
    @nevlov6728 4 роки тому +27

    If I ever see any of these guys in the killfeed , I'm leaving the game

  • @BA-rh5hy
    @BA-rh5hy 4 роки тому

    Dude you guys are just so much fun to watch. Absolutely murdered it.

  • @Enjoiravepanda
    @Enjoiravepanda 4 роки тому +22

    I love how stone mountain is just as silly when playing with someone else. "Hostile Bird"

  • @gabrielarch1719
    @gabrielarch1719 4 роки тому +1

    I could watch your content all day Jack, great stuff!

    • @Teddayyy
      @Teddayyy 4 роки тому

      Hey bro hope this isn’t too much of a bother but I saw you’re also a fan of Jack. If you could check out my UA-cam I’d really appreciate it 🙌🏻 and if by chance you enjoy and think I’m good enough maybe you’ll wanna support the rest of my journey. 💙 I’m really good too 💪🏻

  • @dylanmyers5747
    @dylanmyers5747 4 роки тому

    Finally good video from an amazing player who plays fairly and doesn't complain every time he gets killed and dedicate videos to cheaters. It was good to see StoneMountain64

  • @hypersmudge1
    @hypersmudge1 4 роки тому

    Great team build. Always fun to watch. Thanks!

  • @gameofkiller6909
    @gameofkiller6909 4 роки тому

    Waited way too long to see this as a squad!. awesome play!, you are just amazing!...

  • @aidankingman1316
    @aidankingman1316 4 роки тому +4

    Stone’s “just kidding” 😂😂😂

  • @poncho_x4410
    @poncho_x4410 4 роки тому

    Great video with some fantastic rounds of Warzone Jack!!! Loving the content!!!

  • @thechrissmartin
    @thechrissmartin 4 роки тому

    Guys (Jack, Aculite, Stone, Tom) please keep droping these videos everyday...only thing i'm waiting for these days on YT

  • @PrematureBurger
    @PrematureBurger 4 роки тому +1

    Man, I wish I had a crew who could back me. You guys communicate beautifully!! Thanks as always for being a huge inspiration to me and my channel Jack!

  • @WarJournalist414
    @WarJournalist414 4 роки тому +31

    Everyone that's reading this... Have a nice day or night ❤️😊

  • @danielsbarrow581
    @danielsbarrow581 4 роки тому

    I got to pop into the stream for this gameplay. Truly a dirty new sniper, and it was horrifying to see the efficiency of the squad. XD

  • @betu4ever
    @betu4ever 4 роки тому +16

    When COD tries to clear their BR servers, this is the squad they send...

    • @Teddayyy
      @Teddayyy 4 роки тому +1

      They wipe everyone 🤘🏻 but Hey bro hope this isn’t too much of a bother but I saw you’re also a fan of Jack. If you could check out my UA-cam I’d really appreciate it 🙌🏻 and if by chance you enjoy and think I’m good enough maybe you’ll wanna support the rest of my journey. 💙 I’m pretty good too 💪🏻

    • @getrich1324
      @getrich1324 4 роки тому

      Teddayyy got you brother

  • @indiana_bones5583
    @indiana_bones5583 4 роки тому +180

    I’m sorry but the strongest sniper is definitely the oden.

  • @dolebiscuit
    @dolebiscuit 4 роки тому

    These squad videos are always so much fun to watch

  • @shafiquekalungi2367
    @shafiquekalungi2367 4 роки тому

    That last push for the win was just amazing what a rush!!!

  • @calebsimmons3069
    @calebsimmons3069 4 роки тому

    Loved this video great team 👏 good laughs 👌🏼 and good shots

  • @pascalballing_atmos
    @pascalballing_atmos 4 роки тому

    one of the best gameplays xD. Basic but funny as helll. love it

  • @GradualHigh
    @GradualHigh 4 роки тому

    Somehow your warzone videos grew on me. I normally hated them but now i kinda look forward to a warzone vid

  • @jahu5759
    @jahu5759 4 роки тому +1

    Jacks voice is like meditation therapy to me. He would be amazing as the new David Attenborough lol

  • @Alexskpp4
    @Alexskpp4 4 роки тому

    You have been entertaining me for years, thank you for your videos jack

  • @MrTjnielsen81
    @MrTjnielsen81 4 роки тому

    You guys are terrifying to watch as you demolish everyone as a team. Great rounds!

  • @BrianKC
    @BrianKC 4 роки тому

    The 4 best and least toxic COD streamers. I almost prefer watching this squad than playing myself.

    • @janelle8o8
      @janelle8o8 4 роки тому

      BrianKC 💯 agreed!!!

  • @mdk81
    @mdk81 4 роки тому

    a.k.a. The Cleanup Crew, nice squadplay guys

  • @turkeyfromkentucky3822
    @turkeyfromkentucky3822 4 роки тому

    It's time for me to say.. bye.. it was fun to watch you play. All of ur team and learn from you and your team but like everything must come to end.

  • @vegeneance21
    @vegeneance21 4 роки тому

    Stone: Damn jack...
    Jack: Dude its not me! its the kar98
    enemy 1: did you just get killed by jackfrags?
    enemy 2: no dude!! its the kar98!

  • @Stevk005
    @Stevk005 4 роки тому +3

    I wish I was as chill as Jack playing this game. I usually die because I frantically hit melee by accident while trying to aim.

  • @jasonthornton8349
    @jasonthornton8349 4 роки тому +38

    Dang this is the earliest I’ve ever been to a video

    • @charliehancock2280
      @charliehancock2280 4 роки тому


    • @samuelflores9032
      @samuelflores9032 4 роки тому


    • @jasonthornton8349
      @jasonthornton8349 4 роки тому

      Well it said it was uploaded 1 second ago when I clicked on it😂 I didn’t even mean to click on it but then I saw it was a jackfrags video so I went with it

    • @jamiegrabowski
      @jamiegrabowski 4 роки тому +2

      Let me guess , you have never been first at anything ?? . Does it matter?.

    • @charliehancock2280
      @charliehancock2280 4 роки тому

      Jason Thornton no no no when did I ask

  • @timhipkiss1966
    @timhipkiss1966 4 роки тому

    My favourite group, love the content guys!!

  • @mrhandyman9317
    @mrhandyman9317 4 роки тому

    Keep up the good work Jack! Like your videos and your channel. Who sees this comment Smile, be happy, you are one of a kind!

  • @Arif-gg9gw
    @Arif-gg9gw 4 роки тому +61

    Is it just me or does Jack's M4 have 6 attachments? Monolithic, Corvus, tac laser, PBX holo, commando grip and 60 rounds

  • @Joshua-gk3xu
    @Joshua-gk3xu 4 роки тому +28

    People are gonna be camping the train stations like a mf

    • @Ninjachickenfingers
      @Ninjachickenfingers 4 роки тому +4

      I really hope they were smart enough to design it well enough in order to prevent this

    • @Frostcrag64
      @Frostcrag64 4 роки тому +1

      Can't wait for every squad leader in pubs to ping train and wipe immediately for a week straight

    • @joshkatz4448
      @joshkatz4448 4 роки тому

      Frostcrag64 train is actually a pretty great place to drop. Everyone thinks its too hot so no one ends up going there

    • @nashwankhan7149
      @nashwankhan7149 4 роки тому +1

      Joshwa Katzio bro every time I drop train there’s half the lobby also with me

  • @theankotze1292
    @theankotze1292 4 роки тому +2

    The god squad! You 4 together is the new FATS/FAST squad! I just dont know what the acronym would be

  • @biglean4137
    @biglean4137 4 роки тому

    Omg my favorite 3 people in one squad. Niceee

  • @Gorphee
    @Gorphee 4 роки тому

    These four guys are currently my favorite FPS UA-camr's that I follow... Seeing them all together in the same vids, playing with one another, is just fucking amazing.

  • @CertifiedPrettyboy
    @CertifiedPrettyboy 4 роки тому

    Aculite + Jack + Stone + Tom = great content no matter who streams

  • @deanoldguy6980
    @deanoldguy6980 4 роки тому

    Just love it when these guys get together - dream team 😍

  • @beergnomedc
    @beergnomedc 4 роки тому

    Holy crap that scope flash snipe at the end was legendary

  • @EyesOfByes
    @EyesOfByes 4 роки тому +3

    That sniping is so satifying. It reminds me of when discovering the AWP in CS back in 2000 😁

  • @magoo1uk2003
    @magoo1uk2003 4 роки тому

    Dream team, love when you guys team up 💪🏼

  • @jay8miller
    @jay8miller 4 роки тому

    Jack those snipes are disgusting! Keep it up bro 🤙🏻

  • @COTA-lw3nt
    @COTA-lw3nt 4 роки тому

    Jesus, if I saw these 4 in my lobby, I would instantly bow out. Jack is a beast

  • @ernestopenashaw7601
    @ernestopenashaw7601 4 роки тому

    5:57 jack in a box 😂😂

  • @poxorz
    @poxorz 4 роки тому

    AAAWWWWWW YEEEEEEEAAAH!!! Jack and Stone playing together? Badass

  • @experimetalfan8851
    @experimetalfan8851 4 роки тому

    You're a *monster* Jack!
    ... definitely gonna use your name in supportacreator

  • @zidanecristianoaveiro
    @zidanecristianoaveiro 4 роки тому

    Stone mountain is so funny
    You gotta love that guy

  • @saemongrille
    @saemongrille 4 роки тому +6

    Like this if Jack should play with this team more often

  • @renecote706
    @renecote706 4 роки тому +1

    I have been using that M4 build for a while and I've gotten some good wins with it! Loving it so far.

    • @Teddayyy
      @Teddayyy 4 роки тому

      The M4 is my baby 🔥 but Hey bro hope this isn’t too much of a bother but I saw you’re also a fan of Jack. If you could check out my UA-cam I’d really appreciate it 🙌🏻 and if by chance you enjoy and think I’m good enough maybe you’ll wanna support the rest of my journey. 💙 I’m pretty good too 💪🏻

  • @highraven8891
    @highraven8891 4 роки тому +5

    you guys had me laughing out loud the whole video!!!

  • @floatinggoose9197
    @floatinggoose9197 4 роки тому

    There is no better team communication than this squad of 4. Organized, calm, deadly.

  • @aaryntaylor
    @aaryntaylor 4 роки тому

    I don't even play warzone, but I watch all your videos

  • @kevinbezerra3945
    @kevinbezerra3945 4 роки тому

    Am I dreaming? Jack playing with Tomo, Aculite and Stone? Jack, please, give us more of that!

  • @jonathanmiller2351
    @jonathanmiller2351 4 роки тому

    Man that was fun to watch!

  • @jakerobertson8224
    @jakerobertson8224 4 роки тому

    Awesome first game Jack!

  • @reversewatermelon470
    @reversewatermelon470 4 роки тому

    I see jack. I see Aculite. I upvote.

  • @P8FPV
    @P8FPV 4 роки тому

    That truck tho 😎😉

  • @Chrisszz47
    @Chrisszz47 4 роки тому

    Jack frags is probably the only person i would use the support a creator code function on.

  • @beyoshida
    @beyoshida 4 роки тому

    Jack I've added you on the creator mode on the store. I follow a lot of content creators, but I love how you keep everything clean and just good fun! Love the content man.

  • @joh3688
    @joh3688 4 роки тому

    Great vid as always jack

  • @bolinasreef2720
    @bolinasreef2720 4 роки тому

    Jack with the cleanest shot in Warzone, he doesn't miss!

  • @themexicannacho3681
    @themexicannacho3681 4 роки тому

    Love this squad they all so chill

  • @lubomirgeneraliskluciar1049
    @lubomirgeneraliskluciar1049 4 роки тому

    Jackfrags do lot of frags :D guud job,man ( :

  • @michaeledwards5527
    @michaeledwards5527 4 роки тому

    When Jack said "peek a boo", I spit mountain dew everywhere. Lmbo

  • @ghostryleigh1255
    @ghostryleigh1255 4 роки тому

    Aculite, tomographic, stone & jack.. hoping you'll play together always guys. I love this team. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @dannyinthefrontlines9386
    @dannyinthefrontlines9386 4 роки тому +3

    Love ur content jack!!!

  • @戦姫
    @戦姫 4 роки тому

    yes on that m16 + holo-sight combo

  • @supersaiyanprince4367
    @supersaiyanprince4367 4 роки тому +1

    @jackfrags, what is your kilo and kar98k loadouts, they look amazing

  • @Chris.Rhodes
    @Chris.Rhodes 4 роки тому +1

    14:03 I've noticed this a lot, I understand you're being chased, but anytime I see a gas mask or satchel I grab it. why do you guys always pass it up to where I'm screaming at my phone "GET THE SATCHEL!!!!" lol love your videos brotha man! Betwixed!

    • @Teddayyy
      @Teddayyy 4 роки тому

      Yea dude can’t pass up a satchel 👎🏻 but Hey bro hope this isn’t too much of a bother but I saw you’re also a fan of Jack. If you could check out my UA-cam I’d really appreciate it 🙌🏻 and if by chance you enjoy and think I’m good enough maybe you’ll wanna support the rest of my journey. 💙 I’m really good too 💪🏻

  • @ligmaleft1764
    @ligmaleft1764 4 роки тому

    When Tomo said Jack in the box I lost my shit lmao

  • @idanlewenhoff2295
    @idanlewenhoff2295 4 роки тому

    keep the squad content bro
    really good stuff!

  • @bygallhood
    @bygallhood 4 роки тому

    Jack in a box , thats fire lol

  • @TheErazeCenter
    @TheErazeCenter 4 роки тому

    Love the double command at 2.19.

  • @fulstaak
    @fulstaak 4 роки тому

    JackFrags + Aculite + Stone + a 4th = a brutal force in Warzone. I'd love to see you all 3+1 in a tournament or just regular streams.

  • @Eliteghost-097
    @Eliteghost-097 4 роки тому +1

    jack frags is going to become Simo Häyhä

  • @pablo7610
    @pablo7610 4 роки тому

    Love your kilo setup , very nice

  • @longmouthghost2334
    @longmouthghost2334 4 роки тому

    Good games. You guys make a good squad.

  • @baguera23tapia91
    @baguera23tapia91 4 роки тому +1

    Jack u r so good with the sniper

  • @RC83
    @RC83 4 роки тому +1

    All my favourite UA-camrs/Streamers coming together in a squad ❤️. It is a happy day indeed 🤧🤧🤧

  • @JonGilberts
    @JonGilberts 4 роки тому

    You guys are insane. GGs

  • @Beatstinger
    @Beatstinger 4 роки тому

    Dinky horn, endless laughter.

  • @dub2459
    @dub2459 4 роки тому

    As long as he doesn't have to slide a key card jack is unstoppable ;)

  • @proffessorX
    @proffessorX 4 роки тому

    I love the smell of Warzone in the morning.

  • @outlawjoe3115
    @outlawjoe3115 4 роки тому

    Nice man! Good shit

  • @HerKneeUgh
    @HerKneeUgh 4 роки тому

    The ultimate squad 😍

  • @gregperkins422
    @gregperkins422 4 роки тому

    Jack in the box🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @nimavafajoo7839
    @nimavafajoo7839 4 роки тому

    Sneaky sneaky Jack coming for ya

  • @peteelectromagnetic-nether9370
    @peteelectromagnetic-nether9370 4 роки тому

    That was full on energy drink sweaty