When I see this, and then I read when Berggren says they've created Indie Swedish music, I think "They've created Indie playback!!" I liked them anyways, but these kind of performances, I guess because they were very high on pills, but they did playback until 2003 as I can remember, that stains BD brilliant history.
I know... I missed to see them also... But they played their last consert i august... They quited because the guitarist had commit suicide (Andres) I miss them A LOT (sry for my bad english today)
Sjukt bra låt och jävligt bra framträdande (om det nu inte är playback som det låter då..). Men seriöst.. publiken?! Dem måste rökt på rejält innan dem gick in i den där lokalen!
Amazing song ^^ BEST
just love them
When I see this, and then I read when Berggren says they've created Indie Swedish music, I think "They've created Indie playback!!"
I liked them anyways, but these kind of performances, I guess because they were very high on pills, but they did playback until 2003 as I can remember, that stains BD brilliant history.
They have quit playing... that so sad...
I know... I missed to see them also... But they played their last consert i august... They quited because the guitarist had commit suicide (Andres)
I miss them A LOT
(sry for my bad english today)
sounds like the album version..real good live, i hear.
Sjukt bra låt och jävligt bra framträdande (om det nu inte är playback som det låter då..). Men seriöst.. publiken?! Dem måste rökt på rejält innan dem gick in i den där lokalen!
Henrik has never been more hot OMG!
helt rätt låt att dansa sådär till...
klart som fan det är playback ^^ det hör väll varända dåre?
Esta cosa tiene 16 años 🥶
Det är så moderater dansar
Of course they wouldnt playback at festivals, playback is only on TV appearances usually and for every single band who choose lipsinging. :-S
Wow, Henrik has a lot of hair on this video.
They can't!
It's playback ;)
detta är sjukt kul ändå. en låt om hans rädsla för att hans livstil kommer döda honom och folk står och dansar som på ett mellanstadiedisco
Känns hyfsat som det är playback ^^
Bisarr video
varför playback?
Spegelboll och swing(?) passar inte så bra ihop med Broder Daniel. :E
gör ju saken ännu bättre...