I'm sorry for the late reply. You can install the add-on by following standard Odoo way to install modules for your infrastructure. After that, the section 'Extra Features' should be the first section in the KnowSystem Configurations. In case any further questions or concerns appear, don't hesitate to contact us in our support portal faotools.com/s/we1eo1
Hello! The app and its optional extensions have been just released for version 17 in the Odoo App Store: apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/17.0/knowsystem/. Feel free to contact us with any questions in our support portal: faotools.com/s/qinmcj
1:19:36 "Extra features", where can I find this in the settings? I wasn't able to find it. I did purchase "Website and Portal" Extension.
I'm sorry for the late reply. You can install the add-on by following standard Odoo way to install modules for your infrastructure. After that, the section 'Extra Features' should be the first section in the KnowSystem Configurations.
In case any further questions or concerns appear, don't hesitate to contact us in our support portal faotools.com/s/we1eo1
When will you guys release version 17.0?
Hello! The app and its optional extensions have been just released for version 17 in the Odoo App Store: apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/17.0/knowsystem/. Feel free to contact us with any questions in our support portal: faotools.com/s/qinmcj