Was he? Was there a trial that found Blohin guilty of the Katyn massacre? I'm not aware of such. I know however the Nuremberg Trial and according to the Nuremberg Nazis were responsible for the Katyn.
And they were buried german style, and they were shot by german weapons , so soviets had clairvoyant to know german will occupy this land to make them guilty for this?
I have a lot of respect for Poland. I’m Irish and a lot of Poles came here upon their entry into the EU, at first we didn’t like it but we soon warmed to them as they are decent, hard working, family orientated people and their children are as Irish as anyone else here.
It was the Soviet Union you ignorant. Beria and Stalin were Georgians, Brezhnev was Ukrainian so was zinoviev and Trosky. Go read your history. The Balts were also very zealous guards of German camps…. You have your history wrong and full of holes.
My wife's father,then a 19yr old Polish cavalry prive was imprisoned in a Russian camp and later released with General Anders to walk with hundreds of other prisoners to Persian where the joined allied forces and eventually took monte cassino. All Polish prisoners from sargeant and above were bound with cords, their coat collars tied above their heads, shot and dumped in lake Baikal,as well as Katyn. His family in Cracow,members of the council there were all killed.
Actually the whole army of general Anders left the Soviet Union for Persia before ever engaging in fighting on the Soviet soil. They walked soldiers not prisoners to Persia.
Yes, my father was a political prisoner in the former soviet union. He was one of those released by Stalin to form an army under the command of General Anders, to fight the Germans. This was the initiative of Winston Churchill. My father also fought in the battle of Monty Casino.
Remember all the horrors perpetrated by the Soviets. Which are rivaled only by those of the Nazis. Remember the pall of terror that fell on Eastern Europe for half a century with the active complicity of the communist parties of the Western world on the grounds of respect for democracy. And to think that in France, there still exists a party claiming to support this deadly, enslaving ideology, killer of all momentum for freedom!
My uncle, Adam Bedner, was murdered by the NKVD during the Katyn massacre. He was a police captain. My aunt told me that four men came to the door one evening and took him away, supposedly for questioning. They told her not to worry and that he would be back in a couple of hours. He never came back.
Your aunt told you a fairytale or you made it up. The Polish killed by Germans in Katyn were in camps, no one could take him "one evening for questioning" he wasn't at home)) Oh you people...
@@Jenseduca Historically, you are wrong. Russia admitted to murdering the Poles at Katyn and blaming it on the Germans. Fact. Germany always denied that incident and they were proven to be telling the truth. Gorbachov also acknowledged the murder by Soviet agents.
@@Jenseduca No one denies that the Russian NKVD murdered these people except for bullshit artists like you. The proof is there and even the Soviet government under Gorbachov's leadership admitted that Stalin and Beria ordered the murders. The didn't only kill soldiers. They murdered anyone who they thought would challenge their authority or organize a resistance in the then occupied, Russian Communist controlled Poland.The order to execute captive members of the Polish officer corps was secretly issued by the Soviet Politburo led by Joseph Stalin. Of the total killed, about 8,000 were officers imprisoned during the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland, another 6,000 were police officers, and the remaining 8,000 were Polish intelligentsia the Soviets deemed to be "intelligence agents and gendarmes, spies and saboteurs, former landowners, factory owners and officials".
@@MeestairRickGorbachev was a politician, politicians lie you know, it doesn't mean a smack. The only institution that has the power to establish guilt is trial and no trial ever induced Soviets for Katyn or whitewashed Nazis. It's still on them, 80 years after the Nuremberg. Besides Gorbachev "admission" never provided any documents showing the Soviets involvement. By the way, fan fact: 2012 15 brainwashed Polish citizens went to Strasbourg, they wanted compensation from Russia for the Katyn, they got nothing since nothing connects Russia to Katyn's massacre))
@@rockville34 And they were buried german style, and they were shot by german weapons , so soviets had clairvoyant to know german will occupy this land to make them guilty for this?
A lack of being in a poor family in those times in those areas, means also lack of education and lack of empathy because people lived like animals in those times.
Yeah, cause Nazis did it. The Einsatzgruppen "Moscow" that was operating in Smolensk region and was guilty of murdering more than 135.000 of Soviet citizens as well as Polacks. Nazis were found guilty in Nuremberg trial for Katyn you can find it in section 3 of indictment.
Who in the Baltics distrust the Russians? The elites and children of the Nazi collaborators? Remember Estonian leader, Kaja Kallas was raised a privileged daughter of a communist official. These Baltic leaders are absolute snakes.
Worst political human experiment in history of mankind. Nothing but misery , poverty , state sponsored famines , terror , gulags , show trails , denounciations, false confessions under torture , five year plans and great leaps forward at break neck speed with millions perishing . They literary walked on the bones of others to achieve industrialization Worst political human experiment in history of mankind. Nothing but misery , poverty , state sponsored famines , terror , gulags , show trails , denounciations, false confessions under torture , five year plans and great leaps forward at break neck speed with millions perishing . They literary walked on the bones of others to achieve industrialization
Sovjet Union never even tried to be communist country, as communism means no countries, just communities. Real, good communists were very rare on power because fake communists (Stalin and other bandids) 've got rid of them first. Most of real and honest communists were in gulags and graves. They where choosen for being first enemies of fake communists. Fascists were the second enemies of Stalin and other fake communists, not first. Idea of communism is no (ultra) rich people and no big leader/dictator on power. Major of any single community is the highest rank of communism, which never even existed.
The Katyn Forest Massacre remains the only war drime of the which Nazi Germany was acquitted at the Nuremburg tribunals. The Soviets knew that Poland would oppose Communist rule after WWII, and massacaring much of the Polish Officer Corps would make Poland challenged to resist Soviet domination.
@@pilsudski36 What? No one was acquitted of Katyn in Nuremberg it's still on Nazis. It's in indictment "Count 3 - War crimes" plain text. You people have been misled.
@@pilsudski36 Nope, they weren't acquited it's still in chapter 3 of indictment and according to the Nuremberg Trial Nazis were responsible. They still are, no trial to this day made Soviets responsible for the Katyn.
@@Jenseduca except nazis were not tried for this crime and everybody sane (except some ruskies human trash) knows that russian are guilty of it. It is well known since discovery of those graves. Even Russia years ago proved that it was their deed
Not satisfied to what they had done in Katyn, the Soviets via Radio Moscow exhorted all Polish Partisans to revolt against the Germans in Warsaw in August 1944, as "Rokossovski troops will be there in a couple of days." The BBC monitoring services recorded the whole transmission. Tragically, the Poles were gullible enough to believe that the Soviets couldn't be _that_ treacherous. As soon as the first Polish shot was fired, the Soviet Army stopped its advance immediately and stood watching, as the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS led by degenerates like Oskar Dirlewanger and Bronislas Kaminsky decimated all of them. As you may know, the former was a complete psycho and the later was so brutal that SS Gruppenfuhrer Von den Bach Zelewski later had him shot. And believe me, it takes A LOT for Von Dem Bach Zelewsky have anyone shot for excessive savagery against Poles! In the end of all this, Roosevelt was very happy to hand all the Polish country to Stalin. Only Churchill tried to oppose and was openly scorned by both parties. The Polish Government in London was totally disregarded. The suffering the Soviets created in Poland must never be forgotten, namely because they always declared themselves as "Allies". 🤬🤬🤬
10:47 Among 22 thousand executed Poles there was the only woman-victim Flying Officer Janina Lewandowska born Dowbor-Muśnicka. Most likely she was murdered by Soviet man-eaters on her 32nd birthday. Initially she was in Ostaszkov NKVD camp but in December 1939 she was transfered to Kozielsk camp. In 1943 one of the German doctors took 7 skulls from Katyn massacre graves to Medical Academy in then German Breslau - later Polish Wrocław. In late 40s Soviet and Polish communist Security Service agents came to Medical Academy and conducted search for Katyn evidence - those 7 skulls - one of them was woman skull. But they failed. And in 2003 forensic medicine experts reconstructed the face of the victim and compared with Janina's fotos. It was perfect match. Finally remains of Soviet executioner's victims were buried in the family grave. R.I.P all victims of Soviet atrocities.
@@theguybehindyou4762 I have a couple of photos somewhere taken during a visit to Krakow in 1991. The Russians were still there at that time and had to pass a large wooden cross set up in the middle of a roundabout on 1 of the main roads into the city. Only 1 word on it - KATYN. 😱🙄
Yes, it should be remembered as one bloody episode of many of the crime spree committed by Nazi Germans. The einzacgrupp "Moscow" most likely the ones that did it. They were terrorising Soviet people in Smolensk at the time of the Katyn massacre.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans. Poland gave ultimatum to Czech to surrender land before noon.
@@gooddoggy3257 Good - I do think that the man has to have something different inside of his head / personality, more than just being a loyal party member.
Yes, the Nazis were like that, they dehumanised their victims and so could carry out atrocities like the Katyn massacre. Too bad that 80 years after, the Goebbels attempt to shift the blame on Soviets, is still in progress in spite the Nuremberg Trial where Nazis were found guilty. For Katyn as well.
@@f.n8581 First is the British colony empire they killed more then 80 million people when they have colonies and Americans are not different with killing Indians all over America then coming China and Russia...
Poland will be the 'new USA' in Europe. Europe helped building up Poland from 1990 onwards and now Poland is one of the leading countries on the continent.
Churchill called Poland the hyena of Europe. OK, they are the abattoir of Europe now. But some of the beef exported was found to be horse. Is that why Poland is buying armaments from S. Korea? F-35 from US? And Norway has to send its Air defense system to protect Poland today?
jeden człowiek jeden strzał ,Katyń ,cmentarz. 362 SPOSOBY ZABICIA LACHA ,Odcięte siekierami ręce, nogi i głowy, ludzie rozrywani końmi i przybijani do drzwi, rozcinane nożami brzuchy ciężarnych kobiet, studnie wypełnione ciałami - całe to okrucieństwo pokazane w filmie „Wołyń” można traktować dosłownie. Tak bowiem było. 100 do 500 tysięcy ofiar bo nikt nie robi ekshumacji , pola, lasy zasypane studnie i znamienne słowa ocalonej
@@inchbyinch7759 Wolf (Germany) and the bear (Russia) once met in the bare cave (Moscow) to arrange when and how they were going to hunt together for hares (other european nations); all the while, clandestinely, the wolf thought:'how nourishing is bare flesh - and it satisfies much faster and is much more than those meager hares!' Whereas the bear said to himself: " how sweet must wolf blood taste...!"
There are multiple places where Russians executed Polish POWs. The Katyn massacre is the biggest one. I know about a forest near Bykovnia, where Russian political police(NKVD, later KGB) killed ~200,000, primarily civilian Ukrainians, and ~6,000 Polish POWs.
It was Soviet and not Russian. First victims were Russian Tsar and his family. First country destroyed Russia. Spreading Russophobia like any other fobia ain't good.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans. The Ukrainians slaughtered Poles in Volhinia in 1941-42 under Bandera. Who ws once head of NKVD? Felix Dzerzhinsky of Poland. None of the top Bolshevik communists were Russian. Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, Beria were they Russians or Georgians and Jews? Poland gace ultimatum to Czech to surrender lands before noon.
Communism and Fascism are equally leathal ideologies. Stalins genocide in Ukraine, known as the Holodomor, murdered and starved to death as many as 10 million Ukrainians in under two years. Stalins atrocities made Nazi attrocities look like a poor copy in comparison, thats not belittling the victims of the Nazis, it points to just how vast the number of victims of Stalins type of Communism really is. Communism in the 20th century murdered hundreds of millions, and negatively impacted the lives of billions, the biggest killer by some margin of the 20th century. Then there's Chinese Communism... Political extremism is exactly as described, extreme. Every human being should fear the far left as much as they fear the far right, they are equally heinous and murderous. The individual depicted in this story is an absolute monster, a criminal against humanity.
bung: You are wrong. National Socialism benefited the German people tremendously. It was the jealousies of her neighbours France, Britain, Poland, and USA defacto, that embroiled Germany in war.
Correct! One notorious example of chinese influenced terror was Cambodia, where mao-communists organised massive genocide with couple of millions victims in a short time. Not to forget nazistyle cult North Korea which was created by Stalin and supported ever since by China&Russia. And now Putler even intensifies co-operation with that Kim ruled open-air concentration camp which openly threatens to use nuclear weapons.
@@bungfupanda8936 If you pair the murders that the Nazis did along with the Japanese atrocities. Then shows how fascism is way worse than communism. And believe me. I hate communism too. But I’d rather take that over fascism any day. If the fascists win the war. Billions of people would parish way more than communism.
This is one reason the Soviets did not have many experienced officers at the beginning of their war in 1942. Stalin had many of them killed. It took months before he was able to get new officers trained. This is what happens when a dictator gets paranoid, and doesn't trust anyone, even his family.
Stalin didn't kill that many - he did 'purge' the Army of them. He had them held in Gulags and brought a lot of them back to fight for Mother Russia. What a choice did now for your Country or later.
Stalin had most of high ranked Soviet officers killed before WW2 started. Soviet Union invaded Finland at the end of November 1939. This so called Winter War lasted for 105 days and Soviets lost 300 000 soldiers.
Initial reverses by Russia after Germany invaded in june 1941 was due to purges of Russian officer class by Stalins purges befoe the onset of the second world war.Years of training and experience are required to make an officer of the armed forces
Maybe you will stop talking nonsense. At the beginning of the war with the Soviet Union, the Wehrmacht was the best army in the world. Capture of Poland: September 1, 1939 - October 6, 1939 (capitulation of the last units of the Polish troops) - only 36 days. Danish-Norwegian operation: April 9, 1940 - June 10, 1940 - only 32 days. Capture of the Netherlands and Luxembourg: May 10, 1940 - May 14, 1940. Total - 5 days. Capture of Belgium: May 10, 1940 - May 28, 1940. Total - 19 days. French campaign: May 10, 1940 - June 22, 1940. Total - 43 days. The capture of Yugoslavia: April 6, 1941 - April 17, 1941. Total - 12 days. The capture of Greece: April 9, 1941 - April 23, 1941. Total - 15 days. Thus, the total amount of time needed by the Third Reich to capture part of the countries of continental Europe before the start of the war with the USSR - 162 days
My Wife is Ukrainian and during all her life she was told by Soviets _and ruzzians_ that Katyn had been a SS massacre. Only once she knew me I showed her Documentation confirming the truth. The fact that the USSR invaded five countries and part of another before being invaded was likewise ommited from her education; but they made a blaring fuss about the 1941 German invasion. Poor victims.
I'm willing to bet that the reason for the Germans' initial successes against the Soviets was because the locals were more than willing to assist them.
@@theguybehindyou4762 Have no doubt! even today _and before the war started,_ my wife has a greater grudge against the Soviets than against the Germans. Her Grand father died in the first week of war and his grave was only found in 1961! he was a Polkovnik, a Coronel. Her grand Mother asked to be sent to Stalingrad, as a nurse, and her request was granted. About one month later, and despite being in the East (the safer, Soviet held) bank of the Volga she asked to be transferred to anywhere else! she was only 19 and just couldn't cope with all that bloodbath, the screams, the death and stench. She was obliged. I saw a picture of her when young, what a beautiful little dear she was. Passed away in 2012; her brother was killed in the Winter war; there was a portrait of him on the wall in civilian clothes, looking so sad, I remember so well.
Can you show the Documentation confirming the truth to the rest of us? The only I know is the indictment in Nuremberg where Nazis were found guilty for the Katyn.
@@Jenseduca The Soviet prosecutor accused the Germans of the crime in Katyn. But this crime was not included in the verdict. That means the Nuremberg tribunal did not find the Germans guilty of this crime and you are lying.
@@rafamieczkowski9913 What? How do you people come up with this stuff? Everything in indictment was included and the Nazi leaders were sentenced as well as the whole organisation. Indictment wasn't simply an accusation of, it was what the Nazis were found to be guilty of. The Katyn massacre including. There's no document proving otherwise and surely there's no verdict of Soviets being guilty for the massacre. Jes...
I can’t imagine one person responsible for murdering that many people. Also, why does Russia not get scrutinized/punished the way Germany does for invading Poland in 1939? Seems like they both did the exact same thing.
Unlike N@zi Germany, Soviet Russia had sympathizers in the west to run interference for them and lie on their behalf throughout the cold war. It's how the US became so heavily divided against itself over the years. Look up the Frankfurt school and the Cloward-Piven strategy.
The Germans killers were in the custody of Western Allies after Germany lost the war. Russians were not in custody and they had partitioned half of Germany to keep there power and secrets intact. Even operating in Berlin, the Allies would never offend Stalin.
The political and economic elite in Europe and America were sympathetic to the Soviets and their brand of international socialism. The Germans and their national socialism, based on Aryan blood wasn’t conducive to creating a one world government the Western political elite had imagined.
dead: No, Germany moved into Poland for several reasons: To stop the murder of German expatriates that wound up in Polish hands after the Treaty of Versailles, and to stop the incessant border excursions by the Poles into German territory.
All victims were shot in a concrete building with a grid on the floor connected to the sewer and a hose to wash out the blood, and the weapons were always 6,35 mm German pistols; not shot in the open air with a P-38 as we see here.
@duartesimoes508. Only generals and higher ranks were executed at a basement in "Red room,, as executioners called it bc it had been painted in red and had portrait of Lenin on it. All the rest were loaded straight from train into black wagons with windows painted so prisoners could not see wrre they are going. 15 minutes from train into the wood next to pits were they had been executed. Very sufficient method I might sadly say. My best friend lost his grad dad over there as well. ISIS did sadly simmiliar mass execution in 2014 in Camp Speicher - 1700 victims were shot one by one. Entire macabre were recorded by multiply cameras that it is avalible on dark side of the internet...
For an in depth account read “ Stalin : the court of the Red Tsar “ by Simon Sebag Montefiore. The sheer scale of the murder committed is hard to comprehend.
At least 22,000 Poles died in the Katyn massacre. About 2 million Poles were deported to Siberia. Half of Poland's territory was annexed, including the cities of Wilno, Grodno and Lwów.
@@MaciejKossowski-w5x Well ma guy. I’m only saying this of what it’s really about. And I’m not trying to condemn on any side as well. Nothing against Poland and maybe the Soviets should done better if they want their land back. Yes.
@@INSTITUTE-2277 Poland invaded Russia to take the western portion of Byelorussia and Ukraine. Even it’s not technically Russian either but it was their territory as Belarus and Ukraine was part of Russia at the time.
Excellent video! I don't know very much about the history of the Soviet Union, and, although aware of the Katyn Massacre, it's good to know more about the poor victims of the hooror unleashed upon them, and the evil of those responsible.
I was born and brought up in the USSR later times. As far as I have excellent memories there, still it horrifies me to see the past nightmares. Who cares shedding tear! He was a monster and did not deserve to die like that, at least in prison!!! If there is afterlife, we still have to question if Stalin like Hitler are in hell because they can scare devils there too!!! In competition for evil, they both defeat devils!!!
But Russians confessed to this massacre in 1990, president Jelcyn hand over the document to Polish president Walesa. The cemetry and monuments were built in Khatyn. It hasn't happen so far in case of UKRAINIAN government - in connection of big massacre of Polish civilians by Ukrainians in Wolyn area in 1943. More then 150 k Polish citizens were massacred with axes, spades, horse forks, even children were mutilated. Some say that it was about 500 k Polish civilians...
pierdolisz głupoty..akcja wisła odwety Ak wiecej zamordowała Ukraińców ilościowa niż naszych..moja babacia z batalionów chłopskich oficer..szkoda ci gadać ile dała wyroków ..dzsiaj ratuja nasz rynek pracy i wynajmu mieszkań
Yeah, it's a questionable "confession". The document came from the "Memorial" organisation that is known for its historical fakes. The "document" itself is full of errors (missing dates, non-matching numbers and so on). This "admission" is a very shady story and the investigation ignited by this "admission" is now declared invalid and rightfully so.
@@jacekkurczewski9177 sam prezydent Kuczma powiedział kiedyś, że zamordowano ok pół miliona Polaków! Powiedział to, gdy był prezydentem! W Akcji Wisła NIE ZABIJANO LUDNOŚCI, tylko dano kilka godzin na spakowanie dobytku i przesiedlono DO INNYCH DOMÓW, zamiast wrzucania do studni..... " czas na spakowanie dobytku wynosił średnio dwie godziny". Zresztą mniej ich przesiedlono niż Stalin z Kraińcami (!) przesiedlił Polaków od 1939r poczynając! Przesiedlili nam również bardzo wschodnią granicę na zachód, kradnąc zagłębie węglowe, roponośne, ze Lwowem w roli głównej. Szkoda, że Stalin nie przesiedlił tej bandyckiej banderowskiej ludności w całości na Syberię udzielając im tam 100 tys km 2 do zagospodarowania, zostawiając Małopolskę Wschodnią Polakom. "odwety AK" - - każdy w czasie wojny robił odwet: Stalin zrobił odwet na hitlerowcach, Anglicy zrobili odwet na niemcach, podobnie amerykanie i inni. Gdyby UPA z kraińską czernią nie robiły Polakom kolejnej "Koliszczyzny" to nie było by odwetów AK, zresztą nielicznych w stosunku do akcji UPAińców oraz bez posługiwania się siekierami, widłami i piłami.
A lot of "truth and reconciliation" work remains to be done. A couple of years ago, Duda and the Ukrainian foreign minister (i think) attended a service there and alluded to the many crimes committed against the innocent. Still a long way to go, but it's better than Putinist Russia's outright denials of Katyn etc.
Kruschev was a liar and crook who masqueraded as a clown. Anybody can denounce a dead man who cannot answer and then told lot of lies of Stalin. Stalin said, 'I have no son' when his son was captured by Germans and offered for exchange of 20 German generals. Kruschev hugged Stalin's knees to save his son. Kruschev destroyed hundreds of churches and monasteries in 1959-61. Stalin was efficient. Kruschev was a blunder. He took 7 decisions which were extremely bad.
There was a British made black (very black) comedy film called “Red Monarch” that covers the lives of Stalin, Beria and Blachin at this time. There is a scene where Blachin is walking casually along a wall inside Lubyanka prison in Moscow, where hundreds of men are lined up, facing the wall. He walks along, shooting each one in the base of the skull without any reaction.
Britain should also make black film of the bombing of Dresden. And the famine caused in India that killed a million indians because Britain took all the grain from India to feed its troops.
pls stfu its not wwII, its not the red army, and its not bolshewik russia - that war started cause of an american financed putch in 2014. and watch what the ukrainians did for war crimes since 2014 on civilians then enemy soldiers, own civilians, own soldiers....read before speak
What the ruzzians will do to _every_ Ukrainian. Namely woman and children. I keep reminding that, but people just don't know shit about History nor care to know. Ukraine has not even lost the war and still tens of thousands of Ukrainian children were abducted from the occupied areas and taken to ruzzia, where they had their names deleted and a new identity created so it is impossible to trace them again. Eventually they will be incorporated in the ruzzian Army, while the girls will later get pregnant from ruzzians to generate more ruzzians and no Ukrainians. And this is just the beginning. Meanwhile, the EC is sound asleep.
Mister, there was no Russia in 1940 but USSR. Stalin, Beria, etc etc were they Russian? USSR was ruled by an Ukrainian since the death of Georgian Stalin. Krushev identified and represented Ukraine. So was Brezhnev Ukrainian. Both these Ukies ruled USSR for 29 years during which USSR stagnated after great work by Stalin. Chernenko was Ukrainian? Gorbachev was Ukrainian. Do you swallow all lies put out by main stream media? Yes, off course. It is Ukraine who is indulging in terrorist acts like killing of Civilians and individuals like Dugina, Tsatorksy and army generals etc and the seige of concert hall. The Nationalist Ukrainians under Bandera massacred thousands of Poles and Jews/Hungarians in Volhynia in 1941-42 with horrifying cruelty. If you are so ignorant its better to keep quiet, especially if you have no critical thinking nor understanding of events or history. Russia's attack on Ukraine was provoked - even the Pope made this statement.
It's a stain of shame the Polish nation won't be able to clean off for a long time to come. You people want to hate Russia so much that you don't care to cherish the memory of Polacks killed in Katyn and let the real perpetrators to go free in spite of the fact that Nazis were found guilty for Katyn during Nuremberg Trial. Since the Nuremberg Trial Polish people had 80 years to find the guilty one but they were more busy with hating Russia. That is truly horrible.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans. Germany invaded Poland on 01 September. Main Polish army was crushed by Germany. Soviet Red army liberated Poland from Nazis. Nazis probably killed more poles than Soviets (there was no Russia but USSR) ut Poles are biggest minority in Germany today. Why? Money. At one time a Pole was to occupy the Czar's throne of Russia. Poland is not Saint but intransigent nation that gave ultimatum to Czech to surrender lands before noon.
Stalin was dangerous to be round he heard a joke being told a banquet (as soldier's joke) he put this decorated war veteran in prison of hard labour for 30 years.
Do you really believe that? Stalin was not fool like you to believe everything he reads. Stalin was very intelligent with a deep penetration of issues. And he understood humor too.
Please use Soviet rather than "Russian" when discussing events before the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Soviet citizens of all ethnic groups in the former USSR participated in horrific atrocities from 1918-1901.Stalin was a the son of Eastern Orthodox Christians from Georgia and the butcher of Ukraine during the forced Ukrainian famine created by Stalin was a man named Lazar Kaganovich who happened to be Jewish. He murdered 5-9 million people.
@@Ve-suviusthere cold lol, you get hurt anywhere is Russia you’ll have help, you can be stabbed to death in NY city and people will walk around you while you bleed out.. what a sheep
@ one word “Putin”. Russians are still sheep afraid to depose their dictator, the same as with Stalin. Putin kills off all opposition , history repeating itself. Russians dying by the thousands every month in Ukraine and no one protests . Can you say - baaaaaa, baaaaa. You sheep
Russian American here I dan understand why Polska is on guard, whenever Russians act foolish. Stalin, names Jugasvilli at birth, wanted a 3rd great purge but he died in 1953. Vasili Blakin(spelling) had no mercy because he grew up in a poor village. He worked as a Shepard and a brick layer and he served in the imperial Russian Army, as an NCO in WW1. He also got injured in the war by the Germans
Oh no, this was more of a Soviet revolutionary attitude than Russia. Russians during tsar era did not murder Poles, rather were sending us to Siberia alive. To be far away from Warsaw and Polish uprisings against tsar and Russia.
There was no Russia in 1940 but USSR. Stalin, Beria, Kaganovich, or even Voroshilov were not Russians. Understand something. Instead of showing deep ignorance and brain washing.
The Kommandantura was Stalins real personal death squad within the NKVD. You can’t deny Vasily Blokhin was efficient and productive in his chosen profession. Blokhin was born a dirt poor peasant to brick mason to the most efficient personal executioner in world history. Leaving morals aside, you gotta admire the guys work ethic.
I read a novel that the mass graves of the Katyn massacre were dug up by hungry wolves. German police officer who was there at that time started an investigation which later let to discovery mass graves of Polish soldiers and civilians.
My father was one of soviet military doctors involved in investigation of massacre Russian civilian during occupation by German troops in Smolensk district.. As he said it was so terrible to describe it. He did not mention about massacre of Poland's. I think because he was witnessed so many atrocities by nazi during ww2 in Russia, Belarus.
@tomaszser470 Right, an anonymous local man)) The story presented in Nuremberg was that nonsense about the wolfs. I guess Nazis forgot about that mysterious local man in the most important trial of their lives)). Yeah, that sounds plausible))
As I listen to the process this monster used I am reminded the worst torture and crimes against humanity are done AFTER the monster has restrained the victim. The worst things people do to one another are almost always after the monsters are in absolutely no danger to themselves.
Knowing about Katyn is pivotal. It illustrates how some massacres and genocides are intentionally covered and underplayed, while others are blown out of proportions. It is all about profit and power.
Upon careful study of this topic, it becomes obvious that the execution was the work of the Nazis. Or do you stick to the version of the truthful Dr. Goebbels 😂
after II WW Hitler had more gold than Stalin. Safe gold in Swiss-banks, in Portugal, Spain and the most in Argentina. Than krauts made "german economic wunder". Now officialy germans have ~ 3400 ton of gold
Also as continuation, the crafty Putin made the Polish officials' plane (Tu-154) going down near Smolensk en route Katin in 2010. They were going there for 70 years since the Katin's massacre. Died all onboard - 90 politicians, including the then President of Poland. So the Katin saga continues to these days. Of course the investigation of the Polish Government plane going down was heavily obstructed by the Russian Government. I don't think Polish will ever use any Russian Airplanes, or any other products.
Sovjets plan to shoot Finns in Katyn, when they have conquest Finland. They didn't. They loose1,5 miljons men against Finland ( Hurtsev tell it himself). Sad what they do brave Polish. Next time they are not win Poland!
Such a good break Germany and Russia hated one another 😮 Imagine if Hitler and Stalin became bosom buddies Omg !!! That would’ve been terrible news for the world 🌎…….
What has always surprised me, is the fact that the US coalition in WW2 has included the Soviet Union, one of the states that attacked Poland, together with Hitler and killed 20000 polish officers at Katyn. Stalin's crimes are well known, but, apparently Hitler was a bigger danger to the US than Stalin was. I would have let the Germans and Russians kill each other and intervene, only when a clear winner was known, especially since the US had the atomic bomb and the Russians, didn't. The US had the means to push the Russians back into their own borders, but, instead, they left half of Europe in Russian's hands.
That is what happened,Soviets where clear winners after Battle of Kursk,they would end up on the coast of Atlantic if US and GB didn't opened new front in 1944
Upon careful study of this topic, it becomes obvious that the execution was the work of the Nazis. Or do you stick to the version of the truthful Dr. Goebbels 😂
What a despicable creature - my wife's grandfather and grand uncle were murdered by this sociopath during the Katyn massacre!
And now you know why so many of us are against America’s Stalin: Donald Epstein.
Was he? Was there a trial that found Blohin guilty of the Katyn massacre? I'm not aware of such. I know however the Nuremberg Trial and according to the Nuremberg Nazis were responsible for the Katyn.
This guy is scapegoat that the Russians invented to exonerate Stalin and and themselves. Pretty much everything on this channel
And they were buried german style, and they were shot by german weapons , so soviets had clairvoyant to know german will occupy this land to make them guilty for this?
@@bernhardnizynski4403 He’s just a scapegoat to cover for Russo-Soviet criminal leadership.
I have a lot of respect for Poland. I’m Irish and a lot of Poles came here upon their entry into the EU, at first we didn’t like it but we soon warmed to them as they are decent, hard working, family orientated people and their children are as Irish as anyone else here.
Helps that they are Roman Catholics too, eh...😜
but they really hate Jews. 😕
Their Brutality was an expression of one man. The Poles will never forget. Ever.
You are NOT a racist bigot. You deserve to commended for that in this dystopian world.
@ Whilst Stalin was the principal architect of Katyn. There are far more people that are guilty than just him.
This why Poland is forever on guard whenever russia acts foolish.
Meanwhile the Germans watching in the corner
It was the Soviet Union you ignorant. Beria and Stalin were Georgians, Brezhnev was Ukrainian so was zinoviev and Trosky. Go read your history. The Balts were also very zealous guards of German camps….
You have your history wrong and full of holes.
Katyn was Ukrainian deed, not Soviet
@@lst141Trozki and zinoviev were jews
My wife's father,then a 19yr old Polish cavalry prive was imprisoned in a Russian camp and later released with General Anders to walk with hundreds of other prisoners to Persian where the joined allied forces and eventually took monte cassino.
All Polish prisoners from sargeant and above were bound with cords, their coat collars tied above their heads, shot and dumped in lake Baikal,as well as Katyn.
His family in Cracow,members of the council there were all killed.
Байкал! Это что-то новенькое!
Actually the whole army of general Anders left the Soviet Union for Persia before ever engaging in fighting on the Soviet soil. They walked soldiers not prisoners to Persia.
Cool story bro, but it is complete nonsense)) "Dumped into Baikal")) How do you people come up with such stuff? Like what's wrong with you people?
Yes, my father was a political prisoner in the former soviet union. He was one of those released by Stalin to form an army under the command of General Anders, to fight the Germans. This was the initiative of Winston Churchill. My father also fought in the battle of Monty Casino.
Remember all the horrors perpetrated by the Soviets. Which are rivaled only by those of the Nazis. Remember the pall of terror that fell on Eastern Europe for half a century with the active complicity of the communist parties of the Western world on the grounds of respect for democracy. And to think that in France, there still exists a party claiming to support this deadly, enslaving ideology, killer of all momentum for freedom!
My uncle, Adam Bedner, was murdered by the NKVD during the Katyn massacre. He was a police captain. My aunt told me that four men came to the door one evening and took him away, supposedly for questioning. They told her not to worry and that he would be back in a couple of hours. He never came back.
Your aunt told you a fairytale or you made it up. The Polish killed by Germans in Katyn were in camps, no one could take him "one evening for questioning" he wasn't at home)) Oh you people...
@@Jenseduca Historically, you are wrong. Russia admitted to murdering the Poles at Katyn and blaming it on the Germans. Fact. Germany always denied that incident and they were proven to be telling the truth. Gorbachov also acknowledged the murder by Soviet agents.
@@Jenseduca No one denies that the Russian NKVD murdered these people except for bullshit artists like you. The proof is there and even the Soviet government under Gorbachov's leadership admitted that Stalin and Beria ordered the murders. The didn't only kill soldiers. They murdered anyone who they thought would challenge their authority or organize a resistance in the then occupied, Russian Communist controlled Poland.The order to execute captive members of the Polish officer corps was secretly issued by the Soviet Politburo led by Joseph Stalin. Of the total killed, about 8,000 were officers imprisoned during the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland, another 6,000 were police officers, and the remaining 8,000 were Polish intelligentsia the Soviets deemed to be "intelligence agents and gendarmes, spies and saboteurs, former landowners, factory owners and officials".
@@MeestairRickGorbachev was a politician, politicians lie you know, it doesn't mean a smack. The only institution that has the power to establish guilt is trial and no trial ever induced Soviets for Katyn or whitewashed Nazis. It's still on them, 80 years after the Nuremberg. Besides Gorbachev "admission" never provided any documents showing the Soviets involvement.
By the way, fan fact: 2012 15 brainwashed Polish citizens went to Strasbourg, they wanted compensation from Russia for the Katyn, they got nothing since nothing connects Russia to Katyn's massacre))
@@rockville34 And they were buried german style, and they were shot by german weapons , so soviets had clairvoyant to know german will occupy this land to make them guilty for this?
Has anyone noticed that people like this guy always come from poor families, so you would think they would have sympathy, but they never do
@Awoodcock30 sometimes,like scamaliar they lie and say they come from a working class family but don't
then trump said hold my beer!
correction trump is more a Hitler guy
A lack of being in a poor family in those times in those areas, means also lack of education and lack of empathy because people lived like animals in those times.
Then blamed it on the Nazis!
Surprised they didn’t blame it on Trump.
...for about 50 years, and resuming under poootin. 🤮
Yeah, cause Nazis did it. The Einsatzgruppen "Moscow" that was operating in Smolensk region and was guilty of murdering more than 135.000 of Soviet citizens as well as Polacks. Nazis were found guilty in Nuremberg trial for Katyn you can find it in section 3 of indictment.
The Nazi’s had plenty of massacre’s they were responsible for…
@@Jenseducayou lie
The germans where found innocent
And some people think it's weird the Baltics and Poland distrust the Ruskis to the hilt.
Who in the Baltics distrust the Russians? The elites and children of the Nazi collaborators? Remember Estonian leader, Kaja Kallas was raised a privileged daughter of a communist official. These Baltic leaders are absolute snakes.
for us westerners it started with the mongols, after that we never liked or trusted anything coming out of the east...
They were communists, not Ruskis. Stalin and Beria were Georgian, Kruschev was Ukarianian.
@@orpheusalexander9242 stop lying, Russians controlled the ussr, Russians were the majority in government
@@orpheusalexander9242 And the Jews were shooting.
Important film. The thruth about the Katyn massacre is now denied in Putins Russia.
They deny it as well in the west. Especially the green left acts like Beria and friends didn't do a thing.
The KGB deals with Blabby people.
He’ll deny his own mother.
No surprise
Because they are similar
What a horrible obvious psychopath!
Sort of like Trump
@@Marc-x3s 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The ruZZians still are like him.......
@@Marc-x3s No. Trump would try to make a financial deal with each and everyone.
@@Marc-x3s you clowns need to get back to reality and see a doctor for your TDS
And stupid people around the world celebrate Communism... how utterly pathetic.
So?? And?? How many Native Americans were killed by European capitalists??
Some "smart" people confuse Stalinism with communism ...
Worst political human experiment in history of mankind. Nothing but misery , poverty , state sponsored famines , terror , gulags , show trails , denounciations, false confessions under torture , five year plans and great leaps forward at break neck speed with millions perishing . They literary walked on the bones of others to achieve industrialization Worst political human experiment in history of mankind. Nothing but misery , poverty , state sponsored famines , terror , gulags , show trails , denounciations, false confessions under torture , five year plans and great leaps forward at break neck speed with millions perishing . They literary walked on the bones of others to achieve industrialization
Sovjet Union never even tried to be communist country, as communism means no countries, just communities. Real, good communists were very rare on power because fake communists (Stalin and other bandids) 've got rid of them first. Most of real and honest communists were in gulags and graves. They where choosen for being first enemies of fake communists. Fascists were the second enemies of Stalin and other fake communists, not first. Idea of communism is no (ultra) rich people and no big leader/dictator on power. Major of any single community is the highest rank of communism, which never even existed.
The Katyn Forest Massacre remains the only war drime of the which Nazi Germany was acquitted at the Nuremburg tribunals. The Soviets knew that Poland would oppose Communist rule after WWII, and massacaring much of the Polish Officer Corps would make Poland challenged to resist Soviet domination.
@@pilsudski36 What? No one was acquitted of Katyn in Nuremberg it's still on Nazis. It's in indictment "Count 3 - War crimes" plain text. You people have been misled.
@@pilsudski36 Nope, they weren't acquited it's still in chapter 3 of indictment and according to the Nuremberg Trial Nazis were responsible. They still are, no trial to this day made Soviets responsible for the Katyn.
@@Jenseduca except nazis were not tried for this crime and everybody sane (except some ruskies human trash) knows that russian are guilty of it. It is well known since discovery of those graves. Even Russia years ago proved that it was their deed
@@Jenseduca false.
Not satisfied to what they had done in Katyn, the Soviets via Radio Moscow exhorted all Polish Partisans to revolt against the Germans in Warsaw in August 1944, as "Rokossovski troops will be there in a couple of days." The BBC monitoring services recorded the whole transmission. Tragically, the Poles were gullible enough to believe that the Soviets couldn't be _that_ treacherous. As soon as the first Polish shot was fired, the Soviet Army stopped its advance immediately and stood watching, as the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS led by degenerates like Oskar Dirlewanger and Bronislas Kaminsky decimated all of them. As you may know, the former was a complete psycho and the later was so brutal that SS Gruppenfuhrer Von den Bach Zelewski later had him shot. And believe me, it takes A LOT for Von Dem Bach Zelewsky have anyone shot for excessive savagery against Poles!
In the end of all this, Roosevelt was very happy to hand all the Polish country to Stalin. Only Churchill tried to oppose and was openly scorned by both parties. The Polish Government in London was totally disregarded.
The suffering the Soviets created in Poland must never be forgotten, namely because they always declared themselves as "Allies". 🤬🤬🤬
Vasily Blokhin was a monster with an iron heart! May all of his victims be remembered and may their spirits forever shine bright.
The Katyn Forest Massacre?
10:47 Among 22 thousand executed Poles there was the only woman-victim Flying Officer Janina Lewandowska born Dowbor-Muśnicka. Most likely she was murdered by Soviet man-eaters on her 32nd birthday. Initially she was in Ostaszkov NKVD camp but in December 1939 she was transfered to Kozielsk camp.
In 1943 one of the German doctors took 7 skulls from Katyn massacre graves to Medical Academy in then German Breslau - later Polish Wrocław.
In late 40s Soviet and Polish communist Security Service agents came to Medical Academy and conducted search for Katyn evidence - those 7 skulls - one of them was woman skull. But they failed. And in 2003 forensic medicine experts reconstructed the face of the victim and compared with Janina's fotos. It was perfect match. Finally remains of Soviet executioner's victims were buried in the family grave. R.I.P all victims of Soviet atrocities.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans.
Damn between the Germans and Russians Polish people couldn't catch a break
And they haven't forgotten.
@@theguybehindyou4762 I have a couple of photos somewhere taken during a visit to Krakow in 1991. The Russians were still there at that time and had to pass a large wooden cross set up in the middle of a roundabout on 1 of the main roads into the city. Only 1 word on it - KATYN. 😱🙄
Poor Poland. So near to Germany and Russia, and so far from Italy and France.
@@Materva-hv6sz They have the unfortunate case of bad neighbors.
@@triggersafe1 NO! They have the unfortunate habit of making bad choices and murdering German expatriates.
Never forget the Crime of Katyn
Yes, it should be remembered as one bloody episode of many of the crime spree committed by Nazi Germans.
The einzacgrupp "Moscow" most likely the ones that did it. They were terrorising Soviet people in Smolensk at the time of the Katyn massacre.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans. Poland gave ultimatum to Czech to surrender land before noon.
Thank you for putting this up!
One must be a psychopath to execute thousands of people close range one by one, night by night. Rip for all the victims ❤
I disagree. Just a loyal party member.
@@gooddoggy3257 Good - I do think that the man has to have something different inside of his head / personality, more than just being a loyal party member.
Yes, the Nazis were like that, they dehumanised their victims and so could carry out atrocities like the Katyn massacre.
Too bad that 80 years after, the Goebbels attempt to shift the blame on Soviets, is still in progress in spite the Nuremberg Trial where Nazis were found guilty. For Katyn as well.
Evil empire of all time
That title belongs to Germany !!
@@wimweender1306 Land Modor...!
USA ? )))
@@f.n8581 First is the British colony empire they killed more then 80 million people when they have colonies and Americans are not different with killing Indians all over America then coming China and Russia...
Poland will be the 'new USA' in Europe. Europe helped building up Poland from 1990 onwards and now Poland is one of the leading countries on the continent.
Churchill called Poland the hyena of Europe. OK, they are the abattoir of Europe now. But some of the beef exported was found to be horse. Is that why Poland is buying armaments from S. Korea? F-35 from US? And Norway has to send its Air defense system to protect Poland today?
jeden człowiek jeden strzał ,Katyń ,cmentarz. 362 SPOSOBY ZABICIA LACHA ,Odcięte siekierami ręce, nogi i głowy, ludzie rozrywani końmi i przybijani do drzwi, rozcinane nożami brzuchy ciężarnych kobiet, studnie wypełnione ciałami - całe to okrucieństwo pokazane w filmie „Wołyń” można traktować dosłownie. Tak bowiem było. 100 do 500 tysięcy ofiar bo nikt nie robi ekshumacji , pola, lasy zasypane studnie i znamienne słowa ocalonej
Stalin was worse than Hitler if that is possible. Just look up the numbers
Anybody can quote numbers. Due to Hitler 27 million Soviets died. Apart from maybe 20 countries faced war on its territory.
Different uniforms same ideas ☠️
Indeed, both flags were red.
@@inchbyinch7759 Wolf (Germany) and the bear (Russia) once met in the bare cave (Moscow) to arrange when and how they were going to hunt together for hares (other european nations); all the while, clandestinely, the wolf thought:'how nourishing is bare flesh - and it satisfies much faster and is much more than those meager hares!'
Whereas the bear said to himself: " how sweet must wolf blood taste...!"
Rest in peace, victims of the great purge (first)
There are multiple places where Russians executed Polish POWs. The Katyn massacre is the biggest one. I know about a forest near Bykovnia, where Russian political police(NKVD, later KGB) killed ~200,000, primarily civilian Ukrainians, and ~6,000 Polish POWs.
And the source is? Let me guess - it's your imagination?))
It was Soviet and not Russian.
First victims were Russian Tsar and his family. First country destroyed Russia.
Spreading Russophobia like any other fobia ain't good.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans.
The Ukrainians slaughtered Poles in Volhinia in 1941-42 under Bandera. Who ws once head of NKVD? Felix Dzerzhinsky of Poland. None of the top Bolshevik communists were Russian. Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, Beria were they Russians or Georgians and Jews? Poland gace ultimatum to Czech to surrender lands before noon.
Communism and Fascism are equally leathal ideologies. Stalins genocide in Ukraine, known as the Holodomor, murdered and starved to death as many as 10 million Ukrainians in under two years. Stalins atrocities made Nazi attrocities look like a poor copy in comparison, thats not belittling the victims of the Nazis, it points to just how vast the number of victims of Stalins type of Communism really is. Communism in the 20th century murdered hundreds of millions, and negatively impacted the lives of billions, the biggest killer by some margin of the 20th century. Then there's Chinese Communism... Political extremism is exactly as described, extreme. Every human being should fear the far left as much as they fear the far right, they are equally heinous and murderous. The individual depicted in this story is an absolute monster, a criminal against humanity.
And today Russians still worship evil monster Stalin. Their current murderous little dictator Putin envies him.
bung: You are wrong. National Socialism benefited the German people tremendously. It was the jealousies of her neighbours France, Britain, Poland, and USA defacto, that embroiled Germany in war.
Correct! One notorious example of chinese influenced terror was Cambodia, where mao-communists organised massive genocide with couple of millions victims in a short time. Not to forget nazistyle cult North Korea which was created by Stalin and supported ever since by China&Russia. And now Putler even intensifies co-operation with that Kim ruled open-air concentration camp which openly threatens to use nuclear weapons.
@@bungfupanda8936 If you pair the murders that the Nazis did along with the Japanese atrocities. Then shows how fascism is way worse than communism. And believe me. I hate communism too. But I’d rather take that over fascism any day. If the fascists win the war. Billions of people would parish way more than communism.
This is one reason the Soviets did not have many experienced officers at the beginning of their war in 1942. Stalin had many of them killed. It took months before he was able to get new officers trained. This is what happens when a dictator gets paranoid, and doesn't trust anyone, even his family.
Stalin didn't kill that many - he did 'purge' the Army of them. He had them held in Gulags and brought a lot of them back to fight for Mother Russia. What a choice did now for your Country or later.
Stalin had most of high ranked Soviet officers killed before WW2 started. Soviet Union invaded Finland at the end of November 1939. This so called Winter War lasted for 105 days and Soviets lost 300 000 soldiers.
@@vincnetjones3037 He killed 50 million of his own people to stay in power for an ideology that didn't and still doesn't work.
Initial reverses by Russia after Germany invaded in june 1941 was due to purges of Russian officer class by Stalins purges befoe the onset of the second world war.Years of training and experience are required to make an officer of the armed forces
Maybe you will stop talking nonsense. At the beginning of the war with the Soviet Union, the Wehrmacht was the best army in the world. Capture of Poland: September 1, 1939 - October 6, 1939 (capitulation of the last units of the Polish troops) - only 36 days.
Danish-Norwegian operation: April 9, 1940 - June 10, 1940 - only 32 days.
Capture of the Netherlands and Luxembourg: May 10, 1940 - May 14, 1940. Total - 5 days.
Capture of Belgium: May 10, 1940 - May 28, 1940. Total - 19 days.
French campaign: May 10, 1940 - June 22, 1940. Total - 43 days.
The capture of Yugoslavia: April 6, 1941 - April 17, 1941. Total - 12 days.
The capture of Greece: April 9, 1941 - April 23, 1941. Total - 15 days.
Thus, the total amount of time needed by the Third Reich to capture part of the countries of continental Europe before the start of the war with the USSR - 162 days
May the victims rest in peace amen 😔😢😭
My Wife is Ukrainian and during all her life she was told by Soviets _and ruzzians_ that Katyn had been a SS massacre. Only once she knew me I showed her Documentation confirming the truth.
The fact that the USSR invaded five countries and part of another before being invaded was likewise ommited from her education; but they made a blaring fuss about the 1941 German invasion. Poor victims.
I'm willing to bet that the reason for the Germans' initial successes against the Soviets was because the locals were more than willing to assist them.
@@theguybehindyou4762 Have no doubt! even today _and before the war started,_ my wife has a greater grudge against the Soviets than against the Germans.
Her Grand father died in the first week of war and his grave was only found in 1961! he was a Polkovnik, a Coronel. Her grand Mother asked to be sent to Stalingrad, as a nurse, and her request was granted. About one month later, and despite being in the East (the safer, Soviet held) bank of the Volga she asked to be transferred to anywhere else! she was only 19 and just couldn't cope with all that bloodbath, the screams, the death and stench. She was obliged. I saw a picture of her when young, what a beautiful little dear she was. Passed away in 2012; her brother was killed in the Winter war; there was a portrait of him on the wall in civilian clothes, looking so sad, I remember so well.
Can you show the Documentation confirming the truth to the rest of us?
The only I know is the indictment in Nuremberg where Nazis were found guilty for the Katyn.
@@Jenseduca The Soviet prosecutor accused the Germans of the crime in Katyn. But this crime was not included in the verdict. That means the Nuremberg tribunal did not find the Germans guilty of this crime and you are lying.
@@rafamieczkowski9913 What? How do you people come up with this stuff? Everything in indictment was included and the Nazi leaders were sentenced as well as the whole organisation. Indictment wasn't simply an accusation of, it was what the Nazis were found to be guilty of. The Katyn massacre including. There's no document proving otherwise and surely there's no verdict of Soviets being guilty for the massacre. Jes...
I can’t imagine one person responsible for murdering that many people. Also, why does Russia not get scrutinized/punished the way Germany does for invading Poland in 1939? Seems like they both did the exact same thing.
Unlike N@zi Germany, Soviet Russia had sympathizers in the west to run interference for them and lie on their behalf throughout the cold war. It's how the US became so heavily divided against itself over the years. Look up the Frankfurt school and the Cloward-Piven strategy.
The Germans killers were in the custody of Western Allies after Germany lost the war. Russians were not in custody and they had partitioned half of Germany to keep there power and secrets intact. Even operating in Berlin, the Allies would never offend Stalin.
The political and economic elite in Europe and America were sympathetic to the Soviets and their brand of international socialism. The Germans and their national socialism, based on Aryan blood wasn’t conducive to creating a one world government the Western political elite had imagined.
dead: No, Germany moved into Poland for several reasons: To stop the murder of German expatriates that wound up in Polish hands after the Treaty of Versailles, and to stop the incessant border excursions by the Poles into German territory.
You mad....?
The Russians have the Tsar Bomba....!!
The Germans NOT!
All victims were shot in a concrete building with a grid on the floor connected to the sewer and a hose to wash out the blood, and the weapons were always 6,35 mm German pistols; not shot in the open air with a P-38 as we see here.
Correct for Katyn, but there were other sites also.
The film just clearly showed execution pits in the forest.
@@throttlegalsmagazineaustra7361 I saw both, yes. But read about the concrete buildings. These scoundrels wanted no fuss.
@duartesimoes508. Only generals and higher ranks were executed at a basement in "Red room,, as executioners called it bc it had been painted in red and had portrait of Lenin on it. All the rest were loaded straight from train into black wagons with windows painted so prisoners could not see wrre they are going. 15 minutes from train into the wood next to pits were they had been executed. Very sufficient method I might sadly say. My best friend lost his grad dad over there as well. ISIS did sadly simmiliar mass execution in 2014 in Camp Speicher - 1700 victims were shot one by one. Entire macabre were recorded by multiply cameras that it is avalible on dark side of the internet...
Hello, World History. As ALWAYS, Thank You. I appreciate you giving the Evil Ones names, and Faces. I learn so much from your Channel. Thank You.
Katyń, Miednoje, Ostaszków
For an in depth account read “ Stalin : the court of the Red Tsar “ by Simon Sebag Montefiore. The sheer scale of the murder committed is hard to comprehend.
I own the book. It always left me with the feeling that the author invented whenever he didn't know for sure.
@@duartesimoes508erm no. Copium is strong with you.
Yeah. While the main benefactors were ...............? who? who is ruling the roost now?
At least 22,000 Poles died in the Katyn massacre. About 2 million Poles were deported to Siberia. Half of Poland's territory was annexed, including the cities of Wilno, Grodno and Lwów.
@@MaciejKossowski-w5x Yet most of eastern Poland wasn’t even suppose to be part of Poland.
@@BmorePatriot Thank you for your memory of the truth
@@MaciejKossowski-w5x Well ma guy. I’m only saying this of what it’s really about. And I’m not trying to condemn on any side as well. Nothing against Poland and maybe the Soviets should done better if they want their land back. Yes.
@@BmorePatriot„their land" 😂😂😂😂 ?????????
@@INSTITUTE-2277 Poland invaded Russia to take the western portion of Byelorussia and Ukraine. Even it’s not technically Russian either but it was their territory as Belarus and Ukraine was part of Russia at the time.
Not to belittle this butcher but some Chinese cities had executioners who roughly tripled this score. They were paid per head.
Excellent video! I don't know very much about the history of the Soviet Union, and, although aware of the Katyn Massacre, it's good to know more about the poor victims of the hooror unleashed upon them, and the evil of those responsible.
World History is my Absolute Favorite Channel for History.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Nothing new in Russia then!
Poor poland trapped between 2 hostile neighbors.. Oh my
Great presentation from a capable narrator.
AI ?😆
I was born and brought up in the USSR later times. As far as I have excellent memories there, still it horrifies me to see the past nightmares. Who cares shedding tear! He was a monster and did not deserve to die like that, at least in prison!!! If there is afterlife, we still have to question if Stalin like Hitler are in hell because they can scare devils there too!!! In competition for evil, they both defeat devils!!!
How do you feel about what Putin is doing to the Ukrainian people?
Never forget the people who perished the the Katyn Massacre in 1940. Rest in Paradise.
He got off easy imo. This is especially heinous and disturbing.
But Russians confessed to this massacre in 1990, president Jelcyn hand over the document to Polish president Walesa. The cemetry and monuments were built in Khatyn.
It hasn't happen so far in case of UKRAINIAN government - in connection of big massacre of Polish civilians by Ukrainians in Wolyn area in 1943. More then 150 k Polish citizens were massacred with axes, spades, horse forks, even children were mutilated. Some say that it was about 500 k Polish civilians...
pierdolisz głupoty..akcja wisła odwety Ak wiecej zamordowała Ukraińców ilościowa niż naszych..moja babacia z batalionów chłopskich oficer..szkoda ci gadać ile dała wyroków ..dzsiaj ratuja nasz rynek pracy i wynajmu mieszkań
It was the Soviets and not Russians. Russia didnt exist except as Bolsheviks. Stalin, Beria, Kaganovich or even Voroshilov not Russians.
Yeah, it's a questionable "confession". The document came from the "Memorial" organisation that is known for its historical fakes. The "document" itself is full of errors (missing dates, non-matching numbers and so on). This "admission" is a very shady story and the investigation ignited by this "admission" is now declared invalid and rightfully so.
@@jacekkurczewski9177 sam prezydent Kuczma powiedział kiedyś, że zamordowano ok pół miliona Polaków! Powiedział to, gdy był prezydentem! W Akcji Wisła NIE ZABIJANO LUDNOŚCI, tylko dano kilka godzin na spakowanie dobytku i przesiedlono DO INNYCH DOMÓW, zamiast wrzucania do studni..... " czas na spakowanie dobytku wynosił średnio dwie godziny". Zresztą mniej ich przesiedlono niż Stalin z Kraińcami (!) przesiedlił Polaków od 1939r poczynając! Przesiedlili nam również bardzo wschodnią granicę na zachód, kradnąc zagłębie węglowe, roponośne, ze Lwowem w roli głównej. Szkoda, że Stalin nie przesiedlił tej bandyckiej banderowskiej ludności w całości na Syberię udzielając im tam 100 tys km 2 do zagospodarowania, zostawiając Małopolskę Wschodnią Polakom. "odwety AK" - - każdy w czasie wojny robił odwet: Stalin zrobił odwet na hitlerowcach, Anglicy zrobili odwet na niemcach, podobnie amerykanie i inni. Gdyby UPA z kraińską czernią nie robiły Polakom kolejnej "Koliszczyzny" to nie było by odwetów AK, zresztą nielicznych w stosunku do akcji UPAińców oraz bez posługiwania się siekierami, widłami i piłami.
A lot of "truth and reconciliation" work remains to be done. A couple of years ago, Duda and the Ukrainian foreign minister (i think) attended a service there and alluded to the many crimes committed against the innocent. Still a long way to go, but it's better than Putinist Russia's outright denials of Katyn etc.
Krushchev wasn't a nice guy, but he did get rid of Stalinism
Breżniew pozbył się Chruszczowa i był jeszcze bardziej miły! A jak całował!!
Kruschev was a liar and crook who masqueraded as a clown.
Anybody can denounce a dead man who cannot answer and then told lot of lies of Stalin.
Stalin said, 'I have no son' when his son was captured by Germans and offered for exchange of 20 German generals.
Kruschev hugged Stalin's knees to save his son.
Kruschev destroyed hundreds of churches and monasteries in 1959-61.
Stalin was efficient. Kruschev was a blunder. He took 7 decisions which were extremely bad.
Communism the gift that just keeps giving.
There were many executioners like Vasili Blokhin. It appears that both Hitler and Stalin are rivals for the greatest monster of the 20th century.
There was a British made black (very black) comedy film called “Red Monarch” that covers the lives of Stalin, Beria and Blachin at this time. There is a scene where Blachin is walking casually along a wall inside Lubyanka prison in Moscow, where hundreds of men are lined up, facing the wall. He walks along, shooting each one in the base of the skull without any reaction.
Britain should also make black film of the bombing of Dresden. And the famine caused in India that killed a million indians because Britain took all the grain from India to feed its troops.
@@reinerdesouza9438 We Brits get away with our crimes so suck it up little boy.
Which side was Britain on again?
Just imagine what the russians will do to the Ukrainian army if they should win in Ukraine…….
Sledgehammer instead of a pistol?🤔
More optimism comrade. The Russians have already defeated NATO.
pls stfu its not wwII, its not the red army, and its not bolshewik russia - that war started cause of an american financed putch in 2014. and watch what the ukrainians did for war crimes since 2014 on civilians then enemy soldiers, own civilians, own soldiers....read before speak
What the ruzzians will do to _every_ Ukrainian. Namely woman and children. I keep reminding that, but people just don't know shit about History nor care to know.
Ukraine has not even lost the war and still tens of thousands of Ukrainian children were abducted from the occupied areas and taken to ruzzia, where they had their names deleted and a new identity created so it is impossible to trace them again. Eventually they will be incorporated in the ruzzian Army, while the girls will later get pregnant from ruzzians to generate more ruzzians and no Ukrainians. And this is just the beginning.
Meanwhile, the EC is sound asleep.
Mister, there was no Russia in 1940 but USSR.
Stalin, Beria, etc etc were they Russian?
USSR was ruled by an Ukrainian since the death of Georgian Stalin. Krushev identified and represented Ukraine. So was Brezhnev Ukrainian. Both these Ukies ruled USSR for 29 years during which USSR stagnated after great work by Stalin. Chernenko was Ukrainian? Gorbachev was Ukrainian.
Do you swallow all lies put out by main stream media? Yes, off course.
It is Ukraine who is indulging in terrorist acts like killing of Civilians and individuals like Dugina, Tsatorksy and army generals etc and the seige of concert hall.
The Nationalist Ukrainians under Bandera massacred thousands of Poles and Jews/Hungarians in Volhynia in 1941-42 with horrifying cruelty. If you are so ignorant its better to keep quiet, especially if you have no critical thinking nor understanding of events or history.
Russia's attack on Ukraine was provoked - even the Pope made this statement.
For this horror story Poland hate Russia forever!
Only Russians? Hm..
It's a stain of shame the Polish nation won't be able to clean off for a long time to come. You people want to hate Russia so much that you don't care to cherish the memory of Polacks killed in Katyn and let the real perpetrators to go free in spite of the fact that Nazis were found guilty for Katyn during Nuremberg Trial. Since the Nuremberg Trial Polish people had 80 years to find the guilty one but they were more busy with hating Russia. That is truly horrible.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans.
Germany invaded Poland on 01 September. Main Polish army was crushed by Germany. Soviet Red army liberated Poland from Nazis. Nazis probably killed more poles than Soviets (there was no Russia but USSR) ut Poles are biggest minority in Germany today. Why? Money.
At one time a Pole was to occupy the Czar's throne of Russia. Poland is not Saint but intransigent nation that gave ultimatum to Czech to surrender lands before noon.
Stalin was dangerous to be round he heard a joke being told a banquet (as soldier's joke) he put this decorated war veteran in prison of hard labour for 30 years.
Do you really believe that?
Stalin was not fool like you to believe everything he reads. Stalin was very intelligent with a deep penetration of issues. And he understood humor too.
They still can't find the Jewels...
A true monster.
Please use Soviet rather than "Russian" when discussing events before the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Soviet citizens of all ethnic groups in the former USSR participated in horrific atrocities from 1918-1901.Stalin was a the son of Eastern Orthodox Christians from Georgia and the butcher of Ukraine during the forced Ukrainian famine created by Stalin was a man named Lazar Kaganovich who happened to be Jewish. He murdered 5-9 million people.
Psychopath .
He's dancing with the devil now.
There is no thing such as a god or devils......wake up!
Ohoho...You are in for quite a surprise! Every nonbeliever will receive their lesson in turn.
@@mulapare2593 whatever you say, church-goer,..... now, creep over to your sepulchre !!
Katyn was so terrible tragedy
The Russians haven’t changed much over the years. Same old story today.
They are cold people. No empathy.
Completely ignorant. Soviets and modern day Russians are completely different mentally, politics, society, you need to go back take some history
@@Ve-suviusthere cold lol, you get hurt anywhere is Russia you’ll have help, you can be stabbed to death in NY city and people will walk around you while you bleed out.. what a sheep
@ one word “Putin”. Russians are still sheep afraid to depose their dictator, the same as with Stalin. Putin kills off all opposition , history repeating itself.
Russians dying by the thousands every month in Ukraine and no one protests .
Can you say - baaaaaa, baaaaa. You sheep
@@Nooneapparently You are not from this region? Are you?
Russian American here I dan understand why Polska is on guard, whenever Russians act foolish. Stalin, names Jugasvilli at birth, wanted a 3rd great purge but he died in 1953. Vasili Blakin(spelling) had no mercy because he grew up in a poor village. He worked as a Shepard and a brick layer and he served in the imperial Russian Army, as an NCO in WW1. He also got injured in the war by the Germans
The comments understand nothing - there was no Russia but USSR.
"He also got injured in the war by the Germans" so why he not shoot germans but Polish?
This is russians. This is who they are.
Oh no, this was more of a Soviet revolutionary attitude than Russia. Russians during tsar era did not murder Poles, rather were sending us to Siberia alive. To be far away from Warsaw and Polish uprisings against tsar and Russia.
Stalin and Beria, both Georgians.
@marsansyu true. Then + Georgians
@@marsansyu Beria Jewish if you dig
There was no Russia in 1940 but USSR. Stalin, Beria, Kaganovich, or even Voroshilov were not Russians. Understand something. Instead of showing deep ignorance and brain washing.
Why? Why? Why?
The Kommandantura was Stalins real personal death squad within the NKVD. You can’t deny Vasily Blokhin was efficient and productive in his chosen profession. Blokhin was born a dirt poor peasant to brick mason to the most efficient personal executioner in world history. Leaving morals aside, you gotta admire the guys work ethic.
I read a novel that the mass graves of the Katyn massacre were dug up by hungry wolves. German police officer who was there at that time started an investigation which later let to discovery mass graves of Polish soldiers and civilians.
My father was one of soviet military doctors involved in investigation of massacre Russian civilian during occupation by German troops in Smolensk district.. As he said it was so terrible to describe it. He did not mention about massacre of Poland's. I think because he was witnessed so many atrocities by nazi during ww2 in Russia, Belarus.
Yeah, it's such a nonsense try to imagine a wolf that would dig up a meter deep grave. The Goebbels version is full of such stpdty.
there was one lokal man, anty-soviet, who tell germans about this place! germans start digging.
@tomaszser470 Right, an anonymous local man)) The story presented in Nuremberg was that nonsense about the wolfs. I guess Nazis forgot about that mysterious local man in the most important trial of their lives)). Yeah, that sounds plausible))
Imagine if the German had done this. But history seems to give Lenin and his evil dream of communism a cover up.
As I listen to the process this monster used I am reminded the worst torture and crimes against humanity are done AFTER the monster has restrained the victim. The worst things people do to one another are almost always after the monsters are in absolutely no danger to themselves.
Knowing about Katyn is pivotal. It illustrates how some massacres and genocides are intentionally covered and underplayed, while others are blown out of proportions. It is all about profit and power.
Were 22,000 skulls found at Katyn burials? USSR invaded Poland after 17 days. The bulk of Polish army was involved against Germans.
Thanks for incredibly interest object in the story of brutality in Stalin period of terror .....
Советский Союз был жестоким государством.
No window mentioned then.
Such "nice" Persons are still today in Russia, many of them.
He is in hell now.
The Polish always had it tough man but they are some tough people
This is just terrible. Love to the Polish people! Stay strong, we love you!
Upon careful study of this topic, it becomes obvious that the execution was the work of the Nazis. Or do you stick to the version of the truthful Dr. Goebbels 😂
Poland is very strong and their army is modern and well equiped.
This was done by Beria and Stalin. Both Georgians.
Why do you always blockout pics of dead people?? Really annoying!! This is history that should be seen!!
Compared with Stalin, Hitler was a choir boy.
There is a book on Stalin, ferocious human tiger or words to that effect. The things Stalin did were quite extremely cruel.
after II WW Hitler had more gold than Stalin. Safe gold in Swiss-banks, in Portugal, Spain and the most in Argentina. Than krauts made "german economic wunder". Now officialy germans have ~ 3400 ton of gold
Horror und Unglaublich! Wie können Menschen so etwas schreckliches Menschen antun?
Rare to hear anything about the Katyn Massacre - history treats it as a taboo subject.
Ambition for power and money makes humans capable of all kinds of atrocities.
I think I recognise some of that military kit from the Ukraine drone images
How do you kill 7K people in 3 weeks?
Russia is truly a cluster F
Also as continuation, the crafty Putin made the Polish officials' plane (Tu-154) going down near Smolensk en route Katin in 2010. They were going there for 70 years since the Katin's massacre. Died all onboard - 90 politicians, including the then President of Poland. So the Katin saga continues to these days.
Of course the investigation of the Polish Government plane going down was heavily obstructed by the Russian Government.
I don't think Polish will ever use any Russian Airplanes, or any other products.
that is 10 people per hour for 28 days, non stop.....
sounds unreal......
Sovjets plan to shoot Finns in Katyn, when they have conquest Finland. They didn't. They loose1,5 miljons men against Finland ( Hurtsev tell it himself).
Sad what they do brave Polish. Next time they are not win Poland!
Poland has shown to be resilient and strong to this day, Poland's motto, POLAND WILL NEVER CEASE TO EXIST
What happened in Kurapaty?
Didn't he seek compensation for a repetitive strain injury?
Such a good break Germany and Russia hated one another 😮 Imagine if Hitler and Stalin became bosom buddies Omg !!!
That would’ve been terrible news for the world 🌎…….
They where "buddies"
Why do you think stalin/russia helped hitler/germany so much h?
They were friends, even signing a non-aggressian pact in 1939.
In fact they Poland in between them.
Forgot to say thank you
And you all think that Russia is this lily white angel
If anyone thinks this could not happen again... anywhere in the world, anywhere, think again.
What has always surprised me, is the fact that the US coalition in WW2 has included the Soviet Union, one of the states that attacked Poland, together with Hitler and killed 20000 polish officers at Katyn. Stalin's crimes are well known, but, apparently Hitler was a bigger danger to the US than Stalin was. I would have let the Germans and Russians kill each other and intervene, only when a clear winner was known, especially since the US had the atomic bomb and the Russians, didn't. The US had the means to push the Russians back into their own borders, but, instead, they left half of Europe in Russian's hands.
That is what happened,Soviets where clear winners after Battle of Kursk,they would end up on the coast of Atlantic if US and GB didn't opened new front in 1944
Upon careful study of this topic, it becomes obvious that the execution was the work of the Nazis. Or do you stick to the version of the truthful Dr. Goebbels 😂
A brother of my grenny was killed there...
Thanks for sharing.