Borgia Diaries: Marta Gastini - 'Guilia Farnese' Interview



  • @userxyv33-v7i
    @userxyv33-v7i Рік тому +3

    Ich kann längst nicht genug Englisch, um jedes Wort zu verstehen, aber sie ist großartig! Sowohl schauspielerisch als auch menschlich ... und OMG, einfach sooo süß! Diese Augen und das Lächeln ... ich kann nicht mehr!❤❤❤

  • @decimater75
    @decimater75 4 роки тому +9

    Giulia is one of the main characters from Borgia that I think was extremely well-written(most were well-written, but Giulia was exceptional). She always has her own motivations. She loves Rodrigo, but she loves her family more and she always does what she has to to get things done, even when it's something distasteful (i.e. Yuisa). Sometimes you hate her, other times you feel sorry for her, other times you cheer for her. Very dynamic and great character.

  • @Mia6146
    @Mia6146 10 років тому +25

    The Netflix series of Borgia was the best one.

  • @Serenegrasshopper
    @Serenegrasshopper 10 років тому +11

    Her accent is lovely, brought a ring of authenticity to the role.

  • @brigitta1995
    @brigitta1995 11 років тому +2

    Dear Marta! I am from Hungary. I am Violin artist. I have been known you from the movie of "A man who rode in the darkness " Your playing is fascinating.!!Your are beautiful girl not just outside but in your inside!!You have GREAT HEART. When I saw your playing I got new strength and hope to my Violin performances...

  • @silanjian
    @silanjian 8 років тому +4


  • @hekateon.ioannis.lasorsa
    @hekateon.ioannis.lasorsa 12 років тому +3

    she's so pretty!! and her english is great, i remember her from the Rite

  • @bellaf9056
    @bellaf9056 11 років тому +4

    I think she greatly matches the description of Anne Boleyn and has great passion for such characters. Wish Tom Fontana would make a sceenplay for european Anne Boleyn serias:)

  • @abraxasbrother
    @abraxasbrother 8 років тому +7

    Marta was superb as Giulia. Eccelente!
    This series was fantastic, with a sense of historic accuracy while making the men and women of their time not too alien to us.
    The only problem I found was the accents.
    I can understand why they filmed in English so it would reach wider audiences.
    But in my opinion, each actor should have been from the place the characters come from, as it is the case with Marta. That brought a sense of autenticity to the series while not being distracting.
    Rodrigo should have been Spanish to reflech his Spanish ancestry; and so on.
    However, everyone was perfectly cast if you ignore that detail. I guess you can't have everything!

  • @61akra12
    @61akra12 9 років тому +14

    haha "i hope to see nobody else
    play this role so i can be original". i think she will remain as gulia farnese for sure.

  • @AsenathWaiteDerby
    @AsenathWaiteDerby Рік тому

    Marta, se stai leggendo questo commento......... sei stupenda.... sei un f****issimo dipinto

    • @userxyv33-v7i
      @userxyv33-v7i Рік тому

      I love her. If I had a girlfriend, who is looking like her, I am the happiest man in this world.
      😍😍😍❤😘😘😘 Marta, God bless you! 🙏

  • @Mia6146
    @Mia6146 10 років тому +20

    PS This is the Netflix Gulia Farnese....She's so good of an actor that I hated her in that role....very good but very bitchy!! lol....

  • @87calliope
    @87calliope 11 років тому +1

    Fantastica Marta!!!!! :D

  • @Riccardo89
    @Riccardo89 10 років тому +2

    Effettivamente gli attori italiani in generale non sanno doppiarsi. Tuttavia, Marta Gastini a me piace anche quando doppia se stessa! Guardate la
    bellucci: lei recita da più di 30 anni ormai e si doppia ancora malissimo mentre Marta è alle sue prime esperienze e fa un bel
    Lavoro tutto sommato !

  • @pop96Life
    @pop96Life 12 років тому +1

    Marta sono fiero di te u.u

  • @Chief_Ten_Bears
    @Chief_Ten_Bears 12 років тому +1

    True beauty

  • @Tekavor
    @Tekavor 9 років тому

    I notice scenes that are shown in this that aren't in the Netflix Series. Is there a movie pilot of this show that wasn't included originally for Netflix?

    • @federicoeiriz42
      @federicoeiriz42 9 років тому +1

      +Tekavor Takeor Which minute of this video you're referring? Maybe you mean some shots behind the scenes?

  • @pop96Life
    @pop96Life 11 років тому

    Grande :D

  • @Josselyn6824
    @Josselyn6824 6 років тому


  • @brigitta1995
    @brigitta1995 11 років тому +1

    Your heart radiate from your face and you are beautiful! I hope that you can preserve your HEART! The movie industry try one squeeze into expectation of business. I hope you can preserve your heart in cleanness and can be always original..I am wonder very much on this movie.When will appear this movie in Hungary? I would like to meet you personly.If you travel in Hungary, Budapest please call me!

  • @francescobonfiglio9142
    @francescobonfiglio9142 11 років тому

    allora guarda la versione originale

  • @Blanconeira
    @Blanconeira 8 років тому

    Che qualcuno li traduca.

  • @francescobonfiglio9142
    @francescobonfiglio9142 11 років тому +2

    She's much more beautiful than Isolda.

  • @samuelanders7597
    @samuelanders7597 12 років тому

    i want one

  • @thecc3446
    @thecc3446 8 років тому

    lei è stata bravissima considerato il personaggio poco noto e la recitazione in inglese

    • @nanaki4783
      @nanaki4783 7 років тому

      mentre il ridoppiaggio è stato pessimo, purtroppo.

  • @dcarelli08
    @dcarelli08 11 років тому +1

    Il doppiaggio italiano è da incubo... inascoltabile. Incredibile che l'attrice sia italiana, ipotizzavo una doppiatrice incapace e invece... La produzione dovrebbe assegnarle una doppiatrice: è l'unica nota stonata della serie.

  • @LaLobaGitana
    @LaLobaGitana 10 років тому

    Daniela non so se hai continuato a seguire la serie ma ti sarai accorta che TUTTI gli attori italiani "stonano" e questo perchè sono attori e non doppiatori.

  • @Agatocli
    @Agatocli 11 років тому +1

    Why are you so beautiful!?!?

  • @dcarelli08
    @dcarelli08 11 років тому

    Non capisco perché? io sono italiana e la voglio ascoltare in italiano... conosco l'inglese ma non abbastanza bene da capire i mille intrighi di cui la serie è infarcita, e io amo capire tutto.
    Il problema non sono io. Il problema è un'attrice incapace di doppiarsi. Punto.

  • @francescobonfiglio9142
    @francescobonfiglio9142 11 років тому

    No, il vero problema è la lingua. Anche se l'attrice doppiasse le sue parti in italiano, non sarebbe la stessa cosa. Il doppiaggio è sempre una forzatura e un tradimento. Il sincro non sarebbe lo stesso. Il problema è che per vedere qualcosa di decente e di realizzato decentemente sul nostro glorioso passato, siamo costretti a vedere delle cose prodotte da stranieri in una lingua straniera con attori e budget che noi neanche ci sogniamo...E' una doppia umiliazione.

  • @adina921
    @adina921 12 років тому +1

    yeah, she's pretty her english is quite good but if you listen to her recitation in italian she is one of the worst i've ever heard.