Wow that little segment about weight and food hit home. I've been trying to lose weight myself since last year as well, and it was going pretty solid. But in the final months of 2021, I was struck with an illness, and throughout the process of getting treated for it, I've gained back about half of what I lost so far. It really did a blow to my mental health, because my relationship with food was also kind of ruined at that point. Restricting myself unnecessarily, but I also struggle with overeating at times. I just wanted to do whatever I could do to be skinny. I now know that's not the way to do it, but that doesn't make it any easier. Feels good to be seen in a sense.
I totally understand you. This year I'm trying to get out of those bad habits and came up with something that I think works really well. Intead of trying to force yourself to do everything at once, make a list of things you can do and try to do once each week. For example: This week I will have a healthy breakfast everyday. Next week I'll workout 4 times (and continue the goal from last week too) Etc etc. It makes it so much easier and with this work you're doing it makes you want to stick with it! This is also a great way for me to slowly improve my diet without actually "going on a diet" Good luck!
Thank you for trusting us with this. It's really hard to share ones thoughts online, especially if the topic is as fragile as self-confidence and happiness. I'm really proud of you and watching you become a better version of yourself is extremely motivating. Please continue to be happy, exercise and be healthy, not for your subscribers to see but for you to feel good with yourself. We'll always love you Eyol, remember that!!
hi eyol, thank you for sharing your story with us!! I'm really glad and proud of you for getting yourself into a healthy diet. As a someone who's also struggling with weight, I too always consume something sweet whenever I'm stressed and anxious and gain weight which leads to more stressful days. I hope you continue to share your journey with us because I'd love to watch every single of it.
진짜 먹을때는 행복하지만 적당히 맛있게 먹어야지 행복한게 맞는 것 같아요,,,,,,,도를 지나쳐 많이 먹게 되면 먹을 당시엔 행복하지만 그 뒤에 후폭풍+현타가 장난이 라니라는거ㅓ…하ㅏ하 저도 먹는걸로 스트레스 푸는걸 너무 좋아하거든요 근데 먹고나서 살이찌니까 더 스트레스고 내 자존감을 더 떨어뜨리더라고요😭 그때의 기분은 정말 이루 말할수 없이 불쾌한,,,근데 진짜 운동 열심히 하고 건강식 먹으면서 좋은 생활습관 유지하고 이러면 자존감도 진짜 많이 올라가더라고요,,,!!, 이욜님 말씀 진짜 너무 공감가요 이욜님 부지런한것도 본받고싶고요,,! 앞으로도 건강하고 활기찬 이욜님 해주새여❤️ 8월에 독일가서도 화이팅 해요
어렸을때부터 너무 마른거아니냐는 이야기를 주변에서 들으면서 자라왔고 바지를 사러 가면 다 너무 커서 허리에 맞는 바지를 찾기가 어려울 정도였어요. 항상 올해는 운동해야지 운동해야지 해놓고도 선뜻 시작 못하겠더라구요. 이욜님 영상보고 나니까 '아 내가 못한게 아니라 안한거였구나.' 이런생각이 들었어요. 자극받아서 지금 당장부터 홈트시작하고 헬스장 끊으러 갑니다...!
I paused the video to say this after you shared the contents of your diary. I’ve noticed that you’ve been on a health journey and I want to tell you that it has inspired me to be better and to do the same. I had always been severely overweight, but in 2015, I managed to get to my ideal weight. I got married and in 2020, I had a baby and gained some weight. It wasn’t much, but to me who is afraid to go back to what I was, it was a disaster. Then I moved to a new country in July 2021 and the stress and loneliness made me turn to food and I gained even more weight. I have been so depressed and trying drastic measures with no result. Seeing your videos reminded me of how simple it should be. Eat healthy, eat regularly, and try to move. I’ve been doing better and you are part of that, so thank you ❤️
Hi @noorieboorie :) reducing body weight is not a goal but getting a healthy body is a priority. Don't forget your mental happiness as well. Hoping you getting a better life soon !!! Fighting
i loved your little story time!! i personally resonate with most of the things u experienced/felt. recently my eating habits have made me feel really bad about myself but seeing how u approach dieting so healthily rly inspires me to do the same :’) 🤍
eyol-nim, i really love your way of writing in the diary. the sentences that u use are so interesting/mature, like i can never think of bringing it out into words like yours. also im so proud of u 🥺❤ thank u for your hardwork 🥰
꾸준한 운동을 시작했다는 거 정말 대단한 일이라고 생각해요! 역시 운동 하면 몸도 마음도 건강해지는 기분이 드는 건 확실한데 꾸준히 하기가 왜이렇게 힘든지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ 이욜님 대단해요 정말😉 영상으로 다이어트에 대해 이렇게 진지하게 얘기를 담기가 쉽지는 않으셨을 거라고 생각 하는데 이욜님의 진지한 토크🗣 덕분에 또다시 의지가 생기기 시작했어요!!! 같이 건강한 생활 해보아요🤍 쓰다보니 말이 너무 길어졌네융 ,, 아무튼 올해도 화이팅합시당🧸
Thank you so much for the real talk and for being so vulnerable. You’re so incredibly mature, being able to do your own reflection and eventually deal with your troubles… Really appreciated you sharing this bit which is so outside of what you normally film. ❤️ Good on you!
저도 운동하기 전까지는 부정적이고 먹는 걸로 스트레스 풀고 받고 하다가 이대로는 안되겠다 싶어서 꾸준히 할 수 있는 운동 위주로 열심히 하다 보니 살도 빠지고 건강해지고 원하는 옷도 입을 수 있고 먹는 거에도 큰 스트레스 없이 조절하면서 먹으니 좋더라고요 그리고 정신적으로 여유가 생기니 저를 미워하던 저도 이젠 저를 너무 좋아하고 사랑하기도 하고요 :) 이렇게 솔직한 얘기를 할 수 있어서 좋았어요 이욜님도 저도 운동 꾸준히 해서 건강 챙기고 행복했으면 해요 오늘 하루 기분 좋게 보내셨으면 합니다! 영상 올려주셔서 감사해요❤
이욜님 요거트 더 간단하게 만드는 방법 우유 + 요거트 -> 전기밥솥 말고 마트에 단맛없는묽은요커트 1리터짜리 (서울우유꺼 6700원정도면 삽니다 ) 그럼 그릭으로 500그람정도 나와요 사서 면포에 붓고 위에 무거운거 올린후 유청만 빼고 먹으면 그릭 요거트 되요 그릭 요거트 3년간 만들면서 이 방법이 제일 간단합니다
많이 공감 하고 갑니다ㅠㅠ저는 대학교 졸업학년이 됐을 때 코로나가 터지고 졸업 후부터 취준으로 집에만 있다보니 진짜 역대 최대의 몸무게를 찍었더라고요.. 자심감이 떨어지고 불안할수록 자꾸 디저트를 찾게 되고..ㅎㅎ보다 못한 부모님이 필라테스를 끊어주셔서 지금 다니는 중인데 운동을 하고 있으면 몸뿐만 아니라 정신도 개운해지는 느낌이 들더라구요 ㅎㅎ
I also gradually gained weight, around 10kg, in the past 2 years. Lately, I've been receiving a lot of comments implying that I've become really fat, from the people around me and now I don't even feel like taking photos of myself anymore. However, I can't control myself and even today, I binge ate a lot of unhealthy food and beverages due to the stresses which've been stockpiled. Anyways, I really appreciate you for sharing your process with us in this vlog. I feel extremely relatable and motivated after watching. From now on, I'm also going to work on changing myself to a better version of me. Much thanks to you, Eyol!
안녕하세요:) 저랑 비슷한 나이대에 제가 자취 시작할 즈음 이욜님의 영상을 보기 시작한게 벌써 2년이 되어가네요. 제가 처음 자취고 독립이라 어떻게 살아야할지 막막해서 이욜님 밥먹는 영상에 레시피 막 참고하고 그랬던 때가 엊그제 같은데..시간이 너무 빠른것 같아요. 저도 코로나시대로 한번도 살이 쪄본적이 없다고 생각했는데 어느순간 지나보니 과체중이 되어있더라구요. 작년부터 시작해서 꾸준히 헬스를 다녔는데 원하던 목표체중에 건강하게 도달했고, 또 그 다닌다는 행위 자체가 제게 큰 자존감과 습관을 형성해준것 같아요. 이욜님은 늘 모든걸 쉽게 체계적으로 해나가시는것 같아 늘 영상보며 동경하고 나도 저렇게 되고싶다고 생각했는데, 힘들었던 부분도 있으셨다니 더더욱 공감이 가고 위로를 받네요 ...어쩌면 이렇게 같이 성장하는 걸지 모르겠어요!비록 직접 얼굴을 보진 않았지만 사이버 친구처럼 같이 동고동락 하는 것 같아요ㅎㅎ 앞으로도 같이 성장하고 그 모습을 영상으로 꾸준히 보고싶어요~ 그럼 이만 댓글 처음 다는 2년차 욜리가 ...
제가 친구들한테 이욜님 맨날 홍보하고다니면서 꼭 보라고 해서 같이 욜리된 친구도 생겼는데 오늘 브이로그 보고 조금 후회됐어요 왜냐면 이렇게 마음으로 구독자들과 소통하는 소중한 이욜님 영상 저만보고싶은데(뭔지알져) ... 하는 이기적인 생각이 문뜩 들었습니다 ㅎ.. 이욜님 영상을 보면 항상 따뜻한 감정이 남는거 같아서 너무 좋아요 .. 이욜님의 삶을 응원합니다 !!
Congratulations on your journey towards a more loving, healthy self. It sure is inspiring. And yes, you should’ve added some salt to that risotto. Always add salt to savory dishes. It doesn’t mean they need to be salty, but you should add at least a bit.
I understand the comfort of food...seriously.. I gained 10 kg from comfort eating and now going on a diet with healthy mind. Cheer up and thanks for uploading!
I had to pause at the part you are talking heart to heart with us eyol. I have to say it, you are such an inspiring person to me and I love how you are always so honest to us but please dont be harsh on yourself. Your weight or height does not matter. Just be healthy and happy. Love you 🥰💜
Eyol, you are lovely, thank you for your sincere sharing. There are a lot of ways to love ourselves. Exercise is really a healthy way of it. I am sure you are not overweight, but when you can not fit in your previous clothes, it can get overwhelming. Going back to the same size before is very motivating. I am doing the same as you, loosing the 3 kgs I've gained during pandemic. I have short height therefore losing those 3 kgs really made a difference. It was nice to see another person miles away shares the same thoughts and process. Thank you again! You are lovely!
hi eyol!! i really appreciate you speaking so honestly about your relationship with food and how you've been dieting to get healthy... its not easy to do, so i think this was very motivating to listen to and i feel very proud somehow haha,, i always enjoy your videos... 감사합니다 이욜님 !!!
Honestly I’ve been struggling with food and diet too but it was mostly due to my mental health than anything else. A while ago I told my family that I was at my worst mentally, so my mom got a gym membership for the both of us. Rather than trying to be healthy (physically) I feel a lot better mentally. I think trying to be healthier overall makes a big difference so I’m glad you mentioned how you’ve changed as a person too. I hope your health journey goes well!
thank you for sharing a little bit of your diary with us. I've also been struggling with my weight but I signed up for the gym a few days ago and I start next week on Monday. I know it will be pain the first week 😭 but it will be worth it.
I lost weight on 2020 (i am so happy and comfortable with this body since i lost most of my excessive fats), then gained weight last year --- which I purposely did at the start since a lot of people are saying that i look thinner that year. Now, I feel so down that i gained back the weight and fats, and not being able to wear what i want comfortably, even if its just jeans. It's a lesson learned for me to not listen on what other people say, especially that I know that I am happy and healthy. So I am taking this vlog as my sign to push myself on exercising, wishing that my future self would also thank this version of me on working for myself.
저도 욜님하도 비슷한 상황이였어요 ㅎ.. 12월초부터 피티 시작햇구 시작한 이유는 항상 과체중이였던 저에게 큰 전환점을 하나 만들어주고싶어서 시작했다는!.. 열심히 알바해서 번 돈으로 하니까 의지도 더 불타고 개인운동하러 매일가는 제 모습을 보니까 저도 신기하더라구요,, 같이 더 파이팅!!
I think I can relate to your weight journey because this is something I had faced around 3-3.5 yrs back I hated looking at myself in the mirror, and I hated myself in the pictures. Now I'm in a much better place, i workout regularly, i don't diet as much as I did, I just try to eat healthy on a regular basis. But the most important outcome of this journey was not me looking good but it was how I started loving myself and my body again 💜 I wish you the same and really happy you decided to share this with us .
one's relationship with food, activity, health in general can be so complicated and covid has definitely shed a light on that for many of us. to be honest I admire you for sharing your thoughts and how it's been going for you! I also think it's important to eat lots of delicious food but staying active is equally important. it's always a relief to hear how others are going through similar experiences, and we are not alone. the foods you eat look healthy AND delicious and seeing you move around a lot is also motivating! wishing you a healthy life
I’m so happy that your present self feels in a better shape than your September 2021 eyol 🥺 I’m a subscriber who’s with you in this process of bettering oneself! Love from chile!
저두 요즘 스트레스를 음식으로 풀었는데,,,살만 찌는게 아니라 역류성식도염 증상도 생기고 붓기도 안빠지고 속은 항상 더부룩하고 결국엔 우울해지더라구요ㅜㅡㅜ 그래서 살빼기는 차치하고 일단 건강하자! 싶어서 커피는 아메리카노만+한끼는 꼭 샐러드나 건강식+매일 한시간반씩 걷기 하는중인데 체중과 정신건강 모두 차차 돌아오는 중이에요🥺🥺 제가 오랫동안 응원해왔고 앞으로도 응원할 이욜님도 화이팅🖤
I've been struggling with my weight since I was young, I lost a lot of weight 5 years ago and managed to keep it off.. but when the pandemic started I stayed indoors for so long I gained weight again... now I'm slowly trying to manage my weight 😭🥲 let's gooo be healthy this year 🚶🚶
Hey eyol, Thanks so much for sharing your diary with us. I am your regular viewer and loves all your videos and also try to make almost all your recipes. However, for the last two years during the covid era, I also started focusing more on eating to reduce my anxiety and in doing so I also gained a weight of about 10 kgs. I started healthy eating and exercise almost at the same time as you. However, seeing your videos and other YT videos I often wondered ''Do they have some special metabolism, or is it just me?''. So watching today's video gave me a sense of relief that there are other people out there who are also dealing with the same scenario as me. Also what we see through your videos is just 10 mins or 15 mins of your life and one should not judge based on that. Love you
Hope you had a good Lunar New Year with family and I always find it nice to get back home though. Take care and stay safe despite the increase of COVID cases in Korea.
i did my first workout in a long while yesterday. we both have similar lazy lifestyle before, and i have been wanting to change that for god knows how long. this year i have the biggest exam for high schoolers in my country. i must get my life together to achieve excellent results and get a good scholarship bcs my family does not come from money. thank you eyol for taking us a part of your journey. i became more motivated knowing that someone i am familiar is out there doing this with me.
저는 수능 끝나고 피티 끊어놓고 변한 게 하나도 없는데.. 돈만 땅바닥에 버린 격 ㅠㅠ.. 오늘 이야기 듣고 나니까 반성도 되고 의지도 다시 차고 그르네요 30회 중에 이제 절반 남았으니까 힘내서 불태워 볼게요 영상에 나오는 식단도 참고하고!! 항상 좋은 영향 감사합니다 ㅎㅅㅎ
Wow that little segment about weight and food hit home. I've been trying to lose weight myself since last year as well, and it was going pretty solid. But in the final months of 2021, I was struck with an illness, and throughout the process of getting treated for it, I've gained back about half of what I lost so far. It really did a blow to my mental health, because my relationship with food was also kind of ruined at that point. Restricting myself unnecessarily, but I also struggle with overeating at times. I just wanted to do whatever I could do to be skinny. I now know that's not the way to do it, but that doesn't make it any easier. Feels good to be seen in a sense.
I totally understand you. This year I'm trying to get out of those bad habits and came up with something that I think works really well. Intead of trying to force yourself to do everything at once, make a list of things you can do and try to do once each week.
For example: This week I will have a healthy breakfast everyday.
Next week I'll workout 4 times (and continue the goal from last week too)
Etc etc.
It makes it so much easier and with this work you're doing it makes you want to stick with it!
This is also a great way for me to slowly improve my diet without actually "going on a diet"
Good luck!
Thank you for trusting us with this. It's really hard to share ones thoughts online, especially if the topic is as fragile as self-confidence and happiness. I'm really proud of you and watching you become a better version of yourself is extremely motivating. Please continue to be happy, exercise and be healthy, not for your subscribers to see but for you to feel good with yourself. We'll always love you Eyol, remember that!!
hi eyol, thank you for sharing your story with us!! I'm really glad and proud of you for getting yourself into a healthy diet. As a someone who's also struggling with weight, I too always consume something sweet whenever I'm stressed and anxious and gain weight which leads to more stressful days. I hope you continue to share your journey with us because I'd love to watch every single of it.
I'm really proud of your process, I love how you are keeping this journey mainly for your health! thank you for sharing your sincerity with us
운동은 진짜 몸과 마음에 좋은 변화를 주는거 같아요. 이욜님 영상 보고 느끼는게 많았어요😊 저도 올해는 다시 운동 시작하려구요 ㅎㅎ 이욜님 항상 건강하고 행복하세요❤️
흰동이님도 항상 행복하셔야 해요~~💙
진짜 먹을때는 행복하지만 적당히 맛있게 먹어야지 행복한게 맞는 것 같아요,,,,,,,도를 지나쳐 많이 먹게 되면 먹을 당시엔 행복하지만 그 뒤에
후폭풍+현타가 장난이 라니라는거ㅓ…하ㅏ하
저도 먹는걸로 스트레스 푸는걸 너무 좋아하거든요 근데 먹고나서 살이찌니까 더 스트레스고 내 자존감을 더 떨어뜨리더라고요😭 그때의 기분은 정말 이루 말할수 없이 불쾌한,,,근데 진짜 운동 열심히 하고 건강식 먹으면서 좋은 생활습관 유지하고 이러면 자존감도 진짜 많이 올라가더라고요,,,!!, 이욜님 말씀 진짜 너무 공감가요 이욜님 부지런한것도 본받고싶고요,,! 앞으로도 건강하고 활기찬 이욜님 해주새여❤️ 8월에 독일가서도 화이팅 해요
어렸을때부터 너무 마른거아니냐는 이야기를 주변에서 들으면서 자라왔고 바지를 사러 가면 다 너무 커서 허리에 맞는 바지를 찾기가 어려울 정도였어요. 항상 올해는 운동해야지 운동해야지 해놓고도 선뜻 시작 못하겠더라구요. 이욜님 영상보고 나니까 '아 내가 못한게 아니라 안한거였구나.' 이런생각이 들었어요. 자극받아서 지금 당장부터 홈트시작하고 헬스장 끊으러 갑니다...!
요새 자주 올라와서 너모 좋아요…! 어떻게 갑자기 이렇게 많이 올려주시게 된 건지는 모르겠지만 이래주시면 저야 압도적 감사…❤️
I paused the video to say this after you shared the contents of your diary.
I’ve noticed that you’ve been on a health journey and I want to tell you that it has inspired me to be better and to do the same.
I had always been severely overweight, but in 2015, I managed to get to my ideal weight. I got married and in 2020, I had a baby and gained some weight. It wasn’t much, but to me who is afraid to go back to what I was, it was a disaster. Then I moved to a new country in July 2021 and the stress and loneliness made me turn to food and I gained even more weight. I have been so depressed and trying drastic measures with no result. Seeing your videos reminded me of how simple it should be. Eat healthy, eat regularly, and try to move.
I’ve been doing better and you are part of that, so thank you ❤️
Hi @noorieboorie :) reducing body weight is not a goal but getting a healthy body is a priority. Don't forget your mental happiness as well. Hoping you getting a better life soon !!! Fighting
@@seokneesa2086 thank you for your kind words 😊
운동은 정말 중요한 것 같아요 자세 틀어져서 병원 다니는데 모두 다 운동부족에서 시작된 것 같아서 운동 끊었어요 ㅜㅜ 이욜님 항상 응원할게요 솔직한 영상 올려주셔서 감사해요
이욜님 혹시 영상속 다이어리 어디서 구매하셨는지 알 수 있을까요?
i loved your little story time!! i personally resonate with most of the things u experienced/felt. recently my eating habits have made me feel really bad about myself but seeing how u approach dieting so healthily rly inspires me to do the same :’) 🤍
eyol-nim, i really love your way of writing in the diary. the sentences that u use are so interesting/mature, like i can never think of bringing it out into words like yours. also im so proud of u 🥺❤ thank u for your hardwork 🥰
꾸준한 운동을 시작했다는 거 정말 대단한 일이라고 생각해요! 역시 운동 하면 몸도 마음도 건강해지는 기분이 드는 건 확실한데 꾸준히 하기가 왜이렇게 힘든지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ 이욜님 대단해요 정말😉 영상으로 다이어트에 대해 이렇게 진지하게 얘기를 담기가 쉽지는 않으셨을 거라고 생각 하는데 이욜님의 진지한 토크🗣 덕분에 또다시 의지가 생기기 시작했어요!!! 같이 건강한 생활 해보아요🤍 쓰다보니 말이 너무 길어졌네융 ,, 아무튼 올해도 화이팅합시당🧸
I just hope you will have a healthy mind and be happy every day. As long as you are 😊 happy. Love ur vlog. 💗
이욜님 브이로그 발견한지는 얼마 되지 않았지만 항상 특유의 감성 아껴보고 있어요 ㅎㅎ 저도 브이로그 시작해볼까 결심하게 된 계기셔요!
요즘 영상 자주 올라와서 너무 좋아요ㅠㅜ우울한 일이 많았는데 이욜님 영상으로 힐링하고 가요🐰
Thank you so much for the real talk and for being so vulnerable. You’re so incredibly mature, being able to do your own reflection and eventually deal with your troubles… Really appreciated you sharing this bit which is so outside of what you normally film. ❤️ Good on you!
아 요즘 이욜님 브이로그 자주 올라와서 너무 좋아요~~~
힐링,목소리, 배경까지 모든게 완벽하다 ㅎ
뭘먹든 안먹든 다이어트란 생각 만으로 스트레스 받는데 대단해요 다이어트 화이팅🔥
일기에 먹 고싶은거 적어두신 이욜님도 너무귀엽고~ 운동하는 거 동경하시는 이욜님도 멋지고.....귀엽고 멋지고ㅜ다해다해💕
요즘영상을 자주올려주시니너무좋네욤 운동이좋긴하죠 ㅎ몸도가벼워지구ㅎㅎ
운동은 몸과 마음에 좋아해요. 사실 운동이 없었다면 저에게 코로나는 힘들었어요 이욜님 행복하세요!! 화이팅 💪
저도 요즘 운동하고 있는데 운동하면 마음가짐이 달라지는게 정말 있는것 같아요!! 영상 자주 올라오면 넘 행복합니당... 요즘 이욜님 유튜브 정주행하고 있어요ㅠㅠㅠ 알람뜨면 볼 생각에 넘 설레요,,, 자주 올려주세요♥️♥️
저는 댓글 읽을 생각에 넘 설렌답니다,,💙
수족냉증 심하시면 털실내화 추천드려요 저도 맨날 보온팩 달고 살았는데 귀찮아서 털실내화로 갈아탔어요 수면양말도 추천
저도 운동하기 전까지는 부정적이고 먹는 걸로 스트레스 풀고 받고 하다가 이대로는 안되겠다 싶어서 꾸준히 할 수 있는 운동 위주로 열심히 하다 보니 살도 빠지고 건강해지고 원하는 옷도 입을 수 있고 먹는 거에도 큰 스트레스 없이 조절하면서 먹으니 좋더라고요 그리고 정신적으로 여유가 생기니 저를 미워하던 저도 이젠 저를 너무 좋아하고 사랑하기도 하고요 :) 이렇게 솔직한 얘기를 할 수 있어서 좋았어요 이욜님도 저도 운동 꾸준히 해서 건강 챙기고 행복했으면 해요 오늘 하루 기분 좋게 보내셨으면 합니다! 영상 올려주셔서 감사해요❤
이욜님 요거트 더 간단하게 만드는 방법 우유 + 요거트 -> 전기밥솥 말고
마트에 단맛없는묽은요커트 1리터짜리 (서울우유꺼 6700원정도면 삽니다 ) 그럼 그릭으로 500그람정도 나와요
사서 면포에 붓고 위에 무거운거 올린후 유청만 빼고 먹으면 그릭 요거트 되요
그릭 요거트 3년간 만들면서 이 방법이 제일 간단합니다
Had a pretty long day with german but atleast my night's about to be good now, thank you for the upload💛
댓글 안다는데 정말 눈물날정도로 너무 공감돼요..코로나 때문에 일집일집만 하니까 먹는 낙으로만 살고..ㅠㅠㅠ너무 공감 영상도 너무 예뻐요 혹시 다이어리 어디서 구매했는지 알수있을까요?ㅠㅠ
아이패드 케이스 궁금해요❤️
밀렸던 영상 보는 중인데 항상 이욜님 요리하시는 거 보고 레시피 따라하고 있어요,, 전에 토달볶음밥도 한 번 해먹고 맛있어서 여러번 해먹었는데 담에 리조또도 도전해봐야겠어욤 ✨
운동 시작하시고 꾸준히 하시는 거 진짜 대단,, 저는 언제쯤 시작할 수 있을까요 🥲
운동 진짜 중요해요ㅠㅠ 삶의 질은 규칙적인 운동에서부터 시작되는 것 같아용! 몇 달 간 끊었던 운동을 얼마전에 다시 시작했는데 운동하고 왓다갔다하는 시간이 되게 즐겁더라고요 ㅎㅎ
23살의 이욜도 지금의 이욜도 이욜은 이욜!! 이욜 그 자체를 변함없이 응원하고 애정하니 속상해 하지 말고 더 좋은 변화 많이 있었음 좋겠네용💕
"the sheep is high", this literally made me smile, eyolnim. and that's probably the first smile I had on this entire day. thankyou for that
4:23 저 양 저거.. 너무 탐나요.. 저거 이름이 뭐였지.. 무튼 너무 탐나요.. 저 정보좀 주시면 안될까여..? 🤍
저도 궁금해요!!!!!!!!… 숀더쉽이에요~~!!! 링크 요깄슴당
@@eyollog 감사합니당!!!
i love yor vlog and the way you editing your video and it's make me to film right now soooo relaxing ,,
a little random but your handwriting is so pretty!! 이욜님 브이로그 너무 잘 보고있어~
I'm so happy you upload videos frequently❤❤
많이 공감 하고 갑니다ㅠㅠ저는 대학교 졸업학년이 됐을 때 코로나가 터지고 졸업 후부터 취준으로 집에만 있다보니 진짜 역대 최대의 몸무게를 찍었더라고요.. 자심감이 떨어지고 불안할수록 자꾸 디저트를 찾게 되고..ㅎㅎ보다 못한 부모님이 필라테스를 끊어주셔서 지금 다니는 중인데 운동을 하고 있으면 몸뿐만 아니라 정신도 개운해지는 느낌이 들더라구요 ㅎㅎ
부모님들 마음은 다 똑같은가봐요.. 저도 오랜만에 한국에 갈때면 진짜 별거별거 다 챙겨주시는데ㅠㅠ 갑자기 본가 가고싶습니다ㅠ 부럽네요ㅜㅜ
I think you should try wasabi mayo for rice bowl + salad with fried kale. It's super gooddd
5분스킵 절대 하지말것!!!!!❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥너무 공감되는 내용이에요😭
이욜님 항상 잘 챙겨보고 이쏘요 ㅎㅎ
책상 정보 알 수 있을까요?
congratulations on your effort! I'm sure your past self is already very proud of who you have become today. take care of yourself and stay healthy 🥺❤️
I also gradually gained weight, around 10kg, in the past 2 years. Lately, I've been receiving a lot of comments implying that I've become really fat, from the people around me and now I don't even feel like taking photos of myself anymore. However, I can't control myself and even today, I binge ate a lot of unhealthy food and beverages due to the stresses which've been stockpiled.
Anyways, I really appreciate you for sharing your process with us in this vlog. I feel extremely relatable and motivated after watching. From now on, I'm also going to work on changing myself to a better version of me. Much thanks to you, Eyol!
let's work on this together!! I'll be rooting for you🤍
안녕하세요:) 저랑 비슷한 나이대에 제가 자취 시작할 즈음 이욜님의 영상을 보기 시작한게 벌써 2년이 되어가네요. 제가 처음 자취고 독립이라 어떻게 살아야할지 막막해서 이욜님 밥먹는 영상에 레시피 막 참고하고 그랬던 때가 엊그제 같은데..시간이 너무 빠른것 같아요. 저도 코로나시대로 한번도 살이 쪄본적이 없다고 생각했는데 어느순간 지나보니 과체중이 되어있더라구요. 작년부터 시작해서 꾸준히 헬스를 다녔는데 원하던 목표체중에 건강하게 도달했고, 또 그 다닌다는 행위 자체가 제게 큰 자존감과 습관을 형성해준것 같아요. 이욜님은 늘 모든걸 쉽게 체계적으로 해나가시는것 같아 늘 영상보며 동경하고 나도 저렇게 되고싶다고 생각했는데, 힘들었던 부분도 있으셨다니 더더욱 공감이 가고 위로를 받네요 ...어쩌면 이렇게 같이 성장하는 걸지 모르겠어요!비록 직접 얼굴을 보진 않았지만 사이버 친구처럼 같이 동고동락 하는 것 같아요ㅎㅎ 앞으로도 같이 성장하고 그 모습을 영상으로 꾸준히 보고싶어요~ 그럼 이만 댓글 처음 다는 2년차 욜리가 ...
욜님 저도 다이어리 정보 알 수 있을까요👀?
제가 친구들한테 이욜님 맨날 홍보하고다니면서 꼭 보라고 해서 같이 욜리된 친구도 생겼는데 오늘 브이로그 보고 조금 후회됐어요 왜냐면 이렇게 마음으로 구독자들과 소통하는 소중한 이욜님 영상 저만보고싶은데(뭔지알져) ... 하는 이기적인 생각이 문뜩 들었습니다 ㅎ.. 이욜님 영상을 보면 항상 따뜻한 감정이 남는거 같아서 너무 좋아요 .. 이욜님의 삶을 응원합니다 !!
Wow i really love ur motivation to stay healthy, and the fact you express your though in your diary. May i also ask where did you buy your diary?
다이어리 글씨체 너무 귀여워요🖤👍🏻
이렇게 자주올려주시면....사랑합니다♡
갹 신난다 자기전에 욜님영상 기분좋게 보고 자유:)
Congratulations on your journey towards a more loving, healthy self. It sure is inspiring. And yes, you should’ve added some salt to that risotto. Always add salt to savory dishes. It doesn’t mean they need to be salty, but you should add at least a bit.
I understand the comfort of food...seriously.. I gained 10 kg from comfort eating and now going on a diet with healthy mind. Cheer up and thanks for uploading!
I had to pause at the part you are talking heart to heart with us eyol. I have to say it, you are such an inspiring person to me and I love how you are always so honest to us but please dont be harsh on yourself. Your weight or height does not matter. Just be healthy and happy. Love you 🥰💜
이욜님♡ 피티는 몇회에 얼마로 끊으셨나용? 궁금해서 물어봐욥!!
I understand your anxiety, but then like you said I also admire people who live a healthy lifestyle. Looking at you, I also admire you. Hwaiting !!
Eyol, you are lovely, thank you for your sincere sharing. There are a lot of ways to love ourselves. Exercise is really a healthy way of it. I am sure you are not overweight, but when you can not fit in your previous clothes, it can get overwhelming. Going back to the same size before is very motivating. I am doing the same as you, loosing the 3 kgs I've gained during pandemic. I have short height therefore losing those 3 kgs really made a difference. It was nice to see another person miles away shares the same thoughts and process. Thank you again! You are lovely!
떠먹는 고구마 피자 만들어주세요 🍠🍕
이욜님 요즘 자주 업로드 해주시니 너무 행복💓
이번주에 영상 많이 올라와서 좋네요ㅠ
hi eyol!! i really appreciate you speaking so honestly about your relationship with food and how you've been dieting to get healthy... its not easy to do, so i think this was very motivating to listen to and i feel very proud somehow haha,, i always enjoy your videos... 감사합니다 이욜님 !!!
I really like the way you film and edit eyol~😭❤️
Honestly I’ve been struggling with food and diet too but it was mostly due to my mental health than anything else. A while ago I told my family that I was at my worst mentally, so my mom got a gym membership for the both of us. Rather than trying to be healthy (physically) I feel a lot better mentally. I think trying to be healthier overall makes a big difference so I’m glad you mentioned how you’ve changed as a person too. I hope your health journey goes well!
You are much stronger than you think eyol and yollies are proud of you for having the courage to share your thoughts and content
운동과 식단 맘만 갖고 있는 1인인데... 이욜님 영상보고 자극받고 저도 담주부터 시작해봐야겠어요^^
We are all so proud of u ;;;;;;;;;; pls never stop making videos and keep inspiring people
thank you for sharing a little bit of your diary with us. I've also been struggling with my weight but I signed up for the gym a few days ago and I start next week on Monday. I know it will be pain the first week 😭 but it will be worth it.
I lost weight on 2020 (i am so happy and comfortable with this body since i lost most of my excessive fats), then gained weight last year --- which I purposely did at the start since a lot of people are saying that i look thinner that year. Now, I feel so down that i gained back the weight and fats, and not being able to wear what i want comfortably, even if its just jeans. It's a lesson learned for me to not listen on what other people say, especially that I know that I am happy and healthy. So I am taking this vlog as my sign to push myself on exercising, wishing that my future self would also thank this version of me on working for myself.
share us ur skincare routine queen
WAHHH! Another vlog?! you’re so hardworking eyol
7:00 저도 식겁했어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ조심해요 그대 다치면 나 울다가 빠져죽어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
저도 욜님하도 비슷한 상황이였어요 ㅎ.. 12월초부터 피티 시작햇구 시작한 이유는 항상 과체중이였던 저에게 큰 전환점을 하나 만들어주고싶어서 시작했다는!..
열심히 알바해서 번 돈으로 하니까 의지도 더 불타고 개인운동하러 매일가는 제 모습을 보니까 저도 신기하더라구요,, 같이 더 파이팅!!
thanks for sharing something so personal, it must have been hard for you. I wish you all the best and i am very proud of you!
Congratulations! Your journey to better health is inspiring! Keep up the great work!!!!
I think I can relate to your weight journey because this is something I had faced around 3-3.5 yrs back
I hated looking at myself in the mirror, and I hated myself in the pictures.
Now I'm in a much better place, i workout regularly, i don't diet as much as I did, I just try to eat healthy on a regular basis.
But the most important outcome of this journey was not me looking good but it was how I started loving myself and my body again 💜
I wish you the same and really happy you decided to share this with us .
one's relationship with food, activity, health in general can be so complicated and covid has definitely shed a light on that for many of us. to be honest I admire you for sharing your thoughts and how it's been going for you! I also think it's important to eat lots of delicious food but staying active is equally important. it's always a relief to hear how others are going through similar experiences, and we are not alone. the foods you eat look healthy AND delicious and seeing you move around a lot is also motivating! wishing you a healthy life
I’m so happy that your present self feels in a better shape than your September 2021 eyol 🥺
I’m a subscriber who’s with you in this process of bettering oneself! Love from chile!
ngl i cried watching this 😭 im honestly really really so proud of you 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Your videos cure my depression hahah
저두 요즘 스트레스를 음식으로 풀었는데,,,살만 찌는게 아니라 역류성식도염 증상도 생기고 붓기도 안빠지고 속은 항상 더부룩하고 결국엔 우울해지더라구요ㅜㅡㅜ
그래서 살빼기는 차치하고 일단 건강하자! 싶어서 커피는 아메리카노만+한끼는 꼭 샐러드나 건강식+매일 한시간반씩 걷기 하는중인데 체중과 정신건강 모두 차차 돌아오는 중이에요🥺🥺 제가 오랫동안 응원해왔고 앞으로도 응원할 이욜님도 화이팅🖤
둉동님도 항상 응원할게요💜
Yeaay another video from eyol~nim 🙌💜
몸도 마음도 건강이 최고 ...! 이욜쓰 암데도 아프지말어 ...
크림리조또 할 때 자그마한 꿀팁이라면 생크림 대신 우유로 할 시에 체다치즈(네모난치즈) 한 장+맛소금 또는 허브솔트 팍팍!! 넣는 게 맛있어요 ㅎㅡㅎ 그렇다고 너무 팍팍은 말구 .. 적당히 ..ㅎㅎ!
꿀팁 감사합니다 🍯
I've been struggling with my weight since I was young, I lost a lot of weight 5 years ago and managed to keep it off.. but when the pandemic started I stayed indoors for so long I gained weight again... now I'm slowly trying to manage my weight 😭🥲 let's gooo be healthy this year 🚶🚶
이욜~~~~~~(엉니~~) 욜리가 응원혀~~~~~~~~
Hey eyol,
Thanks so much for sharing your diary with us. I am your regular viewer and loves all your videos and also try to make almost all your recipes. However, for the last two years during the covid era, I also started focusing more on eating to reduce my anxiety and in doing so I also gained a weight of about 10 kgs. I started healthy eating and exercise almost at the same time as you. However, seeing your videos and other YT videos I often wondered ''Do they have some special metabolism, or is it just me?''. So watching today's video gave me a sense of relief that there are other people out there who are also dealing with the same scenario as me. Also what we see through your videos is just 10 mins or 15 mins of your life and one should not judge based on that.
Love you
I’m so inspired by this video ⭐️ I also gained a lot of weight during the pandemic. I hope you can release a recipe book , cooking for one.
I gained 10kg since last year, your lifestyle definitely inspired me a lot, im gonna loose some weight too! Love your vids ❤
Your videos are so calming 💞💞💞
Really in love with your sharing session 😍 thank you for sharing your on diet journey with us! ❤
The consistency 🥺
I hope you can become the person you wanted to be. Eating healthy feels great right? Thanks for sharing your story. Have a nice day bye🖤
Hope you had a good Lunar New Year with family and I always find it nice to get back home though. Take care and stay safe despite the increase of COVID cases in Korea.
i did my first workout in a long while yesterday. we both have similar lazy lifestyle before, and i have been wanting to change that for god knows how long. this year i have the biggest exam for high schoolers in my country. i must get my life together to achieve excellent results and get a good scholarship bcs my family does not come from money. thank you eyol for taking us a part of your journey. i became more motivated knowing that someone i am familiar is out there doing this with me.
이욜님 마지막 엔딩 손그림 장면 선정 포인트가 궁금해여~!
음 그리기 쉽겠다 싶은거나 제가 제 영상 보면서 그냥 꽂히는 부분을 그려요!! 딱히 별 생각하면서 고르진 않아요 허허
Hi eyol! What cooker do you use? Is that powered by electricity?
Thank you for sharing these segments of your life with us and giving strength to people who go through similar situations.👏🏼❤️
죄송하지만 불쌍한 수족냉증러들에게 4:26 천사같은 염소의 구매처를 알 수 있을까요…?
요 제품이에요~!!! 전 사실 귀여워서 저 제품으로 산거긴한데 아무래도 솜인형 같은걸로 둘러싼거라 수족냉증에는 조금 더 얇은 커버가 효과적입니다,,⭐️파쉬 물주머니 검색하면 많이 나올거에요!
@@eyollog 헐 답장 해주시다니 사랑해요.. 감사합니다!!!
저는 수능 끝나고 피티 끊어놓고 변한 게 하나도 없는데.. 돈만 땅바닥에 버린 격 ㅠㅠ.. 오늘 이야기 듣고 나니까 반성도 되고 의지도 다시 차고 그르네요 30회 중에 이제 절반 남았으니까 힘내서 불태워 볼게요 영상에 나오는 식단도 참고하고!! 항상 좋은 영향 감사합니다 ㅎㅅㅎ