@@minners71 Stephen Fry doesn't need anyone feeding Latin to him through an earpiece. He has actually done shows where he has spoken Latin, such as Blackadder Back and Forth.
It's not true anyway - it's based on the legend of Pope Joan (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Joan) who did not exist as far as anyone can tell and the new pope is not checked for testicles. Sorry, Giles.
@@Muritaipet No, it was a continuation of the Monty Python reference. (Life of Brian) Where Brian is writing anti Roman graffiti on a wall and a Centurion catches him, but then proceeds to correct his Latin and makes him write it out 100 times.
Well, to be fair with words like: "testiculus" and "pendente" it's not difficult to work out what it meant, at least for the speaker of a European language.
I'm French and although I briefly had Latin lessons at school several decades ago, I didn't find it difficult to understand without the need for translation
@@carnifexzer0 That’s not true! My hometown is/was a shit’ole! Everywhere I have lived has been dodgy in one way or another. This year, finally, I shall be moving to a nice place. The only trouble is that it is quite a small village, and I hate gossips... I lived in a village once before, I managed six months before moving again.
You're not gonna let it lie are you. 😂 Anyway Dara got his points back. Then they took them away for something wrong that he said from another episode. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@@Ngamotu83 It's not JUST a comedy show, they do care about getting things right. The questions and answers prepared by the production team are generally pretty well researched. This slipped by because it came from a guest, so couldn't be checked beforehand.
Doubt anyone will read this but Plato being the broad shouldered man he was, was also good at wresting. Man wouldn't just slam you in a debate he'd body slam you too.
Stephen drops the ball a little on the Latin on this one. Although we have come to accept a ‘subspecies’ being a direct relative of another, in its original Latin ‘sub’ just means ‘close to’ so subbuteo is technically correct, as it means ‘close to a buzzard’ it is, as you say, a member of the falconidae family of the order falconiformes: the falcon.
Exactly, the hobby is in a totally different order (Falconiformes) to the buzzard (Accipitrifomes), but Stephen seems suggest that the former is a "sub" type of the former.
@@johnmh1000 Oh, absolutely. It brings a level of knowledge to the public in a way that sticks because it’s fun I would now argue blind about roughly 20% of my knowledge purely because of QI but, like most things in life, if you know something is slightly inaccurate, you kinda have a duty to say. The intent was never to come across as ‘I know more than you’ or be arrogant, just sometimes information needs clarification so that people like me who take that 20% knowledge and run with it are being completely accurate
It is indeed, as is the papal testicles bit. But all the best urban legends are told with absolute authority on panel shows (well.. usually pubs, but same thing)
Love this show. Funny while also mildly educational. It's like an adult version of the PBS programs they had when I was a child: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Bill Nye, the Kratt Brothers Wildlife Show, etc.
Oh wow, I've been binging QI videos for the past week and just noticed all the comments here are within the last 40 minutes. Looks like I've fully caught up, then!
Actually, the hobby is a species of falcon, not a subspecies of buzzard. It's scientific name is Falco subbuteo, meaning "near-buzzard". If anyone knows why it's named that, please say so because I have no idea whether it's because they share territories with buzzards or merely resemble them.
The Vatican certainly makes a suspiciously thorough effort in PR to sustain the idea that it was just folklore. It reminds me of a certain lame duck American president always saying "fake news" and getting his millions of loyal cultists to repeat the same. I wonder then what the official reason (for the actual long-time ritual) given by the church happens to be.
@@puirYorick "I wonder then what the official reason (for the actual long-time ritual) given by the church happens to be." Before you proceed, get off the floor where you fell flat on your face because you missed the first step: establishing whether that ritual exists or ever existed. 'It reminds me of a certain lame duck American president always saying "fake news" and getting his millions of loyal cultists to repeat the same.' Do you know who first came up with that phrase? The left. And consider the following statements carefully. "Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true-except for the rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge." -Knoll's Law of Media Accuracy (Erwin Knoll, editor, "The Progressive") "...it was the first time that I had seen a person whose profession was telling lies-unless one counts journalists." -George Orwell, "Homage to Catalonia" (1938)
@@JimC The current pope has publicly stated during his own ceremony that he elected to stop the ritual and greet his brothers on his feet (not in the inspection seat as before). As for the rest of your diatribe - I elect not to follow you on some ritual sword-fencing exercise. Do feel free to carry on by yourself...
I love the Latin misunderstanding...and my fellow working class bloke looking on and thinking 'what are they on about'? It reminds me of the Life of Brian...'The Roman he go the house...?!' xD
Stephen needs to have metaphorical points taken from him for accepting that story. Pope Joan is like Robin Hood - a romantic legend invented a long time after the time it supposedly happened. In this case the story first appears in the 13th century but describes a female pope in the 11th century. Funny how no one in the 11th century never noticed her yet someone 200 years later has all the details. Likewise the so-called testicle ritual does not occur despite the legion of bar room know-it-alls retelling the story. I can imagine it coming from the mouth of Cliff Clavin in Cheers.
There is no evidence of Pope Joan from the time she was supposedly around, although it looks as though the Church 400 years later thought she really had existed. John Julius Norwich’s book on the history of the Popes thinks that it was a rumour that got out of hand
@@RealOrbit-Australia I'm an atheist for the record so I don't believe any of the magical stuff but there is more than enough evidence to say that he existed, was a Jewish teacher, and was executed by the Romans.
@@CharlieHolmesT yea like Tacitus 100 years after his death....but go on. This is a topic I've researched immensely. Id like someone to show me solid non biblical evidence of Jesus existing
@@RealOrbit-Australia "There is no definitive physical or archaeological evidence of the existence of Jesus. “There’s nothing conclusive, nor would I expect there to be,” Mykytiuk says. “Peasants don’t normally leave an archaeological trail.” “The reality is that we don’t have archaeological records for virtually anyone who lived in Jesus’s time and place,” says University of North Carolina religious studies professor Bart D. Ehrman, author of Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth. “The lack of evidence does not mean a person at the time didn’t exist. It means that she or he, like 99.99% of the rest of the world at the time, made no impact on the archaeological record.”" Unless you are happy with non biblical docs in which case you have Tacitus as you mention "As a Roman historian, Tacitus did not have any Christian biases in his discussion of the persecution of Christians by Nero, says Ehrman. “Just about everything he says coincides-from a completely different point of view, by a Roman author disdainful of Christians and their superstition-with what the New Testament itself says: Jesus was executed by the governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, for crimes against the state, and a religious movement of his followers sprang up in his wake.” “When Tacitus wrote history, if he considered the information not entirely reliable, he normally wrote some indication of that for his readers,” Mykytiuk says in vouching for the historical value of the passage. “There is no such indication of potential error in the passage that mentions Christus.”" Or maybe a jewish historian "The first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who according to Ehrman “is far and away our best source of information about first-century Palestine,” twice mentions Jesus in Jewish Antiquities, his massive 20-volume history of the Jewish people that was written around 93 A.D. Thought to have been born a few years after the crucifixion of Jesus around 37 A.D., Josephus was a well-connected aristocrat and military leader in Palestine who served as a commander in Galilee during the first Jewish Revolt against Rome between 66 and 70 A.D. Although Josephus was not a follower of Jesus, “he was around when the early church was getting started, so he knew people who had seen and heard Jesus,” Mykytiuk says. " Or maybe another roman. "Shortly before Tacitus penned his account of Jesus, Roman governor Pliny the Younger wrote to Emperor Trajan that early Christians would “sing hymns to Christ as to a god.” Some scholars also believe Roman historian Suetonius references Jesus in noting that Emperor Claudius had expelled Jews from Rome who “were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus.” Ehrman says this collection of snippets from non-Christian sources may not impart much information about the life of Jesus, “but it is useful for realizing that Jesus was known by historians who had reason to look into the matter. No one thought he was made up.”" Babylonian Talmud. "There are only a few clear references to Jesus in the Babylonian Talmud, a collection of Jewish rabbinical writings compiled between approximately A.D. 70-500. Given this time frame, it is naturally supposed that earlier references to Jesus are more likely to be historically reliable than later ones. In the case of the Talmud, the earliest period of compilation occurred between A.D. 70-200.{20} The most significant reference to Jesus from this period states: On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald . . . cried, “He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy.”{21} Let’s examine this passage. You may have noticed that it refers to someone named “Yeshu.” So why do we think this is Jesus? Actually, “Yeshu” (or “Yeshua”) is how Jesus’ name is pronounced in Hebrew. But what does the passage mean by saying that Jesus “was hanged”? Doesn’t the New Testament say he was crucified? Indeed it does. But the term “hanged” can function as a synonym for “crucified.” For instance, Galatians 3:13 declares that Christ was “hanged”, and Luke 23:39 applies this term to the criminals who were crucified with Jesus.{22} So the Talmud declares that Jesus was crucified on the eve of Passover. But what of the cry of the herald that Jesus was to be stoned? This may simply indicate what the Jewish leaders were planning to do.{23} If so, Roman involvement changed their plans!{24} From a Greek satirist. "Lucian of Samosata was a second century Greek satirist. In one of his works, he wrote of the early Christians as follows: The Christians . . . worship a man to this day-the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account. . . . [It] was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws.{27} Although Lucian is jesting here at the early Christians, he does make some significant comments about their founder. For instance, he says the Christians worshipped a man, “who introduced their novel rites.” And though this man’s followers clearly thought quite highly of Him, He so angered many of His contemporaries with His teaching that He “was crucified on that account.” Although Lucian does not mention his name, he is clearly referring to Jesus. But what did Jesus teach to arouse such wrath? According to Lucian, he taught that all men are brothers from the moment of their conversion. That’s harmless enough. But what did this conversion involve? It involved denying the Greek gods, worshipping Jesus, and living according to His teachings. " www.history.com/news/was-jesus-real-historical-evidence probe.org/ancient-evidence-for-jesus-from-non-christian-sources-2/ TLDR Considering the people who would have benefited most from saying Jesus didn't exist, the Roman and Jewish establishments, acknowledge his existence while calling him a trickster and a fraud. I think it's reasonable to think he probably did exist. If the USSR didn't say the moon landing was a hoax it probably wasn't. If the Romans and the Jews say Jesus existed he probably did.
@@CharlieHolmesT so your long winded argument is that he existed correct? Well impressive passage you wrote there and obviously someone would need to fact check all those sources to see if what you say is indeed as it seems before confirming. I will say however you are wrong on people not being documented especially if they had such an impact as someone of Jesus's calibre would have had. People were also recorded when they were crucified and Jesus of Nazareth does not show. Being a person of Greek descent where Greek was the language that people used to communicate with each other across different cultures and knowing what I know about how diligently places, events, people have been documented in Greek from the beginning of time I have also conducted research in many Greek texts (Greek was the language of the new testament) and outside of any religious writings there was no mention of Jesus. So each to their own I guess
And there I've been all these years imagining Subbuteo was a corruption of "It's a beauty-o!" that might be exclaimed in admiration of a well executed goal. I always thought it was a bit lame though 😆
Have you listened to Something Rhymes With Orange? It's a podcast featuring Brandreth and Suzy Dent from Countdown. They discuss the etymology of words.
That ending really needs mixing up a bit. After the second time it's tedious (but if I don't watch to the end youtube keeps 'offering' it to me as partially watched).
Researched a bit & there are several versions of the Pope Joan story including whether it's at all true as well as details of the examination. The spelling I found for the phrase, if anyone wants it: Testiculos habet et bene pendentes
when you have reached the million pound / dollar / euro / yen question ,on who wants to be a millionaire , and its " which bird is related to a table top football game? " ....you will thank your grandfather :)
While listening to little boys, as I, a little girl, the same age, behind the bushes, the boys were talking of having two balls. I in all of my want to befriend and impress them said, “ Well my brother has three.” We laugh about it now.
I'm probably the only one here who is more concerned about Fry calling a hobby a buzzard (it's a falcon) then Gyle's story about the pope's intimates... :P (In fairness, the Hobby's binomial is *Falco subbuteo* however, so that bit's not wrong)
In the UK, they use the term "buzzard" to describe what people in North America would call "hawks." As an American, someone says "buzzard" and I automatically picture a vulture.
@@timmadison5410 No, that's not the case. In the UK, "buzzard" refers to one particular species, the common buzzard, _Buteo buteo._ What you actually mean is that, of the birds in the _Buteo_ genus, the ones in North America are called a something hawk (e.g., the red-tailed hawk and the feruginous hawk), whereas the ones in the rest of the world are called a something buzzard (e.g., the common buzzard and the Himalayan buzzard).
A very entertaining and informative show. Stephen Fry & Gyles Brandreth are always good value for money. Unfortunately not all shows of this type are as good as this one.
The best pope story happens to this day. The last pope is on view until the new pope dies then the new pope lies in St.Peters in view until the next one dies.
thats funny , i learnt that by watching the video .......5 minutes later , you state the same .....who am i to believe QI or you ? ..........................*thinks*............
Pope Joan never existed. It seems the legend is possibly based on the existence of two ancient stone chairs with holes in the seats that dated from the Roman era and were almost certainly used due to tradition though their original purpose is obscure. In a seventeenth-century study, historian David Blondel argued that 'Pope Joan' is a fictitious story that may have been satire that came to be believed as reality. This view is generally accepted among historians. If a pope had dropped a sprog in a high street, the religious would have taken it as some kind of miracle rather than stoning a pope to death over it.
Well, it's also a bit of an urban legend. There's no historical evidence that Pope Joan actually existed, and the ceremony described doesn't occur. What's more, I don't think testicles are actually required. You have to be male, but I do think a eunuch could qualify.
I get wanting to check (though it ruins the premise for another Mulan type movie), but it seemed like they were getting into it quite a bit with the well hung part.
Nobody likes a spoil a good story ....but, Today it is generally agreed that Joan did not exist. Modern scholars carefully traced all of the stories about Joan and the historical timeline, confirming that it would be impossible for her to have ruled. The Oxford Dictionary of Popes says there is no evidence of the female pope, however, it does acknowledge that for centuries Catholics believed in her existence. Another key reason for the common belief Joan is a work of fiction is that none of the church’s enemies mention Joan. When they talk about the popes they are trying to conquer in their letters and books, they only mention Benedict and Leo, never John (or Joan).
Besides the rubbish Gyles is talking about: Obviously, Plato wasn't called Plato by his friends or contemporaries more general. He was called Platon. Plato is the latinized version.
This is a great story, but buzzards and hobbys are not related since the former is effectively a small eagle and the latter is a falcon. Not even close!
Oh wow. The conversations that Gyles and Stephen could, and probably have, had... Look up Gyles Qi episode with Sandi as the host. His stories are remarkable and in depth. He is a fantastic orator.
It is unfortunate that that wonderful story about the Pope's testicles is almost certainly untrue. I recommend the Vatican adopt the practice from henceforth.
It is NOT pronounced Aris-tottle. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. Take it from Telly Savalas, AKA the man with the lollipop solving crimes in NYC. He says he is called "Telly" because the correct pronunciation of his name is Telly as a nick name for his real name Ah-risto-telly-is. Aristotelis Savalas. So there! Straight from the mouth a real Greek.
People, people, people - rest ye! Nothing on this show has to be accurate, important, patriotically-correct, morally uplifting, or religiously significant. It merely has to be Quite Interesting. Rumours, hearsay, bullshit and lies are all valid and valued contributions, as are sneaky attempts to be a smartarse as long as it's done with flair and provides a giggle. Q.I. is just a bit of fun. And... ... ... relax.
Of course Stephen immediately knows the Latin translation of the pope story. I love it.
Probably something to do with the information being fed to him through his earpiece.
@@minners71 It's really not that hard, I understood it and my Latin is probably nowhere near as good as Stephen's.
@@minners71 why can’t you comprehend that people speak Latin? Do you speak only one language? I bet you do...
@@minners71 Or, you know, maybe the fact that he has a classical education and can speak Latin.
@@minners71 Stephen Fry doesn't need anyone feeding Latin to him through an earpiece. He has actually done shows where he has spoken Latin, such as Blackadder Back and Forth.
"He has balls and he's well hung?" was uttered with such incredulity. Almost felt like I was listening to Monty Python.
Stephen got it wrong, so maybe a centurion should have corrected him and made him write it out a hundred times on the nearest town wall!
@@Mark_Bickerton Or he'd cut his balls off?
Yeah it was just Fry's fantasy running wild
It's not true anyway - it's based on the legend of Pope Joan (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Joan) who did not exist as far as anyone can tell and the new pope is not checked for testicles. Sorry, Giles.
@@Muritaipet No, it was a continuation of the Monty Python reference. (Life of Brian) Where Brian is writing anti Roman graffiti on a wall and a Centurion catches him, but then proceeds to correct his Latin and makes him write it out 100 times.
My favourite part of this is Stephen not knowing anything about the Papal story but immediately undetstanding the latin.
But also not knowing that the Pope testicle story is a myth as is Pope Joan
Well, to be fair with words like: "testiculus" and "pendente" it's not difficult to work out what it meant, at least for the speaker of a European language.
I'm French and although I briefly had Latin lessons at school several decades ago, I didn't find it difficult to understand without the need for translation
Alan's face during the "display himself" story as just too good
To all non-Brits, Leighton Buzzard is a town in England
Also to those of us Brits who haven't memorised every town's name.
@@blandedgear9704 I thought british people were born with that knowledge
@@Kelly_C Nah, we're only born with the ability to call everywhere except your hometown a "Shit'ole"
That’s not true! My hometown is/was a shit’ole! Everywhere I have lived has been dodgy in one way or another. This year, finally, I shall be moving to a nice place. The only trouble is that it is quite a small village, and I hate gossips... I lived in a village once before, I managed six months before moving again.
thank you sir.
Alan’s expression at 2:55 makes it all worthwhile.
In light of Gyles' story being fictional, he ought to have points deducted the next time he's on QI, as happened to Dara O'Briain.
You're not gonna let it lie are you. 😂 Anyway Dara got his points back. Then they took them away for something wrong that he said from another episode. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@@darrengriffin8609 Hey, I know it's just a comedy show, but I'm not going to let the fecker get away with that. He got points for that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"'It's just a comedy quiz show, but I'm not letting that fecker get away with that!' *furiously types on keybaord*"
@@SekritJay With a bunch of laughy faces after it so, probably not too furious! 😆😆
@@Ngamotu83 It's not JUST a comedy show, they do care about getting things right. The questions and answers prepared by the production team are generally pretty well researched. This slipped by because it came from a guest, so couldn't be checked beforehand.
I have only seen Giles in the recent episodes, am I the only one who thinks he looks better now? His vibe just works better now that he’s older.
Please do a “Best of Giles Brandreth” - what a legend!
The video would be three days long, and we'd get through maybe six or seven anecdotes?
@@starjake you make an excellent point! 🤣
Doubt anyone will read this but Plato being the broad shouldered man he was, was also good at wresting. Man wouldn't just slam you in a debate he'd body slam you too.
A Hobby is a falcon not a buzzard. The Eurasian hobby is actually called Falco Subbuteo. Although the Latin for Buzzard is Buteo that is correct.
Stephen drops the ball a little on the Latin on this one. Although we have come to accept a ‘subspecies’ being a direct relative of another, in its original Latin ‘sub’ just means ‘close to’ so subbuteo is technically correct, as it means ‘close to a buzzard’ it is, as you say, a member of the falconidae family of the order falconiformes: the falcon.
Exactly, the hobby is in a totally different order (Falconiformes) to the buzzard (Accipitrifomes), but Stephen seems suggest that the former is a "sub" type of the former.
Well OK
But I for one remain impressed that despite those bloody great talons it can play football.
@@GioMarron Okay I take your point, but I'm still impressed with the general explanation of the word. Sort of thing that QI excels at.
Oh, absolutely. It brings a level of knowledge to the public in a way that sticks because it’s fun
I would now argue blind about roughly 20% of my knowledge purely because of QI but, like most things in life, if you know something is slightly inaccurate, you kinda have a duty to say. The intent was never to come across as ‘I know more than you’ or be arrogant, just sometimes information needs clarification so that people like me who take that 20% knowledge and run with it are being completely accurate
2:54 Alan’s face!!!
Despite many improvements in the industry, subbuteo is still widely recognized as superior to dubbuteo.
Very good, 5 points for that
I still think dombuteo is better
the pope joan thing is, alas, an urban legend; but a fun one.
It is indeed, as is the papal testicles bit. But all the best urban legends are told with absolute authority on panel shows (well.. usually pubs, but same thing)
So which of the eight popes called Urban started this myth?
@@thomascarroll9556 That's way too subtle and clever for a UA-cam comment! XD
Love this show. Funny while also mildly educational. It's like an adult version of the PBS programs they had when I was a child: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Bill Nye, the Kratt Brothers Wildlife Show, etc.
That’s a great way to describe it.
We can always count on Gyles to bring us random facts
Except, this one is wrong!! An early example of propaganda! The whole pope Joan existing is bull! I am not a Christian, just a believer in facts.
Or the fact the Steven translated latin without missing a beat
Random fiction*. He's always spouting some widely mocked urban legend.
Hmm, well regardless it was...Quite Interesting
Upon seeing the thumbnail for this video I knew there was going to be some anecdote from him.
Oh wow, I've been binging QI videos for the past week and just noticed all the comments here are within the last 40 minutes. Looks like I've fully caught up, then!
Actually, the hobby is a species of falcon, not a subspecies of buzzard. It's scientific name is Falco subbuteo, meaning "near-buzzard". If anyone knows why it's named that, please say so because I have no idea whether it's because they share territories with buzzards or merely resemble them.
Yes, we had hobby's all over where we lived.
Those and kestrels.
*its scientific name
@@Brinta3 ** Its scientific name #SkittsLaw
Seeing Gyles with hair is unnerving
It was nearly 20 years ago now.
Both "Pope Joan" and the testicle story are folklore, although there was a time (in the middle ages) when people believed the Pope Joan tale.
it sounded to good to be true
The Vatican certainly makes a suspiciously thorough effort in PR to sustain the idea that it was just folklore. It reminds me of a certain lame duck American president always saying "fake news" and getting his millions of loyal cultists to repeat the same.
I wonder then what the official reason (for the actual long-time ritual) given by the church happens to be.
The myth was likely linked to silver coins, known as deniers, containing a monogram of Pope Johannes, which to some meant Pope Joan existed.
@@puirYorick "I wonder then what the official reason (for the actual long-time ritual) given by the church happens to be."
Before you proceed, get off the floor where you fell flat on your face because you missed the first step: establishing whether that ritual exists or ever existed.
'It reminds me of a certain lame duck American president always saying "fake news" and getting his millions of loyal cultists to repeat the same.'
Do you know who first came up with that phrase? The left.
And consider the following statements carefully.
"Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true-except for the rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge."
-Knoll's Law of Media Accuracy (Erwin Knoll, editor, "The Progressive")
"...it was the first time that I had seen a person whose profession was telling lies-unless one counts journalists."
-George Orwell, "Homage to Catalonia" (1938)
@@JimC The current pope has publicly stated during his own ceremony that he elected to stop the ritual and greet his brothers on his feet (not in the inspection seat as before). As for the rest of your diatribe - I elect not to follow you on some ritual sword-fencing exercise. Do feel free to carry on by yourself...
I love the Latin misunderstanding...and my fellow working class bloke looking on and thinking 'what are they on about'? It reminds me of the Life of Brian...'The Roman he go the house...?!' xD
Can you please do a 'Best of Gyles Brandreth'?
+1 Yes please
That's just each episode he's on 😂
That reminds me of a funny story about my ancestor....
Will be a short clip.
Please don't.
Stephen needs to have metaphorical points taken from him for accepting that story. Pope Joan is like Robin Hood - a romantic legend invented a long time after the time it supposedly happened. In this case the story first appears in the 13th century but describes a female pope in the 11th century. Funny how no one in the 11th century never noticed her yet someone 200 years later has all the details. Likewise the so-called testicle ritual does not occur despite the legion of bar room know-it-alls retelling the story. I can imagine it coming from the mouth of Cliff Clavin in Cheers.
There is no evidence of Pope Joan from the time she was supposedly around, although it looks as though the Church 400 years later thought she really had existed. John Julius Norwich’s book on the history of the Popes thinks that it was a rumour that got out of hand
Like Jesus then...
@@RealOrbit-Australia I'm an atheist for the record so I don't believe any of the magical stuff but there is more than enough evidence to say that he existed, was a Jewish teacher, and was executed by the Romans.
@@CharlieHolmesT yea like Tacitus 100 years after his death....but go on. This is a topic I've researched immensely. Id like someone to show me solid non biblical evidence of Jesus existing
@@RealOrbit-Australia "There is no definitive physical or archaeological evidence of the existence of Jesus. “There’s nothing conclusive, nor would I expect there to be,” Mykytiuk says. “Peasants don’t normally leave an archaeological trail.”
“The reality is that we don’t have archaeological records for virtually anyone who lived in Jesus’s time and place,” says University of North Carolina religious studies professor Bart D. Ehrman, author of Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth. “The lack of evidence does not mean a person at the time didn’t exist. It means that she or he, like 99.99% of the rest of the world at the time, made no impact on the archaeological record.”"
Unless you are happy with non biblical docs in which case you have Tacitus as you mention "As a Roman historian, Tacitus did not have any Christian biases in his discussion of the persecution of Christians by Nero, says Ehrman. “Just about everything he says coincides-from a completely different point of view, by a Roman author disdainful of Christians and their superstition-with what the New Testament itself says: Jesus was executed by the governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, for crimes against the state, and a religious movement of his followers sprang up in his wake.”
“When Tacitus wrote history, if he considered the information not entirely reliable, he normally wrote some indication of that for his readers,” Mykytiuk says in vouching for the historical value of the passage. “There is no such indication of potential error in the passage that mentions Christus.”"
Or maybe a jewish historian "The first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who according to Ehrman “is far and away our best source of information about first-century Palestine,” twice mentions Jesus in Jewish Antiquities, his massive 20-volume history of the Jewish people that was written around 93 A.D.
Thought to have been born a few years after the crucifixion of Jesus around 37 A.D., Josephus was a well-connected aristocrat and military leader in Palestine who served as a commander in Galilee during the first Jewish Revolt against Rome between 66 and 70 A.D. Although Josephus was not a follower of Jesus, “he was around when the early church was getting started, so he knew people who had seen and heard Jesus,” Mykytiuk says. "
Or maybe another roman.
"Shortly before Tacitus penned his account of Jesus, Roman governor Pliny the Younger wrote to Emperor Trajan that early Christians would “sing hymns to Christ as to a god.” Some scholars also believe Roman historian Suetonius references Jesus in noting that Emperor Claudius had expelled Jews from Rome who “were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus.”
Ehrman says this collection of snippets from non-Christian sources may not impart much information about the life of Jesus, “but it is useful for realizing that Jesus was known by historians who had reason to look into the matter. No one thought he was made up.”"
Babylonian Talmud.
"There are only a few clear references to Jesus in the Babylonian Talmud, a collection of Jewish rabbinical writings compiled between approximately A.D. 70-500. Given this time frame, it is naturally supposed that earlier references to Jesus are more likely to be historically reliable than later ones. In the case of the Talmud, the earliest period of compilation occurred between A.D. 70-200.{20} The most significant reference to Jesus from this period states:
On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald . . . cried, “He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy.”{21}
Let’s examine this passage. You may have noticed that it refers to someone named “Yeshu.” So why do we think this is Jesus? Actually, “Yeshu” (or “Yeshua”) is how Jesus’ name is pronounced in Hebrew. But what does the passage mean by saying that Jesus “was hanged”? Doesn’t the New Testament say he was crucified? Indeed it does. But the term “hanged” can function as a synonym for “crucified.” For instance, Galatians 3:13 declares that Christ was “hanged”, and Luke 23:39 applies this term to the criminals who were crucified with Jesus.{22} So the Talmud declares that Jesus was crucified on the eve of Passover. But what of the cry of the herald that Jesus was to be stoned? This may simply indicate what the Jewish leaders were planning to do.{23} If so, Roman involvement changed their plans!{24}
From a Greek satirist.
"Lucian of Samosata was a second century Greek satirist. In one of his works, he wrote of the early Christians as follows:
The Christians . . . worship a man to this day-the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account. . . . [It] was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws.{27}
Although Lucian is jesting here at the early Christians, he does make some significant comments about their founder. For instance, he says the Christians worshipped a man, “who introduced their novel rites.” And though this man’s followers clearly thought quite highly of Him, He so angered many of His contemporaries with His teaching that He “was crucified on that account.”
Although Lucian does not mention his name, he is clearly referring to Jesus. But what did Jesus teach to arouse such wrath? According to Lucian, he taught that all men are brothers from the moment of their conversion. That’s harmless enough. But what did this conversion involve? It involved denying the Greek gods, worshipping Jesus, and living according to His teachings. "
TLDR Considering the people who would have benefited most from saying Jesus didn't exist, the Roman and Jewish establishments, acknowledge his existence while calling him a trickster and a fraud. I think it's reasonable to think he probably did exist. If the USSR didn't say the moon landing was a hoax it probably wasn't. If the Romans and the Jews say Jesus existed he probably did.
@@CharlieHolmesT so your long winded argument is that he existed correct? Well impressive passage you wrote there and obviously someone would need to fact check all those sources to see if what you say is indeed as it seems before confirming. I will say however you are wrong on people not being documented especially if they had such an impact as someone of Jesus's calibre would have had. People were also recorded when they were crucified and Jesus of Nazareth does not show. Being a person of Greek descent where Greek was the language that people used to communicate with each other across different cultures and knowing what I know about how diligently places, events, people have been documented in Greek from the beginning of time I have also conducted research in many Greek texts (Greek was the language of the new testament) and outside of any religious writings there was no mention of Jesus. So each to their own I guess
And there I've been all these years imagining Subbuteo was a corruption of "It's a beauty-o!" that might be exclaimed in admiration of a well executed goal. I always thought it was a bit lame though 😆
The story about the pope is untrue...just folklore.
Don’t care - a love a Giles story!
I think they covered that in a later episode
@@beckyenglish4783 I don't really recall asking if you care...just pointed out the truth.
@@wfly81 Yes you did, but then you deleted the comment. I saw it just moments ago.
You mean the part about the testicles, or just ...all of it
UA-cam recommended this to me today when Giles podcast is literally named the same thing this week. What are the odds
I could listen to Gyles Brandreth talk all day.
Have you listened to Something Rhymes With Orange? It's a podcast featuring Brandreth and Suzy Dent from Countdown. They discuss the etymology of words.
Seems like too much of a posh twat, no?
@@flamingtarantula No
That ending really needs mixing up a bit. After the second time it's tedious (but if I don't watch to the end youtube keeps 'offering' it to me as partially watched).
Btw the story of "Pope Joan" and subsequently of that balls-observing ceremony is of course a myth.
Gyles Brandreth looks so young.
Researched a bit & there are several versions of the Pope Joan story including whether it's at all true as well as details of the examination. The spelling I found for the phrase, if anyone wants it:
Testiculos habet et bene pendentes
Stephen Fry gave points for bullshit! I love it! Not even a little bit true but pretty funny.
The music at the end reminds me of The Sims.
Which just confirms that Gyles Badbreath always talks bollocks
Bollocks told entertainingly still counts for something, though. (Though yeah, he can drone on ...)
You're weekly reminder that Gyles is a great storyteller & Stephen had a private school education😅
Q: What was the job of Aristocles?
A: Plato
Fry got away with talking an amazing amount of crap. Sandy is far superior.
I do love him, but I never tire of her, and I can't say the same for him.
I did wonder how the point system works. I don't suppose they care much who wins though.
Please please please someone, get Gyles and Stephen in some sort of TV show together!
this clip was like being trapped in a car with your grandfather
when you have reached the million pound / dollar / euro / yen question ,on who wants to be a millionaire , and its " which bird is related to a table top football game? " ....you will thank your grandfather :)
How does Gyles look older in this clip than he does in the episodes where Sandi is hosting?
Actually Plato looks a bit like Joe Wilkinson.
Leighton Buzzard, woop-woop!
Yes, Sandy, we know.
While listening to little boys, as I, a little girl, the same age, behind the bushes, the boys were talking of having two balls. I in all of my want to befriend and impress them said, “ Well my brother has three.” We laugh about it now.
Him too eh?
My uncle actually had a pet buzzard called Leighton
i could listen to Giles, Alan, Stephen Fry every day.....pure entertainment
You could listen to Giles every day for the next 20 years and he'd still not have finished his thought.
And of course Stephen understands immediately and translates instantly the Latin chucked at him.
I think the title of the clip could have led with the popes flashing his cardinals, a cardinal sin perhaps
It's Latin for 'I subbute'.
You should consider adding an extra second after Sandi says "Please pick something"
Brandreth, Charles Brandreth
I'm probably the only one here who is more concerned about Fry calling a hobby a buzzard (it's a falcon) then Gyle's story about the pope's intimates... :P
(In fairness, the Hobby's binomial is *Falco subbuteo* however, so that bit's not wrong)
So is a hobbyhorse a sort of small hippogriff, then?
@@johnutsler1517 Touche my good sir, touche.
In the UK, they use the term "buzzard" to describe what people in North America would call "hawks." As an American, someone says "buzzard" and I automatically picture a vulture.
@@timmadison5410 The funny thing with that is, many of the North American hawks are in the genus Buteo.
@@timmadison5410 No, that's not the case. In the UK, "buzzard" refers to one particular species, the common buzzard, _Buteo buteo._ What you actually mean is that, of the birds in the _Buteo_ genus, the ones in North America are called a something hawk (e.g., the red-tailed hawk and the feruginous hawk), whereas the ones in the rest of the world are called a something buzzard (e.g., the common buzzard and the Himalayan buzzard).
Gyles is quite funny
A Hobby is a small falcon not a Buzzard
Is it me or did Gyles look older back then?
Awesome 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
A very entertaining and informative show. Stephen Fry & Gyles Brandreth are always good value for money. Unfortunately not all shows of this type are as good as this one.
Just to be pedantic, the hobby is not a member of the buzzard family. It's part of the falcon family, and is one of the smallest to be found.
Obviously that's because the even tinier ones are hard to spot and haven't been found.
The best pope story happens to this day. The last pope is on view until the new pope dies then the new pope lies in St.Peters in view until the next one dies.
Lol, cruelly Aristotle was indeed a dandy. So that guy’s right to point out the robe.
its actually translated to . Look at the Unit on that guy!
Fabulous BS, 5 points to you sir.
Wide boi
Talk about balls hanging and Stephen immediately gives +5 points!
Despite it being bollocks, indeed.
BBC at its best
Needless to say, the story of Pope Joan is not true.
Sometimes I gain information that is absolutely useless. And then sometimes I get some good party trivia. So I guess in the end it’s a wash.
Neither the Pope Joan story nor that regarding the checking to see if the Pope has testicles have any factual basis.
thats funny , i learnt that by watching the video .......5 minutes later , you state the same .....who am i to believe QI or you ? ..........................*thinks*............
God Giles has always been 150yrs old and full of anecdotes 🤯
That Catholic religion can be pretty quirky sometimes. 👍 😁
Pope Joan never existed. It seems the legend is possibly based on the existence of two ancient stone chairs with holes in the seats that dated from the Roman era and were almost certainly used due to tradition though their original purpose is obscure.
In a seventeenth-century study, historian David Blondel argued that 'Pope Joan' is a fictitious story that may have been satire that came to be believed as reality. This view is generally accepted among historians.
If a pope had dropped a sprog in a high street, the religious would have taken it as some kind of miracle rather than stoning a pope to death over it.
OH thats how you handle Gyles endless anecdotes? just give him points?
Why was what called Subbueto?
I was confused as well... There's a table football game called Suboteo?
It's the height of irony that it is a job requirement to have testicles when the job description includes celibacy
Well, it's also a bit of an urban legend. There's no historical evidence that Pope Joan actually existed, and the ceremony described doesn't occur. What's more, I don't think testicles are actually required. You have to be male, but I do think a eunuch could qualify.
Wonderful Gyles-fact. Also, 1:09
*_Best of Gyles Brandreth..._* or we riot!
YES 100%
Why is what called Subbuteo?
I've never heard of subbuteo, and after watching this, I still don't know what it is. Something about kicking buzzard balls, I guess.
It's a tabletop soccer game.
I get wanting to check (though it ruins the premise for another Mulan type movie), but it seemed like they were getting into it quite a bit with the well hung part.
Well please come on, flick something.
What on earth is sabbuteo?
Table football (or soccer) with miniature players that you flick around
"We the balls are going hanging"?!
Evoking a sudden and disturbing vision of a bizarre, hairy 'Newton's Cradle' desk ornament.
Nobody likes a spoil a good story ....but,
Today it is generally agreed that Joan did not exist. Modern scholars carefully traced all of the stories about Joan and the historical timeline, confirming that it would be impossible for her to have ruled. The Oxford Dictionary of Popes says there is no evidence of the female pope, however, it does acknowledge that for centuries Catholics believed in her existence.
Another key reason for the common belief Joan is a work of fiction is that none of the church’s enemies mention Joan. When they talk about the popes they are trying to conquer in their letters and books, they only mention Benedict and Leo, never John (or Joan).
Besides the rubbish Gyles is talking about: Obviously, Plato wasn't called Plato by his friends or contemporaries more general. He was called Platon. Plato is the latinized version.
This is a great story, but buzzards and hobbys are not related since the former is effectively a small eagle and the latter is a falcon. Not even close!
Oh wow. The conversations that Gyles and Stephen could, and probably have, had... Look up Gyles Qi episode with Sandi as the host. His stories are remarkable and in depth. He is a fantastic orator.
At least lady Godiva got "hooray for my side!"
Trust the church to make a tradition out of looking at balls.
Plato means wide not flat! Platypus has wide feet!
But the Greeks hadn't seen a platypus, had they now
Testiculos habet et bene pendentes. I'm going to remember that one.
Use a negative version about people who deserve it.
I'll make sure to shout it out next time I see the Pope :-)
We need more Gyles in the world
Because it’s Italian? CLAXON RING BOING CRASH ALARM lol...
It is unfortunate that that wonderful story about the Pope's testicles is almost certainly untrue. I recommend the Vatican adopt the practice from henceforth.
Note ot self: only have looseleaf tea with the pope.
I thought that was just for the altar boys?
Wtf is Subbuteo
Tabletop football
Im sorry for you
@@JD_13 that's sexist
A tabletop soccer game
@@vladnikitin2566 why is being sorry for someone sexist ?
It is NOT pronounced Aris-tottle. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. Take it from Telly Savalas, AKA the man with the lollipop solving crimes in NYC. He says he is called "Telly" because the correct pronunciation of his name is Telly as a nick name for his real name Ah-risto-telly-is. Aristotelis Savalas. So there! Straight from the mouth a real Greek.
People, people, people - rest ye! Nothing on this show has to be accurate, important, patriotically-correct, morally uplifting, or religiously significant.
It merely has to be Quite Interesting.
Rumours, hearsay, bullshit and lies are all valid and valued contributions, as are sneaky attempts to be a smartarse as long as it's done with flair and provides a giggle.
Q.I. is just a bit of fun.
And... ... ... relax.
Gee... and beauty queens complain about the swimsuit section...