KiNK live analog dub session for Dub Laborant radioshow 2013.02.25 @RadioBinar

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kink303
    @kink303 11 років тому +30

    we did it at the Bulgarian national radio station in Sofia :) most of the studios are modern, but this is special, we did the session right before the restoration. Looks sick, right?

  • @VincentBrick
    @VincentBrick 10 років тому +13

    This set just blows my mind every time I come back and watch it.

    • @yanonayanonay
      @yanonayanonay 9 місяців тому

      perfect comment, it's the same with me today :-)

  • @thingyee1118
    @thingyee1118 10 років тому +7

    She is awesome. And him of course

  • @kink303
    @kink303 11 років тому +7

    great discussion guys! Thanks for watching! I would say yes to all. Pure analog is amazing, you get color and inspiration instantly. Software is great too, endless options, packed in a laptop. Ableton is my choice for my regular live set. Yes, some of the machines on this video remind of minimoog and 808, but not exact clone and most important components as oscilators / filters / envelopes / voltage control are analog. Looking forward to repeat this experiment sometime.

    • @yanonayanonay
      @yanonayanonay 9 місяців тому

      "Looking forward to repeat this experiment sometime"... It's should be great if you do a remake more than 10 years later, with diffrent/modern gear. :-)

  • @kink303
    @kink303 11 років тому +22

    Dub is a genre of music which grew out of reggae music in the 1960s. It has developed to extend beyond the scope of reggae. What we have here is close to Dub techno, its a subgenre of techno. Basic Channel are credited with defining the style. The origins can be traced back to experimentation by Basic Channel in 1990's Berlin, they combine the rhythmic elements of stripped-down Detroit techno with the dub recording process and effects. Check the early Basic Channel stuff and you will see why :)

  • @riffraffbass
    @riffraffbass 10 років тому +3

    Very special. This guy is a real innovator

  • @kink303
    @kink303 11 років тому +16

    Aphex is always an influence for me. i tried to stick to more straight forward groove this time, but next time i do such thing - i guess will be something like Jeff Mills and Richard James stucked in an elevator;)

  • @freezemasterslick
    @freezemasterslick 10 років тому

    kink, you are the best salesman for analogue gear! I lose sleep watching these videos, amazing!

  • @nepta00
    @nepta00 11 років тому +3

    The studio is decorated / lit in such a way that it looks oddly like a scene out of Solaris. Plus the general vibe of the performers.

  • @cueboyd8666
    @cueboyd8666 10 років тому +3

    I could listen to this all day!

  • @apersi1
    @apersi1 11 років тому

    respect for the analogue machines,for the esecution so and so.

  • @ferisancupevski3147
    @ferisancupevski3147 6 років тому +2

    Something new and i love it keep up the good work 👍👍👍👽👽👽👽

  • @SONICrider
    @SONICrider 10 років тому +1

    Grat 2 watch & inspiring!!

  • @ServerAdd
    @ServerAdd 9 років тому

    Very very amusing to listen and watch ...

  • @audioholic50
    @audioholic50 8 років тому

    this is awesome.... love the vibes jah blessing to ya all

  • @joannabebel9016
    @joannabebel9016 3 роки тому

    I appreciate your creative and positive impacts on my musical self for many consecutive years. I feel inspired by your music, to date. Thank You to you both sharing your music on UA-cam. 🙏💫🪐🌍🌏🌎🌙

  • @veladaminimal
    @veladaminimal 11 років тому +1

    amazing work! love the vibes he spreads. everyone is so serious and concentrated. thats the pleasure to work with art and music. thank you for the inspirations.

  • @samee86
    @samee86 11 років тому

    Love the analog sounds

  • @DiePlanetMund
    @DiePlanetMund 11 років тому

    This is top notch and raw. Hand and mind working together to do what people need computers for. Hats off.

  • @particle808
    @particle808 11 років тому

    Great performance!!!

  • @tonyphilmore2
    @tonyphilmore2 11 років тому +1

    thanks for the music

  • @SkeleMusic
    @SkeleMusic 4 роки тому +1

    You could give kink any four instruments and he could do a whole set with them, THE TALENT

  • @devmiles
    @devmiles 7 років тому

    what a man with a few machines is capable of.. very good!

  • @krudecrudedekru
    @krudecrudedekru 11 років тому

    The live is beautiful and really rich. I like it a lot. I never say the contrary.

  • @adriandotg
    @adriandotg 11 років тому


  • @iedsri
    @iedsri 11 років тому

    Just fantastic! Thanks for this beautiful stuff. (Thanks to Martin Landsky for the link, too!)
    Utah, USA

  • @karolnowak1678
    @karolnowak1678 6 років тому


  • @Chicaiz
    @Chicaiz 11 років тому

    beautiful just lovely

  • @qmares
    @qmares 11 років тому

    perfect voice and awesome sounds!

  • @shinparmar2
    @shinparmar2 8 років тому

    kink is no doubt the king when it comes to analog wizardry .... no competition ... he is just a genius

  • @inf0tr8r
    @inf0tr8r 11 років тому

    this set makes the music beautiful again, thank you so much

  • @onweblife
    @onweblife 9 років тому +2

    47:55 - 48:01 . six seconds. her voice and his beats made me to close my eyes and think about every good person i've lost, every person i still have in my life.

  • @philippole
    @philippole 11 років тому

    I love him seeing smiling doing this great job!

  • @NeckBreaker001
    @NeckBreaker001 10 років тому +1

    ...GREAT SETUP...very cool sounds

  • @finlay230
    @finlay230 11 років тому

    this is right up my street !!!!!

  • @alejandromendizabal8558
    @alejandromendizabal8558 8 років тому

    amazing talent

  • @BurnieFyah
    @BurnieFyah 11 років тому

    Great Performance!.

  • @Aria-un9iy
    @Aria-un9iy 11 років тому

    This is so mesmerizing

  • @TheMatdmat
    @TheMatdmat 7 років тому

    This is really inspiring, thank you!

  • @tiborferkovics7213
    @tiborferkovics7213 11 років тому

    Amazing irons ! Realy live competition yeah !

  • @SlackTMusic
    @SlackTMusic 7 років тому

    oh sweet, probably the best KiNK session I heard so far

  • @djnodj
    @djnodj 11 років тому

    This is just wonderful!

  • @Moffitsounds
    @Moffitsounds 9 років тому

    Great session :)

  • @oli_maC
    @oli_maC 11 років тому

    God!! Amazing Live...

  • @zerolopez86
    @zerolopez86 11 років тому

    Inmortal sound!

  • @greggregory2554
    @greggregory2554 10 років тому

    Love this!

  • @FacuSacchetti
    @FacuSacchetti 11 років тому

    QUE BIEEEEEN !! Me encanta. Gracias @Dub.

  • @dockdrumming
    @dockdrumming 4 роки тому

    This is wildly good.

  • @hollsound
    @hollsound 8 років тому

    cool live act, great vibes, thx!

  • @ZehJolf
    @ZehJolf 11 років тому

    Day May 3 I really enjoy the Club Vibe Curitiba, Brazil - Come Kink!

    @MACVILLANO 11 років тому

    Me encanta lo que hace con las voces "buen trabajo amigo"

  • @dric507
    @dric507 10 років тому

    yes man! i love this is very good!!

  • @artem34901
    @artem34901 6 років тому

    top stuff. a deep journey into mystic dub galaxy.

  • @Engineeer
    @Engineeer 10 років тому

    wow! I love it! Nice analogue sounds and great vocals!

  • @sunsilab2655
    @sunsilab2655 10 років тому

    great set, purity

  • @mrmove718
    @mrmove718 11 років тому

    fantastic missed this till now, love seeing the space echo brotha.

  • @alanlivie5312
    @alanlivie5312 11 років тому

    nice work. Brave stuff going live with a few synths and sequencer. I have the Nanozwerg and it's great fun to play with :-)

  • @Hexadecimalized
    @Hexadecimalized 11 років тому

    Impressive stuff!!

  • @thephaseshifter
    @thephaseshifter 11 років тому

    Thanks for your music ! Beatiful voice.. Your a real artist and a verry good producer. Im astonished how you can get thet much beauty out of that minimalsetup..Its defenantly clear that you have real control over your gear, and create your own sound.. Wish i could say that more about todays electronic music producers.
    Again thanks, Big love from the Netherlands

  • @LeonvanBokhorst
    @LeonvanBokhorst 11 років тому


  • @rdg628
    @rdg628 11 років тому


  • @EmilioCastillejosemc2
    @EmilioCastillejosemc2 9 років тому

    The best at new style.

  • @desmonddenker
    @desmonddenker 11 років тому

    Wow, Sounds Great !

  • @Harmobeat
    @Harmobeat 9 років тому +2

    kink303 I discovered you 3 days ago, and man you're really close to become my fav' !
    Trying myself to get my hands on some gear and learn but man this is expensive!
    Great sounds that's awesome dude.

  • @KroCro1
    @KroCro1 11 років тому

    Thanks KiNK for this amazing live act! :)

  • @surrealism33
    @surrealism33 8 років тому +1

    Great set, hottest I've seen in a while. That tape echo adds some depth to those little boxes

  • @fredydruger
    @fredydruger 10 років тому

    seems really fun to perform

  • @martinis801
    @martinis801 11 років тому

    THANKS :)

  • @emoglobinaDJ
    @emoglobinaDJ 10 років тому


  • @mastersunfish
    @mastersunfish 6 років тому +1

    kink always kills the live stuff 🎶

    • @dubstard
      @dubstard  6 років тому

      yeah, he recently did an interesting performance using nothing but DIY gear, wat?!
      level: totally devoted expert over 9000

  • @kink303
    @kink303 11 років тому

    thanks man:) download links up in the description:)

  • @kink303
    @kink303 11 років тому +5

    I didn`t wanted to sound negative about Ableton, it is my main choice for gigs. It can make me lazy, because there are many options to "fix" your live performance in real time, like the Scale midi effect or an option for real time quantization of your clips, which is not possible with an instrument from older generation. However, your comment made me think, yes, some things are easier to make with Ableton, but it takes a lot of patching and preparation.

  • @nycpny8396
    @nycpny8396 10 років тому

    I honestly gotta say, as this set progressed it seriously got better than the start. The start was very minimal, but then it got housey, and tricky. It's sounding cool.

  • @Brucelectricmoose
    @Brucelectricmoose 8 років тому

    Thanks dude, was looking at the strymon blue sky or time line

  • @NonaSerbin
    @NonaSerbin 11 років тому

    Thank you! You have made my day. So fucking nice tunes

  • @greenbottle86
    @greenbottle86 11 років тому

    wow, that was really cool sounding..

  • @SecondFacedk
    @SecondFacedk 11 років тому

    big respect

  • @stevebugneedles
    @stevebugneedles 11 років тому

    I cant wait for Kink to play at the COMA party the Source in Maidstone Kent England on the 20th of April. Hope to see you all there :)

  • @Tracksitos
    @Tracksitos 11 років тому

    awesome live ;)

  • @TheYannickOne
    @TheYannickOne 10 років тому

    this is so awesome this is so awesome this is so awesome

  • @markojovanovic2181
    @markojovanovic2181 7 років тому +1

    electronic music from the beginning to the end

  • @jonnierekkisvalur
    @jonnierekkisvalur 11 років тому

    Really hot session, dude. You're my hero.

    @JUXTPOSE 11 років тому


  • @lamaymusic1
    @lamaymusic1 11 років тому +2


    • @nelsonribeiro3690
      @nelsonribeiro3690 7 років тому

      Michael Lamay
      Reeeelly ???!!! ... how about this ?

  • @ThePassion4Passion
    @ThePassion4Passion 11 років тому

    dope as fuuuuk, i wish i could play with some analogs

  • @MariusStan
    @MariusStan 9 років тому

    Genius @ Work

  • @shufflevalley
    @shufflevalley 11 років тому

    love rachel row´s voice!

  • @dublion7
    @dublion7 11 років тому

    I love the way he keeps looking at the people there with him. I believe good live electronics has this uncharted aspect of looking at others around you, getting their feedback which is an element of the music's creation itself! Is it because electronic music is so new, or so precise an audio form, our minds somehow need approval from fellow humans? Interesting...

  • @thephaseshifter
    @thephaseshifter 11 років тому

    Lovely set! 100% analog . Puur

  • @SteveBrian
    @SteveBrian 11 років тому


  • @kennethdemeester4069
    @kennethdemeester4069 10 років тому

    48: .. gave me chills. How great is that sound ....

  • @mpmytube
    @mpmytube 11 років тому

    bravisimo! greetz from Macedonia! just that video light needed to be with some low light condition! great music man!

  • @lushbulb2473
    @lushbulb2473 11 років тому

    hard working dude right there.
    one of the few electronic musicians who learned to use 'tha mojo' by himself.
    props to the whole pbpm clique.

  • @mystificatortesla1056
    @mystificatortesla1056 9 років тому +6

    Amazing live
    Please Don't pay a lot of money
    To see how people only press play on the stages

  • @djlotri22
    @djlotri22 8 років тому +1

    You should do dub jams more often, this is absolut Bomb!

  • @kstyle12
    @kstyle12 11 років тому

    Hey Kink amazing live set !!! i dont why , but you did this set sound so musical /alive /organic using sequencer synths and drum machines !!
    And you and Rachel are so excited with your own music xD good to see !!
    Keep the good work and thanks for post !!

  • @sothc303
    @sothc303 10 років тому

    Kink and you have the space echo..
    Nice sounds

  • @sensemusicofficial
    @sensemusicofficial 11 років тому

    dope :)
    nice one kink

  • @pooderquaste1
    @pooderquaste1 11 років тому

    the funny thing is that the space echo is bigger then the rest of the gear put together :D
    great vid great session nice minimal setup!

  • @Tetsuoha
    @Tetsuoha 11 років тому
