My Monsters Are Ready!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @CEO_FADeD
    @CEO_FADeD Рік тому +46

    "You can't put dirt on the hole!", words to live by... 🤣🤣

  • @corvuscorone7179
    @corvuscorone7179 Рік тому +11

    It would be really interesting if the Touch of Infinity would also effect gameplay in little ways (aside from the game being about that), like Johns bullets not doing any damage to the neonates when shooting at the places touched by infinity and just being absorbed by the infinite holes. Could work like the opposite of a headshot. Not that it would do much, but I feel like it would be a cool touch.
    On the same note I had some thoughts about how cool it would be to explore a concept like this at a larger scale, like a more mature being with a bigger tunnel, that really plays into non euklidian space and looks like it extends way beyond the size of the creature.

  • @sckanersfofolle
    @sckanersfofolle Рік тому +9

    I'm barely aware of what you are doing specifically anymore but you're really interesting to listen to 😘☺️

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому +3

      Building the Metaverse, thanks!

  • @Thouartwithme3
    @Thouartwithme3 Рік тому +2

    You make the best devlogs!

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому +2

      Thanks! I have one of the best lightings on my head, so yeah!

  • @LauLauHip
    @LauLauHip Рік тому +1

    I love the textures! They're so unique!

  • @IrocZIV
    @IrocZIV Рік тому +2

    I actually like how shinny they are, makes them look like their skin is a mucus membrane, and a bit slimy.

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому +2

      Yeah it makes some sense, right? Maybe be tone it down just a bit, will see

  • @QuinnyOnMain
    @QuinnyOnMain Рік тому

    have you considered implementing an animated texture with moving caustics in the egg yolk material?

  • @rickysargulesh1053
    @rickysargulesh1053 Рік тому

    I am early in the video but the roughness in the hole layer is deactivated. You need to set it there afaik to override the layers below it. Otherwise they will shine through. It's the same with height and normal information. Someone else wrote the same here.

  • @KARTOONZpdx
    @KARTOONZpdx Рік тому

    What happened to the one that was like a cage mushroom with a hand on top?

  • @nixantcreatives
    @nixantcreatives Рік тому

    You know how secretion works - 💀💀💀

  • @ferdinandkasangati5089
    @ferdinandkasangati5089 Рік тому

    remove some dirt from the meat😂😂 with all secretion

  • @stoat2854
    @stoat2854 Рік тому +36

    they're disgusting!

  • @pangtrilby9286
    @pangtrilby9286 Рік тому +39

    When you've started applying the "black holes" to the spiral things I instantly thought about giant hand boss and how cool those would be on fingerprints of it! They're spiral, right??? Maybe it not as cool on practice but maybe it is?👀👀👀👀👀

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому +17

      Cool idea haha
      The Touch Of Infinity™ is just rings though, not spirals. Like an intersection of waves with a surface, or a pattern on a piece of wood

  • @PixPirate
    @PixPirate Рік тому +16

    Honestly I like that the touch of infinity is somewhat subtle, it could possibly be something that players miss the first time they encounter these guys but later on as they learn about the story you have going they will be able to notice the fine details, that the neonates had it all along!
    Love your work, I've been a subscriber for years and watching you take on a new and big project with so much passion is an incredible journey to witness!

  • @BadTunes.
    @BadTunes. Рік тому +10

    Never missed a singel devlog. keep it up boro one of the most transparent Influencer 😅

  • @mezozoltan1
    @mezozoltan1 Рік тому +13

    I think you should try making The Touch Of Infinity™ glow a bit on some of the Neonates, but only when they are in a darker area. I dont mean this in a way where they would produce light but like they dont really have shadows if that makes sense. It might look cool.

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому +7

      Yeah, I was thinking about something like that. But it HAS to be tasteful, it's so easy to go trashy with this kind of things. On the other hand, what's the point in tasteful details, if they're just not on the screen in the end

    • @KARTOONZpdx
      @KARTOONZpdx Рік тому

      Do similar to how the witnesses eyes glow

  • @steampunckairship
    @steampunckairship Рік тому +4

    17:49 Guts lookes like a personification of junji ito's amigara fault story and I love it. The touch of infinity itself has a real uzumaki vibe to it which is awesome.

  • @underdogartstudio
    @underdogartstudio 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm so happy I just found your channel. Watching this process is amazing ! Cannot wait to play this, I'm so invested.

  • @Omili
    @Omili Рік тому +1

    It's probably too much for the performance but one cool thing would be that the holes drip some kind mucus leaving small trails behind so players see where monsters have been also when being attacked by monsters in a game, one of the most underused things is the saliva, blood, mucus etc that flies around and sticks to the player model. Your monsters seem to not have sharp claws etc so it would look really cool/disgusting to be dripping that same mucus that enemies have after being attacked (if the game does not use insta death upon being attacked) and even have feature where enemies can follow the trail of the mucus and track you down if you as a player do not do anything to it (will eventually end on it's own and enemies lose the track or player can actively "clean up").
    Pretty much all horror games that have "damage" system, use the basic "HP drops down" you lose. Why none wanna make it feel like really desperate thing to get away by making the monster attacks be less effective and "flashy gore" but instead wear down the player with stacking "debuff". Like in this case the mucus could be something that does the "damage" slowly and getting rid of it "heals" or more like slows down the process of losing.
    I always use as a example of "scary thing" the scene from the king kong movie where the cast is being attacked by those worm thingies that pop out and just start slowly eating humans. That scene is pretty much only "horror" scene from any movie that has stuck in my mind because (at least I personally) see that scene as a ultimate "horror" = something just comes to you and starts eating you without any fighting, roaring, emotions and seeing you as a threat. Just. Slowly. Eating. You. Like you would eat piece of bread or apple. Calmly, cold, no emotions. Just natural instinct for eating something without thinking that it is scared of dying and don't want to be eaten. It does not even have to be eating, idea is the cold emotionless manner how something is doing to you. That gives the desperate true horror feeling. Horror games can do so much better with the horror by making the enemy actually scary. And there is pretty much 2 ways to do that: Make the enemy way smarter what you think it would be and make it feel like it is overpowering you if it wants to.
    - Example: Homelander from The boys = unhinged "god".
    Or make it cold and emotionless being that does not need any other reason to be scary than the fact that it follows it's natural instincts and those include in some way harming you, in ways of overpowering by just being themself. You as a player, can't do much, they do not hate you nor see you as a threat. Just plain normal natural situation for them.
    - Kinda more "humane" example than just natural instinct of a insect like being: Sons of the Forest = enemies don't just attack on sight, they are curious of what and who you are and what you do and why you do it because in their mind your are the weird one. Attacking them makes them act properly by scattering around and trying to sneak attack you or cause annoyances like stealing logs etc. And even bringing the "warriors" of the tribe to take care of the problem).
    And worst thing that any dev can do to their game is to make the enemy roar and screech like moron all the time. Less is more and quiet, calm enemies are more scary than some random screeching maniac monster. That include also humans. From my experience there rarely is any yelling happening during attack. Things don't yell in pain like maniacs when being harmed in most cases and in many situations when getting hurt, purpose of whimpering/crying out loud/screaming etc is to show that "I am hurt, please don't do that again/I am seeking help because that is hurting me". Fights for survival are pretty quiet. Some animals use growling etc during attacking when trying to scare the opponent but when animal is going for the kill, it is usually pretty quiet event. So all yelling, growling, screeching while attacking/being attacked makes the situation less scary. What makes it scary is the quietness and merciless situation and then hearing loud "crunch or pop" and suddenly you cannot use your arm anymore or gurling of the blood in the throat of enemy when you get upper hand with that knife you found a while ago etc.

  • @SupererChannel
    @SupererChannel Рік тому +1

    It would be pretty cool if the dripping goo on the Hand Neonate had some physics and moved around when it walks.

  • @clementkirton
    @clementkirton Рік тому +3

    For the black holes material you to fix the problem with the shiney stuff showing up or atleast lessen it you want to go into the layer and change the layers from base color to normal, after that change the layer filter to replace and use a default normal color. the Defaul substance settings on normal maps are to add all the normals together so you are still keeping the lower level normals. should help the hole textures.

  • @R0w4nH0pk1ns
    @R0w4nH0pk1ns Рік тому +2

    It sort of funny to me you say you're not aiming for triple A quality on models when talking about taking shortcuts but from all the games I've opened up the files to mod, all of them have had some really janky models. I went to do some work on the laser rifle in new vegas but gave up on that within a minute of opening the file and checking everything out.
    edit: did a quick google and it looks like blender already added vr support a while back using the openXR api, probably worth investigating further

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому

      Thing is, when I talk about the quality of my work, I'm talking to the potential commenters that would come to criticize this "tutorial" being all wrong etc. And I always say my videos are almost never tutorials (especially about game dev), and if I skip saving some pixels/polygons in the occluded unnecessary areas - that's my intentional choice, since I'll never finish the game if I do that as well.
      I used VR mode in Blender, but it's only for viewing the scene. And you have to use controllers. I'm talking about replacing a flat screen with the 3D-360 viewport in VR, while using mouse and keyboard. Though, of course, a full VR interface with controllers would be epic

  • @TorQueMoD
    @TorQueMoD Рік тому

    So if you just flatten your UVs with an automatic tool, you end up with more verts in your final mesh, so it's more expensive to render. Because the vert count isn't based on the mesh, but the unwrap. So fewer islands means fewer verts and more efficient. It's kind of redundant with modern GPUs, but that's the reason for manually unwrapping your model. If you're not targeting mobile, then I'd say just auto unwrapping everything and then stictching the seams back together would give you the fastest result.

  • @shin_coldfire
    @shin_coldfire Рік тому +1

    This is gorgeous! Always loved some grotesque monster designs. Also, thank you so much for encouraging others to help my country, Ukraine, in this dire times! Peace!

  • @Clases3d
    @Clases3d Рік тому

    Love them, tanks as always for showing the process, one question, will any of the witness be vissible in the demo?

  • @almostagamedev
    @almostagamedev 11 місяців тому

    This contorted creature design with its spiral-like rings reminds me of the horror style in 'Uzumaki' by Junji Ito. It's a horror manga where everything revolves around spirals.

  • @KluveRothtar
    @KluveRothtar 3 місяці тому

    I know I'm far from the first to say this, but this is beautiful and grotesque work. The fact that you're doing this all on your own is absolutely incredible.
    Thank you for spending the time to show your process through this development journey. I cannot wait to see more!

  • @Derek_Watts
    @Derek_Watts Рік тому

    8:05 I feel your pain. Long ago, the shortcut was E > A to mark a seam and E > C to clear a seam. This menu functionality is very helpful when used efficiently. But because Blender development doesn't factor this into UI changes, I eventually resorted to making my own limited addon. It loads custom context menus, so that I can keep my most important operators bound to accessible keys. E.g. my Edge menu looks like:
    My Edge Menu
    (A) Mark Seam
    (C) Clear Seam
    (S) Mark Sharp
    (D) Clear Sharp
    (F) Select Edge Loops
    (R) Select Edge Rings
    (W) Select Boundary Loop
    Because they're first in the string, each letter in the parenthesis becomes the active key for each operator, regardless of the operators name. You can choose whatever letter is comfortable for your hand/muscle memory. Anyway, food for thought.

  • @rickysargulesh1053
    @rickysargulesh1053 Рік тому

    For the hard shading around the seams. Have you used the UE preset in Substance with "Compute Tangent Space Per Fragement" and then imported the FBX with "Import Normals and Tangents"?

  • @0rdyin
    @0rdyin Рік тому

    That specular level channel works like a specular F0 value (reflectance at 0°) attribute and remaining specular highlights are controlled by a different channel called specular edge color which needs to have 'enable edge color' enabled in the shader main shader settings in order to work properly...
    The resulting workflow (specular-roughness) with two separate attributes to control the specular can be intimidating in the beginning coming from the generic workflow (metallic-roughness) of substance painter.. This workflow is beneficial for render engines with multiple specular lobes, such as Renderman, Octane... .Even the new strata system inside Unreal engine 5 will benefit from this workflow..
    Hope this helps to understand the specular level channel in Substance Painter.. ..

  • @FeedYapper
    @FeedYapper Рік тому

    What’s your game called? And will it be on steam?

  • @Tranoiz
    @Tranoiz Рік тому

    Will the egg yolk be a fleshy colour in the final or will be yellow or even red like an early stage of a new born?

  • @rickysargulesh1053
    @rickysargulesh1053 Рік тому

    Using these quad remeshers for retopo is always a pain in the ass when it comes to unwrapping afterwards. Not the biggest fan of these endless spiraling loops that often come from that.
    Btw there might a solution for it for Blender soon. Unwrella by 3d-io. Looks very promising.

  • @qinzha627
    @qinzha627 Рік тому

    What if you give the rings of infinity a bit emission? The intensity also could be reduced, where the rings get into the holes. That would make them appear even deeper🤔

  • @Nitro_Toxin
    @Nitro_Toxin Рік тому

    Me personally I use smart uv map when texturing my models, it makes it way faster to texture and always looks pretty good and then you can go in and change the tiling of the texture making it cleaner or if you want tougher of textures.

  • @_malfunction
    @_malfunction Рік тому +1

    Heyy Boro, that was such an awesome episode... things start to take shape and i´m really looking forward to see them animated, also i get more and more curious and excited about what the sounddesign for the creatures will be like! When i remember correctly the witnesses had some glow effect on the "touch of infinity"... maybe that would also look nice on the neonates and make it more visible ingame?

  • @ladyamphibulon7784
    @ladyamphibulon7784 Рік тому

    Love the black heads, really reminds me of frostbitten fingers

  • @PeterCaptainObvious
    @PeterCaptainObvious Рік тому

    Man watching the UV mapping makes me remember my time in uni trying to 3d model, god I didn't like it lol

  • @MistaManlyGuy
    @MistaManlyGuy Рік тому

    35:41 I thought you were gonna say baking cookies or something lol

  • @Monulu_
    @Monulu_ Рік тому

    Would love to see your opinions on the Little Nightmares monsters

  • @averageaustralian7488
    @averageaustralian7488 Рік тому


  • @infectioussneeze9099
    @infectioussneeze9099 Рік тому

    congrats on 250k!

  • @CanadiArt
    @CanadiArt Рік тому

    in substance export your textures using the unreal preset to get the ORM. When importing the ORM, uncheck RGB. Should give you less shiny looking characters.

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому +1

      Oh cool thanks!

  • @marshallwolff5966
    @marshallwolff5966 Рік тому

    Meat secretion…💀😂

  • @animesubway7433
    @animesubway7433 Рік тому

    Do you feel that working on a smaller monitor helps focus less on details?

    • @BoroCG
      @BoroCG  Рік тому +1

      Hmmm I don't think so... It is a high PPI screen though, and my vision is sharp

  • @MegariskyYT
    @MegariskyYT Рік тому

    I would suggest creating a subtle emissive mask for each creature's Touch of Infinity, and animating the emission strength with a slowly scrolling/scaling noise texture to get an alien-like "rippling" effect. I'm not sure how you'd do it in the material, but getting the "ripple" to originate from each hole would look super creepy. Flow maps or UV trickery mayhaps?

  • @crs11becausecrs10wastaken
    @crs11becausecrs10wastaken Рік тому

    Just a note about doing UVs:
    If you're looking for additional optimization, having as few UV shells as possible will help when it's actually rendered in the engine.
    The more UV shells you have, the more the engine will need to render.
    As we all know, it's a balance, though, between the number of UV shells (islands), uv seams, and uv stretch.
    Nanite, however , will soon make this somewhat obsolete.

  • @CoreyJohnson193
    @CoreyJohnson193 Рік тому

    You’re the AAA of independent creators. No other game made by one guy looks this great.

  • @dietrichwolf8189
    @dietrichwolf8189 Рік тому

    did you think about animating the part of the texture you use as the touch of infinity?
    like a very slow and deliberate ripple, emenating from the hole and fading at some point.

  • @anonymousorganism6995
    @anonymousorganism6995 Рік тому

    I’m totally digging the flesh rings!

  • @juhor.7594
    @juhor.7594 Рік тому

    Always love to see a new upload of this series. I wish I hadn't been eating though.

  • @JamesOttman
    @JamesOttman Рік тому

    It would be nice if you don't use god's name in vein so much!

  • @dumbqueerboy
    @dumbqueerboy Рік тому +1

    Blender actually does have a vr mode you can use!

  • @WaltMarkson
    @WaltMarkson Рік тому

    I just love your videos 🤩