I feel like Amelia couldn’t be as awkwardly serious in this one because she gets along with Jade really well😂 she laughed so many times when she usually doesnt
Jade acting like Amelia brought a bomb into the shop with the confetti canon. This was an interview I didn’t know I needed, such a unique style. Thank you!
The way you said "I'm really disappointed that you didn't wear your suspenders and your bow tie" AWWW Amelia bless your soul ur legit such a cutesy lol
Five months of extensive album promo and Jade is still scared of confetti Also this interview proves that when not with the girls, Jade is the one that just blurts everything out
*3:27* *"Are You A Rizzle Kicks Fan?"* *"Yeah I Am"* *"Are You Down With The Trumpet?"* *"I'm Down With His Trumpet!"* *So Underrated* 😂😅 *(for context jade is dating jordan from rizzle kicks)*
Best parts of this video “testicle ones” - 2:10 “I’m very down with his trumpet” - 3:31 “No one ever really knows how old we are. I’m 52.” - 3:55 Just 4:25 “let’s just stay that away from the ole face” - 5:38 Jade’s scream at 5:49
Just discovered Amelia.... after watching some drill reaction vids off the yanks. This lady is borderline genius, if not full blown. Instant subscribe, then a blast through the playlist. Absolutely brilliant. I doff my hat to you, Amelia.... great stuff 🙏👍🤗
No like actually how does your full attention not go to Jade. I feel like she DM’d the dudes during the beginning of the pandemic whispers though and that’s why. Cause there’s just no way
They're like drunk friends in McDonald's at 2AM trying to sober up
LITERALLY it’s like they just woke up after sleeping for a yr
@@jemimabeya2002 Think you need to look up the word "literally"!!!
@@rossmasters8625 calm down mate, their just finding something funny
why would you wanna sober up at 2am? that’s barely even the start of a good night out
@Ross Masters no they don’t
I feel like Amelia couldn’t be as awkwardly serious in this one because she gets along with Jade really well😂 she laughed so many times when she usually doesnt
3.2k likes and no comment
This is one of the few times she genuinely laughed 🙂
She met her fellow brits
Jade's eye contact is insane... I got intimidated just watching her look at her
I don’t know why but. I thought of Niall. He stares just like her, into ones soul😂
i was seriously impressed with that
U know, it's that type of look that u want when talking to someone.
you dont wanna see her without make up, jesus christ frightened the shit out of me
I noticed that too she keeps looking
Jade actually brought out Amelia’s personality for the first time!😳
That’s what I noticed😂 not even Ed Sheeran could do that and he pointed it out before the date started 😂 shout-out to Jade (no pun intended)
Who is here after Angel of my Dreams came out?
Why do I feel like they actually have chemistry 🤣
OMG same😂
It’s the Karen connection
@@solyanna1 They ain’t karens
@@JCisawinner Lol
The fact that their awkward humor is just feeding off of each other😭💀😂this was funny.
2021 is here ua-cam.com/video/J45slTw1fAE/v-deo.html
ua-cam.com/channels/RiFg3z1_0Orby9DQEd1Zug.html little mix
I rarely know who any of the guests are and it's still funny.
@@internetonsetadd 😂😂😂
@rashi 😭😂
Jade acting like Amelia brought a bomb into the shop with the confetti canon. This was an interview I didn’t know I needed, such a unique style. Thank you!
2021 is here ua-cam.com/video/J45slTw1fAE/v-deo.html
PTSD init
Amelia fully dropped the detached, sarcastic persona in this one. Fair play to Jade for causing that
Are these two friends? Their chemistry was incredible.
if they’re not they should be
They are now
If they are they shouldn't not be
Amelia - im in the band
Jade - we already have a blonde one
I'm screaming 🤣
It’s not that funny
@@eggtime3818 true
@@eggtime3818 screamin yana
@@eggtime3818 you've got a bad sense of humour then 🙂
Sameee 😂😂😂
This is so random *but I am not complaining*
Chunky chunky
@@Shrnirpledorp *yes*
@@Js-rt1lo *what was that?*
I just know jade thrives with awkward humour and loves awkward situations so I just knew this would be funny 😭😭😭
mad how she doesn’t even know who you are
@@jacobmilner9290 what does that have to do with anything 😂
LMAOO💀same I just knew this was going to be funny before I even saw it.
@@jacobmilner9290 that made me laugh I cant lie that's actually deep 😂😂
@@jacobmilner9290 😂😂😂😂
Amelia didn’t seem to be putting on a character in this one, like she’s just having a Normal convo
i feel like i never see jade just chatting on her own and she's an absolute sweetheart, loveeee her
GUYS!!! Hope you love this episode! Mixing it up! More dates to come! xxx
Loved it😂😍
Get Jesy! ❤️
LOVED this episode
Thanks for giving us this beautiful interview with our queen ❤❤❤👑
do a date with nafe smallz or adz and LB
jade 🤝 amelia a duo we never thought we needed
2021 is here ua-cam.com/video/J45slTw1fAE/v-deo.html
Jade Amelia Thirlwall.
Jade will never not be scared of confetti canons
She's gonna die on the tour next year like
Bit ironic
Righttt even when she expects it😭💀😂
Happy New Year Everyone 🥳 Hope You Enjoy 🤩 ua-cam.com/video/O47OhS-WJE4/v-deo.html 🤣😭👋🏽
The fact that Amelia can keep a straight face the whole way through sends me 💀😂
I think it’s just smartly edited like when Jade said something funny they’d just cut out Amelia laughing
This video has such a sober-drunk energy
Id get so intimidated by jades eye contact shes so good at keeping eye contact 😭
I was literally thinking that!!!!!
I’d start looking at the table lol
@@mayowa1232 id stare at the chicken nuggets💀
@@ruth2458 SAME
“I can put a good word in for you”
“No u can’t, he’s not even replying to your DM’s”😂😂💀
Mums that was a vio from the yute that gets violated the most in her own vids.
That was a violation can never be meeeeeeee
Can never be meeeeeee yh yh
@@narrek6600 wth😂
"I’m very down with his trumpet" 😭
girl stop my ears are scarred😭
she went there😭😂
500th like
Lol who's trumpet did she say
jade's personality is adorable 🥺🥺 like when she was describing the type of loves she had, she sounded so gentle and kind🥺🥺
She was spot on with the kinds of loves she described
Jades hair is glorious 🤩
Petition for Niko Omilana to be on Chicken Shop Date
or darkest man
That would be funny
NO WE NEED THAT all BETA SQUAD members on chicken shop date
@@alyormakhsimov7863 i think someone’s already put it
“ I’m down with his trumpet” sorry miss thirlwall WHAT 😭🤣
Grow up
@@mrme3719 it's a joke but go off
@@nxlx3301 jokes are suppose to be funny though
@@mrme3719 just because you didn't think it was funny doesn't mean it's not funny..people have different kinds of humour, yk?
Can’t get over how pretty Jade is😍
I know right, she so gorgeous 😍😍
Same here babe✌️
Your saying that because she's a celebrity. She's pretty but if she wasn't famous, you wouldn't even notice her
I mean even on the street she’s barely a 5/10. Without the fake rubber lips perhaps a 7
@@mrm5183 I was about to say stfu, but you actually have a point
They’re just as crazy as each other 😭
Neither of them are crazy
this is the most normal i’ve seen amelia act she was out of character
Its cuz awkward is jade's forte
Thousands of road men watching a women from little mix sing about chicken..
2020 is a mazza
I’ll finish the last word since u. clearly forgotten it *MAZALINEY *
Should listen to Jade singing wasabi next. They like food lol
2021 is here ua-cam.com/video/J45slTw1fAE/v-deo.html
Mazza ? Che cazzo vuoi dire ?
@@mzz_G thanks
" i'm very down with his trumpet" jade u little minx
2021 is here ua-cam.com/video/J45slTw1fAE/v-deo.html
I don't care that no-one asked - *I love Jade's accent*
The best
could listen to her speak all day
Didnt ask
Yeah I do too😁
amelia: "what kind of ball?"
jade: "testicle ones, probably."
I laugh about 100. HAHA
She said "what's your favorite type of ball", actually!
Surprised No one’s said this,
But she’s actually lovely
There’s been many comments 😂😍😍😍😍
"I'm down with his trumpet" JADE
What does that mean?
@@Realidaad2011 serious or nah?
I'm not native heeelp haha
@@Realidaad2011 d*ck ☠️
Fair play to her tbh
No one:
Literally no one:
Jade : I'm 52 😂
i really had to google her age😭😭
She’s 28 for anyone wondering😂
@@Dee-fu3hs I forgot that she's 28 😭😭😭😭
@@teeluce she's 28
Petition to have a date with darkest man
Hell yeah bring my man to the shop Amelia
Yooooo facts
The way Jade has strong eye contact shows that she is a strong person. Like, “IM LOOKING AT YOU” and will tear you up just with my looks. 😂
this just made me realise jade’s humour and borderline nonchalance makes her PERFECT for this concept lol. she’s just one of a kind.
"We've already got a blonde one" gotta love Jade for that 😂💞
The bit about the different kinds of relationships is like, one of the top 10 wisest things anyone's ever said on UA-cam
The dumbest thing I’ve heard acc
AKA bagamans!
How the fuck is that wise? Lol
@@Siziusmopul well maybe it’s just not true in your experience.
petition to get aj the isosceles on chicken shop date
Imao that would be epic! 👑
this would be a BANGER lol
The way you said "I'm really disappointed that you didn't wear your suspenders and your bow tie" AWWW Amelia bless your soul ur legit such a cutesy lol
Why I think this video is CALM and HILARIOUS at the same time ?
i love jade’s personality
same :)
@@AmeliaDimoldenberg i love how you guys bounce off each other
@@AmeliaDimoldenberg GET NIKO ON THE SHOW ASAP
I love Amelia's personality
Petition for Jade to bring back the suspenders and bows
No. Petition for Jade to burn them on live
Petition for you to not be allowed to write more than one comment...
@Jade Good I second that motion 💯 🤚🙋🙆👐🙌☝️👌🎀💄👠😊
damn, Jade might just have stolen the show in the episode
its the most akward and cringe ep
@@rozalindalleshi160 Amelias character is literally to be awkward
@@user-wh2gp8ky6e its funny akward this time it was just akward
Didn’t know Jade sounded like this first time hearing her voice
Five months of extensive album promo and Jade is still scared of confetti
Also this interview proves that when not with the girls, Jade is the one that just blurts everything out
I believe in Jade Amelia Thirlwall’s supremacy
Yes!! 🙌🙌
Amelia and her obsession with Aj a never ending saga 😂
Who’s AJ?
@@Naim2551 AJ Tracey live and direct
@@jgoodz6485 looooool Anthony joshua
@R where he said that?
@@en777yy on their date
More females! All the dudes act the same, tryana act bare hard. While this chick was just being her self it’s more entertaining
Get go know Jade more. She’s iconic and listen to wasabi. She wrote it. It’s sick
This chick 😂😭
Then you should watch Jade related videos. She's awesome
@@danielle7975 yeah probably and she’s pretty fit too
@Charles Walter stop crying b
How can they look in each others eyes for so long? Am I just weird?😂😂
I can literally see them getting more comfortable with each other as this video goes along
Why does it looks like she's ACTUALLY on a REAL date ?!?
Yh you seen how they were really looking at each other for real
riteeee thatzzz whyyy I commented finally jade is on date with women which I stan!
OpahMillenium a mates date
2021 is here ua-cam.com/video/J45slTw1fAE/v-deo.html
@Kevin S nah a real real date bruv
"I'm very down with his trumpet" naughty naughty jade
I love that Jade is in her wheelhouse when it comes to awkward humor. She’s so adorable
This is the calmest I’ve ever seen jade
Jade is so beautiful.
Jade stunning as always
*"Are You A Rizzle Kicks Fan?"*
*"Yeah I Am"*
*"Are You Down With The Trumpet?"*
*"I'm Down With His Trumpet!"*
*So Underrated* 😂😅
*(for context jade is dating jordan from rizzle kicks)*
@@Realidaad2011 his band Rizxle Kicks had a hit song called 'down with the trumpets'
@@Echodolly6 i don't have a clue who this guy is. I think English people can give me more information than Wikipedia
@supreme kaioshen what's the show about?
Can we talk about how stunning Jade looked the hair the makeup everything queennnnnn ❤️
The constant held eye contact is blowing my mind
0:37 “it’s also like quite good if you’re cold” “…yeah exactly” lol
Her accent is lowkey attractive idk why
Got me coming back to this interview literally
I really like how personable LM are
ua-cam.com/video/r4P-WOOUPk4/v-deo.html and they’re also just amazing 🤩
Yess. People in the industry say they are Very down to earth
Best parts of this video
“testicle ones” - 2:10
“I’m very down with his trumpet” - 3:31
“No one ever really knows how old we are. I’m 52.” - 3:55
Just 4:25
“let’s just stay that away from the ole face” - 5:38
Jade’s scream at 5:49
1:31 to 2:13
"I love Chicken Nuggets and Chips
They're so tasty in my mouth
When you stop a locaycu
Come back again
Come back again
Thank you lmaoooo
Omgggg jade really don’t care about telling who she dmed😂😂
Jade is such a sweetheart. Like her vibe.
The chemistry in this was on point, Amelia was fully tryna pull 😂
"i'm very down with his trumpet"
"i'm 52"
and the singing 4:13 xD
this is hilarious
Jade is such a cute bean
i can’t stop creasing at amelias dancing honestly
i feel like these two do acc get along rly rly well irl😭😭😭
its the im down for his trumpet honestly so subtle jade 😂
Amelias awkward funny is just😭💀
Favourite type of ball?
“Testicle ones” -Jade 2020
It's awesome to see an absolute superstar being a regular young woman !
Jade Thirlwall is absolutely gorgeous
1:44 she's really trying so hard not to laugh 😂😂😂 omg I love this
the world needs a chicken shop date with vikk in a curry house 😂🇮🇳
My cheeks hurt from smiling for 6 straight minutes
No one asked
@@lukeayara3343 seriously 🙄
@@lukeayara3343 no one asked for your opinion either 😒
Which ones ??..
Jade is just so much fun, you think she's innocent with her face but she really isn't 🤣 LM are the best girl band ever 🥰🥰
This it the best interview. They are having so much fun
I cant tell you how much I wish this was longer
Same hun
I just LOVE Jade’s personality ❤️
Just discovered Amelia.... after watching some drill reaction vids off the yanks. This lady is borderline genius, if not full blown. Instant subscribe, then a blast through the playlist. Absolutely brilliant. I doff my hat to you, Amelia.... great stuff 🙏👍🤗
Perrie Edwards? Never heard of her I only know “blonde one”
she's hilarious. keeping right up with amelia
Lewis capaldi missed out
No like actually how does your full attention not go to Jade. I feel like she DM’d the dudes during the beginning of the pandemic whispers though and that’s why. Cause there’s just no way
@@Dayo_kid why u deeping life tho
She could do far better anyways imagine if they were dating he’d be PUNCHING and I say that in THEE nicest way
@@milkyteawithbiscuits3555 she has a bf now so it’s calm😂
@Kevin S simp
I feel like their really good freinds behind-the-scenes
i love jade sm omg im so obsessed w her
Jade's accent is something else..I love it😊😍
Jade's face when Amelia was auditioning with the chicken song lmaooo
Little mix x Amelia! Can’t wait for this collaboration
“We’ve already got a blonde one ” 😭
Jade is just the best. I adore her
0:46 she's literally dancing like I've never seen her before. It's quite adorable. I want more
1:43 Jade trying not to laugh i cant-