Destiny’s Child Harmonizing & Singing A Cappella

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @KarenHugersWig
    @KarenHugersWig  5 днів тому

    Mariah Carey Harmonizing & Singing A Cappella (Part 1)

  • @JaQuesLyrics
    @JaQuesLyrics 6 днів тому +60

    We don't talk enough about how versatile Michelle's voice is. She could literally sing every part.

  • @justraydentv
    @justraydentv 10 днів тому +62

    Michelle My Belle ✨

  • @JaQuesLyrics
    @JaQuesLyrics 6 днів тому +24

    DC3 harmonies were pure magic ✨️

  • @charlesthompson547
    @charlesthompson547 10 днів тому +47

    Kelly TOP HARMONY 😍🤤🙌🏾💯

  • @SaliorScoutKisses
    @SaliorScoutKisses 10 днів тому +58

    Bey always had riffs and runs for the girls lol but I miss them soo much my favorite group of all time

  • @TiffaneyWatts
    @TiffaneyWatts 7 днів тому +41

    we don't talk enough about Michelle's bottom notes... perfection

  • @jclark21218
    @jclark21218 11 днів тому +68

    i love that you highlight more of DC4.

  • @urielsmith3248
    @urielsmith3248 9 днів тому +22

    That national anthem rendition was amazing it’s literally 2nd best to Whitney like they ate this down looked amazing had such control such power it’s 10/10 for me and when truly listening to them especially with headphones in u will realize just how great the placement of this group is and for this song it’s just chefs kiss cause each one understood the assignment

  • @TheAmari32
    @TheAmari32 8 днів тому +30

    I love Toya as the soprano

    • @KarenHugersWig
      @KarenHugersWig  8 днів тому +4

      She eatssss😍

    • @TonioPelt
      @TonioPelt 4 дні тому +1

      @TheAmari32 that's right, LeToya Luckett is a soprano😏👌

  • @fatwp6345
    @fatwp6345 11 днів тому +35

    The best group, male or female to ever exist! The talent is unmatched.

    • @dave7315
      @dave7315 11 днів тому +5

      Eh. Definitely Top 10 of all time.

    • @fatwp6345
      @fatwp6345 10 днів тому +5

      @dave7315 you must not know their catalogue. No other has as many albums as them with no skips, can perform vocals as well as them while doing choreo and has music that still sounds just as good today. They're no1.

    • @pure1769
      @pure1769 6 днів тому

      😄😆😂 I'm pretty sure you haven't been around long enough to make a statement as bold (and as asinine) as that. You can be a fan, just don't be delusional.

    • @4everdee33
      @4everdee33 День тому

      ​@@fatwp6345 TLC remains the Best Selling American Female Group of all time - up until recently 2nd in history behind the Spice Girls - they are also still active (35 years). TLC also sings while dancing and heavily influenced the direction of Destiny's Child 2nd album. Destiny's Child was around for 10 years and was an amazing group and produced one of the greatest solo artists in history but #1 group to exist is simply YOUR opinion.

    • @fatwp6345
      @fatwp6345 День тому +1

      @4everdee33 lmao you cannot be serious 😂 TLC does not have the catalogue DC has and, as for the spice girls 🤣 let's just leave it at that. See, this is why we don't go purely off of numbers people.. better numbers does not equal better talent or work. Period.

  • @applecidervinegar1650
    @applecidervinegar1650 9 днів тому +14

    I smiled a lot through this. Something about good harmonising just is really soothing.

  • @kennnz
    @kennnz 6 днів тому +11

    The blend of the original was unmatched. I definitely feel like Michelle added to the group but harmony wise DC4 was perfection.

  • @HekimaAshe
    @HekimaAshe 6 днів тому +5

    Kelly is such an outstanding vocalist.

  • @rayasunsh9
    @rayasunsh9 8 днів тому +9

    LOVEEE me some DC, from the original lineup to DC3. Destiny Fulfilled is a masterclass on perfectly sequenced albums. 🤎 my girls!

  • @heffa3821
    @heffa3821 6 днів тому +11


  • @kristopherdavis2715
    @kristopherdavis2715 8 днів тому +9

    Listen!!! Along with The Clark Sisters, En Vogue and SWV….DESTINY’S CHILD is the best female vocal group ever! Each member can really sing individually! Their harmonies! Omg! I’ve been trying to tell people for years that damn Beyonce is lethal on the mic!!! Stellar pitch, technique, and range! Her vocal control alone is unmatched but her ability to sing in both a lower and higher register is beyond impressive!! 👏🏾

    • @skip031890
      @skip031890 6 днів тому +1

      What about the Supremes?

    • @kristopherdavis2715
      @kristopherdavis2715 6 днів тому

      @@skip031890I don’t know much about them (nowhere near my birth era) but I’ll take your word for it. lol

  • @superstarquon211
    @superstarquon211 11 днів тому +12

    Love this 🥰🫶🏾!! My favorite girl group 😩!!

    • @KarenHugersWig
      @KarenHugersWig  11 днів тому

      Thank you ❤️❤️❤️💕 & Same!!!

  • @domoniquesmith6275
    @domoniquesmith6275 7 днів тому +3

    This is why Destiny’s Child is still my favorite Artist.

  • @geoffparks7577
    @geoffparks7577 3 дні тому +2

    I pray every day for a DC reunion with all 5 members. I miss them together they would still sell out a tour within minutes.

    • @KarenHugersWig
      @KarenHugersWig  3 дні тому +1


    • @geoffparks7577
      @geoffparks7577 3 дні тому

      Its like c’mon ladies take these coinz! I don’t even care about new music. I just want a dreamette’s farewell style concert 😂

  • @characterchange6793
    @characterchange6793 6 днів тому +5

    They gave a concert with each cameo. DC always brought it.

  • @leviteministry6725
    @leviteministry6725 8 днів тому +19

    Man Letoya and Michelle were holding it down

  • 2 дні тому +1

    I luv Latvia and letoya they loved eachothers voices together you can tell

  • @novalove4790
    @novalove4790 4 дні тому +4

    That national anthem.... Whew. DC doesn't get enough flowers.

  • @ThatsSoDevynn
    @ThatsSoDevynn 6 днів тому +7

    Kelly is slept on

  • @kaiyepickett3479
    @kaiyepickett3479 9 днів тому +10

    Whats crazy is DC4 vocals was top tier and so was DC3 but i love DC4.

    • @KarenHugersWig
      @KarenHugersWig  9 днів тому

      Me too 🤩🤩🤩

    • @TonioPelt
      @TonioPelt 8 днів тому +1

      The 4-part harmony was BEST, but if U notice Bey's mic is louder than the others😏☝️ - Kelly can blow as well as LeToya Luckett.....#TexasBrotha 🤠🫵

  • @shelbysigur4526
    @shelbysigur4526 7 днів тому +1

    Not the last one my fav of all time ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @misstty
    @misstty 4 дні тому +1

    I love DC3’s version of the carol of the bells but 6:04, Amen!?!??? Then Kelly comes in like she is in a cathedral!?! Beautiful! ❤ Thank you this!

    • @KarenHugersWig
      @KarenHugersWig  4 дні тому

      Thank you for being here fren & KELLY ATE DOWNNNN! Underrated queen

  • @elishahorne7934
    @elishahorne7934 4 дні тому +1

    Latavia’s lows at 2:31 😮‍💨🔥🔥

  • @Henry-cf4oo
    @Henry-cf4oo 10 днів тому +13

    Wyclif sounded a mess trying to harmonise with the ladies.

  • @WatchmenMedia
    @WatchmenMedia 5 днів тому +2

    Michelle on soprano was refreshing to hear. I tend to prefer her on bottom though. Kelly's soprano and Beyonce's alto is unparalleled.

  • @KeenanDavids-lp4ii
    @KeenanDavids-lp4ii 9 днів тому +9

    Wyclef saved it with beatbox because he couldn't keep to the harmony to save his life🤣

  • @marcusmateo8890
    @marcusmateo8890 5 днів тому +2

    I don't know if someone altered the audio but u can hear latavia clear as a bell and she is holding that bottom!!!!

  • @Dommylaws
    @Dommylaws 9 днів тому +6

    Come through Karen with the top tier content

  • @rai452
    @rai452 4 дні тому +4

    Beyonce side eye to Wyclef 👀🤣

  • @ThatsSoDevynn
    @ThatsSoDevynn 6 днів тому +3

    Although Kellys Low we're amazing, her highs are more impressive. I'm so happy that they switched her and Michelle.

  • @aphib8698
    @aphib8698 14 годин тому

    THIS is why I don't tolerate any DC slander. Each and every one of these women can sing their faces off! If you disagree, get two or three of your friends and see how well yall pull off a flawless 3 or 4 part harmony.

  • @zleo7054
    @zleo7054 8 днів тому +6

    Beyonce looked like she was gonna kill Wyclef when he was singing with them

    • @fatwp6345
      @fatwp6345 7 днів тому +1

      @@zleo7054 lol because wtf was that? And you Beyonce doesn't play about vocals 😂

    • @Beyoncessister
      @Beyoncessister 6 днів тому

      Omg I was just about to comment this 😂it’s always my fav part bc dude tf are you doing? He always annoyed me and I’m glad she checked him lol

  • @nella2958
    @nella2958 6 днів тому +5

    Michelle kinda looks like Nia Long

  • @IisisShepheard-zc4rs
    @IisisShepheard-zc4rs 17 годин тому +2


  • @jeremyechols6828
    @jeremyechols6828 6 днів тому +1

    3:04 Go Latavia!!!

  • @krystalbeverly9788
    @krystalbeverly9788 8 днів тому +1

    I like this video before it even started

  • @TonioPelt
    @TonioPelt 8 днів тому +9

    I've noticed how Bey's mic is often louder than the others🤔, whereas the group members like Kelly & LeToya Luckett can sing just as well😏☝️..... #TexasBrotha 🤠🫵

    • @chosenone1340
      @chosenone1340 6 днів тому +3

      Um….she was the LEAD singer…..duh

    • @shawneegirl1980
      @shawneegirl1980 5 днів тому +1

      @@chosenone1340 Exact,y...i also doubt her mike id louder..she just has a stronger voice

    • @Heyu7her3
      @Heyu7her3 5 днів тому

      Didn't Farrah say that?

    • @TonioPelt
      @TonioPelt 4 дні тому

      @Heyu7her3 She said what? U mean about her mic?

  • @jmorg044
    @jmorg044 7 днів тому +3


  • @MiguelOliveiraa
    @MiguelOliveiraa 6 днів тому +1

    Wait there!!!! So Michelle joined the group to do the high lines?

  • @Tremaineswife
    @Tremaineswife 6 днів тому


  • @marathonbleu
    @marathonbleu 5 днів тому

    11:51 😮‍💨

  • @capricorn8752
    @capricorn8752 11 днів тому +6


  • @trent_king
    @trent_king 11 днів тому +14

    DC4 used to just sing while standing next to each other. DC3 were actually harmonizing😂😂

    • @whostrue
      @whostrue 11 днів тому +17

      Lmao y’all lie to lie

    • @lookatdis100
      @lookatdis100 11 днів тому +6

      @@whostrueright 😂😂😂

  • @TheAmari32
    @TheAmari32 8 днів тому +2

    The original sounded better as 4 Latavia low, Toya high

  • @TerrellAmari
    @TerrellAmari 10 днів тому +1

    Kelly sounds awful on walk with me.

    • @joshuadarnell5267
      @joshuadarnell5267 10 днів тому +12

      That being your only takeaway says so much. She still ate.

    • @urielsmith3248
      @urielsmith3248 9 днів тому +3

      She started a lil shaky but @14:00-14:08 idgaf Kelly ate that she was givin me a lil Whitney right here just sounded like she needed to clear her throat and get a lil more power to the note but I think she did her thang right there and what bey attempted after was shaky imo

    • @shawneegirl1980
      @shawneegirl1980 5 днів тому +1

      you can say anything you want about Bey...nobody blinks twice...but say something about Kelly and they try to make it seem like you're a hater lol