12:30 I fitted one today and it came with a template! I’ve done 3 so far and this 4th one was the only time I’ve seen a template. Makes life so much easier.
That's handy to know, thanks! Don't want to close it into the wall and have problems. Would it be ok to use PEX behind there with a suitable fitting into the cistern?
@@OfficeBoyBuilder Loctite 55 around the thread, 1/2” female straight to brazed 15mm female, bit of copper pipe soldered to that prior to putting on the cistern (melty toilet) clean up so no flux residue will wreck a speedfit oring. Then 15mm speedfit elbow and insert- you could bury that and forget after, no leaks! Compression or tap connectors move over time with temperature differences = 😭 Toolstation have that brazed fitting code is 88783 P.s. it’s the same technique as soldering copper to copper, it’s just copper to brass
Hi. I'm installing the same toilet. Just hang the toilet in place and the toilet lid is blocking the flushing buttons when its in up position. Is this a bad design or am I missing something? Thanks
Yes I have the exact same issue...I think it's assumed that you would put the lid down, in order to flush. Not something we typically do as a family, and a bit of an inconvenience if I'm honest, so from that POV it is a design flaw.
@@OfficeBoyBuilder this is because this unit is specifically designed for installation under a window and therefore, a much shallower unit to standard units
great vid and very helpful. quick q. I have a similar grohe. can you put the flush pate in vertically as well as horizontally? my plumber put it in horizontally but in the pictures and manual it is in vertical postion - which makes sens as that's the way the grohe logo appears on the plate
Yes I believe you can put it in either way. Perhaps it's model specific, but the one I have can be set either way. That being said. You have to do it before you put all the time backer board on. And before you close it all up etc. You can't change it after the fact.
12:30 I fitted one today and it came with a template! I’ve done 3 so far and this 4th one was the only time I’ve seen a template. Makes life so much easier.
Amazing! Perhaps there was enough customer feedback that they changed it
I do like the steel framed concealed cistern solution.
Did you do a part 3 on how to fit tile board on it...
From where I am from the steel braided line don't last long I would hard line right to tank.
Absolutely agree.
That's handy to know, thanks! Don't want to close it into the wall and have problems. Would it be ok to use PEX behind there with a suitable fitting into the cistern?
@Office Boy Builder yes pex with correct fitting, FYI I am not a plumber
I am in the USA never seen a toilet like this but like the idea. Especially for small areas
@@OfficeBoyBuilder Loctite 55 around the thread, 1/2” female straight to brazed 15mm female, bit of copper pipe soldered to that prior to putting on the cistern (melty toilet) clean up so no flux residue will wreck a speedfit oring. Then 15mm speedfit elbow and insert- you could bury that and forget after, no leaks! Compression or tap connectors move over time with temperature differences = 😭
Toolstation have that brazed fitting code is 88783
P.s. it’s the same technique as soldering copper to copper, it’s just copper to brass
Great video. 👍
Great video !!! thanks
Fantastic informative video ...🎉🎉
Hi. I'm installing the same toilet. Just hang the toilet in place and the toilet lid is blocking the flushing buttons when its in up position. Is this a bad design or am I missing something? Thanks
Yes I have the exact same issue...I think it's assumed that you would put the lid down, in order to flush.
Not something we typically do as a family, and a bit of an inconvenience if I'm honest, so from that POV it is a design flaw.
@@OfficeBoyBuilder this is because this unit is specifically designed for installation under a window and therefore, a much shallower unit to standard units
Great insight. Thanks mate - I didn't know that!
How did you finally decide to connect to water supply? Did you use flexi hose? Fixing mine on Friday
Yes I did go with a flexi-hose in the end...much easier and a nice solid connection. Best of luck!
@@OfficeBoyBuilder Thanks for the reply
great vid and very helpful. quick q. I have a similar grohe. can you put the flush pate in vertically as well as horizontally? my plumber put it in horizontally but in the pictures and manual it is in vertical postion - which makes sens as that's the way the grohe logo appears on the plate
Yes I believe you can put it in either way. Perhaps it's model specific, but the one I have can be set either way.
That being said. You have to do it before you put all the time backer board on. And before you close it all up etc. You can't change it after the fact.
Bagel lungruss