There are a couple of problems here. First you are praising hallucinations as if they are a good thing when they are actually a major problem and everybody who works in AI knows this. It is kind of like putting lipstick on a pig. You don't want hallucinations even if you don't consider it a fabrication. Secondly, you need to stop over indexing on whether or not the prompt response is going to offend somebody. When I punch numbers into a calculator, if the numbers that come out of that offend me too bad. You want accurate responses even if I am emotionally too fragile to enjoy it. When you place guardrails on your AI and completely stop the conversation process and require the person to start from scratch again simply because Microsoft feels that I might be offended by the answer completely breaks your tool and pushes me to your competitor. Before you say you are okay with that keep in mind that your company is driven by your stock price and your stock price is driven by your usage and your usage is driven by people like me.
There are a couple of problems here. First you are praising hallucinations as if they are a good thing when they are actually a major problem and everybody who works in AI knows this. It is kind of like putting lipstick on a pig. You don't want hallucinations even if you don't consider it a fabrication. Secondly, you need to stop over indexing on whether or not the prompt response is going to offend somebody. When I punch numbers into a calculator, if the numbers that come out of that offend me too bad. You want accurate responses even if I am emotionally too fragile to enjoy it. When you place guardrails on your AI and completely stop the conversation process and require the person to start from scratch again simply because Microsoft feels that I might be offended by the answer completely breaks your tool and pushes me to your competitor. Before you say you are okay with that keep in mind that your company is driven by your stock price and your stock price is driven by your usage and your usage is driven by people like me.