Hope you’re having a great day! This video is a little different from normal, showing you my first and last day in Iran - initial impressions, sights and attractions, Iranian food, and some of the most unforgettable gifts I’ve ever received in my life. Thank you to Mr. Taster (ua-cam.com/users/TheMrtaster), Ghasr Setareh (instagram.com/ghasr_setareh/), and to the amazing people of Iran who treated us with immeasurable kindness and hospitality 🙏🙏 NOTE: Our trip to Iran was before the coronavirus outbreak. We are fine, but thoughts and prayers to all those affected in Iran, and around the world.
A 12,000-year-old flag has been found in the city of Yazd volume_up content_copy share star_border اطلاعات بیشتر درباره این نوشتار مبدأ برای اطلاعات ترجمه بیشتر، نوشتار مبدأ لازم است
Jonathan Faulhaber most ppl think of Iran like a desert with camels have no technology and the reasons of that is the fuse news and Hollywood social media and bad advertising. I m an Iranian live in Australia for 10 years and I hear things of ppl about Iran that just don't exist there or hasn't happening
@@meysamcbr8537 That's good to know, and I'm not surprised, either. The media is terrible about making things seem a certain way, making people believe false things.
I worked at a university with Iranians 40 years ago when Americans were hostile towards Iranians due to politics. I found that Iranians were the sweetest and most hospitable of anyone that I worked with. Couldn’t help but be endeared to them. Their food is wonderful and unique and they have a deep strong family-centered culture. I hate that the mass media stirred up people to be against them.
@@Sharinas_time_now God bless you, your people have endured so much with the politics and everything else. I pray for peace and that all who want to return are able to do it and prosper as they should.
I've been to Iran 20 years ago and I can still feel the same hospitality Mark recieved. Great country, great people!!!!!!!!!!! Greatings from Poland :)
I never knew Iran was an incredibly blessed country like this, the culture, the history, the food, and everything is amazing. And the people are so awesome... wow I have no words, stay blessed. From Ethiopia, much love and big respect for Iran.
I am in love with Iranians after seeing this vlog , I am crying now. Such a wonderful country and such amazing polite people they are! God bless you all.
Iran is heart of the earth , real heaven , rich culture. Persian food is amazing, safe country in the world , people are so kind, lovely , friendly , educated and peaceful. God bless them .
@@Rana.389 seems you are the devil . have you seen yourself in mirror proper so far? the only devil can say that to people with 7000 rich culture and civilization.
Yes I'm from Dominican republic so I have a friend from Iran and she taught me how is the culture in Iran and I'm just so eager and excited to visit Iran.
30yrs ago I fell in love with a beautiful Iranian girl , who became my wife. Her culture, cuisine , family and country enriched me so many ways i cannot count. Once you've met the people of Iran and experience their genuine hospitality, you'll consider them the best of friends. BTW. If in Terhan , I highly recommend walking , hiking and exploring the local mountains ...and their discos are rather fun too.
I'm dating an Iranean girl right now. The quality of her character and intelligence and her beauty and kindness is waaaaay above what I am used to dating in oklahoma.
Good people and good food are our common thread. Persian food is so wholesome and delicious, my favorite!I also love their rose ice cream dessert, best!
I had Iranian friends during my university days..what lovely people they are..so hospitable. This is real and true Iran..not the one that BBC and CNN show you.
Exactly! I have a friend and her twin brother are from Iran. They are sooo nice!! Like the girl is like the nicest person and most understanding person I have met and real life. She did tell me of a few times when people saw they were Iranian and thought they were bad people. My school is a Muslim school (not everyone are Muslims there though) so nobody really cared. But anyways, they are so nice and caring. If they see someone who looks sad or alone, they ask if they're alright and stuff. These are only the few of the nice things they do.
I read a lot about Iran, they were the first in everything! The first kingdom (Anunnaki), the first religion (Mitraism), the first singers and musical instrument (Persian Ney), the first animation(Goat jumping from Bronze age), the first pants, the first handwriting, the first human law (Hammurabi law), the first real game (chess), the first carpet, the first sport (wrestling) and many other firsts, respect from India to the Persian brother ✌🙏
My boyfriend's parents are from Iran. Being Mexican-American, I know how hospitable my culture can be, but let me tell you, my boyfriend's parents make me feel at home every time I'm at their home. I admire and love Iran's culture.
القرآن الكريم والنبی الاکرم صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم. اول من بذروا التشیع 😁😁😁😁😁 كانت بذرة التشيع في مكة حين امر الرسول ان ينذر عشيرته فجمع بني هاشم و انذرهم وقال من يكون اخي ووراثي من بعدي فاجابه علي فقط. فاعلن الرسول انه اخوه ووصيه وراثه ووزيره وخليفته... يؤكد علماء السلف أن التشيع للامام علي بذر أيام النبي (ص) وأن النبي نفسه هو الذي غرسه في النفوس وبثه بين الناس عن طريق الأحاديث التي وردت على لسان النبي (ص) وكشفت عما لعلي (ع) من فضائل ومكانة لا تدانى وفي مواقع متعددة رواها ثقاة أهل السنة ومنها: ما رواه السيوطي عن ابن عساكر عند تفسير الآيتين السادسة والسابعة من سورة البينة بسنده عن جابر بن عبد الله قال كنا عند النبي (ص) فأقبل الامام علي فقال النبي (ص): والذي نفسي بيده إن هذا وشيعته لهم الفائزون يوم القيامة: فنزل قوله تعالى: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ). تواتر نص:(خير البرية الامام على وشيعته هم الفائزون) من مصادر ثقاة السنة قال تعالى:(إنّ الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية) البينة:6-7 تواترت الروايات الصحيحة عن المصطفى (ص)وبطرق متعددة للصحابة وفي اوثق مصادر السنة بان الامام علي (ع) وشيعته هم الفائزون نقتصر على ستة مصادر سنية ومن اراد المزيد فليرجع الى مصادر السلف التفسيرية والحديثية والرجالية والتاريخية...علما بان الشمس لاتحجب بغربال والحقيقة واضحة لمن شرح الله صدره للايمان. 1- اخرج الامام الطبري في تفسيره ج30ص335عن أبي الجارود عن محمّد بن علي (أولئك هم خير البرية) فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: أنت يا علي وشيعتك. 2-اخرج الامام السيوطي في الدر المنثور ج6ص379 والشوكاني في الفتح القدير ج5ص477 وابن مردويه في المناقب ص346 (عن ابن عباس قال: لمّا نزلت هذه الآية (إنّ الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية) قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لعلي: (هو أنت وشيعتك يوم القيامة راضين مرضيين). 3- اخرج الامام احمد في فضائل الصحابة ج2ص 654 عن أمّ سلمة قالت: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عندي في ليلتي فغدت عليه فاطمة وعلي فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: يا علي أبشر فإنّك وأصحابك وشيعتك في الجنّة. 4- اخرج الامام الطبراني في المعجم الكبيرج1ص319 (وبإسناده أنّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لعلي: أنت وشيعتك تردون على الحوض رواء مرويين مبيضة وجوهكم وإنّ عدوّك يردون على الحوض ظماء مقمحين). 5- اخرج الامام ابن عساكر في تاريخ دمشق ج42ص333 (عن أبي سعيد قال: نظر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى علي فقال: هذا وشيعته هم الفائزون يوم القيامة. وجاء المصدر السابق (عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إنّ عن يمين العرش كراسي من نور عليها أقوام تلألأ وجوههم نورا. فقال أبو بكر: أنا منهم يا نبي الله؟ قال: أنت على خير. قال: فقال عمر: يا نبي الله أنا منهم؟ فقال: مثل ذلك، ولكنّهم قوم تحابّوا من أجلي وهم هذا وشيعته. وأشار بيده إلى علي بن أبي طالب. أخرج ابن عساكر عن جابر بن عبد الله قال: كنا عند النبي (ص) فأقبل علي فقال النبي (ص): والذي نفسي بيده إن هذا وشيعته لهم الفائزون يوم القيامة ونزلت (إن الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات-أولئك هم خير البرية) فكان أصحاب النبي (ص) إذا أقبل علي قالوا: جاء خير البرية. 6- اخرج الحاكم الحسكاني في شواهد التنزيل ج1ص85عن عبد الرحمن بن زيد بن أسلم، عن أبيه في قول الله تعالى (صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم) قال: النبي ومن معه وعلي بن أبي طالب وشيعته. وفيه ايضا عن يزيد بن شراحيل الانصاري عن علي: سمعت عليا يقول: قبض رسول الله (ص) وأنا مسنده إلى صدري فقال: يا علي ألم تسمع قول الله: (إن الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات-أولئك هم خير البرية) هم شيعتك و موعدي و موعدكم الحوض إذا اجتمع الأمم للحساب يدعون غرا محجلين. 7- وأخرج ابن مردويه عن علي (ع) قال: قال لي رسول الله (ص): ألم تسمع قوله تعالى: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ) إلخ هم أنت وشيعتك وموعدي وموعدكم الحوض إذا جاءت الأمم للحساب تدعون غرا محجلين الدر المنثور للسيوطي ج 6 ص أخرج ذلك ابن مردويه عن أبي رضي الله تعالى عنه وهو مخالف لما صح عنه فلا يعول عليه كما لا يخفى على العارف بعلم الحديث. أخرج ابن مردويه عن عائشة قالت: قلت: يا رسول الله من أكرم الخلق على الله؟ قال: يا عائشة أما تقرئين (إن الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات - أولئك هم خير البرية)؟ وأيضا عن ابن مردويه عن علي. 8- أقول: وروي هذا المعنى أيضا اخرج ابن عدي عن ابن عباس قال لما نزل قوله تعالى: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ)قال النبي (ص) لعلي (ع) هم أنت وشيعتك. 9- ورواه أيضا في البرهان، عن الموفق بن أحمد في كتاب المناقب عن يزيد بن شراحيل الأنصاري كاتب علي عنه و في المجمع، عن مقاتل بن سليمان عن الضحاك عن ابن عباس في قوله: (هم خير البرية) قال: نزلت في علي و أهل بيته. 10- قال النبي (ص) يا علي أنت وشيعتك تردون على الحوض مرويين مبيضة وجوهكم، وإن أعداءك يردون على الحوض ظماء مقمحين ". الهيثمي في مجمع الزائد. 11- قال رسول الله (ص): علي و شيعته هم الفائزون يوم القيامة.) انظر كنوز الحقائق للمناوي. مصادر السنة تؤكد ان الفرقة الناجية ظهرت زمن النبي (ص)
I m actually very surprised. Iran is much a beautiful place, rich heritage, culture, gastronomy and hospitality of the people. Wooowww....Thank you Mark for showcasing true Iran to the world. So sad the media has painted this country so badly...
what they are showing on american TV is a lie. same as the movies showing how powerful the american are. just follow from near what is happening in Iraq and Syria and you will come to a conclusion that american politicians are a lier.
persian culture is always colorful and rich, full of gold, food and carpets, they do teach about it in history class in school, like i remember taking classes in high school learning about the renaissance, and ancient china, japanese art, india and hinduism, and at least as an American, our education is good and my history teachers taught me well made me culturally aware of other countries and cultures. The news always lies its propaganda and you know it. It's sad though knowing most people are so ignorant and probably didn't pay attention in school, and they don't know world cultures at all. Like I have met som americans and they literally see people as white people, black or chinese. They don't know other culturally diverse foods and heritages. It's sad. I used to work in retail with hispanic coworkers and they couldnt tell the difference between an Indian person or middle eastern person, and didn't know where kebabs and spices come from. Just saying.
yeah actually america shows us the bad situation ,our culture,designs of our hotel and so on is top of them in middle east.poverty,hunger,and such things that are excuses in some country in these societies the people have been chosen fools or fools are ruling people. you can have some travel to Iran to take so much good experiences about foods and culture,our country is amazing.and thanks for your comment.
What a Beautiful people of Iran .So Hospitable. I hope to go there some day. Love you guys all from your Tongan Brother from the small Beautiful Island of Tonga..🇹🇴🇮🇷🇮🇷
Iran is so amazing..I am crying...we were crying when we had to go back on the way to the airport..after an 11 day travel. My heart goes out to all Iranian people..❣❣❣❣
If you come to Iran, send me a message. I live here alone. I'm not rich. But I have a car and a house. Just buy a ticket and come to Iran. You have been my guest here for two weeks.😊❤I live in the north of Iran. Rasht city
Your visit to Iran, opened my eyes to a wonderful country, wonderful culture, wonderful food, and wonderful people. I would like to visit one day... :)
As a fellow Persian let me just tell anyone that is doubting visiting iran it’s the greatest place to be for food and culture and nature . And the amount of love that tourists receive is unmatched because we don’t see many of them. I would definitely say Iranian people are the most welcoming community of fall. Don’t let the media fool you and give us a visit we will happily welcome you
Mark in my opinion your best videos are from Iran , great food , great people , great hospitality , great culture . I'm just speechless . Greetings from Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Iranian people are very friendly and nice. I worked there for sometime and have some very good friends. Iran has has rich cultural heritage and diverse cuisine. Thanks for covering its rich cuisine. Love to Iranian people from India 🇮🇳.
Because West make all the time films like 300 and perser looks like monster, but after 40 years, me self I live in Europe and USA I find that no where in the world has så high culture and civilisation and kindness like Persia,.. Here i find the most People lonly, depression, and hardly smile, very boring acctully.....
This video leaves me feeling happy and sad at the same time. Being South African all I have heard about Iran is unpleasant inhumane stories and watching this video has been a pleasant suprise and an eye opener. Thank You Mark for opening my eyes and teaching me that we are all united by the language spoken by our tummies only....
There are two sides of Iran. One is the regime in charge which is brutal and ruthless, and the other one is the people which the majority are against the regime in charge and pour into the streets from time to time to show their frustrations about the way they are treated by their rulers.
@@pedddler "brutal and ruthless" but the iran is way safer and christians and jews are not being slaughtered unlike in the iraq, afghanistan, and libya which the US "fixed" after all the other so called brutal and ruthless dictators they toppled. Iran literally has the largest jewish population of all muslim countries. And there arent any mass shootings in synagogues unlike the US. If you ask me its a good thing the US failed to topple the iranian and syrian regimes.
@@lemortedbrian6070 Iran is a safe country with low crime rates. But that doesn't mean the regime in charge is a good one. There have been 4 massive uprisings in Iran since 1999 with many losing their lives either on the streets, or in prisons through torture. The ruling clerics and the majority of the Iranian people are not on the same page and the up risings will continue to take place under different reasons like the raised gas prices in 2019, or the disputed elections of the 2009 for example. The only reason there continues to be violence and blood shed in Iraq and Afghanistan from time to time has the Quds force behind it in very negative ways. In Afghanistan through Taliban who were once enemies but now have secret but strong ties with the Quds force. And through its shia proxies in Iraq who continue to make life difficult for the ordinary Iraqi people. And there have been a few massive up risings in Iraq and against the negative influence that the politics of the islamic republic has on that country.
Mr. Taster is such a fun and sweet Person! Iranian people are different from the evil government of Iran. They are warm people with lot of hospitality. I hope Iran will be a librated nation and people of the world can travel there and experience the love and friendliness of Iranians.
These Iranian people are very welcoming, gracious and giving. Their food is just wonderful…. Kudos to Mr. Taster and his team and everyone that participated.. Family, friends and food!
Wow, literally beautiful country and beautiful people, i wish one day i can be able to visit Iran. Hope one day both our countries end the political issues. Love 🇸🇦🇮🇷
@@keyaaghaei آقای کیا حرفت درسته ولی هیچ ربطی نداره! درضمن شما نباید جلوی بیگانگان آبروی کشورت و ببری! هرمشکلی هست باید خود ما مردم ایران حل کنیم! نه اینکه بیاییم برای خارجی ها روضه بخونیم! فارغ از حکومت جمهوری اسلامی، ما همه ایرانی هستیم! آبروی ایران آبروی همه ماست ...
Ambar Bhattacharya Diversity and open borders are used as a tool for Socialist Globalist for votes and to destroy America . China is to blame for The Germ Warfare on America
So true Mr. Taster is wonderful. A beacon of light. He is so detailed. He wants you to experience every flavor, all your senses searching for the beauty of Iran itself. Wonderful people Mark shared with us.
Hello, Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in history, and we have a rich culture and customs. Iranians are very hospitable, so I invite you to travel to Iran.
I'm in tears, wow the Iranian people are so kind and respectful. May Allah continue to bless them. Pray for more positive representation. God bless you and your family, Mark.
I love you man. Here in the U.S we only hear the bad things about Iran. Thank you for showing me the beauty of this country. You deserve a Nobel peace prize my friend!
Yes ,I m from pakistan, iran 's neighbours...I also like so much Iranian culture,history, cuisine....wowww its beautiful....hope for more betterment between our countries.... Ameen
I am Zimbabwean (African)...... Iran and it's history is one of the places on my bucketlist. I cannot wait for covid to end so I can fulfill this dream. Also I cannot wait for Iran to finally reach it's true potential.
Wow Iran is such a beautiful country and very friendly people too. I love to visit this amazing country. Thank you Mark and Ying for bringing us a glimpse of Iran.❤❤❤
The Iranian people are one the most friendly hospitable and generous people I have met during my visit to Iran. A big thank you with hugs and kisses to you and your people 🥰🤗💟💐
Feelings cannot lies, the honesty of Hameed Mr. Taster shown in his tears at the end of video, he is really shows us his real people and country. Bravoo Mark, you deserve all the best all the way.
Hello, Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in history, and we have a rich culture and customs. Iranians are very hospitable, so I invite you to travel to Iran.
Hello, Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in history, and we have a rich culture and customs. Iranians are very hospitable, so I invite you to travel to Iran.
this was so amazing to watch, I cried like a baby at the end, The people are so warm and loving, The food looked absolutely amazing, I hope i'm blessed one day to visit and taste all the deliciousness!!
Idk why my eyes filled with tears .. They way they warmly welcome and treat people with respect is just amazing and incomparable .. ❤ Amazing people with best cuisine ..
It was so nice seeing beautiful Iran. As an American I've had a very distorted view in my minds eye of Iran. Please just let us love and be loved without politics. Mark Wiens is showing us the way through food. Thank you, Eileen ( I'm from a small logging town in Northwest USA.)
I realized 30 seconds before the video ended that i had a permanent smile the whole time while watching. Video's like these help to keep people culturally inclined.
It's so amazing to know that people of Iran are hospitable, and their food is so beautifully made and looks really delicious! Thank you Mark for taking us in this great travel!❤
I am from the west and i never knew that iran was such a beautiful country with beautiful and respectful people. The media is so not good. I really want to visit and do a lot of shopping.
Last year I went to Tehran - Iran with my family to get Uruguay Visa. It was an amazing place. People are so friendly and Beautiful. Infrastructure is so impressive not far from Europe and Food is sooooooooooooo Delicious. I really wish I visit again and again. Love you Iran. from Karachi Pakistan
wow, i have never seen mark treated like such absolute royalty as he was in iran! truly amazing people and unprecedented warmth and hospitality. those gifts are amazing, and not cheap! memories for a lifetime from his amazing journey through this beautiful country.
This video brought tears of joy and genuine affection for the Iranian people. The hospitality displayed was overwhelming. the food is incredible and makes me want to visit the country. Mark and Hamid should be the ambassadors of the world!
Iran/Persia has a rich-ancient history and that's where the humbleness, hospitality and great manners come from. everything about Iran is Magic. it's Nature, History, Culture, Art, Food, Architecture, People, all and all! Thanks so much for this absolutely amazing video, Mark. much much love to you and Mr Taster
lots of love to all Lebanese. actually my brothers wife is from there. your country is another wonderland too. I've seen Beirut once and its one the most beautiful cities in middle east.
Iran is such an incredible place and such lovely people. The image we get in the west is so negative. Thanks Mark for doing a great job. This is prompting me to visit Iran.
I don't know why people or the media gives a bad image about this country. I think is politics. They are a very nice people. Good heart people. I really would love to go one day to honor them. God bless them!😍
Cheers bro, we're always happy and excited to meet people from the other countries. Sadly, thanks to the stupid Islamic regime and government in Iran, we don't get that chance a lot. But people are mostly as lovely as you can see, especially with foreigns and guests in general. Peace out! ✌🏻
I have been to Iran and I enjoyed all every dishes, kebabs, desserts, drinks, fruits, nuts, dippings, bread all meals I had, amazing cuisines and very unique, I can't get enough of foods from iranian chef. I can say Iranian food is one of the best food in the world. Lovely people as well, most generous warm heart people. Anyone have a chance to go to Iran you won't be disappointed.
This video made me realize I definitely must visit 🇮🇷Iran. And it opened up my 👀eyes to realize Iran is one of the best travel destinations. The food is out of this world 🌎. INDESCRIBABLE. The generosity of the people of Iran are also indescribable. To sum this video up....I'm blown away!
If you come to Iran, we will welcome you Iranians are known for their hospitality in the world They may not have many things, but they will entertain you with the same small amount!
@@ThatShitGood imagine saying iranian food is garbage😂 its the most rich cuisine in the world. You have probably never eaten iranian food. Just a hater
Iran is a beautiful country. Iranian people are famous for their hospitality and their politeness. Iranian food is amazing and super delicious. Persian carpets from Iran are to die for. The original saffron comes from Iran. It’s also such a modern looking country.
I'm from Iran...it's my pleasure that you came to Iran and visited it I'm so happy that everyone has a good feeling about my country. We love you all, any race, in any place and situation❤ We wish you all good health...anyone, anywhere
I've been to Iran in december/januari with my Iranian friend ... The hospitality of the people, the food, the beauty of the country, the insane history, the bad political situation.. Everything life changing impressive. Everywhere we were we had to eat, the best local dishes were prepared time after time. I will be back!! I miss the genuine love of the people..
If the world had more ambassadors like Mr. Taster and Mark, there would be more peace. Thank you both for sharing your corner of the world with us. It gives us hope in humanity.
Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰 what a great video, I’m pretty sure all that hospitality and gifts had bring tears to your eyes on this trip with your family. One of the best videos from outside Thailand 🇹🇭 witch country I love as much as I love my own. 🙏🏻
Mr Taster getting teary eyed at the end. You could tell how happy and grateful he was to be in your videos. And with him collabing with the Food Ranger too! He seems to be proud to do his part showing the world a positive image of Iran.
Hope you’re having a great day! This video is a little different from normal, showing you my first and last day in Iran - initial impressions, sights and attractions, Iranian food, and some of the most unforgettable gifts I’ve ever received in my life. Thank you to Mr. Taster (ua-cam.com/users/TheMrtaster), Ghasr Setareh (instagram.com/ghasr_setareh/), and to the amazing people of Iran who treated us with immeasurable kindness and hospitality 🙏🙏 NOTE: Our trip to Iran was before the coronavirus outbreak. We are fine, but thoughts and prayers to all those affected in Iran, and around the world.
Hi Mark! Hope you're having an amazing day! 😁 Greetings from Philippines, I am watching all your videos. 😁
Mark Abroad too much salt
Iranian Propaganda. How can Westerns love Iran? Well, it’s through food since food is universal. Such bullshit
Julieden Dela Cruz Iranian Propaganda. How can Westerns love Iran? Well, it’s through food since food is universal. Such bullshit
Aisha Abdi Iranian Propaganda. How can Westerns love Iran? Well, it’s through food since food is universal. Such bullshit
Iran is a beutiful country with beautiful people with 7.000 years history, Greetings from Greece!
Thank youuuu so much🥰🥰I love your country ,♥️your people , and love you♥️
Iran and Greece are brother , forever🌹🇬🇷🇮🇷🌹
A 12,000-year-old flag has been found in the city of Yazd
اطلاعات بیشتر درباره این نوشتار مبدأ
برای اطلاعات ترجمه بیشتر، نوشتار مبدأ لازم است
A 12,000-year-old flag has been found in the city of Yazd
A 12,000-year-old flag has been found in the city of Yazd
Greece and Iran have much in common with their civilizations being ancient and sharing so much in culture as well.
I literally had no idea that Iran was like this. The architecture, the food, the hospitality, I had no idea. Mark, this is very awesome of you to do.
Actually Iran is perfect place to eat delecious foods
you chinese
Jonathan Faulhaber most ppl think of Iran like a desert with camels have no technology and the reasons of that is the fuse news and Hollywood social media and bad advertising.
I m an Iranian live in Australia for 10 years and I hear things of ppl about Iran that just don't exist there or hasn't happening
@@meysamcbr8537 That's good to know, and I'm not surprised, either. The media is terrible about making things seem a certain way, making people believe false things.
Jonathan Faulhaber that’s what the politicians don’t want you to see
This is beautiful, much love from Ghana 🇬🇭 to Iran 🇮🇷
peace and love to Ghana from Iran❤
Thank you gloria
Thank you guys thank you 😊 I'm from Iran too
This deserves a billion views .I never thought Iran is the most happy people .always smiling .Big respect to Iran 🇮🇷
I worked at a university with Iranians 40 years ago when Americans were hostile towards Iranians due to politics. I found that Iranians were the sweetest and most hospitable of anyone that I worked with. Couldn’t help but be endeared to them. Their food is wonderful and unique and they have a deep strong family-centered culture. I hate that the mass media stirred up people to be against them.
I love Iran I’m irania to but I’m in Switzerland 😢 and I want to be in Iran bc I love Al people
@@Sharinas_time_now God bless you, your people have endured so much with the politics and everything else. I pray for peace and that all who want to return are able to do it and prosper as they should.
That's not true,we are friendly but not happy.Iranians are the saddest people in the world I promise.🙂💔
I've been to Iran 20 years ago and I can still feel the same hospitality Mark recieved. Great country, great people!!!!!!!!!!! Greatings from Poland :)
Your comment makes me crying
Love from iran❤️
I’m living in Poland right now 😊 🇵🇱 🇮🇷
I never knew Iran was an incredibly blessed country like this, the culture, the history, the food, and everything is amazing. And the people are so awesome... wow I have no words, stay blessed.
From Ethiopia, much love and big respect for Iran.
My Ethiopian brother, am coming there for sure to my ancestry. Habasha Love from Canada, 1
Big love to Ethiopia, another diverse country with amazing food and proud history :)
Thank u❤️❤️❤️❤️
Try reading a book sometime!
@@hanifleylabi8071 Rubbish.
I am in love with Iranians after seeing this vlog , I am crying now. Such a wonderful country and such amazing polite people they are! God bless you all.
Iran is heart of the earth , real heaven , rich culture. Persian food is amazing, safe country in the world , people are so kind, lovely , friendly , educated and peaceful. God bless them .
love from iran💓💓💓
God bless you too
Don’t judge a book by its Cover,.. inside of these people is a devil😂
@@Rana.389 seems you are the devil . have you seen yourself in mirror proper so far?
the only devil can say that to people with 7000 rich culture and civilization.
My husband is from Iran. The foods and people are great. I learned many wonderful recipes from his Grandmother.
I am from Iran and I'm so happy that everyone has good feeling to my country 😍♥️
same,gives me so many feely feels
ما پاشیم بریم اونجا پشت سرمون تف می کنن اون وقت اونا میان اینجا جوری براشون دستمال زنی می کنیم انگار ن انگار
You are a great upright nation.
Respects from my heart.
❤️ From Pakistan
@@mazmaz1130 ناراحت نباش بجاش به این فکر کن تو همین سفرش چقد ازش چاپیدن و البته سابسکرایبرم زیاد داره کلی توریست واسه ایران جذب میشه👌🤣اقتصادی فکر کن
Yes I'm from Dominican republic so I have a friend from Iran and she taught me how is the culture in Iran and I'm just so eager and excited to visit Iran.
30yrs ago I fell in love with a beautiful Iranian girl , who became my wife. Her culture, cuisine , family and country enriched me so many ways i cannot count. Once you've met the people of Iran and experience their genuine hospitality, you'll consider them the best of friends. BTW. If in Terhan , I highly recommend walking , hiking and exploring the local mountains ...and their discos are rather fun too.
It was amazing ... I am from Shiraz ...
where are you from ??
I lve my CintryIRAN and miss him
I'm dating an Iranean girl right now. The quality of her character and intelligence and her beauty and kindness is waaaaay above what I am used to dating in oklahoma.
@@carterbroadway39 hold on tight brother 👍
Good people and good food are our common thread. Persian food is so wholesome and delicious, my favorite!I also love their rose ice cream dessert, best!
I had Iranian friends during my university days..what lovely people they are..so hospitable.
This is real and true Iran..not the one that BBC and CNN show you.
Thank you for recognizing our kind culture and hospitality
Exactly! I have a friend and her twin brother are from Iran. They are sooo nice!! Like the girl is like the nicest person and most understanding person I have met and real life. She did tell me of a few times when people saw they were Iranian and thought they were bad people. My school is a Muslim school (not everyone are Muslims there though) so nobody really cared. But anyways, they are so nice and caring. If they see someone who looks sad or alone, they ask if they're alright and stuff. These are only the few of the nice things they do.
Yes.😊 thankx
I thk it's the history with the US and UK where the bias lies.
I see all negative news of Iran on Fox news
I read a lot about Iran, they were the first in everything! The first kingdom (Anunnaki), the first religion (Mitraism), the first singers and musical instrument (Persian Ney), the first animation(Goat jumping from Bronze age), the first pants, the first handwriting, the first human law (Hammurabi law), the first real game (chess), the first carpet, the first sport (wrestling) and many other firsts, respect from India to the Persian brother ✌🙏
Thank you my brother but I do not accept that we were the first in everything but thank you for your praise 😊 love India and her people too Jai Hind 🥰
India is our brother friend we share so many culture and tradition Jai India
Also, the largest territory of the Achaemenid period so far
Thanks bro
We learnt fast from those whom we came into contact with
Iranian people are friendly. Thanks Mark for showing the real Iran to us.
🙏🏻❤🌹🇮🇷love from Iran.
Thank you🌷🌷
Thank you for telling our country. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Aww thanks💙
So this is actual Iran. Can't wait to travel to Iran after this Pandemic gets over. The great Persian empire. Lots of love from India..
But my mom says it's not safe to travel there don't know why is it because the history of those ISIS
you are very welcome in here! i hope that you'll have good time in my country (:
@@user-ks2yo4iy5y isis is in Iraq not Iran
@@frankh9326 ok
@@user-ks2yo4iy5y nah i live in Iran and its nor dangerous at all
The saying in Iran is guests are a gift from God. Long live Iran
Love from Serbia ♥️
The correct is that the guest is the beloved of god 😉
I love Iran. So good food. Greetings from Croatia for excelent people.
Hvala puno I ja volim hrvatska
What a rich country in terms of cuisine and hospitality. Want to visit one day. Love from 🇮🇳
Long live India🇮🇷❤🇮🇳
@that_dude_Felix69 Lmao ur not even Iranian ur name is Felix
@mrfelixhirad are you joking
, to understand Iranian culture, you have to see it for yourself. It is amazing. The media lie.
@@naderafshar7380 your name is too sus for that sentence 😂🤣
My boyfriend's parents are from Iran. Being Mexican-American, I know how hospitable my culture can be, but let me tell you, my boyfriend's parents make me feel at home every time I'm at their home. I admire and love Iran's culture.
Yes,cuisine has alot of similarities. Both our cultures are hospitable & humble. 🇮🇷🇲🇽🇺🇸
He won't marry u
@@howto6889 I bet you were fun at parties
Kween 😂😂😂😂
Kween B don’t compare everyone to you. Just cuz you got dumped doesn’t she will
That makes me want to visit Iran as soon as possible , much love from Casablanca 🇲🇦 🇮🇷
Love Morocco from Iran. You are always welcome to Iran.
Love from Iran, I always dreamed about Casablanca
Come here after covid19 bro😃
القرآن الكريم والنبی الاکرم صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم. اول من بذروا التشیع 😁😁😁😁😁
كانت بذرة التشيع في مكة حين امر الرسول ان ينذر عشيرته فجمع بني هاشم و انذرهم وقال من يكون اخي ووراثي من بعدي فاجابه علي فقط. فاعلن الرسول انه اخوه ووصيه وراثه ووزيره وخليفته...
يؤكد علماء السلف أن التشيع للامام علي بذر أيام النبي (ص) وأن النبي نفسه هو الذي غرسه في النفوس وبثه بين الناس عن طريق الأحاديث التي وردت على لسان النبي (ص) وكشفت عما لعلي (ع) من فضائل ومكانة لا تدانى وفي مواقع متعددة رواها ثقاة أهل السنة ومنها: ما رواه السيوطي عن ابن عساكر عند تفسير الآيتين السادسة والسابعة من سورة البينة بسنده عن جابر بن عبد الله قال كنا عند النبي (ص) فأقبل الامام علي فقال النبي (ص): والذي نفسي بيده إن هذا وشيعته لهم الفائزون يوم القيامة: فنزل قوله تعالى: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ).
تواتر نص:(خير البرية الامام على وشيعته هم الفائزون) من مصادر ثقاة السنة
قال تعالى:(إنّ الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية) البينة:6-7
تواترت الروايات الصحيحة عن المصطفى (ص)وبطرق متعددة للصحابة وفي اوثق مصادر السنة بان الامام علي (ع) وشيعته هم الفائزون نقتصر على ستة مصادر سنية ومن اراد المزيد فليرجع الى مصادر السلف التفسيرية والحديثية والرجالية والتاريخية...علما بان الشمس لاتحجب بغربال والحقيقة واضحة لمن شرح الله صدره للايمان.
1- اخرج الامام الطبري في تفسيره ج30ص335عن أبي الجارود عن محمّد بن علي (أولئك هم خير البرية) فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: أنت يا علي وشيعتك.
2-اخرج الامام السيوطي في الدر المنثور ج6ص379 والشوكاني في الفتح القدير ج5ص477 وابن مردويه في المناقب ص346 (عن ابن عباس قال: لمّا نزلت هذه الآية (إنّ الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية) قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لعلي: (هو أنت وشيعتك يوم القيامة راضين مرضيين).
3- اخرج الامام احمد في فضائل الصحابة ج2ص 654 عن أمّ سلمة قالت: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عندي في ليلتي فغدت عليه فاطمة وعلي فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: يا علي أبشر فإنّك وأصحابك وشيعتك في الجنّة.
4- اخرج الامام الطبراني في المعجم الكبيرج1ص319 (وبإسناده أنّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لعلي: أنت وشيعتك تردون على الحوض رواء مرويين مبيضة وجوهكم وإنّ عدوّك يردون على الحوض ظماء مقمحين).
5- اخرج الامام ابن عساكر في تاريخ دمشق ج42ص333 (عن أبي سعيد قال: نظر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى علي فقال: هذا وشيعته هم الفائزون يوم القيامة. وجاء المصدر السابق (عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إنّ عن يمين العرش كراسي من نور عليها أقوام تلألأ وجوههم نورا. فقال أبو بكر: أنا منهم يا نبي الله؟ قال: أنت على خير. قال: فقال عمر: يا نبي الله أنا منهم؟ فقال: مثل ذلك، ولكنّهم قوم تحابّوا من أجلي وهم هذا وشيعته. وأشار بيده إلى علي بن أبي طالب.
أخرج ابن عساكر عن جابر بن عبد الله قال: كنا عند النبي (ص) فأقبل علي فقال النبي (ص): والذي نفسي بيده إن هذا وشيعته لهم الفائزون يوم القيامة ونزلت (إن الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات-أولئك هم خير البرية) فكان أصحاب النبي (ص) إذا أقبل علي قالوا: جاء خير البرية.
6- اخرج الحاكم الحسكاني في شواهد التنزيل ج1ص85عن عبد الرحمن بن زيد بن أسلم، عن أبيه في قول الله تعالى (صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم) قال: النبي ومن معه وعلي بن أبي طالب وشيعته.
وفيه ايضا عن يزيد بن شراحيل الانصاري عن علي: سمعت عليا يقول: قبض رسول الله (ص) وأنا مسنده إلى صدري فقال: يا علي ألم تسمع قول الله: (إن الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات-أولئك هم خير البرية) هم شيعتك و موعدي و موعدكم الحوض إذا اجتمع الأمم للحساب يدعون غرا محجلين.
7- وأخرج ابن مردويه عن علي (ع) قال: قال لي رسول الله (ص): ألم تسمع قوله تعالى: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ) إلخ هم أنت وشيعتك وموعدي وموعدكم الحوض إذا جاءت الأمم للحساب تدعون غرا محجلين الدر المنثور للسيوطي ج 6 ص أخرج ذلك ابن مردويه عن أبي رضي الله تعالى عنه وهو مخالف لما صح عنه فلا يعول عليه كما لا يخفى على العارف بعلم الحديث.
أخرج ابن مردويه عن عائشة قالت: قلت: يا رسول الله من أكرم الخلق على الله؟ قال: يا عائشة أما تقرئين (إن الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات - أولئك هم خير البرية)؟ وأيضا عن ابن مردويه عن علي.
8- أقول: وروي هذا المعنى أيضا اخرج ابن عدي عن ابن عباس قال لما نزل قوله تعالى: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ)قال النبي (ص) لعلي (ع) هم أنت وشيعتك.
9- ورواه أيضا في البرهان، عن الموفق بن أحمد في كتاب المناقب عن يزيد بن شراحيل الأنصاري كاتب علي عنه و في المجمع، عن مقاتل بن سليمان عن الضحاك عن ابن عباس في قوله: (هم خير البرية) قال: نزلت في علي و أهل بيته.
10- قال النبي (ص) يا علي أنت وشيعتك تردون على الحوض مرويين مبيضة وجوهكم، وإن أعداءك يردون على الحوض ظماء مقمحين ". الهيثمي في مجمع الزائد.
11- قال رسول الله (ص): علي و شيعته هم الفائزون يوم القيامة.) انظر كنوز الحقائق للمناوي.
مصادر السنة تؤكد ان الفرقة الناجية ظهرت زمن النبي (ص)
I wish one day visit Casablaca 🌹
Iranian people are very hospitable, very nice people and the foods is tantalising, just delicious!
I m actually very surprised. Iran is much a beautiful place, rich heritage, culture, gastronomy and hospitality of the people. Wooowww....Thank you Mark for showcasing true Iran to the world. So sad the media has painted this country so badly...
👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻i love this country
Its not the media, its the government thats the problem. Iranian people are some of the nicest people around.
@@7timeless all goverments are awful
Don't trust media....iran is so beautiful with kind people...
This is nothing like what they show us on American television, thank you! ❤️
what they are showing on american TV is a lie. same as the movies showing how powerful the american are. just follow from near what is happening in Iraq and Syria and you will come to a conclusion that american politicians are a lier.
persian culture is always colorful and rich, full of gold, food and carpets, they do teach about it in history class in school, like i remember taking classes in high school learning about the renaissance, and ancient china, japanese art, india and hinduism, and at least as an American, our education is good and my history teachers taught me well made me culturally aware of other countries and cultures. The news always lies its propaganda and you know it. It's sad though knowing most people are so ignorant and probably didn't pay attention in school, and they don't know world cultures at all. Like I have met som americans and they literally see people as white people, black or chinese. They don't know other culturally diverse foods and heritages. It's sad. I used to work in retail with hispanic coworkers and they couldnt tell the difference between an Indian person or middle eastern person, and didn't know where kebabs and spices come from. Just saying.
yeah actually america shows us the bad situation ,our culture,designs of our hotel and so on is top of them in middle east.poverty,hunger,and such things that are excuses in some country in these societies the people have been chosen fools or fools are ruling people. you can have some travel to Iran to take so much good experiences about foods and culture,our country is amazing.and thanks for your comment.
@@aminemakni9628 zeal of our country,thanks for your reply.
taste of Iran🤩
Wonderful Iranian people and food! Greetings from Virginia, USA!
Super frll
We appriciate U😃😃
We luv us people ❤️❤️❤️
Me too 🙂❤🇮🇷
love you from IR
Thank you Mark for showing us Iran. Never imagined Iran to be so modern and having so warm people.
What a Beautiful people of Iran .So Hospitable. I hope to go there some day. Love you guys all from your Tongan Brother from the small Beautiful Island of Tonga..🇹🇴🇮🇷🇮🇷
Love to have you here ❤️
We come brother
😍thank s alot.. i wish you can travel here
You are always welcome Tonga Brother!💪🏽❤
Love uou from iran❤
Iran is so amazing..I am crying...we were crying when we had to go back on the way to the airport..after an 11 day travel.
My heart goes out to all Iranian people..❣❣❣❣
Tnks a lot❤️
This is for you from iran,tehran
To where ever you are❤🧡💛💚💙💜❤🧡💛💚💙💜❤🧡💛💚💙💜
If you come to Iran, send me a message. I live here alone. I'm not rich. But I have a car and a house. Just buy a ticket and come to Iran. You have been my guest here for two weeks.😊❤I live in the north of Iran. Rasht city
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Your visit to Iran, opened my eyes to a wonderful country, wonderful culture, wonderful food, and wonderful people. I would like to visit one day... :)
We would be happy=)))
You are heartly welcome to Iran.
This shows the power of propaganda, demonizing a whole nation.
Glad people like Mark exposing this malicious propaganda of western media
We welcome you if you ever do visit!
As a fellow Persian let me just tell anyone that is doubting visiting iran it’s the greatest place to be for food and culture and nature . And the amount of love that tourists receive is unmatched because we don’t see many of them. I would definitely say Iranian people are the most welcoming community of fall. Don’t let the media fool you and give us a visit we will happily welcome you
I have wanted to visit Persepolis since I read about Persia in the Bible.
Ah How much I love Iran and its beautiful native language Persian ❤ Lots of love from Pakistan
Your so sweet😍
ما هم ترو دوست داریم و کشوره خوبتون که هم زبان و همسایه و برادرهمیم
The food is unbelievable.. and the people seems so respectful.. I want to check out Iran 🇮🇷
You are heartly welcome to Iran.
Thank you i hope to see you one day ❤
Thank you very much, please come to Qazvin (on of the oldest cities in Iran) and be our guest. 🙏❤
Hope you can come here🇮🇷🌹
We'll be so happy to host you here in Iran
Mark in my opinion your best videos are from Iran , great food , great people , great hospitality , great culture . I'm just speechless . Greetings from Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Greetings to Bulgarian brothers and sisters
Hi. Please come iran and coment for me for have a good trip, im toure guide and translater
@@AREF_SAFAR I would like , once this pandemic is finished
Visit Iran asap brother, you will be blown away by the hospitality of the people.
I agree too. The best video about Iran I've seen. Thanks Mark.
Greetings from Italy🥰🥰🥰🥰
Iranian people are very friendly and nice. I worked there for sometime and have some very good friends. Iran has has rich cultural heritage and diverse cuisine. Thanks for covering its rich cuisine. Love to Iranian people from India 🇮🇳.
Thanks, woman Life freedom. Pray for Iran ✌️💔
Thanks to India for taking in our people the Parsi’s when they had no where else to go. We have pride for India ✌️
I love Indian food more lol I swear
Thank you my dear friend I am an Iranian and I watch a lot of Indian movies. I loved Shah Rukh Khan since I was a child👍😍
Wow,fantstic.I am from Scotland and never thought that Iran was like that.Amazing and the food looks out of this world.
Respect for Scotland and sir Alex Ferguson
Thanx . our foods are so delicious .
Respect m8 👊
Because West make all the time films like 300 and perser looks like monster, but after 40 years, me self I live in Europe and USA I find that no where in the world has så high culture and civilisation and kindness like Persia,.. Here i find the most People lonly, depression, and hardly smile, very boring acctully.....
I would love to visit Iran one day, love the food and people look so friendly. Bless from Chile! 🇨🇱 🌶
Welcome to iRan🎀🌈🌈
Here everything costs cheap for foreigners
Love you from Iran 🇮🇷 🚀 😂😂😂✋🏻 ❤️
Thank you😍😘 🇨🇱❤🇮🇷
@@Ali._.saneei 😘🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This video leaves me feeling happy and sad at the same time. Being South African all I have heard about Iran is unpleasant inhumane stories and watching this video has been a pleasant suprise and an eye opener. Thank You Mark for opening my eyes and teaching me that we are all united by the language spoken by our tummies only....
There are two sides of Iran. One is the regime in charge which is brutal and ruthless, and the other one is the people which the majority are against the regime in charge and pour into the streets from time to time to show their frustrations about the way they are treated by their rulers.
Thank you. I am from Iran and I hope you can come to Iran as soon as possible and have fun.
@@pedddler "brutal and ruthless" but the iran is way safer and christians and jews are not being slaughtered unlike in the iraq, afghanistan, and libya which the US "fixed" after all the other so called brutal and ruthless dictators they toppled. Iran literally has the largest jewish population of all muslim countries. And there arent any mass shootings in synagogues unlike the US. If you ask me its a good thing the US failed to topple the iranian and syrian regimes.
@@lemortedbrian6070 Iran is a safe country with low crime rates. But that doesn't mean the regime in charge is a good one.
There have been 4 massive uprisings in Iran since 1999 with many losing their lives either on the streets, or in prisons through torture. The ruling clerics and the majority of the Iranian people are not on the same page and the up risings will continue to take place under different reasons like the raised gas prices in 2019, or the disputed elections of the 2009 for example.
The only reason there continues to be violence and blood shed in Iraq and Afghanistan from time to time has the Quds force behind it in very negative ways. In Afghanistan through Taliban who were once enemies but now have secret but strong ties with the Quds force. And through its shia proxies in Iraq who continue to make life difficult for the ordinary Iraqi people. And there have been a few massive up risings in Iraq and against the negative influence that the politics of the islamic republic has on that country.
Man don't listen to fake news about Iran just come and eat one those foods you will forget everything bad 😁❤
Mr. Taster is such a fun and sweet Person! Iranian people are different from the evil government of Iran. They are warm people with lot of hospitality. I hope Iran will be a librated nation and people of the world can travel there and experience the love and friendliness of Iranians.
Shut up
We Love Iran from Germay
😍😍come to Iran,we will be happy
You are always welcome to Iran. Love and respect from Iran.
وما ایرانی ها عاشق آلمانیم
I love Persian culture and food.. and I like their friendly, generous, and humble people .. love and respect from Iraq!
What is names of this restaurant's in this videos ???
Love u too ❤🇮🇷
@@hussainmusadaq796 : thank you
Iran is such a beautiful country. I visited it alot.. I can say it is the most safest and beautiful country i've ever seen
Omg,that's our pleasure 🥺❤
@@MatinNesar it is to be fair but yeah if you go back 40 years to the revolution it has changed a lot since then
@@MatinNesar مرسی ک چهارتا توریست رو که میتونن باعث بشن چارتا مغازه دار ایرانی نون ببرن سر سفره رو فراری میدی و شهرت ایرانم خراب میکنی!!!
I’m Iranian and I wouldn’t call it the safest. My aunt got robbed there 1 year ago.
@@mohamedhassan652 دوست عزیز امن ترین کشورهای جهان هم دزدی از مردم درونشون هست
These Iranian people are very welcoming, gracious and giving. Their food is just wonderful…. Kudos to Mr. Taster and his team and everyone that participated.. Family, friends and food!
Wow, literally beautiful country and beautiful people, i wish one day i can be able to visit Iran. Hope one day both our countries end the political issues. Love 🇸🇦🇮🇷
@@melinahoseini8726 عکس بن سلمان داره ها ، به عنوان یک ایرانی
عاشت السعودیة🙏🌷
@@keyaaghaei آقای کیا حرفت درسته ولی هیچ ربطی نداره! درضمن شما نباید جلوی بیگانگان آبروی کشورت و ببری! هرمشکلی هست باید خود ما مردم ایران حل کنیم! نه اینکه بیاییم برای خارجی ها روضه بخونیم!
فارغ از حکومت جمهوری اسلامی، ما همه ایرانی هستیم! آبروی ایران آبروی همه ماست ...
Bro You will welcome by iranian people
That level of hospitality will be hard to beat....it basically shows the culmination of hundreds of years of rich culture and traditions of a country!
You mean thousands of years. Persian heritage goes back to 2500 years BC. :)
Hundreds 😂😂
over 7000 years of history
Come to South India. I'm sure you'll feel the amazing hospitality there. On par with Iranians :D
Ambar Bhattacharya Diversity and open borders are used as a tool for Socialist Globalist for votes and to destroy America .
China is to blame for The Germ Warfare on America
Mr. Taster is the main attraction in this series. He lights up every moments.
agree 100%
So true Mr. Taster is wonderful. A beacon of light. He is so detailed. He wants you to experience every flavor, all your senses searching for the beauty of Iran itself. Wonderful people Mark shared with us.
Not a chance
Where We Went Iranian Propaganda. How can Westerns love Iran? Well, it’s through food since food is universal. Such bullshit
Mary Miskanis Iranian Propaganda. How can Westerns love Iran? Well, it’s through food since food is universal. Such bullshit
Iranian hospitality is famous! Wish the best for the friendly and kind people of Iran.
The Iranian hospitality is llitteraly breath taking !
Thanks Mark for making earth a better place by sharing the love of all cultures.🥰
Yea thats just how we r😂😊
Hello, Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in history, and we have a rich culture and customs. Iranians are very hospitable, so I invite you to travel to Iran.
I'm in tears, wow the Iranian people are so kind and respectful. May Allah continue to bless them. Pray for more positive representation. God bless you and your family, Mark.
@@Dijahtal_Arts_Not_Digital_Arts go away troll
I love you man. Here in the U.S we only hear the bad things about Iran. Thank you for showing me the beauty of this country. You deserve a Nobel peace prize my friend!
I would also vote for that 😊❤️
Yep 👍 Iran 🇮🇷 is very beautiful and variety of food 🥘 , I love it
Yeah beautiful from the Outside. Don't be blind. Do your homework. That government is pretty disgusting
#Max newton
Im living inside iran and enjoying the free health care,what about your country?
Do your home work without fox news and cnn
All countries have good n bad don't be so quick to judge.....
Yes ,I m from pakistan, iran 's neighbours...I also like so much Iranian culture,history, cuisine....wowww its beautiful....hope for more betterment between our countries....
I’m Iranian and it’s nice to see someone appreciate our cuisine! Iranian food is so underrated I feel like more people should give it a try!
I am Zimbabwean (African)...... Iran and it's history is one of the places on my bucketlist.
I cannot wait for covid to end so I can fulfill this dream. Also I cannot wait for Iran to finally reach it's true potential.
@@EdmondLups Zimbabwe is so underrated too i had some class mates from there that gave me a soup/stew and it tasted really odd and good!😂
ایرانی 😂😂❤
@@MR_ALIOFYT 😂😂😂جر
hi im irani too
Wow Iran is such a beautiful country and very friendly people too. I love to visit this amazing country. Thank you Mark and Ying for bringing us a glimpse of Iran.❤❤❤
Welcome to Iran
But our very poor😔 for dictatori
great food
I am from iran🇮🇷🇮🇷
Thank you❤️❤️❤️😘
Iran has friendly people come to iran😇😇💗💗🇮🇷🇮🇷
I'm from Iran🇮🇷
I hope all of the people come to Iran and enjoy❤❤
Beautiful country, language, people and culture. ❤️ thank you.
I am coming after Ramadan with my family
We have just seen zyarat today on UA-cam and now every family member is extremely waiting our travelling date ...
The Iranian people are one the most friendly hospitable and generous people I have met during my visit to Iran. A big thank you with hugs and kisses to you and your people 🥰🤗💟💐
Anyone could assist me please how can I get visa and arrange rest of everything
I am from Nepal......I love Iranian food so much ......thanks Mark for showing the amazing food wonderful people and beautiful
places of Iran.
Big hugs to IRAN from me in Indonesia ❤
Welcome any time...to you and all the nation’s all over the world
Thank you. Love Indonesian people from Iran.
And big hugs to Indonesia from me in Iran
WOOOW they know the meaning of hospitality LOVE IRAN from Mongolia
Thank you. Love from Iran:)
i feel the same for Mongolia! hope i can visit one day!
Peshawar nights is the best book for any new Muslim who wants to know about real Islam
It.s free on the net 😊😊😊
They not only know, it's their culture. Hope to visit this wonderful country and amazing people.
We love you too . frome iran 💝
Feelings cannot lies, the honesty of Hameed Mr. Taster shown in his tears at the end of video, he is really shows us his real people and country.
Bravoo Mark, you deserve all the best all the way.
Mr. Taster was teary-eyed because his meal ticket was leaving.
@@allenfiddler2765 It's easy to be a troll. Not an accomplishment in life.
@@allenfiddler2765 he is very famous in iran he doesn't need that he was genuine
If a country has excellent cuisine,great architecture, friendly people that is a sign of great nation with magnificent history. Iran is one of them
I’m from iran and i really appreciate you because u showed people what iran really was, thank u for everything
To all the Iranians, عاشقتونم
عه ایرانی😍😂
I'm in south africa, I cannot believe how beautiful Iran is, wow the hospitality is amazing
@@bontle8536 💗🇮🇷💗💗💗
گمشو بابا
The way you connect people is incredible.
And dont lissen 2 the TV. ..haha
@@donronn71 Right!
I’m in tears. Such a blessing to have a temporary family that gave you memories that’ll last forever. People, food and culture. Amazing!
Thank you so much😊❤
Beautifull city, hospitality , country , just reflect what a great country is IRAN ,,,,Respect Mark , Mr Taster, and all team for a great episode ...
All your videos are captivating...but this one had me on the edge of my seat, Iran is such a warm and hospitable place!
Hello, Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in history, and we have a rich culture and customs. Iranians are very hospitable, so I invite you to travel to Iran.
Come iran in my home ...is for you🇮🇷🤝
آره داش
Amazing country! And amazing food! Looking forward to visiting Iran soon. Greetings from Philippines 🇵🇭
Hello, Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in history, and we have a rich culture and customs. Iranians are very hospitable, so I invite you to travel to Iran.
this was so amazing to watch, I cried like a baby at the end, The people are so warm and loving, The food looked absolutely amazing, I hope i'm blessed one day to visit and taste all the deliciousness!!
one day come to our country .. we wait .. with love ❤️
Thank u for loving us. We love Americans
Actually Iran and Irans foods are amaizing
Dorothy ❤️❤️❤️💯
as an iranian this is really heartwarming thanks to you mark for showing the real iran to the world
Idk why my eyes filled with tears .. They way they warmly welcome and treat people with respect is just amazing and incomparable .. ❤ Amazing people with best cuisine ..
I hope one day you come to our country ❤
It was so nice seeing beautiful Iran. As an American I've had a very distorted view in my minds eye of Iran. Please just let us love and be loved without politics. Mark Wiens is showing us the way through food. Thank you, Eileen ( I'm from a small logging town in Northwest USA.)
Then You should one day visit my country😉
Without politics👌🏻
We all love you from Iran❤️
We love you too ❤❤❤❤I hope you come to my country😚😚
best regards from iran
We love Americans too❤️😍
I realized 30 seconds before the video ended that i had a permanent smile the whole time while watching. Video's like these help to keep people culturally inclined.
R&G yh man
It's so amazing to know that people of Iran are hospitable, and their food is so beautifully made and looks really delicious! Thank you Mark for taking us in this great travel!❤
I am from the west and i never knew that iran was such a beautiful country with beautiful and respectful people. The media is so not good. I really want to visit and do a lot of shopping.
You are welcome to my country 😊
You're welcome anytime ☺
❤❤❤love ftom IRAN
Where about is west?
Iranaian are good people but we are suffering from bad mullah regime
From lebanon, Love you my iranian brothers and sisters❤️
All the love to Lebanon from Iran, Rasht.
And we love you too ❤iran_lebanon _ بلاد الغالي
Love you too bro
And we love you too♥️🍃 come here my bro , we will be so happy for coming you🏌♂️♥️
Beautiful Iran and beautiful people of Iran inside out. Love from Ladakh, INDIA.
Love you from iran💚💛💚💛💚💛
I hate India
@SEO Reseller Network yeah I'm Pakistani
Would love to go to Iran! People seems to be so friendly and the food is so good!
Last year I went to Tehran - Iran with my family to get Uruguay Visa. It was an amazing place. People are so friendly and Beautiful. Infrastructure is so impressive not far from Europe and Food is sooooooooooooo Delicious. I really wish I visit again and again. Love you Iran. from Karachi Pakistan
you always welcomed and we hope to see you here again😊
Did you get Uruguay visa from Tehran Iran?Did they process your visa from there?
@@MazharAli1984 Yes i got Multiple Uruguay Visa,
wow, i have never seen mark treated like such absolute royalty as he was in iran! truly amazing people and unprecedented warmth and hospitality. those gifts are amazing, and not cheap! memories for a lifetime from his amazing journey through this beautiful country.
Just The carpet should be around 20 thousand dollar
@@alirezaheshmatzad7825 that Persian rug painting is probably even more expensive since the carpet was machine made and not hand made
So much love from Ethiopia, I love Iranian Food !!!
This video brought tears of joy and genuine affection for the Iranian people. The hospitality displayed was overwhelming. the food is incredible and makes me want to visit the country. Mark and Hamid should be the ambassadors of the world!
Mr. Taster smiled every time 🤣Iranians are Amazing people. Respekt to you. Love from TURKEY
You know I love the way he smiles....
Thank u ❤🌷🌷
Merhaba arkadash
Iranians love turkish too
Like Denver from money heist
Iran are so Beautiful Country.. Greeting From Romania
Thank you too❤❤❤❤🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷
As a iranian guy, I am also playing in B-Zone which is popular Community in romania. Imi pare bine!
Thank you
@@sanctity444 With Pleasure
Hope to see you whenever you come just tell me😂😘
Mark was really holding in the tears when presenting the gift he received...true emotion very humbling.
It's amazing. A beautiful country with warm and nice people👍
The western media is so misleading, Iran is beautiful, gotta visit one day!
You will be welcome 🥰😇
Tank god for social media
Don't bro.
The rothchilds want a banking system in Iran that's why the propoganda.
It's an awful place to live, but great if you're coming as a tourist
Iran/Persia has a rich-ancient history and that's where the humbleness, hospitality and great manners come from. everything about Iran is Magic. it's Nature, History, Culture, Art, Food, Architecture, People, all and all!
Thanks so much for this absolutely amazing video, Mark. much much love to you and Mr Taster
M kamui agar name shoma mohamadreza kamui e, man duste dabirestanet am! 😂🙏
Love from lebanon to Iran and all Iranians❤
lots of love to all Lebanese. actually my brothers wife is from there. your country is another wonderland too. I've seen Beirut once and its one the most beautiful cities in middle east.
Love from Iran
Great people, great Food and amazing country.
Iran is such an incredible place and such lovely people. The image we get in the west is so negative. Thanks Mark for doing a great job. This is prompting me to visit Iran.
All of Iranian family are just like Mr. Taster. Such a beautiful wonderful country full of amazing people!
Thanks A lot Matt. Best wishes for you and your family !
Your family
I don't know why people or the media gives a bad image about this country. I think is politics. They are a very nice people. Good heart people. I really would love to go one day to honor them. God bless them!😍
@@maryfuentes5110 Thank you. I am from Iran and I hope you can come to Iran as soon as possible and have fun.
Cheers bro, we're always happy and excited to meet people from the other countries. Sadly, thanks to the stupid Islamic regime and government in Iran, we don't get that chance a lot. But people are mostly as lovely as you can see, especially with foreigns and guests in general. Peace out! ✌🏻
I have been to Iran and I enjoyed all every dishes, kebabs, desserts, drinks, fruits, nuts, dippings, bread all meals I had, amazing cuisines and very unique, I can't get enough of foods from iranian chef. I can say Iranian food is one of the best food in the world. Lovely people as well, most generous warm heart people. Anyone have a chance to go to Iran you won't be disappointed.
Wery Wery good thankeo
نوش جونت
Beautiful people, places and oh such beautiful food it's like the most artistic food I've ever seen!
This video made me realize I definitely must visit 🇮🇷Iran.
And it opened up my 👀eyes to realize Iran is one of the best travel destinations. The food is out of this world 🌎.
The generosity of the people of Iran are also indescribable.
To sum this video up....I'm blown away!
If you come to Iran, we will welcome you
Iranians are known for their hospitality in the world
They may not have many things, but they will entertain you with the same small amount!
yeah and you should have noticed that what your god damn country says all over the news about middle eastern and Muslim are propaganda
Offcourse misleading media reports about this country. really I know india has a lot culture ties with Iran defently will visit once 🇮🇳🇮🇷
My friend Iran has a rich culture and a very old civilization. The enemies of Iran lie a lot about us. Iranians are very hospitable.
@@military.313 👋 Hi Saeed,
I will definitely go there when I can. The people treat visitors with a lot of class. Very classy people 👏 indeed❗
Persian Food is absolutely the best !
I grew up with lebanese/french/italian food and all i can say is that i am obsessed with the Persian food.
Ghorme sabzi and fesenjoon are my favorite 😍😍
@@mecklenburgvorpommern2139 Everyone’s favorite food actually 😁
As a persian i can say persian food is actually pretty garbage, Italian food is the definition of quality food.
@@ThatShitGood imagine saying iranian food is garbage😂 its the most rich cuisine in the world. You have probably never eaten iranian food. Just a hater
Iran is a beautiful country. Iranian people are famous for their hospitality and their politeness. Iranian food is amazing and super delicious. Persian carpets from Iran are to die for. The original saffron comes from Iran. It’s also such a modern looking country.
OMG thanks❤️
The carperts are to die for "very beautiful". Would love to visit there someday
@@pariyahajipour4873 میشه بگی چی گفت؟؟😅
@@pariyahajipour4873 من المانی فارسی بلدم انگلیسیم زیاد خوب نیست
You are heartly welcome to Iran.
I'm from Iran...it's my pleasure that you came to Iran and visited it
I'm so happy that everyone has a good feeling about my country. We love you all, any race, in any place and situation❤
We wish you all good health...anyone, anywhere
I've been to Iran in december/januari with my Iranian friend ... The hospitality of the people, the food, the beauty of the country, the insane history, the bad political situation..
Everything life changing impressive.
Everywhere we were we had to eat, the best local dishes were prepared time after time.
I will be back!!
I miss the genuine love of the people..
If the world had more ambassadors like Mr. Taster and Mark, there would be more peace. Thank you both for sharing your corner of the world with us. It gives us hope in humanity.
Lol..if you really have watched the Video then you would have seen her 🙄
Unseen Vids you just wish you were there lmao stay jealous
Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰 what a great video, I’m pretty sure all that hospitality and gifts had bring tears to your eyes on this trip with your family.
One of the best videos from outside Thailand 🇹🇭 witch country I love as much as I love my own. 🙏🏻
We'll happy to see you too in our country ❤️
I never believe what the media says about a country ,I always knew it was beautiful. ❤ and it's people
A am Irani😊
Mr Taster getting teary eyed at the end. You could tell how happy and grateful he was to be in your videos. And with him collabing with the Food Ranger too! He seems to be proud to do his part showing the world a positive image of Iran.
Mr Taster seems soo lovely to be around and they way he feeds him is so sweet.x
U cute
He looks gay
His laughter looks like some deeply depressed people. I hope he is fine.
Harsh Reddy So what if he is, I was watching a video about good food and good people NOT trying to work out who’s Gay and who’s Lesbien!
Eddy Sayb So people can now work out someone’s psychological issues thru their laughter? Ermm get a life mate!
Amazing people and history , One day i will visit this beautiful country , lot of love from 🇲🇦🇨🇦
thanks dude make sure that you will! see you soon in iran hahahah
You're welcome my dear. See u soon ❤️