I've been saying, for a very long time, that wave shapes, wave sync, filters and ring modulators are wonderful for creating various timbres, but it's not until one starts to get into audio frequency rate modulation that one finds sounds that are truly amazing.
I was at Stanford when Chowning was doing this work (a little later). Everyone in the music department seemed to think he was a mad scientist or something. Amusing, now, that the DX7 (et al) was probably the most significant output of his “crazy” explorations.
Met this man yesterday at the St. Louis airport on accident! He sat next to me, and we chatted a while. Wish I had taken better notes after I came home to find out who he was!! D:
what does he say at 00:44 to 00:48 ? something with subaudio ? i cant clearly hear but i'd like to know. :) im not nativly englisch so my word recognition isnt that good :P
I've been saying, for a very long time, that wave shapes, wave sync, filters and ring modulators are wonderful for creating various timbres, but it's not until one starts to get into audio frequency rate modulation that one finds sounds that are truly amazing.
I was at Stanford when Chowning was doing this work (a little later). Everyone in the music department seemed to think he was a mad scientist or something. Amusing, now, that the DX7 (et al) was probably the most significant output of his “crazy” explorations.
Much respect ...The 80's would have never sounded like the 80's without John's awesome work.
Awesome video!
Wonderful to hear how FM came to be. Wonderful work!
Very interesting. I love FM.
I love FM synthesis. I think the new Kodamo EssenceFM synth is the best thing out there.
Met this man yesterday at the St. Louis airport on accident! He sat next to me, and we chatted a while. Wish I had taken better notes after I came home to find out who he was!! D:
Hero of the mind and perception. Truly an explorer.
thanks john! i could not do without your awesome invention
His daughter is my math teacher
+godiebeard2015 for real? thats awesome, this dudes responsible for so much good music its not even funny
@@HooverBeast And the digital world
Even still, I bet she gave you a hard time in class lol
is she hot?
That's interesting. Where is/was she teaching math? Was it at the college level?
Thank you for sharing this.
Thanks again for posting. Shame it was not longer!
John chowing is the Man!!
And to think, if it weren't for this man, the late 80's as we know them may never have existed.
I can't decide.
still love it!!
what does he say at 00:44 to 00:48 ? something with subaudio ? i cant clearly hear but i'd like to know. :) im not nativly englisch so my word recognition isnt that good :P
"and at subaudio rates"
Steve Johnson thanks
Steve Johnson I think its Sub audio and RANGE by the way,it sounds more like that and it makes more sense.
what.. a....legend!
I noticed it too.
LOVE ... that's all there is to say.
I hope some manufacturer will make a pure FM synth soon, with a large intuitive interface.
Check Native Instruments FM8 then. Or JuceOPLVSTi for more old atmosphere of the tone.
Badabing Yamaha Montage.
@@BrockDavisson Touch screen.. Nah.
An amazing story of the origin of the FM synthesis. I think he will be proud that the DX7 Mk1 can produce amazing sounds. Long live the DX7!
"I think he will be proud..." When did you post this comment? 1983?!
Wow, what a clever guy. Very interesting to hear. Thanks for posting.
1967 . --- was LSD involved? Amazaning molecule
This video is an editing tour de force !!
what a beast
Am I really the one to note the chimes at the beginning are FM synth?
One of the most influential figures in the history of electronic music.
native instruments fm8 rules now ;)
This is a very cool video - but good lord I really hope that they edit their videos better now lol
Can't take this in, must resist, too GOOD om nom nom.
Hey I meet Joe Pesci while smoking a joint on a desert parking in the middle of nowherE.
why is no one talking about this snoooooze fest?