Design Patterns: The most common misconceptions - Klaus Iglberger - Meeting C++ 2023

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2024
  • Design Patterns: The most common misconceptions - Klaus Iglberger - Meeting C++ 2023
    Design patterns are everywhere, as they are the key to managing dependencies between software entities.But despite their fundamental importance, there are some common misconceptions about them, in particularabout several of the most often used design patterns:
    - Factory functions are frequently mistaken for the Factory Method design pattern
    - The Builder design pattern is often associated with the implementation of constructors
    - The Bridge and Strategy design patterns are regularly mixed-up
    - The modern form of the Visitor design pattern, std::variant, is often considered a replacement of virtual functions
    - (Bonus) The Decorator design pattern is sometimes mistaken as the Chain of Responsibility design pattern
    In this talk I'll shed some light on these misconceptions and explain why they obstruct the propercommunication about software design and architecture. Additionally, I’ll address the biggest misconceptionof all: design patterns are a tool for object-oriented programming.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @SfrOschNOR
    @SfrOschNOR 5 місяців тому +3

    I always love to see some good conent about C++ Patterns which is unfortunately quite rare.

  • @CppZiedAlaya
    @CppZiedAlaya 5 місяців тому +1

    Great talk as usual, thanks (again) Kalaus 👍

  • @wolpumba4099
    @wolpumba4099 5 місяців тому +3

    *Chapter titles*
    *I. Introduction to Design Patterns*
    - 00:00 Introduction and Background
    - 01:29 Understanding Design Patterns
    *II. The Role of Terminology in Design Patterns*
    - 02:53 The Importance of Correct Terminology
    *III. Exploring Common Misconceptions*
    - 04:37 Misconception 1: Builder Pattern
    - 12:01 Clarification on the GoF Builder Pattern
    - 16:08 Misconception 2: Factory Method
    *IV. In-Depth Design Pattern Analysis*
    - 27:01 Understanding Factory Functions and Factory Method Patterns
    - 29:12 Clarifying the Bridge (Pimpl Idiom) and Misconceptions
    - 39:17 Differentiating Bridge and Strategy Design Patterns
    *V. Broader Perspectives on Design Patterns*
    - 40:09 Design Patterns Beyond Object-Oriented Programming
    *VI. Conclusion*
    - 49:24 Concluding Remarks and Q&A Invitation
    *Introduction and Background*
    - 00:00 Introduction to the talk on design patterns and common misconceptions.
    - 00:11 Introduction of the speaker, Klaus Iglberger, who is an author and expert on design patterns.
    - 00:35 The speaker clarifies that this talk will focus on terminology, specifically on commonly misused design pattern names.
    *Understanding Design Patterns*
    - 01:29 Explanation of what a design pattern is, emphasizing the importance of names for communication of intent.
    - 01:51 Design patterns aim to reduce dependencies through abstraction and concern separation.
    - 02:14 Clarification that abstractions in design patterns can include pointers, base classes, or templates.
    - 02:33 Mention that design patterns are discovered rather than invented due to their proven effectiveness over time.
    *The Importance of Correct Terminology*
    - 02:53 Discussion on the importance of terminology for design patterns.
    - 03:05 Reference to Kaa Lala's assertion on the benefits of using design patterns for understanding complex structures.
    - 03:29 Emphasis on mastering software complexity through the correct use of terminology.
    *Misconception 1: Builder Pattern*
    - 04:37 Initial confusion on LinkedIn about the favorite design pattern being the Builder pattern.
    - 04:52 The speaker's curiosity about which Builder pattern the respondents refer to.
    - 05:40 The majority reference Joshua Bloch's Builder pattern from his book "Effective Java."
    - 06:11 Comparison of Joshua Bloch's Builder pattern with the GoF (Gang of Four) Builder pattern from the classic design patterns book.
    - 06:53 Implementation of Joshua Bloch's Builder pattern in C++ for a widget class with many constructor parameters.
    - 08:24 Discussion on the differences between the two Builder patterns.
    *Clarification on the GoF Builder Pattern*
    - 12:01 Explanation of the GoF Builder pattern, focusing on construction and representation separation.
    - 12:14 Overview of the GoF Builder pattern structure and its intention.
    - 12:46 Importance of architectural boundaries and managing dependencies in true design patterns.
    *Misconception 2: Factory Method*
    - 16:08 Discussion of the common misuse of the term "Factory method" to describe any function that creates an object.
    - 16:14 Example of creating shapes from JSON to illustrate a factory function.
    - 16:27 Argument that a function creating an object is not a design pattern, but an implementation detail.
    - 16:55 Elaboration on the necessity of an architectural boundary for a design pattern, using a shapes creation function as an example.
    - 17:38 Introduction of a function pointer as an illustration of the Factory Method design pattern.
    - 18:17 Contrast between a simple factory function and the Factory Method design pattern's role in dependency inversion and design.
    - 19:23 Explanation of the actual Factory Method design pattern through an abstract example using function pointers and base class hierarchies.
    - 26:50 Summary stating that a "Factory method" is not the same as a "Factory function," and in C++, there are no methods, only functions.
    *Understanding Factory Functions and Factory Method Patterns*
    - 27:01 The speaker invites listeners to verify by checking the C++ standard draft online.
    - 27:34 Discusses the improper use of the term "method" in C++ when referring to functions.
    - 27:53 Explains the correct use of "Factory function" and "Factory method" in the context of design patterns.
    - 28:06 Points out that Wikipedia's definition of "Factory" in object-oriented programming may confuse readers between general factory concept and the specific Factory Method pattern.
    - 28:39 Emphasizes the difference between general factory functions that create objects and the Factory Method design pattern that involves customizable creation processes.
    *Clarifying the Bridge (Pimpl Idiom) and Misconceptions*
    - 29:12 Introduces the topic of the bridge pattern, also known as the pimpl (pointer to implementation) idiom.
    - 29:47 Uses the example of an electric car to illustrate a scenario where the technology changes frequently.
    - 30:04 Describes the potential issues with including a fast-changing "battery" class within the "electric car" class.
    - 30:58 Proposes using a pointer to decouple the dependency on the battery class.
    - 31:22 Discusses the incorrect notion that passing a "battery" to the constructor makes it a bridge pattern.
    - 32:26 Demonstrates the misconception that any use of a pointer to an object is an implementation of the bridge pattern.
    - 33:01 Refers to the original description of the bridge pattern from the design patterns book and the importance of hiding implementation details.
    - 34:00 Corrects the example of bridge pattern usage by showing that it should not involve passing an implementation detail through the constructor.
    - 34:17 Highlights that naming a data member "pimpl" or "impl" does not automatically make it a bridge pattern.
    - 36:07 Illustrates the proper implementation of the bridge pattern where the "electric car" class creates its own "battery" internally, hiding the implementation details.
    - 37:13 Compares the bridge and strategy design patterns, emphasizing internal customization (bridge) versus external customization points (strategy).
    *Differentiating Bridge and Strategy Design Patterns*
    - 39:17 Explains that the bridge pattern is about internal customization without dependency injection.
    - 39:41 Clarifies that the strategy pattern refers to external customization, typically achieved through dependency injection.
    - 40:01 Expands the discussion to consider the broader application of design patterns beyond object-oriented programming.
    *Design Patterns Beyond Object-Oriented Programming*
    - 40:09 Addresses a critique that mistakenly associates design patterns solely with object-oriented programming.
    - 40:33 Argues against the notion that modern C++ features make most object-oriented principles unnecessary.
    - 41:35 References Andrei Alexandrescu's book on template-based design patterns as an early example that design patterns are not restricted to object-oriented programming.
    - 42:08 Examines various C++ standard library features, like `unique_ptr` and `vector`, as examples of strategy design patterns without inheritance.
    - 42:54 Shows how algorithms like `std::accumulate` and `std::generate` use templates for customization, which can be considered factory methods or strategies.
    - 44:03 Discusses different approaches to dependency injection in C++, including template parameters, function pointers, base classes, and `std::function`.
    - 44:58 Concludes that design patterns serve to manage software complexity and are not exclusive to object-oriented programming.
    *Concluding Remarks and Q&A Invitation*
    - 49:24 Concludes the talk by emphasizing the importance of terminology in design patterns and their role in managing software complexity.
    - 49:32 Opens the floor for questions and encourages the audience to take a break and get some lunch.
    Disclaimer: I used gpt4-1106 to summarize the video transcript. This
    method may make mistakes in recognizing words and it can't distinguish
    between speakers.

  • @sadranezam3367
    @sadranezam3367 4 місяці тому

    eagle burger lol