Key West Bound in RECORD TIME with Spinnaker Sailing!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @richardburger3350
    @richardburger3350 16 днів тому +7

    It’s only a buccaneer!
    That is the most spontaneous and witty response I’ve ever heard!
    You go Bobby!

  • @fasteddy3336
    @fasteddy3336 17 днів тому +22

    Gotta love a girl that says don’t chew it just swallow it.😂

  • @RollinIsbell
    @RollinIsbell 16 днів тому +4

    It's always fun to visit Key West. Especially when it's not overrun by a Cruise ship.
    Thanks for taking us along.

  • @mikepb5536
    @mikepb5536 16 днів тому +4

    Love the white glasses!
    Keep it up Bobby, always good stuff!
    You're living the best life

  • @rbc5878
    @rbc5878 16 днів тому +4

    Thanks for another great video, Bobby

  • @dukedirtywork620
    @dukedirtywork620 16 днів тому +3

    My dog always liked this channel but now even more!

    • @AmandaZakri
      @AmandaZakri 16 днів тому +1

      Lol glad we could further appeal to our key demographics 🐶

  • @MrFroglips69
    @MrFroglips69 15 днів тому +3

    Groovy episode. Love your dogs, so cute.

  • @jodiquercia7131
    @jodiquercia7131 16 днів тому +2

    Never saw someone so excited about a sail

  • @markrottjakob2670
    @markrottjakob2670 17 днів тому +8

    Lactating chocolate milk!!!😂 my kind of lady

  • @srh8440
    @srh8440 16 днів тому +4

    Nice dye job Bobby… reminds me of Rudy Giuliani 😂!

  • @PorscheSpeedster-kz6nc
    @PorscheSpeedster-kz6nc 17 днів тому +8

    Looks like schnauzer doodles to me!😮

  • @garryhammond3117
    @garryhammond3117 16 днів тому

    Great video and editing Bobby!
    You're obviously "living the life" - You're so lucky to have found that. - Cheers!

  • @bbqwithunclewoo
    @bbqwithunclewoo 13 днів тому

    LOVE marathon key!!! one of my fav's, there are some awesome RV spots down there!!!

  • @festerofest4374
    @festerofest4374 16 днів тому +3

    I was on edge watching the drone grab.... I know how one little fumble = boink off the deck -- and into the water!

  • @mosesdo46
    @mosesdo46 15 днів тому

    So cute your dogs Bobby and Amanda ! Great day in sea .... Wow

  • @paulitos2
    @paulitos2 16 днів тому +3

    A spinakker without a whisker pole is just a big ass genoa. 😁

  • @azcharlie2009
    @azcharlie2009 15 днів тому +1

    You have to be the luckiest man alive!

  • @silverlicious2086
    @silverlicious2086 15 днів тому

    Spinnaker power for the Win. Lets Go!

  • @FL_eclectic
    @FL_eclectic 11 днів тому

    We were just there for Fantasy Fest. Walked all around those docks. Had a great time.

  • @tjmarvin1627
    @tjmarvin1627 17 днів тому +2

    Lovely ladies, both are beautiful! Cool vid.

  • @swingman50
    @swingman50 16 днів тому +5

    Amanda luv that white tank top on you. 👍❤️‍🔥

  • @jimfisk4474
    @jimfisk4474 16 днів тому +2

    Hey thanks for this one and Bobby, hope your ears okay. You don't want to be called one ear Bob😂

  • @RigiLiquid945
    @RigiLiquid945 14 днів тому

    11:18 nice to see the pups together there.

  • @matthoward5420
    @matthoward5420 16 днів тому +1

    Only a buccaneer 😂🤣😂🤣 that was good Bobby 👍🏻👌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @dl1027
    @dl1027 16 днів тому

    It's good to see Katy and Craig again 👍

  • @coreyadcock1092
    @coreyadcock1092 16 днів тому +2

    Who let the dogs out . Uh uh ,uh😎🇨🇦

  • @kenvaneyk3420
    @kenvaneyk3420 16 днів тому +1

    Bob you deserve better than what’s coming. Serious you do.

  • @MaximumDiver
    @MaximumDiver 16 днів тому +2

    Hey Bobby! You almost ended up with the same ear as Trump! Hahaha I love your Captain's pun by the way! Hehe. Lovely dogs, lovely woman and lovely video as always Captain!

  • @benoitdesaulniers928
    @benoitdesaulniers928 12 днів тому

    Merci beaucoup 🔥😎

  • @Aerostar509
    @Aerostar509 14 днів тому +1

    It is Doodle thirty!

  • @hankkoreman9848
    @hankkoreman9848 16 днів тому

    Great footage Bobby. Great tunes! Hope your ear is okay.

  • @scottmarkham9466
    @scottmarkham9466 11 днів тому +1

    Bring back Lauren !

  • @macman6107
    @macman6107 14 днів тому +1

    Hey Bobby, love seeing dogs sailing with you again.
    At times the audio seemed to b a bit boomy at times when Amanda was talking. Dunno if anyone else had that issue. It's only on this video as well, not on any others on YT.

    • @Sailingdoodles
      @Sailingdoodles  14 днів тому +1

      It was our mic system. I have a new one now. Thanks for the feedback

  • @RichardRoger1966
    @RichardRoger1966 16 днів тому

    I did check that one out. Beauty of a Neel.

  • @kellybasham3113
    @kellybasham3113 16 днів тому +1

    Love your videos

  • @Spaghed
    @Spaghed 16 днів тому

    Just was at Key West Marina few months ago. Was walking around checking out some of the same sailing charters I could see sitting at dock in the background. Saw a massive barracuda hanging out just below the dock.

  • @MK-gr9qz
    @MK-gr9qz 17 днів тому +1

    We love it

  • @geoffkopecky3652
    @geoffkopecky3652 17 днів тому

    Fantastic! Thank you for sharing... !

  • @philabbey3315
    @philabbey3315 17 днів тому +9

    The dogs and white glasses are Bobby's trade mark you would know if you have been with his channel for some time.
    Love it all, Bobby. always great videos.

  • @roberttavenier1300
    @roberttavenier1300 16 днів тому +2

    I was at Key West in September.

  • @arottie4097
    @arottie4097 15 днів тому +1


  • @rangerbull
    @rangerbull 16 днів тому +1

    My son and daughter in law lives in marathon. We got plane tickets bought. Can’t wait. Indiana is getting cold

  • @mikemullay5622
    @mikemullay5622 16 днів тому +1

    One place to cruise would be the Dry Tortugas. S. V. Delos was there a few years ago.

  • @gregmcmullen6698
    @gregmcmullen6698 16 днів тому

    What a life !

  • @rhodium69
    @rhodium69 17 днів тому +1

    Bobby you really know what your doing , that spinnaker really makes the difference have a great sail and take care of Amanda as well as the crew, lets not forget the boys .

  • @mattstarr8203
    @mattstarr8203 17 днів тому +1

    headlines should say heavies 😂

  • @scottmcclean2566
    @scottmcclean2566 16 днів тому

    livin' the life...... sweet!

  • @dairyair5371
    @dairyair5371 17 днів тому

    You gotta grab it! DIVE!!!

  • @bravofighter
    @bravofighter 15 днів тому

    @8:33 I love how Amanda disses the gossips.
    Folks, she’s really quite a lady, she and Bobby are good people just starting a relationship together. When they said they were expecting twins, they were referring to the DOGS. In that vey episode, in the NEXT CLIP they picked up two puppies from the same litter. There’s not an epic amount of drinking on their boat, nobody is slurring or stumbling, and everyone they bring on as crew is a professional in their own right, who also happens to look good on camera. Be respectful, they’re fun but respectable people just out there living out their best days through some very real challenges. You might want to listen when they speak.

  • @zzzxxzzz3248
    @zzzxxzzz3248 16 днів тому +10

    Nooo waaaaay I would ever drag any pet around the world with me on a boat ! I think it would be a huge pita and it looks like it too !

  • @McQuokka
    @McQuokka 17 днів тому +4

    Hope Amanda is gonna get those whoppers out at Sloppy Joes 😎🙏

    • @Spaghed
      @Spaghed 16 днів тому

      Then visit Ricks across the street later at night. Pretty happening nightlife.

  • @bobcathey8903
    @bobcathey8903 16 днів тому

    Music much better on this video! Did not distract from the video content! Cheers!

  • @garyleibitzke4166
    @garyleibitzke4166 17 днів тому +1

    Ah yes, the Duval Crawl. 😂

  • @jorgegregoratti
    @jorgegregoratti 16 днів тому +1

    Great job guys, good to see old friends!!!....Mackenzie catching the drone...speechless!!!...😂😂😂

  • @PN_48
    @PN_48 16 днів тому

    Interesting seeing sailing footage of the Neels… they’re more a cruiser than a fast cruiser - not lifting the windward ama - but 7-8 in 12 is good distance making pace!

  • @dennislowe3606
    @dennislowe3606 16 днів тому +5

    Bobby, just curious. How do you divide up the bill with such large groups?

  • @philgardiner445
    @philgardiner445 16 днів тому

    I also watched this episode in record time - 2x speed in fact. Thankfully it it was all over in 8 minutes.

  • @ricksundberg5659
    @ricksundberg5659 17 днів тому

    The dogs are doing good, brought them right into the bars...get a white cane and you can take em anywhere...I can see the two fighting and carrying on and you got the cane.🤣

  • @10indians1
    @10indians1 15 днів тому

    A cup of coffee for protection I got to try that!!!*

  • @kirktennyson612
    @kirktennyson612 16 днів тому +1

    Hay Bobby when are you going to get the doodles their diving gear? We see they have there dive cage all set up on deck. LOL 😂

  • @davidstewart3841
    @davidstewart3841 17 днів тому +6

    Hello MacKenzie all the way from timaru newzealand

  • @RaleighRich
    @RaleighRich 15 днів тому

    "It's only a buccaneer". Rotfl!!😅

  • @klif_n
    @klif_n 17 днів тому

    scoots right along :)

  • @scottmarkham9466
    @scottmarkham9466 11 днів тому

    Use toothpaste/noxema cold cream on any burns .

  • @Guvrunner
    @Guvrunner 16 днів тому +1

    Hey Bobby, do you think you'll have one dog that you'll favor over the other this time like you did with Maverick over Goose? Don't get me wrong, I know you love both those dogs dearly but you and Maverick just had a connection!

  • @coppachahta5488
    @coppachahta5488 17 днів тому +1

    That sound track is massive ✊🏾

  • @Facchini98
    @Facchini98 17 днів тому +10

    what happened to Lauryn why did she leave is she going to come back seems strange there was no good by or anything what happened

    • @kelvin7511
      @kelvin7511 16 днів тому +1

      I imagine she got what she wanted out of this channel which was more subs to her own channel. Always good to move on though.

    • @343jwright5
      @343jwright5 16 днів тому +1

      It’s part of Bobby’s scheme from what I’ve read. They’re rented for X amount of time. Gets their name out there more. Lots of drunken swinger sex. Bobby has people sign NDAs. Amanda gets a bit jealous when Bobby 🍆 s every girl on the channel. Him and Lauren got a little too close my guess. Amanda really does deserve better. Bobby will move on from her eventually. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @homeofinventions
      @homeofinventions 16 днів тому +2

      That and her and Amanda didn't get along well.

    • @dennispatrick4999
      @dennispatrick4999 16 днів тому +1

      Lauryn has her own channel.
      She got a bump in viewers from being on Bobby's channel.
      UA-cam Channels do it all the time.

    • @michaelfendya6694
      @michaelfendya6694 14 днів тому +1

      Yeah, amanda was tired of bobby looking at Lauryns boobs!

  • @MrThleckey
    @MrThleckey 17 днів тому +1

    Before the video starts I just watched the Spirit animal channel last night. Great channel also. Do you go to the you tube sailing awards? I saw a few of the crew there but no Bobby((.

  • @scottidw8415
    @scottidw8415 17 днів тому +1

    Watching your channel inspires me to put that baileys cream in my coffee😅

  • @josephdyson4035
    @josephdyson4035 17 днів тому +4

    What a great sight that is, sailing downwind with the spinnaker raised. Great video guys, cheers!

  • @woofersd2383
    @woofersd2383 16 днів тому

    Looks like the Pups are doing very well finding their way. Bacon was spot on, looked perfect to me. So Yummo. Did I miss an episode? Who is the young man?

  • @amcgovern05
    @amcgovern05 15 годин тому

    Schooners is the best bar in kw

  • @waynestewart9020
    @waynestewart9020 15 днів тому

    Hi Bobby , what is Geraldine up to . She went off the radar 😢 very much missed by her sailing followers , one of a kind lady

  • @johnwooldridge1860
    @johnwooldridge1860 16 днів тому

    How much bigger will the mini-Doodles get?

  • @walterwinn2842
    @walterwinn2842 16 днів тому

    The blonde headed gal kinda looks like Kate on Zatara 😊

  • @larrynolte9611
    @larrynolte9611 17 днів тому

    Do you like the Neel 43 trimaran or a regular catamaran

  • @BobzUrUncle-te6dj
    @BobzUrUncle-te6dj 16 днів тому

    Hey Bobby!! Love the boat!! Question for you: Why is the spinnaker sail black? Most sails are white, or white with some colours. I will say all black looks really cool!

  • @McQuokka
    @McQuokka 17 днів тому

    15:42 3 pros there swallowers good to see. 👍

    • @Spaghed
      @Spaghed 16 днів тому

      No chewing just swallow 😂
      She didn’t even flinch.

  • @johndubose1395
    @johndubose1395 17 днів тому +2

    do any restaurants or businesses give you a hard time about bring the dogs in ?

  • @Deano-1970
    @Deano-1970 17 днів тому

    Enjoyed this episode alot looking forward to all the adventures next year with the new catamaran 😎👍🐕🐕

  • @darrenykema979
    @darrenykema979 16 днів тому

    great sailing
    Question. Why not land the drone on the astroturf on the nets out front?

    • @homeofinventions
      @homeofinventions 16 днів тому

      When you turn it upside down it shuts off.

    • @pavichapin
      @pavichapin 16 днів тому

      it would break the blades

    • @darrenykema979
      @darrenykema979 16 днів тому

      The astroturf is flat, kinda like real grass.
      How would the blades break? Drones are landed on the ground and blades don't break

    • @pavichapin
      @pavichapin 16 днів тому

      @@darrenykema979 the ground is not moving

  • @carldavis6299
    @carldavis6299 16 днів тому

    I'm not sure if this is going to sound like a stupid question...... The Spinnaker..... Is there another name for that? Like maybe "whomper" ? I sailed on a lake with a buddy of mine, he always called the most forward sail his "whomper". And I gotta admit.... When he threw that sail up it was like putting NoS in a hot rod. That boat took off....

  • @isaiahgauthier2176
    @isaiahgauthier2176 2 дні тому

    Is this guy related to Jimmy connors? Looks just like him.

  • @NTF-fk8en
    @NTF-fk8en 13 днів тому

    Those oyster shooters suck, try this…vodka, tomato juice, 3 drops of Tabasco sauce!

  • @MichaelHiscox
    @MichaelHiscox 16 днів тому

    I thought it was "2.50 for an eyeball and a buck and a half for an ear".

  • @sevketdan4444
    @sevketdan4444 17 днів тому +1

    Ha,ha gav,gav

  • @kenvaneyk3420
    @kenvaneyk3420 16 днів тому +1

    Amanda, when are you going to be honest with Bob. Stop t doing this to him. Bob is a really good guy. when you drop the bomb, I hope every bit of karma comes for you. Everyone really likes Bob. We watch this show because of him. It’s not hard to see your here for yourself. Men have a hard time thinking with the right head.

  • @wctroyd
    @wctroyd 16 днів тому

    should tag lamarca prosecco (cheers )

  • @mattpovah5952
    @mattpovah5952 17 днів тому

    Those Neel trimarans are super nice.

  • @raybirsic6058
    @raybirsic6058 15 днів тому +1

    get Lauryn back

  • @paulklebaum1682
    @paulklebaum1682 17 днів тому


  • @Jayem1953
    @Jayem1953 16 днів тому

    Amanda, was that a bit of the Trump dance I saw there? 2:16

  • @chrishickman9738
    @chrishickman9738 16 днів тому +1

    u could've Goosewinded at 6:01
    A preventer line on the main sail boom & a spinaker pole out on the Gennaker would give you more speed depending on crew competence, because its NOT flying as a TRUE spinnaker :)
    The tack is tethered & not flying...
    Nice vid though :)

  • @larrydobbe3934
    @larrydobbe3934 14 днів тому

    Bobby Van Gough

  • @Fishcakes1
    @Fishcakes1 17 днів тому +9

    Why would that girl put those tats on her arm meaning just random nothings?

  • @jkrisjones
    @jkrisjones 17 днів тому

    Poor ole Bobby

  • @zerobugden8464
    @zerobugden8464 16 днів тому

    That clip art is not fair! That's cheating and you know it

  • @jamesnorwood4084
    @jamesnorwood4084 17 днів тому

    Dog needs nail trimming. Best left to ah pro.

  • @kevinh891
    @kevinh891 16 днів тому

    Maybe it would be safer the just land the drone on the trampolines out front???

  • @dennis9358
    @dennis9358 17 днів тому +2

    no booze for the puppies!!