Could you explain a little more? Does it matter that you switched into your personal vehicle? after that you just drove in like normal? is that the main thing? I don't have a garment factory, is that where you went after completing Cluckin Bell? How did you get there after? does it matter? is the main point to deposit your money and the mission will glitch? It's nice that you recorded it, but helps to explain what are the important points.
@cloudcattt I understand if you say no but could you help me with some missions or could I play some of your heists with you im trying to get the delxuo
kalo saya langsung buka settingan airplane mode sebelum mulai misi jadi tinggal alt+tab buat ke settingan turn airplane mode on or off pas mau memasuki cutscene cuma kalo di keyboard kamu ada shortcut airplane mode bisa dipakai biar gak usah buka buka setting
lewat rel kereta malah lebih cepet bang, gausah kena polisi
next time when you request your personal viechel take the vigilante cause you can boost as well, and it is armored for god
Could you explain a little more? Does it matter that you switched into your personal vehicle? after that you just drove in like normal? is that the main thing? I don't have a garment factory, is that where you went after completing Cluckin Bell? How did you get there after? does it matter? is the main point to deposit your money and the mission will glitch? It's nice that you recorded it, but helps to explain what are the important points.
You can watch my new video but im not talking in english, why im spawn in my garment factory because im setting my spawn in garment factory
@@cloudcattt Awesome, thank you. I will look for your new vid.
Omg it worked thank ❤
You're welcome!
How do I glitch it tho ?
How many times can we do this ?
Patokannya = Transaction pending abu2 ilang...baru cabut internet...bisa di dre contract jg kok
Take railroad track half's the Time
Clickbait smh
How long does it take all together?
To get 1500000 it can take up to 1 hour, so you need to do 3 heists depending on how many minutes it takes you to complete the heist.
@cloudcattt I understand if you say no but could you help me with some missions or could I play some of your heists with you im trying to get the delxuo
@@Atomic-lag you play on pc?
bisa kena ban ama rockstar ga sih klo make glitch gini?
Bisa kak, makanya kalo pengen 3x aja gunain glitch ini terus kasih jeda sekitar 30menitam
@@cloudcattt oke
lebih mantep agency sih duitnya
Kuncinya abis raid langsung balik lagi ke kantor polisinya ya? tpi di aku logo v nya ga ada klo abis raid nya kelar
Berarti gagal kak kalo logo v nya gak muncul malah gak keskip prepare nya,mungkin kakaknya aktifin airplane mode nya terlambat
@@cloudcatttjadi kalo mau aktifin airplane mode nya pas sebelum cut scene ngasih barang nya atau pas sesudah cut scene nya?
Aktifin airplane mode nya saat tulisan uang nya jadi $500.000 langsung diaktifin
Apakah berlaku di konsol ps4...?
Maaf yah kak kurang tau kalo di ps4 bisa nggak nya
Patched or not?
cara cepet nyalain airplane mode gimana
kalo saya langsung buka settingan airplane mode sebelum mulai misi jadi tinggal alt+tab buat ke settingan turn airplane mode on or off pas mau memasuki cutscene cuma kalo di keyboard kamu ada shortcut airplane mode bisa dipakai biar gak usah buka buka setting
jadi ini glitch uang 1,5jt apa cooldown sama setup?
Iya kak glitch nya cuma skip setup sama cooldown nya aja kalo pen dapatin 1,5jt nya hrus 3x heist dulu
I didn't get money
do you have story mode? it doesn’t work for me either and i think that might have something to do with it