+Elenajk IMO Not really, Kalle is not hiding his feelings, he has said what he feels under difficult circumstances and really most get jealous in relationships, I have been but Kalle has channelled it correctly now, by being honest. Elias sill loves Lari but is denying it to him that is also human nature. Good luck to both but I don't understand this competition to see who is the most mature, both Elias and Kalle at present are in a difficult place.
Poor Elias. Not only is he forced to act fine around Lari and Kalle (which he does really well lately), now he is also getting dragged into their problems! And Kalle's jealousy isn't even Elias' fault or responsibility whatsoever.
+quietastronaut I was literally going to write the same thing but you beat me to it. couldn't have word it better. This is so unfair on Elias he just doing his job!
I hate Lari kissing Kalle.Everything about their relationship is wrong cos Elias is the only one who can make Lari truly happy.Kalle just ruins every scene with his jealousy and insecurity.
Please don't dislike the videos just because you don't like the way the storyline is going. MissFinn is not responsible for the writing of the show but she is doing a lot of work to share the story of Elias Lari and Kalle with us and we should give her Thumbs Up for her work.
I love Kalle and Lari together you can see the love they have for each other is genuine. Tired of Elias being such an interloper though wish he would go away.
Thanks, MissF!!!!! We have to be very very patient, which is never easy, but IMO the show is right in taking its time with Lari and Kalle before we get to the real deal Larias.
It seems that the story to painfully Kalle/Lari heavy. Their relationship is not showing enough weakness to justify ending. It hard to believe they can turn this around into Larias any time quick. Without dragging it on for months. I hope they have something up their sleeves to get this painful relationship over and move onto Larias. Hopefully before the end of March to give plenty time this season for Larias to blossom again.
+Mark Mark The weakness is obvious and blatant. Kalle does not trust Lari to not cheat on him with Elias so much so that even when Kalle is in bed with Lari having spent the entire night with him his first thought is of Elias. That is the more problematic weakness a relationship can have, lack of trust. You add to that the fact that Lari is STILL Ilja's father and Sanni is Kalle's sister and Sanni and Ilja are living with Kalle and that is just a disaster waiting to happen. The first time Lari holds the baby in front of Kalle Kalle is going to have a fit. This entire situation is a powderkeg with Kalle and Lari. It has Lari on tenterhooks all the time and Kalle is hypervigilant. No good can come from this.
This Kari relationship is a bit absurd - I see no chemistry between them or excitement for that matter, why are they even together? I can understand Kalle being jealous with all the Larias history, then maybe could Elias will meet someone soon and Lari will get jealous. When will this circle or events end?
Right now, Elias is just doing his job and trying to be a good friend to Lari. If Kalle doesn't trust Lari then Kalle should break up with Lari. Having a tantrum about Elias every 5 minutes is not going to help him feel better. Right now, Lari has given Kalle no reason to be jealous. Kalle needs to get his emotions in check or find someone to be with that he trusts.
Everyone is so tired of Lari-Kalle. It's hilarious to read how awful they are and how childish Kalle is. Of course, Lari & Elias will eventually reunite. It's the "eventually" that seems to be driving people crazy. Remember how long Elias & Miska were together? They even got engaged-which was absurd. What's happening now is Lari & Elias are being mature. Elias even suggested to Lari that Kalle probably wanted more of Lari's company! Elias has grown up. He's not going to try to steal Lari from Kalle. Instead, Kalle is going to push Lari away. Maybe it's happening too slowly, but we can see that's what's happening. If we watch the show for these signs & have confidence, it'll be less painful, or maybe even sort of interesting & mildly amusing. I mean what's the point of watching the show if you can't enjoy it at least a little? ;-)
+alwaysuseless Of course it will take a long time. Elias will have to suffer a lot because he knows that he still loves Lari. Instead Lari has not yet realized he still loves Elias. As it had happened to Elias regard to Lari, when he was with Miska. We will have to wait patiently, and meanwhile have fun with the story. And especially with the vision, finally after too much time, of the naked body, unfortunately just above the belt, of Lari. Body which, after losing 10 kg, appears to us as a heavenly vision, as only Michelangelo could sculpt. in italiano Certo ci vorrà molto tempo. Elias dovrà soffrire molto perché lui sa che ama ancora Lari. Invece Lari non si è ancora reso conto di amare ancora Elias. Com'era avvenuto per Elias nei confronti di Lari, quando lui stava con Miska. Dovremo aspettare pazientemente, ed intanto divertirci con la storia. E soprattutto con la visione, finalmente dopo troppo tempo, del corpo nudo, purtroppo solo sopra la cintura, di Lari. Corpo che, dopo aver perso 10 kg, appare a noi come una visione celeste, come solo Michelangelo avrebbe potuto scolpire.
+alwaysuseless Slow is right at this point it's practically torture I had to come back and rewatch because I wasn't even paying attention to the clip today instead doing my HW that tells me something is wrong when I rather be doing HW then watching. I was hoping for more Elias and Aki scenes they play off each other well I don't know why... Miska was a total mistake and maybe Lari is doing the same thing Elias did with Miska which is a good point actually but I always felt Elias feelings showed through of still liking and pining for Lari even when he was with Miska. In Lari's case it feels like he just goes with the flow I don't know if that is the intention but like he seems not to connect with Kalle genuinely but also seems like totally clueless about how Elias feels for him even around Elias almost indifferent...I don't really know how to word what I mean exactly but the point being it's hard to see the signs and enjoy I WANT to see those signs too!
+janet l. I agree that Lari seems not to pick up on Elias' longing for him. While that may bother us, it enables Lari to be comfortable around Elias, and that for now is a good thing, leading to greater friendship, and then (we can hope) more.
le me eagerly waiting for new video check everyday for notif see vid get SUPER excited and then kalle and lari -_- talk about throwing a wet cloth on all my expectations . Y u do this salatut elamat???? -_- -_-
It's exactly what I've been doing for the past few months. Everyday I go check if there's any updates and every time after the update I would be waiting for Elias' and Lari's kiss eagerly. But what do we have? A bunch of Lari/Kalle smooching scenes! The writers of Salatut Elämät are really pissing me off!
One of the wonderful things about humans is that we are unique. We have many varied views and preferences. We interpret the same things in lots of different ways. Over the passed few years I have seen Lari come to terms with his homosexuality, but loose a boyfriend (Elias) as Lari couldn't / didn't come out to his father on Elias' terms or as quick as Elias wanted. One night with Miska (where is moaned about Lari) and Elias decides to stick with Miska, even though Lari only needed one night by himself to sort his head out and tell his dad. As Elias kept saying "I'm with Miska, move on" Lari did. Slowly. He was homeless, but eventually accepted a room with the Laitelas. Kalle became a friend whom he could talk to about his dad and most troubles he had. Ismo became a father figure. As Lari was moving on, he began to see Kalle differently. Even though he was upset when Elias was shot, and acted more like a boyfriend than a friend, he always assured Kalle that he was just worried about Elias as a friend who could have died. Eventually they did get together. Even though Kalle isn't often the most communicative of people at times and gets things very wrong at times (e.g. India), Lari did forgive him, eventually. Lari, in turn, has made mistakes and not told Kalle things as he didn't want to hurt him or loose him. Kalle has forgiven him. They are getting on OK for now. Taking things slowly as they still care for each other. Elias, as we all saw, made the wrong choice in not waiting for Lari, and choosing Miska. He showed he was jealous of anyone who appeared to be intimate with Lari even when they weren't (Kalle around Lari's 18th). His feelings were clear. He just couldn't admit them to himself, let alone anyone else. In the end, he visited his mother to clear his head from the kidnapping and his feelings for Lari. He has come back and is being a friend to Lari. Unfortunately, Elias hasn't actually moved on and still loves Lari. Lari isn't picking up on signals from Elias. Not surprising really, as he didn't pick up on what Elias was wanted to say after they kissed at Tale / Janne's birthday do (when they were interrupted by Tale and Janne fighting). Lari also didn't realise that Elias read more into comments after they were rescued when Lari said he'd always be there for Elias (Lari meant as a friend, Elias thought more - obvious from his face). My thoughts now are that Lari doesn't pick up on someone being subtle in general, or that he hasn't picked up on Elias being subtle as he has moved on and only sees him as a friend. Elias seems to be trying to be a friend but I'm seeing him failing too. Telling Lari to go and see Kalle, and in the next breath saying he'd want to see him in a similar situation - not really relevant. The bit at the end, he could have left them alone for a few more minutes and had a coffee, rather than just barging in and disturbing them, Kalle. Kalle is so very different than these two. While he came out young and was kicked out of home by Ismo, he did keep trying to repair their relationship. He went into the army and did his National Service, mainly I think to please Ismo. He found love and had a civil ceremony. This would have been at the time when Finland first introduced them making Kalle one of the first couples in the country - something which seems to have been overlooked by commentators here - and is a huge thing in soaps. His working experiences have meant that he is confident, professional, and mature as a doctor (OK writers for any drama / soap never so doctors realistically, I mean how many medical directors at hospitals actually work shifts and see patients). Unfortunately his personal life hasn't always been as happy, and this will effect him and his behaviour. He is still hurt, and is trying to sort himself out. It will take time. Seeing Lari with Elias will hurt him. Logically he will know there's nothing there, and he wants to believe and trust Lari. When Kalle decides not to spend time with Lari if Elias is there too, I see that more as self preservation. OK imagination can be worse but, I think, for Kalle it is less painful that actually seeing. He HAS admitted to himself and Lari, that he is jealous. Something Elias has NEVER done. Maybe he is learning to talk about problems rather keeping them bottled up. I have never seen one relationship or another as being particularly boring. ANY relationship can be boring if all they do is work, eat, sit watch TV, sleep, repeat daily with occasional drinks with friends to listen to their problems. I just think that when characters are first come out / are put together, then a lot of people seem to think that this is how it should be. There is a lot of nostalgia about them. Take John Paul and Craig from Holyoaks as an example - Craig left (Guy's contract ended) but he came back later for John Paul (what the fans wanted). We never saw them together really as they both left (James' contract had then ended and Guy came back on a short term contract). Then John Paul came back, alone. Happy endings don't always happen, in real life or soaps. I've also seen comments about Iida and Janne being together as a 'end game'. If that's the case, why is Anton there? I know that some (most) want Lari to be with Elias, others want him to be with Kalle, others don't mind which as long as its a plausible storyline and Lari is happy. Others want Elias to be happy. No one seems to want Kalle to be happy. I think for the first gay character in the soap, who would have been one of the first in Finland to have a civil ceremony, this is rather sad.
Lari knows how Elias feels about him. Elias told him awhile back but Lari said he wanted to see where his relationship with Kalle could go. I'm not particularly fond of Kalle but I think Lari was right to explore what else was out there besides Elias. Cause remember Lari and Elias' relationship wasn't all flowers and kisses, they had issues which caused them to break up. Now they've both had different relationships and has had time to mature and come into their own. I can't for them to get back together, I would love to see how the dynamics of their relationship has changed.
They must have shipped the writers and ex producers from DOOL and GH to Finland!!! Poor Finland, how long is too long, the suffering is almost painful and I like Kalle :)
It seems while Elias is being supportive and mature, that Kalle is being very childish...if Kalle wants to keep Lari, he better slow his roll...#iwantlarias
Fuck, i must admit that Kalle and Lari have more intimate scenes and cuddling than Lari and Elias had. Lari and Elias didn't cuddle that much, there is a genuine affection between Lari and Kalle. I write this, BUT i'm not a fan of that couple!
+L Lily You have to remember that Lari was in a very different place emotionally and mentally when he was with Elias, and in a very different stage of coming out, compared to where he is now with Kalle. He is much more confident and comfortable with who he is now as an openly gay man. That was always one of the problems between Elias and Lari when they were together. They were just simply in different stages of coming out. Now that Lari has caught up to Elias in that regard, I expect a future Larias relationship to be much more affectionate than it was before.
+L Lily Actually I don't think that's true, it has just been so long since Lari and Elias were a couple folks forget. Lari and Elias were always cuddling, hugging, touching each other and shown in bed naked at least 3 or 4 times but it was all happening in Katarina and Elias' apartment. If you go back and watch the first 1.5 years of Elias and Lari they cuddled all the time.
just a bit freaked out, Lari is ok with his child being in the room next door and not acknowledging him. Sanni is in the apartment with Lari's baby and Kalle and Lari are having sex. The bedroom door is wide open when Lari is lying there on the bed- CLOSE THE DOOR if Sanni and the baby are around. Maybe I am just too delicate
While I can appreciate the detailed analysis of the emotional development of the characters expressed here. This story has stimulated for some unknown reason the creative side of me with story development. With this in mind, this show has failed miserably( even Miss Finn has expressed this here). I will say again others shows in the same game with the same storyline can move their storyline more in 3- 4 minutes( one episode appearance) than it take this show 9 minutes ( three appearances in a week). If you been here in real time show development it becomes very apparent.
Honestly, Elias and Lari have become way more mature than Kalle. He needs to sort himself out lol
exactly, kalle is being way too childish
+Elenajk IMO Not really, Kalle is not hiding his feelings, he has said what he feels under difficult circumstances and really most get jealous in relationships, I have been but Kalle has channelled it correctly now, by being honest. Elias sill loves Lari but is denying it to him that is also human nature. Good luck to both but I don't understand this competition to see who is the most mature, both Elias and Kalle at present are in a difficult place.
huh? let's ignore what happened to him? he would not forgive Lari if he is being cHilDiSh.
Poor Elias. Not only is he forced to act fine around Lari and Kalle (which he does really well lately), now he is also getting dragged into their problems! And Kalle's jealousy isn't even Elias' fault or responsibility whatsoever.
+quietastronaut I was literally going to write the same thing but you beat me to it. couldn't have word it better. This is so unfair on Elias he just doing his job!
+janet l. Exactly! Elias is being the best friend and ex anyone can be and it still isn't good enough. It's like he can't win.
quietastronaut It is sooo true!😭
they cheated on him of course he has every right to be jealous.
I hate Lari kissing Kalle.Everything about their relationship is wrong cos Elias is the only one who can make Lari truly happy.Kalle just ruins every scene with his jealousy and insecurity.
+jwsm2 Holy words!
in italiano
Parole sante!
+jwsm2 it looked like kalle was eating lari's face up and not in a good way xD jk jk sorry to kari fans but im larias fan forever xP
And Kalle is kinda fat😑
I can't wait tell Lari realize he still loves Elias.
Lari loves Elias too much to even realise it..
Please don't dislike the videos just because you don't like the way the storyline is going. MissFinn is not responsible for the writing of the show but she is doing a lot of work to share the story of Elias Lari and Kalle with us and we should give her Thumbs Up for her work.
Kalle can be such a child,
Elias is soon mature and giving constructive advices. Just love the NEW ELAIS!!!
Wow that was the most akward lead up to a kiss I think I've ever seen!
But then that kiss was even more akward!!
Any idea when lari is gunna realize he still loves Elias? I'm really tired of kalle, i mean feel bad for him but he needs to go away.
I love Kalle and Lari together you can see the love they have for each other is genuine. Tired of Elias being such an interloper though wish he would go away.
Hey the sarcasm is real 😂😂😂😂😂
+JordanjamesX Yes, this was the first time I have seen real love for Lari in Kalle's eyes. I also love the more mature look of Elias.
Kalle is jealous and Elias is hiding his true feelings.....must be Tuesday!
Tea and biscuits that is soooooo me. No problem seems insurmountable once you have tackled a packet of digestive biscuits!
A whole pack! I've just had two shortbreads.
Rhianalanthula well 5 is my limit
Thanks, MissF!!!!!
We have to be very very patient, which is never easy,
but IMO the show is right in taking its time with Lari
and Kalle before we get to the real deal Larias.
It seems that the story to painfully Kalle/Lari heavy. Their relationship is not showing enough weakness to justify ending. It hard to believe they can turn this around into Larias any time quick. Without dragging it on for months. I hope they have something up their sleeves to get this painful relationship over and move onto Larias. Hopefully before the end of March to give plenty time this season for Larias to blossom again.
+Mark Mark The weakness is obvious and blatant. Kalle does not trust Lari to not cheat on him with Elias so much so that even when Kalle is in bed with Lari having spent the entire night with him his first thought is of Elias. That is the more problematic weakness a relationship can have, lack of trust. You add to that the fact that Lari is STILL Ilja's father and Sanni is Kalle's sister and Sanni and Ilja are living with Kalle and that is just a disaster waiting to happen. The first time Lari holds the baby in front of Kalle Kalle is going to have a fit. This entire situation is a powderkeg with Kalle and Lari. It has Lari on tenterhooks all the time and Kalle is hypervigilant. No good can come from this.
Go Elias Go, i'm loving him even more when he interrupts Kalle and Lari's private time. For me its such an eye sore
That Lari Kalle thingy is the joke of the year. I have a bad feeling about the next episode.
thank you for uploading
This Kari relationship is a bit absurd - I see no chemistry between them or excitement for that matter, why are they even together? I can understand Kalle being jealous with all the Larias history, then maybe could Elias will meet someone soon and Lari will get jealous. When will this circle or events end?
Get rid of Kalle and have Larias get together already Godsdamint!
Right now, Elias is just doing his job and trying to be a good friend to Lari. If Kalle doesn't trust Lari then Kalle should break up with Lari. Having a tantrum about Elias every 5 minutes is not going to help him feel better. Right now, Lari has given Kalle no reason to be jealous. Kalle needs to get his emotions in check or find someone to be with that he trusts.
Every time they kiss, my brain barfs repeatedly..
+Zyaire Griffin lols
Everyone is so tired of Lari-Kalle. It's hilarious to read how awful they are and how childish Kalle is. Of course, Lari & Elias will eventually reunite. It's the "eventually" that seems to be driving people crazy. Remember how long Elias & Miska were together? They even got engaged-which was absurd. What's happening now is Lari & Elias are being mature. Elias even suggested to Lari that Kalle probably wanted more of Lari's company! Elias has grown up. He's not going to try to steal Lari from Kalle. Instead, Kalle is going to push Lari away. Maybe it's happening too slowly, but we can see that's what's happening. If we watch the show for these signs & have confidence, it'll be less painful, or maybe even sort of interesting & mildly amusing. I mean what's the point of watching the show if you can't enjoy it at least a little? ;-)
+alwaysuseless Of course it will take a long time. Elias will have to suffer a lot because he knows that he still loves Lari. Instead Lari has not yet realized he still loves Elias. As it had happened to Elias regard to Lari, when he was with Miska. We will have to wait patiently, and meanwhile have fun with the story. And especially with the vision, finally after too much time, of the naked body, unfortunately just above the belt, of Lari. Body which, after losing 10 kg, appears to us as a heavenly vision, as only Michelangelo could sculpt.
in italiano
Certo ci vorrà molto tempo. Elias dovrà soffrire molto perché lui sa che ama ancora Lari. Invece Lari non si è ancora reso conto di amare ancora Elias. Com'era avvenuto per Elias nei confronti di Lari, quando lui stava con Miska. Dovremo aspettare pazientemente, ed intanto divertirci con la storia. E soprattutto con la visione, finalmente dopo troppo tempo, del corpo nudo, purtroppo solo sopra la cintura, di Lari. Corpo che, dopo aver perso 10 kg, appare a noi come una visione celeste, come solo Michelangelo avrebbe potuto scolpire.
+alwaysuseless Slow is right at this point it's practically torture I had to come back and rewatch because I wasn't even paying attention to the clip today instead doing my HW that tells me something is wrong when I rather be doing HW then watching. I was hoping for more Elias and Aki scenes they play off each other well I don't know why...
Miska was a total mistake and maybe Lari is doing the same thing Elias did with Miska which is a good point actually but I always felt Elias feelings showed through of still liking and pining for Lari even when he was with Miska. In Lari's case it feels like he just goes with the flow I don't know if that is the intention but like he seems not to connect with Kalle genuinely but also seems like totally clueless about how Elias feels for him even around Elias almost indifferent...I don't really know how to word what I mean exactly but the point being it's hard to see the signs and enjoy I WANT to see those signs too!
+janet l. I agree that Lari seems not to pick up on Elias' longing for him. While that may bother us, it enables Lari to be comfortable around Elias, and that for now is a good thing, leading to greater friendship, and then (we can hope) more.
alwaysuseless Good point I didn't think of that.
I don't like lari and kalle together :( I was hoping for some Larias scenes
Jealousy is the root to all problems.
le me
eagerly waiting for new video
check everyday for notif
see vid
get SUPER excited
and then
kalle and lari -_-
talk about throwing a wet cloth on all my expectations .
Y u do this salatut elamat???? -_- -_-
+Kar Dsh Be patient!
It's exactly what I've been doing for the past few months. Everyday I go check if there's any updates and every time after the update I would be waiting for Elias' and Lari's kiss eagerly. But what do we have? A bunch of Lari/Kalle smooching scenes! The writers of Salatut Elämät are really pissing me off!
loved the story today
One of the wonderful things about humans is that we are unique. We have many varied views and preferences. We interpret the same things in lots of different ways.
Over the passed few years I have seen Lari come to terms with his homosexuality, but loose a boyfriend (Elias) as Lari couldn't / didn't come out to his father on Elias' terms or as quick as Elias wanted. One night with Miska (where is moaned about Lari) and Elias decides to stick with Miska, even though Lari only needed one night by himself to sort his head out and tell his dad. As Elias kept saying "I'm with Miska, move on" Lari did. Slowly. He was homeless, but eventually accepted a room with the Laitelas. Kalle became a friend whom he could talk to about his dad and most troubles he had. Ismo became a father figure. As Lari was moving on, he began to see Kalle differently. Even though he was upset when Elias was shot, and acted more like a boyfriend than a friend, he always assured Kalle that he was just worried about Elias as a friend who could have died. Eventually they did get together. Even though Kalle isn't often the most communicative of people at times and gets things very wrong at times (e.g. India), Lari did forgive him, eventually. Lari, in turn, has made mistakes and not told Kalle things as he didn't want to hurt him or loose him. Kalle has forgiven him. They are getting on OK for now. Taking things slowly as they still care for each other.
Elias, as we all saw, made the wrong choice in not waiting for Lari, and choosing Miska. He showed he was jealous of anyone who appeared to be intimate with Lari even when they weren't (Kalle around Lari's 18th). His feelings were clear. He just couldn't admit them to himself, let alone anyone else. In the end, he visited his mother to clear his head from the kidnapping and his feelings for Lari. He has come back and is being a friend to Lari. Unfortunately, Elias hasn't actually moved on and still loves Lari. Lari isn't picking up on signals from Elias. Not surprising really, as he didn't pick up on what Elias was wanted to say after they kissed at Tale / Janne's birthday do (when they were interrupted by Tale and Janne fighting). Lari also didn't realise that Elias read more into comments after they were rescued when Lari said he'd always be there for Elias (Lari meant as a friend, Elias thought more - obvious from his face). My thoughts now are that Lari doesn't pick up on someone being subtle in general, or that he hasn't picked up on Elias being subtle as he has moved on and only sees him as a friend. Elias seems to be trying to be a friend but I'm seeing him failing too. Telling Lari to go and see Kalle, and in the next breath saying he'd want to see him in a similar situation - not really relevant. The bit at the end, he could have left them alone for a few more minutes and had a coffee, rather than just barging in and disturbing them,
Kalle. Kalle is so very different than these two. While he came out young and was kicked out of home by Ismo, he did keep trying to repair their relationship. He went into the army and did his National Service, mainly I think to please Ismo. He found love and had a civil ceremony. This would have been at the time when Finland first introduced them making Kalle one of the first couples in the country - something which seems to have been overlooked by commentators here - and is a huge thing in soaps. His working experiences have meant that he is confident, professional, and mature as a doctor (OK writers for any drama / soap never so doctors realistically, I mean how many medical directors at hospitals actually work shifts and see patients). Unfortunately his personal life hasn't always been as happy, and this will effect him and his behaviour. He is still hurt, and is trying to sort himself out. It will take time. Seeing Lari with Elias will hurt him. Logically he will know there's nothing there, and he wants to believe and trust Lari. When Kalle decides not to spend time with Lari if Elias is there too, I see that more as self preservation. OK imagination can be worse but, I think, for Kalle it is less painful that actually seeing. He HAS admitted to himself and Lari, that he is jealous. Something Elias has NEVER done. Maybe he is learning to talk about problems rather keeping them bottled up.
I have never seen one relationship or another as being particularly boring. ANY relationship can be boring if all they do is work, eat, sit watch TV, sleep, repeat daily with occasional drinks with friends to listen to their problems. I just think that when characters are first come out / are put together, then a lot of people seem to think that this is how it should be. There is a lot of nostalgia about them. Take John Paul and Craig from Holyoaks as an example - Craig left (Guy's contract ended) but he came back later for John Paul (what the fans wanted). We never saw them together really as they both left (James' contract had then ended and Guy came back on a short term contract). Then John Paul came back, alone. Happy endings don't always happen, in real life or soaps. I've also seen comments about Iida and Janne being together as a 'end game'. If that's the case, why is Anton there?
I know that some (most) want Lari to be with Elias, others want him to be with Kalle, others don't mind which as long as its a plausible storyline and Lari is happy. Others want Elias to be happy. No one seems to want Kalle to be happy. I think for the first gay character in the soap, who would have been one of the first in Finland to have a civil ceremony, this is rather sad.
Lari knows how Elias feels about him. Elias told him awhile back but Lari said he wanted to see where his relationship with Kalle could go. I'm not particularly fond of Kalle but I think Lari was right to explore what else was out there besides Elias. Cause remember Lari and Elias' relationship wasn't all flowers and kisses, they had issues which caused them to break up. Now they've both had different relationships and has had time to mature and come into their own. I can't for them to get back together, I would love to see how the dynamics of their relationship has changed.
i don't know how, but kalle looks more dramatic than elias when he were dating lari, so annoying
kalle is such a child, if u compare kalle and elias (take to notice that kalle is much older than elias), elias is much more mature than kalle
Elias the wine seller.....LOL
go away kalle please
They must have shipped the writers and ex producers from DOOL and GH to Finland!!! Poor Finland, how long is too long, the suffering is almost painful and I like Kalle :)
+kevindbfl Robron & Zude fan I'm not sure the Finnish audience feels the same way according to MissFinnlandia
It seems while Elias is being supportive and mature, that Kalle is being very childish...if Kalle wants to keep Lari, he better slow his roll...#iwantlarias
Wow Ronnie is a lot more comfortable now with his character than in the begining. Pity he's only showing it with Kalle... ¬¬
I thought this was a 9/11 conspiracy theory documentary.
Kalle the drama queen, hard to remember he is the head doctor in a hospital.
yes i agree its to long now its obvious they still want each other
Ronny's had his teeth fixed? Haven't noticed before. I kinda liked them as they were!
OMYGAD i hate this old kalle please let lari alone
When will kalle give it a rest, he is so needy
Fuck, i must admit that Kalle and Lari have more intimate scenes and cuddling than Lari and Elias had. Lari and Elias didn't cuddle that much, there is a genuine affection between Lari and Kalle. I write this, BUT i'm not a fan of that couple!
+L Lily You have to remember that Lari was in a very different place emotionally and mentally when he was with Elias, and in a very different stage of coming out, compared to where he is now with Kalle. He is much more confident and comfortable with who he is now as an openly gay man. That was always one of the problems between Elias and Lari when they were together. They were just simply in different stages of coming out. Now that Lari has caught up to Elias in that regard, I expect a future Larias relationship to be much more affectionate than it was before.
+L Lily Actually I don't think that's true, it has just been so long since Lari and Elias were a couple folks forget. Lari and Elias were always cuddling, hugging, touching each other and shown in bed naked at least 3 or 4 times but it was all happening in Katarina and Elias' apartment. If you go back and watch the first 1.5 years of Elias and Lari they cuddled all the time.
I want Elias & Lari back together.
well..... i was hoping for some larias but this is kari so..... wtf...... -_-
+Denisse Gneco same thoughts
+Denisse Gneco I second those thoughts as wellI think the word your looking for is whiny Kalle is so whiny. :(
just a bit freaked out, Lari is ok with his child being in the room next door and not acknowledging him. Sanni is in the apartment with Lari's baby and Kalle and Lari are having sex. The bedroom door is wide open when Lari is lying there on the bed- CLOSE THE DOOR if Sanni and the baby are around. Maybe I am just too delicate
While I can appreciate the detailed analysis of the emotional development of the characters expressed here. This story has stimulated for some unknown reason the creative side of me with story development. With this in mind, this show has failed miserably( even Miss Finn has expressed this here). I will say again others shows in the same game with the same storyline can move their storyline more in 3- 4 minutes( one episode appearance) than it take this show 9 minutes ( three appearances in a week). If you been here in real time show development it becomes very apparent.
Is Miska coming back?!?! cause like Miska and Elias where like the best couple.
All right I'm done. I hate Kalle I don't want to see this anymore! ^^
they look so ggod together kalle and lary
elias is past
Kalle is such a cringy kisser
Lari look and act like Aaron that play on Emmerdale. But Lari is a lot bigger than Aaron but they both good looking guys.
Salkkareissa on aina melkein pelottavia, surulliasia, iloisia ja epäluuloisia musiikkeja
They ruining Kalle oh well..
Elias needs a better man than lari .. the two has no spark anymore imo.
Am I the only one binge watching this in 2019 and hating Elias ???????
How predictable... i'm starting to get tired of this...
Vidaan Kalle
this serie is getting so boring.
I don’t like Kalle and I don’t like Kalle with Lari!
Ewww kalle and lari don’t suit each other
i hate this episode.. sucks!!