Really cool battles - I also enjoyed the opponent running triple flyers! That would be a very cool video to see one day if you have the resources - I know I don't 😂
I got the privilege of facing that spicy roserade. Luckily I’m one of the few brave soldiers who refuses to use zacian in master league😂 GGs master Henry!
might be kind of useful too for the aurasphere togekiss coming soon because that's what togekiss needed Ursaluna shadow claw? nahh Noivern wing attack? Nahhhhh gotta buff an already meta pick for ML.
Ya “Elite Moves” and “Legacy Moves” are similar vocabulary both used by various people for various reasons. Unobtainable is always unobtainable. Like the Unobtainable Starmie.
No, just no. Ur just freaking brilliant at this game. Roserade definitly ain't it and this team ain't it, I'm sorry. You're just this good that u can make an awfull team work lol. At 2:56 what do you mean it resists its move??? I mean yeah technically its not very effective but it still takes away half health 😭. Nah but in all seriousness I love ur Vids and learn a lot from them. Keep it going
I am running an Pokemon named brokenShizard in ml and worked well for me It has lockon seismic toss(80damage-40energy) and flare blitz(100damage 45 energy but 2x yourself defence debuff) To get this Pokemon rickroll yourself 69times
All I saw that night was 80 million dialga lol I saw a lot of gira and mewtwo last season but this season I'm seeing way more ho-oh and lugia since they were just in raids
Every Roserade has its thorn 🌹
Just like eeeeevry night has its dawn
Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song.
Poison fans! This made me smile lol
God forbid if any of us EVER has to feel the Wrath of Roserade!! 😂
The Zacian hunter! love how Roserade has gotten so much play this week
Some run in spring cup, I run it in masters 😈
@@HomeSliceHenry its kinda risky since theres so many flyers in master league
8:13 I love the smell of bacon in the morning!
0:21 : Zacian Has Another Move Called *Iron Head
True! Just rarely if ever used :)
@@HomeSliceHenry Yo Wassup Bro! Seen After A Decades 😅
Winning with spice in ML? Wait, that’s illegal
12:50 if you threw leaf storm later wouldnt landorus die from hooh before it reaches the superpower?
Really cool battles - I also enjoyed the opponent running triple flyers! That would be a very cool video to see one day if you have the resources - I know I don't 😂
Thanks! I'm short on rayquaza and lugia xls, but maybe one day!
2:42 hes running the same as me
Awesome thumbnail!!!
youtube captuons actually got the channek name right pog
It's a Christmas miracle!
Was just watching the old Roserade video the other day and glad to see it's getting another whirl!
Finally got it to level 50!
I got the privilege of facing that spicy roserade. Luckily I’m one of the few brave soldiers who refuses to use zacian in master league😂 GGs master Henry!
Ggs! 🫡
Those who didn't have a zacian had a good day vs roserade lol
This was more of a ho-oh showcase, good stuff!
I have been thinking about running my hundo Roserade. I built it recently for Factions but it ended up not being useful since it is so glassy >.
The glassiness definitely makes it tough to use :/ fun for beating zacian, but neutral matchups are roughhh
Man the shiny is soo neat on the roserade
How did you lose cmp against Ho-Oh then won it the next time?
Coinflip since both have the same attack
Dazzling Gleam would have been nice to have on your Roserade against the Rayquaza matchup.
GG’s. I see why we didn’t finish our battle. I couldn’t imagine anything in the back that just didn’t wanna see Mewtwo. I see why now lol
This is a spicy team and you pulled it off like always!
How did your spotlight go homeslice
Got over 750k dust!
How the hell did you get that much auto catcher
might be kind of useful too for the aurasphere togekiss coming soon
because that's what togekiss needed
Ursaluna shadow claw? nahh
Noivern wing attack? Nahhhhh
gotta buff an already meta pick for ML.
Fair point!
I have been playing with lugia metagross and roserade for long
GGs Henry!! Well played! Lovin the Roserade content 🔥
@@HomeSliceHenry you’re very welcome!
Bruh you should also do QOTD LIKE Callum it'll be fun
Zacian Also Has Iron Head In its move pool Oh Can't Wait Until I Get My Hands on Hundred
True! Just not really used that much
Hey Henry; maybe bring some spice and play Iron head zacian? 👀
Weatherball - Fire isn't Legacy, because it can still be obtained via Elite TM.
Legacy means it can no longer be obtained.
It's a legacy move! Just not unobtainable legacy :)
@@HomeSliceHenry 😆
Ya “Elite Moves” and “Legacy Moves” are similar vocabulary both used by various people for various reasons. Unobtainable is always unobtainable. Like the Unobtainable Starmie.
ho oh as a starter is usually good
No, just no. Ur just freaking brilliant at this game. Roserade definitly ain't it and this team ain't it, I'm sorry. You're just this good that u can make an awfull team work lol.
At 2:56 what do you mean it resists its move??? I mean yeah technically its not very effective but it still takes away half health 😭.
Nah but in all seriousness I love ur Vids and learn a lot from them. Keep it going
Spicier picks especially in masters are tough to use for sure! Part of why I enjoy using them, makes for a challenge :)
See roserade in the title=instant like👍😁
Henry bro one video make Master league Xl Gengar😅
I do have the xls! Maybe one day :)
@@HomeSliceHenry ok bro❤
I don’t think having leaf storm is good,instead go fro dazzling gleam
I wanted it for the opportunity to nuke the primals, just sadly couldn't make that happen
@@HomeSliceHenry I think you lose to groundon anyway right?
I think venasaur is better than roseraid
Venu definitely interesting, I just like roserade due to faster charge move spam with weather ball:)
55 min ago and kinda early
No I'm just subbed
Why would I be a bot when i can use earthquake and stone edge at you
@@Mega_Quagsire_The_Wooper_Lord verify this
I am not robot ✔️⭕
I am running an Pokemon named brokenShizard in ml and worked well for me
It has lockon seismic toss(80damage-40energy) and flare blitz(100damage 45 energy but 2x yourself defence debuff)
To get this Pokemon rickroll yourself 69times
it has 35 attack
@@YahvultalPKMN no 400 attack it hits hard n tanks any hard hitting move 5times
The cahonas on the person running triple flier team 🫠
It's a fellow streamer, telegraphtrain! They got me good :)
So you only face opponents that don't have Giratina or Mewtwo ? I llike all your videos but this one is definitely rigged.
All I saw that night was 80 million dialga lol
I saw a lot of gira and mewtwo last season but this season I'm seeing way more ho-oh and lugia since they were just in raids
@@HomeSliceHenry you are lucky guy or Niantic just love your content. Keep it up 👍🏿
You make me happy to have a 4* roserade 🥹