@@FriedrichTheGreatest i tested it against the Giant Axe Carcass that Respawns in Hermit Cave, around 8 or more perfect guards to break his weapon with the Tyrant Dagger and 4 Perfect Guards with the Sawtooth blade
@@FriedrichTheGreatest and i just tested it against Survivor, 6 Perfect guards with the Wrench and 9 with his own weapon the Puppet’s Saber, it could also be about the weapon’s weight but is hard to tell because heavy weapons have high guard abilities too. So the weight of the handle can also affect it if is weight related
Another thing about this fight that can break: Her shield. I accidentally broke it in phase 1 and she ends up with it broken in Phase 2, reducing her shield charge damage. She can still block with it tho but I assume she loses something else with it. Never saw it tho since I always ended up shattering it so I could attack her back without bouncing.
You'll break it in two hits if you hit it from a side, instead of from her back. She use to start the combat with a jump plus heavy up-down attack... What I did was dodge to her side in front of her and do two hits to her shield but being at her side, so my weapon hit the inside of her shield instead of the outside. Broken in two hits.
Using the puppet ripper, first thing I would do is break her shield because after that, my attacks would land more consistently without her shield blocking her back.
More like a reverse thirst trap, she doesn't even talk until this fight, and you probably couldn't tell it's a woman until then lol, 2nd phase made me wish she changed sides right after defeat tho.
Definitely she has on of the coolest looking weapons in the game, the animation in her intro where the spine of the sword spins and attaches to the blades is sick af. I swear I saw Carlo using the sword in one of the early trailer, I hope if there is DLC of the game that we get an extra weapon or item from each boss soul and Laxasia's third option would be this sword.
Im in love with the Designs of the Game how they managed to make it still feel fresh after so so many dark fantasy Games and Souls Like is a absolute Riddle to me but they managed to make each Design Memorable absolutely amazing
@@freddiem2021 it's not that, Sonny. What i mean is that she has quite the rear similar to Malania or Laxa has it more but i feel like they're the same with the 2nd phase having to remove their armor almost completely naked
This boss gave me the hardest time until i learned you can reflect the lighting. Absolutely amazing thought out boss that puts your parry skills to the test.
@@zangbang9886 for me it was an amazing advantage, if I concentrated on blocking rather then attacking in phase 1 I can maybe use less health pot things and save them for phase 2
Me neither! And it is very reminiscent of Ganondorf in Zelda OoT so I should've realized this was a thing haha. Just beat her the old fashioned way: With a summon and as much cheese as possible xD
She is what a Strength build of Malenia would be. Her version of the water fowl is technically the slamming of her greatsword in a train motion at you and then finishing it off with an A.O.E. The score to this is also a masterpiece!!
3-4 seconds after her last bolt hits you. And her other teleports have a brief pause after her movement. They made the 2nd phase to kill you the first time. If you blocked it you either looked up a guide or got super lucky
Maybe its just me but i swear this games last chapter had harder bosses than dark souls or elden ring. With those games, my strength build was able to smash and stagger bosses pretty well. This game needed some finesse. I found my damage increasing better with strength and dex more than just strength too.
@@onemanjam_music it will work regardless as long as it's perfect block. But you have to perfect block around 40 times. In which fighting her normally is more quicker.
Ayyo her shield looks still full size. Maybe that's the way to fight her because she looks like a good deal slower and isn't doing too much sonic bullshit. Hats off to you though, I spent about 3 days malding on this boss fight and only killed her because i threw a bunch throwables at her after she lands from throwing lightning bolts.
@sdotwallace a gimmick that still has a malenia fast boss. All I see is people using strength builds against her like it's nothing. I shouldn't have to swap builds to make a fight easier. I watched a heavy weapon break her weapon in like 7 deflects I sat there with my sword and did 15 in a row got hit, did 5 more perfectly Never broke Not very fun hitting a tank for 10 minutes just to practice lightning bolt spam for 3 seconds
@sdotwallace "how fast she is" >gets one tapped in first phase And I thought it was just a gimmick in second phase to just parry the balls? What happened to that?
@sdotwallace No, you don't. It makes the first stage skip if you do, which is the entire point you're missing. If you have to use the best souslike player in the world, the deflect God who still uses a sekiro picture, as a "Well he can do it", you've lost the plot.
This was done on NG++ as it’s a P-Organ phase 7 that allows blocks to be perfect blocks and all that. When you get to her, be sure to bring your companion along, and attack her when she’s attacking him, two charge attacks to her back will break her shield. Do that, then she’ll be able to take back damage. Don’t be greedy with attack and only after she tired herself out attack. Keep moving in phase two and try to avoid her arial attacks and only block it you can do a perfect block as that’ll also deflect the bolts back to her. Weapon I used was the Live Puppet Axe blade with the Krat Police Baton.
Use the tools you have, the fully upgraded Puppet String arm is specially powerful aganist most bosses with its jump attack, it deal nice damage + stagger, just be careful to time it correctly at end of boss combo (which you can block or run away from before using the arm grappling hook) Same with Deus Ex Machina arm if you have a motivity build and the boss is big and lumpering (and Motivity builds are the best for regular blocking since heavy weapons have highest block rate and very high HP recovery per hit) Alternatively you can invest some points in Vigor and P-organ dodge upgrades (as well as the item that gives infinite dodges even at zero stamina, boss item I think)
Basically, he damaged it enough to the point where it "forced" her to transform it into its lightning enhanced state of her second phase, completely skipping the first phase.
boss weapons I know can be broken are , parade master,donkey, Romeo, black rabbits weapons, 😊white lady, every stalker boss I've come across, laxasia, simon, and nameless puppet iirc. There might be more but those all broke for me at least once
@BigHuskyGG wow can nameless puppets weapon break! I just got stuck on that boss for like 3 hours and eventually I would perfect guard like 50% of his attacks. I heard you can't break his sword, but I could be wrong.
@@BigHuskyGG I can confirm most of these, yeah. It's pretty useful! In addition to lowering their damage and range, it'll disable some of their moves too (ex. Romeo can't do his fury attack where he grabs you around the neck with his scythe) I'd argue against including Laxasia in this list since you don't actually break her weapon; she has a special interaction that other bosses do not.
I was stuck on the 2nd phase for way longer than id like to admit. Not even melania stumped me like this pasty wench. I was able to no hit and perfect pary the 1st phase pretty much every time. I figured my weapon just couldnt break her weapon. Thank you for this video.
Some tips for phase 2 in case other people are struggling: you can parry the lightning attacks back at her and her speed amp doesn’t last forever so playing patiently around it can be helpful
@slothfacts9390 hitting her lighting back at her is pretty easy, getting the timing for the stuka bomber move she does after though is a pain. You have to perfect pary it or you are guaranteed to lose 2-3 flasks in the fight jusy to that move.
I’m seeing this a lot but the left arm of steel actually seems to help break any and almost all enemy weapons. Like the left arm of steels hidden abilities is weapon break.
@@jimmyjohnjoejrhow I’ve seen most people do it is when the enemy is using a weapon to block your attack. Instead of using your weapon use the left arm of steel even if they block it. It seems to wear their weapon down quicker to breaking apart.
@@jimmyjohnjoejrthis is unfortunately true. Mostly smaller enemies use the block with weapon. The best method I found is attacking and if they try to block your combo with a parry block use your left arm of steel instead. It’s hard to bait them into blocking but it’s possible.
What an incredible battle, you have done very well, congratulations, I have not yet been able to reach that boss. I hope to do at least half as well as you.
Ah yes, the "Cheat engine time" badly designed shit boss with too much health and full anime attacks that come out too fast to humanly react to. 0 regrets.
@@Crimson-hx9dp Why do you scream at facts and reality? Accept what you cannot change. Bad is bad. Needs fixing. I fixed it. Simple. No regrets after, either. Manus' awful 2nd form with overlapping delayed aoe shit and the stupid puppet's unnecessary 2nd phase lol. Came back with a strength build, tried laxative again and it went loads smoother but nah. Still did it :-D.
@chillnagasden6190 Laxasia is too tanks and too fast to react to? Bruh that's just a slow reaction time and has nothing to do with the game. Manus's second phase is just a dodging simulator that you play patiently rather than mashing attack constantly. Once you do that he's one of the easiest bosses in the game. Nameless Puppet is such an overexaggerated boss for difficulty. His second phase just makes him an actual boss that can cause a threat compared to the first phase being insanely slow. The bosses are fine it honestly just sound like you're an impatient masher.
@@Crimson-hx9dp I mean Absolutely not. But, again. I don't make a habit of DENYING REALITY. Bad boss is bad. It literally does not matter that you had an easy time with it, it will never not be a bad boss and overtuned. Not interested going around in circles repeating inarguable facts.
@chillnagasden6190 I'm sorry you're just bad at the game and mash. Learn patience. Laxasia is perfectly balanced and if anything too easy in phase 1. Also kinda ironic you aren't "denying reality" but say those bosses aren't balanced.
I'm so confused, how did you skip right into 2nd phase?! I've literally perfect parried her 1st phase a few times now but it still make me bring her health down to 0 in order to get to the next phase
I got stuck from 5 to 9 pm with her .. till i tank her with the shield ability that allows you to attack while guarding plus fire greatsword ... Stamina badge and stamina cube
I only show the last part of phase 1 since it took like 5 minutes. It's 40 perfect guards to break it with both pefect guard destruction p-organ upgrades
I don't understand how to parry like that. okay, 3 more times in a row, but then he doesn't even leave the block. Is it some kind of talent made of wood that is pumped through quartz?
Anyone who says this game is harder than bloodborne is crazym i beat this entire game with almost every trophy amd got the Golden lie and true ending answered the riddles without any guides or help and almost every single boss i killed in 1 try. I had a harder time with certain regular enemies but everyone from laxasia to simon manus and even the nameless puppet was the only one i had to fight twice. Still fun game but way to easy
Using a heavier weapon will break weapons faster.
Nice didn't know this
No it doesn't. Stop spreading misinformation. I tested weapon breakage personally on the owl doctor and regardless of weapon it took 4 perfect guards.
@@FriedrichTheGreatest i tested it against the Giant Axe Carcass that Respawns in Hermit Cave, around 8 or more perfect guards to break his weapon with the Tyrant Dagger and 4 Perfect Guards with the Sawtooth blade
@@Planterobeets if what you say is true then maybe the owl doc just has a really weak ass weapon
@@FriedrichTheGreatest and i just tested it against Survivor, 6 Perfect guards with the Wrench and 9 with his own weapon the Puppet’s Saber, it could also be about the weapon’s weight but is hard to tell because heavy weapons have high guard abilities too. So the weight of the handle can also affect it if is weight related
*breaks sword*
*watches armor fall off*
*asks for her number*
A true man of culture
She is fine lol 😂
@@1998jroy a little pale for my taste but she surely is equipped nicely ;)
This is true
"Girl call me Simon if you want, but let's date"
@@rick30521yeah, I dont mind role-playing as Simon as long as I can get my 'seamen' in her
I still cannot believe we can't get her sword or armor in the game along with the black rabbits brotherhood items
I HOPE they are in the dlc.
@@Dravianpn02 I'm hoping so too, honestly this is what's putting me off from completing it
@@jaebeatz5167 her sword is the most badass in the game. Armor as well. What a waste if they don't.
THIS. I was so sad that I, a motivity build, got handed a disc from Tron scaled with dex instead of a lightning greatsword. 😭
Bro pissed her off so much she went to 2nd phase 💀
*oh simon*
When the female boss sheds her clothes, you know things are about to get serious.
Thats old RPG rule the less Clothes the higher the Stats, in a metal Bikini she would have bin unstoppable
I am Laxasia, blade of Simon...
@@sharif47we were both thinking the same thing
@@sharif47and i have never known defeat
A strength build in the streets but a dex build in the sheets.
That's generous. We all know the saying is dex over sex.
Another thing about this fight that can break: Her shield. I accidentally broke it in phase 1 and she ends up with it broken in Phase 2, reducing her shield charge damage. She can still block with it tho but I assume she loses something else with it. Never saw it tho since I always ended up shattering it so I could attack her back without bouncing.
You'll break it in two hits if you hit it from a side, instead of from her back. She use to start the combat with a jump plus heavy up-down attack... What I did was dodge to her side in front of her and do two hits to her shield but being at her side, so my weapon hit the inside of her shield instead of the outside. Broken in two hits.
@@lazydude5681 on NG+2, I broke with a single charge attack.
Using the puppet ripper, first thing I would do is break her shield because after that, my attacks would land more consistently without her shield blocking her back.
another thing about this fight that can break: my spirit.
I'd just use the charged parry of Katana and it always broke it in exactly two hits.
I couldn’t stop staring why is she so caked up I died so many times because of it
Cause she’s fit
true lol, I was like "dont know if this boss is 'hard' or not, but I sure am"
Can break her shield too. Attack her back in phase 1 until it breaks. You'll know you're doing it right cuz ur attack will bounce off
if you use acid grind stone it breaks in one or 2 hits tops
Her weapon acts more like Mjolnor than Mjolnor acts like Mjolnor.
I will for ever hate the devs for adding one of the most badass looking greatsword ever made TWICE, and giving us access to neither....
Which do you mean?!
@@khaled-pt6sewhen you beat this boss, you don’t get the sword she uses
@@khaled-pt6se her ergo gives you a pizzacutter instead of her lighting sword.
@@walterbarros1854 oh yeah shit that i was a complete simp for the puppet ripper the moment i got my hands on it i never changed it
Coolest thirst trap ive even seen..
More like a reverse thirst trap, she doesn't even talk until this fight, and you probably couldn't tell it's a woman until then lol, 2nd phase made me wish she changed sides right after defeat tho.
11 perfect parries in a row impressive! I have a hard time even landing 2 in a row js..
could be the grindstone you can get; didn’t see if he was using it or not though
It says in the description. But it’s a P-Organ Phase 7 upgrade (NG++)
There are multiple ways to get reliable perfect parries, like one of the special grinder stones and certain P-organ upgrade in NG++
bro i was getting like 20 on the nameless puppet i literally thought his weapon couldn’t break
@@tavy1313 You can get both of the perfect guard destruction upgrades in the first playthrough.
Definitely she has on of the coolest looking weapons in the game, the animation in her intro where the spine of the sword spins and attaches to the blades is sick af.
I swear I saw Carlo using the sword in one of the early trailer, I hope if there is DLC of the game that we get an extra weapon or item from each boss soul and Laxasia's third option would be this sword.
Honestly it's cool but I prefer romeos scythe it looks badass
@paulhunt1606 yes the scythe we got is different:(
“My names Laxasia and I swear to eat my own lighting bolts.”
Im in love with the Designs of the Game how they managed to make it still feel fresh after so so many dark fantasy Games and Souls Like is a absolute Riddle to me but they managed to make each Design Memorable absolutely amazing
She kinda cute ngl
Not just "kinda" ngl
@@hhowdy what?
she looks like a zombie
9 feet of cute, I guess…
the scream at 1:30 sounds like the lego Yoda death scream.
Its cool that Laxasia's (surprisingly female) voice actress Kate Kennedy is 6'3"
The community is going to love the new Malania
nah melania was more of a pain in the ass believe it or not
@@freddiem2021 it's not that, Sonny. What i mean is that she has quite the rear similar to Malania or Laxa has it more but i feel like they're the same with the 2nd phase having to remove their armor almost completely naked
This one aint as difficult tbh
@@freddiem2021oh hands down. Melania is a monster compared to Laxasia. Not even close.
@@YureiOniDude what…. not even
This boss gave me the hardest time until i learned you can reflect the lighting. Absolutely amazing thought out boss that puts your parry skills to the test.
Bruh what? That would've saved me so much trouble.
@@raigathesilent yeah once you parry it it'll turn red and return to her, doesn't do a lot of damage but does good stagger damage.
@@able.3566 parrying the enitre barage does super good damage.
@@andischwarzkopf2297 maybe, I don't pay attention to her health bar when doing it just see white by the end of it.
@@able.3566does at least 1/3 of health before she even lands
Whoa you skip the first phase? That’s sick!
If you break the sword in phase 1 it immediately skips to phase 2
Not really an advantage if you think about it 💀 would like to maintain that phase 1 as long as possible lmao
@@zangbang9886what do you mean? The phases have separate HP bars. You wanna leave phase 1 as fast as possible
@@JG-ce3pu goddam you right
@@zangbang9886 for me it was an amazing advantage, if I concentrated on blocking rather then attacking in phase 1 I can maybe use less health pot things and save them for phase 2
She is kinda a baddie ngl
I did NOT know I could have parried lightning
AND it damages her
*laughs in Sekiro*
It's really useful and feels good to deflect her lightining back at her, quite easy to do.
Me neither! And it is very reminiscent of Ganondorf in Zelda OoT so I should've realized this was a thing haha. Just beat her the old fashioned way: With a summon and as much cheese as possible xD
Love how he just stands there like “whatchu got Laxasia? That’s it?”
I knew ranni wasn’t gonna be gone for too long
She is what a Strength build of Malenia would be. Her version of the water fowl is technically the slamming of her greatsword in a train motion at you and then finishing it off with an A.O.E. The score to this is also a masterpiece!!
@AdamMerlin I mean, if you're decent in Sekiro, then Malenia was, or at least has become, very manageable... IMHO, but that's just me.
They really need to fix the almost instant teleportation on this boss with no telling sign whatsoever and no reasonable reaction time.
3-4 seconds after her last bolt hits you. And her other teleports have a brief pause after her movement. They made the 2nd phase to kill you the first time. If you blocked it you either looked up a guide or got super lucky
@@Lunardivider24 yep. Didn't know about lightning parry until I looked it up.
You can use a perfect guard art for that if your weapon has it
She made the Lego SW Yoda sound 😂 1:28
Was so devastated when I saw we dont get the thunder spear blade
you need to swim in acid for spoilers
What spoilers are you referring to boss?
Maybe its just me but i swear this games last chapter had harder bosses than dark souls or elden ring. With those games, my strength build was able to smash and stagger bosses pretty well. This game needed some finesse. I found my damage increasing better with strength and dex more than just strength too.
U r correct lies of p final 3 bosses are harder than most dark souls bosses except for a few but it’s for different reasons
Laxasia’s Shield breaks:
That’s fine Bro.
Laxasia’s Sword breaks:
Listen here you little…
Does the perfect blocks have to be consecutive or it's accumulative?
It's accumulative
@@NotHavingFun0 thanks
Just beat NG3. Never did break her weapon like that. Does it work if you use the perfect guard grinder wheel?
@@onemanjam_music it will work regardless as long as it's perfect block. But you have to perfect block around 40 times. In which fighting her normally is more quicker.
Or, you know, use a better blade.@@xTiddi
Ayyo her shield looks still full size. Maybe that's the way to fight her because she looks like a good deal slower and isn't doing too much sonic bullshit. Hats off to you though, I spent about 3 days malding on this boss fight and only killed her because i threw a bunch throwables at her after she lands from throwing lightning bolts.
I was SHOCKED she wasn't one of the bosses made easier but Simon and archbishop were? I didn't struggle nearly as much on them as her 😂
@sdotwallace a gimmick that still has a malenia fast boss.
All I see is people using strength builds against her like it's nothing.
I shouldn't have to swap builds to make a fight easier.
I watched a heavy weapon break her weapon in like 7 deflects
I sat there with my sword and did 15 in a row got hit, did 5 more perfectly
Never broke
Not very fun hitting a tank for 10 minutes just to practice lightning bolt spam for 3 seconds
@@sdotwallace Did you really just say "did you not see the best player in the world do it?"
Get a grip
@sdotwallace "how fast she is"
>gets one tapped in first phase
And I thought it was just a gimmick in second phase to just parry the balls? What happened to that?
@sdotwallace No, you don't. It makes the first stage skip if you do, which is the entire point you're missing.
If you have to use the best souslike player in the world, the deflect God who still uses a sekiro picture, as a "Well he can do it", you've lost the plot.
Malenia, Blade of Simon
how do you block continually like that without letting go of the block button and re-pressing it to perfect guard again?
You can basically let it go for a split second and press it again right away
its dissapointing that we didn't get her weapon from her boss ergo :/
She was humiliated,she phased-2'ed on the spot😂
The cutscene remind me of genichiro second phase lmao, armor falling off then summoning thunder and all.
I perfect parried nearly every attack in phase 1 and her weapon did not break. But I hit the shield a few times and it breaks?????????
41 perfect guards if you have both perfect guard destruction p-organ upgrades
Have yet to get here and already wondering how 8 will be able to fight against her. I suck at timing blocks and perfect guards. 😢
This was done on NG++ as it’s a P-Organ phase 7 that allows blocks to be perfect blocks and all that.
When you get to her, be sure to bring your companion along, and attack her when she’s attacking him, two charge attacks to her back will break her shield. Do that, then she’ll be able to take back damage.
Don’t be greedy with attack and only after she tired herself out attack.
Keep moving in phase two and try to avoid her arial attacks and only block it you can do a perfect block as that’ll also deflect the bolts back to her.
Weapon I used was the Live Puppet Axe blade with the Krat Police Baton.
Use the tools you have, the fully upgraded Puppet String arm is specially powerful aganist most bosses with its jump attack, it deal nice damage + stagger, just be careful to time it correctly at end of boss combo (which you can block or run away from before using the arm grappling hook)
Same with Deus Ex Machina arm if you have a motivity build and the boss is big and lumpering (and Motivity builds are the best for regular blocking since heavy weapons have highest block rate and very high HP recovery per hit)
Alternatively you can invest some points in Vigor and P-organ dodge upgrades (as well as the item that gives infinite dodges even at zero stamina, boss item I think)
absolutely crazy mechanic
Yeah, you can also break Simon's weapon after 16 parries and it stays broken in phase 2
I must have missed the part where he broke her weapon, it still looks whole to me.
Basically, he damaged it enough to the point where it "forced" her to transform it into its lightning enhanced state of her second phase, completely skipping the first phase.
@1:00 The last thing a random pill on the floor see's at a rave concert.
The puppet who laughs
I’ve wondered if you can break EVERY boss weapon in the game.?. Awesome video
No not all of them
You can break Manus' weapon. But it doesn't make that much of a difference
boss weapons I know can be broken are , parade master,donkey, Romeo, black rabbits weapons, 😊white lady, every stalker boss I've come across, laxasia, simon, and nameless puppet iirc. There might be more but those all broke for me at least once
@BigHuskyGG wow can nameless puppets weapon break! I just got stuck on that boss for like 3 hours and eventually I would perfect guard like 50% of his attacks. I heard you can't break his sword, but I could be wrong.
@@BigHuskyGG I can confirm most of these, yeah. It's pretty useful! In addition to lowering their damage and range, it'll disable some of their moves too (ex. Romeo can't do his fury attack where he grabs you around the neck with his scythe)
I'd argue against including Laxasia in this list since you don't actually break her weapon; she has a special interaction that other bosses do not.
*insert Gearfried The Iron Knight reference here*
Pretty sure that fight would be a lot harder if she actually used her shield
Thats some big weapons right there!
I was stuck on the 2nd phase for way longer than id like to admit. Not even melania stumped me like this pasty wench.
I was able to no hit and perfect pary the 1st phase pretty much every time. I figured my weapon just couldnt break her weapon. Thank you for this video.
Some tips for phase 2 in case other people are struggling: you can parry the lightning attacks back at her and her speed amp doesn’t last forever so playing patiently around it can be helpful
@slothfacts9390 hitting her lighting back at her is pretty easy, getting the timing for the stuka bomber move she does after though is a pain. You have to perfect pary it or you are guaranteed to lose 2-3 flasks in the fight jusy to that move.
I wouldnt go so far to compare her to Malenia but yeah, second phase is kinda nuts the first time you get to it
me after her change "oh fck she's hot"
Don't ask me the colour of her sword
what can we do with her ergo? i killed alidoro he was pissing me off lmao
I call her Laxativa.
This reminds me of dark souls 2 wearing velstads helm puts the fume knight into phase 2 instantly
So youcan justparry your way to phase 2.....very interesting!
Just tried... Not working... Maybe the weapon is important
Man.. when i fought her, i was drooling for that lightning sword, such a disappointment that we can't get that in game +_+
I’m seeing this a lot but the left arm of steel actually seems to help break any and almost all enemy weapons. Like the left arm of steels hidden abilities is weapon break.
But how do you use it like that?
@@jimmyjohnjoejrhow I’ve seen most people do it is when the enemy is using a weapon to block your attack. Instead of using your weapon use the left arm of steel even if they block it. It seems to wear their weapon down quicker to breaking apart.
@@rjthecosmonaut5306 oh. Well most enemies never do that...
@@jimmyjohnjoejrthis is unfortunately true. Mostly smaller enemies use the block with weapon. The best method I found is attacking and if they try to block your combo with a parry block use your left arm of steel instead. It’s hard to bait them into blocking but it’s possible.
Why is that weapon not available in game?
U can enter her second phase like that??? that's interesting
You can’t it’s edited
@@cpt.aimassist1480 oh 🙂i was confused because of the title
@@osama9501 Yeah it’s a click bait title cause you can’t actually break her weapon
@@cpt.aimassist1480 bruh , ty
@@osama9501 Np
wtf, why him parry but HP still keep stable
Also break the shield on phase 1 to make 2bd phase easier to hit in front
What an incredible battle, you have done very well, congratulations, I have not yet been able to reach that boss. I hope to do at least half as well as you.
Ah yes, the "Cheat engine time" badly designed shit boss with too much health and full anime attacks that come out too fast to humanly react to.
0 regrets.
Please tell me this is a joke bruh
@@Crimson-hx9dp Why do you scream at facts and reality? Accept what you cannot change. Bad is bad. Needs fixing. I fixed it. Simple.
No regrets after, either. Manus' awful 2nd form with overlapping delayed aoe shit and the stupid puppet's unnecessary 2nd phase lol.
Came back with a strength build, tried laxative again and it went loads smoother but nah. Still did it :-D.
@chillnagasden6190 Laxasia is too tanks and too fast to react to? Bruh that's just a slow reaction time and has nothing to do with the game. Manus's second phase is just a dodging simulator that you play patiently rather than mashing attack constantly. Once you do that he's one of the easiest bosses in the game. Nameless Puppet is such an overexaggerated boss for difficulty. His second phase just makes him an actual boss that can cause a threat compared to the first phase being insanely slow. The bosses are fine it honestly just sound like you're an impatient masher.
@@Crimson-hx9dp I mean
Absolutely not.
But, again.
I don't make a habit of DENYING REALITY.
Bad boss is bad. It literally does not matter that you had an easy time with it, it will never not be a bad boss and overtuned.
Not interested going around in circles repeating inarguable facts.
@chillnagasden6190 I'm sorry you're just bad at the game and mash. Learn patience. Laxasia is perfectly balanced and if anything too easy in phase 1. Also kinda ironic you aren't "denying reality" but say those bosses aren't balanced.
Okaaay thats why first faze ended before i zero her health, i thought the game was glitching
Question how do you perfect guard multiple attacks while it looks like you're not releasing block once?
he upgraded his p-organ to level 7 and there's also a perfect guard grindstone you can get
Simon is a lucky guy
Bruh i was soo upset that i couldn't get her sword or the Eldest Brothers[BlackRabbit BrotherHood] sword.
Wish i could get into this game, I just cant grasp the parry system. It feels so incredibly clunky to me.
Actually a skill issue
How the hell do you perfect parry lightning 🐢
U grap it and throw it back
@@strma8198 and it changes color, makes sense tbh
During fight I kept thinking I wish I could do Lightning Reversal found in Sekiro.. guess you can... ha
I'm so confused, how did you skip right into 2nd phase?! I've literally perfect parried her 1st phase a few times now but it still make me bring her health down to 0 in order to get to the next phase
41 perfect guards with both perfect guard destruction p-organ upgrades
@@NotHavingFun0 Holy shit, welp I was wondering if I should aim for that but nope, not on my first run lol
I got stuck from 5 to 9 pm with her .. till i tank her with the shield ability that allows you to attack while guarding plus fire greatsword ... Stamina badge and stamina cube
From guts to lightning malenia
You single handedly gave me a reason to buy this game and try to beat this single handedly.
How is going bro? :D
@@HohaHola7bad 😂
@HohaHola7 still going single handed, didn't buy the game yet
@@6siks i'll buy it for you!
@@6siks no jokes if u're interested i'll give you my discord down here in the comments
How did you break it so quickly
I only show the last part of phase 1 since it took like 5 minutes. It's 40 perfect guards to break it with both pefect guard destruction p-organ upgrades
@@NotHavingFun0At what level do you have the crystal spear?
@@aynvz2424 I show the full build at the end
I wish we got her actual weapon 😭
You can break her shield as well
I don't understand how to parry like that. okay, 3 more times in a row, but then he doesn't even leave the block. Is it some kind of talent made of wood that is pumped through quartz?
No. When you tap block, your block holds up for a little bit afterwards. You just need to tap it for each attack.
Ðat is incorrect. Tapping removes all ðe parry frames.@@sora15151SomethingAppropriate
How are you perfect blocking looks like your just holding down block?
That's just how the animation is when the boss is hitting multiple fast attacks
Yea I thought the same thing. Timing is weird In this game. You just hold block and quick click?
Bro when I saw her I thought it was Mother’s Day 🥵
Now break both sword and shield
You can take her to 2nd phase while she still has full life!?
So does it lower her attack damage in the second phase ??
Isnthis a seikeiro soulslike!?
Wow it's lies of p's malenia
It’s really not 😭🤣
Nah she's not as hard but it's a cool boss
how do you time your deflect is it a R1 tap or Hold
@@NotHavingFun0 sweet i got to ng 3 by doing deflects like it was sekiro and missing alot of there combos
Anyone who says this game is harder than bloodborne is crazym i beat this entire game with almost every trophy amd got the Golden lie and true ending answered the riddles without any guides or help and almost every single boss i killed in 1 try. I had a harder time with certain regular enemies but everyone from laxasia to simon manus and even the nameless puppet was the only one i had to fight twice. Still fun game but way to easy
Partying 41 times
So you can basically win the fight only by perfect blocking the entire time
Only phase 1
@@treeland3835 but perfect deflecting the lightning bolts hurt her in phase 2
Can you share the build stats please
its at the end
Someone played ALOT of third strike as a kid to pull off all these parries lol
Third Strike parries work differently from this though.
@enjoyer2227 they both have one thing in common...timing. im using the katana in this game, and your timing can truly punish the enemy or punish you.
I ended up doing that and I was so confused
no , this is just phase 2 , nothing changed
You can start phase 2 without doing any dmg
Is this wepon the best for this fight? I struggel with her in NG+ maybe with this wepon i can get her
It's the best weapon against her if you are using an advance build. For motivity/technique you can use the acid grindstone
False. There are plenty of stronger weapons. Just use the Acid Grindstone and apply it to the weapon on your choice.@@NotHavingFun0
I do not get how parry works in this game do u just time it or u just hold shift for your dear life 😭