Prayer to Overcome Evil Spirits

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Prayer to Overcome Evil Spirits.
    My dear Heavenly Father, I am before your throne of glory today, asking Your mighty protection, against the evil forces that threaten me. I recognize Your unmatched Almighty power, and sovereignty over all creation, so I place my faith in Your mighty hand, to deliver me from every form of evil. Your sacred Word illuminates my path, guiding me through the shadows, and shielding me with Your eternal truth.
    My beloved Lord, I stand firm on Your holy Word, which declares in Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Thus, I understand that my battle is not against physical beings, but against the spiritual forces of evil. Therefore, I ask for Your divine wisdom, and strength to stand resolute in this spiritual warfare, fully aware of the enemy's tactics.
    Also, your sacred Word in James 4:7 reassures me; "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Eternal Father, I completely submit myself to You, knowing that in Your Almighty presence, the devil is powerless. So, I resist his attempts to infiltrate my life with fear, doubt and confusion. In the powerful name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I command the devil and his minions to flee now. They have no authority here, because I am covered by the mighty blood of Jesus Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
    Moreover, it is written in 1 John 4:4; "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater, than he who is in the world.” So, I declare and recognize, that the Almighty Holy Spirit within me, is greater than any evil spirit in this world. I trust in Your infinite power, oh Lord, to overcome any evil force that opposes me.
    In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, I address you demonic evil spirits, I bind you now and all your evil power, in the mighty name of Jesus. I command you to leave my presence immediately. You have no authority over my life, as well as everything that is related to me. By the authority of Jesus Christ, who defeated you on the cross, I revoke any rights, and claim you think you have over me. I proclaim my freedom from your grip, and declare that you are defeated enemies, cast out by the Almighty power of the Holy Spirit, in my Lord Jesus name.
    I command you demonic forces, to depart now, go to the abyss and never return, and do not send reinforcements. You are forbidden to come back and harass me. By the power vested in me by Jesus Christ my Lord, I declare you null and void, cast out into the abyss where you belong. I seal this command with the mighty blood of Jesus, and declare victory over all evil powers, in my Lord Jesus name.
    Heavenly Father, I thank You for hearing my prayer, and for Your unwavering support. I trust that You are working on my behalf, to ensure my spiritual safety and freedom. I stand on the promises of Your sacred Word, knowing that You are faithful and just. May Your mighty peace guard my heart, and mind in Christ Jesus. I give You all the glory, honor, and praise. In the precious, and mighty name of my Lord God and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray, amen.
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    🏅🏆 All praises are for our Father God, our Lord Jesus & the Holy Spirit
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  • @juliawilligar5087
    @juliawilligar5087 3 місяці тому +3


  • @AllanJimungal
    @AllanJimungal 3 місяці тому +2


  • @anitashanthraj1234
    @anitashanthraj1234 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for wonderful prayers heals us God bless you all

  • @gidontzion7472
    @gidontzion7472 3 місяці тому +2


  • @gidontzion7472
    @gidontzion7472 3 місяці тому +2

    Prayer to Overcome Evil Spirits.
    My dear Heavenly Father, I am before your throne of glory today, asking Your mighty protection, against the evil forces that threaten me. I recognize Your unmatched Almighty power, and sovereignty over all creation, so I place my faith in Your mighty hand, to deliver me from every form of evil. Your sacred Word illuminates my path, guiding me through the shadows, and shielding me with Your eternal truth.
    My beloved Lord, I stand firm on Your holy Word, which declares in Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Thus, I understand that my battle is not against physical beings, but against the spiritual forces of evil. Therefore, I ask for Your divine wisdom, and strength to stand resolute in this spiritual warfare, fully aware of the enemy's tactics.
    Also, your sacred Word in James 4:7 reassures me; "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Eternal Father, I completely submit myself to You, knowing that in Your Almighty presence, the devil is powerless. So, I resist his attempts to infiltrate my life with fear, doubt and confusion. In the powerful name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I command the devil and his minions to flee now. They have no authority here, because I am covered by the mighty blood of Jesus Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
    Moreover, it is written in 1 John 4:4; "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater, than he who is in the world.” So, I declare and recognize, that the Almighty Holy Spirit within me, is greater than any evil spirit in this world. I trust in Your infinite power, oh Lord, to overcome any evil force that opposes me.
    In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, I address you demonic evil spirits, I bind you now and all your evil power, in the mighty name of Jesus. I command you to leave my presence immediately. You have no authority over my life, as well as everything that is related to me. By the authority of Jesus Christ, who defeated you on the cross, I revoke any rights, and claim you think you have over me. I proclaim my freedom from your grip, and declare that you are defeated enemies, cast out by the Almighty power of the Holy Spirit, in my Lord Jesus name.
    I command you demonic forces, to depart now, go to the abyss and never return, and do not send reinforcements. You are forbidden to come back and harass me. By the power vested in me by Jesus Christ my Lord, I declare you null and void, cast out into the abyss where you belong. I seal this command with the mighty blood of Jesus, and declare victory over all evil powers, in my Lord Jesus name.
    Heavenly Father, I thank You for hearing my prayer, and for Your unwavering support. I trust that You are working on my behalf, to ensure my spiritual safety and freedom. I stand on the promises of Your sacred Word, knowing that You are faithful and just. May Your mighty peace guard my heart, and mind in Christ Jesus. I give You all the glory, honor, and praise. In the precious, and mighty name of my Lord God and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray, amen.

  • @gidontzion7472
    @gidontzion7472 3 місяці тому

    صلاة للتغلب على الأرواح الشريرة.
    أبي السماوي الغالي، أنا اليوم أمام عرش المجد الخاص بك، أطلب حمايتك القديرة، ضد قوى الشر التي تهددني. أنا أدرك قوتك القديرة التي لا مثيل لها، وسيادتك على كل الخليقة، لذلك أضع ثقتي في يدك القديرة، لتحررني من كل شكل من أشكال الشر. كلمتك المقدسة تنير طريقي، وترشدني خلال الظلال، وتحميني بحقك الأبدي.
    يا ربي الحبيب، أنا ثابت على كلمتك المقدسة التي تقول في أفسس 12:6 "فإن مصارعتنا ليست مع لحم ودم، بل مع الرؤساء، مع السلاطين، مع ولاة العالم على ظلمة هذا الدهر، مع الروحيين". أجناد الشر في السماويات." وهكذا أفهم أن معركتي ليست ضد كائنات جسدية، بل ضد قوى الشر الروحية. لذلك أطلب حكمتك الإلهية، وقوتك لأقف حازمًا في هذه الحرب الروحية، مدركًا تمامًا لتكتيكات العدو.
    كما أن كلمتك المقدسة في يعقوب 4: 7 تطمئنني؛ "فاخضعوا إذن لله. قاوموا إبليس فيهرب منكم." أيها الآب الأبدي، إنني أخضع لك نفسي تمامًا، عالمًا أن الشيطان في حضورك القدير عاجز، لذلك أقاوم محاولاته للتسلل إلى حياتي بالخوف والشك والارتباك، باسم ربي الإله يسوع المسيح. أنا آمر الشيطان وأتباعه أن يهربوا الآن، ليس لديهم سلطة هنا، لأنني مغطى بدم يسوع المسيح العظيم، باسم ربي يسوع.
    علاوة على ذلك، هذا مكتوب في 1 يوحنا 4: 4؛ "أنتم من الله أيها الأولاد، وقد غلبتموهم، لأن الذي فيكم أعظم من الذي في العالم". لذلك، أعلن وأدرك أن الروح القدس القدير بداخلي أعظم من أي روح شرير في هذا العالم، وأنا أثق في قوتك اللامتناهية، يا رب، للتغلب على أي قوة شريرة تقاومني.
    باسم يسوع المسيح ربي، أخاطبكم أيها الأرواح الشريرة الشيطانية، وأربطكم الآن وكل قوتكم الشريرة، باسم يسوع القدير. آمرك بمغادرة حضوري على الفور. ليس لك سلطان على حياتي ولا على كل ما يتعلق بي. بسلطان يسوع المسيح، الذي هزمك على الصليب، أبطل كل حقوقي، وأدعي أنك تظن أن لك عليّ. أعلن حريتي من قبضتك، وأعلن أنكم أعداء مهزومون، مطرودون بقوة الروح القدس القديرة، باسم ربي يسوع.
    أنا آمرك القوات الشيطانية، أن تغادر الآن، وتذهب إلى الهاوية ولا تعود أبدًا، ولا ترسل تعزيزات. حرام عليك ترجع وتضايقني. بالقوة الممنوحة لي من قبل يسوع المسيح ربي، أعلن أنك باطلا وباطلا، مطرودا إلى الهاوية حيث تنتمي. أختم هذه الوصية بدم يسوع العظيم، وأعلن النصر على كل قوى الشر، باسم ربي يسوع.
    أبويا السماوي، أشكرك على سماع صلاتي وعلى دعمك الذي لا يتزعزع. أنا على ثقة أنك تعمل نيابة عني، لضمان سلامتي وحريتي الروحية. أنا أقف على وعود كلمتك المقدسة، عالمًا أنك أمين وعادل. ليحرس سلامك العظيم قلبي وعقلي في المسيح يسوع. أعطيك كل المجد والإكرام والثناء. بالاسم الثمين والقدير لربي وإلهي ومخلصي يسوع المسيح الناصري، أصلي، آمين.

  • @gidontzion7472
    @gidontzion7472 3 місяці тому

    Akuryō ni uchikatsu tame no inori. Aisuru ten no chichiyo, watashi wa kyō, anata no eikō no goza no mae ni tachi, watashi o odokasu aku no seiryoku kara anata no chikaradzuyoi hogo o motomete imasu. Watashi wa anata no hirui no nai zen'nō no chikara to, subete no sōzō-mono ni taisuru shuken o mitomete imasu. Desukara, arayuru aku kara watashi o sukuidasu tame ni, anata no chikaradzuyoi o te ni shinkō o okimasu. Anata no shinseina o kotoba wa watashi no michi o terashi, kage no naka o michibiki, anata no eien no shinri de watashi o mamotte kuremasu. Aisuru omo yo, watashi wa anata no seinaru o kotoba ni shikkari to tatte imasu. Sore wa epeso hito e no tegami dai 6-shō 12-setsu de sengen shite imasu. `Watashitachi no tatakai wa, ketsuniku ni taisuru monode wa naku, shihai, ken'i, ankoku no yo no shihai-sha, mata, ten ni iru aku no rei ni taisuru tatakaina nodesu.' Shitagatte, watashi no tatakai wa nikutai-tekina sonzai ni taisuru monode wa naku, aku no reiteki seiryoku ni taisuru monodearu to rikai shite imasu. Shitagatte, watashi wa anata no shinseina chie to, teki no senjutsu o jūbun ni ninshiki shinagara, kono reiteki tatakai ni danko to shite tachimukau chikara o motomemasu. Mata, yakobu no tegami 4: 7 Ni aru anata no shinseina kotoba wa, watashi o anshin sa sete kuremasu. `Desukara,-shin ni shitagai nasai. Akuma ni tachimukai nasai. Sō sureba, akuma wa anata kara nige sarimasu.' Eien no chichiyo, watashi wa anata ni kanzen ni fukujū shimasu. Anata no zen'nō no gozende wa, akuma wa muryokudearu koto o shitte imasu. Desukara, watashi wa osore, utagai, konran de watashinojinsei ni shin'nyū shiyou to suru akuma no kokoromi ni teikō shimasu. Watashi no omonaru kami, iesu Kirisuto no chikaradzuyoi o nanioite, watashi wa akuma to sono teshita-tachi ni ima sugu nigeru yō ni meijimasu. Karera ni wa kokode wa nani no ken'i mo arimasen. Nazenara, watashi wa iesu Kirisuto no chikaradzuyoi chi ni ōwa rete irukaradesu. Watashi no omonaru iesu no o nanioite. Sarani, Yohane no tegami 1-shō 4-setsu ni hakou kaka rete imasu. `Kodomo-tachi yo, anatagata wa kami kara deta monodesu. Soshite karera ni uchikachimashita. Anatagata no uchi ni ora reru kata ga, yo ni iru mono yori mo idaidakaradesu.'Desukara, watashi wa sengen shi, mitomemasu. Watashi no naka ni iru zen'nō no seirei wa, konoyo no don'na akuryō yori mo idaidesu. Omo yo, watashi ni tekitai suru don'na aku no chikara mo uchi makasu anata no mugen no chikara ni shinrai shimasu. Watashi no shu, iesu Kirisuto no nanioite, watashi wa anata-tachi akuma no akuryō ni katarikakemasu. Iesu no chikaradzuyoi nanioite, watashi wa anata-tachi to anata no subete no aku no chikara o ima shibarimasu. Watashi wa anata-tachi ni, sugu ni watashi no mae kara tachisaru yō ni meijimasu. Anata wa watashinojinsei dakedenaku, watashi ni kanren suru subete no mono ni taishite kengen o motte imasen. Jūjika-jō de anata-tachi o uchi makashita iesu Kirisuto no ken'i ni yori, watashi wa anata-tachi ga watashi ni taishite motte iru to kangaete iru subete no kenri o hakudatsu shimasu. Watashi wa anata-tachi no te kara kaihō sa reta koto o sengen shi, anata-tachi wa haiboku shita tekideari, seirei no zen'nō no chikara ni yotte oidasa reta koto o, watashi no shu, iesu no nanioite sengen shimasu. Watashi wa anata-tachi akuma no seiryoku ni meijimasu. Ima sugu tachisari, shin'en ni iki, nidoto modottekonai-yō ni, soshite engun o okutte konai yō ni. Anata-tachi ga modotte kite watashi o nayama seru koto wa kinji rarete imasu. Waga shu, iesu Kirisuto yo, watashi wa anata o mukō to sengen shi, anata ga zokusuru shin'en ni hōridashimashita. Watashi wa kono meirei o iesu no chikaradzuyoi chi de fūin shi, subete no aku no chikara ni taisuru shōri o sengen shimasu. Waga shu, iesu no o nanioite. Ten no chichiyo, watashi no inori o kiite kudasari, yuruginai sasae o kudasatta koto ni kansha shimasu. Anata wa watashi no tame ni hataraki, watashi no reitekina anzen to jiyū o hoshō shite kudasatte iru to shinjite imasu. Watashi wa anata ga chūjitsude kōseidearu koto o shirinagara, anata no shinseina o kotoba no yakusoku o mamorimasu. Anata no chikaradzuyoi heiwa ga watashi no kokoro to, Kirisuto iesu no seishin o mamotte kudasaimasu yō ni. Watashi wa anata ni subete no eikō to meiyo to sanbi o sasagemasu. Watashi no omonaru kamideari sukuinushidearu nazarenoiesu Kirisuto no tattoku chikaradzuyoi o nanioite inorimasu. Āmen.

  • @gidontzion7472
    @gidontzion7472 3 місяці тому

    Paidir chun Biotáille Olc a Shárú.
    A Athair Neamhaí, táim os comhair do ríchathaoir na glóire inniu, ag iarraidh do chosaint chumhachtach, in aghaidh na bhfórsaí olc atá ag bagairt orm. Aithním do chumhacht Uilechumhachtach gan mhacasamhail, agus do cheannasacht ar an greadadh go léir, mar sin cuirim mo chreideamh i do lámh chumhachtach, chun mé a shaoradh ó gach cineál uilc. Soilsíonn d’fhocal naofa mo chosán, treoraíonn sé mé trí na scáthanna, agus mo chosaint le d’fhírinne shíoraí.
    A Thiarna ionúin, seasaim go daingean ar do Bhriathar naofa, a dhearbhaíonn in Eifisigh 6:12, “Óir ní in aghaidh na feola agus na fola a throidimid, ach in aghaidh prionsabail, in aghaidh cumhachtaí, i gcoinne rialóirí dorchadais na haoise seo, i gcoinne spioradáltacht. slóigh na haingidhe sna háiteanna neamhaí." Mar sin, tuigim nach bhfuil mo chath i gcoinne dhaoine fisiceacha, ach i gcoinne fórsaí spioradálta an uilc, mar sin, iarraim do eagna diaga, agus do neart chun seasamh diongbháilte sa chogaíocht spioradálta seo, go hiomlán feasach ar bheartaíocht an namhad.
    Chomh maith leis sin, cuireann do Bhriathar naofa i Séamas 4:7 suaimhneas orm; " Uime sin déanaigí umhlachd do Dhia. Cuirigí i gcoinne an diabhail, agus teichidh sé uaibh." A Athair Shíoraí, tugaim mé féin go hiomlán duit, agus fios agam go bhfuil an diabhal gan chumhacht i do láthair Uilechumhachtach. Ordaím don diabhal agus dá minions teitheadh ​​anois.
    Thairis sin, tá sé scríofa i 1 Eoin 4:4; "Tá sibhse ó Dhia, a pháistí beaga, agus sháraigh sibh iad, mar is mó an Té atá ionaibhse ná an té atá ar domhan." Mar sin, dearbhaím agus aithním, gur mó an Spiorad Naomh Uilechumhachtach ionam ná aon droch-spiorad ar an saol seo.
    In ainm Íosa Críost mo Thiarna, tugaim aghaidh oraibh biotáillí olca demonic, ceanglaím anois thú agus do chumhacht olc go léir, in ainm chumhachtach Íosa. Ordaím duit mo láithreacht a fhágáil láithreach. Níl aon údarás agat ar mo shaol, mar aon le gach rud a bhaineann liom. Le húdarás Íosa Críost, a bhuail tú ar an gcrois, cúlghairim aon chearta, agus éilíonn tú go gceapann tú go bhfuil tú os mo chionn. Fógraím mo shaoirse ó do ghreim, agus dearbhaím gur naimhde buaite thú, arna gcaitheamh amach ag cumhacht Uilechumhachtach an Spioraid Naoimh, i m’ainm Tiarna Íosa.
    Ordaím daoibh fórsaí demonic, imeacht anois, dul go dtí an duibheagán agus ná fill riamh, agus ná seol treisithe. Tá cosc ​​ort teacht ar ais agus mé a chiapadh. Tríd an gcumhacht atá dílsithe ionam ag Íosa Críost mo Thiarna, dearbhaím thú ar neamhní, arna chaitheamh amach sa duibheagán ina bhfuil tú. Séala mé an t-ordú seo le fuil chumhachtach Íosa, agus dearbhaím bua ar gach uile chumhacht olc, i mo ainm Tiarna Íosa.
    A Athair Neamhaí, gabhaim buíochas leat as mo phaidir a chloisteáil, agus as do thacaíocht gan staonadh. Tá súil agam go bhfuil Tú ag obair ar mo shon, chun mo shábháilteacht spioradálta agus mo shaoirse a chinntiú. Seasaim ar ghealltanais d'fhocail naofa, fios agam go bhfuil Tú dílis agus cóir. Go gcoimeád do shíocháin chumhachtach mo chroí, agus mo intinn i gCríost Íosa. Tugaim duit an ghlóir, an onóir agus an moladh go léir. In ainm luachmhar agus chumhachtach mo Thiarna Dia agus Slánaitheoir, Íosa Críost de Nasareth, guím, amen.