How to Order MTG Proxies from MPC | High Quality Proxies

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Cardboard_Odysseys
    @Cardboard_Odysseys  9 місяців тому +7

    Check out a New and Updated video below

  • @m477z0r
    @m477z0r 8 місяців тому +6

    A small time saver you might like to add as a protip when importing text from moxfield (regarding *F*).
    You can paste that list into Excel (or another spreadsheet software) and massage the list formatting so that you don't have to go card by card in mpcfill. In Excel specifically, you'd go to the Data tab and select "Text to Columns" then you choose delimited and use the ) character to split them. That'll take any of the bad syntax out while keeping the quantities intact. Then you just copy the entire first column (should be A) and paste it into mpcfill and carry on choosing your favorite art.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  7 місяців тому

      Good call, in the updated 2024 version there are a few time-saving tips like that
      Thanks for the view and the comment, hope to see you around the channel!

  • @time_travelling_pirate
    @time_travelling_pirate 10 місяців тому +2

    you can just click "More" -> Export -> and choose MTGO you'll get just the names so no "Card not found" issue, and it includes the commander.

  • @fang3833
    @fang3833 Рік тому +10

    Worked brilliantly, thanks for sharing! Just got an $1000 deck I've been curious about for $30! Still waiting on shipping but the code worked a treat.

    • @PatThePauper
      @PatThePauper Рік тому +2

      That's awesome! I'm glad this was able to help you get the play pieces you've been wanting

    • @fang3833
      @fang3833 Рік тому +1

      @PatThePauper yeah, my pod has a lot of high power and spicy brews. I love building decks a lot so making lots of decks suitable for my pod is super hard budget wise. So this makes it a lot more accessible and fun for me to build many decks. Especially it allows me to try archetypes outside of my comfort zone without buying silly expensive cards

  • @capealio
    @capealio 8 місяців тому +2

    thank you for uploadinf this, I will be using it as a reference to make my dream deck

  • @geofferiswheel
    @geofferiswheel Рік тому +6

    Pretty neat seeing the tool to upload all of the assets into the ordering website. Thanks for sharing.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +2

      I'm glad you found it helpful, I hope you stun your Pod with the cool new cards!

    • @geofferiswheel
      @geofferiswheel Рік тому +2

      @@Cardboard_Odysseys I've got a pod that's interested in doing some CEDH, with proxies. So this would be an easy way to put my buy list together and get it printed and shipped. Love the backs you picked too :-)

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +1

      That's awesome, best of luck to you and yours! Thanks again for checking us out!

  • @MTGBoxAnalysis
    @MTGBoxAnalysis Рік тому +10

    Great video. Thanks for putting this together for the community.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +2

      My pleasure! This was a fun bit of editing, made me (Pat) feel like a 'real' UA-camr!

    • @MTGBoxAnalysis
      @MTGBoxAnalysis Рік тому +1

      @@Cardboard_Odysseys nice. It's amazing how much time it takes to make something look professional. Thanks for the effort, it was really good.

  • @LtSMASH324
    @LtSMASH324 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for the video, very cool and comprehensive.

  • @CarloGoiff666
    @CarloGoiff666 6 місяців тому +8

    Wotc has given their back on their fans by purposely increasing the prices for their cards turning their games into super-rich cashgrab, so let's turn our backs on them and buy proxies, it's cardboard but it's fun, who cares about collecting?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  6 місяців тому +2

      Matt here. I can't exactly remember when it happened but I havnt really cared about collecting real cards in a very long time. I still love mtg but having the real thing versus a piece of paper printed off my printer is no different to me. I still buy sealed for the future chance to either open and enjoy with friends or sell but that's about it.

  • @Thalarion
    @Thalarion Рік тому +3

    Assuming you can also just upload custom art/proxies for patricular cards?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +3

      You can as long as you nail the dimensions correctly. Bob made our Commander Raid tokens but he had to adjust it multiple times to get it to not have white space around the edges.

  • @desmondavinci6987
    @desmondavinci6987 10 місяців тому

    Thank you so much for this video. Let's see how it works

  • @StanleyKuo184
    @StanleyKuo184 9 місяців тому +1

    Hello. The MPC Fill has changed its instruction and UI for Downloading XML. Now I am having trouble running the exe for my MPC order. Can you do an update on how to get your order processed through MPC Fill? Thanks.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  9 місяців тому +1

      Absolutely, thanks for the heads up!
      I'll check that out today and get on making a new version

    • @notrolling-er1wq
      @notrolling-er1wq 5 місяців тому

      @@Cardboard_Odysseys linux not working either,

  • @Modest7787
    @Modest7787 Рік тому +3

    This shit is amazing wow I really like it thanks for showing it off man.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +3

      Thanks dude, this is my new go-to for MTG proxies.
      Great thing about these is that they're always worth 38 cents, so no worries about the market it's just about playing the game and having fun!

    • @Modest7787
      @Modest7787 Рік тому +2

      @@Cardboard_Odysseys I can print proxies for me my friend, my friend’s friend, and other people for only like 150$ that’s kinda insane.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +3

      I actually did JUST that, I got one of my close friends a version of his deck that he uses slips of paper in front of lands for. Still proxies but high quality art, full color, and shipped right to his door!

    • @Modest7787
      @Modest7787 Рік тому

      @@Cardboard_OdysseysI just made and bought and Omnath locus of creation deck, a kinnan deck, a Meren of clan bell toth deck, and a Krenko deck. Plus yuriko parts all on custom arts for under 150$ amazing

  • @BosSoxFan15
    @BosSoxFan15 Рік тому +1

    What is the best card stock and card finish to make these feel like normal cards when sleeved if I plan on mixing them with other mtg cards?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +2

      S30 is a bit thinner but feels pretty close when sleeved and makes the deck a bit thinner. S33 if you want the closest thing to real cards.

    • @BosSoxFan15
      @BosSoxFan15 Рік тому +1

      @@Cardboard_Odysseys Ok thank you.

  • @BlainmanG12
    @BlainmanG12 Рік тому +3

    Would someone be able to tell me about the card feel? I don't want something that feels like a solitaire card.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +5

      The standard (s30) card quality is rather good. It's thinner than a Bicycle Solitaire card, it's very close to the thickness and feel of a MTG card. If you want something REALLY close I'd suggest the S33 card stock, for just a few more dollars per order.

    • @BlainmanG12
      @BlainmanG12 Рік тому +3

      @@Cardboard_Odysseys okay. I will keep that in mind. I usually buy my proxies so this would be a cheaper alternative.

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +1

      Bob even got Dual sided, Foil, Dual-lands. Wild, Volcanic Island on one side Savannah on the other, in foil...sheesh!

  • @corvosweet-moon8629
    @corvosweet-moon8629 Рік тому +2

    out of curiosity, is there a way to see the full deck list for your colony of Lurrus?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +2

      For sure! Let me know if there is anything that you'd add/change with it! We LOVE talking deck-techs and combos along with just general game play ideas

  • @PatThePauper
    @PatThePauper Рік тому +5

    Thank you SO much for this, worked like a charm!

  • @joelpicolo7306
    @joelpicolo7306 6 місяців тому +2

    Voice goes out around 10 min. Did I miss something?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  6 місяців тому +2

      Not entirely sure what happened to the audio at the end but pat just finalizes the list and submits it after double checking everything is good. We will check into what happened with the audio. Pretty sure it has been fine for months so it's odd to just lose audio on a vod.

  • @Urager
    @Urager Рік тому +1

    Is the shipping globlal? Or does this only work in the USA?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому

      It shows on their website that they ship world wide and shipping is calculated at checkout. So you should be good wherever you are.

    • @Urager
      @Urager Рік тому +1

      Oh nice, i couldn't find anything on shipping so i was worried, thanks.@@Cardboard_Odysseys

  • @BioRose671
    @BioRose671 4 місяці тому +1

    How many cards do i need to have in my order to pay like $20 or less?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  4 місяці тому +1

      Shipping is really the deciding factor, that's usually about $10 USD. Last deck Pat got was about 100 for $38 shipped.

    • @BioRose671
      @BioRose671 4 місяці тому

      @@Cardboard_Odysseys oh ok so like an order of 200+ would be cheaper?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  4 місяці тому +1

      @@BioRose671 yeah, the more you buy, the more it is discounted. MPC typically deals with bulk pricing but dont feel like you need to bulk order, it doesnt save a ton until its like 10+ decks. Now if you want to make 10 decks go for it, it top quality stuff.

  • @parentsamuel356
    @parentsamuel356 Рік тому +1

    I'm not sure how the discount works on the deck. I tried a 100 cards order and a 200 cards order with the same settings, but the price is way higher than you. (like 71$ for the 200)

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +1

      There is a bracketing for the prices. You get a break at the following quantities 100-249 and 250-499. But even at what you paid that's a pretty good deal.
      Two killer decks for less than a Booster Box!

  • @shadow_man_exe4727
    @shadow_man_exe4727 10 місяців тому +1

    do they have this for yugioh? can they do custom cards?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  10 місяців тому +1

      They've got a lot of different sizes, so I'd be confident in saying that they'll be able to help you out!
      I've checked out making Larger cards too, just for an April fools joke!

  • @otaku4life789
    @otaku4life789 10 місяців тому +1

    Do they ship to germany ? :/

  • @basurabasura
    @basurabasura Рік тому

    great video brother, thanks

  • @exalphagosthedestroyerofwo4873
    @exalphagosthedestroyerofwo4873 9 місяців тому

    It says "unable to obtain driver for chrome using selenium manager" and wont upload the images

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  9 місяців тому

      Take a look at this article, looks like it has something to do with your browser.

    • @exalphagosthedestroyerofwo4873
      @exalphagosthedestroyerofwo4873 9 місяців тому

      ​@Cardboard_Odysseys I figured it out if anyone has problems with payment. Make sure you have made an account with makeplayingcaeds and your cart is saved. Then, close the pop up window and open it again like you would any page on your web browser. Go to your cart and the payment worked.

    • @exalphagosthedestroyerofwo4873
      @exalphagosthedestroyerofwo4873 9 місяців тому

      ​​@@Cardboard_Odysseyscouldn't figure out thd driver issue on my laptop. Works on my desktop for some reason lol

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  9 місяців тому

      @@exalphagosthedestroyerofwo4873Well as long as you got it to work thats good. Very weird though, ive only used it on my desktop without issue.

  • @wtlgilde
    @wtlgilde Рік тому

    what is about other languages? How do i change that?

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому

      MPC auto fill would need to have a card image already in the database for the language you are looking for. You can also find the image on the Internet and add it yourself if one does not exist on the database.

  • @bobbyiverson3984
    @bobbyiverson3984 Рік тому

    Anyone else having trouble reaching the site?

  • @Andy007nightfire
    @Andy007nightfire 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much

  • @MrShizzler1
    @MrShizzler1 Рік тому +8

    For what is worth, the video is titled how to MAKE proxies, but then only explains how to buy them from someone else....

    • @Cardboard_Odysseys
      @Cardboard_Odysseys  Рік тому +4

      True, the title could be worded in a different manner.

    • @robertleeshinkle8446
      @robertleeshinkle8446 9 місяців тому +3

      Being overly pedantic for no reason

    • @MrShizzler1
      @MrShizzler1 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@robertleeshinkle8446 or, the reason was because I watched the video wanting to learn new methods of making my own proxies but the video only showed how to order them, so I commented, but thanks for your insight....

    • @capealio
      @capealio 8 місяців тому +2

      well played, to the uploader (video title change)

  • @mid-westmusic3472
    @mid-westmusic3472 Місяць тому
