Hola! Si. Algunas quimiocinas participan en ese proceso. Chemokine receptor (CCR)7, CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR)4, and CXCR5 are the main chemokine receptors involved in B cell homing to secondary lymphoid tissues [101112131415]. HEV express high levels of chemokine ligand (CCL)21, one of the ligands for CCR7, which plays a prominent role in triggering the adhesion of circulating B lymphocytes to this specialized endothelium [16, 17]. CCL19, the other ligand for CCR7, directs the movement of B cells toward the T cell areas, where this chemokine is produced [15, 18, 19]. CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 have been previously involved in diverse aspects of B cell homeostasis, including the retention of B cell precursors on bone marrow (BM) or the migration of plasmatic cells out of the lymph node [202122]. Recent studies [23] have demonstrated that CCL19 and CXCL12 can be transcytosed and presented on the lumenal side of HEV, where they also contribute to lymphocyte recruitment into peripheral lymphoid tissues. CXCR5 and its ligand CXCL13 are needed for the positioning of B cells into follicles of Peyer’s patches, lymph nodes, and spleen [11, 13, 24, 25]. López‐Giral, S., Quintana, N.E., Cabrerizo, M., Alfonso‐Pérez, M., Sala‐Valdés, M., de Soria, V.G.G., Fernández‐Rañada, J.M., Fernández‐Ruiz, E. and Muñoz, C. (2004), Chemokine receptors that mediate B cell homing to secondary lymphoid tissues are highly expressed in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and non‐Hodgkin lymphomas with widespread nodular dissemination. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 76: 462-471. doi.org/10.1189/jlb.1203652
Profesor, dos consultas, en alguna literatura sale que los plasmocitos de la médula ósea dejan de expresar MHC ii, en el vídeo dice que aún lo conservan, la 2da duda es sobre la Hipermutacion somatica en una 2da infección(o 3ra) o 2da(3ra) dosis de vacuna, son los BCR de linfoncitos B de memoria los q pueden volver a madurar la afinidad o los B maduros en reposo q estén aún presentes después de la primo infección.
Hola, doctor. Muy interesante y claro el video. Tenía una consulta, ¿las imágenes que aparecen son de usted, o de alguna bibliografía en específico?
Hola! Son del libro de Inmunobiología de Janeway
Existe alguna señal que guíe a los linfocitos B hacia el órganos linfoide secundario?
Hola! Si. Algunas quimiocinas participan en ese proceso.
Chemokine receptor (CCR)7, CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR)4, and CXCR5 are the main chemokine receptors involved in B cell homing to secondary lymphoid tissues [101112131415]. HEV express high levels of chemokine ligand (CCL)21, one of the ligands for CCR7, which plays a prominent role in triggering the adhesion of circulating B lymphocytes to this specialized endothelium [16, 17]. CCL19, the other ligand for CCR7, directs the movement of B cells toward the T cell areas, where this chemokine is produced [15, 18, 19]. CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 have been previously involved in diverse aspects of B cell homeostasis, including the retention of B cell precursors on bone marrow (BM) or the migration of plasmatic cells out of the lymph node [202122]. Recent studies [23] have demonstrated that CCL19 and CXCL12 can be transcytosed and presented on the lumenal side of HEV, where they also contribute to lymphocyte recruitment into peripheral lymphoid tissues. CXCR5 and its ligand CXCL13 are needed for the positioning of B cells into follicles of Peyer’s patches, lymph nodes, and spleen [11, 13, 24, 25].
López‐Giral, S., Quintana, N.E., Cabrerizo, M., Alfonso‐Pérez, M., Sala‐Valdés, M., de Soria, V.G.G., Fernández‐Rañada, J.M., Fernández‐Ruiz, E. and Muñoz, C. (2004), Chemokine receptors that mediate B cell homing to secondary lymphoid tissues are highly expressed in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and non‐Hodgkin lymphomas with widespread nodular dissemination. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 76: 462-471. doi.org/10.1189/jlb.1203652
Profesor, dos consultas, en alguna literatura sale que los plasmocitos de la médula ósea dejan de expresar MHC ii, en el vídeo dice que aún lo conservan, la 2da duda es sobre la Hipermutacion somatica en una 2da infección(o 3ra) o 2da(3ra) dosis de vacuna, son los BCR de linfoncitos B de memoria los q pueden volver a madurar la afinidad o los B maduros en reposo q estén aún presentes después de la primo infección.
Hola! Excelente pregunta, que no sé si ya existe la respuesta, revisaré la bibliografía y regreso.