Stay Young After 30: The Shocking Science On How To Actually Burn Body Fat | Dr. Ben Bikman

  • Опубліковано 30 гру 2023
  • Episode 168 What To Do About Insulin Resistance Disorders (and the Role that Digestion Plays) with Dr. Benjamin Bikman.
    Dr. Ben is the author of a book I frequently recommend, called Why We Get Sick.
    It can be quite challenging for many women to maintain a healthy weight and good metabolic health after about forty years of age. Just about all of our fat cells are made during childhood and puberty, and when we reach our sixties or seventies, the number of our fat cells starts to decline. Insulin plays a vital role in how fat cells can change and respond to sex hormones.
    In this episode, Dr. Ben talks about insulin, fat cells, and sex hormones in women.
    • The role of insulin in terms of how fat cells can change and respond to sex hormones.
    • How estrogens protect women against too much fat.
    • Why your diet does not require carbohydrates even though some cells need glucose.
    • The effects of seed oils and carbohydrates on insulin resistance.
    • How digestion relates to insulin resistance and insulin instability.
    • Vitamin D deficiency will contribute to insulin resistance.
    • Why you need to know what your fasting insulin number is.
    Listen to the whole podcast episode with Dr. Bikman below:
    For more information please visit me here:
    This video is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation.
    #CynthiaThurlow #womenshealth #wellness #IF #intermittentfasting #fastingforwomen #bioindividuality #health


  • @beme7403
    @beme7403 5 місяців тому +32

    I just love dr Bikman. Such a humble person with a lot of knowledge. Thank you for bringing him on.

  • @teresawhitelifestyle4320
    @teresawhitelifestyle4320 5 місяців тому +53

    When I suggested to my cardiologist that lifelong Insulin Resistance was a major contributor to my heart disease, he looked at me like I was from Mars and changed the subject!

  • @Savannah-ed4rv
    @Savannah-ed4rv 5 місяців тому +23

    In regards to children, I have noticed in grocery stores that there is very little meat baby food. Most everything is plants and plant-based and they now have labels that say plant-based and I truly think it's an agenda to cause our children not to develop properly. When you can go into a fresh thyme grocery store and not find one brand of baby food that has meat, or even dairy, every person and every parent especially should be very concerned! Probably the best thing is to make your own like people used to do with a meat grinder.

    • @jimbeaver27
      @jimbeaver27 3 місяці тому +1

      the worst thing in baby food is the amount of sugar and carbs in all of it, definitely make your own

    • @MyChilepepper
      @MyChilepepper 25 днів тому

      True, they totally ignored the caveman catalogue drawings of baby bison in jars. Haha

  • @Savannah-ed4rv
    @Savannah-ed4rv 5 місяців тому +27

    I'm personally becoming more and more convinced that a carnivore diet is the best way to go. I'm in the early stages of trying to go that way, but the cravings for food that is not on that diet are very overpowering!

    • @lanaharper7722
      @lanaharper7722 2 місяці тому +1

      That will get a lot easier and then it is so freeing! Been carnivore for 2 years. Keto for 6 years before that. Blood work is fabulous. I'm 77 and take no medications. Don't exercise enough but that's about laziness.

  • @issandour1840
    @issandour1840 5 місяців тому +12

    I am an over 70 year old male and I listen to your podcast.

  • @doctorstotrust
    @doctorstotrust 4 місяці тому +4

    Some great new information here! I've followed and edited/annotated dozens of Ben's interviews. this one is one of the most effective use of his time that I have seen.

  • @tonystonebraker
    @tonystonebraker 4 місяці тому +3

    In 2011. I was 375 with a trig/hdl ratio of 4.4. Today I’m down to 220 with a trig/hdl ratio of 1.04. Lower carb works.

  • @shutterbug2061
    @shutterbug2061 5 місяців тому +10

    I love Dr. Bikman but let’s be real here. Menopause may be a “natural” part of aging but that does NOT mean it’s ok and women should just shut up and deal with it.
    Peri-menopause nearly killed me and I mean that literally. The age group among women with the highest suicide rate is 45-64 🤔
    I don’t think that’s a coincidence. My gyno was of no help whatsoever but I was truly lucky to find an endocrinologist who believed in treating her menopausal patients with HRT which my gyno refused to give me.
    The women’s health initiative study that demonized HRT was finally dismantled and proved highly flawed leaving millions of women to suffer needlessly.
    I am 62 and have been on HRT since age 48 and will never go off. I’m in perfect health and fit and mentally better than I’ve ever been. I follow a clean, low carb, heavy meat diet. No sugar, seed oils or grains.
    My endo is in her 80’s and STILL uses HRT. She’s still working and looks and acts like women 20 years her junior.
    HRT has been unfairly demonized and women deserve to have the right to choose.

    • @texascasey2762
      @texascasey2762 4 місяці тому +3

      Totally agree! Soon 70 and have been doing HRT for at least 25 years - I feel great! My skin is good, my heart is good, and my energy is wonderful. Peter Attia has a great podcast on HRT - recommend for all women. That HRT study to scare women was so flawed.

    • @Petunia-fl9lu
      @Petunia-fl9lu 16 днів тому +1

      I know this post is from many months ago, but just found the video - my mother is 90 and been on HRT since 36 (Since her surgical menopause) except for a year in about 2003 - when a new doctor at the practice she was going to stopped it due to that stupid study - she went mad for two years then went back on it. I literally saw her shrink and get so tired she was delirious. that was the worst year of her life. She was going to take the doctor to court and told him she'd sign a disclaimer saying she was fine with increased risk of breast cancer but she was going to die from lack of sleep if she didn't get her hot flashes sorted, she had about 100 hot flashes a day and didn't sleep well for all the time they refused her. Anyway, she has been on patches for about ten years. Started on Premarin now on micronised estrogen. She's in good health, nothing wrong with her. Doesn't smoke though and walks an hour a day. busy all day so not sitting around and doesn't eat junk.

    • @shutterbug2061
      @shutterbug2061 16 днів тому

      Thank you for sharing this!!! I’m so sorry she had to go through that but happy you all figured it out 😊

  • @missjudyvw
    @missjudyvw 5 місяців тому +6

    Menopause was very bad for me, period!

  • @calista1280
    @calista1280 4 місяці тому +3

    Hmmm, I don't know about having a set amount of fat cells... I was extremely lean, actually skinny until a forced hysterectomy threw me into complete menopause overnite! Since then the fat/ weight has continued to pile on!
    Only now having gone Keto Carnivore am I able to finally lose some weight...
    It's the damn refined carbs and processed foods of the SAD that's killing us!

  • @mariepaukowits1709
    @mariepaukowits1709 5 місяців тому +1

    Great info

  • @KatarinaLuff-ki1tq
    @KatarinaLuff-ki1tq 2 місяці тому

    Please Ben write a book to save our children. Healthy eating for them. I’ve learnt so much from Ben.i’m so thankful for his sharing of information. By addressing the insulin. My health has improved due to changing my diet and intermittent fasting.

  • @texascasey2762
    @texascasey2762 4 місяці тому +2

    Dr Bikman has taught me so much about health - I am such a fan! And I amazed how kind he is - if u haven’t bought his book “why we get sick” do it now for your future health. Thank u for having him on - I learned so many new things on this podcast. Thank you!

  • @annetcell-ly4571
    @annetcell-ly4571 5 місяців тому +8

    I’m 68 and have made, and continue to make changes for wellness ( low carb to keep insulin low and exercise to maintain strength and mobility) as more information comes available. I wish this research about insulin resistance during peri-menopause and menopause was available to women 30 years ago. At this point I am enjoying the “steadiness” of not having hormonal fluctuations but it’s offset by aches and pains of ageing which means that freedom can’t be fully enjoyed - like one would with say, a 50-something body post menopause. Question: I heard on another podcast that there has been, historically, very little research about women and that some belly fat is good as it takes over an oestrogen function in older women. Could Dr Bikman comment on this new research?

    • @stephanieilluzzi7355
      @stephanieilluzzi7355 5 місяців тому +15

      @annetcell-ly4571 Please forgive me if you find my reply intrusive, but I’d love to share. I’m 69 in two months and obviously menopausal. You don’t mention what your typical Way Of Eating is. (I hate the word “diet!”) Pain is the story of my entire life. I had back pain since my twenties! Tennis elbow, knee pain, bursitis, arthritis as I aged. I tried everything from physical therapy, cortisone shots, epidurals, exercise, Tens therapy, inversion table, stone mats…not to mention eating Advil and Motrin daily like M&M’s! NOTHING alleviated my pain, and I felt pretty hopeless. In Feb of 2021, I had hip replacement surgery, which bought me a few months of pain relief…until my pain gradually returned. What was left for me to try?! I began a Keto diet in May of 2021, slowly incorporating fasting as well. It took awhile. By June, on vacation in Vermont with family, I had to remain in our hotel room, watching a movie on my iPad, while my family (at my urging) went hiking. This was an activity which we’d always enjoyed TOGETHER . Now I had to sit on the sidelines, unable to participate. I began Keto as another attempt to lose weight (another lifetime affliction!) By July, a mere two months later, I not only had lost weight effortlessly, but I woke up one morning to find that my pain was GONE. It was as though a switch had been flipped. It took a bit for me to connect the dots, and I began to research tons of UA-cam videos on Keto & fasting. Nearly three years later, my pain has never returned, my energy is much greater than I could have imagined, my body is transformed! So…sorry for this long post, but I truly believe it’s possible to enjoy the “steadiness” of no hormonal fluctuations WITHOUT accepting an inevitability of aches and pains! I wish you well. ☺️

    • @eviltwinnancy4561
      @eviltwinnancy4561 5 місяців тому +1

      I would like to hear him comment on this as well. I have heard many times that the estrogen made from fat is Estrone , which is inflammatory and is cancer causing.

    • @PeaceIsYeshua
      @PeaceIsYeshua 4 місяці тому

      My heart goes out to you that you suffered for so many years!! :( I am THRILLED for you!!!💗💗🎉🎉

    • @angelalucas2299
      @angelalucas2299 4 місяці тому

      @@stephanieilluzzi7355thank you so much for sharing your story.

  • @wendygarman6569
    @wendygarman6569 5 місяців тому +2

    I agree. There is no need to peg one faction against another.

  • @eveelliot2109
    @eveelliot2109 5 місяців тому +7

    Just because menopause is natural does not mean it must be good or have some kind of advantage. The negative side effects of menopause are long. Menopausal women are at higher risk of CVD, breast cancer & other life threatening disorders. What's great about that?????

  • @julienieuwsma3815
    @julienieuwsma3815 5 місяців тому +3

    What about flax and Hemp seed?

  • @nancywalker2256
    @nancywalker2256 5 місяців тому +6

    I put flax seed and hemp seed in my smoothie every morning, is this still considered healthy to do?

  • @Z1594
    @Z1594 4 місяці тому

    Professor kc verma from india I respect dr bicman a humble and knowledgeable scientist

  • @JimWooddell
    @JimWooddell 2 місяці тому

    In regards to plastics...nano plastics... there was a study paper that showed donating blood or plasma reduced plastic floating in your blood by up to 30 percent. That is a significant decrease. Have not seen any social media videos on this but we all know plastics are a major issue that needs to be considered in regards to not only human health but every life form health.

  • @judithyoast31
    @judithyoast31 4 місяці тому

    Ben Bikman is so on the mark when discussing insulin and glucose. Basically no money or drugs to change insulin so let’s focus on glucose so we can make money on drugs. You have to change your diet to change insulin levels for the good. Love this guy and also his host, spot on.

  • @aprilbarrett3439
    @aprilbarrett3439 4 місяці тому +3

    I would be ever so grateful if these wonderfully smart internet docs would please address the topic: in this case, how to lose belly fat. Just say it right off: how do we lose belly fat?! Then you can say whatever else you like, for as long as you like, and I’ll stay tuned if I like. By the time you get to the point, I’m out of patience, sadly.

    • @hektor6766
      @hektor6766 4 місяці тому +4

      Short & sweet: sustained ketosis, calorie restriction and moderate weighted exercise. Mic drop.
      Longer explanation: Get those low glycemic index carbs down to 20 grams or less (maybe drizzle some acetic acid-vinegar on them, since it's a short-chain fatty acid) make the rest of your diet fatty meats: beef, pork, fish, fowl, eggs. Skimp on the whole milk with its lactose & galactose, heavy cream is better. Like Arnold said, STAY HUNGRY. It won't be as intense as carb hunger; you'll feel like a cat on the prowl but it's not gnawing and you can ignore it for hours. Just trust that while you feel hungry, the low insulin is raising your adiponectin, which is chopping up the fat in your belly to burn in the Krebs Cycle: the lights will stay on. And a person likely has at least 25,000 calories stored there and ready to burn. Obese people will have much more. Some people go OMAD, some people fast; they're obviously driving their daily caloric intake way down. I never went for those strategies, but when I was in intensive weight-loss mode I averaged about 800 cal/day. If I ate 1100 calories in a day, I felt indulgent. And do moderate exercise, particularly load-bearing. This stimulates the bones, where the Marrow Adipose Tissue (MAT), which make the adiponectin, is.

    • @PeaceIsYeshua
      @PeaceIsYeshua 4 місяці тому

      Thank you for this! 💗💗

  • @nicolelaurentLMHC
    @nicolelaurentLMHC 4 місяці тому

    @dranthonyjay needs to come on this podcast and start speaking at low carb conferences about the metabolic disruptions these chemicals cause. There are lots of people on low carb diets over exposing to these chems not getting the benefits they are going for.

  • @anitahernandez1207
    @anitahernandez1207 5 місяців тому +7

    What an interesting conversation 💡👍So, plant protein powders from peas, almonds, hempseed and other seeds can have more estrogen's than whey? I have tried the plant based protein powders and am not a fan of the consistency. None of them had soy. A lot of processed foods and even breading that is on meat, like chicken nuggets for kids, have soy.

    • @kaywaddell9892
      @kaywaddell9892 5 місяців тому

      Years ago I researched peas and found they have an effect on fertility. Some country around Nepal I believe has peas as their primary food source and their population has not come close to doubling in over a 100 yrs!

    • @anitahernandez1207
      @anitahernandez1207 5 місяців тому +1

      @@kaywaddell9892 wow, so when they just extract the pea protein, are they also extracting the estrogen‘s or are there estrogen’s in the pea protein? Need to be a chemist to understand what we’re eating.

    • @kaywaddell9892
      @kaywaddell9892 5 місяців тому

      @@anitahernandez1207 I feel you! I just remember at the time I was going through a pea salad phase and immediately stopped eating it! LOL

  • @kellyfitzpatrick7763
    @kellyfitzpatrick7763 4 місяці тому +1

    So is MCT oil in same fat category dumping straight into blood therefore stopping carb/sugar burning to burn the fat? Btw, I’m carnivore. Sometimes I will put MCT in my coffee to get me through fasting. Also, does bone broth (homemade) break my fast and considered a meal? Thanks!!!

  • @shutterbug2061
    @shutterbug2061 5 місяців тому +2

    Soy made my menopause symptoms so much worse. It was absolutely awful.

  • @ninabakke7512
    @ninabakke7512 3 місяці тому

    Is the decrease of fat cells in age, the reason why T2D used to be called (at least in Sweden) Old age diabetes? I believe it would explain why individuals, not with the current diet, but the diet from i.e 1900 would get T2D when elderly, their diet was higher in carbs than their ancestors, but less then their heirs?

  • @bernicewilson1600
    @bernicewilson1600 5 місяців тому

    I think I have gut/digestion problems which is causing systemic inflammation. Since Aug I have reduced my carbs and ultra processed by 95% but weight loss is hyper slow. What advice could you give me

    • @anneflynn9614
      @anneflynn9614 5 місяців тому


    • @evanhadkins5532
      @evanhadkins5532 5 місяців тому +2

      do you eat berries and things that can reduce inflammation?

    • @binathere2574
      @binathere2574 4 місяці тому +3

      Lack of estrogen after a certain age actually increases inflammation

  • @juliedon3027
    @juliedon3027 4 місяці тому

    My menopause was hideous, I didn’t sleep and that sent me bonkas.. hrt saved my life

  • @gretachristian1775
    @gretachristian1775 4 місяці тому

    What about people, like me, when they go on a keto or carnivore diet, lose hair like crazy! My hair falls out if I don't get enough good carbs in my diet.

    • @julieellis6793
      @julieellis6793 3 місяці тому

      Changing to any diet that is drastically different can cause hair loss. Its a shock to the body. If you stay the course, your hair should regrow.

  • @janetmckush8603
    @janetmckush8603 3 місяці тому

    Vitamin Ds impact on insulin resistance only occurs when exposed to sunshine. Oral Vit D does not have this effect.

  • @snailz130
    @snailz130 5 місяців тому +1

    D3 or D2, my doctor tested me and said my D levels were low, I have been taking D3 for a few years now, she put me on D2 which I had never heard of, my levels are back up now so she is happy, but I still don't understand why I've never heard of 2????

    • @danihart3515
      @danihart3515 4 місяці тому +1

      Vitamin D supplements are available as vitamin D2 (D2) and vitamin D3 (D3). Both versions can be used to treat vitamin D deficiency, but D3 seems to be more effective than D2. Vitamin D2 is still prescribed to people with low vitamin D levels, because it's more readily available in higher doses.

  • @gaston.
    @gaston. 5 місяців тому

    interesting info... I don't think you have any more control over animal protein than plant, in fact just the opposite. With every burger you buy do you really know what that cow ate & accumulated throughout its life? One can post many studies regarding the negative effects of animal protein. However, I will check in with my brother in law who was a heavy meat eater. I'll let you know what he says, but I need to go to the cemetery since he died at 50 of a heart attack.

    • @Savannah-ed4rv
      @Savannah-ed4rv 5 місяців тому +7

      The question is was he a meant having meat-eater plus eating a lot of high sugar foods or processed carbohydrates? Most well-informed people now know that heart disease is caused by sugar and not fat.

    • @livincincy4498
      @livincincy4498 5 місяців тому +1

      88% of all brother in laws that died at his age were right handed.

    • @wendycarter5718
      @wendycarter5718 5 місяців тому +1

      You aren’t going to change anybody’s mind with your nonsense !! Just get on with you own life in the way that you choose and leave us to our lifestyle choices !!

    • @melissal3383
      @melissal3383 2 місяці тому

      Why watch? Go eat a salad full of phytates seed oil. Oxalates.

  • @Dan-dg9pi
    @Dan-dg9pi 5 місяців тому +11

    This is an interesting discussion. I was a little disappointed in the tangent on soy. I don't consume very much if any soy so I don't have a dog in the fight, but I always get very suspicious when a researcher says words to the effect that 'there was this one woman who ate soy 24 hours a day and when she stopped things got better'. That example could be used for any food and N=1 is not a good sample size to make the point. I also don't think it is constructive to always be trying to win the fight of all meat versus all plants. Different people are gonna land at different places. There are healthy carnivores. There are healthy vegans. I am neither but I don't think that evangelizing on The One Right Way is the way to go.

    • @annemccarron2281
      @annemccarron2281 5 місяців тому

      True about the N = 1. One partivipant does not make for valid research. I am sure he knows that
      He was just providing an interesting example.

    • @margomoore4527
      @margomoore4527 5 місяців тому

      In the long run, vegans will experience deficiencies in some crucial nutrients, unless they take supplements.

    • @melissal3383
      @melissal3383 2 місяці тому

      Your point is valid. But Ben Bikmen is a true scientist, who is passionate about facts. He’s one of the very few if not the only I person I listen to for facts. He doesn’t read research papers…. He does the actual work & THE actual research in his lab…. And he wants everyone to learn graciously what he has discovered

  • @jenniferleibig1901
    @jenniferleibig1901 4 місяці тому +1

    Plant based bias is real. Beans suck. They make me feel terrible. Out of my diet. Poor source of protein.

  • @vervegrande
    @vervegrande 4 місяці тому

    Saying, “Soy everything” is as bad as “meat everything.”

  • @pejisan
    @pejisan 4 місяці тому +1

    But please, please, demand humanely raised meat!!! No CAFO, no grain-fed, no factory farmed food. Not healthy and cruel!😢

    • @PeaceIsYeshua
      @PeaceIsYeshua 4 місяці тому

      @pejisan, yes!!!! 😭 Thank you for saying this! I'm mostly carnivore, and I only buy humanely raised products, and I don't understand why more people aren't talking about this. Factory farming and the way the animals are treated there is _not_ okay!! Nobody would ever allow their pets to go through the same terrible treatment!

    • @dahof2789
      @dahof2789 Місяць тому

      Programmed media fed response. Ever been to a farm or a slaughter house? Most animals live better than us and have 1 bad day. It's just how it works.