Let's Play! - Warmachine and Hordes MkIII - How to Play

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @1mBearman
    @1mBearman 8 років тому +2

    This video came out at a perfect time. Just as my mates and I are deciding if we want to get into warmachine.

  • @adamosborne9440
    @adamosborne9440 8 років тому +1

    Dude... your "Let's Play"s are the greatest thing ever.

  • @EnglightenedEmperor
    @EnglightenedEmperor 8 років тому +3

    My local shop has started Warmachine up, but, ironically, the veteran players don't seem to have time to teach us newbies. Thank you for this, Ash - it really helps. :)

    • @GuerrillaMiniatureGames
      @GuerrillaMiniatureGames  8 років тому +9

      Hope it does help. And yeah, that's really, really unhealthy for the store. You should let those guys know if they want their game to grow... they probably ought to play some games with you guys.

    • @MrIan1086
      @MrIan1086 8 років тому +2

      If you're anywhere near Hamilton Ontario, let me know and I'll be happy to help!

    • @EnglightenedEmperor
      @EnglightenedEmperor 8 років тому +1

      I'm am in the Deep South of the U.S., but thank you anyway. :)

    • @EnglightenedEmperor
      @EnglightenedEmperor 8 років тому

      ***** Nah, Robert. Alabama. :)

    • @EnglightenedEmperor
      @EnglightenedEmperor 8 років тому

      ***** Alas. :(

  • @ThePoorStruggler
    @ThePoorStruggler 8 років тому +1

    Huzzah! The intro music with serious Bass is back!

  • @hatguy13
    @hatguy13 8 років тому +1

    Neat to watch.. always wanted to learn more about Warmachine/Hordes
    also loved the Astar reference

  • @metalshorty0
    @metalshorty0 8 років тому

    I hang on practically every word these guys say. Definite fan here. Keep it up PLZ! :D
    ...Also I love the strategy talk

  • @FaustSketcher
    @FaustSketcher 8 років тому

    Nice game battle rep. I never digged the aesthetics of Warmachine enough to jump into the game, but love the hordes factions, so most probably gonna buy the starter box next year and see how my friends like it haha.

  • @CesarIsaacPerez
    @CesarIsaacPerez 8 років тому +4

    Cool! Quick game. I love the cards, wish Warhammer would use cards for their war scrolls.

    • @ShadowDrakken
      @ShadowDrakken 7 років тому

      Age of Sigmar and 8th Edition both have official cards available, but you have to pay extra to get them :(

  • @GenesisMaximus
    @GenesisMaximus 8 років тому +2

    Keep it up Ash, you're my favorite war gamer teaching video persona-guy, more games pls! More people and crazy lists maybe :D
    I hope to see you at Tucson Comic Con!

  • @tfsmart4111
    @tfsmart4111 3 роки тому +1

    2021 The Machine Lives

  • @snakemont
    @snakemont 6 років тому +1

    Thank you ASH

  • @Magx
    @Magx 7 років тому

    you should have done the critical hit BEFORE damage and I think you should have done collateral damage (even if it would have probably not done something) because i think the border of the map is considered like an obstruction or something like that

  • @airsoftfreak11
    @airsoftfreak11 3 роки тому

    Does battle box come with the card skeeves also plastic of the battlebox models seem shite is this true? Or are they gw quality

  • @rileyboyle5968
    @rileyboyle5968 7 років тому +1

    What was the opening song

  • @RoderickPenTheThird
    @RoderickPenTheThird 7 років тому

    I need help with tactics in game gauging threat ranges, getting a alpha strike, surviving a alpha strike, tactics when you are first or second player. Etc

  • @jaredjjacobs
    @jaredjjacobs 4 роки тому

    Jesus fucking christ that Intro music fuckin SLAPS

  • @coachlelund9264
    @coachlelund9264 8 років тому +1

    With this edition of Warmachine, would you say it's viable to bring a list of all jacks? I love the giant robots, but am not a fan of the large infantry units.

    • @BarbeChenue
      @BarbeChenue 7 років тому +1

      Very viable! It's called "jack spam".

  • @eddieharr
    @eddieharr 4 роки тому

    Im an old player looking to get back and I cant find book. Do they not make them anymore? Where the heck are the army books? Are all books and cards pdf now? If so that is a massive turnoff

  • @ShawnEnge
    @ShawnEnge 8 років тому

    Great Batrep. I think this matchup is a little biased as Khador has two heavies vs the three light warbeasts. Still it's a great intro game for anyone who hasn't played or is thinking about playing. Keep them up!

  • @judgedeathplays837
    @judgedeathplays837 5 років тому

    Can someone tell me if the army sizes ever get bigger than this or are they always fairly small?

  • @captgundam00
    @captgundam00 7 років тому

    great upload guys! thanks. im planning to get into the hordes game. so do i get these mark 3 battlegroup starterboxes or get the mark 2 starter boxes? or start with the army boxes? im confused there are a lot of boxes and im new to this game :)

    • @WilliamMoses355
      @WilliamMoses355 3 роки тому

      Also a very new player, so I might not know what I'm talking about, but I think you can play with the models from just about any box. But the stats for anything you buy are outdated, so if you're going to take them to a tournament or something, you'd need to get the updated rules from the website.

  • @John-Val056
    @John-Val056 8 років тому

    thanks for showing that.

  • @woodslore8537
    @woodslore8537 6 років тому

    Do these miniatures come prepainted or do you need to paint them?

    • @Grumium101
      @Grumium101 6 років тому +1

      You need to paint them.

  • @NewGuy2534
    @NewGuy2534 5 років тому

    It’s MEN-oth. There’s no silent E or other vowel next to it.

  • @snakecharmr123
    @snakecharmr123 6 років тому

    can someone please tell me where i can buy this?... or a link to a website that has everything i need for this game as a new player

    • @GuerrillaMiniatureGames
      @GuerrillaMiniatureGames  6 років тому

      Here's their website. You should be able to get their models from any major seller. What region are you in? privateerpress.com/warmachine/welcome-to-warmachine

    • @snakecharmr123
      @snakecharmr123 6 років тому +1

      thanks really appriciate it.. from tx

    • @Tanglangfa
      @Tanglangfa 6 років тому

      snakecharmr123 what part? Have you found it easy to find players? I’m in DFW.

  • @V081WLBlue
    @V081WLBlue 4 роки тому

    Fucking BASS!!!!! Wise up!

  • @psycojester
    @psycojester 8 років тому

    It's so damn irritating that they didn't put a Mauler in the revamped Troll battle box given that every single beast in the faction is balanced around the presumption that you brought either a Mountain King or a Mauler for Rage.

    • @GuerrillaMiniatureGames
      @GuerrillaMiniatureGames  8 років тому

      New players aren't even going to notice. By the time new players become competent enough to do more than push models around and make basic attacks, they've probably purchased more units and it's not even super relevant anymore.

    • @psycojester
      @psycojester 8 років тому

      They do notice when you go up against a faction that gets a proper heavy in the box. You and Owen literally just played out why they notice, your stuff caps out at POW 16 with a 3 cost spell and his jacks are ARM 20 and hitting at POW 18-21.
      New players don't notice the nuance of the game but they do notice when the other guys stuff hits a lot harder than yours and has so much Armour you can barely scratch them while they clean you up in melee. It gives the guy playing the Troll box the distinct (albeit wrong) impression that the Trolls just straight up suck and it doesn't give the greatest impression of balance for the game.

    • @drizztcj
      @drizztcj 8 років тому

      Khador is poorly balanced relative to the other starter boxes, simply because all our stuff is heavy, and both jacks in the box are face-smashy rather than utility pieces. Also contains more glory for the motherland than the other starter boxes.

    • @psycojester
      @psycojester 8 років тому

      Before they designspaced the Pyre Troll into being the guy who follows the Fire Eaters around they could have just stuck one of those in the battlebox if they were so determined to keep the 3 lights thing going.

  • @terryb6513
    @terryb6513 8 років тому +1

    actual terrain doesnt work for WM/H, in such a competitive game the flat 2d neoprene stuff is great

    • @GuerrillaMiniatureGames
      @GuerrillaMiniatureGames  8 років тому +7

      Actual terrain works fine. If you make it removable, then you can have the best of both worlds. I don't see the point of playing miniature games without terrain. Otherwise it's a board game.
      It's all down to what the player wants, but I'd never use 2D terrain. It ruins the visual experience for me. You might as well just play with proxy bases as well at that point (which I've seen a ton of competitive WM games devolve into).

    • @psycojester
      @psycojester 8 років тому +2

      I like my miniatures, I like my paint jobs I don't like it when my model falls off the side of a hill. Flat hills for life.

    • @GuerrillaMiniatureGames
      @GuerrillaMiniatureGames  8 років тому +3

      We use shallow hills in pretty much all the games we play. That said, we still use hills.

    • @knifeparty88901
      @knifeparty88901 8 років тому

      My wife and I use real terrain and have no issues. Our terrain is built to have a solid footing and no dead zones though.

  • @TheLlamagator
    @TheLlamagator 8 років тому

    Yay finally!

  • @drewbakka5265
    @drewbakka5265 2 роки тому

    This game has nothing to do with beating up christy mack

  • @lordravenblade
    @lordravenblade 6 років тому

    Way to show the two worst-balanced battle boxes fighting out a battle that anyone who has seen any warmahordes before knew would go exactly the way it did from the outset.

  • @V081WLBlue
    @V081WLBlue 6 років тому +1

    Jesus turn the intro music down ffs!"!