Senan Dermody is that OK with you guys are around the same time or are you guys around tomorrow or Monday to catch up with Caimin or 🎉❤😢😂😮😅😊to @@BrianBuuck
My fave books😍😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😍😎😍😎🎉😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😍😎😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😎😍😎😍😍😎
And love you too ❤😅so much more and you are you still going on a call or call again and get some feedback on my phone to your mum for your help please for your Diary to be back in time to see how he gets in and I hope he is okay for him in one day so you have a good time with your mum too I will attach the photos and pictures for your photos please if I get to the other side of your house to do 🎉for a couple days a month and get a new mortgage and I don't think 😅is a reasonable price but it's the best for you can get it to do ❤the other side and you get the same as the old fashioned person 😊I know I have no prob ill be happy for you to be happy 9 you deserve a medal and I hope asdfgdv😅😊😮have you had to spend time with you and your family and your family and family and family and love you lots of love and blessings to you and your family so much 9.30 you typical of
Good, but should’ve come out a year ago. Hot Mess just released so now that that’s done, you figured NOW would be the best time for this video, huh? Huh? Huh?
love your book's so much keep on gowing
I like your books!! I read every single one of them. Stay strong!!
i agreey
@@richardroberts5444 agree*
You watch jelly and nick eh 30 and play fort
luv these books. Always listen to these when eating :)
type shiiii
I am waiting to read hot mess before watching the audiobook.
This was my first time reading this book
Best audiobook ever
😄😄😄 💖😍😍🤩🤩💮🌸🌸🌷🌺🌺🌹🌺🌼💐🥀
Senan Dermody is that OK with you guys are around the same time or are you guys around tomorrow or Monday to catch up with Caimin or 🎉❤😢😂😮😅😊to
I really love this author. And dose anyone else find Ramon Dicampo’s voice is sooo southing
why does the guy reading the book sound like sheldon from bbt
A bit and bbt stands for big bang theory
Guys if u did not know it the person reading is ramon deo campo (i don't think i spelled the name correct)
Well I don't know be quiet bud jk
Thank you!
I have all of your books and they are the best
It's not Jeff Kinney
Your book is the best🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I don’t need to read it on my book
I ❤ this
Like bot
I like this book a lot 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
But I need to get hot mess and thanks for making books
I love Greggy
I’m looking at the comments instead of doing everything else possible and I’m procrastinating lord help me
👍 nice work
In my copy, Greg kisses a pig. I think that was either just one of the early versions, or the ebook and audiobook are wrong
Greg did kiss a pig at 1:28:36
I heard turtle at 1:28:24
@@djdogeshorts its a pig but the book says turtle for some reason
Very true @@YezTez , Very true.
Can you do dog days next?
I Was planning on doing deep end next but I will after that
No brainer !!!! Thaths my childs favorite books and this is the most rarest one 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 prachi❤ it🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I love you 🎉❤
My fave books😍😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😍😎😍😎🎉😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😎😍😎😍😍😎😍😎😍😎😎😍😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😍😍😎😍😎😎😍😎😍😎😍😎😍😍😎😎😎😍😎😍😍😎
I have all the books . Expect no brainer😊😊
I love you
Me too ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greag showed get a Girl
I love you ❤
And love you too ❤😅so much more and you are you still going on a call or call again and get some feedback on my phone to your mum for your help please for your Diary to be back in time to see how he gets in and I hope he is okay for him in one day so you have a good time with your mum too I will attach the photos and pictures for your photos please if I get to the other side of your house to do 🎉for a couple days a month and get a new mortgage and I don't think 😅is a reasonable price but it's the best for you can get it to do ❤the other side and you get the same as the old fashioned person 😊I know I have no prob ill be happy for you to be happy 9 you deserve a medal and I hope asdfgdv😅😊😮have you had to spend time with you and your family and your family and family and family and love you lots of love and blessings to you and your family so much 9.30 you typical of
Why because he this kid made more books. New book is hot mess
Kiss a turtle?
That's fucked up
1:39:35 😳🥶
lol it was probably a small malfunction
Guys, can you be quiet? He’s trying to read for us and this.
You can't hear the...
Turtle pig???
Good, but should’ve come out a year ago. Hot Mess just released so now that that’s done, you figured NOW would be the best time for this video, huh? Huh? Huh?
Are u ok lol?
Are u ok lol?
It's not a big deal.
Bro, this guy joined two months ago.