Hello Rasmus! I am looking to hire someone to build out a marketplace MVP. I am somewhat technical, but ideally, I would like to hire someone. You mentioned the cost is a few thousand dollars to get this up and running?
Hi @FernandezUniversity , Ok. If you are somewhat technical, then you can check out the marketplace boilerplate that I built. See here: www.speedbuildmarketplace.com/ . If you need more help , then just write me and we can figure something out
Hello Rasmus! I am looking to hire someone to build out a marketplace MVP. I am somewhat technical, but ideally, I would like to hire someone. You mentioned the cost is a few thousand dollars to get this up and running?
Hi @FernandezUniversity , Ok. If you are somewhat technical, then you can check out the marketplace boilerplate that I built. See here: www.speedbuildmarketplace.com/ . If you need more help , then just write me and we can figure something out
@rasmus1000 I also to build a marketplace for fish farmers and I completely non technical, I went to your website and sent you an email 📧