BERSERKER | BEST BUILD for this RARE DPS (Control & Damage)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mujtabaimran2203
    @mujtabaimran2203 Рік тому +6

    kyoku guide please

  • @juliankanzuki2013
    @juliankanzuki2013 Рік тому +2

    I actually love his design, it's the classic barbarian, jacked man wearing animal skins with an axe, it's a tried and tested look, I love it.

  • @ijoxcore4558
    @ijoxcore4558 Рік тому +3

    Loving your guides Ash you're straight killing it! I've been out of luck not having any of these champs the past couple of weeks buuut would love to see a Sandlashed Surviver or Kyoku.

  • @AHorrorFanatic
    @AHorrorFanatic Рік тому +12

    You should use duplicates to book him. He is avalabke in the campaghn(or however you spell that english is a second language.)

    • @cherylfish8931
      @cherylfish8931 Рік тому +1

      Exactly what I was thinking, I have used him so often as food, I probably could have booked one out several times by now :)

    • @ITPalGame
      @ITPalGame Рік тому +1

      Once again Ash forgets or doesn't know a rare is in the campaign.

  • @mergen3125
    @mergen3125 Рік тому +1

    Berserker's avatar looks like the guy who stormed the White House back then.

  • @cafechris7611
    @cafechris7611 Рік тому +2

    Love the guides ash just pulled a perfect six star soul for rearguard sergeant hoping we can get a guide for her

  • @BlackStarMagic007
    @BlackStarMagic007 Рік тому

    Great vid!! I’m early to mid game. Bout to hit lv 50. It’s nice to see realistic champs that I may have to see guides built on them!
    I’ll make it to the promise land one day!! Lol

  • @drunkenastarte5243
    @drunkenastarte5243 Рік тому +1

    Still hoping & praying to Mork, (and possibly also Gork), for guides for Ironclad & Warchanter - Waaaagh!
    Curious to see if you'd run Warchanter in a Provoke set or as a Stun set.

  • @jacobshmit229
    @jacobshmit229 Рік тому +2

    Please do a bloodbraid guide! I got a 6 star blessing for her and want to try her out😅

  • @wayneevans8712
    @wayneevans8712 Рік тому +1

    Great content, and love the guides, but plz, plz, plz do a guide on tatura rimhide. I need to pair him and soulguide they are suppose to fight together I LOVE their lore story. I don't have soulguide but when I do I can finally relax and play the game LOL

  • @el_ronin
    @el_ronin Рік тому +2

    Hey Ash! You think you could make a Rare only, one key Normal Hydra team? I'm trying to work up to a Hydra team on my ftp and I'm curious what you'd do in that position.

    • @djinfekto
      @djinfekto Рік тому

      Cool idea - If possible

  • @Redteamgo1717
    @Redteamgo1717 Рік тому

    Ash, been watching your vids for a long time and I’ve been hoping to see a certain topic but no channel has done it yet. The topic is “I have a lot of good champions, but I don’t have the variety to just apply any of my champions to a single encounter. I know I need more gear to use more of the champs that I have but if I go hard in the paint with that then I won’t have energy for other content. How do I choose what content I do in the early end game? Do I do a little of everything or just focus on CB and Dragon? Or maybe just Masteries and Arena? Or a little of everything and just do them all much slower? Is level 50 ok or do I need to focus on food to push to level 60? Basically how do I choose to allocate resources and focus in the early parts of the late game? How do I choose speed numbers when I use my best champions for multiple areas? Do I just build a team for each encounter and never use them anywhere else?” There are so many questions, it’s hard to ask them all in a comment. I feel a lot of people are in my same position where we’re stuck not know where to do our grind when we don’t have the resources to grind everything but could grind any one, two or three things well but perhaps not more than 3 things without hitting so many walls. Then we ask, well what wall do we focus on first? Where do we go from here?

  • @binsenso1797
    @binsenso1797 Рік тому +1

    hoping you could do Sikara or Theresc thanks ash

  • @mrpolskija
    @mrpolskija Рік тому +2

    Me waiting for Ash to make a guide for Abbess. (I just wanna see big numbers!)

  • @Mortheous
    @Mortheous Рік тому +1

    Hey Ash, love the content bro. Please do an updated Ghostborn guide for 2023. Thanks in advance 🙏

  • @Shnookie3.14
    @Shnookie3.14 Рік тому +1

    I understand you putting out videos constantly so doing champions you already have built makes it easier. I also understand that the only champion I ask for, you probably don't have because you eat him as soon you get him without a thought.
    So, next void pull, put stitched beast in the vault before munching up the harriers and other underwhelming rairs, so you will be able to fulfill an old mans wish... 😊

  • @kriskluge2826
    @kriskluge2826 Рік тому +1

    Fun champ to use in Doom Tower secret rooms. Another great champ to use in doom tower, Karato Foxhunter……true story. Hopefully we’ll all see someday.

  • @TrentCliff1992
    @TrentCliff1992 Рік тому +1

    Skullcrown & Ragash please!!

  • @gilbertmorcilla3871
    @gilbertmorcilla3871 Рік тому +1

    Can you do a Romero guide,, thanks a lot..

  • @wreckitnick5464
    @wreckitnick5464 Рік тому +1

    Noticed on most of your guides where champs uses STUN set..
    In summary of all ur videos - "All champs with AoE skill is good with STUN set no matter the rarity"

  • @luciferdreamz9615
    @luciferdreamz9615 Рік тому +14

    Harrier guide 👹

  • @juliankanzuki2013
    @juliankanzuki2013 Рік тому

    One of my biggest issues with Berzerker is that when on Auto he rarely uses his AoE, he seems to priorities the A1 more than the A3. I don't udnerstand why.. it's wierd, but otherwise, he's a great champ, especially with a counter set to get the msot of his turn meter refills.

  • @liamskelly7825
    @liamskelly7825 Рік тому +1

    ASSSHHHHHHHH Day 200 (may be exagerated but may not) of asking for a Ruel guide, hydra maybe? Or khoronor guide? Maybe provoke set?

  • @salsamaster1245
    @salsamaster1245 Рік тому

    Please do a guide on tarshon or akoth or versulf the grim day 18 of asking I used this guy for a while so I liked watching this it was reminiscent is that the word anyway might start using him again now that I'm really focusing on doom tower and secret rooms

  • @rnlmlnzo
    @rnlmlnzo Рік тому


  • @xmrjackakasurdo
    @xmrjackakasurdo Рік тому +1

    HArrier guide please

  • @michaelmyers3205
    @michaelmyers3205 Рік тому

    "irregardless".... that's a Boston boy. :)

  • @truthhurtsbro4980
    @truthhurtsbro4980 Рік тому

    Please do Zavia.

  • @Wenzel-RSL
    @Wenzel-RSL Рік тому +1

    Day 44 asking for Yaga! Great stuff Ash!

  • @OzMotivation1
    @OzMotivation1 Рік тому

    doesnt cost much to book him if you campaign farm him

  • @VenomG69
    @VenomG69 Рік тому

    Odachi guide please Ash

  • @jeffzeiler346
    @jeffzeiler346 Рік тому

    just what I wanted to know. Stash him in the vault til I get closer to midgame. Thx.

  • @jeromemackesy8047
    @jeromemackesy8047 Рік тому

    I am but I came from your other channel

  • @salsamaster1245
    @salsamaster1245 Рік тому

    Tarshon guide please

  • @om-ti1wt
    @om-ti1wt Рік тому +2

    Day 13 asking for Giscard the sigiled :)

  • @CS-zn6pp
    @CS-zn6pp Рік тому

    This guy has been so much food for my account....

  • @nathancaruthers1720
    @nathancaruthers1720 Рік тому +1

    Krononar guide

  • @ITPalGame
    @ITPalGame Рік тому

    He is a campaign rare, so just get dupes of him in Dreadlands to book him.

  • @muhammadrayatul6808
    @muhammadrayatul6808 Рік тому +1

    day 2 of asking for a tallia F2P build guide for arena

  • @preplikeagypsy10
    @preplikeagypsy10 Місяць тому

    this champion is farmable so you can use dupes for books, I thing he might be useful for faction wars for early game players, I have beaten barbarian faction, berserker is just a faction guardian cause I have so many

  • @Salome_JNHL
    @Salome_JNHL Рік тому

  • @pweddy1
    @pweddy1 Рік тому

    He’s farmable? You don’t need to use books at all.

  • @warmsoggysocks
    @warmsoggysocks Рік тому

    no more geomancer requests i accidentally deleted my account with him

  • @eliasastol7926
    @eliasastol7926 Рік тому +1

    I used Scrapper in the set that further depletes max hp in faction wars even in the last fight! I wouldn't bother with this guy. and my scrapper still has lvll 12 gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @CS-zn6pp
      @CS-zn6pp Рік тому

      Only scrapper is a Void not Spirit affinity.
      He was building this for a specific room in DT hard "Spirit affinity rare champions only". 👍

    • @eliasastol7926
      @eliasastol7926 Рік тому +1

      @@CS-zn6pp oops,,, sorry thanks!

  • @eliasastol7926
    @eliasastol7926 Рік тому +2

    PAUSEI::: @ 2:30!! IRregardless! ash, we love your gafs, but please, never say irregardless again!! regardless mean in spite of, irregardless would therefore mean not inspite of, which means it wouldn't need to be said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @eliasastol7926
    @eliasastol7926 Рік тому +1

    who are you : )