Nik's tries to take off his hoodie are just gold as it is also his interaction with Gared. As a person that has been working in theatre, I feel Pi's pain trying to clean the stage after someone else's performance. Chris' new hobby to annoy people with loud singing is priceless. But not giving Gared the high 5 was cruel XD
Deine Songs sind nur erfunden!? Ich habe die ganze Zeit geglaubt, dass Chris in der Neumondnacht ans Ufer der Süderelbe gegangen ist und der Geist der Loreley ihm Lieder überreicht hat, die sie in ihren Tränen auf uraltes Pergamentpapier geschrieben hat!
Your songs are just made up!? All this time I believed that Chris went to the banks of the Süderelbe on the night of the new moon and the spirit of Lorelei handed him songs written in her tears on ancient parchment paper!
Love the song! ("In our hands")
Nik's tries to take off his hoodie are just gold as it is also his interaction with Gared. As a person that has been working in theatre, I feel Pi's pain trying to clean the stage after someone else's performance. Chris' new hobby to annoy people with loud singing is priceless. But not giving Gared the high 5 was cruel XD
Well the next album wud have been covers if he had given Gared the high 5 eh
The best, the greatest and the most energetic concert all around the world!
🖤Thank You! 🖤Thank You!🖤Thank You! 🖤Thank You! 🖤
Ich freue mich schon auf Freitag in Leipzig auf euch!!!
Ich auch 😁
Vamos a la playaaa!!!!
What a great show and night it was! Thank you Lord Of The Lost and Nachtblut!!!
Freue mich sooo auf Leipzig und Hannover. Nürnberg war sooo der Hammer
Love these little vids
Venid al rock Imperium a tocar !!!! En Cartagena, España!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
The next album after the next album might be a Cover Album. Umm...great idea ^^
And that's how the idea of WOMS has been born. 🤩
Bibliotheken 😂 Chris can sing, I'll know
Deine Songs sind nur erfunden!? Ich habe die ganze Zeit geglaubt, dass Chris in der Neumondnacht ans Ufer der Süderelbe gegangen ist und der Geist der Loreley ihm Lieder überreicht hat, die sie in ihren Tränen auf uraltes Pergamentpapier geschrieben hat!
Your songs are just made up!? All this time I believed that Chris went to the banks of the Süderelbe on the night of the new moon and the spirit of Lorelei handed him songs written in her tears on ancient parchment paper!
OK, we gonna keep the secret for your made up new album - won"t share it on the internet... promise.👍
Chris in spanish wow.... good, next month I will wait in Madrid. Os veo en Madrid