I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase!
I never thought I'd find a replica bag that looked so real. *eudupe* has proven me wrong. The quality is outstanding, and the designs are on-point. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more.
*eudupe* has revolutionized the way I shop for accessories. Their replica bags are indistinguishable from the real thing, and the quality is exceptional. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for stylish yet affordable options.
As a fashionista on a budget, *eudupe* has been a godsend. Their replica bags are stylish, well-made, and affordable. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to show it off.
*eudupe* has revolutionized the way I shop for accessories. Their replica bags are indistinguishable from the real thing, and the quality is exceptional. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for stylish yet affordable options.
*eudupe* has restored my faith in replica bags. The quality is top-notch, and the designs are chic and on-trend. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to order more styles.
Stop this bullshit kind of song ty Niri fashion doesn’t make any sense such a bakwas waste song ! Matlab kuch bhi banaye jaa rahe hai and jo sunte hai wo bhi ganwar such a illiterate uncivilised log hai
Guru randhawa real life me bahut sheedhe hai esi liye to sabhi guru ke fan hai main bhi guru ka fan hu aur jo guru ka fan hai wo hit like thoko........👌👌👍👍👍👍👍
I used to be a loyal customer at those high-end boutiques, dropping thousands on designer bags. But after discovering *eudupe* , my perspective on spending completely changed. The replicas here are so impeccable that my friends can't differentiate them from the authentic ones. I've saved a fortune and invested it in experiences and travel. My recent purchase, a Chanel replica, looks exactly like the real deal, and I paid just a fraction of the price.
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my friends who are obsessed with designer bags can't tell the difference. I've saved so much money by switching to replicas, and I've been able to use that money to travel and experience new things. Thank you, *eudupe* , for changing my perspective on spending.
Deepika Mahi grey qqg is tqtt t a quick to q wtq we t t qwtwtq is it it qttw tw tq we wheelbarrows t ttqt t qtqqqtqqtt I tt isqttqqqqtqttqqqqqqttqttqtttt I tt is you're qt tat q t qt I m t qttq tt is gonna ha I don'tppen to take t ttq is trying q tt I m extremely busy and t qttq I a theq tt qq qt QC and qqqqqqqqqqqqqqtqt is it with the wat tq to aunty I m going tt ttttqqq qq qqqqqqqq is q qtqq tttgvv
clap for guru ,jbse guru ka patola song aya h tb se mujhe guru ka ek bhi song ganda ni lga ek se ek super duper hit song gye h or unme sbse jyada lahore👏👏
Tu bja gye hai guru da vi band Tu bja gye hai mitran da band Tu Niri fashion krye 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Guru ne kya line likha hai Guru randhawa ke liye toh like toh banta hai 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
When i hear this song I miss my old day When me and my friends singing this song in school , play group, street , every where and every time ❤❤❤ We all Fans of Guru bhai 😊
Check out ‘Ban Ja Rani’, New song by Guru Randhawa - ua-cam.com/video/ZsUjyV7mSwA/v-deo.html
T-Series ..
T-Series afjf
T-Series g
T-Series RUZ
I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase!
I remembered those days when I used to watch this song with my elder sister in 2017. Now it's 2024 😢😢
Missing those days😢😢
Same 😊
Nostalgia ✨ 2000 - 2019 ❤
I never thought I'd find a replica bag that looked so real. *eudupe* has proven me wrong. The quality is outstanding, and the designs are on-point. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more.
❤❤❤❤❤ميسترشال وميسمارك روس❤❤❤❤❤
Solo travel +long roads +windows seat +earphones + your songs = hundreds of precious emotions ❤
*eudupe* has revolutionized the way I shop for accessories. Their replica bags are indistinguishable from the real thing, and the quality is exceptional. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for stylish yet affordable options.
*This song never gets old. No matter how much I listen to it, I never get bored.*
Correct 💯
As a fashionista on a budget, *eudupe* has been a godsend. Their replica bags are stylish, well-made, and affordable. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to show it off.
I am waiting for the person who says legend are watching this in 2021! 😂😂😂
Chalo ye bhi thik hai 🙏🏼
Haha sai ho gy 😂
Jo Jo guru sir ko psand krta h woo woo like kro 👍
I like GURU RANDHAWA very much and I am the biggest fan of GURU RANDHAWA in the world
Number tho
Guru Randhawa AV nice song
2024 is 💁🫡😎🔥
*eudupe* has revolutionized the way I shop for accessories. Their replica bags are indistinguishable from the real thing, and the quality is exceptional. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for stylish yet affordable options.
Anyone in 2024? ❤
Me in this year2024😂
Me too
Mai bhi😅😅😅😂😂😂😂
We love old guru randhwa☹️
@mr pandey video rttttttt
*eudupe* has restored my faith in replica bags. The quality is top-notch, and the designs are chic and on-trend. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to order more styles.
We want our old guru back his looks his lyrics are always awesome 😭😘😘😘
Same Bhai 🤗
Stop this bullshit kind of song ty Niri fashion doesn’t make any sense such a bakwas waste song ! Matlab kuch bhi banaye jaa rahe hai and jo sunte hai wo bhi ganwar such a illiterate uncivilised log hai
@@shaliniv470 agar tumhe nahi pasand to mt suno ..jo sun rahe ho unhe kyu ungli karni...faltu ke attention seekers
Yes alright
@@shaliniv470 tony kakar ka fan hai kya
woww hairstyle😍awesome music👌
His voice is also good
cook with manisha
cook with manisha ANKIT
Love you 23456
Who else just randomly remembered this masterpiece
Here bifdy
Buddy xd
Bro it's November 2021
Legends are here bro😎
Waah guru randhawa ji waah very
nice 😊😁👍👍👌👌👏👏
Legends are listening this song traveling time 😍😍😍😍
Legend song 2016 .2025 😊
Guru randhawa real life me bahut sheedhe hai esi liye to sabhi guru ke fan hai main bhi guru ka fan hu aur jo guru ka fan hai wo hit like thoko........👌👌👍👍👍👍👍
good good
Very nice song guru randhawa
Saurabh Guru jbbbjfd
Saurabh Guru sfycfug
Missing guru's this type of song now days 😥
Guru's new song is coming
This type of guru's will never come
Now Days his songs and tonny's song are same type
@@krishnarakshit7322 guru randhawa's songs is really good more than tony kakar.
I like you guru
Durgesh Tiwari 👌👌👌👌👌
Thanks 😉
Durgesh Tiwari gururandhava is my fevrat
Durgesh Tiwari my guru fan
Tere walk tere talk
Badi grand tu mere
Fashion nice guru ji 😍😍😍
Thanks for you saport 🤗🤗
Good bhai ji
Nice rahul ji
@@madhureesingh4833 ❤️👍🙏
Gazab song guru bhai.... Still listening in2019😘🥰😍
I miss guru's Songs like this nowadays 😢 I can listen to it on repeat ✨he has a amazing voice and style 💜
hi queen 🤓
BTS ki diwaani or batao
Don't worry u are watch this masterpiece after 4 years still feeling fresh 💥
I used to be a loyal customer at those high-end boutiques, dropping thousands on designer bags. But after discovering *eudupe* , my perspective on spending completely changed. The replicas here are so impeccable that my friends can't differentiate them from the authentic ones. I've saved a fortune and invested it in experiences and travel. My recent purchase, a Chanel replica, looks exactly like the real deal, and I paid just a fraction of the price.
Guru randhwa u r the best punjabi singer
Shagun Agarwal haa
.Liaqet hussain0
Omg I forgot what is fashion.. I work in fashion retail but too busy in work I forget myself .. this song motivate me to care myself.. nice song 🥰
*Who Is Love* ❤ *Old Song Of* *Guru Rahndwa* . 😊😊😊
I am not like you guru randhawa
keshav dwivedi verynice
guru randhwa i am favrait singer aur guru bhi
mnaees😜 😂 😊 👍 😜 👌
Guru sir's voice and overall personality is outstanding, wonderful, amazing.
Mast song hai
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my friends who are obsessed with designer bags can't tell the difference. I've saved so much money by switching to replicas, and I've been able to use that money to travel and experience new things. Thank you, *eudupe* , for changing my perspective on spending.
I according guru is the best singer of every heart 💞
Anyone 2025
Guru real fans hit like 🔥 🔥
F 2 f it gruff jghidhudd
Vipul Kumar hokk
Vipul Kumar
guru randhawa all song are best
@@InduSingh-li4zf v. Xx g
I really love u guru randhaw
Name shernigh thkaur
I love you soooooo much guru yuo are awesome you are the best
Your voice is nise i love you
Noor Hussain
Aapki ankhein,aapki smaile Aur aapka stayel behad katilana hai Aur voice so sweet.. Guru randhwa sir ( 100) Milian like aapko Hamare taraf se...
Deepika Mahi grey qqg is tqtt t a quick to q wtq we t t qwtwtq is it it qttw tw tq we wheelbarrows t ttqt t qtqqqtqqtt I tt isqttqqqqtqttqqqqqqttqttqtttt I tt is you're qt tat q t qt I m t qttq tt is gonna ha I don'tppen to take t ttq is trying q tt I m extremely busy and t qttq I a theq tt qq qt QC and qqqqqqqqqqqqqqtqt is it with the wat tq to aunty I m going tt ttttqqq qq qqqqqqqq is q qtqq tttgvv
Nice love you
I love this guru
I love you guru
tech. iqram गुरु रंधावा
I love you guru❤️❤️❤️
jitne tu mare bollywood wich entry sare de record jane tutni this line for only guru👏👏😊😊
V.good songs
urvashi roy best songh
Nice song
This song never becomes old ❤️👍🏻👍🏻
Yes bro
You are right bro
Best song ever.
It is old now 😒
Guru tum to lakho karodon.....ki dhadkan ho..💟💖💖... Kyoki tum ho hi etne handsome.😎.. Ki sab tumpar marte hai.😘😘...yarrr....💕😍😍
hi 👌👌👌👌😍😍😍❤❤❤💕💕💘💘
Love this song😘😘😘😘😘😘
Sumit Punjabi HI
Firoja Khatun hnji friend🙏
Sumit Punjabi
Sumit Punjab India
Sumit Punjabi I love guru randhaw 😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😄😄😄
This Song Is best 🔥🔥🔥
Mai to ise 2019 me bhi dekh raha hu💓💓💓💓
Love you guru 💓💓💓💓
Iamhunzla like your song
love u guru
@@milonislam7536 97daszxcxn
Love u guru 😍
Navdeep Kaur Brar
l am a fan yau guru
Naci song
Navdeep Kaur Brar is id gururan
Music + lyrics of this song. ......a next to next level......you can enjoy this song after 1000 years later..... masterpiece.... 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Panjabi munda like you East or West guru is best 🤗😍.....
Payel Banerjee hcjdjd
Hello 👄👄👄 👈Payal ji
Payel Banerjee
Payel Banerjee
Laut aww purane Guru Randhawa 😭😭❤️
What do u mean by old guru randhwa? What's the difference?
Really 🥺
Anyone Watching form²⁰²⁵🫂❤️🔥
200 million soon guys
Bahu achha he
Best song ever.....
Love you guru randhawa sir
Amazing song n Guru sir u r lkng so smart.
Guru randhawa aur khesari lal yadav ka kaun kaun fan's hai ❤
You are the great Guru ILY Dudu 😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️😘❤️💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
Iove you 😌
Yur cmnt is so cute
@@mumtazchaki8899 wcm
@@mumtazchaki8899 haaaa
😍This song never gets old. No matter how much i listen, I never gets bored.😍😍😍
Warning ☠️
2019 me ya song kis kis ko pasand h like toko 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Virendra singh. inko
Can easily listen to this song on repeat! Love the way it starts off with Piano..🎹🙌🏼
Guru i love u ummaaa 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😙😙😙😙😙😊😊😊😊
Guru randhawa is so cute singer I love him
Who's here after tere te and downtown
Edit: we want this guru back....😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Downtown to bahut accha song 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 1 of my favourite song
Why....what to him!?
Guru randhawa Best singer and HUMBLE HUMAN BEING 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇
Yeah you are so right
m o9यू
baap rebooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom common lets do this go guru chak de fadde
Deepika Rawat
Best song ever....
Trendy Blogger
In 2021 I miss this hairstyle of guru 😳😳
Same 😭😭
Yes Bro Mee Too 😕
Same 😭😭
So good guru sir 😘😘😘😘
I love Hero Guru Randhawa
WO hero nhi h singer h
Abhishek Verma
हीरोपंती एच
I have listened this song many times but didn't get bored yet. However it was released long ago but I love it today.❤️❤️❤️
Best song ever...........
Me too 😚😚😚😚😚
@@BollywoodHitSongs-vb2mi! ji8
Fashion 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Jaat boy
Love ❤😘video
khushi Kushwaha y
Guru bhai apki awaz God gift 🙏❤
વાહ ગુરુ વાહ
Sahi me bhai
Raghav Chaudhary
Kon kon 05 2023 me sun raha hai ye song 😂
Kyooon bhy
Reyaz Khan nice Brindavan nice nice
@@missshizuka9734 😊
Guru Randhawa
clap for guru ,jbse guru ka patola song aya h tb se mujhe guru ka ek bhi song ganda ni lga ek se ek super duper hit song gye h or unme sbse jyada lahore👏👏
guru randhba himanshujangid
Clap for girif( jbs gur ka patola song aya h tb se mujhe
Brø world's no 1 best ❤️ singer only guru🌞❤️
Some setution guru fan
Guru R fashion song is goated af! Holds t series music neck at one time.
I am big fan of the guru Randhawa
guru Randhawa y
guru Randhawa yse
You are very good
Tu bja gye hai guru da vi band
Tu bja gye hai mitran da band
Tu Niri fashion krye 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Guru ne kya line likha hai Guru randhawa ke liye toh like toh banta hai 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Techy period Aniket haa yrr pure song m yeh line jbrdst h 😊😊👌👌💐💐
Techy period Aniket
Techy period Aniket t
Legend is watching 2024 😅😅
Guru aap fashion king hai ham sabke.
Gulafsha Parveen hii
My best song 👍
I love you so much guru randhawa
I also
Nice song.........Punjabi swag😘😘😘😘😘👌👌👌👌👌👌
taniya kohli nice
sonu. 11.30 8/1/17.
barsat ki eak raat
taniya kohli
I was 10 years when I listened this banger❤❤❤
Maine ab free Fire bhi chordiya 😅 or ye song sunke nostalgia ho gya
Love Guru
LoVe Guru Love Guru ki love
One of The Underrated Songs Of Guru Randhawa!
That will be' khatt'
@@gurpartapsingh86 jfhfgfffff
niche song
Musaweer Hakimi1 e
I like so..mach this song💞💞💞💞💙💙💙
I love your all song
banu banu music is world music artist is tomorrow is happy my private artist music artist is happy today
banu banu
banu banu pDiva9bssww
Attendance 2024😅😅❤
Finally 200 million complete
Its is the 14th song of guru completed 200 million plus views
Guru in the swag baby
Wow awesome song........No more words to say...... Sach a beautiful song🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂😊
ANGEL KOMAL 👌💓🚔🌲😊😕😆😗😙😍
ANGEL KOMAL such not sach😅😡●︿●
Best song in this whole world no more words to say about this song
Very nice video song👌👌 Fashion😎👍💜💛🖤💙
Naveen Sahu wfassdsz
Good song
Naveen Sahu twinkle. Khan
Dhkygvbjkjn nik
Amrita Kunari Hii
Wow what a song I am get crazy really now u " bja gya in mera
Band " hhhih 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘
Love u guru Sir a lot......
Jo guru sir ka fan hoga so plz hit like his all videos
U look awesome
I m flat on u n ur voice😘😘😘💗😍💝💖💕
All Nick song
2025 waly attendence lagoe😂😂😂
Guru Randhawa sir we want more song like this #fashion #patola & many more🔥
Pata nahi 😭 kab aayege vapis
Nain bengali hai
201 million views complete guys 🔥
Love you guru
Amhklo email
Agravan hai aap aapka main fan Khan mein meri jaate Hain vah mein rahata Hu
Amhklo be guru naam hai main aapko mein plane Meri jaate Hain vah mein rahata hun
Love you❤😘😘😘😘🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟 guru
Ihear this song in 2025 ❤❤
Like karke daso 2018 vich kon kon sun raha ha
guru randahwa guru sir me
guru randahwa Parkash. singh I love me
I think you can so happy
Very nice song
guru Randhawa all fance like👍👍👍👍👍👌👌
Kapil Parjapat Hii 😘😍😗😘😙😚
Nice song
yes because he is best
200 million views complete guys
Best song ever...........,.....
Solid song
@@anjubrahma8361 nasnh
Every one lestion 2050🔥🔥🙌
Move no
today 5 year completed of this song
Yes Bro ❤️❤️❤️
It's 2022 still the magic of this song never becomes old ❣
%8okiby 773uuey
Attendance anyone 2025
Is there any one.....who listens it in 2019....hit like...ab yrr ek like to Banta h...Guru bhai ke liye.....😎😎😎😎😎
I am a fan of guru yours all songs are famous of our country you are good at sing a song
Happy Diwali All Friend's🎊🎊🎊
When i hear this song I miss my old day
When me and my friends singing this song in school , play group, street , every where and every time ❤❤❤ We all Fans of Guru bhai 😊