i like what he says. but i dont like that the examples he uses for the interviewer are both about body ( 10 things u dont like a bout your body , instead of ten character traits she doesnt like... and your hair looks a little better, instead of you spent the money more transparent, you bought food more environmentally sensitive... ) and thats just for not talking about her appearance, what is being seen, and instead talking about what she is actively doing, - as a housewife. he coudl also mention her career progress or her progress in being calm or whatever with the kids or family members. or in knowledge.
i like what he says. but i dont like that the examples he uses for the interviewer are both about body ( 10 things u dont like a bout your body , instead of ten character traits she doesnt like... and your hair looks a little better, instead of you spent the money more transparent, you bought food more environmentally sensitive... ) and thats just for not talking about her appearance, what is being seen, and instead talking about what she is actively doing, - as a housewife. he coudl also mention her career progress or her progress in being calm or whatever with the kids or family members. or in knowledge.
Not necessarily body language, its ur words and the way u say it