I received the answer today. It’s joy. We are supposed to have more joy. Much more. Love is joy. Joy is love. We are meant to use our senses of our body to have joy. That’s the whole point of being in a body. We’ve been misled that it’s all work. But it’s supposed to be joy. But. Joy while respecting the body. Because the body is the means with which our soul experiences the joy we must treat it right. Use prudence not fear.
@@guidedbysunshine333 it is so simple and has been right in front of our faces the whole time! I love this I used to be told to stop singing and stop whistling and be sent to the basement or get fired for laughing too much. I was told many times life was not supposed to be fun and got very depressed and serious for farrrrr too long. Even though I was repeatedly being given messages! It is so clear now! We are to be harbingers of joy!!!!!
@@morethanmewithjennhickey9646 love this thank you! My company is going is so intense and full of drama. I find myself getting wrapped up then saying I don’t care I choose joy! lol 🙂
A boy on the beach today buried a butterfly that was resting on the sand and then poured a bucket of water over it. I am very sensitive and I’m used to my strong emotions around nature and life but these were intense! First I wanted to get mad at the mom for raising a boy that would do that, then I wanted to go wag my finger at the boy, I wanted to dig up the butterfly and show them what they’d done, I was overwhelmed by humanity and I just wanted to curl up in a ball and self soothe. My anger was so palpable inside me. I took some breaths and with compassion, I sent the boy and his mom love and forgiveness, I sent light to the butterfly and got into the water and had a quiet swim. Much love to you Lee and to us all ❤️
Julie- I totally understand! I don’t think I could handle watching that! I likely would have wagged my finger at the boy & mom & dug up the butterfly 🦋! Peace be with you.
It's all about law of karma. I've tortured many little insects and killed them as a little child. I've faced devastating pain and suffering during my years as an adult. When I think back... to this day I wish I could go back and not do all those evil things. But I can't. So, I just take all the beating and bad as what has to happen will happen. But at least, I learned a big irreversible lesson in life. It made me self-realized and opened my consciousness to a higher level. I went deep into spirituality and discovered many truths and purpose of life in this universe. I only wish all 8 Billion humans think what they're doing, put them in the shoes of other humans and other forms of life and then pass on the same knowledge to children so that future of human species is more connected and respectful towards nature.
I’m becoming a proud women I was a addict for years ten year clean now and have hated myself for so long now I so proud of the women I was and love her so much she a warrior ❤️
I had a mantra come to me about ten months ago in the mountains of Cantabria: The earth holds you The earth holds us The earth holds me It's really helps me settle in my body. I often use it while walking. 👣
Such a beautiful reminder. Just got done having ice cream with my beautiful family. We are going to read Frog and Toad for old time's sake. Thank you for all the reminders to focus on what we are being, creating & becoming. As an empath, the global stuff is hard for me right now. It's also hitting close to home as there increasing pressures to shut down discussions among physicians themselves in their own spaces that are doctors only. It's really important that people speak up and stand up, regardless of how they feel about a particular issue - for the vital importance of intelligent dialogue over forced consensus. Peace and blessings!
My reaction to safer in body was sheer excitement, I even lifted my arms up, stretched and smiled. I feel like this is a great time for increasing awareness and spiritual growth. I feel like I am a spiraling butterfly of glittery light in training, spiraling to the cosmos. Okay that was a lot of vulnerability. 🤷♀️
So interesting to hear about feeling safe in the body. I have struggled for so long to exercise in any of its forms, from yoga to more active sports. But recently (2 weeks ago), I enrolled in a conscious movement class that has helped me shift and release stagnant energy in my body. Most anger has come up so far. And also I am becoming more aware of the discomfort I feel in some parts of my body and how it progresses or changes and moves I guess based on my spiritual development or the world’s changes. Interesting indeed how this is a reality for many of us at this time ❤️
Thank you for this. It certainly is a time of rapid change; probably for everyone. Self-expression is what's coming up for me - through the medium of music and songs or just through my everyday opinions. I've changed a lot over the last eighteen months and therefore so have a lot of my ideas and beliefs. Trying to hold on to my own integrity while gently expressing what's become true in my world without fearing the inevitable backlash from friends is currently what's in front of me. Beyond that; I have no idea.
Thank You Lee. When I was younger in school or whenever I found myself in a church & still till this day I will randomly start laughing uncontrollable for no reason. I never thought of myself as sensitive or an empath but now that I'm older I understand. I really enjoyed hearing your connection to blissful laughing in a group. It Is Safe To Be Me In This Lifetime!!
Just recently I have been pulled out of my comfort zone by life circumstances. I had not become complacent - I think? Of course I had. So now I remember how easily I used to navigate circumstances as these. It’s time for me to work with that energy and expand it, going where the flow takes me. Not knowing is challenging, but I can do it. I am, and I will. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Lee ❤️
Thank you, Lee, very much. Has anyone else been experiencing events that are drawing you back into "no contact" situations? I grew up in a, for lack of a better term, narcissistic family. 10 years ago, the catalyst to the "Hero's Journey" started, and I spent all this time and care, and quite frankly anguish, to get to where I could sincerely love them from a distance. I was healing, I was coming back to myself and the world. Then, WHAM, 4 things happened to where I had to let it in all over again. And guys, I don't feel I can do it. This stuff manifests in my body from childhood, no matter how level my spirit...or even brain is...my body is stressed out so much. Maybe it never goes, because I just had to let it all slide. I philosophized the shit out of this mess. I self examined, saw all my own actions and was stern with myself. I was able to balance the scales. But the body doesn't seem to care about any of that. It wants to CONFRONT, and I can't give it that, so I truly understand why it does not want to be my friend, but it hurts, because it's the only home I have here. I wasn't allowed to show emotion as a child. I had to keep my face so neutral while hearing the most horrible things, I had to silent cry and silent wail in bed. My first migraine was at two years old. My husband, and the friends I still have, stayed with me as I broke open. Now I've been "normal" for 3 years, and I can't even talk to them now about any of this, because they think it's OVER. But, it won't ever be over, until the end. The first 2 things that happened I could tell them about, and said I was fine. Then, my mom wrote a flipping Autobiography that went two time number one BESTSELLER, and it was hurtful as hell. And I wasn't so fine. Then, yesterday, my Nemesis step mother died suddenly at 63...and there is no way I can even utter a word about that. If I did my 5 year old self would proceed to freak OUT. Sorry for going on, I'm just afraid for the first time in years, and I feel so broken all over again, because all I did was more of the same. I didn't get over it...I ignored and forgave it, and one part of the Trinity, is not having any of it.
Oooh. I just want to hug you. You brave soul. You must be soooo strong to be the healer of your family. Sounds like you are clearing another layer of heartache from your energy field. Which could only be done by getting too close to the "flame" of your family to ignite those feelings That needed to be honoured and released. Talk to the 5 year old you, let her have her rant and rave, you be the parent to you that you wanted then. Listen to her. We all just want to be heard. Ask for Metatrons and the Archangels support at this time. Ask for help for the family too. But then step back. And again, just love from afar. Oh bless you. 🤗
@@IamtheShiatsulady Thank you, with my whole heart for taking the time to gift me with such compassion and sweetness. You made a wonderful difference, and I honor it, completely.
Thank you Lee for being such a calming influence as we go thru this at the Earth School! Your suggestion of being an observer yet not getting drawn into the chaos is ever present as I watch the craziness unfold around me! Aside from my jaw hitting the floor numerous times when observing violent behavior in the world, I remember to "observe" and continue to hold the light for the planet! Thank you for all you do, it helps me and your subscribers tremendously! Many blessings!!!!
Thank you for this information. Over the last 6 to 12 months I have been shown old memories of when I was hurt or when I hurt someone or when I was embarrassed. A lot of uncomfortable memories rose to the surface and I was kind of fascinated but also able to feel the discomfort , say thank you to spirit and kind of let it go. Sometimes I would acknowledge whoever was involved (in my head) and sometimes I would do the Ho oponoono (sp?) but always it was easy to move through the emotions . It felt like an uncomfortable gift. :)
I am an empath and trauma survivor who lives with dissociative identity disorder. When you said "it is safer to be in your body than ever before", is a fact that I am dealing with at this exact very time. I left my body at age three and have never been back, until recently when we have been landing again. Your videos help make sense (out side of my therapy) of what is happing. I am so very grateful to you for that. Thank you.
OMG Lee! As soon as you brought up the memory of a divorce I couldn’t fix, it struck such a cord for me and I instantly felt the tears start to fall. Wow! Didn’t even see that coming but obviously something I needed to heal so thank you and your wonderful guides. 🙏🥰😇
I needed to hear this. It feels like the world is imploding. Whereas in months prior I was observing from afar, it has now encroached upon my world. From family in Greece who lost their homes in the wildfires to a very close relative who is suffering. This relative is a sensitive, an empath who is not yet awakened to it (early 20’s). It’s excruciating to witness his suffering. Thank you for guiding us through this transition and helping us to keep the big picture.
God Bless you, PA! You have great compassion. It is excruciating to see anyone suffer, but a family member, is nearly intolerable. I honor this sharing. And would like to remind you, as one empath to another: Give YOUrself some of that loving, compassion, that you so freely give to others. I send you much love and a big hug!
Confirmation of what I have been feeling the past few weeks. I feel comfy in my body. It's the first time that I can remember, in this life time, to feel comfortable in me. Thank you Lee
Great absolutly truth and l am the witness of myself..specially the emotions or the energie that l was never in my body in the past.. now l am right here and right now.. thank you so much
I think of that all the time ...who am I becoming? Am I a better person today ? If I say no I look at why to change. Helps a lot . I had someone I was mad at . My wife said he doesn't even know you are mad at him .if he did he wouldn't care. You aren't hurting him only yourself. I let it go and feel great. I see that person now and my attitude has changed.
Thank you Lee, about the information about SHUTTING DOWN. I try and explain to my friends that there are times when I get overwhelmed with information and negative energy around me the need to just shut down for a few hours or even a day to center and regroup. I am very blessed to have such amazing friends who understand and give me the time and space that I need. Much Love to You and every one who makes these amazing videos possible.
Beautiful counterbalance to the negative energy that's seemed so pervasive for the past year or so. Thank you for your clear thinking and fusion of humanity and spirituality.
Wow, thank you Lee! This is what I’ve been experiencing- extra awareness and sensitivity to other people’s emotions and inner conflicts, even when they aren’t sharing. A huge desire for lots of alone time. Also, surprising myself with the lack of filter when speaking. AND some grief for all the years I didn’t feel worthy or safe enough to stand in my power.
This has been an extraordinary difficult time for me: I know I am experiencing the “ collective” narratives these thoughts are not just my own, thank you for this message
Thank you for sharing this, Lee. I just had a revelation. I think I just realized, that because I cant turn off feelings and input (which I finally, feel is a great gift), it gets dumped into my body somehow. I start feeling tired, really fatigued. But not sleepy, I work with people in bodywork. SO I am focused on them, and not me, for hours a day. Thats when I am most vulnerable. Well, it is something to contemplate. It feels like a door just opened, to understanding how I tick. Thanks again!
Thank you for the reminder Lee. You've really validated how important it is to live. Ive had so much great experiences this summer and dance, lightness, selfcare and choosing new experiences has been really important to me . Spending those days feeling and releasing when I need to is also important . Learning not to engage in things that are out my control that make me feel powerless is out of my control. I work much better by focusing of what I can do/ change
This was beautiful! 🌟 Resonated on so many levels! Leaning into the beautiful experience of being human and LIVING, really living as I am becoming. Thank you for sharing your precious energy Lee. You are seen, known, loved and valued beyond measure! I always appreciate seeing my own journey reflected in those I admire. Again, thank you! ♥️🌟
Thanks Lee. Needed this message. Been going through the worst time in my life right now with my older, obstinate, stubborn brother. You're right, I need to let go and move on with my own life, instead of trying to help someone fix there's, especially when they're not listening. Love and light my friend :-)
I think this is a time of unconditional love for EVERYONE. To forgive and accept and understand everyones on their own path. I think its also a time of more freedom which is what Im carving out in my own life. I love the new balance I have in my own life.
We are becoming one with the Creator, the energy of love.When we create for love, with love, and through love our spirit rises to co-create new realities with us.
I saw several butterflies, while I was out to dance for a few minutes and I tried imitating it! I am grateful for the reminder from the Aug forecast and here that we are in a healing time that is getting easier! So much coming up, but so much joy available too!
Beeing the observer of oneself…This message will help in that: ”Who am I becoming”. It’s the thing I have been asking myself with so many words these past years when so much has changed in me. This simple line will help to remember it is just that that I am observing and living. Thankyou Lee for your much appreciated presence in this world and for the guidance you give all of us🙏🏻❤️and thankyou to the guides for helping us uplevel.🙏🏻 ❤️ Much Love❤️
Thank you for this, perfect timing, it has been so tough since this pandemic began the overload of 'feeling' all the world fear nearly destroyed me, but l can see why l had to go through that as it has made me understand my level of sensitivity and how to work with and be among the most dense energies without becoming unbalanced, like you said safer to be in your body
Beautiful. Totally agree about humanity and spirituality being fused. I can see a trend of various labels that we identify with dissolving the barriers that hold them as separate and yet in this removal of the barriers, each shine more brightly and authentically. 💗✨
Until each one of us stands in our personal integrity and leads with compassion to all we encounter, you’re right it’s hard to track progress. It’s going to be a thousand years before we all can do this. 🙏❤️✨
This is the most exact reminder I need right now!!! Everything you're talking about is what I am feeling and thankfully I keep leaning into what is triggering me in spite of how I wish this part of me would be different. I'm totally aware that there will be the other side. I've experienced enough of the other side to know. Doesn't make it easier. I don't know when, if even....and how...but I do know that there is another side to where I find myself.. And you are correct!! It's in this body I must meet it...the body I vacated at an early age...but now as I return again and again. Layers of fear...grateful for the triggers. The blessing is that I live on a mountain property surrounded by beauty. Only a truly loving God would land me here to heal...and continue to return the blessing!!
Love you Lee! You had me spot on when you said I’m sure a lot of you just reacted to that sentence! But then when you said “conspiring to heal you” I just had a moment where I held my head in my hands and breathed that in and felt it -it was really good thank you so much🥰
I really enjoy your messages and how you empower others who are in our same field of healing, sharing love and light. I recently published my first novel “Finding the Authenic You,” which aligns in so many way about this topic. Thank you for your continued work.
Yes! It’s more intense and lots of it. I feel it’s beckoning us to stay with it, allow it, even if it’s exhausting. I’m hoping as a sensitive empath I will be able to find myself on the other side of the tunnel at some point. Better and healed. Stronger and a Leader of the Light
Am on 100% in agreement that “it’s safe to be in your body right now”. That is my journey at the moment! And this is how I have been helping my clients this year too! It’s so wonderful to be in this space ❤️. It is empowered and peaceful!
I feel to stay more grounded and strong in the physical, Know the power within is very strong and will guide you to use your gifts at the appropriate and opportune time / moments, be fearless in the world right now, be trusting of the power that moves within you, practice in your own way at your own pace, ways that may help you be in the world where you may feel negative energy is overwhelming, there are many techniques. Go forth in your power.
I am better than I was even last year, and last year I was better than I was the year before. It is a conscious decision to progress. When one shifts to do better, it improves the whole. Purify heart, mind, body
hello lee! ouff merci pour la traduction!! oui touchée en pleins cœur par tant de vérité de l instant!! un tout lumineux merci pour tes messages qui me portes!!! beaucoup d amour et de lumière!!
I received the answer today. It’s joy. We are supposed to have more joy. Much more. Love is joy. Joy is love. We are meant to use our senses of our body to have joy. That’s the whole point of being in a body. We’ve been misled that it’s all work. But it’s supposed to be joy. But. Joy while respecting the body. Because the body is the means with which our soul experiences the joy we must treat it right. Use prudence not fear.
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
I received that too: joy!! 💜
@@guidedbysunshine333 it is so simple and has been right in front of our faces the whole time! I love this I used to be told to stop singing and stop whistling and be sent to the basement or get fired for laughing too much. I was told many times life was not supposed to be fun and got very depressed and serious for farrrrr too long. Even though I was repeatedly being given messages! It is so clear now! We are to be harbingers of joy!!!!!
@@morethanmewithjennhickey9646 love this thank you! My company is going is so intense and full of drama. I find myself getting wrapped up then saying I don’t care I choose joy! lol 🙂
I had a card reading this morning about feeling and expressing joy.
A boy on the beach today buried a butterfly that was resting on the sand and then poured a bucket of water over it. I am very sensitive and I’m used to my strong emotions around nature and life but these were intense! First I wanted to get mad at the mom for raising a boy that would do that, then I wanted to go wag my finger at the boy, I wanted to dig up the butterfly and show them what they’d done, I was overwhelmed by humanity and I just wanted to curl up in a ball and self soothe. My anger was so palpable inside me. I took some breaths and with compassion, I sent the boy and his mom love and forgiveness, I sent light to the butterfly and got into the water and had a quiet swim.
Much love to you Lee and to us all ❤️
Julie- I totally understand! I don’t think I could handle watching that! I likely would have wagged my finger at the boy & mom
& dug up the butterfly 🦋! Peace be with you.
Sounds like you handled that well.💜
@@cyberqueen777 yes - it was very distressing. 💖
Do you have Children ?
It's all about law of karma. I've tortured many little insects and killed them as a little child. I've faced devastating pain and suffering during my years as an adult. When I think back... to this day I wish I could go back and not do all those evil things. But I can't. So, I just take all the beating and bad as what has to happen will happen. But at least, I learned a big irreversible lesson in life. It made me self-realized and opened my consciousness to a higher level. I went deep into spirituality and discovered many truths and purpose of life in this universe. I only wish all 8 Billion humans think what they're doing, put them in the shoes of other humans and other forms of life and then pass on the same knowledge to children so that future of human species is more connected and respectful towards nature.
I’m becoming a proud women I was a addict for years ten year clean now and have hated myself for so long now I so proud of the women I was and love her so much she a warrior ❤️
Congratulations 🎈
Thanks ❤️
Congrats and keep strong - you've got this! 👍💖💐💖
Thank you for sharing! I send much love!
I had a mantra come to me about ten months ago in the mountains of Cantabria:
The earth holds you
The earth holds us
The earth holds me
It's really helps me settle in my body. I often use it while walking. 👣
Walk barefooted if you can. ❤️
I love mantra. I use a simple one daily
Synchronicity beyond imagination... You are so needed and I am so grateful for you...
Yes 🙌
Such a beautiful reminder. Just got done having ice cream with my beautiful family. We are going to read Frog and Toad for old time's sake. Thank you for all the reminders to focus on what we are being, creating & becoming. As an empath, the global stuff is hard for me right now. It's also hitting close to home as there increasing pressures to shut down discussions among physicians themselves in their own spaces that are doctors only. It's really important that people speak up and stand up, regardless of how they feel about a particular issue - for the vital importance of intelligent dialogue over forced consensus. Peace and blessings!
I'm sobbing suffering and my adult son in his own way as well. This must be part of the clearing/healing ~ yes? We must be here to heal and be healed💕
My reaction to safer in body was sheer excitement, I even lifted my arms up, stretched and smiled. I feel like this is a great time for increasing awareness and spiritual growth. I feel like I am a spiraling butterfly of glittery light in training, spiraling to the cosmos. Okay that was a lot of vulnerability. 🤷♀️
So interesting to hear about feeling safe in the body. I have struggled for so long to exercise in any of its forms, from yoga to more active sports. But recently (2 weeks ago), I enrolled in a conscious movement class that has helped me shift and release stagnant energy in my body. Most anger has come up so far. And also I am becoming more aware of the discomfort I feel in some parts of my body and how it progresses or changes and moves I guess based on my spiritual development or the world’s changes. Interesting indeed how this is a reality for many of us at this time ❤️
I feel very grateful and much gratitude for Lee and the messages that he brings us from the Z's. Thank you for your beautiful insight.
Thank you for this. It certainly is a time of rapid change; probably for everyone. Self-expression is what's coming up for me - through the medium of music and songs or just through my everyday opinions. I've changed a lot over the last eighteen months and therefore so have a lot of my ideas and beliefs. Trying to hold on to my own integrity while gently expressing what's become true in my world without fearing the inevitable backlash from friends is currently what's in front of me. Beyond that; I have no idea.
Thank You Lee. When I was younger in school or whenever I found myself in a church & still till this day I will randomly start laughing uncontrollable for no reason. I never thought of myself as sensitive or an empath but now that I'm older I understand. I really enjoyed hearing your connection to blissful laughing in a group. It Is Safe To Be Me In This Lifetime!!
Been into your work for a while Lee. It’s great to see you put out such potent spiritual material in these days. It’s needed. ✌🏼♥️ take care
Just recently I have been pulled out of my comfort zone by life circumstances. I had not become complacent - I think? Of course I had.
So now I remember how easily I used to navigate circumstances as these. It’s time for me to work with that energy and expand it, going where the flow takes me. Not knowing is challenging, but I can do it. I am, and I will. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Lee ❤️
Thank you, Lee, very much. Has anyone else been experiencing events that are drawing you back into "no contact" situations? I grew up in a, for lack of a better term, narcissistic family. 10 years ago, the catalyst to the "Hero's Journey" started, and I spent all this time and care, and quite frankly anguish, to get to where I could sincerely love them from a distance. I was healing, I was coming back to myself and the world. Then, WHAM, 4 things happened to where I had to let it in all over again. And guys, I don't feel I can do it. This stuff manifests in my body from childhood, no matter how level my spirit...or even brain is...my body is stressed out so much. Maybe it never goes, because I just had to let it all slide. I philosophized the shit out of this mess. I self examined, saw all my own actions and was stern with myself. I was able to balance the scales. But the body doesn't seem to care about any of that. It wants to CONFRONT, and I can't give it that, so I truly understand why it does not want to be my friend, but it hurts, because it's the only home I have here. I wasn't allowed to show emotion as a child. I had to keep my face so neutral while hearing the most horrible things, I had to silent cry and silent wail in bed. My first migraine was at two years old. My husband, and the friends I still have, stayed with me as I broke open. Now I've been "normal" for 3 years, and I can't even talk to them now about any of this, because they think it's OVER. But, it won't ever be over, until the end. The first 2 things that happened I could tell them about, and said I was fine. Then, my mom wrote a flipping Autobiography that went two time number one BESTSELLER, and it was hurtful as hell. And I wasn't so fine. Then, yesterday, my Nemesis step mother died suddenly at 63...and there is no way I can even utter a word about that. If I did my 5 year old self would proceed to freak OUT. Sorry for going on, I'm just afraid for the first time in years, and I feel so broken all over again, because all I did was more of the same. I didn't get over it...I ignored and forgave it, and one part of the Trinity, is not having any of it.
Oooh. I just want to hug you. You brave soul. You must be soooo strong to be the healer of your family.
Sounds like you are clearing another layer of heartache from your energy field. Which could only be done by getting too close to the "flame" of your family to ignite those feelings That needed to be honoured and released.
Talk to the 5 year old you, let her have her rant and rave, you be the parent to you that you wanted then. Listen to her. We all just want to be heard. Ask for Metatrons and the Archangels support at this time. Ask for help for the family too. But then step back. And again, just love from afar.
Oh bless you. 🤗
@@IamtheShiatsulady I love your response 💕
@@IamtheShiatsulady Thank you, with my whole heart for taking the time to gift me with such compassion and sweetness. You made a wonderful difference, and I honor it, completely.
Thank you Lee for being such a calming influence as we go thru this at the Earth School! Your suggestion of being an observer yet not getting drawn into the chaos is ever present as I watch the craziness unfold around me! Aside from my jaw hitting the floor numerous times when observing violent behavior in the world, I remember to "observe" and continue to hold the light for the planet! Thank you for all you do, it helps me and your subscribers tremendously! Many blessings!!!!
Thank you for this information. Over the last 6 to 12 months I have been shown old memories of when I was hurt or when I hurt someone or when I was embarrassed. A lot of uncomfortable memories rose to the surface and I was kind of fascinated but also able to feel the discomfort , say thank you to spirit and kind of let it go. Sometimes I would acknowledge whoever was involved (in my head) and sometimes I would do the Ho oponoono (sp?) but always it was easy to move through the emotions . It felt like an uncomfortable gift. :)
I am an empath and trauma survivor who lives with dissociative identity disorder. When you said "it is safer to be in your body than ever before", is a fact that I am dealing with at this exact very time. I left my body at age three and have never been back, until recently when we have been landing again. Your videos help make sense (out side of my therapy) of what is happing. I am so very grateful to you for that. Thank you.
Thank you for providing the food for my soul! Much love & blessings, Lee and to the collective!♥️
OMG Lee! As soon as you brought up the memory of a divorce I couldn’t fix, it struck such a cord for me and I instantly felt the tears start to fall. Wow! Didn’t even see that coming but obviously something I needed to heal so thank you and your wonderful guides. 🙏🥰😇
We are becoming more love ❤ if we choose to. Thank you for all your videos, I'm always excited to view and listen 🎶 😊
I needed to hear this. It feels like the world is imploding. Whereas in months prior I was observing from afar, it has now encroached upon my world. From family in Greece who lost their homes in the wildfires to a very close relative who is suffering. This relative is a sensitive, an empath who is not yet awakened to it (early 20’s). It’s excruciating to witness his suffering. Thank you for guiding us through this transition and helping us to keep the big picture.
God Bless you, PA!
You have great compassion. It is excruciating to see anyone suffer, but a family member, is nearly intolerable.
I honor this sharing. And would like to remind you, as one empath to another:
Give YOUrself some of that loving, compassion, that you so freely give to others.
I send you much love and a big hug!
Every time it’s like your talking directly to me. IThank you for all you bring to light for all of us.
Confirmation of what I have been feeling the past few weeks. I feel comfy in my body. It's the first time that I can remember, in this life time, to feel comfortable in me. Thank you Lee
Great absolutly truth and l am the witness of myself..specially the emotions or the energie that l was never in my body in the past.. now l am right here and right now.. thank you so much
I think of that all the time ...who am I becoming? Am I a better person today ? If I say no I look at why to change. Helps a lot . I had someone I was mad at . My wife said he doesn't even know you are mad at him .if he did he wouldn't care. You aren't hurting him only yourself. I let it go and feel great. I see that person now and my attitude has changed.
Thank you Lee, about the information about SHUTTING DOWN. I try and explain to my friends that there are times when I get overwhelmed with information and negative energy around me the need to just shut down for a few hours or even a day to center and regroup. I am very blessed to have such amazing friends who understand and give me the time and space that I need. Much Love to You and every one who makes these amazing videos possible.
Bravo my dear, loving, kind, Lee, I love and respect you. Thank you.
Beautiful counterbalance to the negative energy that's seemed so pervasive for the past year or so. Thank you for your clear thinking and fusion of humanity and spirituality.
Wow, thank you Lee! This is what I’ve been experiencing- extra awareness and sensitivity to other people’s emotions and inner conflicts, even when they aren’t sharing. A huge desire for lots of alone time. Also, surprising myself with the lack of filter when speaking. AND some grief for all the years I didn’t feel worthy or safe enough to stand in my power.
This has been an extraordinary difficult time for me: I know I am experiencing the “ collective” narratives these thoughts are not just my own, thank you for this message
It's difficult isn't it?
Thank you for sharing this, Lee.
I just had a revelation.
I think I just realized, that because I cant turn off feelings and input (which I finally, feel is a great gift), it gets dumped into my body somehow.
I start feeling tired, really fatigued. But not sleepy,
I work with people in bodywork. SO I am focused on them, and not me, for hours a day. Thats when I am most vulnerable.
Well, it is something to contemplate. It feels like a door just opened, to understanding how I tick. Thanks again!
Thank you for the reminder Lee. You've really validated how important it is to live. Ive had so much great experiences this summer and dance, lightness, selfcare and choosing new experiences has been really important to me . Spending those days feeling and releasing when I need to is also important . Learning not to engage in things that are out my control that make me feel powerless is out of my control. I work much better by focusing of what I can do/ change
This was beautiful! 🌟
Resonated on so many levels! Leaning into the beautiful experience of being human and LIVING, really living as I am becoming. Thank you for sharing your precious energy Lee. You are seen, known, loved and valued beyond measure! I always appreciate seeing my own journey reflected in those I admire. Again, thank you! ♥️🌟
Thank you so much, Lee! I really needed to hear this today. Grateful 🙏🙏🙏💓💓💓
Thank you Lee for being spot on, I truely appreciate the emotional support you provide throught this channel.
Love your energy
Great expression of complete honesty. Thank you for sharing Lee. Truly makes me think even deeper into mine experiences right now.
Thanks Lee. Needed this message. Been going through the worst time in my life right now with my older, obstinate, stubborn brother. You're right, I need to let go and move on with my own life, instead of trying to help someone fix there's, especially when they're not listening. Love and light my friend :-)
Beautiful timing as I really needed to hear this message and be reminded of ~ thank you, thank you ♡
I think this is a time of unconditional love for EVERYONE. To forgive and accept and understand everyones on their own path. I think its also a time of more freedom which is what Im carving out in my own life. I love the new balance I have in my own life.
We are becoming one with the Creator, the energy of love.When we create for love, with love, and through love our spirit rises to co-create new realities with us.
BEAUTIFUL, so helpful, and exactly what I needed to hear. ♥️ thank you.
I saw several butterflies, while I was out to dance for a few minutes and I tried imitating it! I am grateful for the reminder from the Aug forecast and here that we are in a healing time that is getting easier! So much coming up, but so much joy available too!
Thank you Lee! So many relevant points in your message.
Thank you Lee. Love your messages, your energy updates and your interviews! So grateful!
Beeing the observer of oneself…This message will help in that: ”Who am I becoming”. It’s the thing I have been asking myself with so many words these past years when so much has changed in me. This simple line will help to remember it is just that that I am observing and living. Thankyou Lee for your much appreciated presence in this world and for the guidance you give all of us🙏🏻❤️and thankyou to the guides for helping us uplevel.🙏🏻 ❤️ Much Love❤️
Thank you for this, perfect timing, it has been so tough since this pandemic began the overload of 'feeling' all the world fear nearly destroyed me, but l can see why l had to go through that as it has made me understand my level of sensitivity and how to work with and be among the most dense energies without becoming unbalanced, like you said safer to be in your body
Beautiful. Totally agree about humanity and spirituality being fused. I can see a trend of various labels that we identify with dissolving the barriers that hold them as separate and yet in this removal of the barriers, each shine more brightly and authentically. 💗✨
Until each one of us stands in our personal integrity and leads with compassion to all we encounter, you’re right it’s hard to track progress. It’s going to be a thousand years before we all can do this. 🙏❤️✨
Very well said, Judy.
Yes. Sometimes when I’m diligently doing healing work and getting overwhelmed and depressed, knowing that this will take lifetimes is oddly a relief.
This is the most exact reminder I need right now!!! Everything you're talking about is what I am feeling and thankfully I keep leaning into what is triggering me in spite of how I wish this part of me would be different. I'm totally aware that there will be the other side. I've experienced enough of the other side to know. Doesn't make it easier. I don't know when, if even....and how...but I do know that there is another side to where I find myself.. And you are correct!! It's in this body I must meet it...the body I vacated at an early age...but now as I return again and again. Layers of fear...grateful for the triggers. The blessing is that I live on a mountain property surrounded by beauty. Only a truly loving God would land me here to heal...and continue to return the blessing!!
Beautiful talk, Lee. I have enjoyed looking into human design as a model for understanding my individual empathy / that of my loved ones.
Spot on! Thanks for explaining the painful morning dreams
Love you Lee! You had me spot on when you said I’m sure a lot of you just reacted to that sentence! But then when you said “conspiring to heal you” I just had a moment where I held my head in my hands and breathed that in and felt it -it was really good thank you so much🥰
This was wonderful Lee..... you are doing amazing work!! Thank you so much
Thanks. Word for word its my actual process you describe:)
Tusind tak Lee 😉 you just made my day. I enjoy this moments on UA-cam. Sending Love And Light to All from Denmark 💖🙏
We are becoming pure. Choose your path carefully. Blessings ❤️🙏🏼
I really enjoy your messages and how you empower others who are in our same field of healing, sharing love and light. I recently published my first novel “Finding the Authenic You,” which aligns in so many way about this topic. Thank you for your continued work.
Get the jab or be suspended without pay. I’m not sure what is happening to our country … where have our freedoms gone !!??
Your best yet! Hands down. You nailed it
Thank you for your message! It was very meaningful to me!
Absolutely brilliant, so spot on with what I have been experiencing. Thank you Lee.
This was amazing, Lee. I had several "aha" moments. THANK YOU!
Thank you Lee. I needed this today 🌟🙏🏽
Yes! It’s more intense and lots of it. I feel it’s beckoning us to stay with it, allow it, even if it’s exhausting. I’m hoping as a sensitive empath I will be able to find myself on the other side of the tunnel at some point. Better and healed. Stronger and a Leader of the Light
Wow, I just came across your podcast, I guess I really needed to hear this today. You gave me slot to think about. Thank you 😥
Am on 100% in agreement that “it’s safe to be in your body right now”. That is my journey at the moment! And this is how I have been helping my clients this year too! It’s so wonderful to be in this space ❤️. It is empowered and peaceful!
very uncomfortable yes...but yes safer interesting! Aways good insights and higher vibes listening to You Lee! Thank YOU
I feel to stay more grounded and strong in the physical, Know the power within is very strong and will guide you to use your gifts at the appropriate and opportune time / moments, be fearless in the world right now, be trusting of the power that moves within you, practice in your own way at your own pace, ways that may help you be in the world where you may feel negative energy is overwhelming, there are many techniques. Go forth in your power.
Nice. I sucked air like you said there, but I remembered being in nature as an anchor. Exciting times
Love this , very simple way to feel grateful every day. Thanks Lee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Yeah, you're alive, Lee, and I love you, man!
so familiar, I know this still I need to be reminded. thank you.
I'm loving your videos lately Lee , great work ❤
I am better than I was even last year, and last year I was better than I was the year before. It is a conscious decision to progress. When one shifts to do better, it improves the whole. Purify heart, mind, body
Wonderful insight as always, ありがとうございます!
To me that "sentence" was so comforting!! I've been waiting soooo long to be comfortable in my body🤗
So much love to you Lee. ❤️
Grateful for the message💜🙏💜
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! I need this! Healing, Healing, Healing!
Thank you so much Lee. 🙏❤️🙏
Thank You Lee 🙏💕 I am becomming much more grounded and probably who I was ment to be. I really hope so, it is much less stressfull 😜🙏❤️🤗
Thanks Lee for these insights. Blessings 🙏💖🕊️
Thanks for sharing Lee Harris! You know you are the best, stay blessed and be safe...👼👼👼👼💆💆👸👩👩👧👦👩👩👧👦🙌🙌
Thankyou beauitful soul....your soooooooo gifted.......resonates and you 💯💯💯💯💯💫💫💫💫💫💫💫✍🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💙💜💙💜💫💫💫💫💭
hello lee!
ouff merci pour la traduction!!
oui touchée en pleins cœur par tant de vérité de l instant!!
un tout lumineux merci pour tes messages qui me portes!!!
beaucoup d amour et de lumière!!
You create your own future I believe.
Thank you Lee.
So beautiful ❤️
Crazy I feel completely crazy lol. My brain is so confused 😕. But I am understanding to let life flow and not try to control everything.
So beautiful thank u for sharing! Excatly what my Soul needed to hear!🙏💖
Love you Lee, thank you. 💕💕💕
Thank you Lee for what you do
Needed this Lee, tysm!!
Definitely have pulled "back" some ♡♡
Always so spot on, thank you Lee ✨💙
Thank you for sharing this. ❤️
Wow this was spot on. Thank you 👽✨🧚🏼♀️
Thank you, Lee! Very good information.
I needed this message today. Thank you!
You are all becoming my padawan learners.
Thank you, makes perfect sense to me.