A mes deux préférés des Bee Gees, Robin et Maurice très drôles, très beaux tous les deux, si agréables souriants tout le temps plus une voix très belle et douce. J'étais plus attirée par Robin dont je serais tombée facilement amoureuse. Vous resterez dans notre cœur nous manquant terriblement. Personne ne pourra vous remplacer 😢❤❤❤❤❤|
To piękne Wspomnienia z cudownymi Piosenkami... które będą miały najlepszy finał za kilka dni kiedy przyjdą już te upragnione Święta Bożego Narodzenia...a My wraz z Nimi będziemy mogli zaśpiewać z Wami choćby w Myślach te cudowne Piosenki Kochane Bliżniaki...to co tak pięknie teraz słyszymy tutaj.Bardzo Wszystkim brak Was - Jestesteście daleko od Nas...ale zawsze w Sercach i Myślach serdecznych Gdziekolwiek Jesteście teraz - słychać Wasze piękne Głosy utrwalone za Życia Ziemskiego. Zatem Czas na trochę się rozstać...z wizualizacją Filmiku...bo My musimy się jeszcze trochę przygotować do tego pięknego Czasu...choć nie Wszystkim jest łatwo powiedzieć - czekajcie...aż tu dotrzemy...by Was zniwu posłuchać.Ale Wy to przecież wszystko wiecie.Trudniej jest wszystkim tym...którzy tutaj pozostali...zwłaszcza Najbliższym...ale obiecujemy...że od tej chwili skupimy się na przygotowaniach do tego pięknego czasu...by powrócić do Wspomnień. Całej Waszej Rodzinie - dużo spokoju w przygotowaniach do przyjścia na Świat - Dzieciątka Jezus.Boże Narodzenie to taki cudowny Czas w który pięknie być znowu Razem. Barry zawsze patrzy w chmury....gdy tęskni za Wami...ja też - zadzieram głowę do góry...ale tam nic nie widać - tu lepiej.Jednak swoje musimy na ren czas zrobić.Piękna zwłaszcza Cicha Noc...ale na Nią przyjdzie Czas wtedy kiedy na Świat Dzieciąko Jezus przyjdzie kolejny raz.Rodzina to piękna rzecz...tak jak wszystkie Wspomnienia.Dziękujemy za tyle dobra...które pozostawiliście...by Wsztstkim było z Wami lepiej...ale musi być ten czas.Zawsze możemy tutaj usłyszeć Wasze Cudowne Głosy ...a Najbliżsi przywołać jak dużo Wspomnień. ❤... ❤ ❤
Их привязанность и любовь друг к другу невероятно подкупают. 👬 😊 ❤ 😊 После ухода Мориса у Робина в глазах поселилась грусть. 😥💔 Надеюсь, вы снова вместе. Будьте благословенны на небесах. 🙏🏼 Мы любим вас. ❤💜💚💛💙
I believe Mo was right there when he crossed over to give him a big hug! I love the Bee Gees and always had a crush on Robin. I'm sad he's no longer with us but I'm glad he's with Mo, mom and dad and Andy. Rip all of them ❤
OMG! "In the bleak Midwinter"! One of the most beautiful songs ever written sung by the most beautiful of voices!!! That gave me chills. These two men truly loved each other. Robin lost half of himself when Maurice died. He was never the same. Both angels in disguise.
Elena Chris - "In the bleak midwinter" is one of the most beautiful songs ever written sung by a beautiful Robin. Haunting that his parents gave him that name because he truly had the voice of a songbird.
Bellissimo video....belli i gemelli Gibb...canzone emozionante ...Maurice Robin riposate in pace ...sarete sempre nei nostri cuori ....Andy loro ti hanno raggiunto...Barry buona vita a te ...
22. December 2020 ❣️ Happy Birthday Robin and Maurice 💝 You are the most marvelous twins of the world 💕Your voices are the most gorgeous of the world 💞 in eternal remembrance 💖💓💘❤️
Tomorrow, will be Robin’s and Maurice Birthday. Dec. 22 , 1949 Happy Birthday in Haven. Sing your beautiful songs with God and the Angels. 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
They would have been 71 years today. Oh how I wish they were still with us, including Andy. It will be 18 years in January since Maurice passed away. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. God Bless sweet brothers, miss you all so much. DEC 22, 2020
Today, I went shopping at Barnes & Noble,(Friendswood), wth. my grand-son, Cross. I had been going back & forth about 2 times. On my third time, there it was...my BEE GEES RECORD! I grab it, & held it tight, as if I would lose it, lol. I will post a pic. of it, tomorrow, boy, m I happy!!! My adorable MAURICE & ROBIN, an angelic Voice de mi ROBIN.
@maddylit1643 When Robin had the beard I think they looked much more like twins. When Maurice did not have his beard I think that he and Andy looked quite a lot alike.
🇧🇷⭐⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Admiração Beleza natural sempre Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música gêmeos Robin Gibb e Maurício Gibb amados grandes cantores obrigada BarryGibb continue cantando sucessos sempre divulgando vídeos clips sucessos sempre abundância gratidão Porto Alegre Rio grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Love and miss borg Robin and Maurice.The twins was the best.So happy birthday too two gorgeous men the 22 of december. Thank you for shearing this , IT was so beautiful.❤️❤️
You are welcome dear friend! This is a message, may somewhere our Twins can feel our love. Unforgettable beautiful men inside, outside. I missed them so much. I used listening their songs every day. It's necessary to feel alive my adorable Gibb Brothers. They really was/is with me from childhood in happiness and sorrow. God bless their wonderful memory and the whole Gibb family! Merry Christmas my dear! ♥️🌺🎄♥️🌺🎄♥️🌺🎄
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟 Grandiosos Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música gratidão som natalinos maravilhosos nascimento dia 22 de 12 de 1949 lindo vídeo obrigada Porto Alegre Rio grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Precioso video y las canciones, oh mi Dios..!! Adoro a los BEE GEES, pero AMO a los TWINS por sobre BARRY...eran más vulnerables, sensibles, nada soberbios, BARRY siempre tuvo más EGO y se sentía el DUEÑO de la banda...su vida personal fue menos sufrida, porque LINDA supo llevarlo, acompañarlo, cuidarlo.. además era el GALÁN del grupo, pero ni Robin ni Mo lo eran menos!!!! Al contrario...!!! Los adoro..ahora sólo queda BARRY...que no destroce canciones inmortalizadas por Robin con su nuevo emprendimiento musical. TRIUNFARON LOS TRES, LOS TRES ERAN IMPRESCINDIBLES PARA EL EXITO. Extraño a los TWINS...aunque no dejo de verlos y escucharlos gracias a la tecnología. Para mí, siguen aquí, traviesos mellizos!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹
Comparto esa opinion los gemelos fueron grandiosos y brillantes cada uno en lo suyo nada menos que barry ...siempre quiso ser el centro de atencion ..en cada video en cada cancion siempre estaran estos hermosos gemelos inolvidables
Beautiful tribute to Mo and Rob who are missed by so many people. They were gifted singers songwriters, producers and yet stayed down to earth and humble. R.I.P. I’ll always love you 💙💙🙏🌟🌟
Agradeço muito a Deus por ter me dado a alegria de conhecer BeeGees mesmo pelo UA-cam. Era apaixonada pelas músicas Deles, 🍒 Sem menos esperar que na Banda estava o Homem que descrevi pra Deus. Eu queria casar com um Homem idêntico ao Robin,fis uma cópia dele, mais não foi possível encontrar...me casei com outro completamente diferente. Me lembro que fazia questão de tocar CDs de Bee Gees durante minha festa de casamento, eu não sabia que meu sonho estava ali. Hoje fico horas e horas ouvindo Bee Gees e imaginando eu casada com Robin. Meu doce amor meu anjo azul 💙🍒🍒🍒🍒🌴🥀🌱🌿🥀🍀🍒💘💜🥀🇧🇷🇧🇷🦄🐕
Parabéns pelo vidio desses irmãos inesquecíveis ficou lindon o Robin Guibb como vc era lindo de cabelo comprido smos esses irmãos mas Robin era meu magrelinho preferido ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Istenem! Még csak 71 évesek lennének.Néha milyen igazságtalan tud lenni az élet! Nincs az az év,hogy ne gondolnák rájuk a születésnapjukon,a kisfiammal egy napon ünnepelték! Számomra Ők sosem halnak meg,az emlékeimben, dalaikban örökké élni fognak! RIP Robin&Maurice Gibb!
Teljesen egyetértek! Fájdalmasan nagy űrt hagytak maguk után, mely az idő múlásával sem enyhül. Naponta hallgatom dalait, így olyan mintha élnének. Álmuk legyen könnyű!❤🙏❤🌹🌹🎀🎀🍀🌺🌺🎄💞😘😘
Parabéns e muita felicidade 🎂🎂 Hoje ELES completa mais um ano em Deus Os mandou para entoar canções maravilhosas para o mundo.Parabens meus lindos gêmeos. Maurice e Robin 🍒🍒 Saudades 🍒🍒 dois príncipes Gibbs 🍒🍒
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🌟🌟🌟🌟 Maravilhosos Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas. Gêmeos Robin e Maurício lindíssima homenagem com foto video história filmes show arrasando sempre, prêmios entrevista, dedicação, trabalho em equipe, foco sempre, alto astral, animado alegria, diversão compositor, instrumentista, teatro ator, união disciplina estudo e família gratidão.Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌹🌹🌟🌹🌟🌟🌹🌹🌟🌹
I wish they were still alive so sad 😭😭😭 they're not here to celebrate their Birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉 if I had the chance of marrying any of the twins it would be Robin Gibb 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Hoy desperté y vi este hermoso regalo, muchas gracias Juanca, hermosas fotos de los hermanos Gibb, que estarían de cumpleaños el 22 de este mes, este como siempre muy hermoso, miles de bendiciones Juanca por deleitarnos con estos grandes hermanos músicos, que tanto los amo. En estos tiempos tan difíciles que estamos pasando el mundo entero para quienes admiramos tanto a The Bee Gees, es el regalo más hermoso, gracias gracias 👋👏👋👏👋👏😘😘😘😘
ROBIN und Maurice waren die besten. Ich vermisse sie sehr. Aber die Lueder geben mir Kraft und Nut alles nicht so schlimm zu sehen. 🤣❤🙏 R I P ihr zwei. Wo immer ihr seit.
Di he add mos name in some of them poor snow growing u without her dad how old is she now hope the rest are looking out for her sweet hat did he cheat on dwener for the hosecleanr x
Thank you SOOOO MUCH !!!! For putting this vedio on , so that we can all share Robin and Maurice on their Birthday. I cried all the way through it, because I miss them so very much, but I keep them alive by watching them all the time on vedio`s. I wish them both a MERRY CHRISTMAS in Heaven cause I know they can hear me. And MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU TOO. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 And thank you again.
I sometimes think what rob and mo would be doing if they was still here think mo wouod dona lot more records on his own and some duets with rob wouldn't that be beautiful x
❤❤❤😢😢😢Mr Robin Hugh Gibb chante comme un Ange 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼
I still can't believe they are gone. Absolutely love their music.Miss them greatly.
A mes deux préférés des Bee Gees, Robin et Maurice très drôles, très beaux tous les deux, si agréables souriants tout le temps plus une voix très belle et douce. J'étais plus attirée par Robin dont je serais tombée facilement amoureuse. Vous resterez dans notre cœur nous manquant terriblement. Personne ne pourra vous remplacer 😢❤❤❤❤❤|
To piękne Wspomnienia z cudownymi Piosenkami... które będą miały najlepszy finał za kilka dni kiedy przyjdą już te upragnione Święta Bożego Narodzenia...a My wraz z Nimi będziemy mogli zaśpiewać z Wami choćby w Myślach te cudowne Piosenki Kochane Bliżniaki...to co tak pięknie teraz słyszymy tutaj.Bardzo Wszystkim brak Was - Jestesteście daleko od Nas...ale zawsze w Sercach i Myślach serdecznych Gdziekolwiek Jesteście teraz - słychać Wasze piękne Głosy utrwalone za Życia Ziemskiego. Zatem Czas na trochę się rozstać...z wizualizacją Filmiku...bo My musimy się jeszcze trochę przygotować do tego pięknego Czasu...choć nie Wszystkim jest łatwo powiedzieć - czekajcie...aż tu dotrzemy...by Was zniwu posłuchać.Ale Wy to przecież wszystko wiecie.Trudniej jest wszystkim tym...którzy tutaj pozostali...zwłaszcza Najbliższym...ale obiecujemy...że od tej chwili skupimy się na przygotowaniach do tego pięknego czasu...by powrócić do Wspomnień.
Całej Waszej Rodzinie - dużo spokoju w przygotowaniach do przyjścia na Świat - Dzieciątka Jezus.Boże Narodzenie to taki cudowny Czas w który pięknie być znowu Razem. Barry zawsze patrzy w chmury....gdy tęskni za Wami...ja też - zadzieram głowę do góry...ale tam nic nie widać - tu lepiej.Jednak swoje musimy na ren czas zrobić.Piękna zwłaszcza Cicha Noc...ale na Nią przyjdzie Czas wtedy kiedy na Świat Dzieciąko Jezus przyjdzie kolejny raz.Rodzina to piękna rzecz...tak jak wszystkie Wspomnienia.Dziękujemy za tyle dobra...które pozostawiliście...by Wsztstkim było z Wami lepiej...ale musi być ten czas.Zawsze możemy tutaj usłyszeć Wasze Cudowne Głosy ...a Najbliżsi przywołać jak dużo Wspomnień.
❤... ❤ ❤
Их привязанность и любовь друг к другу невероятно подкупают. 👬
😊 ❤ 😊
После ухода Мориса у Робина в глазах поселилась грусть. 😥💔
Надеюсь, вы снова вместе.
Будьте благословенны на небесах. 🙏🏼
Мы любим вас.
I believe Mo was right there when he crossed over to give him a big hug! I love the Bee Gees and always had a crush on Robin. I'm sad he's no longer with us but I'm glad he's with Mo, mom and dad and Andy. Rip all of them ❤
OMG! "In the bleak Midwinter"! One of the most beautiful songs ever written sung by the most beautiful of voices!!! That gave me chills. These two men truly loved each other. Robin lost half of himself when Maurice died. He was never the same. Both angels in disguise.
Well Said
Que triste, igual felicidades para estos dis hermanos! Nos dejaron estás canciones hermosas, gracias!
You are welcome! Robin is closed in our hearts forever! ❤️ Merry Christmas to you! ❤️🎄🎁☃️🎅🎄❤️
Wahnsinns Stimme Legende die man nie vergisst. Robin gibb
Mr Maurice Ernest Gibb et Mr Robin Hugh Gibb sont éternels, Robin Hugh Gibb chante avec douceur...
Belated Happy birthday Robin &mourice and heaven, we miss you and we love you.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Happy Birthday in heaven Maurice and Robin love you and miss you
Wir vermissen sie sehr, aber wir haben ja ihre Lieder.👍🎹🎶🎉🎈
Beautiful songs! I love BEE GEES!
Elena Chris - "In the bleak midwinter" is one of the most beautiful songs ever written sung by a beautiful Robin.
Haunting that his parents gave him that name because he truly had the voice of a songbird.
Bellissimo video....belli i gemelli Gibb...canzone emozionante ...Maurice Robin riposate in pace ...sarete sempre nei nostri cuori ....Andy loro ti hanno raggiunto...Barry buona vita a te ...
Beautiful souls! Maurice and Robin! It’s not a day to listen their voice and music ! Love them and miss them every day! ❤️❤️
I love how happy Robin looks in most pictures where it is just him and Mo. I love the closeness of twins!😊😊
Love you robin to special to forget miss you so much it hurts xxxxxxx
Happy birthday in heaven Robin and Maurice, we missed you 😪
Fantastic twins. Great musicians. Cute men. I love Robin, very much. 💖💖
Our twins, forever in our hearts❤❤❤
3. Beautiful brothers gone. Its sad. Happy birthday in heaven you're all missed. Rip 🙏🏾
The Lord holds them tight in his arms.
Hasta siempre!!
X siempre bellos!!
Happiest birthday in heaven my beloved robin and maurice . I love u both and miss you
22. December 2020 ❣️ Happy Birthday Robin and Maurice 💝 You are the most marvelous twins of the world 💕Your voices are the most gorgeous of the world 💞 in eternal remembrance 💖💓💘❤️
Happy Heavenly Birthday to Robin and Maurice AND MERRY CHRISTMAS! Unforgettable.
Happy birthday Robin and Maurice♥️
Tomorrow, will be Robin’s and Maurice Birthday. Dec. 22 , 1949 Happy Birthday in Haven. Sing your beautiful songs with God and the Angels. 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Beautiful songs from a beautiful man! I love the Bee Gees and I've never heard these before. Im so glad I heard them finally ❤
Wonderful voice of Robin. Love you forever💥
Our precious twins! Love and miss them every single day. RIP sweet, sweet angels. Happy Heavenly Birthday, Rob and Mo, 12/22/20.❤😥❤
Love them forever!❤🎶🌺🎶🌺🎶❤
❤❤❤super ❤❤❤Mo end Rob😢
Happy Birthday Maurice & Robin...in heaven together 2020
love love always agnes keep
on singing up in there in the clouds love yous always .ag nes
Happy Heavenly Birthday 😢
Happy Birthday, twins! ❤️💕
Miss you both.
It's heart broken 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 when you are not here to celebrate your birthday 🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳
Happy birthday in heaven .in heaven with my brother.God bless your soul.
They would have been 71 years today. Oh how I wish they were still with us, including Andy. It will be 18 years in January since Maurice passed away. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. God Bless sweet brothers, miss you all so much. DEC 22, 2020
Today, I went shopping at Barnes & Noble,(Friendswood), wth. my grand-son, Cross. I had been going back & forth about 2 times. On my third time, there it was...my BEE GEES RECORD! I grab it, & held it tight, as if I would lose it, lol. I will post a pic. of it, tomorrow, boy, m I happy!!! My adorable MAURICE & ROBIN, an angelic Voice de mi ROBIN.
Loved Robin with the beard ❤
@maddylit1643 When Robin had the beard I think they looked much more like twins. When Maurice did not have his beard I think that he and Andy looked quite a lot alike.
Happy birthday Twins.
Beegees are so good Robin have a voice like an angel Maurice and Robin happy birthday!!!!!!!!
I love and miss you. The Christmas songs are amazing! Rest In Peace Rob and Mo. You are truly loved and missed. ❤️🌹❤️
So good looking,Just that something about them😘😘🍀🕊👑👑👑
Beautiful tribute. 🌹🌹💕
It's the first I'm hearing them singing carols ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It was a solo ablum Robin recorded. My Favourite Christmas Carols.
Maravilloso 💖 👏 💖 👏 💖 👏
Thanks so much 🙏 ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤
Lovely song.Wow.my God,Robin's voice,that of an angel.Beautiful.Love you guys...❤
Thanks for this great moment ! Miss you Bee Gees !💕
🇧🇷⭐⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Admiração Beleza natural sempre Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música gêmeos Robin Gibb e Maurício Gibb amados grandes cantores obrigada BarryGibb continue cantando sucessos sempre divulgando vídeos clips sucessos sempre abundância gratidão Porto Alegre Rio grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Happy Birthday Our Blessed Twins Lovable Forever.❤️❤️❤️
Love and miss borg Robin and Maurice.The twins was the best.So happy birthday too two gorgeous men the 22 of december. Thank you for shearing this , IT was so beautiful.❤️❤️
You are welcome dear friend! This is a message, may somewhere our Twins can feel our love. Unforgettable beautiful men inside, outside. I missed them so much. I used listening their songs every day. It's necessary to feel alive my adorable Gibb Brothers. They really was/is with me from childhood in happiness and sorrow. God bless their wonderful memory and the whole Gibb family! Merry Christmas my dear!
Thanks so much dear Juanca! Happy New Year 2021!🥰🎄🥂🍾🍀💕🌹♥️
@@EIRIN8509 desejo um feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo que 2022 seja de muita paz e bênção 🙏 ❤
Thanks for playing songs about God & Jesus Christ
Sleep tight ...sweet dreams😘xxx
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟 Grandiosos Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas música gratidão som natalinos maravilhosos nascimento dia 22 de 12 de 1949 lindo vídeo obrigada Porto Alegre Rio grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Os gêmeos Robin e Maurício lindíssimo vídeo obrigada
Miss them.. Happy Bday in heaven.
Forever young lads 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Robin sings this SO beautifully! ❤️🎶❤️
Wunderschön die Konzerte mit euch 🥀🥁🎻 was für eine Zeit 🥀💕😘ich liebe die BEEGEES
Thank you for making this! I love this song! Happy heavenly Birthday to our sweet angels Robin (my songbird) and Maurice 💞💞💞
What?they were singing carols they sound really good ❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯🎂🎂🎂🎂🌹🌹🌹
Precioso video y las canciones, oh mi Dios..!! Adoro a los BEE GEES, pero AMO a los TWINS por sobre BARRY...eran más vulnerables, sensibles, nada soberbios, BARRY siempre tuvo más EGO y se sentía el DUEÑO de la banda...su vida personal fue menos sufrida, porque LINDA supo llevarlo, acompañarlo, cuidarlo.. además era el GALÁN del grupo, pero ni Robin ni Mo lo eran menos!!!! Al contrario...!!! Los adoro..ahora sólo queda BARRY...que no destroce canciones inmortalizadas por Robin con su nuevo emprendimiento musical. TRIUNFARON LOS TRES, LOS TRES ERAN IMPRESCINDIBLES PARA EL EXITO. Extraño a los TWINS...aunque no dejo de verlos y escucharlos gracias a la tecnología. Para mí, siguen aquí, traviesos mellizos!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹
comparto su opinión,la pura verdad Barry se crello siempre el más bacán;, y NO dejaba hablar a Robin eso ma daba mucha pena...
Comparto esa opinion los gemelos fueron grandiosos y brillantes cada uno en lo suyo nada menos que barry ...siempre quiso ser el centro de atencion ..en cada video en cada cancion siempre estaran estos hermosos gemelos inolvidables
Unsere Boys, we miss you😭😭
Gracias por colocar bellas y nuevas fotos para mi
Thank you for sharing this video. IBeen watching this for many times. Keep on sharing. Love this so much
Nuy bonito la cancion para alegrar la Navidad k falta hace gracias feluz Navidad para ti 😘😘😘😘❤❤❤
Feliz Navidad mi querida amiga!❤🎶🌺🎄♥️🎅🏻🤗🌹🎀🍀💃🎁❤🙏❤💕
@@EIRIN8509 Super gemacht. Versüsst mir die Weihnacht.🎄🎉🎈🎶🎹❤
Gott, pass gut auf ALLE auf und geb BARRY die Kraft und seiner Familie, diesen grossen Verlust zu verarbeiten🙏🙏
Beautiful tribute to Mo and Rob who are missed by so many people. They were gifted singers songwriters, producers and yet stayed down to earth and humble. R.I.P. I’ll always love you 💙💙🙏🌟🌟
Agradeço muito a Deus por ter me dado a alegria de conhecer BeeGees mesmo pelo UA-cam. Era apaixonada pelas músicas Deles, 🍒 Sem menos esperar que na Banda estava o Homem que descrevi pra Deus. Eu queria casar com um Homem idêntico ao Robin,fis uma cópia dele, mais não foi possível encontrar...me casei com outro completamente diferente. Me lembro que fazia questão de tocar CDs de Bee Gees durante minha festa de casamento, eu não sabia que meu sonho estava ali. Hoje fico horas e horas ouvindo Bee Gees e imaginando eu casada com Robin. Meu doce amor meu anjo azul 💙🍒🍒🍒🍒🌴🥀🌱🌿🥀🍀🍒💘💜🥀🇧🇷🇧🇷🦄🐕
Parabéns pelo vidio desses irmãos inesquecíveis ficou lindon o Robin Guibb como vc era lindo de cabelo comprido smos esses irmãos mas Robin era meu magrelinho preferido ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Istenem! Még csak 71 évesek lennének.Néha milyen igazságtalan tud lenni az élet! Nincs az az év,hogy ne gondolnák rájuk a születésnapjukon,a kisfiammal egy napon ünnepelték! Számomra Ők sosem halnak meg,az emlékeimben, dalaikban örökké élni fognak! RIP Robin&Maurice Gibb!
Teljesen egyetértek! Fájdalmasan nagy űrt hagytak maguk után, mely az idő múlásával sem enyhül. Naponta hallgatom dalait, így olyan mintha élnének. Álmuk legyen könnyű!❤🙏❤🌹🌹🎀🎀🍀🌺🌺🎄💞😘😘
Eu ti amoooooooo pra sempre meu amor
Happy birthday... wherever U are now! Where are U ?!... 💔
dos grandiosas personas que no están con nosotros ,pero viven en nuestro 💔mi fabito de toda la vida Robin Gibb !!!😢
Es una maravilla son preciosos los villancicos robin unico🤗🤗🤗❣❣❣❤❤❤
This is such a beautiful recording❣️ I love the Christmas ⛄🎄 music, my favorite time of the year❣️❤️❤️❤️
Parabéns e muita felicidade 🎂🎂 Hoje ELES completa mais um ano em Deus Os mandou para entoar canções maravilhosas para o mundo.Parabens meus lindos gêmeos. Maurice e Robin 🍒🍒 Saudades 🍒🍒 dois príncipes Gibbs 🍒🍒
Merci Eirin ils sont toujours présents dans mon coeur. 🙏🎈🎶💙
Eu estou. Muito. Feliz. Emocionada com um momento tão lindo. Obrigado por todos 💗💗❤️
Pure class
Love them so. I am happy we had them for so long. Truly genius. Wonderful together. Magic.
seria feliz se fosse nascina na época deles .
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🌟🌟🌟🌟 Maravilhosos Banda Bee Gees eternos artistas. Gêmeos Robin e Maurício lindíssima homenagem com foto video história filmes show arrasando sempre, prêmios entrevista, dedicação, trabalho em equipe, foco sempre, alto astral, animado alegria, diversão compositor, instrumentista, teatro ator, união disciplina estudo e família gratidão.Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil 🌟🌹🌹🌟🌹🌟🌟🌹🌹🌟🌹
What a beautiful song . It’s Maurice of course. Rest gently my friend.
One of my favorite carols, Robin sings it heavenly. 🎶❤️🎶❤️
I Come Let Us Adore Him❤️🎶❤️
Beautiful souls Maurice and Robin ,Rest in peace🙏❤
I wish they were still alive so sad 😭😭😭 they're not here to celebrate their Birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉 if I had the chance of marrying any of the twins it would be Robin Gibb 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
I would have married him in a heartbeat too!
I would grab him and run away ❣️💞💕
Afreaka Boucher - I think you would have to stand in line with millions of other ladies for Robin.
@@susieq7401 really?
I'd wait for Robin millions of years 💘 ♥️ 💕 🥰 😍
Tellement différents, mais en même temps tellement ressemblants, on aime 😊 👍 👏 ❤
So …… beautiful!! Thankyou for sharing the lovely pics !!👍
Bee Gees Forever ♥️🎧🎸🎹♥️
Have an advance happy birthday you two!! You and you brother Andy plus your loving parents are all in a better place than us. Enjoy!!
Hermosas fotografías del recuerdo
Haci como la melodía
Happy heavenly birthday sweet Robin and sweet Mo
Ty for sharing, beautiful video!
Hoy desperté y vi este hermoso regalo, muchas gracias Juanca,
hermosas fotos de los hermanos Gibb, que estarían de cumpleaños el 22 de este mes, este como siempre muy hermoso, miles de bendiciones Juanca por deleitarnos con estos grandes hermanos músicos, que tanto los amo. En estos tiempos tan difíciles que estamos pasando el mundo entero para quienes admiramos tanto a The Bee Gees, es el regalo más hermoso, gracias gracias 👋👏👋👏👋👏😘😘😘😘
Благодаря , ЕIRIN !!!! Когато гледам всичките тези спомени напират сълзи в очите ми!!!! Благодаря ти още веднъж !!!!
ROBIN und Maurice waren die besten. Ich vermisse sie sehr. Aber die Lueder geben mir Kraft und Nut alles nicht so schlimm zu sehen. 🤣❤🙏 R I P ihr zwei. Wo immer ihr seit.
I'm brokenhearted Lien..
I'm brokenhearted Lien.. Robin & Maurice gone! Sweet music..S weet. Dreams twins!+*
Di he add mos name in some of them poor snow growing u without her dad how old is she now hope the rest are looking out for her sweet hat did he cheat on dwener for the hosecleanr x
Thank you SOOOO MUCH !!!! For putting this vedio on , so that we can all share Robin and Maurice on their Birthday. I cried all the way through it, because I miss them so very much, but I keep them alive by watching them all the time on vedio`s. I wish them both a MERRY CHRISTMAS in Heaven cause I know they can hear me. And MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU TOO. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 And thank you again.
I sometimes think what rob and mo would be doing if they was still here think mo wouod dona lot more records on his own and some duets with rob wouldn't that be beautiful x
Felicidades, en el 2023! Grato pero triste recuerdo!
Eran los mejores los mellizos mi faborito robin❤❤❤❤