The Story of Feralas, From part of the night elf empire to a hatching ground for hippogryphs [Lore]

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @soggybiscuit4208
    @soggybiscuit4208 5 років тому +139

    Nobel the kinda guy to read his kids the story of Arthas to put them to sleep.
    Actually that would be nice, can you do that for me? Thanks.

    • @Nobbel87
      @Nobbel87  5 років тому +17

      Sure can!

    • @bindair_dundat
      @bindair_dundat 5 років тому +11

      Nobbel: "What are you doing my son?"
      Son: "Zzzzzzzz..."

  • @metallixro
    @metallixro 5 років тому +6

    Daaamn this brings back memories of a much younger me running around vanilla wow in awe. Feralas and the old barrens were my favourite zones. I remember wondering about those ruins and searching info about the lore. Happy times! Awesome video

  • @Goremonger2
    @Goremonger2 5 років тому +16

    Feralas always captivated me even as Horde. Great video!

  • @kappebara2704
    @kappebara2704 5 років тому +10

    Feralas is my favorite zone, the music and aesthetic always made me feel like something mysterious happened so thanks for this😃

    • @DadsCigaretteRun
      @DadsCigaretteRun Рік тому

      I’m leveling through it for the first time right now! Never really appreciated it, it’s beautiful

  • @persuader2000
    @persuader2000 5 років тому +3

    Nobbel mah dude, no matter how long it has been since I last played on retail you always make me miss WoW and your lore videos remind of why I fell in love with the world of azeroth, of how much interesting, complicated and rich it is and for that I cant thank you enough. Keep up the good work for all of us out there that share your enthusiasm for azeroth

  • @nilu5437
    @nilu5437 5 років тому +8

    I miss old Feathermoon. I just found it super cool that there was a settlement on the island cause it made it really special with it having its own boat and all.

  • @ackeroni3702
    @ackeroni3702 5 років тому +57

    Yes nobble i love your lore been following you since 2013!

    • @Nobbel87
      @Nobbel87  5 років тому +5

    • @ackeroni3702
      @ackeroni3702 5 років тому +2

      Thank you! For teaching me so much I never knew existed

  • @_kyt_
    @_kyt_ 5 років тому +36

    I've really come to enjoy your voice - I'd honestly love it if one day we could hear YOU as an npc in game! x'D

    • @mtumeumrani376
      @mtumeumrani376 5 років тому +4

      Nobbel87 could be the first zone traveling daily quest NPC of Azeroth. traveling from one zone to the next offering lore related quest a d clearing the roads of straying mobs.

  • @KiilMu
    @KiilMu 5 років тому +29

    BRUH just what I need to end the week❤️

  • @Mrpokemiibo
    @Mrpokemiibo 2 роки тому +1

    As always, amazing work!

  • @emilymusic2861
    @emilymusic2861 5 років тому +2

    Nobbel, you are the best! I love how you pronounce all the elven names! 🥰

  • @1GiancarloD
    @1GiancarloD 5 років тому

    Whoooooaaa....Nobbel saying Mojache just unlocked a memory in my brain. Jimmy the World of Warcraft Story with Mojache the mage. I watched that when I was 13! I was a little noob and that video and WowHobbs made me look at the Outlands as this unreachable land with monsters I'd never be able to take down. Good times.

  • @fumarc4501
    @fumarc4501 5 років тому +3

    The Alliance has the Horde to thank for having Night Elf Mages and the return of the Highborne.

  • @Goremonger2
    @Goremonger2 5 років тому +15

    Check out the lore of Storm Peaks. Great stuff there from the small of the Goblins to , the good stuff. Including Sons of Hodir, Thorims hammerfall, Magni and the Frost Dwarves, the Frost Vrykul Thorim championship. To the Taunka village containing an immortal lorewalker blessed by the Bronze Dragonflight. And, most importantly, the titans and ulduar.

    • @Goremonger2
      @Goremonger2 5 років тому

      Looked up Storm Peaks Nobbel and nothing came up so excuse me if you have covered it.

  • @stormstrider1990
    @stormstrider1990 5 років тому +1

    While leveling my Nightborne mage, Desolace and Feralas were obvious choices for questing because of all the Highborne ruins and the lore surrounding them.

  • @greyworld6242
    @greyworld6242 5 років тому +18

    Can you do a video on the nathrazem and their origins(if their is any)?
    You should do a whole audiobook on stormrage. Or in parts.
    Yes please do a video on shandris!

    • @Vhailor_Mithras
      @Vhailor_Mithras 5 років тому +7

      Nobbel doing an audio book for Blizzard would be nice.

  • @coffee4268
    @coffee4268 5 років тому

    Aaaaahhhhhhggggggg! Your voice man!!!! It's like ASMR for me. I love it!

  • @Ivight
    @Ivight 5 років тому +1

    When cataclysm introduced the feralas ost, i came back to that place just gor the soundtrack. Probably one of the best in the game

  • @derekrichardson7853
    @derekrichardson7853 5 років тому +1

    Ferelas is my favorite zone. My character hangs out in the huge abandoned white stone buildings when I’m AFK.

  • @TaimMasheen
    @TaimMasheen 5 років тому +7

    Could you please do a video with the story of SI:7?

  • @randa0283
    @randa0283 5 років тому

    Hey Nobbel! Big fan, just never thought to actually comment. Even my 9 year old is into watching your videos and learning all she can about the lore behind the Warcraft franchise.
    My 9 year old has a requested more in-depth lore behind the zones of (in her order of importance) Hinterlands, Duskwood, Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills, and Mt. Hyjal.
    Thanks for all you've done man! Keep up the good work!

    • @Nobbel87
      @Nobbel87  5 років тому

      Ahhh that's amazing!!! I'll put the suggestions on the list. Can't make any promises, but I'll do my best!

    • @randa0283
      @randa0283 5 років тому

      @@Nobbel87 Thank you! I showed my 9 year old daughter your response and she got way more excited than I expected her to be. "Nobbel responded to you?!? How cool! He's a really popular UA-camr!" Now, all she can talk about is making WoW videos like you do. LoL

  • @ryanharris7891
    @ryanharris7891 5 років тому +4

    Dam it nobbel I was just about to goto sleep but now I have to stay up and watch some lore

  • @mittensfastpaw
    @mittensfastpaw 5 років тому +1

    Very nice and I am so old now. I remember doing those world dragons when they were new.

  • @skymmer7601
    @skymmer7601 5 років тому +1

    Thank You for this great video Nobbel! I'd love to see a video about Shandris Feathermoon or maybe a video about history of the Sentinels with videos about some of the more important/famous Sentinels following that video (maybe a series of vids ?). Thank You again for this video and have a great day!

  • @cvanims
    @cvanims 5 років тому +1

    As always, great story telling!

  • @WenderPottery
    @WenderPottery 5 років тому +3

    Just when I get bored I get another Nobbel fix! Cya on twitch bro

  • @chaseme4390
    @chaseme4390 5 років тому +17

    Could you do Shandris Feathermoon? Please?

    • @G315HA
      @G315HA 5 років тому +2

      I would do her any day.

  • @axey7476
    @axey7476 5 років тому +3

    Ahh DM:N, Playing on vanilla private servers and raiding we gotta do tribute runs before each raid for world buffs :)
    Have prolli done that 5man more then any other tbh

  • @Than211
    @Than211 5 років тому

    Just a side note, the tribute run in Dire Maul North allowed you to obtain gear that you wouldn't be able to get otherwise which was why people did it. Depending on how many bosses were 'skipped', or left unkilled rather, different loot will appear in the chest at the end.

  • @thanosAIAS
    @thanosAIAS 5 років тому

    Amazing Job, I'm spending hours watching your videos! I loved them all :P

  • @Starfals
    @Starfals 5 років тому +1

    Cho Gal is great, sure wish we had abit more with him...

  • @grim86
    @grim86 5 років тому +1

    My favorite updated zone

  • @salesiteisina7098
    @salesiteisina7098 5 років тому +1

    Love it nobbel!!! Do an Argus video!!

  • @Cronoo
    @Cronoo 5 років тому +8

    Shandris video would be dope. Or silithus. Have we already done silithus?

    • @shinon748
      @shinon748 5 років тому +1

      Yes look up his Call of the Scarab video for Silithus lore.

  • @helpinghand6899
    @helpinghand6899 5 років тому +1

    There really should be a show about all WoWs history.

  • @michaelc5152
    @michaelc5152 5 років тому +2

    The video i didn't know I wanted!

  • @grim86
    @grim86 4 роки тому

    love this place :D my favorite place in WoW honestly

  • @DrFoggyPants
    @DrFoggyPants 5 років тому +6

    I look forward to the day when someone asks "What is the story behind X", and we can just show him your UA-cam

  • @frozengrip2609
    @frozengrip2609 5 років тому +3

    Feathermoon was designed to halt any advancement into the south, would have been great if it was used in that way to stop Horde's apparent invasion into Silithus instead of leaving the heartland of the Night Elves empty.
    Still salty over how awful the WoT was from a story prospective xd.

    • @nathanwinters2400
      @nathanwinters2400 5 років тому +2

      I don't think that Christie Golden has much experience in Warfare or Tactics.
      Since... well, most Kaldorei would be able to survive through guerrilla warfare- it would make the Forsaken null as a threat. Hence why the Orcs, Trolls and Tauren were the backbone for really any invasion within Alliance territory.
      It also did not account for the fact that Sylvanas isn't really a power hungry character in the lore. She mainly wished for vengeance and survival. I think that when Golden was handed a character described as "Cold, calculated and merciless" that she thinks "villain".
      Probably the same reasons why she has an obsession with removing flawed hordies for cliché ones.
      Honestly, it's kind of sad when I've read Fanfiction for the War of Thorns that was better than the novel.

  • @Conzec8902
    @Conzec8902 5 років тому +1

    Would love to see you cover Grizzly Hills :D

  • @Melrrian
    @Melrrian 5 років тому

    The feathermoon stronghold but reminded me of a location I’d love to have you cover. It’s a location that has had so much in its history. Also, seemingly overnight, its occupants completely changed (making one particular quest where you fly over it make no sense as there are comments made about creatures down there that do NOT match what’s actually there) with no story explanation (that I can find) as to why. Which makes me thing Blizzard has big plans for it in the future... or they did and forgot about it. I guess that’s possible too. If you haven’t guessed yet, I am speaking of Alcaz Island.

    • @Melrrian
      @Melrrian 5 років тому

      After researching, I retract what I said about future content. It was just an event I missed. Still would love to see a video on this though.

  • @generalpokeySK
    @generalpokeySK 5 років тому +2

    I love these videos but I feel like he mentions Sargeras and the Well of Eternity in every one lol

  • @slothman4323
    @slothman4323 5 років тому

    Good watch, thanks for making :)

  • @LokiTheAnsuz
    @LokiTheAnsuz 5 років тому

    There was a questline in the Eastern Kindoms, can't remember where. But it involves John J. Keeshan... It was epic! I remember it fondly from back when I was leveling the first time, I think during Cata :D

  • @MrGlensummers
    @MrGlensummers 5 років тому +1

    gratz on 20 dungeon achievements

  • @Animaster89
    @Animaster89 5 років тому

    16:10 Blood 4 the blood god. Skulls 4 the skull throne. Milk for my Khorne flakes

  • @rumchata6569
    @rumchata6569 5 років тому

    The cataclysm was so destructive that it marked the moment wow started dying

    • @mtumeumrani376
      @mtumeumrani376 5 років тому

      @Gustavo Serrano, Dying isn't Dead.
      George R. R. Martin

  • @Jeff-zm2zk
    @Jeff-zm2zk 5 років тому

    Gahhhh your making me can't wait for vanilla

  • @majmop
    @majmop 5 років тому

    how did youtube know im currently grinding in feralas and put this as a recommended!

  • @thatoneguy11ful
    @thatoneguy11ful 5 років тому

    anyone else think since teldrassil is gone the night elves should set up shop here? cleanse it and live in an actual city

  • @ravnkurt
    @ravnkurt 5 років тому +1

    i rember the old warlock mount quest in there

  • @TheFlyWahine
    @TheFlyWahine 5 років тому

    Deso-Lace? o.0 Going to be a really good drinking game. 🤣

  • @jamesevarts3
    @jamesevarts3 5 років тому +2

    more STORY OF X ZONE plz

  • @MagicMarty90
    @MagicMarty90 5 років тому

    They should do a Caverns of Time Instance where we help keep Varian Wrynn from being taken out by the Infinite Dragonflight.

  • @DaWoWzer
    @DaWoWzer 5 років тому +10

    i still hate how chronicles gave factions credit for different raids/zones/dungeons, etc really takes away from some of the content if you play a certain faction, like you're playing a fan fiction.

    • @DarkApostleNoek
      @DarkApostleNoek 5 років тому

      Well it does make sort of sense. It was already assumed that some dungeons had to be done by a specific faction cause of lore.

    • @pobre-vazio
      @pobre-vazio 5 років тому +1

      I still can not believe that the Alliance has received credit for The Sunwell Raid

    • @michaelc5152
      @michaelc5152 5 років тому +3

      @@pobre-vazio I mean, Velen did reignite the Sunwell.
      What doesn't make sense is the Blood Elves deciding it's still okay to kill Draenei instead of joining them.

    • @pobre-vazio
      @pobre-vazio 5 років тому

      @@michaelc5152 The Blood Elves should be the ones who banish Kil'Jaeden... not the Alliance.

    • @michaelc5152
      @michaelc5152 5 років тому

      @@pobre-vazio It doesn't matter who banishes KJ, he was a threat to Azeroth. The Legion wasn't going to stop with Quel'danas

  • @eyeofthasky
    @eyeofthasky 5 років тому

    too many informations at once ...head busting :X ... but thanks for that summary!
    could you - if not already - take into account retcons and mention how things originally where, and how they are displayed now? some of what you said in here seemed a bit not fitting to what i can remember of my experiences back during burning crusade's feralas

  • @andrewhatch310
    @andrewhatch310 5 років тому

    @Nobbel87 Tanaris. Trolls, Old Gods, etc.

  • @loppish91
    @loppish91 5 років тому

    ofc you had to fly on that stupid pig but great video as always :D

  • @jeffreysammon4119
    @jeffreysammon4119 5 років тому

    I remember getting my ass stomped by mobs and random lvl 50+ alliance when I first came to this zone.

  • @mtumeumrani376
    @mtumeumrani376 5 років тому

    Makes Feralas sound like the Horde's Ashenvale.

  • @SpammytheHedgehog
    @SpammytheHedgehog 5 років тому +2

    Can you do a story about the High Elves?

    • @Nobbel87
      @Nobbel87  5 років тому +1

      Something like this?

  • @mdb45424
    @mdb45424 5 років тому

    that mecha chicken quest... still gives me ptsd

  • @ukulos
    @ukulos 5 років тому

    I would like to see the changes Blizzard created fro Silithus since it got changed recently :D

  • @tekoahperryman8918
    @tekoahperryman8918 5 років тому

    Can you do the story of the blood elf starting zone

  • @sopranophantomista
    @sopranophantomista 5 років тому

    I should look up if the Tribute run is still a thing. I don't think I've had the pleasure of experiencing it.

    • @dogswifty7800
      @dogswifty7800 5 років тому

      You'll experience it on classic.

  • @bindair_dundat
    @bindair_dundat 5 років тому

    The shen'dralar still live in part of their ancient empire, watching over their lore. The sin'dorei still live in their not-so-ancient but still old and magnificent capital city of Silvermoon, with the Sunwell that thrives despite the Scourge. The shal'dorei live in their ancient city of Suramar with a new font of power, the Nightwell.
    The kaldorei (the original night elves) are freaking boring. They disregard most of their former territories to live in a slowly deforested place atop a tree that was literally younger than Anduin Wrynn. And they even lost that to fire... in the middle of the sea. Good job. Can we move on to the interesting elves?

  • @teal_m_101
    @teal_m_101 5 років тому +3

    Does anyone go to Feralas anymore?
    I'm so lonely...

    • @magnahoofdrim7030
      @magnahoofdrim7030 5 років тому +4

      I do..I go to all the zones frequently since I don't just play for end game content..I enjoy my time roaming around and in some instances chilling in areas just for the music and nostalgia

    • @teal_m_101
      @teal_m_101 5 років тому

      @@magnahoofdrim7030 Okay, m8

    • @wrayday7149
      @wrayday7149 5 років тому +2

      Yeah, I got real sad at the recent NE losses of their zones. Always liked the feel of the zone from way back in vanilla days. Maybe if Blizzard mounted a NE push to reclaim the zones I would resub.

  • @vhan2902
    @vhan2902 5 років тому

    I wish wow was still fun, guild fell apart at launch of bfa and then the game went downhill. Waiting for classic to relive those vanilla launch memories

  • @wuj0-themanthemyththelegen856
    @wuj0-themanthemyththelegen856 5 років тому

    Your voice is my ASMR since... oof, since I remember.

  • @HierophanticRose
    @HierophanticRose 2 роки тому

    Re-listening to these while playing Guardians of Azeroth lol

  • @Jake-oz5mg
    @Jake-oz5mg 5 років тому

    It made no sense at all that the Horde were the ones to clear this dungeon... Marauden? Sure, that's to do heavily with the Tauren, but a once major Night Elf city? Bollocks.

  • @olivermoore5938
    @olivermoore5938 5 років тому +1


  • @TheSubtleCow
    @TheSubtleCow 5 років тому

    I can't beleive I never realized Immol'thar was a boss. I solo'd Dire Maul so many times. :|

  • @TheHelLDriver999
    @TheHelLDriver999 5 років тому

    Damm never knew Dire Maul's past was so dark,i feel sorry for the poor demon doggo,the evil elves fed on his power for thousands of years... :(

  • @lycos94
    @lycos94 5 років тому

    isnt feathermoon the one that sylvanas broke when she burned darnassus?

  • @klonvomhaus
    @klonvomhaus 5 років тому

    My last Twitch subscription...
    Do you have a Patreon? I might have to support you there...

  • @manasseth4991
    @manasseth4991 5 років тому

    So Illidan Stormrage is Shandris Feathermoon's adoptive uncle.

  • @jacobross6454
    @jacobross6454 5 років тому

    Un'goro Crater is one I'd like to hear!

    • @Nobbel87
      @Nobbel87  5 років тому

      Got a short version for ya here:

    • @jacobross6454
      @jacobross6454 5 років тому

      Awesome Nobbel thank you. Guess I just missed that one!

  • @dogswifty7800
    @dogswifty7800 5 років тому

    LFM DM Trib run need tank and door opener, get your prebis now.

  • @DarkApostleNoek
    @DarkApostleNoek 5 років тому

    Dustwallow Marsh would make sense.

  • @Jasepo
    @Jasepo 5 років тому

    I like how you pronounce the R. You would speak spanish pretty well..

  • @okaminotamashi7411
    @okaminotamashi7411 5 років тому

    hm...possible Succubi and Inccubi ally race?

  • @sonicwave779
    @sonicwave779 5 років тому

    The story of uldum?

  • @tobyclain9467
    @tobyclain9467 5 років тому

    10:26 Omae wa mou shindeiru...
    Me: Nani!

  • @polterghost_
    @polterghost_ 5 років тому

    How ogres got to Kalimdor?

  • @peepsightgaming7257
    @peepsightgaming7257 5 років тому

    Zone you probably don't want to do a lore vid on black morras not even sure you can get a whole lore vid out of it

  • @1musamune
    @1musamune 5 років тому

    Thousand Needles?

  • @kalswanson2254
    @kalswanson2254 5 років тому

    Stranglethorn Vale

  • @user-uq4gr5nl5o
    @user-uq4gr5nl5o 5 років тому +1


  • @perkuskamui
    @perkuskamui 5 років тому

    This immediately made me want to go back into the Lore of Dire Maul. I “grew up” “raiding” DM 😭 MEMORIES!!!!!

  • @brandySP85
    @brandySP85 5 років тому

    "Not only had they [the Ogres] survived the aftermath of the Second War, but they had thrived." Where are female Ogres? *shudder*

  • @blackwolves6925
    @blackwolves6925 5 років тому


  • @georgedevries3992
    @georgedevries3992 5 років тому

    Why you have this despicable porcine mount? You are a mount collector I hope?!

    • @Nobbel87
      @Nobbel87  5 років тому

      I joined the wowhead stream as a guest. They were having the porker as a give away. One of my viewers won it and since they don't really play atm they gave it to me :o

    • @georgedevries3992
      @georgedevries3992 5 років тому

      @@Nobbel87 Ah good. You had me worried for a second there.

  • @Cendoria
    @Cendoria 5 років тому

    not deso-lace

  • @CondemnedInformer
    @CondemnedInformer 5 років тому +1

    Eww, store mounts.

  • @pooyanasseri96
    @pooyanasseri96 5 років тому


  • @szejtanik
    @szejtanik 5 років тому

    And had to downvote for the mount

  • @filipfenix
    @filipfenix 5 років тому

    fErelas. fErelas. not ferAlas.

  • @Catjamfan
    @Catjamfan 5 років тому

    I wish you talked less theatrical, more accurate; less speeded.
    Its very hard to hear what you are saying and you sound too "up in yourself", which is a shame since the lore is great that you narrate/try explain.

  • @jamesevarts3
    @jamesevarts3 5 років тому
