I give them credit because they seem to have remembered their choreography, but their dancing needs so much work and it's possible with more practice practice and structure from the instructor... I learned how to dance at that age because my teacher had pride in her teaching it was not about being just okay because we were small, it was about being great because she knew we could be!!!!
hermosos ninos y felisidades ha los maestros por estos bailabes de mexico
La niña de azul se ve que estaba feliz y emozionada😄
Jeje Alejandro es un lokillo
nada mal
I give them credit because they seem to have remembered their choreography, but their dancing needs so much work and it's possible with more practice practice and structure from the instructor... I learned how to dance at that age because my teacher had pride in her teaching it was not about being just okay because we were small, it was about being great because she knew we could be!!!!
el lunes la baailo
jajaj ese allejandrro es un desmadre
Alegandro se le olvido todo
La niña de azul marino o naval no te nía ganas
dislike no me gusto xD
Alejandro bailo muy mal siempre, lo hicieron imparejo
Algandro yo soy maestro de danza y lo hisiste fatal
Muy feo
Bailaron bien feo yo baile y me dieron el 1 lugar bien parejo el mio
a nadie le importa😂😂