He heals the brokenhearted. Study in the word.

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me (we learn here of the absolute necessity of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit within our lives), because He has anointed Me (Jesus is the ultimate Anointed One; consequently, the Anointing of the Holy Spirit actually belongs to Christ, and the Anointing we have actually comes by His Authority [Jn. 16:14]) to Preach the Gospel to the poor (the poor in spirit); He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted (sin breaks the heart, or else is responsible for it being broken; only Jesus can heal this malady), to Preach deliverance to the captives (if it is to be noticed, He didn’t say to “deliver the captives,” but rather “Preach deliverance,” which refers to the Cross [Jn. 8:32]), and recovering of sight to the blind (the Gospel opens the eyes of those who are spiritually blind), to set at liberty them who are bruised (the vicissitudes of life at times place a person in a mental or spiritual prison; the Lord Alone, and through what He did at the Cross, can open this prison door),
    Swaggart, J. (2005). The Expositor’s Study Bible (pp. 1767-1768). Jimmy Swaggart Ministries.
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  • @Jones607
    @Jones607 6 місяців тому

    I hope and pray that as many as people as possible watch this episode. I have, and I feel like a burden has been lifted.
    Everything that besets us, was addressed at Calvary. “It is finished!” Praise God!❤🙌🏻
    Thank Y❤O, Lord Jesus.❤️✝️