MrGlaiso No I have the clamp slightly offset. It’s not a saber with sound anyway, just got a small LED to illuminate the crystal so have to poke through the square hole in the side of the clamp. I never did properly finish the Switch. :P
Darren McCarthy oh ok i see ! Do you have any tips to connect and hide the recharge port and activation switch inside the clamp just benesth the card? Thx my friend!
MrGlaiso Cant say I do, I’ve seen many hilts with a clamp/card have the card slide open to reveal the button and kill switch or even use a soundboard that goes into deep sleep so boots by touching the board.
+Darren McCarthy oh okay. I've been wanting to covert a prodigal son to a V2 but I don't have tools to make the clamp fit if it doesn't fit on it's own :/.
Rated MsT The Clamp sort of fits. It's not loose but it can move even when at it's tightest. If you wanted to keep it on permanently a small dab of strong glue would keep it in place.
Great job. Looks very good!
SWEET! I am doing this with a prodigal mk3! Clamp from romans, lever from wannawanga, card from skywampa!
How did you matt the ribs!?!
Nice job, but to be more accurate to the V2 you need to remove the Tri ring and put a round D ring on.
Nvm lol 😆
how do you get the control box off
Does the kill switch and activation button fits well inside the graf’ex clamp?? How did you manage to fit it inside the clam under the card?!
MrGlaiso No I have the clamp slightly offset. It’s not a saber with sound anyway, just got a small LED to illuminate the crystal so have to poke through the square hole in the side of the clamp. I never did properly finish the Switch. :P
Darren McCarthy oh ok i see ! Do you have any tips to connect and hide the recharge port and activation switch inside the clamp just benesth the card?
Thx my friend!
MrGlaiso Cant say I do, I’ve seen many hilts with a clamp/card have the card slide open to reveal the button and kill switch or even use a soundboard that goes into deep sleep so boots by touching the board.
how much for this install?
You mean how much did it cost me to convert the Saberforge into the V2-style?
How much did the whole conversion cost?
Rated MsT Hard to say as I built the internals out of junk I had. But the exterior, the clamp and card were a combined $100 roughly.
+Darren McCarthy oh okay. I've been wanting to covert a prodigal son to a V2 but I don't have tools to make the clamp fit if it doesn't fit on it's own :/.
Rated MsT The Clamp sort of fits. It's not loose but it can move even when at it's tightest. If you wanted to keep it on permanently a small dab of strong glue would keep it in place.