👋Crystal! So glad the mystery bags were worth the wait. My nickname as a child was "Chipmunk". 😆 You do need a hat in purple. Would look great with your skin tone and hair color. 😍 I think the copper would go well with that gorgeous vintage cobalt blue. 💙 Cream with your novelties...not even my yarn and I have 💡 ideas. 😊 😃 😀 🤎 Thanks for the show and tell! 🎄 🤶 ❄️ ⛄️
Your joy is so damn infectious. I love watching you smile when you open up a mystery bag. That purple would go great with the brown and copper. Really. For your complexion go with the dark purple for the hat.
Freddy is singing " 🎶 I Want to Break Free 🎶" I love that bright blue. That shade of blue is my favorite!! The grapevine purple is gorgeous!! If you had a vine green color, you could call your design "Wild grapevine"
Hi Crystal. I love watching your video tonight. Wow, the blues are blue for sure. Linen is not my favorite either, but I do love Pima and those purple are so lovely. I love the grapevine color! Yummy. The dark browns with the copper are wonderful, love them both. I really love the darker purple with the sparkle, that is stunning. Love the Fuzzy purple! Yes, those purple colorways are so yummy. Hope you have a beautiful rest of your night.
Oh, Crystal, that was so funny!! "I hope they send it back with something crocheted!!" I nearly spit out my water from laughing!! I really must not drink water watching your videos! I wish the customs had not taken so long, but your excitement is so fun to watch!
I like the darker purple for a hat, but we all know how you like a good Alpaca yarn. These were the best mystery bags, I could listen to you talk about yarn all day and your excitement is definitely contagious 💜💜
Dark, grapevine! Actually, that color goes so well with your beautiful skin. Peace and happiness to you and yours Crystal. I hope blessings rain down on all of you this coming year. 💕💕💕
You received lovely yarns, I love every skein and ball you got, wow, so glad for you. I buy sock yarn just for crocheting doll clothes, I have purchased way over 100 five inch Berenguer dolls and crochet 4-5 piece outfits and donate them to Missions, and other places,..so fun to watch the kids receive them, for boys I make something else, and buy matchbox cars, also super well received. Love your channel
I love your enthusiasm when you open mystery bags! You're like a child on Christmas Day! You get so excited as if you received your favorite toy! The dark purple 🟣 yarns and the royal blue 🔵 yarns are gorgeous. I can't wait to see the new hat you are going to make. And I'll be looking forward to whatever you decide to make with the brown and copper yarn.
Oh Crystal, you are such a bundle of laughs, you just made my night!!! Laughter is good medicine!!!! Keep up the great videos!. Olivia Gilliam-Spring Hill,Fl.
When my daughter was young in grade school. I used to make a lot of things for her in novelty yarn. Her friends just lived them and always wanted to know where I bought them she was so proud and said my mom makes them. I ended make her great friends hats too. It was so much fun to see there eyes full of happiness. Kayda had the cool mom. Lol
I have lots of hats, scarves and cowls. For me, they are quick projects and allow me to play with lots of different yarns in different colors. Enjoy your yarn haul.
You’re a very good person Crystal and I love following you love watching you being happy, wish more joy was in the world. Thank you for spreading joy and kindness 🙏🏽🤎beautiful light purple 💜
😁grapevine for your hat! your joy is infectious! I love that trendsetter star brown and copper, I like the eggplant too. the Siam is pretty. And you’re cracking me up with the novelty yarns. Definitely use your addi and make the family some socks😊 that alpaca blend is lovely, but I’m admittedly a purple person. I looked the grape one. I think the grape one is your color. Thanks for sharing!
Dear Crystal Thank you for sharing your yarn haul…those mystery bags are absolutely 💯 worth it! You got some beautiful yarn 🧶 I’m definitely with you I don’t like linen at all. That Berrocco dark purple is my pick too! And those two - brown and copper yarns will definitely look like a peanut butter cups chocolate 🍫 😂 Wow that is so cheap! Aberdeen Wool Yarn Co I first heard about it from Crafty Yarn Owl with Darla. Take care and stay safe. God’s blessings to you all 🙏🏽💜🧶😻🎄🎅🏼🧑🏼🎄🥰
I love mystery bags. I buy myself the Christmas mystery Santa saks and put them under the tree. It’s so much fun not knowing what is in them. And yes you can share the yarn you don’t keep for yourself.
Love all of the yarn. I think you should make a hat with the dark purple 💜 vintage yarn!! I'm a bug no on linen as well. Have a wonderful day, Crystal. Thank you 🧶 💚 The brown and copper are gorgeous. I'm excited to see what you do with them.
Hey Crystal! Loving your blingy hat!Those mystery bags were way cool! I agree with the commenter who said you should combine the brown, copper amd aubergine together in a project. You could do a gorgeous shawl, or triangle scarf and hat. With all that sock yarn, you could whip up a new sock supply for next year! Winter is long in our part of the country, plenty time to make socks! Thank you for all the time you put into your videos. You are my favorite yarn enabler!
Love the dark purple! It’s going to make a beautiful hat for you! The cobalt blue is called Kentucky blue where I live 😉 UK Wildcats 🏀 color LOL. My truck is that shade of blue with silver 😂. I love the brown and copper together ‼️You could make yourself a gorgeous hat with those 2 colors. You don’t have to apologize for Georgie 🐾 , he’s home so he gets to make all the noise he wants ‼️ When we got our Boston Terrier puppy a few months ago, the owner said he was very quiet and never barked 😮 I don’t think he’s ever quite unless he’s asleep, sometimes not even then, when he snores LOL, we don’t care, we love his little spunky self . 🫶🏼
Oh it was fun watching you open them!!!! I like the vintage purple but you'll be the one wearing it!!!! Oh you decided by the end!!! I started writing before the end!!! That wasn't nice of me!!! I didn't want it to go to another video before I got to say anything!!!! Hugs
I love watching you. For the thinner yarn, you could double them up-a patterned yarn with a solid colour looks really neat. I've ordered from Aberdeen Wool before because they are in Canada.
Crystal , the video was awesome . So many Beautiful colors . Loved them all . Glad you picked the dark purple for the hat . It was good to see you smile the way you did today . Love and Hugs .
Your enthusiasm for this mystery bag opening is truly infectious. I enjoyed watching you get so excited with each hank/skein you pulled out. I’m looking forward to seeing what you make with them.
I like the grape colour for the hat 👍 Good to see you in yarny happiness, Crystal - you got some good yarn 🙂 I love the green novelty yarn, but that’s because I LOVE any shade of green!! 💚 Enjoy making your hat 🧶👍
I would definitely pick the grapevine. Beautiful!!! That brown and copper can be chocolate covered caramel. So pretty!!! Hope you’re having a good evening.❤🤍💚🎄
I love all your yarn. I love watching you opening it more. Your excitement makes me smile. Enjoy your yarn. I can’t wait to see what you make. Love your chipmunks cheeks. I have those too. ❤❤❤❤
I've been pretty ill lately. I have a lot of your videos to catch up on. This is the first I watched. But letting you know you made me smile and I enjoy watching the wheels turn inside your head on what your gonna do with yarn you get.😊
I wish I lived in the States id offer to buy the sick yarn from you. Ive been knitting socks for the homeless. To date ive made 134 pairs of socks and already been handed out. Theres one old man and every time he sees me he comes over for a fresh pair and I wash.the ones he's taken off. He has 7 pairs just washed so he should be happy xxx
Hi Crystal! I really enjoyed your unboxing video. For the brown and copper Star yarns -- you could hold two strands together (one brown and one copper). That would make a lovely marled look hat. Thanks again for all you do! And keep smiling
The brown and copper fuzzy yarns are beautiful. The fuzzy purple is yummy. I have to admit, for the hat option, the darker grape purple is my choice. lol
Love watching you open mystery boxes! I smiled the entire time I was watching, your excitement was just so infectious 😊. Loved the royal blue(one of my favorite colors), and the lilac was beautiful, made me think of my Mom.😌 Cant wait to see what you make with the brown/copper colors!
Hey Crystal!!! Those bags have some beautiful yarn!!! Those are some hard choices 🍇 or alpaca… Do grapevine… I love the linen yarn 🧶 Those blue one are sooo beautiful and my favorite color…. I gotta find them! Thank you for all you do for the yarny community ❤❤❤❤
The only mystery box I’ve ever bought was from you, I loved it!!! After watching this video though, I can see 1, or more, of their bags in my future. Can’t beat that price!!! Hearing Georgie-he does sound, act & kinda look like a Gremlin-& Freddy in the background makes me smile even more. The dark purple is going to make a beautiful hat, same with the brown & copper. I would be willing to to take any cotton you need to get rid of😉😉😉 Thanks again for the smiles. 💜💜💜
Ohh the blue you have looks electric. I've definitely caught the wool bug from you..mines in post. Hopefully be as beautiful as yours. Love seeing you open your parcels.😊🎉.
Love you watch you open up mystery bags. Like the purple yarn but, in a brighter color, perfect for a hat. Saw this interesting bag from Marc Jacobs at Macy's. It looked like leather on sides and a fur design on front and back. Was thinking of you Crystal crocheting something like it with some of that fuzzy yarn. The brown and rust color would look great stripped for a hat and cowl.
You have inspired me to get back into crochet and knitting again. Thank you so much. I love purple. One of my goals is to knit a cobweb shawl, one that you can pull through a wedding ring. ❤❤❤
I could watch you talk about yarn for hours! It's like hanging out with a beastie! Im so glad you got such great bags!! These were definitely an amazing deal!!
Hi Crystal To make your hat I think you should go with the dark purple the Grapevine. Like you said it's gorgeous simply gorgeous yarn❤ YA'LL FRIEND NANETTE FROM TEMPLE TEXAS ❤❤❤❤❤
Good morning soo beautiful I have been watching but on tv I love the Christmas afghans especially the red truck theme. I love the Bobbi yarn colors but not the cost lol. The one your daughter chose is my fave. I LOVE the way you used that gorgeous pink that’s usually on your love seat as a tree skirt. I just love you. Thanks. Happiest of holidays ❤
I know you ove alpacka, but the grapewine purple goes best to your eyes.. So much pretty yarn. This was fun! You are funny with Jorge the Morky. Pet your animals from me. Love from me in Sweden.
Hey Crystal!! You should ask Juan to trade you the brown Siam yarn he got for the purple fuzzy yarn you got. Then you could combine the two siams, and he could still challenge himself by working with “Hairy” yarn, but it will be his absolute favorite color so it might help lmao.
Oooh I would love to see a bagoday tutorial of socks made on the addi machine!
👋Crystal! So glad the mystery bags were worth the wait. My nickname as a child was "Chipmunk". 😆 You do need a hat in purple. Would look great with your skin tone and hair color. 😍 I think the copper would go well with that gorgeous vintage cobalt blue. 💙 Cream with your novelties...not even my yarn and I have 💡 ideas. 😊 😃 😀 🤎 Thanks for the show and tell! 🎄 🤶 ❄️ ⛄️
Your joy is so damn infectious. I love watching you smile when you open up a mystery bag. That purple would go great with the brown and copper. Really. For your complexion go with the dark purple for the hat.
I thought about combining the colors too. I think it'd be gorgeous
me too. that would make a pretty combo@@kozmikarcana8855
GRAPEVINE! GRAPEVINE! GRAPEVINE! That color is sooooo rich and stunning!
Freddy is singing " 🎶 I Want to Break Free 🎶"
I love that bright blue. That shade of blue is my favorite!! The grapevine purple is gorgeous!! If you had a vine green color, you could call your design "Wild grapevine"
Hi Crystal. I love watching your video tonight. Wow, the blues are blue for sure. Linen is not my favorite either, but I do love Pima and those purple are so lovely. I love the grapevine color! Yummy. The dark browns with the copper are wonderful, love them both. I really love the darker purple with the sparkle, that is stunning. Love the Fuzzy purple! Yes, those purple colorways are so yummy. Hope you have a beautiful rest of your night.
Oh, Crystal, that was so funny!! "I hope they send it back with something crocheted!!" I nearly spit out my water from laughing!! I really must not drink water watching your videos! I wish the customs had not taken so long, but your excitement is so fun to watch!
Grapevine. Haven't seen you with that color hat. 😊
I like the darker purple for a hat, but we all know how you like a good Alpaca yarn. These were the best mystery bags, I could listen to you talk about yarn all day and your excitement is definitely contagious 💜💜
Dark, grapevine! Actually, that color goes so well with your beautiful skin.
Peace and happiness to you and yours Crystal. I hope blessings rain down on all of you this coming year. 💕💕💕
??? Crystal since you got so much sock yarn, can you do an addi sock tutorial. I want to get an Addi but have no clue about using one??? Thanks
You received lovely yarns, I love every skein and ball you got, wow, so glad for you. I buy sock yarn just for crocheting doll clothes, I have purchased way over 100 five inch Berenguer dolls and crochet 4-5 piece outfits and donate them to Missions, and other places,..so fun to watch the kids receive them, for boys I make something else, and buy matchbox cars, also super well received. Love your channel
Hi. Crystal. ..nice. To. See. You. . today. .. I. Love. How. Excited. You. Get. When. You. Open. These. Bags. Its. Always. Fun. To. See. What. You. Get. And. To. Hear. Your. Honest. Opinion. Thank. You. For. This. Video.
Such awesome yarn! The happiness this yarn brought you was infectious! I found myself smiling right along with you! 💜😊
Love that purple yarn but that broowm and copper yarns were stunning. Your excitement is contagious well done Crystal 🔮 👏
I love your enthusiasm when you open mystery bags! You're like a child on Christmas Day!
You get so excited as if you received your favorite toy!
The dark purple 🟣 yarns and the royal blue 🔵 yarns are gorgeous. I can't wait to see the new hat you are going to make. And I'll be looking forward to whatever you decide to make with the brown and copper yarn.
It’s a pleasure to watch you open yarn packages. You keep smiling.
Hi Crystal. Up late like me, huh? Nice to see you again. Have a nice weekend. Take care. ❤
These yarns are GORGEOUS!!!!! The"tan" and brown would be beautiful together
Oh Crystal, you are such a bundle of laughs, you just made my night!!! Laughter is good medicine!!!! Keep up the great videos!. Olivia Gilliam-Spring Hill,Fl.
When my daughter was young in grade school. I used to make a lot of things for her in novelty yarn. Her friends just lived them and always wanted to know where I bought them she was so proud and said my mom makes them. I ended make her great friends hats too. It was so much fun to see there eyes full of happiness. Kayda had the cool mom. Lol
I have lots of hats, scarves and cowls. For me, they are quick projects and allow me to play with lots of different yarns in different colors. Enjoy your yarn haul.
You’re a very good person Crystal and I love following you love watching you being happy, wish more joy was in the world. Thank you for spreading joy and kindness 🙏🏽🤎beautiful light purple 💜
😁grapevine for your hat! your joy is infectious! I love that trendsetter star brown and copper, I like the eggplant too. the Siam is pretty. And you’re cracking me up with the novelty yarns. Definitely use your addi and make the family some socks😊 that alpaca blend is lovely, but I’m admittedly a purple person. I looked the grape one. I think the grape one is your color. Thanks for sharing!
I love all of your yarn. Every time you say I know someone who likes purple. I always say me me. 😂❤
Dear Crystal
Thank you for sharing your yarn haul…those mystery bags are absolutely 💯 worth it!
You got some beautiful yarn 🧶
I’m definitely with you I don’t like linen at all.
That Berrocco dark purple is my pick too!
And those two - brown and copper yarns will definitely look like a peanut butter cups chocolate 🍫 😂
Wow that is so cheap! Aberdeen Wool Yarn Co I first heard about it from Crafty Yarn Owl with Darla.
Take care and stay safe. God’s blessings to you all 🙏🏽💜🧶😻🎄🎅🏼🧑🏼🎄🥰
I love mystery bags. I buy myself the Christmas mystery Santa saks and put them under the tree. It’s so much fun not knowing what is in them. And yes you can share the yarn you don’t keep for yourself.
The brown & copper yarn will be gorgeous together! Can't wait to see what you make with it.
Love all of the yarn. I think you should make a hat with the dark purple 💜 vintage yarn!! I'm a bug no on linen as well. Have a wonderful day, Crystal. Thank you 🧶 💚
The brown and copper are gorgeous. I'm excited to see what you do with them.
Your excitement is so contagious! I just love how your eyes and smile light up when you open the mystery bags! Gorgeous yarn colors!
These were some nice yarns. Hugs and kisses to George. ♥️
Hey Crystal! Loving your blingy hat!Those mystery bags were way cool! I agree with the commenter who said you should combine the brown, copper amd aubergine together in a project. You could do a gorgeous shawl, or triangle scarf and hat. With all that sock yarn, you could whip up a new sock supply for next year! Winter is long in our part of the country, plenty time to make socks! Thank you for all the time you put into your videos. You are my favorite yarn enabler!
Love the dark purple! It’s going to make a beautiful hat for you!
The cobalt blue is called Kentucky blue where I live 😉 UK Wildcats 🏀 color LOL. My truck is that shade of blue with silver 😂.
I love the brown and copper together ‼️You could make yourself a gorgeous hat with those 2 colors.
You don’t have to apologize for Georgie 🐾 , he’s home so he gets to make all the noise he wants ‼️
When we got our Boston Terrier puppy a few months ago, the owner said he was very quiet and never barked 😮 I don’t think he’s ever quite unless he’s asleep, sometimes not even then, when he snores LOL, we don’t care, we love his little spunky self . 🫶🏼
Oh it was fun watching you open them!!!! I like the vintage purple but you'll be the one wearing it!!!! Oh you decided by the end!!! I started writing before the end!!! That wasn't nice of me!!! I didn't want it to go to another video before I got to say anything!!!! Hugs
I love watching you. For the thinner yarn, you could double them up-a patterned yarn with a solid colour looks really neat. I've ordered from Aberdeen Wool before because they are in Canada.
Crystal , the video was awesome . So many Beautiful colors . Loved them all . Glad you picked the dark purple for the hat . It was good to see you smile the way you did today . Love and Hugs .
Very nice Mystery bags. A bunch of lovely yarns.♥🧶
Your enthusiasm for this mystery bag opening is truly infectious. I enjoyed watching you get so excited with each hank/skein you pulled out. I’m looking forward to seeing what you make with them.
I like the grape colour for the hat 👍 Good to see you in yarny happiness, Crystal - you got some good yarn 🙂 I love the green novelty yarn, but that’s because I LOVE any shade of green!! 💚
Enjoy making your hat 🧶👍
That shiny purple yarn is so Beautiful! Love it!
I would definitely pick the grapevine. Beautiful!!! That brown and copper can be chocolate covered caramel. So pretty!!! Hope you’re having a good evening.❤🤍💚🎄
You could use two strands together, the brown and copper would help great together 😊
I love all your yarn. I love watching you opening it more. Your excitement makes me smile. Enjoy your yarn. I can’t wait to see what you make. Love your chipmunks cheeks. I have those too. ❤❤❤❤
I've been pretty ill lately. I have a lot of your videos to catch up on. This is the first I watched. But letting you know you made me smile and I enjoy watching the wheels turn inside your head on what your gonna do with yarn you get.😊
Ohhh, I think I’d pick the dark ‘grape’ purple. Gorgeous! 😍
Amazing mystery bags!
I wish I lived in the States id offer to buy the sick yarn from you. Ive been knitting socks for the homeless. To date ive made 134 pairs of socks and already been handed out. Theres one old man and every time he sees me he comes over for a fresh pair and I wash.the ones he's taken off. He has 7 pairs just washed so he should be happy xxx
Those were all home runs! That vintage blue was the most gorgeous! I think the hat would look best in the grape. Thanks for sharing! ❤️🇺🇸🦄🧚
The lighter purple should be your hat. Great mystery bags!!!
Hi Crystal! I really enjoyed your unboxing video. For the brown and copper Star yarns -- you could hold two strands together (one brown and one copper). That would make a lovely marled look hat. Thanks again for all you do! And keep smiling
George cracks me up! Thank you for another fun hangout ;-)
Grapevine hat is my vote! That brown and copper is stunning!
I love your excitement when you talk about yarns. They're my favorite videos.
Glad you like them!
The brown and copper fuzzy yarns are beautiful. The fuzzy purple is yummy. I have to admit, for the hat option, the darker grape purple is my choice. lol
Myself, I'd pick the alpaca rather than grapevine for a hat, but its your hat and you get to pick the one that makes you happy 🤗💜
Love watching you open mystery boxes! I smiled the entire time I was watching, your excitement was just so infectious 😊. Loved the royal blue(one of my favorite colors), and the lilac was beautiful, made me think of my Mom.😌 Cant wait to see what you make with the brown/copper colors!
I saw Gary’s opening and had to have them postage to the uk was pretty good I got 4 I loved mine too 😊
I thought DK stood for Donna Karen 😂 hahahahhahaha Mr. BOD back in the day ! That Brown is gorgeous. It’s a good rich brown 🧶💫I love it 🥰
Wow! Gorgeous yarns! What great mystery boxes! Your smile and joy is infectious! ❤❤
Oh those purples are gorgeous! The Grape 🍇🍇 that's what I'd choose, even though it's not alpaca blend.
Vintage purple! That one is a beautiful deep purple for a hat!
Hey Crystal!!! Those bags have some beautiful yarn!!! Those are some hard choices 🍇 or alpaca… Do grapevine… I love the linen yarn 🧶 Those blue one are sooo beautiful and my favorite color…. I gotta find them! Thank you for all you do for the yarny community ❤❤❤❤
You and Juan are a fantastic combo of channels!! I died laughing when you referred to Juan, as hating "hairy". I watch both of you every day.
Love these mystery boxes. I loved the ones I received too. You got some great colors.
Seeing you smile so big does my heart good ❤
The only mystery box I’ve ever bought was from you, I loved it!!! After watching this video though, I can see 1, or more, of their bags in my future. Can’t beat that price!!! Hearing Georgie-he does sound, act & kinda look like a Gremlin-& Freddy in the background makes me smile even more. The dark purple is going to make a beautiful hat, same with the brown & copper. I would be willing to to take any cotton you need to get rid of😉😉😉 Thanks again for the smiles. 💜💜💜
Always fun to see the mystery bags. Sometimes I try to use novelty yarns as edgings, works well as usually they do not have much yardage.😊
Ohh the blue you have looks electric. I've definitely caught the wool bug from you..mines in post. Hopefully be as beautiful as yours. Love seeing you open your parcels.😊🎉.
Great haul despite the wait! Funny how much purple you got and how much fluff Juan got 😂❤❤❤
The mystery bags were great for the price. Good choice on the purple for a hat. I like the brown and copper together.
You're such a nice person to listen to. So happy and chirpy!! 😘😘
Love you watch you open up mystery bags. Like the purple yarn but, in a brighter color, perfect for a hat. Saw this interesting bag from Marc Jacobs at Macy's. It looked like leather on sides and a fur design on front and back. Was thinking of you Crystal crocheting something like it with some of that fuzzy yarn. The brown and rust color would look great stripped for a hat and cowl.
Crystal you had some pretty yarn in your mystery boxes.
Your eyes lit up and your face literally glowed when you showed that absolutely gorgeous royal blue yarn🤩🤩
Oh I Love both of the purples for a hat. I think I’d like to see the alpaca beat.
You have inspired me to get back into crochet and knitting again. Thank you so much. I love purple.
One of my goals is to knit a cobweb shawl, one that you can pull through a wedding ring. ❤❤❤
Just absolutely love watching you open mystery boxes 😊 Curious what the table covering behind you is made of, so pretty 💗
It's a tree skirt I bought years ago... it's faux fur
What awesome mystery bags 🛍 .. sooo many options for some great projects 😊🧶👌
I love watching you open packages of yarn. You are so happy, I can’t help smiling right along with you.!!!
955 ,000 WOO WOO 🎉 Moving on Up ! Can't wait to see that 1Mill ❤ girl math is justified LOL , whatever that means 😊
The alpaca matched your skin tone the best x thanks for your tutorials your enthusiasm is infectious x
Grapevine is gorgeous.
What great wool today
Mystery bags were lots of fun to watch you open. Would love to see you demonstrate your Addie knitting machine using the sock wool😁.
Love the brown and copper. That will make a beautiful hat or scarf
I could watch you talk about yarn for hours! It's like hanging out with a beastie! Im so glad you got such great bags!! These were definitely an amazing deal!!
Wow! This was a great mystery box. You received so many great yarns.
The grapevine was my favorite too. Great purchase. I enjoyed seeing all the yarn.
Hi Crystal
To make your hat I think you should go with the dark purple the Grapevine. Like you said it's gorgeous simply gorgeous yarn❤
Hi Crystal, love your smile and exuberance about yarn and especially mystery boxes.
Those are very cool mystery bags!!! I love it!!!
For a hat, I’d use the lighter purple alpaca.
Beautiful mystery bags..lots of gorgeous yarn!
Wow! Beautiful colors of yarns. I love mystery bags.
Light purple hat . Love your beautiful yarn !!!
Oh that blue and purple is beautiful ❤
Like your choice for the hat. Nice mystery boxes.
Good morning soo beautiful I have been watching but on tv I love the Christmas afghans especially the red truck theme. I love the Bobbi yarn colors but not the cost lol. The one your daughter chose is my fave. I LOVE the way you used that gorgeous pink that’s usually on your love seat as a tree skirt. I just love you. Thanks. Happiest of holidays ❤
Mix them together! 😊light purple, white, and dark purple! 💜
What a wonderful mystery yarn bag!❤ So happy you shared it with us 😘
I know you ove alpacka, but the grapewine purple goes best to your eyes.. So much pretty yarn. This was fun! You are funny with Jorge the Morky. Pet your animals from me. Love from me in Sweden.
Oh boy, purple. My favorite. 💜💜great boxes
Hey Crystal!! You should ask Juan to trade you the brown Siam yarn he got for the purple fuzzy yarn you got. Then you could combine the two siams, and he could still challenge himself by working with “Hairy” yarn, but it will be his absolute favorite color so it might help lmao.