Tom Odell - Vevo Presents: Tom Odell - Live at Spiegelsaal, Berlin

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @icytrap
    @icytrap 8 років тому +1992

    0:35 Concrete
    7:02 Here I Am
    12:27 True Colours
    15:41 Another Love
    24:11 Constellations
    30:40 Magnetised
    like so others can see!!!!! ❤❤
    love you tom

    • @icytrap
      @icytrap 8 років тому +17

      Crystal Keys yeah but what if they wanna skip ahead to a song they like

    • @enikosebok6458
      @enikosebok6458 8 років тому +11

      thank you :)

    • @marenlobner797
      @marenlobner797 7 років тому +2

      Thanks :)

    • @ancyp.v.7455
      @ancyp.v.7455 7 років тому +2

      icytrap But they shouldn't skip anything!!!! 😉😉😉😉😉

    • @Neilleeds
      @Neilleeds 4 роки тому +5

      Magnetised is perfect

  • @A06K11
    @A06K11 7 років тому +1035

    It's mindblowing how he sounds even more perfect live.

    • @jmmacb03
      @jmmacb03 5 років тому +8

      I am 61 and "back in the day" there was no autotune, you couldn't hear yourself play and there was an insane delay between the speakers that were any distance from the amps. And they were musicians-they didn't have a committee writing their songs and DRUM MACHINES sampling another's work and getting away with it only because it is drums (not notes apparently), not a guitar/keyboard!! I wish musicians got paid for their years of dedication and sacrifice, The music industry sickens me when a Led Zepplin song like, "The Immigrant" only is known because of "Thor|"… and others because they are in some blasted video game or car commercial/ Just sickening. Pay for your music folks-that is how you get stuff created that is timeless.
      I wish this generation would create its own music and stop playing stuff from 50 years ago…classics though they are… Zero innovation now-just cover versions…

    • @rinabaum3258
      @rinabaum3258 4 роки тому +2

      True story

    • @kienotrung6149
      @kienotrung6149 4 роки тому +4

      and the live session looks like a movie too dammit

    • @annaa3060
      @annaa3060 4 роки тому +1

      @@kienotrung6149 yeah like it’s just wow.

    • @Gmailiciousful
      @Gmailiciousful 2 роки тому

      So true.

  • @caitlincox242
    @caitlincox242 8 років тому +928

    What did I ever do to deserve a 35 minute video of Tom Odell performing?!

    • @morganclift4932
      @morganclift4932 6 років тому +9

      Caitlin Cox nothing he gets paid to be amazing

    • @FN2199-Tr8R
      @FN2199-Tr8R 6 років тому +29

      Having a good taste for music?

    • @jmmacb03
      @jmmacb03 6 років тому +11

      Pay it forward and support him by buying a ticket or paying for his music. ☮

    • @ivanm0129
      @ivanm0129 5 років тому +2

      jmmacb03 I’m going to go see him in Seattle, WA in a few months! Can’t wait!

    • @panij.4226
      @panij.4226 3 роки тому +6

      You're a sweetheart with a bueatiful soul ❤️ Tom is our Gift from Heaven ❤️😇

  • @bambis46
    @bambis46 8 років тому +260

    SIGH!!!! The most underappreciated talent on the planet!

    • @ellyb1495
      @ellyb1495 Рік тому

      I 2nd that ....I'm just in loooove

  • @iremmuzeyyenpeker7227
    @iremmuzeyyenpeker7227 8 років тому +813

    ı love concerts like this no shout no sound except his sound this is wonderful

    • @salmabouhlel3772
      @salmabouhlel3772 7 років тому +16

      where is the fun in that? :x

    • @iremmuzeyyenpeker7227
      @iremmuzeyyenpeker7227 7 років тому +11

      acually I love loud concerts too ı listen marilyn manson but sometimes we need slowly things

    • @salmabouhlel3772
      @salmabouhlel3772 7 років тому +10

      I do agree that some of his songs are slow but in his concert it was wild as hell *.* I sang till I had no voice left :'))

    • @iremmuzeyyenpeker7227
      @iremmuzeyyenpeker7227 7 років тому +1

      Salma Bouhlel did u go? Omg I hope I will go ı want it so bad

    • @salmabouhlel3772
      @salmabouhlel3772 7 років тому +3

      Yeah I had the pleasure to go last week!! It's soo worth it!! It was wild as hell xDD he even got down the stage and was jumping with us xDDD

  • @livesweetsong8244
    @livesweetsong8244 8 років тому +343

    He has the power to make me read about the lyrics of every song he sings.

    • @jmmacb03
      @jmmacb03 6 років тому +5

      I am 61 and most songs used to make you feel like they were poetry and some you never knew for sure what they meant-they were purposely left to your own interpretation. We weren't spoon fed even with a video director's vision of the story… ☮

    • @MarquinhosBastos
      @MarquinhosBastos 5 років тому +1

      Same to me haha

  • @paulahernandez2245
    @paulahernandez2245 6 років тому +343

    I have seen this show a thousand times and I have dreamed of sitting in the front row admiring the virtuous Mr. Odell, and I pray to God that some day I can see him two meters away playing his piano.

  • @siashaw21
    @siashaw21 8 років тому +344

    Laying in bed at 1am. This video is everything I need right now 💕

    • @konstancjakot5866
      @konstancjakot5866 7 років тому +1

      Siana Shaw same 💕

    • @sgurjeet99
      @sgurjeet99 6 років тому +3

      Just got the feeling to listen to this again rn. 3am! Still wonderful

    • @FN2199-Tr8R
      @FN2199-Tr8R 6 років тому +2

      Same. This never gets old : 3

    • @sarahboyle8212
      @sarahboyle8212 6 років тому +1


    • @codyfancil5987
      @codyfancil5987 5 років тому +4

      Siana Shaw I just read this as it turned 1 am

  • @Interstellar_friend
    @Interstellar_friend 8 років тому +455

    playing the piano with shut eyes and sing????
    You are marvellous

    • @TheTheopowa
      @TheTheopowa 7 років тому +25

      Have you ever heard of someone named Ray Charles?

    • @pietro6227
      @pietro6227 6 років тому +20

      Singing and playing simultaneously can be pretty hard.. but a pianist is not supposed to look at his fingers when playing cause he needs to read the sheet music, so playing eyes closed is easier than it looks

    • @scottrobinson2482
      @scottrobinson2482 6 років тому

      @@TheTheopowa yeh he didn't sing with his eyes shut

    • @jmmacb03
      @jmmacb03 6 років тому +11

      That is the easy part. Try writing a poem AND then put it to music-and then do it another few dozen times… Holy smoke. ☮

    • @paulahernandez2245
      @paulahernandez2245 6 років тому +1

      @@jmmacb03 yaaaaaaas. He's the best. THE BEST.

  • @lucypreece7581
    @lucypreece7581 8 років тому +156

    What do you get when you mix a man with a golden voice, a mic and a piano? Answer pure magic.

  • @chrishansen236
    @chrishansen236 7 років тому +415

    crazy how you can sometimes find music that fits exactly what you need

    • @jmmacb03
      @jmmacb03 6 років тому +5

      I only just "discovered" him-by chance.
      My father died last week and I found out I have cancer.
      I still feel blessed when I hear great music. ☮

    • @MJfan560
      @MJfan560 4 роки тому +1

      Thats the most beautiful and accurate Description of his music.

    • @Sunsilknz
      @Sunsilknz 3 роки тому +3

      You didn't find the music. The music found you.

    • @neri1758
      @neri1758 3 роки тому +1

      @@jmmacb03 Hey! How are you doing now? All okay? :))

  • @Lewis080
    @Lewis080 8 років тому +454

    Song List - All absolutely amazing.
    Concrete - 00:25
    Here I am - 06:55
    True colours - 12:22
    Another love - 15:30
    Constellations - 23:58
    Magnetised - 30:27

  • @Annapeettersson
    @Annapeettersson 6 років тому +64

    Tom’s music makes me believe in true love

  • @AlfieMitchell-sz8mq
    @AlfieMitchell-sz8mq 10 місяців тому +2

    I’m seeing Tom in June 2024!! Can’t wait 😊

  • @cyrineabid3446
    @cyrineabid3446 6 років тому +33

    Am i the only one who find the way he says « thank you » so cuteee ???

  • @flyingaviator8158
    @flyingaviator8158 8 років тому +31

    he don't need any technik -just a (beautiful) Place and a Piano -THIS is a Artist.

  • @TheKriksii
    @TheKriksii 8 років тому +70

    he's just the sweetest and cutest thing ever.

    • @thomascoffeng
      @thomascoffeng 7 років тому +1

      Kris I so true

    • @MN8TA
      @MN8TA 4 роки тому +2

      I hope he'll appreciate my joke here, the sweatest and cutest :) :)

  • @neri1758
    @neri1758 3 роки тому +43

    Ugh, it’s been 5 years and I don’t get over this masterpiece, Tom Odell is my healthy obsession I adore him

  • @Aleksandra-y3w
    @Aleksandra-y3w 8 років тому +178

    He deserves a much larger stage than this

    • @calamitosforger9465
      @calamitosforger9465 8 років тому +53

      He does, but thats the stage that fits him

    • @bulldozerke
      @bulldozerke 3 роки тому +9

      He's been on the biggest stages you can imagine (glastonbury, rock werchter, pinkpop,...) but I agree with Calamitos: this is the stage that fits him

    • @pfb9n
      @pfb9n 3 роки тому +1

      but so beautiful on this stage

  • @peppa_pig_
    @peppa_pig_ 5 років тому +50

    his voice is literally therapeutic...most smooth, passionate, and unique voice i've heard in a while

  • @PfirsichmuffinxD
    @PfirsichmuffinxD 6 років тому +80

    That last "She's never gonna need me" really had me in tears. It's so powerful yet so tragic with how much passion he sings it, breaking my heart and even making me feel that nostalgic loss of a love I've never had. A true legend right there.

  • @audreyvernox9359
    @audreyvernox9359 8 років тому +61

    a good song can never sound bad

  • @carson123ist
    @carson123ist 7 років тому +25

    i would fucking give up life to sit for a couple hours sipping wine and listening to tom
    never have i ever loved all the acoustic versions of all of the songs an artist made
    they give me life

  • @Mattiemaureen
    @Mattiemaureen 8 років тому +299

    He makes me want to be a better woman.

    • @Mattiemaureen
      @Mattiemaureen 8 років тому +16

      That's the sweetest thing ive heard all day!!

    • @MrMussuf
      @MrMussuf 8 років тому +1

      Mattie Snead 😀😊

    • @badfriendd
      @badfriendd 3 роки тому +15

      me too. and im a man.

    • @eliwallach66
      @eliwallach66 Рік тому

      Bir kere yaşayıp öleceksin ,100kere seveceksin..🇹🇷👑🌺

  • @emotionallogic8277
    @emotionallogic8277 2 роки тому +2

    This guy is the Most classic performer and artist of this generation.

  • @sophiawong3075
    @sophiawong3075 7 років тому +2

    how could he be so cute and so talented at the same time

  • @emafricekova2444
    @emafricekova2444 5 років тому +79

    This is his best live concert.... I've already listened it several times, and still, it is perfect and never gets me tired to listen to it again and again. I even know every word he says between the songs. Absolutely love it. I wish he had more concerts like this. Only Tom and piano is the best combination ever.

  • @zasvane
    @zasvane 8 років тому +88

    Constellations makes me cry everytime i hear it

    • @kahlanfromgermany4584
      @kahlanfromgermany4584 8 років тому +1

      lol then you should search at UA-cam 'inas nacht tom odell'. He performed it at her TV show which takes place at just a Bar he describes here - AND he is flirting!

    • @premyslsacky5006
      @premyslsacky5006 5 років тому +1

      @@kahlanfromgermany4584 Holy shit! That version is flawless, thank you sir.

  • @briannarios4801
    @briannarios4801 8 років тому +57

    wow. just wow. he sings with so much passion, it makes me feel happy inside.

  • @giuliadipalma5042
    @giuliadipalma5042 4 роки тому +32

    He touches my soul, makes me find peace. No matter how bad life may be, I can always come here and listen to him. So it can never really be all dark. I bow to this man

  • @games_bond7221
    @games_bond7221 7 місяців тому +5

    This is one of the best live performances I've seen by Tom. It's clean and you can hear everything. The crowd isn't screaming over him and it just feels magical. I love smaller venues. They feel so intimate and just emotional

  • @NealD
    @NealD 7 років тому +41

    Raw talent, man... The imperfection in his piano makes him more enjoyable and human.

  • @savinasky
    @savinasky 6 років тому +16

    I could watch him sing all day. God is so good for creating him to this world. I just got my ears blessed.

  • @Artiin
    @Artiin 4 роки тому +6

    21:20 I love how he closes his eyes to truly imagine the scene

  • @richardscisci4427
    @richardscisci4427 8 років тому +16

    A beautiful performance in a beautiful place !!

  • @stephengrieve
    @stephengrieve 8 років тому +51

    Didn't think I was into the new material but turns out I just needed to hear it stripped back like this. Awesome.

    • @stephengrieve
      @stephengrieve 7 років тому +1

      +Danielle Seal no but I know how I'm spending my evening now thanks 😄

    • @stephengrieve
      @stephengrieve 7 років тому

      +Danielle Seal I'm gonna spend my evening doing that thanks 😀

  • @giuliacastellani4811
    @giuliacastellani4811 7 років тому +46

    Poor Tom he's sweating his soul. BTW I find this performance magical. He's so perfect, his voice and music are so unique.

  • @jmmacb03
    @jmmacb03 6 років тому +16

    I just "discovered" him with a new song on the Graham Norton show (British) and can't believe what a mature singer-songwriter he is. AND he is coming to Toronto in April!
    I was born in a truly blessed time-when DJ's played what they wanted and brilliant music came out every, single, week…year after year… Tom is already timeless. ☮

  • @dariajakubauskaite522
    @dariajakubauskaite522 8 років тому +64

    Beautiful perfomance. I love how he playing piano and singing in acoustic, those songs that we know sounds new and special.

  • @aimilialariza4673
    @aimilialariza4673 7 років тому +10

    I'm going to his show in 4 days and i can't wait!

  • @rifanid.rafsyanjani7139
    @rifanid.rafsyanjani7139 6 років тому +14

    Tom Odell was perfectly stole my heart. His voice is a treasure

  • @maryjo1790
    @maryjo1790 3 роки тому +1

    You are messed up, and you decide to listen Tom's songs. You end up crying with sobs and you realize that you're fine alone

  • @markashman6975
    @markashman6975 3 роки тому +9

    Such a genius. Such a voice. Deserves so much more recognition for his pure talent. What a guy😉

  • @hatice3658
    @hatice3658 4 роки тому +6

    I remember the day that this video uploaded. I wish i commented something so i could realize that tom's songs are one of the things that hasn't change in these four years. How crazy is that?

  • @stevemathieu3691
    @stevemathieu3691 5 років тому +3

    I can't believe this performance doesn't have more views. Amazing show. What a talented artist.

  • @giuliacastellani4811
    @giuliacastellani4811 7 років тому +19

    what a beautiful soul, i guess he's very kind and funny in everyday life. I wish I can meet him in person someday and talk just a bit...I'm in love with him and his mesmerizing music❤

  • @BarrocoMobilia-gw3vb
    @BarrocoMobilia-gw3vb 9 місяців тому +2

    Nestes dias de solidão a tua voz e teu teclado tem sido minha companhia

  • @mindytran2669
    @mindytran2669 7 років тому +5

    how could 13 people dislike this masterpiece of a show?

  • @TheAbcsongs
    @TheAbcsongs 8 років тому +33

    0:35 Concrete
    7:02 Here I Am
    12:27 True Colours
    15:41 Another Love
    23:56 Constellations
    30:27 Magnetised

  • @Timothyjackzon
    @Timothyjackzon 2 роки тому +9

    The piano is such a powerful instrument

  • @camillejacqueline6692
    @camillejacqueline6692 5 років тому +9

    He is too precious and pure for this world ❤❤😢
    I love how passionate he is about his music, you can really tell that he puts his whole soul in it, and I love how vulnerable and personal he sounds😢❤

  • @patrycjazak6932
    @patrycjazak6932 8 років тому +9

    You're marvellous Tom.Thanks for emotions that your songs brings. 💗

  • @PennsylvaniaCentralDepot
    @PennsylvaniaCentralDepot 4 роки тому +4

    You can only understand where his music comes from after someone has destroyed everything you thought you knew, makes you believe in something just to tear you and everything you thought you believed in a part.

  • @jobo2084
    @jobo2084 3 роки тому +5

    Still come back to this every once in a while. Music for the heart❤

  • @eddievaldezgarcia3314
    @eddievaldezgarcia3314 4 роки тому +2

    watching him play & sing has been my best therapy during this quarantine times!!!

  • @virginiaknighten4687
    @virginiaknighten4687 3 роки тому +1

    I love the way Tom sets up his song “Constellations.”

  • @arthurjuanzandvliet8911
    @arthurjuanzandvliet8911 4 роки тому +2

    Who else wants to be there and be there forever and never leave. I want to see Tom live so bad

  • @ollyperreira7278
    @ollyperreira7278 3 роки тому +2

    This is beautiful. Your voice (and you) is amazing Tom.

  • @ralubabiuc
    @ralubabiuc 4 роки тому +1

    I don't know how I could thank you enough for the chance of seeing you play live !!! Thank you !!!

  • @angusle5789
    @angusle5789 8 років тому +7

    I am sleepless, tonight! Concrete, Constellations, Magnetised. Cant get his amazing voice off my head!!!

  • @anastasijad4830
    @anastasijad4830 3 роки тому +3

    my favourite artist of all time

  • @roseharmon773
    @roseharmon773 4 роки тому +6

    I really like Tom Odell’s style, it’s very unique and you can’t replicate it easily. I think that alone shows just how much he cares about his music and it’s affect on people.

  • @Danny-oh4uc
    @Danny-oh4uc 3 роки тому +7

    i could listen this concert again and again

  • @beyzaolcer2670
    @beyzaolcer2670 3 роки тому +4

    this will forever be my "comfort-concert". i am so thankful for your music!

  • @alessandropogliani8050
    @alessandropogliani8050 8 років тому +6

    he makes me cry but I can't stop listen to this! it's touching!

  • @sannaspjuth
    @sannaspjuth 7 років тому +2

    So beautiful, as always.

  • @pfb9n
    @pfb9n 3 роки тому +3

    the opening to concrete is incredible

  • @karto6ka1
    @karto6ka1 Рік тому +4

    Благодарю! Ни слова не понимаю в песнях...но это очень круто и душевно!

  • @monkey1crap
    @monkey1crap 6 років тому +6

    I'm literally jealous of every single person in this venue

  • @robertoascencio3349
    @robertoascencio3349 6 років тому +6

    I didnt want the video end. What a beautiful voice!

  • @alankenly2584
    @alankenly2584 3 роки тому +1

    Used to listen to this for my twin till he passed now I play it for me the song (Heal)

    @PTEAMD 2 роки тому +2

    A master of his craft. An incredible musician and song writer.

  • @tuamigodelalma1
    @tuamigodelalma1 8 років тому +3

    So beautiful!!

  • @burcukilinc8365
    @burcukilinc8365 6 років тому +1

    I may or may not be in love this man. So happy that I will be seeing him live in February. Especially love this rendering of Magnetised.

  • @lesleyboonaerts9038
    @lesleyboonaerts9038 3 роки тому +2

    He really just makes your heart break... But in the most perfect way

  • @javierapazrs6040
    @javierapazrs6040 8 років тому +15

    Constellationes, is incredible! (23:48)

  • @NathPereira17
    @NathPereira17 3 роки тому +4

    Still 2021 🙋😌🥺 so beautiful ❤️‍🔥❤️

  • @evaleborgne3631
    @evaleborgne3631 7 років тому +1

    A voice, a piano, no phone, its beautiful❤️

  • @Aw-fv3if
    @Aw-fv3if 3 роки тому +1

    All I listen to is hip hop and this totally changed my music genre a lil bit I’ve replayed this so many times!. much respect

  • @meerathomas7429
    @meerathomas7429 6 років тому +3

    thank god for half an hour of the gift that is tom odell

  • @gunnarorrikjartansson3173
    @gunnarorrikjartansson3173 2 роки тому +2

    Simply love this. I was at the Iceland concert he was on his way to, it was the best concert I've been to

  • @laurencemitchell7301
    @laurencemitchell7301 3 роки тому +2

    mesmerizing.....reminds me of my youth long ago when I played the piano........a very special talent......

  • @martinethorvik7788
    @martinethorvik7788 7 років тому +3

    the most genuine, beautiful soul ever

  • @kittynice989
    @kittynice989 3 роки тому +1

    So Lovely Creature..!!!A Real British Charm...!!! INCREDIBLE...

  • @panij.4226
    @panij.4226 3 роки тому +2

    He's a beautiful human with a beautiful soul. Pure Artist, so devoted to sing those emotions of his. An amazing venue. I'm your one of many fans and will be, Tom❤️

  • @tuftytufty
    @tuftytufty 7 років тому +3

    True Colours by Tom ... its so beautiful, makes me cry

  • @leonardougalde5394
    @leonardougalde5394 4 роки тому +2

    An amazing concert. Perfect for a rainy day with a small cup of te and a book.

  • @imbackintherain
    @imbackintherain 6 років тому +2

    His voice is insane, I'm so deeply in love with him as an artist.
    Also, incredibly underrated...not sure why because he's the best we've got.
    Let's not take him for granted while we have him.
    Love you, Mr Odell.

  • @flaviaromano9834
    @flaviaromano9834 6 років тому +5

    God Bless you ! Have a great live Tom !

  • @hyungseonam
    @hyungseonam 5 років тому +1

    Can’t put to words how beautiful this is....

  • @Berlinerkatze
    @Berlinerkatze 6 років тому +2

    True Colours totally hits me! I really like the Songs for years now and I was not expecting it. I was listening to your Show while I worked on stuff for University and... it really makes me cry. It's….so Wonderful and the message….. I hope someday someone means this words true for me.

  • @XMan-tu4iu
    @XMan-tu4iu 9 місяців тому +1

    A friend of my in-laws lives nearby and he has a beautiful German piano. I think it cost him £15,000 for a complete rebuild about 20 years ago. When it’s finished and in the piano shop awaiting delivery someone offered £100,000 for it. Standing right beside the owner, John and hearing it being played properly was probably one of the most memorable few minutes of music I’ve ever heard in my 66 years.

  • @mondbluetenblatt
    @mondbluetenblatt 3 роки тому +2

    I love how he doesn't hold back when singing and you get the raw emotion but as soon as he's playing the last notes his slightly shyish awkward behavior kicks back in

  • @lu_jmin
    @lu_jmin 8 років тому +6

    definitely the cutest human being in the world

  • @robiinmartinez8498
    @robiinmartinez8498 4 роки тому +14

    Este es un verdadero artista además es un cantante completo! Te admiro mucho Tom Odell

  • @blackpent
    @blackpent 7 років тому +11

    Incredible. Just incredible.

  • @rkerner9304
    @rkerner9304 5 років тому +3

    One of the best song writers of today 💕🦁

  • @moomintabidi9504
    @moomintabidi9504 8 років тому +16

    A truly talented artist with the amazing songs to prove it

  • @milchherz2467
    @milchherz2467 4 роки тому +5

    Why is it always at 1 am that I get back to this piece of art?😭 Still here in 2020, Tom🙌

  • @javierapazrs6040
    @javierapazrs6040 7 років тому +12

    es increíble la calidad de sus canciones y de el en sí,ya que hoy en día es todo tan publicitario (espero que tom nunca pierda este toque que lo hace tan único) me encanta su voz, es tan profundo y amo que le guste el piano, me relaja y me lleva a un lugar diferente,realmente valoro que hayan cantantes así,lástima que ya nadie sabe lo que es la buena música. Tom,please never change.