STRIFE's Rick Rodney Explains Why He "Escaped" From The Straight Edge Way Of Life!

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @Ryattt81
    @Ryattt81 10 років тому +35

    He is right on about how the straight edge scene became really crazy. I loved this band in high school, and was also straight edge, but it became weird. It's great if it's a personal conviction, but when you're young you do some things to be a part of what you love. As an adult you can separate the love for the music from your personal identity, and your individuality. Great memories of all those great HC shows and festivals in the 90's.

  • @MetalGivesUWings
    @MetalGivesUWings 10 років тому +71

    His logic failed when he said straight edge was about bettering himself and then he was worried about what other straight edge people were doing. You don't have to be like them.

    • @RTMcFly-ni4qy
      @RTMcFly-ni4qy 3 роки тому +12

      Not really, the scene became hijacked..and since it had taken on new identity, he didn't want to be associated with it. bad optics. He could still better himself and not drink or do drugs without calling himself "Str8 edge"

  • @rachelrod5708
    @rachelrod5708 10 років тому +63

    Wtf! How about be straight edge without violence?! Straight edge and violence don't have to be in the same category unless you make that ur choice. If you wanted to go back then do it but don't blame "violence"

    • @bobothehobo420
      @bobothehobo420 10 років тому +6

      It exploded into that because certain people, like all scenes with a political or ethical slant, feel they need to go beyond living the example they want to stop others from doing something else if it conflicts. It started out as stopping drug dealers, then became a recruiting mandate, then became about scene vs scene. Not everyone in a group dynamic is getting all the attention or disguised power they may feel they want or deserve, so they take matters into their own hands.
      There have always been some in any denomination of people, and the more the bigger it is, who turn it into an agenda. Most man made catastrophes are as a result of this imperative to belong and have security and defend it from scrutiny and challenge.

    • @Dead_ham
      @Dead_ham 8 років тому +7

      Rachel Rod
      dude you have no idea how crazy it was back in the day. people were being beaten within inches of death for smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer in front of some edge crews

    • @ptcrusa
      @ptcrusa 6 років тому

      D W yeah and that was even before FSU started. They actually beat someone to death at a show in Florida I think

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому

      Den W Why would people drink at a straight edge show? lol. There are worse things in the world than violence.

    • @ptcrusa
      @ptcrusa 6 років тому +2

      @@thunorwodenson You see, straight edge shows were usually all ages shows, so you couldn't drink at them anyways. They would beat up people OUTSIDE the shows, like people walking down the street with a cigarette or people drinking in a parking lot. Or they would go to a non-straight edge show like Gang Green or Jerry's Kids and beat people up there. I'm speaking strictly about Boston, I don't know what happened in other places, but that was my experience. I went to the shows because I was young and didn't care about getting drunk or doing drugs or fucking girls, I just wanted to be active and feel like I belonged. I've never started a fight with anyone in my entire life unless they hit me or my friends first, the concept of starting fights with people just to enforce rules or hurt or kill them doesn't register with me, it's not human nature to want to do that, it's psycho

  • @ScarletNGray76
    @ScarletNGray76 11 років тому +55

    37 years old and edge almost 18 years.

    • @heatherlynn6812
      @heatherlynn6812 11 років тому

      thats awesome :D

    • @Coco-in7rh
      @Coco-in7rh 8 років тому +2

      Old post but keep strong

    • @sleepten8068
      @sleepten8068 5 років тому +1

      if this is Todd from Texas, you're lying; you broke Edge along time ago.

    • @woobiehastelly
      @woobiehastelly 3 роки тому +1

      Always be proud of yourself for finding what you perceive to be a greater existence, friend.

    • @nomore2001
      @nomore2001 3 роки тому +1

      I've been edging for days and my balls are about to explode

  • @dereklindberg7577
    @dereklindberg7577 6 років тому +20

    Came here to read the comments from the "hard edge" dudes. Not disappointed..🤣🤣 ..

    • @boxlove4567
      @boxlove4567 5 років тому +5

      Derek Lindberg shit is so cringeworthy lol

    • @kh7955
      @kh7955 3 роки тому

      Lol same

    • @fukcensorship9395
      @fukcensorship9395 2 роки тому

      Bro I remeber some straight edge kids used to go around beating up people just for drinkg or even smoking a Cigarette Shit's ridiculous

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      @@fukcensorship9395lmao. If I got beat up by a straight edge dude, I’d have to unalive myself.

  • @JoseGalvan
    @JoseGalvan 10 років тому +95

    "Straight Edge is too violent! Me drinking solved that!" Rick Rodney Logic

    • @ERICF66
      @ERICF66 6 років тому +4

      Jose Galvan for real! Go figure! I was so stoked for this band back in the 90s. 2018 and I’m still SXE!

    • @lapizlazulie5412
      @lapizlazulie5412 5 років тому +3

      drinking not solved anything .being positive and step by step to face the trouble. thats the way of straight.

    • @ignatatus666
      @ignatatus666 5 років тому +2

      Jose His reference is not to the Straight Edge music or Spirit. It’s about what the Hardline SxE did to the scene.. They essentially brought Violence and Hate into a scene about Unity.
      Even the Band Good Clean fun mention this in their lyrics and on stage.

    • @ornamentalyouth
      @ornamentalyouth 4 роки тому +1

      @@ignatatus666 how many people were ever really into that hardline shit? that was something i read about on the internet, never saw it in person

    • @shitass88
      @shitass88 4 роки тому

      @@ornamentalyouth with shit like Courage Crew and bands like xtyrantx, it definitely had a following

  • @woobiehastelly
    @woobiehastelly 3 роки тому +18

    I think a very important lesson is to be learned from this: Some groups like sxe have the good guys doing that lifestyle for a better life, and those that just want to limit others lives, sadly.
    I am edge, but if someone is not edge in front of me I respect them.

    • @TedBundysGhost
      @TedBundysGhost 3 роки тому

      People can not be edge, who cares, but if you're some sloppy idiot who doesn't know how to handle your buzz, then youre just begging to be humbled.

    • @Exsugarbabe1
      @Exsugarbabe1 2 роки тому +4

      Great point, also being an example of being sober healthy and happy will persuade people without having to control people's lives.

  • @ColdSoul5150
    @ColdSoul5150 7 років тому +15

    I sold out myself years ago but even I will say to try to blame things getting "too violent" for selling out is the biggest load of horse shit I've ever heard. You sold out because you wanted to, not because anything other people were doing. Straight edge isn't a crew, other people's actions don't force you to drink or get high..

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому +4

      Rico Suave Well said bro. Get back on. Its never too late.

    • @justsomeguy4099
      @justsomeguy4099 3 роки тому +1

      Lol straight edge is unbelievably cringy

    • @fukcensorship9395
      @fukcensorship9395 2 роки тому +1

      I remember back in the day some straight edge people will go around beating up people for drinking a beer or even smoking a cigarette

    • @DanKuzma-h5d
      @DanKuzma-h5d 9 місяців тому +1

      As a guy who has been into hxc music for a long time and has never drank, smoked, or done drugs, I never called myself sxe (or even hxc, punk, metal, etc.). If you need to label, like with sxe, great for you! For some, it's an overwhelming dogma and those people go from one dogma to another dogma and it's a vicious circle. I also don't ever call myself vegan (one of the millions of labels out there) though it doesn't mean that I don't eat that way. Labeling ourselves more often than not just becomes a trap and for some turns dangerous. It leads to self-deprecation and words like "sell out" which is unnecessary and irrelevant outside of some kind of scene. I always had fun, stayed far away from the scene BS, made a core group of great, diverse friends, but it sucks that some people couldn't figure it out.

    • @willvazquez6656
      @willvazquez6656 9 місяців тому

      For real, seems like a lot of beating around the bush rather than just owning up to it when asked about it. You made SxE anthems that you no longer can stand by? Sounds like you just sold out.

  • @RobertWilliams-wy9es
    @RobertWilliams-wy9es 10 років тому +9

    Having gone to school with both Rick and his brother, it's just nice to see he is doing well no matter how he decides to live HIS life.

  • @groovass65
    @groovass65 7 років тому +12

    "It got too violent" Minutes later we seem him bleeding from the forehead on stage. LOL

    • @DanKuzma-h5d
      @DanKuzma-h5d 9 місяців тому

      LOL Yogi Rick does headstands on stage. Showing off his core strength, no doubt, but that flooring is like sandpaper each time he does it! Far from violence, if that's the case, my skateboarding is violent!

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      He also said it’s not a hardcore show unless you leave in an ambulance, so I think this guy is a bit confused.

  • @tristangriffiths7998
    @tristangriffiths7998 2 роки тому +4

    The self righteousness is strong with this one

  • @lanagievski1540
    @lanagievski1540 7 років тому +11

    Live and let live
    We become straight Edge for our own reasons. Our of choice. Life changes and for some people, those changes are significant. There's no such thing as selling out. His choice doesn't affect your personal conviction
    And people seem to forget that Strife peaked in the late 90's, where Hardline was at its peak so I'm not surprised by his comparisons to fascism and experience of violence in the scene
    Also breaking edge doesn't mean someone straight away turns to drink or smoke. He could still be sober for all we know

  • @shanktrujank1294
    @shanktrujank1294 10 років тому +34

    What ever... I became Straight Edge for a personal choice. Fuck what the rest are, and were doing. Giving a lame ass reason for you selling out, because "it got too violent". The whole fucking hardcore scene was violent, with a "gang mentality". I was Straight Edge through the violent years, and still Straight Edge to this very day... If you aren't now, you never were. Hate on haters, hate on...

    • @nervousstranger
      @nervousstranger 10 років тому +1

      He didn't say he drinks or drugs.

    • @sleepatterns
      @sleepatterns 9 років тому +1

      Brian Walker lol there's pictures of him drinking beer online

    • @nervousstranger
      @nervousstranger 9 років тому +3

      Oh well maybe he's older and can handle it. Sometimes when you're younger you have way stronger convictions. You know most people that drink can do it responsibly. Ya there are some shitheads that fuck it up for everyone, that's every part of life not just drinkers and drugers.

    • @sleepatterns
      @sleepatterns 9 років тому +2

      Brian Walker Yeah I get what you're saying. I've been on both sides so I can understand that it's a personal decision and everyone is different... At the end of the day it comes down to doing what's best for yourself

    • @nervousstranger
      @nervousstranger 9 років тому +5

      As a whole the idea of straight is a positive lifestyle, I do have to agree with Rodney on the violence thing. Keep the violence on the dance floor, you are not going to change anyone's mind by kicking their ass, the only thing that will happen is attracting negative attention to your cause, and hurting someone. I'm in my late thirties and I drink when I want to drink I've personally never had any problems with straight edge kids, cause for the most part they get it. It's my life not theirs. When drunks get beat up by straight edge kids it's probably cause the drunks are asking for it.

  • @Craiggardd
    @Craiggardd 10 років тому +25

    It disappoints me that so few people talk about the political reasons for being straight edge. It seems like so many people miss the point and just do it to "stay out of trouble." To me it is about not wanting to support an industry and culture that destroys lives. I also hate when people associate partying with punk. PBR or Budweiser has absolutely nothing to do with punk. There is nothing punk about corporate beer brands. Also drug culture has a way of breeding complacency within radical movements and distracting from actual activism. I've seen it happen before; radical discussions can very easily become excuses to drink or smoke, and punk houses turn quickly to places filled with rampant drug use.

    • @gjh400
      @gjh400 9 років тому +2

      Craiggardd Keep voting democrat until none of us have to work, that's what your teachers tell you isn't it? ... hillary 2016!!!

    • @joemadda
      @joemadda 7 років тому +1

      you're just a Black Shirt 90 years late to the party.

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому +3

      Bro punk was never about activism. It was about degenerates singing about sick degenerate stuff wearing swastikas to piss people off and doing heroin. Thankfully straight edge, oi! and r.a.c. came along to offer alternatives.

  • @oliverdavalos5528
    @oliverdavalos5528 10 років тому +13

    SxE to me its about to be a better person, to a compromise for get a better life, thats all to me, i have a lot of friends who like to smoke and drink and they respect me and i respect them, its your personal choice how to live your life. I really like to put some motivation to some ppl who don't listen to hardcore but they don't like drugs abuse or things like that, thats all to me. No violence to ppl who respect my way, if you wanna be a junkie good for you ! im happy to know and live this way!

  • @missues
    @missues 10 років тому +8

    I really dislike how someone puts the blame for his weakness on other people. "Well, I became satanist, because some right wing christians on the other side of the world became violent". Well, buddy, I stay straight edge for more than 15 years no matter of the other people. Learn to be adult and take responsibility for your own actions.

  • @dickydamageable
    @dickydamageable 7 років тому +22

    I haven't cared about "hardcore" since about 1999. These comments have reminded me exactly why. Love the music, but the bullshit is ridiculous...

    • @boxlove4567
      @boxlove4567 5 років тому +1

      derek lindberg exactly. The hardcore scene these days is a joke. The bands all suck and literally all sound the same. The kids are pretentious and act like they’re better than everyone. It’s a bunch of suburban/well off kids playing wanna be gangster. It really has turned into a gigantic joke

    • @travis8106
      @travis8106 5 років тому

      It actually makes me sad that you feel that way. I think hardcore is full of positive people with great things to say. The negative people are just louder.

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      It’s so immature

  • @epidemika5054
    @epidemika5054 Рік тому +2

    Dude's one of the best vocalists in one of the best hxc bands ever. #respect

  • @rustyknees
    @rustyknees 11 років тому +8

    YYEEAHHH Rick and Strife RULE!! Its all about the H.C Scene, no matter where you are from or what you believe in. Coming together, strength through unity!!

    • @soulcollector7
      @soulcollector7 11 років тому +4

      agree bro,,very wise guy and hell its all about unity,,but he is right the scene turned into an radical scene end of 90s,,and now its just a fashion show

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому

      You should check out NSHC.

  • @SteMCFC79
    @SteMCFC79 Рік тому +1

    As someone who was straight edge for over a decade i have come to realise that it is really odd to base your entire life on a decision you made as a teenager or in your 20's.
    Rick is correct, the whole scene im the late 90's/ early2000's became crazy bigoted and fascist.

    @xSTILLxEDGEx 10 років тому +22

    I'm about to be 31 years old and have been claiming edge since I was 13. I understand where Rick is coming from but guess what? I'm still sXe and always will be. I have a full time job and all the "adult" stuff. The scene is shit and the kids who use to fight for no reason like myself have truly killed everything good but not being edge any more because of how people act is no excuse.

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому +1

      xSTILLxEDGEx No worries bro. You did good. NS sXe!

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      You’re probably drinking a beer right now

  • @TheRedtaz
    @TheRedtaz 10 років тому +3

    i'm sober, because if i drink i break out in handcuffs, i like strait edge music, but i'm not gonna call someone a dick because they're drinking beer or smoking a joint. i don't use drugs or drink because i go into a blackout and fuck things up, not because i want to be strait edge! i wish i could drink like normal people,but i always have a bad reaction to it!

  • @joefatone2880
    @joefatone2880 6 років тому +4

    I just wanted a beer after 6 years 😂 rip straight edge for me

  • @authorless
    @authorless 11 років тому +4

    Wait, so he left the straight edge thing because of violence, but then they are talking about hitting people at the end? Makes perfect sense.

    • @moderaterevolution504
      @moderaterevolution504 3 роки тому

      How does it not make sense? When you are at a show thats what you come for if you are in the pit, its an elected behavior? How is that concept lost on you?

    • @OvergrownWithTheMoss
      @OvergrownWithTheMoss 2 роки тому +2

      @ippos_khloros In hardcore, there is no difference. Crowdkilling and karate moves, you’ll hit people. It’s moshing and it’s technically no different from assault at all. Albeit I have no problem with it because I do both of those things but it’s still assault nonetheless if you really think about it lol

    • @croissantlover1
      @croissantlover1 10 місяців тому

      @@OvergrownWithTheMoss 100% assault, just with a "culture" excuse slapped over it.

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      That’s what I said! He couldn’t contradict himself more of he tried. What an idiot.

  • @brandonplaskon5278
    @brandonplaskon5278 8 років тому +1

    rick rodneys beard definitely marks the new era for the band.

  • @hbehain4441
    @hbehain4441 12 років тому +2

    I really like this interview. Thanks for interviewing Rick Rodney of Strife. Thanks Hornsuprocks.

  • @Yeeesh666
    @Yeeesh666 7 років тому +3

    I went straight egde in 2005 cuz of cm punk he wasnt even in wwe then just small underground wrestling shows i only listened to limp bizkit and linkin park never knew any of these straight edge bands exists or even other edge people. Once i actually got into hardcore i saw all the straight edge hate crews causing unwarranted problems i quit attending shows and being edge. Fast forward 5 years none of those guys attend any shows anymore and are usually seen on instagram drunk or stoned

  • @manic1eightyseven
    @manic1eightyseven 11 років тому +10

    there are a lot of cool ass edge people

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому

      Dylan Imperi Hell Yeah! NS sXe!

    • @danielnewstead7527
      @danielnewstead7527 5 років тому +1

      And there are a lot of fucking idiots too, which is what he’s referring too in the interview

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      I’ve never met 1. They’re always douchebags on their high horse.

  • @KOTFjedidiah
    @KOTFjedidiah 11 років тому +1

    Abstaining from drugs, alcohol or or promiscuous sex doesn't inherently make you a better person. In my 32 years on this earth I have known and still do know a great many people that are both edge and not. On both spectrums there are good people and bad. I've know straight edge guys/girls that I would trust as far as I could toss them and I've know people who smoke weed or drink that if I did I have kids I wouldn't have an issue leaving them in there care for a whole day and vice versa.
    It's not about what you claim or don't claim. It's not about what you do or don't do. It's about how you carry your self as a human being. I love the hardcore scene and always will but I see both sXe kids and non alike giving it a bad name. You Guys/Girls out there that think going to shows and dancing the perimeter of the pit makes you hXc your wrong it makes you a tool. Get IN the pit and if you find your self getting close to the edge just stop your spin kick or windmill if a 32 year old man child can I am sure you young guns can. Oh man if I see on more kid just jump in to a crowd of people and try punching someone in the face I will lose it.
    Hard core above all else is a brotherhood. We should all have each other's backs when we are at a show edge or not if he/she falls get them up and out of the pit till they are ready too rejoin the fun. Ok I have ranted long enough.

  • @BenevolentXMachine
    @BenevolentXMachine 11 років тому +32

    If not now, then never were. XVX

  • @dannyaustin5109
    @dannyaustin5109 8 років тому +2

    I thought he started drinking after shows back in the late 90s. ... I may be wrong but if violence is the reason then he's still in the hardcore scene and it gets violent at times so this all sounds like a justification of why he's not clean or sober. I'm up for criticism and to be corrected.

    • @MakeMeLo
      @MakeMeLo 2 роки тому

      It's definitely the poison talking

  • @longliveavalon
    @longliveavalon 9 років тому +9

    I'm 39 and I never would ever imagine that hardcore would become such a "hip" scene these days. I honestly would admit that I've even walked through the valley of posers at one time or another, however I will never ever were a french stache, weezer glasses and a lumbersexy beard. skins, punks and real hardcore kids, I think we are fucking doomed!!

    • @brianmiller9761
      @brianmiller9761 8 років тому +8

      for someone so opposed to the fashion aspect of hardcore, you sure focus on it. who cares what someone else wears? just sayin'. roll on.

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому +1

      Brian Miller Punks have always been obsessed with posers.

    • @fukcensorship9395
      @fukcensorship9395 2 роки тому

      @@brianmiller9761 hipstrrs fuked up the punk and hardcore scene all they do is repeat Some bullshit off CNN and act like cringy little twats that act like a sjw authoritarian

  • @cesarxcastanheira
    @cesarxcastanheira 5 років тому +2

    Funny how some people who aren't straight edge anymore nowadays were simply the ones who bragged about being straight edge, waved flags and shit. Now they say it got "violent", "straight edge people are cocky", guess what?
    You made us look like that! But fuck it, who cares? I'm straight edge for myself, I don't care what anyone else says or do.
    12 years being sober, not violent and not bragging about it, just living my life the way I want.
    Till the end, bruh ;)

  • @cbvideo794
    @cbvideo794 11 років тому +6

    i thought straight edge was cool when i was 16-17, but years later i realize its sort of silly and not worthy of a title really. Sure, i still don't drink/smoke or anything but who really gives a shit? We are all the same.

      @STRAlGHTxEDGE 10 років тому

      That's what straight edge is all about "we are all the same" everyone is an equal. You might had the right mentality for it and still have but just don't need the label anymore to get though the darker days.

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому

      We are definitely not all the same. If the label doesnt fit you thats cool. But some people like the label and it gives them a standard to uphold so that they can claim the label and it helps them. When you say who gives a shit why dont you look up the death toll from the current opioid crisis. I give a shit. NS sXe!

  • @olafgasbricky2760
    @olafgasbricky2760 7 років тому +3

    My English is not perfect and i thought it would be childish to put a comment in here but now i do... i live vegan and straight edge since six years, did and do it for my own and i hear a lot of hardcore (not only but most of the time) and i can really understand him. straight edge is a positive way of life and you should go this way for yourself, not with a fascist attititude to be better than other living beings on this earth! i chose that way because of different hard times in my life and because of what happens in the world! i try to suck less and not being a total a..hole, giving respect to others, even when they eat meat or take drugs or else because everybody has a story which brought him or her in the actual situation of life and its to easy to say: hey wow look at me i'm so hard tough and cool bla bla... hear some music of x.true nature.x and use your brain! you can be what you want if it helps yourself and others around you! be a symbol for others, show them a good and non destructional way of life, live and let live. nobody has the right to put the own existence over other beings! go back to the roots of veganism and straight edge, not like a muscle-fascist proll-puppet!! help yourself by helping others! bye and all the best to strife! ;)

  • @ianjackson7916
    @ianjackson7916 10 років тому +3

    People will do what they will. I am not edge and have plenty of friends who both are alcoholics and have never drank or are now sober. I can tell you from experience that sobriety can't work for everyone. If you experience what addiction is you have space to talk. Otherwise, understand that people are of all walks and have difficulty doing what may come to you easily.

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому

      Ian Jackson Go to AA bro. Fix yourself before you preach to us. NS sXe!

  • @meep4071
    @meep4071 5 років тому +10

    When you’re weak and like to give up easily this is what you turn into. Someone who has no strength and no will to continue

  • @pickinboogers4u
    @pickinboogers4u 9 років тому +4

    With a forehead like that this guy is either backyard wrestles on the weekends or is in a GG Allin tribute band.

  • @AndrewJShirley
    @AndrewJShirley 9 років тому +3

    What a shame Rick used the violence as a reason, but I highly doubt 4 (one member is still apparently edge), possibly 5 individuals all chose to break edge because of the violence in the scene. His photography is insanely good though.

  • @ryant1788
    @ryant1788 11 років тому +10

    no one reads comments that are the length of news articles.

  • @SxSxG666
    @SxSxG666 2 роки тому +2

    It's funny how but hurt some people are because Rick likes to drink now. And yes the straight edge scene has become a bunch of narrow minded violent assholes with an I-am-better-then-you attitude. Can't blame anybody who doesn't want to be a part of this anymore. In the end It's an personal decision. Nothing more nothing less.

  • @MrG75
    @MrG75 11 років тому +3

    santa claus of hardcore

  • @clevoadam
    @clevoadam 10 років тому +3

    I got into Straight Edge in 1990 in the Cleveland scene. Hardcore shows are violent, and most of it was NOT from anything to do with Straight Edge, just hardcore. I intellectually question his statement about why he broke edge. I'm 38, am still Straight Edge though I don't go to shows or anything.. Just listen to old youth crew when working out lol. I don't care if he's Straight Edge now or whatever, but his answer screams bullshit. I remember when he broke edge and I heard he went right into drugs heavily from my friends on tour who ran into him. If violence turned you off to Straight Edge, then that would be the quoted reason for any of his drug use? "I do drugs because of a few acts of violence by Straight Edge people". I guess all the domestic violence, crime, bar fights by people on drugs does not turn him off.. He should just say "I moved on because the scene was dying and I got bored"........... I'd appreciate and respect that more...

  • @MichaelJames-lz7ni
    @MichaelJames-lz7ni 6 років тому +3

    SxE is/was for KIDS. It was a coping-mechanism to combat negative peer pressure and supporting the idea that individuals can and should think for themselves. Most people "figure things out" in their 20s, and peer pressure subsides. In your 20s, you know where your personal space, and limits are - SxE is no longer relevant when you're an ADULT.

  • @WalleTappo
    @WalleTappo 10 років тому +20

    is he seriously comparing straight edge with fascism and nazis? and you don't have to be violent to be straight edge so that's not an excuse.

    • @TheLexiconDevils
      @TheLexiconDevils 4 роки тому

      Yes. They were fascist nazis.

    • @moderaterevolution504
      @moderaterevolution504 3 роки тому

      Hes obviously, or not so much to you, saying he doesnt want to be associated with something that had become violent towards people with different views on life. Really not that hard to understand.

  • @ExUSSailor
    @ExUSSailor 7 років тому +1

    Best thing I ever saw, and, that totally sums up SXE to me, was walking in to the bathroom at a show, and, catching Rick Ta Life, X's on his hands, shooting H with his skanky ass girlfriend! Yeah, drug free! True 'til death! HAHAHA!!!

    • @ExUSSailor
      @ExUSSailor 7 років тому

      Nothing but a bunch of retarded, hypocritical, rich kids. Smoke a joint, and, chill the fuck out!

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      Why do they lie?! I don’t get it.

  • @chrispyyoungz9970
    @chrispyyoungz9970 9 років тому +2

    There's bad and good in everything there's people who can be straight and not be asshole's. It falls under stereotyping so I don't label nothing. Not even myself

  • @baseballnotbombsx
    @baseballnotbombsx 11 років тому +2

    let me get this straight you thought straight edge got too violent so you decided to drink? but yet you still play in a heavy mosh friendly band in a scene full of "crew gangs" and violence?

    • @ProDeDigitalMedia
      @ProDeDigitalMedia 7 років тому

      violence doesn't have to be physical all the time, from the point of view of someone who is in fanatical lifestyle you point of view is the only choice and everyone else is wrong. You are fighting everyone and everything all the time that doesn't align with your values. So yes, because people mosh at your show isn't that bad.

  • @sackedygo
    @sackedygo 8 місяців тому

    All these old heads gave up straight edge cause they where just trying to sell a band the new generation is pure till the day we die.

  • @scoon2117
    @scoon2117 2 роки тому +3

    Straight edge to me was always the zenith of douchebaggery

  • @melatiahmad4260
    @melatiahmad4260 7 років тому +3

    He looks like eric rowans..

  • @stevedufrene9302
    @stevedufrene9302 11 років тому

    Im straight edge and im not violent. I hate kids who mosh and take it to the extreme. And I agree straight edge can be very violent. But who gives a fuck. He has pointed out that it can be violent. straight edge or not. They make great music. He's got my support

  • @xVeganTonyx
    @xVeganTonyx 8 років тому +1

    saw them yesterday, I appreciated them live and I'm sorry to listen to this.

  • @justinkennedy1745
    @justinkennedy1745 2 роки тому


  • @ignatatus666
    @ignatatus666 5 років тому +1

    His reference is not to the Straight Edge music or Spirit. It’s about what the Hardline SxE did to the scene.. They essentially brought Violence and Hate into a scene about Unity.
    Even the Band Good Clean fun mention this in their lyrics and on stage.

  • @damionswartz4823
    @damionswartz4823 6 років тому +1

    I've been out of the music scene for a long time. It really seems like sXe has really changed from when I was around it. They were so chill and cool people to be around. I guess the 80' were just more fun.

  • @theworkoutethic
    @theworkoutethic Рік тому

    Heard "Grey" on an old Victory comp. Loved them ever sinc. They're one of only 3 hardcore bands I like (V.O.D. and Earth Crisis being the others) 👊

    @XFLESHX 7 років тому +1

    Idk why people like this always need some excuse for not being edge anymore like just say youre not about it anymore like you wouldn't expect someone to not be Muslim after a bombing, or a catholic to stop practicing after a sex scandalThey stop because they aren't about it anymore. Grow up and be real You can drink all you want guys just be real

  • @almightykiddjae9114
    @almightykiddjae9114 5 років тому +2

    Eric Rowan 😂😂

  • @oldschoolcuc
    @oldschoolcuc 11 років тому

    Well I must agree there are lot of people who just wants to be hm....important or something like that (can't remember the right word).

  • @2003z1
    @2003z1 11 років тому +2

    Saw them play 20 years ago. Good thing they are separated "X" as far as I'm concerned. The lame posturing and wholier-than-though attitude is just a lot of BS. Jock-fest lamness. Bad-ass music needs no rules or limitations. Or bored, violent, suburban (repressed homosexual) tough guy balogna. RR was cool back then and he is cool as fuck now!

  • @golferguy1525
    @golferguy1525 2 роки тому

    You know you live in a sick world when people are surprised that you don't drink smoke or do drugs.

    • @SxSxG666
      @SxSxG666 2 роки тому +1

      If this is your definition of a "sick world" you better don't watch the news kid.

    • @golferguy1525
      @golferguy1525 2 роки тому

      @@SxSxG666 44 year old kid. And I don't watch the news

    • @The_Eastbound_Hyena
      @The_Eastbound_Hyena Рік тому

      ​@@SxSxG666yeah the OP is observant of societal symptoms... you just answered your own question jerkoff.

    • @DirtyFrankDahmer
      @DirtyFrankDahmer 6 місяців тому

      @@golferguy1525you live in your own little fantasy world, apparently.

  • @itdidnotworkmichael
    @itdidnotworkmichael 8 років тому +6

    He does know you can live a life of temperance without labeling yourself straight edge, right? He basically proves he was just following the 90s hardcore trends. He wanted to break his edge and needed to piss all over straight edge to make himself feel better. You live your life and make your choices for yourself, don't follow trendy cliques or you may look like this hypocrite bozo. This coming from a Strife fan... 20 years ago. heh.

  • @JayEss414
    @JayEss414 10 років тому

    Good Rick

  • @chrisbowman4267
    @chrisbowman4267 3 роки тому

    What about violence that stops violence like taking out a head of a high level narco g a gang. I couldn't take a life and I feel sick when I see voilence but does it or does it not saves and or delay lives...?

  • @TheMattJacks
    @TheMattJacks 8 місяців тому

    May 2024!

  • @FIN_Der-Otter
    @FIN_Der-Otter 7 років тому +6

    if you judge him for not being sXe anymore, you are not "hardcore" and you never have been. simple.

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому

      MOUNTAIN Hardcore is all about judging. NS sXe!

  • @longliveavalon
    @longliveavalon 9 років тому +1

    haters (hipsters) beware! lol. by the way this goes out to all my working class volks. oi oi oi!!! remember the good oulde days?

    • @TheLexiconDevils
      @TheLexiconDevils 4 роки тому +1

      Skinheads become as much about about having the right clothes as straight edge came to be about your fucking diet.

    • @longliveavalon
      @longliveavalon 4 роки тому

      @@TheLexiconDevils yup. Lame!!!

  • @Tralfaz666
    @Tralfaz666 10 років тому +1

    When did the guy from Duck Dynasty join Strife?

  • @baseballnotbombsx
    @baseballnotbombsx 11 років тому +3

    no ideology is altruistic or full of intelligent people. Its a lifestyle based on the individual but yet you blame anyone and anything instead of just acknowledging you went back on a pact you made and you were a hypocrite.

    • @OneLastLongSigh
      @OneLastLongSigh 11 років тому

      Your words are drenched in the absolutism Rick was just talking about. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing but does another. Rick walked the walk he talked when he was talking it, but now he's not. And that's none of your business.

    • @baseballnotbombsx
      @baseballnotbombsx 11 років тому +4

      Choosing not to drink or do drugs is an individual choice if you did it because of a communal or mob mentality than it in fact was never really genuine,it was group conformity. If i blame whole foods for being too expensive and hating snobby hipsters for why i stopped being vegan clearly i had no real interest in a vegan lifestyle.
      by making a statement that you will never change until you're dead and then changing doesn't make you a hypocrite?
      "I walk the path of true change
      Commitment sworn in the name
      Of those who still walk the straight edge
      Convictions held to my grave"

  • @JP-uy9kq
    @JP-uy9kq 5 років тому +2

    LOL @ these comments! Are these adults with jobs and shit, or is this a time warp back to '99...

  • @DoctorCreepy13
    @DoctorCreepy13 7 років тому +21

    Weakness, weakness is the reason.

  • @wwe52891
    @wwe52891 8 років тому +4

    Erick rowan lol

    • @charliep216
      @charliep216 8 років тому

      Oh god he does look like him lol.

  • @thelostmotel209
    @thelostmotel209 3 роки тому +2

    All I hear are excuses amd all I see is a desperate, sad man.

  • @seannyari
    @seannyari 11 місяців тому

    I thought that was Erick Rowan

  • @jbrownbeach
    @jbrownbeach 11 років тому

    Strife has always been about personal freedom, progression and perseverance in the face of adversity. I want to reclaim my 'X' when I hear Rick discuss the politics of sXe.

  • @masterhazevienna
    @masterhazevienna 11 років тому

    true words!!!

  • @mydixiewrecked315
    @mydixiewrecked315 6 років тому +1

    this guy used to Preach about Straight-Edge on stage and it is truly a shame when people that used to talk/"preach" about the ideaology of being straight-edge abandons their initial dialog, and uses hardcore as a cash cow to keep the money rolling in.

    • @moderaterevolution504
      @moderaterevolution504 3 роки тому

      Its called growing up, you should look into it.

    • @mydixiewrecked315
      @mydixiewrecked315 3 роки тому

      @@moderaterevolution504: lead the way, you entitled bafoon. I get it though, you must be new to the genre called "hardcore." you have yet to take a stance on any ideology included within the genre-to go back on your words,noob.

    • @mydixiewrecked315
      @mydixiewrecked315 3 роки тому

      @@moderaterevolution504 you must play in the band.

    • @moderaterevolution504
      @moderaterevolution504 3 роки тому

      You will understand when you grow up, nothing more to say to you. Its that simple.

    • @mydixiewrecked315
      @mydixiewrecked315 3 роки тому

      @@moderaterevolution504 "grow up" or "sell out?" to the almighty dollar...

  • @fefedesaulniers1010
    @fefedesaulniers1010 6 років тому

    Jesus Christ. The comments. It’s like high school.

  • @dylantodd9574
    @dylantodd9574 11 років тому +1

    So... to get away from the violence of straightedge by the Earth Crisis/direct action crew you started drinking as a response??? hmmm okay. I personally don't care if someone if straightedge, i haven't put Xs on my hands in like 15-16 years. but what Rodney is saying is sort of like saying you keep using that easton bat to hurt people with so i'm going to never play baseball again...

    • @mydixiewrecked315
      @mydixiewrecked315 3 роки тому

      breaking edge because it got too violent is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard. you knew from the start what the scene would eventually evolve into because being on the west coast you had to deal with all the crazy antics of Salt Lake City-bums being stabbed & having bottle necks broken off in their rectums...etc,etc. breaking edge has NOTHING to do with being "WEAK." it's all in personal growth...yes,it is sore to go back on your words when you are the mouthpiece of the West Coast Straight-Edge scene. How many hardcore kids does it take to change a light bulb? 7 one to hold the light bulb while the other six circle pit around the socket!!! or the other six talk shit about the new bulb and profess how much better the old bulb was.

    • @dylantodd9574
      @dylantodd9574 3 роки тому +1

      @@mydixiewrecked315 the SLC scene was a different animal. I remember all that crap and kids blowing up the animal processing plant and breaking bottles over homeless guys. I always looked at those guys when I was out there as Mormon kids looking for an excuse and/or cool reason to be “good.” My home scene in Tampa wasn’t anything like that.

    • @mydixiewrecked315
      @mydixiewrecked315 3 роки тому

      EXACTLY!!!!! It's nice to converse with someone who shares the same Logic as Myself.

  • @stevenerminpour9865
    @stevenerminpour9865 5 місяців тому

    SxE was always supposed to be a personal thing. SxE is cool but the gang shit it wack

  • @raphaelcalinga5355
    @raphaelcalinga5355 3 роки тому

    His views seem contradicting.. Straight edge is being clean isnt it?

  • @longliveavalon
    @longliveavalon 9 років тому +1

    we're doomed fucking doomed fucking doomed fucking doomed!! (propagandhi)

  • @mikedavis1476
    @mikedavis1476 4 роки тому

    Beyond the past violence... being this way and accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior... you guys could be the new profits of today

  • @shawnperry2562
    @shawnperry2562 4 роки тому

    I got hurt really bad at a show when i was 14 by some straight edge goons because i was straight edge but my friends weren't and they didn't approve

  • @TheXwookiex
    @TheXwookiex 2 роки тому

    Biggest bullshit ever, the whole hardcore scene got way to violent, he just abused sxe to not own his own decisions....I still have a hard time listening to Strife, while being one of my favorite bands of that era! He should have just owned it instead of coming up with weak nonsense! Andrew is still Edge, his band Berthold City is amazing!

  • @thomasanderson6931
    @thomasanderson6931 10 років тому +17

    Straight edge kids are juggalos minus the drugs.

    • @virgo4200
      @virgo4200 10 років тому +6

      wtf are talking about

    • @ProDeDigitalMedia
      @ProDeDigitalMedia 7 років тому

      Straight edge was a passionate movement about life choices and self improvement. I don't see the connection in the slightest.

    • @thatoneguylevi7058
      @thatoneguylevi7058 7 років тому +3

      edgy comment getting the straight edge kids fired up. I like that. 🍻

    • @jskora3
      @jskora3 7 років тому

      Best description ever

    • @thunorwodenson
      @thunorwodenson 6 років тому

      NS sXe! Whoop Whoop Ninja!

  • @oaxacaflockaflame9294
    @oaxacaflockaflame9294 7 років тому

    why does anyone care if anyone does anything? just seems pointless. live and let live.

  • @jaysonvick2175
    @jaysonvick2175 3 роки тому

    I guess there is more then one truth. Go back and listen to the music. Its not very good. People liked it because he was talking about sxe 90% of the time. He didnt escape he bought in to the bs. Lets be real earth crisis is still better.

  • @PuffAdder8565
    @PuffAdder8565 11 років тому +1

    The 3 rules of sxe are no drugs, no casual sex, and a love for hardcore. Violence is just one of those other things.

    • @RextheRebel
      @RextheRebel 10 років тому

      The rules of hardcore are no drugs,no alcohol and no cigarettes or tobacco/nicotine stuff. The sex thing only applies to "hard-line" straight edgers. It really just means to live your life the way you want that wont cause you to mess yourself up.

      @STRAlGHTxEDGE 10 років тому +1

      Rex Samson Hardline is something else man. That movement ripped themself appart from straight edge and hardcore.
      The Hardline subculture : Doesn't do drugs, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink alcohol. is pro-life (= anti-abortion and don't use anti-concenption), are vegan, Don't use prescription medicine, Doesn't drink cafeine, Do not consume 3rd world products like coffee, chocolate, tropical fruits etc.Only has sex for procreation (they do have excuses for having recreational sex in a relationship), Is pushed to be political active for human and animal rights even though they see homosexuality as a anathema.. and the list goes on. They probably not all don't do 100% everythingb but it's pretty close.

      @STRAlGHTxEDGE 10 років тому +2

      Rex Samson Now look, in the beginning most important things were 1) not drinking 2) no smoking and 3) only having sex with the person you love. (Not doing drugs as well but this is the top 3 let's say) Since people made a 'set of rules' out of Minor threat's song "out of step" where he says "(I) Don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't fuck, At least I can fucking think" So after people did that every time Ian said before he started playing this song on stage "These are not a set of rules!".
      After a while some edgers started being a vegetarian because like Ian said they see it as a logical addition to the straight edge mentality. So Vegan (+youth crew) bands like Youth of Today came to the scene which really popularised the scene. So straight edge kind of got some adjustments. And the sex-thing kind of got in the background.
      Eventually Straight edge today is like this : POSI side (where you live the sXe lifestyle as a choice for yourself and don't bother other people with this choice in order to have a good life where you want to be a good human being and see everyone as equals -including not sXe people-) and the MILITANT side (beating drugdealers f.e. and using violence in hoping that they make the world a better place this way since they believe that by just being a positive example is not enough, passive 'rebellion' is not enough, actions are more important) also sometimes called hateXedge by posi's. Now like 85-90%% of sXe people are Posi. But what do these 2 groups believe in?
      This is what the so caled "rules" are where the people believe in ;
      This counts for every sXe'r out there = CORE : Not drinking alcohol, no usage of recreational drugs and no smoking or chewing tabaco.
      Additional "side-rules" SOME sXe'rs belief in : Vegetarian/Vegan, Only having sex with the person you really love. Many sXe'rs are volunteering in animal or human rights.
      And I do believe most sXe'rs are atheïst so it has nothing to do with religion like people say, yes there are christian sXe'rs but that has nothing to do with the mentality. Posi Straight edge is all about being a good human being for yourself and your surroundings and not getting in trouble = AVOIDING VIOLENCE. So I don't understand what he is talking about in the clip, I think that's more a hardcore thing in general since Hardcore wasn't "liked" by the surroundings back in the day.

    • @RextheRebel
      @RextheRebel 10 років тому

      This counts for every sXe'r out there = CORE : Not drinking alcohol, no usage of recreational drugs and no smoking or chewing tabaco. Im against all that but sex...i dont have an issue with having sex with someone im not married too or committed too.

    • @RextheRebel
      @RextheRebel 10 років тому +1

      Beatboxin Dawg I love your comment btw,i wish more people realized shit like that other than just us.

  • @zacksamford7014
    @zacksamford7014 9 років тому

    Didnt the whole violence in straight edge start with Judge?

    • @zacksamford7014
      @zacksamford7014 9 років тому +2

      And the whole thing about straight edge is that it is kinda retarded to label yourself like your the only group of people in the world who abstain from alcohol, sex, drugs, etc. Of course it is a great lifestyle, I guess Im straight edge, I dont smoke, drink, do drugs, have casual sex, im even vegan (its more of a diet for mma) but the whole violence thing is just retarded and hypocritical to punks. I mean, are you really gonna be so judgemental (when punk is the exact opposite of judging people) and go around beating up people cuz theyre just trying to have fun? And since when does beating the shit out of someone make them go, "Wait a second! Drugs and alcohol are bad, now that I've been curbstomped and have brain damage I finally understand!"

    • @mydixiewrecked315
      @mydixiewrecked315 3 роки тому

      every person who is a musician in a straight edge band abandons the ideaology of Straight Edge because "It got too violent." cheap ass excuse-yet,ALWAYS return to hardcore to make a Quick Buck-there is a sucker born Every Minute & should you choose to see one at your next show,just look around yourself at all of the guys who payed to get into that social soap-opera.

  • @LANGI902
    @LANGI902 6 років тому

    Cant believe the sxe vs non sxe war wages on 😅 anybody ever seen edge of quarrel ?

    • @TheLexiconDevils
      @TheLexiconDevils 4 роки тому

      the Project X lp? the fanzine?

    • @LANGI902
      @LANGI902 4 роки тому

      @@TheLexiconDevils it's a movie look it up haha

  • @kh7955
    @kh7955 3 роки тому

    I like Strife a lot better without the "edge"

  • @oldschoolcuc
    @oldschoolcuc 11 років тому

    Maybe because your gradpa is not involved in the hardcore scene? Wild guess...if it's not about hardcore you can also say Hitler was straight Edge :).
    I don't say that I'm edge at all...usually I just say I'm drug free...even if I belong to HC scene :)

  • @DeepCurryYoutube
    @DeepCurryYoutube 10 років тому +3

    Hardcore is just as bad a scene as far as fights are concerned. There is no difference between sxe shows and hardcore shows. Both have gang mentallity and fascist mentallity. "Its not a hardcore show unless you leave in an ambulance." seems hypocritical. The last hardcore show I was at in my hometown there was a huge fight and someone got stabbed. I think people give up on not drinking not smoking and thats fine its your choice. I just think that the fighting stuff mentioned is an excuse. I dont know. Rick is still a great guy. Very nice man.

  • @jaychristophersummer2288
    @jaychristophersummer2288 10 років тому

    it is that wyatt dude

  • @TheMattJacks
    @TheMattJacks 7 років тому

    NO ONE keeps the edge. Nailed to the X? Nope.

  • @IllwroughtSolopsos
    @IllwroughtSolopsos Рік тому

    I'll take my straight edge incredibly violent thank you very much

  • @303random
    @303random 11 років тому +6

    Hardline sucks

  • @soulcollector7
    @soulcollector7 11 років тому

    he realise that straight edge scene turn more into facist scene,just haters and not the spirit anymore,,so cheers bro