I am but there's no proper Spanish in the song but maybe some random words mixed with others invented... In any case I think I heard "noche" (night), "siempre" (forever) and "sola" (alone).
@wanane looks like it in the vid but thats not her getting gasping or aroused. its her power. he might be aroused tho lol try watch the anime with voice on.
Arestana imente isore kita
Asore idore imente akita
Isara kita amere isore kito
Inoche imenta
Asore miento
Sempre kamito imento
Arimakita idore
Isempre kamito imento
Arestana ire imento
Kote kiri asore akito estamore
Imero kasida ideto
Ere sorekamita
Imifire ikomire
Sortamore itende amido
Isemere isemere kito
Me encanta esta♥
Algun dia me gustaria ir a mexico
El Cazador de la Bruja. Funimation just released an English version in two boxed sets last month (December 2009).
esta musica esta chulisima
I am but there's no proper Spanish in the song but maybe some random words mixed with others invented... In any case I think I heard "noche" (night), "siempre" (forever) and "sola" (alone).
wow what for a great video the song is perfekt
sorry for my english
name song: "el cazador",
this song have 2 ver.
"El cazador" & "cazador del amor"
I feel satisfaction 1:40
si no tienes los OST yo te los paso pero dime XD para poder subirlos aun servidor de descargas =P ahi hay otra verdion del cazador
does anyone know the name of this anime?
El Cazador de la Bruja.
LA is a fucking crazy cool
@wanane looks like it in the vid but thats not her getting gasping or aroused. its her power. he might be aroused tho lol try watch the anime with voice on.
Her power is related to her arousal, though. So it's both.
never figured by this anime/manga has a "yuri" tag on it ...... hmm by it has something to do with Yuri's revenge ?
Did you not watch the whole thing? It's very gay. It's not mashed in your face or anything but it's very much a lesbian romance.
The same style of Madlax...
Yes, it both are part of Bee Train's "Girls with Guns" trilogy.
Rape moment....O.o