You could have carried a lot more you should have picked more. That little bit of effort was not worth walking to go sell. The more the better you're healthy you're young you could have carried more. You should have filled that bag full. You need to make as much money as possible before that baby comes.
Linda princesa ❤❤❤
Bom dia ❤
Dien, um final de ano muito proveitoso para você, com saúde e paz.
Merry Christmas my child 🙏 blessings to you ❤❤❤❤❤
Oi tieu co boa tarde Deus abençoe vocês todos um ❤❤
Dien quando vai ter bebê?
Di cari baru ketemu?
Langsung nonton yuotube ini?
You could have carried a lot more you should have picked more. That little bit of effort was not worth walking to go sell. The more the better you're healthy you're young you could have carried more. You should have filled that bag full. You need to make as much money as possible before that baby comes.