Twilight never thought the Crusaders were unworthy of going to the school, she felt they wouldn't get anything out of it. Personally, I think the main hole in the story is that Twilight didn't talk to Cozy. Knowing she was taking lessons from the Crusaders and then giving answers on her test that were clearly snarky and insulting ("Who's the Princess of Friendship? Your mom") would warrant asking _Cozy_ to see Twi in her office. I don't know if it's different in other countries, but in the US, when a student is a smartass, you confront the student, not his/her private tutor(s).
I like the idea of the cmc turning her down making amends is never easy and twilight didn't ever try to hear them out I also wish the cmc's sister would of called twilight out on it but they did nothing. they could of done a follow up episode the had the map sending trixie and some of the other reformed villeins to help mend her friendship with the cmc cause they know what it's like to try and earn someone's trust after hurting them
I was waiting for someone to talk about this, and you just made my day. I agree with you with these ideas and if i may add, if Starlight and Cozy approached Twilight and her friends and told them what really happened, We'd have Twilight look shocked at first and then get treary-eyed for what she did and felt she failed as a teacher. I can view that moment for your "A Moment With Dr. Wolf" series if it could work. I'm happy you made a point for this episode, and if those changes were made, maybe i wound't hate it so much. Thanks for the video and i look forward from hearing form you.
I agree that Twilight REALLY jumped the gun with her accusation about the CMC. However, I feel that, in this case, her actions spoke louder than her words. I'm not too broken up about it, but I feel if she used both words (saying "I'm sorry") and actions (making the CMC tutors), that would've been a more powerful apology. Additionally, the idea of putting Luna in the episode to help the CMC could work if an appearance from her in the episode was properly set up and because of her past history with the CMC, it would make the ending a lot stronger than it would have been if Luna had spoke up for the CMC instead of Starlight. While I know I'll catch some flak for this, I feel the episode would've been better if Starlight was removed entirely. She had no real place in this episode. She showed up only once in the first act, and then doesn't show up again until the third act when the episode required her to solve the problem for the CMC and get praised by Twilight at the end like SHE"S the real main character of this episode, when it's really the CMC. If the writers wanted to have a story about Starlight wanting to do more as a guidance counselor, that should've been its own episode, whereas here, the two plots clash and makes Starlight's inclusion make her look like a blatant plot device. It honestly just felt like Nicole Dubuc is going out of her way to make Starlight look good at Twilight's expense. Here's how I would've done things: instead of Cozy going to Starlight, she's goes to Twilight and explains what she did to help the CMC. Upon realizing, "Oh, no! I've done screwed up something fierce!", Twilight becomes guilty and summons the CMC from Cheerilee's class to the School of Friendship, apologizes to them, and then makes them tutors. In her apology, Twilight could tell the her friends, the CMC, and Cozy that she's been lately worrying that Neighsay might retaliate in some way for what happened in "School Daze" and that stress over what might happen is starting to get to her. The CMC, though a bit cross at first, forgive Twilight. This would make Twilight's actions more understandable, as well as her apology easier to swallow, and it would give the episode a stronger version of its ending than what we ended up with.
Ian Brennan Starlight was made a guidance Counselor, so her being in the episode and helping solve the solution is just her doing her job. Plus, Cozy couldn't go to Twilight for fear of Twi just ignoring her or rebuking her, same goes for the rest of the Mane Six who were already angry at the CMC anyway. Why would she think something like that? She's a kid. Most kids don't want to risk talking to a teacher about their problems and being blatantly ignored. Starlight was the only adult on staff that Cozy felt safe to go to since it's her job as a guidance counselor to offer advice and assist the student in any way possible. As for why she doesn't appear in the second act as opposed to the third and first is because they were setting up the joke about Starlight not really having many chances to do her job since all the other students go to the teachers normally with Cozy being the exception to that. Side note: Could you explain to me how Starlight was made better at the expense of Twilight? I hated Twilight in this episode as well, but seeing as how she needed to step up her game on adhering to rules because of her being the Headmare of the school and since the CMC were already reported for "causing trouble" for the other Mane Six, it's understandable why she would assume the worst of them. Besides, every character has been written in an over-exaggerated manner before at some point (Looking at you Somepony to Watch Over Me) I'm just not getting how Starlight doing the task she was assigned at the school and Twilight acting as a strict disciplinarian somehow translates to: Starlight is glorified at Twi's expense. Especially since Starlight wasn't praised by the characters in the episode for helping to solve the problem, but rather she just celebrated the CMC's honorary graduation along with everyone else. Sorry for the long comment, as well as giving the "Flak" for your comment. I wasn't attempting to be insulting or anything; just providing an argument in Starlight's favor.
Matthew Crombie I have no problem with the idea of Starlight solving the problem and yes, guidance counselors are supposed to help people, but that doesn’t change my core issue: not that she’s the guidance counselor, but that her role in the episode wasn’t properly set up. Again, she appeared in all of one scene prior to the episode’s third act, and it was a very brief one. Also, while it’s true that Starlight was celebrating the CMC’s honorary graduation, the last line of the episode was Twilight indeed giving praise towards Starlight for being a good guidance counselor. I want to celebrate Starlight’s efforts here, but the episode just didn’t devote enough time to make Starlight feel like an integral part of the story. If anything, she felt more like a blatant plot device as I said in my original comment. Going back to Twilight, she made an incredibly major accusation towards the CMC with no concrete evidence to support it, making her argument towards the CMC rather flimsy and her punishment unnecessarily harsh. A disciplinarian should know for a fact what they are disciplining others for instead of making a blind accusation. Now, if it was the rest of the Mane 6 accusing them, I might understand it a bit more because they saw the CMC’s (failed) attempts to get into the school in the first act, but no. The only one who accused them was Twilight, who had no knowledge of the CMC’s past attempts to get in (apart from them asking her) and only had Cozy’s failed test as evidence (and even then, that doesn’t seem like enough to accuse the CMC concretely). Because of that, instead of looking like a disciplinarian, she looked like, to be blunt, an A-hole. There’s also no 100% guarantee that Twilight would rebuke Cozy if she tried to talk to her. True, it might happen, but I believe the writers could make it work if it’s well-written. For instance, imagine if she went up to Twilight, Twilight asks Cozy if she’s okay and apologizes to her over what the CMC “did” to her, and then the first thing out of Cozy’s mouth could be, “I failed the test on purpose!” Twilight would be confused at first, but then Cozy explains everything she did to her as she wanted to help the CMC get into the school and that there were no malicious intentions on their part. Plus, Twilight should know the CMC fairly well enough by this point in the series to know that pulling a cruel prank like this would be wildly out of character for them. I understand that you were not trying to insult me, and I’m in no way offended by your response. I also want to make clear I’m not trying to insult you in any way and that I appreciate you standing up for a character you like. I personally just didn’t think her appearance here worked as well as the writers were hoping for.
Ian Brennan I guess I can sorta understand why you feel Starlight is acting as a plot device, but I still stand by her not being around for the middle of the episode was done for the purpose of the joke; plus since she's always at the school serving as a counselor at all times, does her ability to help absolutely need to be set up even if the student goes to her despite her being excluded from the majority of the event? We, the audience, and they, the students, know that Starlight is available to help in these kinds of situations, so while it is understandably a little problematic in terms of plot set-up, it's not so atrocious in reality. Also, isn't that how most real world cases are? A counselor has little to no idea about a situation going on until a student spontaneously goes to them and talks to them about it? Meh. That's just how I see it. Of course there wasn't a 100% guarantee that Twi would refuse to hear Cozy out, but did Cozy know that? She's a little kid, and most kids don't really make that sort of mature judgment call. Kinda surprised that she actually did go to Starlight to be honest since most other kids(To my knowledge) would try to deal with it on their own... And in this case, because of just how tight a bond the Mane Six have with one another(Plus, them needing to report certain stuff to her as part of their teacher positions), I see no reason as to why Twi didn't know about the trouble that the CMC caused for the others, even if she didn't bring it up. Cozy apparently thought the same and wasn't willing to risk otherwise.
Here's a joke: Twilight isn't the Princess of Common Sense. Also, her apology was giving them honorary diplomas in friendship. Considering how many lessons they've learned alongside Twilight, there was no need for them to go to the School of Friendship; however, when Twilight told them, it went over their heads because all they could think about was 'this school is awesome, I want to go here'. It's no different than hearing about your dream college only to find out you already know what they're teaching. Different context, but conceptually the same. Twilight's only mistake was dismissing them without properly explaining it and just telling them the short version. When Cozy Glowed failed her test and it was revealed that the CMC tutored her on the materials for the test... Twilight's fault was assuming the fault of the teacher and NOT the student. This is more common than you realize, Doc. There are many a time when a Student's success or failure is given credit to the efforts of the teacher, not the student in spite of the Teacher's efforts. Again, you're not wrong in the apology, but actions speak louder than words. The Honorary Diplomas are the apology, even if there are no words of apology. Just saying...
I think it wasn't that bad. In scene when Twilight lash out on CMC the moment they left you could see that Twilight is sad that she had to do it. And them getting tutoring in her school was her way of apologize to them. I think show staff was trying approach of "show, don't tell" and not quite showed enough.
I see your point and I would hope that beyond the show run Twilight would have apologized for her actions. Though with the uneasiness Cozy Glow seems to radiate with us fans, plus the fact Chrysalis is roaming around. And of course Neighsay, who's to say something isn't very amiss here that could be affecting the ponies like Twilight. I can't wait to see what the show brings us in the second half, and congratulations on 100k!!
I agree. I was pretty disappointed in how Twilight reacted and how she treated the CMC. They have never done anything like this before, ans she says as much. If anything, she should have said I was wrong, you DO need to go here." If she still doesn't think they need to go there (because they know better) than why does she act like they did this on purpose? (showing they do need to go there)
I kind of found it insulting when Twilight said "I can't believe you'd do something like this!" She obviously did believe they would do something like this, otherwise she wouldn't have accused them without getting all the facts. That was literally the very first thing she jumped to.
I felt with this episode and Ponyville Confidential, Twilight was a little too quick to judge the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I mean, putting a force shield around her tree and banning the CMC from her school. What the hell?!
Well I think Cosy is a troublemaker send by well Neighsayer himself. Let me elaborate. First: Where did she appeared first? At the CMC's clubhouse, where she was bawling her eyes out top get their attention. Second: She tried to manipulate them to get them into the friendschip school. But the three are certainly in school age, so they would miss out, or even abandon Cheerilees class entirely. So Neighsayer had an argument, why the school should be shut down right now. So it makes sense, that Cosy Glow would make those steps to get Twilights school shut down, because it has to follow Neighsayers rules again.
Because she had a rook as a Cutie Mark and her strategic thinking of putting the CMC's into the Friendhip school could be a sign, that she had tried to create a reason to close it up again.
Twilight Princess of friendship Yeah right X'D. Okay everyone who read this it was a joke but. She still has much more to learn about being a Princess and how to judge better by hearing both sides of the story before she just goes off and judges the pony's around her when she has messed up just as much as they do.
Sir Aran I know she has proven herself but. My comment was a joke telling about every ruler in the passed has only heard one side of the story and just says he or she did it and calling it a day with out hearing him or her out. Would you like going to jail for something you didn't even do wrong noo!!!
Very nicely put doc. Took the words right out of my mouth. Congratulations on 100,000 subscribers by the way. Are you going to make a special in the near future by any chance? ;-)
I actually like the fact that Twilight didn’t feel that much doubt, because she needs a break. Because if you look at episodes like “what about Discord” she apologizes for things she didn’t even TRY to cause. And she does it SO OFTEN too. if you compare her to her friends, her apologies are more often and more heartfelt then their’s. So, I would have liked an episode where Twilight stands up for herself or even better, where her friends realized how little their apologies are and gave her a REAL apology.
1 scenario 2 try would've bin having Starlight chastise Twilight 4 immediately placing fault with the CMC. 'You know these fillies' sisters, you've seen them solve countless problems for other ponies, as well as a friendship issue OUTSIDE Equestria! What makes you think these same girls would PURPOSEFULLY sabotage one of your students?!' It would certainly give Twilight the slap on the rump she needs!
interesting theories and stuff i hadn't noticed before. anyone know when the next episode after the mean six come out? it's been a while andi heard zero news on the rest of season 8
I’ve always thought after Twilight got her wings that she is the worst princess. She learned little from her experiences, and shows it horribly. Being a teacher is worse when she thinks Trixie was very bad than her "pupil" Starlight even tho she almost ruined Equestria. Not to mention her "Princess of Friendship" title is a sham when sometimes she shows no friendship at all in some episodes.
Dr Wolf you should make a video of "Does Twilight have bad memory of what she learn in the past"? This episode Twilight should have reach out the truth & believe the CMC & should have given them a chance & talk to the student of the reason why she said those silly things
I'm glad you share my feelings, Doctor. I really, really hate to play the "out of character" card, because people tend to do that way too often. I make sure to analyze a character and circumstances carefully before I go there. And here, I can say that this was completely out of character for Twilight. If this kind of thing happened in season 1 or 2, I would understand, but this was season 8. At this point, she's learned so many things that would have caused her to behave much more rationally in this situation. She's come so far that this shouldn't be a thing. I have to ask one thing. Why exactly did Twilight's character development go out the window? Did she forget everything she learned about friendship, or did the writer forget? Either way, it makes for a poorly written and contrived plot point. Imagine an episode of Dragon Ball Z where Goku spent hours running someplace because he didn't have his nimbus, completely forgetting the fact that he could fly without it at this point? It just doesn't make sense.
I think Twilight should've stopped and thought about what she said to the CMC. If she is supposed to be the smart one, then she should've asked questions and figured out a way to fix a problem instead of pulling Naysiegh threats. She should stopped and figured out what she was doing and should've apologized for what she said. Honestly, she should be wearing a dunce cap from now on instead of wearing a crown Celestia 'thinks' she deserves. While we're at it, let's put a dunce cap on Celestia and give Luna the royal crown because from what I've seen she's doing a much better job!
I have to agree I noticed as well and we'll yes it feels like a miss opportunity however I have my own personal thoughts on it perhaps it was a intentionally not said or pointed out for a nother momment down the line I know that the mlp staf don't always make relation to previous episodes however I thought or at least hope that the reason why she forgot those events happed and because she was acting similar to Chancellor Palpatine I mean naysay was intentionally put there because maybe twilight may be doing a good job but perhaps she becomes so caught up in the work and stress that she started to act more and more like the Chancellor wich would lead up to something like her thinking the same sort of way he dose and forgetting her friends and what's right over her job but eventually realize that is not right and so forth because it feels like a set up but I don't know if they will go through with it or not BTW sorry I get carried away sometimes with my conversation
MrConredsX that could also be the case and it wouldn't surprise me however it doesn't hurt to have a little bit of thought into it after all that is what analysis do I said my thoughts on it we will see tho you are probably right
I am right and next proof will happen in the episode called Matter of Principals where Discord is turned into a weak moron while Starlight is a cool and smart straight mare.
MrConredsX ok far enough we know that starlight is the waifu of a few writers she gets special treatment but that wasn't the point of my comment I was just saying my opinion on the matter
Sigh, must I go and defend Twilight again? Well, here I go. The only episode this season where I think someone was definitely acting out of character was in Non Complete Cause (I really really hate that episode). Twilight's been just as good this season as any of the other seasons, if not more. You want me to explain why? Just ask.
Twilight just makes a logical deduction based on what she knows about both the CMC and Cozy Glow. It's not out of character for her to believe the CMC were setting Cozy Glow up to fail. Really, think about it. The CMC have been known to make stupid decisions in the past. Hell, in this episode they try to fail on purpose. Twilight would've heard this info from her friends of course. But her friends never really observed the CMC teaching Cozy Glow. Therefore, Twilight doesn't know specifically what they've been doing. Cozy Glow is timid and struggling to cope with school. It doesn't really make sense for her to purposefully fail. Well, it wouldn't to someone who didn't really observe their tutoring in depth. Twilight can't really go back in time and look at what they were working on with Glow. Besides, think about it. The CMC act as a tutor for an already struggling student. She fails a test, because they couldn't teach her the right things. That proves they're bad at friendship and need more lessons. It gives them a clear way into the school. If Cozy Glow didn't improve even with the CMC as her teachers, wouldn't that give the CMC a clear way to get in? But Twilight doesn't see it that way and points the blame at the CMC for setting up Cozy Glow, which could've been a logical possibility. Plus, she was ALMOST right. The teachers didn't fail on purpose, the student did. But Twilight wouldn't really know that because Cozy Glow didn't seem like the kind of pony who would boldly sacrifice her own happiness and pride for another pony. And it's not like Twilight could've just let this whole failing grade slide. She cares for her students and wants the best for them, so having a potential outside threat tampering with the well being and learning abilities of her students would of course piss her off. I'll admit the part where she tells the CMC to stay away from her school and students is a little harsh, but at least she seems regretful shortly after. That's the mark of a well written character. She scolds the CMC but she looks like she didn't really want to as she's closing the door when they leave. As for why she didn't let the CMC go to her school, it's because she didn't think they needed more lessons and since they're already skilled enough, the lessons would kind of be wasted on them. Really, I think that my views of this episode are quite the opposite to DR's. Where he thinks the CMC were great, I personally thought they were kind of the weak point of the episode. They don't think logically at all at first and only want to go to the school because they want more fun lessons. That's not what learning is about at all. School can suck, but you go to school to learn and improve yourself, not just to have fun. Besides, if the CMC really wanted to join the school, why didn't they just ask if they could be teachers there? Wouldn't that make more sense instead of pretending to suck at friendship? So yeah, I think Twilight is fine here and always has been for this season. Fight me.
I credit Cozy Glow for Twilights overreaction. Basically I feel that Cozy oversold the CMCs lack of friendship. It's just a shame that we the audience didn't get to see exactly what Cozy told Twilight after the big test
Marks for Effort also reflects on Starlight's placement as well. She felt that she wasn't needed there, but this very situation proved a boon when she's able to talk to Twilight and tell her when the situation was read wrong. Guidance Councilors are under-appreciated sometimes because many usually think they only contribute when something goes wrong. And this episode is a perfect example of that, it's a reminder that that Guidance Councilors are there to help clear up misunderstandings like this, especially when the Principal is working on incomplete information.
" possibility that modern age brings entertainment but there are now less depth or the feeling of telling a good story rathet focusing to much in entertainment " This gives me goosebumps and perhaps de ja vu about the change we see on the mane six slowly becoming villian like, modern age or something that we won't really know, what hasbro have in mind.
The episode remind me of Anon-a-miss in Equestria Girls. It would have been great to see Sunset come through and smack twilight when sunset realize twilight was behaving like anon-a-miss. Starlight brutal honesty and Sunset rough empathy would have made twilight to rethink
Just speculating here what if Cozy Glow is planted to the school of magic by this chancellor to spy on Twilight and her school so he could present a hole dossier on the faillings of the school of magic and Cozy Glow without freinds before and starts to get more comfortible her cuttie mark is a rook it could mean she is was a cheater but it also could mean she likes chess! p.s. sorry if i spelled some words wrong that is because english is not my native langauge
I think that this episode would have been better if it were after The Mean 6 to show that whatever happend to the tree it starts affecting the Mane 6 justifing Twilight atitude.
Now that I think about it, the episode teaches kids and parents to not always blame the teachers and tutors for the students problems. You see sometimes the student is the one at fault for the problem they caused. But the parents usually blame the teacher instead of the student for the problem even if the teacher was supportive the entire time. Twilight represents the parent blaming the tutors instead of the student, the cmc are the tutors who were supportive of the student the entire time, and that new character (that I can’t remember the name of for some reason) is the student that caused the problem in the first place. Also the cmc have been known to do things that are drastic and somewhat mean. And considering all they did to get into the school would it be that hard to believe they would do something like this, albeit in a ‘we weren’t thinking clearly moment’. Plus Twilight is a teacher now. If their was someone who was threatening the education and learning for her students, she has to put the students first before herself and her friends.
I have to disagree on Twilight's portrayal. I believe she'd done her research why Cozy Glow failed her test and was in the right (but unintentional due to Cozy Glow's poor idea on how to get the CMC into the new school) position to scold at the CMC like that. Here's how I see it went down before Twilight confronted them: Cozy Glow turned in her "on purpose" failed exam to Twilight. Twilight told her she failed really badly and asked did she had somepony helped her to prepare for the test. Cozy Glow said the CMC did and these are the answers she came up with. Twilight remembers how the CMC were when she told them they can't attend the school and felt she needed to make it clear to them that she will not tolerate "spiteful" actions towards her or the students. Twilight had a alibi to validate her claim against CMC: Cozy Glow's wrong answers on her exam paper. This is all what Twilight gathered from Cozy Glow. Yes, I too feel that Twilight needed to apologize at the end. But it was Cozy Glow who got the CMC in trouble and the only one who really owe them an apology. We've seen her talked to Starlight about this, right?
DRWolf001 Can Fleur Dis Lee, Pipsqueak, Fancypants, Princess Ember, Trixie, Coco Pommel, Discord, Thorax, Tempest Shadow, Upper Crust and Jet Set be in your videos and Therapy Visit series?
I don't think the comparison to Neighsay is that good. She kept them out at first because they had already learned, and she banned them because she thought they pranked her student (which she should have seen through).
If only episodes were 44mins long instead of 22. Sure there are plenty of episodes that work fine in the 22min slot, but then there are ones like this that could have greatly benefited with a little more time to work with the story.
Marks for Effort is one my favorite episodes of the season so far. I think it was great. And while I'm not exactly happy with Twilight this accusation, unfortunately adults tend to make snap judgments around children. It is true that Twilight should've given them the benefit of the doubt, but to be fair there weren't that many other conclusions she could've come to, let alone the truth. So I'll give you that changing that bit could improve upon the episode a smidge, I feel the overall episode is great. Not saying it's perfect, but it's damn close.
That sucks. I don't think I ever suffered something that severe, but to be fair my memory isn't the best. Regardless I feel for you. I hope things have been better since then.
DRWolf, I can understand the points you were making about Twilight Sparkle and agree. Personally, I thought she was too quick to accuse the CMC, too. My initial thoughts were that she should have asked them about their intentions or what specifically they taught, and that there should have been some sort of apology. Looking back at the episode, though, I can understand why she would have come to that conclusion. The last interactions that Twilight, or her friends, had with the CMC was them trying to use trickery or manipulation to get into the school. With that in mind, she likely believed that they were still in this mindset to get into the school by any means necessary and reacted based on that. While it doesn't excuse her actions, it certainly explains them.
You do realize that Twilight didn’t allow the crusaders into the school because of their already exceptional friendship skills making going to the friendship school in the first place very redundant. Instead to do the wise thing, keeping the crusaders in an actual school that teaches for knowledge. (Edit) I understood what you meant the first time around. I do agree that Twilight should have apologized for her accusations
He was talking about when she banned them from the school when she was mad at them near the end, not when they wanted to go to the school at the beginning.
FusionOmni, after rewatching this video, I understand better of what Dr. Wolf meant, it has been a while since I watched that particular episode and I usually watch an episode once and that is it, I was also very distracted by Cozy Glow being exceptionally creepy.
I can understand that. This plot had a lot of unexpected twits and turns sprinkled throughout it that it's hard to stay on track the whole time without watching it enough times.
Throw out the entire episode premise and make it about the CMC bonding with the School 6 (And Cozy Glow being weird in the background) Voila, episode fixed
Personally I think Twilight had every reason to not trust them. I know i'll get some flak for this, but I've seen most arguments against Twilight be that she should know them. But thats the problem, Does she know the CMC? I don't think she knows them as well as we think she does. Looking at the wholes series discounting comics (mainly because there are so many contradictions) and not including Marks for Effort, I have counted only 4 episodes where only Twilight and The CMC have shared at least one scene together: Show Stoppers, Hearts and Hooves Day, Twilight Time, and Surf and/or Turf. And even in those episodes, the scenes they share only last, on average, about 2-5 minutes. So you could pose the theory that Twilight really doesn't know them like their sisters do. Edit: You can add Fault in our Cutie Marks and Cutie Mark Chronicles to that episode count, but my point still stands, in those episodes the Twilight scenes don't go longer than 2-3 minutes.
Sean Gray i agree with you on that one. She doesn't know the CMCs very well like their families do. But i think she was a bit biased in her judgement. Also, it really pisses me off when i see such nasty comments about Twilight like " Twilight is retarded", She doesn't deserve to be a Princess". Ugh.😡
Seriously, I have seen about as much vitriol as Starlight gets over a mistake anyone could have made. Also I found a fanfic that delves into what reasoning Twilight could have when she accused the CMC. It's called Glimmering Twilight, Sparkling Starlight by StatiZkyZ (yes it is spelled that way) on FIMFiction. It's a good read I recommend it.
I think we have been seeing this off and on ever since EQ Girls. I think becoming human has opened up in her mind new ways of thinking but she hasn't been one long enough to find balance (unlike Sunset Shimmer). Being human no doubt opened he senses to new experiences and insights as well. The problem is that it is also culture shock and her mind has not processed all the information for this. Humans don't get cuti marks but wear them on clothes. Oh that's what the handles on the tea cups are for. We have video in Manehatten but no TVs, huh? Wireless mikes but no computers. Twilight has not been back to the human world since the end of EQ TFG. She may even think her friends replaced her with SciTwi and is harboring hurt feelings on the matter. The thing is her mind is still asking questions but she seems unwilling to visit to find the answers. Think about it, why wouldn't she visit her human friends like say spending the day at the beach or at the mall. Go to a movie with them or just plain hang out. You know, things that friends do.
Although this is too heavy for the target audience, it may be that long ago something happened in the human world that split the magical part of the human souls off, placing them into a pocket dimension that became Equestria (the history of how lost) and Twilight feels the tug on her other half (SciTwi) and is scared of losing herself. It would explain the tech issues there if the advances are intuitions ponies are just picking up on.
I have another take on it... Cozy Glow is a bad guy. This show does not hide its villains well at all. What if she did something to Twilight, making her act Neighsay-ish one minute, then forgetting that it happened that way the next minute? It’s just speculation, but in a universe where mind-control magic is a thing, and Twilight doesn’t normally act the way she does here... you can’t call it the craziest idea ever.
Well at least it's clear why Cozy Glow is in the school. I think her cutie mark is a bit like Rapunzel's tower. She didn't leave home until she got her cutie mark. Her main manner to socialize was probably playing games (chess included but might not be only one). She's like "the girl raised in a barrel". Twilight was a bit mean here but... I kind of get it. Student failing on purpose? For Twilight, that's unthinkable. CMC making said student fail out of spite by lying? Unbelievable. But not unthinkable. Twilight sent cakes when she.needed to apologize during the Flurry of Emotions. This time her apology is done by diplomas.
BY THE STARS....YOU’RE BLOWING MY MIND DOCTOR!!!! 😱 The way you put it, it does sound like a big flaw for princess twilight has in the episode. Perhaps since she is the headmaster of her school she has a lot to do on her schedule and etc. Perhaps this could be both twilight and the writers fault for being judgmental. Anything is possible 🤷♂️
You’re right. Twilight didn’t apologize to the cmc for accusing them of pranking Cozy Glow. Learning to not judge someone from a misunderstanding is one of the many lessons that Twilight has betrayed. Like I said, Twilight has proven herself unworthy of being a princess.
Marks for Effort terrible TV Shows wiki: Cutie Mark Crusader torture Jerky Twilight Sparkle, Cozy Glow and the rest of the Mane Six. Twilight scolding the CMCs for something they didn’t do without realizing! Cozy Glow’s Bad First Impression Dozens of plot holes
Twilight wrongly accused the CMC in that episode. She should know that they would never do that out of spite. Ever. It's not the first time she was out of character. *cough* No Second Prances *cough* Little by little Twilight has become the worst pony on the show.
To be fair, Cozy made the answers SO horrendusly bad, that Twilight thought the Crusaders epicly relapsed and as far as she knew, ruined an innosent student's score out of spite.
Legally she could've kicked them out and yeah they did know all the stuff. Heck if I were the CMC's I'd have taken then too court... or burned the place down!
Twilight never thought the Crusaders were unworthy of going to the school, she felt they wouldn't get anything out of it.
Personally, I think the main hole in the story is that Twilight didn't talk to Cozy. Knowing she was taking lessons from the Crusaders and then giving answers on her test that were clearly snarky and insulting ("Who's the Princess of Friendship? Your mom") would warrant asking _Cozy_ to see Twi in her office.
I don't know if it's different in other countries, but in the US, when a student is a smartass, you confront the student, not his/her private tutor(s).
Now I kinda wish that episode was a two parter mid season finale. That would have made for a SO much better episode
I like the idea of the cmc turning her down making amends is never easy and twilight didn't ever try to hear them out I also wish the cmc's sister would of called twilight out on it but they did nothing.
they could of done a follow up episode the had the map sending trixie and some of the other reformed villeins to help mend her friendship with the cmc cause they know what it's like to try and earn someone's trust after hurting them
I was waiting for someone to talk about this, and you just made my day. I agree with you with these ideas and if i may add, if Starlight and Cozy approached Twilight and her friends and told them what really happened, We'd have Twilight look shocked at first and then get treary-eyed for what she did and felt she failed as a teacher. I can view that moment for your "A Moment With Dr. Wolf" series if it could work. I'm happy you made a point for this episode, and if those changes were made, maybe i wound't hate it so much. Thanks for the video and i look forward from hearing form you.
I agree that Twilight REALLY jumped the gun with her accusation about the CMC. However, I feel that, in this case, her actions spoke louder than her words. I'm not too broken up about it, but I feel if she used both words (saying "I'm sorry") and actions (making the CMC tutors), that would've been a more powerful apology. Additionally, the idea of putting Luna in the episode to help the CMC could work if an appearance from her in the episode was properly set up and because of her past history with the CMC, it would make the ending a lot stronger than it would have been if Luna had spoke up for the CMC instead of Starlight.
While I know I'll catch some flak for this, I feel the episode would've been better if Starlight was removed entirely. She had no real place in this episode. She showed up only once in the first act, and then doesn't show up again until the third act when the episode required her to solve the problem for the CMC and get praised by Twilight at the end like SHE"S the real main character of this episode, when it's really the CMC. If the writers wanted to have a story about Starlight wanting to do more as a guidance counselor, that should've been its own episode, whereas here, the two plots clash and makes Starlight's inclusion make her look like a blatant plot device. It honestly just felt like Nicole Dubuc is going out of her way to make Starlight look good at Twilight's expense.
Here's how I would've done things: instead of Cozy going to Starlight, she's goes to Twilight and explains what she did to help the CMC. Upon realizing, "Oh, no! I've done screwed up something fierce!", Twilight becomes guilty and summons the CMC from Cheerilee's class to the School of Friendship, apologizes to them, and then makes them tutors. In her apology, Twilight could tell the her friends, the CMC, and Cozy that she's been lately worrying that Neighsay might retaliate in some way for what happened in "School Daze" and that stress over what might happen is starting to get to her. The CMC, though a bit cross at first, forgive Twilight. This would make Twilight's actions more understandable, as well as her apology easier to swallow, and it would give the episode a stronger version of its ending than what we ended up with.
Ian Brennan yep I agree
Ian Brennan Starlight was made a guidance Counselor, so her being in the episode and helping solve the solution is just her doing her job.
Plus, Cozy couldn't go to Twilight for fear of Twi just ignoring her or rebuking her, same goes for the rest of the Mane Six who were already angry at the CMC anyway. Why would she think something like that? She's a kid. Most kids don't want to risk talking to a teacher about their problems and being blatantly ignored.
Starlight was the only adult on staff that Cozy felt safe to go to since it's her job as a guidance counselor to offer advice and assist the student in any way possible.
As for why she doesn't appear in the second act as opposed to the third and first is because they were setting up the joke about Starlight not really having many chances to do her job since all the other students go to the teachers normally with Cozy being the exception to that.
Side note: Could you explain to me how Starlight was made better at the expense of Twilight? I hated Twilight in this episode as well, but seeing as how she needed to step up her game on adhering to rules because of her being the Headmare of the school and since the CMC were already reported for "causing trouble" for the other Mane Six, it's understandable why she would assume the worst of them. Besides, every character has been written in an over-exaggerated manner before at some point (Looking at you Somepony to Watch Over Me)
I'm just not getting how Starlight doing the task she was assigned at the school and Twilight acting as a strict disciplinarian somehow translates to: Starlight is glorified at Twi's expense. Especially since Starlight wasn't praised by the characters in the episode for helping to solve the problem, but rather she just celebrated the CMC's honorary graduation along with everyone else.
Sorry for the long comment, as well as giving the "Flak" for your comment. I wasn't attempting to be insulting or anything; just providing an argument in Starlight's favor.
Matthew Crombie I have no problem with the idea of Starlight solving the problem and yes, guidance counselors are supposed to help people, but that doesn’t change my core issue: not that she’s the guidance counselor, but that her role in the episode wasn’t properly set up. Again, she appeared in all of one scene prior to the episode’s third act, and it was a very brief one. Also, while it’s true that Starlight was celebrating the CMC’s honorary graduation, the last line of the episode was Twilight indeed giving praise towards Starlight for being a good guidance counselor. I want to celebrate Starlight’s efforts here, but the episode just didn’t devote enough time to make Starlight feel like an integral part of the story. If anything, she felt more like a blatant plot device as I said in my original comment.
Going back to Twilight, she made an incredibly major accusation towards the CMC with no concrete evidence to support it, making her argument towards the CMC rather flimsy and her punishment unnecessarily harsh. A disciplinarian should know for a fact what they are disciplining others for instead of making a blind accusation. Now, if it was the rest of the Mane 6 accusing them, I might understand it a bit more because they saw the CMC’s (failed) attempts to get into the school in the first act, but no. The only one who accused them was Twilight, who had no knowledge of the CMC’s past attempts to get in (apart from them asking her) and only had Cozy’s failed test as evidence (and even then, that doesn’t seem like enough to accuse the CMC concretely). Because of that, instead of looking like a disciplinarian, she looked like, to be blunt, an A-hole.
There’s also no 100% guarantee that Twilight would rebuke Cozy if she tried to talk to her. True, it might happen, but I believe the writers could make it work if it’s well-written. For instance, imagine if she went up to Twilight, Twilight asks Cozy if she’s okay and apologizes to her over what the CMC “did” to her, and then the first thing out of Cozy’s mouth could be, “I failed the test on purpose!” Twilight would be confused at first, but then Cozy explains everything she did to her as she wanted to help the CMC get into the school and that there were no malicious intentions on their part. Plus, Twilight should know the CMC fairly well enough by this point in the series to know that pulling a cruel prank like this would be wildly out of character for them.
I understand that you were not trying to insult me, and I’m in no way offended by your response. I also want to make clear I’m not trying to insult you in any way and that I appreciate you standing up for a character you like. I personally just didn’t think her appearance here worked as well as the writers were hoping for.
Ian Brennan I guess I can sorta understand why you feel Starlight is acting as a plot device, but I still stand by her not being around for the middle of the episode was done for the purpose of the joke; plus since she's always at the school serving as a counselor at all times, does her ability to help absolutely need to be set up even if the student goes to her despite her being excluded from the majority of the event?
We, the audience, and they, the students, know that Starlight is available to help in these kinds of situations, so while it is understandably a little problematic in terms of plot set-up, it's not so atrocious in reality.
Also, isn't that how most real world cases are? A counselor has little to no idea about a situation going on until a student spontaneously goes to them and talks to them about it?
Meh. That's just how I see it.
Of course there wasn't a 100% guarantee that Twi would refuse to hear Cozy out, but did Cozy know that? She's a little kid, and most kids don't really make that sort of mature judgment call. Kinda surprised that she actually did go to Starlight to be honest since most other kids(To my knowledge) would try to deal with it on their own...
And in this case, because of just how tight a bond the Mane Six have with one another(Plus, them needing to report certain stuff to her as part of their teacher positions), I see no reason as to why Twi didn't know about the trouble that the CMC caused for the others, even if she didn't bring it up. Cozy apparently thought the same and wasn't willing to risk otherwise.
Congrats on 100,000 subscribers!!!
Here's a joke: Twilight isn't the Princess of Common Sense.
Also, her apology was giving them honorary diplomas in friendship. Considering how many lessons they've learned alongside Twilight, there was no need for them to go to the School of Friendship; however, when Twilight told them, it went over their heads because all they could think about was 'this school is awesome, I want to go here'. It's no different than hearing about your dream college only to find out you already know what they're teaching. Different context, but conceptually the same.
Twilight's only mistake was dismissing them without properly explaining it and just telling them the short version. When Cozy Glowed failed her test and it was revealed that the CMC tutored her on the materials for the test... Twilight's fault was assuming the fault of the teacher and NOT the student. This is more common than you realize, Doc. There are many a time when a Student's success or failure is given credit to the efforts of the teacher, not the student in spite of the Teacher's efforts.
Again, you're not wrong in the apology, but actions speak louder than words. The Honorary Diplomas are the apology, even if there are no words of apology.
Just saying...
It only takes two seconds to say I'm sorry.
TheCatlover192 true
Iinteresting theories DRWolf.
"I'm sorry" Just two little words that would have made all the difference
I think it wasn't that bad. In scene when Twilight lash out on CMC the moment they left you could see that Twilight is sad that she had to do it. And them getting tutoring in her school was her way of apologize to them.
I think show staff was trying approach of "show, don't tell" and not quite showed enough.
MountainLion99 Maybe, but for me how Twilight respond to Scootaloo was apologetic enough.(Twilight said:"I know... Now.")
I see your point and I would hope that beyond the show run Twilight would have apologized for her actions. Though with the uneasiness Cozy Glow seems to radiate with us fans, plus the fact Chrysalis is roaming around. And of course Neighsay, who's to say something isn't very amiss here that could be affecting the ponies like Twilight.
I can't wait to see what the show brings us in the second half, and congratulations on 100k!!
Also, does this mean Cheerilee is being written out of the show?
Hewy Toonmore hope not she was very supportive to the school ponies
congrats for reaching 100,000 subs
I agree. I was pretty disappointed in how Twilight reacted and how she treated the CMC. They have never done anything like this before, ans she says as much. If anything, she should have said I was wrong, you DO need to go here." If she still doesn't think they need to go there (because they know better) than why does she act like they did this on purpose? (showing they do need to go there)
I kind of found it insulting when Twilight said "I can't believe you'd do something like this!" She obviously did believe they would do something like this, otherwise she wouldn't have accused them without getting all the facts. That was literally the very first thing she jumped to.
Oh Twilight was in it all right. She DID think better of them. The exam (and crying Cozy) -- just seemed like blatantly obvious evidence.
I felt with this episode and Ponyville Confidential, Twilight was a little too quick to judge the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I mean, putting a force shield around her tree and banning the CMC from her school. What the hell?!
TBF in Ponyville Confidential it wasn't just Twilight, it was all of Ponyville.
I know, but Twilight's solution was a bit extreme. I mean, she never even thought about talking to the CMC about what they were doing?
Indeed, i hate both this ep and Ponyville Confidential, i think there awful
The talk was left to Rarity and Big Mac.(While AJ refused). You know, the Big Siblings. Rainbow just rained on them to express her feelings.
@@elderscrollsswimmer4833 Though what Rainbow did felt childish and petty. A bit much
I think it's stress.
Pinky Pie! We need chocolate ASAP!
And get some for Doc too.
He just reached 100,000 subscribers.
Well I think Cosy is a troublemaker send by well Neighsayer himself.
Let me elaborate.
First: Where did she appeared first? At the CMC's clubhouse, where she was bawling her eyes out top get their attention.
Second: She tried to manipulate them to get them into the friendschip school.
But the three are certainly in school age, so they would miss out, or even abandon Cheerilees class entirely.
So Neighsayer had an argument, why the school should be shut down right now.
So it makes sense, that Cosy Glow would make those steps to get Twilights school shut down, because it has to follow Neighsayers rules again.
Rotkopfbrony redhatbrony What if she's Neighsayer daughter or Grand daughter
Hm it could be, but I would doubt it.
Why does everyone think that Cozy Glow is related to Neighsayer?!
Because she had a rook as a Cutie Mark and her strategic thinking of putting the CMC's into the Friendhip school
could be a sign, that she had tried to create a reason to close it up again.
Actually twilight didn't let the cmc go to her school because they already knew all about friendship.
Congrats on 100K subs :)
Twilight Princess of friendship Yeah right X'D. Okay everyone who read this it was a joke but. She still has much more to learn about being a Princess and how to judge better by hearing both sides of the story before she just goes off and judges the pony's around her when she has messed up just as much as they do.
Vigriff you be smart and who knows I may invite you to my home that I rule ov.. I mean live at haha please forget that rule part please.
I think Twilight’s proven herself unworthy of being a princess.
Sir Aran I know she has proven herself but. My comment was a joke telling about every ruler in the passed has only heard one side of the story and just says he or she did it and calling it a day with out hearing him or her out. Would you like going to jail for something you didn't even do wrong noo!!!
Madx10th TimberHusky Well, I wasn’t joking.
Great video Dr wolf and congratulations on 100k
Very nicely put doc. Took the words right out of my mouth. Congratulations on 100,000 subscribers by the way. Are you going to make a special in the near future by any chance? ;-)
To quote spike from the season premiere who are you and what have you done with twilight
I think there could be a chance that the Students and the CMCS could have a big part in the season finale.
I actually like the fact that Twilight didn’t feel that much doubt, because she needs a break. Because if you look at episodes like “what about Discord” she apologizes for things she didn’t even TRY to cause. And she does it SO OFTEN too. if you compare her to her friends, her apologies are more often and more heartfelt then their’s. So, I would have liked an episode where Twilight stands up for herself or even better, where her friends realized how little their apologies are and gave her a REAL apology.
You just got 100000 subs :D
1 scenario 2 try would've bin having Starlight chastise Twilight 4 immediately placing fault with the CMC.
'You know these fillies' sisters, you've seen them solve countless problems for other ponies, as well as a friendship issue OUTSIDE Equestria! What makes you think these same girls would PURPOSEFULLY sabotage one of your students?!'
It would certainly give Twilight the slap on the rump she needs!
sparxstreak02 what if the CMC called her out for being an idiot
MountainLion99 I've already seen some people doing that anyway. But yeah, it definitely would have made the vitriol worse, and more widespread.
I think that Twilight is a little protective over her students over anyone else. Think way back the second prances she acted the same way with Trixie,
interesting theories and stuff i hadn't noticed before. anyone know when the next episode after the mean six come out? it's been a while andi heard zero news on the rest of season 8
Are u planning to do more episode rewrites
GG 100k good job. Also keep up tf2 you’re doing good
I’ve always thought after Twilight got her wings that she is the worst princess. She learned little from her experiences, and shows it horribly. Being a teacher is worse when she thinks Trixie was very bad than her "pupil" Starlight even tho she almost ruined Equestria. Not to mention her "Princess of Friendship" title is a sham when sometimes she shows no friendship at all in some episodes.
Dr Wolf you should make a video of "Does Twilight have bad memory of what she learn in the past"? This episode Twilight should have reach out the truth & believe the CMC & should have given them a chance & talk to the student of the reason why she said those silly things
Congratulations on 100K subscribers!
Who would have thought after watching this episode that Cozy glow would become the ultimate evil character
I'm glad you share my feelings, Doctor. I really, really hate to play the "out of character" card, because people tend to do that way too often. I make sure to analyze a character and circumstances carefully before I go there. And here, I can say that this was completely out of character for Twilight. If this kind of thing happened in season 1 or 2, I would understand, but this was season 8. At this point, she's learned so many things that would have caused her to behave much more rationally in this situation. She's come so far that this shouldn't be a thing. I have to ask one thing. Why exactly did Twilight's character development go out the window? Did she forget everything she learned about friendship, or did the writer forget? Either way, it makes for a poorly written and contrived plot point. Imagine an episode of Dragon Ball Z where Goku spent hours running someplace because he didn't have his nimbus, completely forgetting the fact that he could fly without it at this point? It just doesn't make sense.
I think Twilight should've stopped and thought about what she said to the CMC. If she is supposed to be the smart one, then she should've asked questions and figured out a way to fix a problem instead of pulling Naysiegh threats. She should stopped and figured out what she was doing and should've apologized for what she said. Honestly, she should be wearing a dunce cap from now on instead of wearing a crown Celestia 'thinks' she deserves. While we're at it, let's put a dunce cap on Celestia and give Luna the royal crown because from what I've seen she's doing a much better job!
The human is the only beast that stumbles 7 times with the same stone
I have to agree I noticed as well and we'll yes it feels like a miss opportunity however I have my own personal thoughts on it perhaps it was a intentionally not said or pointed out for a nother momment down the line I know that the mlp staf don't always make relation to previous episodes however I thought or at least hope that the reason why she forgot those events happed and because she was acting similar to Chancellor Palpatine I mean naysay was intentionally put there because maybe twilight may be doing a good job but perhaps she becomes so caught up in the work and stress that she started to act more and more like the Chancellor wich would lead up to something like her thinking the same sort of way he dose and forgetting her friends and what's right over her job but eventually realize that is not right and so forth because it feels like a set up but I don't know if they will go through with it or not
BTW sorry I get carried away sometimes with my conversation
She was written as dumb so that Starlight would be the one who saves the day like always.
MrConredsX that could also be the case and it wouldn't surprise me however it doesn't hurt to have a little bit of thought into it after all that is what analysis do I said my thoughts on it we will see tho you are probably right
I am right and next proof will happen in the episode called Matter of Principals where Discord is turned into a weak moron while Starlight is a cool and smart straight mare.
MrConredsX ok far enough we know that starlight is the waifu of a few writers she gets special treatment but that wasn't the point of my comment I was just saying my opinion on the matter
The Mane Six (Especially Twilight) are acting really out of character in this season
Who knows what hasbro is cooking up about the change
Surprise surprise
Sigh, must I go and defend Twilight again? Well, here I go. The only episode this season where I think someone was definitely acting out of character was in Non Complete Cause (I really really hate that episode). Twilight's been just as good this season as any of the other seasons, if not more. You want me to explain why? Just ask.
Phantom slay 5612 ok...why?
Twilight just makes a logical deduction based on what she knows about both the CMC and Cozy Glow. It's not out of character for her to believe the CMC were setting Cozy Glow up to fail. Really, think about it. The CMC have been known to make stupid decisions in the past. Hell, in this episode they try to fail on purpose. Twilight would've heard this info from her friends of course. But her friends never really observed the CMC teaching Cozy Glow. Therefore, Twilight doesn't know specifically what they've been doing. Cozy Glow is timid and struggling to cope with school. It doesn't really make sense for her to purposefully fail. Well, it wouldn't to someone who didn't really observe their tutoring in depth. Twilight can't really go back in time and look at what they were working on with Glow. Besides, think about it. The CMC act as a tutor for an already struggling student. She fails a test, because they couldn't teach her the right things. That proves they're bad at friendship and need more lessons. It gives them a clear way into the school. If Cozy Glow didn't improve even with the CMC as her teachers, wouldn't that give the CMC a clear way to get in? But Twilight doesn't see it that way and points the blame at the CMC for setting up Cozy Glow, which could've been a logical possibility. Plus, she was ALMOST right. The teachers didn't fail on purpose, the student did. But Twilight wouldn't really know that because Cozy Glow didn't seem like the kind of pony who would boldly sacrifice her own happiness and pride for another pony. And it's not like Twilight could've just let this whole failing grade slide. She cares for her students and wants the best for them, so having a potential outside threat tampering with the well being and learning abilities of her students would of course piss her off. I'll admit the part where she tells the CMC to stay away from her school and students is a little harsh, but at least she seems regretful shortly after. That's the mark of a well written character. She scolds the CMC but she looks like she didn't really want to as she's closing the door when they leave. As for why she didn't let the CMC go to her school, it's because she didn't think they needed more lessons and since they're already skilled enough, the lessons would kind of be wasted on them. Really, I think that my views of this episode are quite the opposite to DR's. Where he thinks the CMC were great, I personally thought they were kind of the weak point of the episode. They don't think logically at all at first and only want to go to the school because they want more fun lessons. That's not what learning is about at all. School can suck, but you go to school to learn and improve yourself, not just to have fun. Besides, if the CMC really wanted to join the school, why didn't they just ask if they could be teachers there? Wouldn't that make more sense instead of pretending to suck at friendship? So yeah, I think Twilight is fine here and always has been for this season. Fight me.
You are the best
I credit Cozy Glow for Twilights overreaction. Basically I feel that Cozy oversold the CMCs lack of friendship. It's just a shame that we the audience didn't get to see exactly what Cozy told Twilight after the big test
That is interesting episode if it went there and I would moved my ranking
I still havent seen that episode.
Marks for Effort also reflects on Starlight's placement as well. She felt that she wasn't needed there, but this very situation proved a boon when she's able to talk to Twilight and tell her when the situation was read wrong.
Guidance Councilors are under-appreciated sometimes because many usually think they only contribute when something goes wrong. And this episode is a perfect example of that, it's a reminder that that Guidance Councilors are there to help clear up misunderstandings like this, especially when the Principal is working on incomplete information.
" possibility that modern age brings entertainment but there are now less depth or the feeling of telling a good story rathet focusing to much in entertainment "
This gives me goosebumps and perhaps de ja vu about the change we see on the mane six slowly becoming villian like, modern age or something that we won't really know, what hasbro have in mind.
My favorite quote from the episode is 5 turtlenecks and a cheese greater
Congrats Doc for getting 100K Subscribers!!!! XD
Good thoughts doc. Could you possible help me? I need some advice concerning what species my oc should be.
(Also congrats on 100K!)
Prism-Clear Analysis maybe I could help what species were you thinking
The episode remind me of Anon-a-miss in Equestria Girls. It would have been great to see Sunset come through and smack twilight when sunset realize twilight was behaving like anon-a-miss. Starlight brutal honesty and Sunset rough empathy would have made twilight to rethink
Cozy Glow comes back this season.....
Sliver quill, Gray mane, me offer is still be on ther' table, take it or leave it.
Just speculating here what if Cozy Glow is planted to the school of magic by this chancellor to spy on Twilight and her school so he could present a hole dossier on the faillings of the school of magic and Cozy Glow without freinds before and starts to get more comfortible her cuttie mark is a rook it could mean she is was a cheater but it also could mean she likes chess! p.s. sorry if i spelled some words wrong that is because english is not my native langauge
I think that this episode would have been better if it were after The Mean 6 to show that whatever happend to the tree it starts affecting the Mane 6 justifing Twilight atitude.
Now that I think about it, the episode teaches kids and parents to not always blame the teachers and tutors for the students problems. You see sometimes the student is the one at fault for the problem they caused. But the parents usually blame the teacher instead of the student for the problem even if the teacher was supportive the entire time. Twilight represents the parent blaming the tutors instead of the student, the cmc are the tutors who were supportive of the student the entire time, and that new character (that I can’t remember the name of for some reason) is the student that caused the problem in the first place. Also the cmc have been known to do things that are drastic and somewhat mean. And considering all they did to get into the school would it be that hard to believe they would do something like this, albeit in a ‘we weren’t thinking clearly moment’. Plus Twilight is a teacher now. If their was someone who was threatening the education and learning for her students, she has to put the students first before herself and her friends.
Interesting concept good job
I have to disagree on Twilight's portrayal. I believe she'd done her research why Cozy Glow failed her test and was in the right (but unintentional due to Cozy Glow's poor idea on how to get the CMC into the new school) position to scold at the CMC like that. Here's how I see it went down before Twilight confronted them: Cozy Glow turned in her "on purpose" failed exam to Twilight. Twilight told her she failed really badly and asked did she had somepony helped her to prepare for the test. Cozy Glow said the CMC did and these are the answers she came up with. Twilight remembers how the CMC were when she told them they can't attend the school and felt she needed to make it clear to them that she will not tolerate "spiteful" actions towards her or the students. Twilight had a alibi to validate her claim against CMC: Cozy Glow's wrong answers on her exam paper. This is all what Twilight gathered from Cozy Glow. Yes, I too feel that Twilight needed to apologize at the end. But it was Cozy Glow who got the CMC in trouble and the only one who really owe them an apology. We've seen her talked to Starlight about this, right?
LOVE 💘drwolf
DRWolf001 Can Fleur Dis Lee, Pipsqueak, Fancypants, Princess Ember, Trixie, Coco Pommel, Discord, Thorax, Tempest Shadow, Upper Crust and Jet Set be in your videos and Therapy Visit series?
2:09 the perks of being a main character of a kids show. you CAN be as hypocritical as you want and the story will still go in your favor.
I don't think the comparison to Neighsay is that good. She kept them out at first because they had already learned, and she banned them because she thought they pranked her student (which she should have seen through).
Mmh... Luna reacting to Twilight being unreasenable to the CMC... Got it!
Fanfiction writters, GO!
Doc can you please read 'Sweetie Bot A Hearth Warming Tale'
If only episodes were 44mins long instead of 22. Sure there are plenty of episodes that work fine in the 22min slot, but then there are ones like this that could have greatly benefited with a little more time to work with the story.
............. Good job 👍
And the crusaders were cleared of subterfuge.
Marks for Effort is one my favorite episodes of the season so far. I think it was great. And while I'm not exactly happy with Twilight this accusation, unfortunately adults tend to make snap judgments around children. It is true that Twilight should've given them the benefit of the doubt, but to be fair there weren't that many other conclusions she could've come to, let alone the truth. So I'll give you that changing that bit could improve upon the episode a smidge, I feel the overall episode is great. Not saying it's perfect, but it's damn close.
That sucks. I don't think I ever suffered something that severe, but to be fair my memory isn't the best. Regardless I feel for you. I hope things have been better since then.
I'm sorry, but in my experience things can always get better. Trust me, I do have some experience in that.
Congrats on reaching 100k subs
And aren't you running a little behind ?
DRWolf, I can understand the points you were making about Twilight Sparkle and agree. Personally, I thought she was too quick to accuse the CMC, too. My initial thoughts were that she should have asked them about their intentions or what specifically they taught, and that there should have been some sort of apology. Looking back at the episode, though, I can understand why she would have come to that conclusion. The last interactions that Twilight, or her friends, had with the CMC was them trying to use trickery or manipulation to get into the school. With that in mind, she likely believed that they were still in this mindset to get into the school by any means necessary and reacted based on that. While it doesn't excuse her actions, it certainly explains them.
You do realize that Twilight didn’t allow the crusaders into the school because of their already exceptional friendship skills making going to the friendship school in the first place very redundant. Instead to do the wise thing, keeping the crusaders in an actual school that teaches for knowledge. (Edit) I understood what you meant the first time around. I do agree that Twilight should have apologized for her accusations
He was talking about when she banned them from the school when she was mad at them near the end, not when they wanted to go to the school at the beginning.
FusionOmni, after rewatching this video, I understand better of what Dr. Wolf meant, it has been a while since I watched that particular episode and I usually watch an episode once and that is it, I was also very distracted by Cozy Glow being exceptionally creepy.
I can understand that. This plot had a lot of unexpected twits and turns sprinkled throughout it that it's hard to stay on track the whole time without watching it enough times.
Also, I thought something was off about Cozy, too. I still believe that. There's no way she's as innocent as she seems.
FusionOmni, I still think that Cozy Glow is up to something lol
Doc! I think Cozy Glow is Chrysalis in disguise. That might explain about your strange feeling.
Throw out the entire episode premise and make it about the CMC bonding with the School 6 (And Cozy Glow being weird in the background)
Voila, episode fixed
When me and my boyfriend first watched the episode,he did NOT LIKE Twilight in the episode.
Personally I think Twilight had every reason to not trust them. I know i'll get some flak for this, but I've seen most arguments against Twilight be that she should know them. But thats the problem, Does she know the CMC? I don't think she knows them as well as we think she does. Looking at the wholes series discounting comics (mainly because there are so many contradictions) and not including Marks for Effort, I have counted only 4 episodes where only Twilight and The CMC have shared at least one scene together: Show Stoppers, Hearts and Hooves Day, Twilight Time, and Surf and/or Turf. And even in those episodes, the scenes they share only last, on average, about 2-5 minutes. So you could pose the theory that Twilight really doesn't know them like their sisters do.
Edit: You can add Fault in our Cutie Marks and Cutie Mark Chronicles to that episode count, but my point still stands, in those episodes the Twilight scenes don't go longer than 2-3 minutes.
Sean Gray i agree with you on that one. She doesn't know the CMCs very well like their families do. But i think she was a bit biased in her judgement. Also, it really pisses me off when i see such nasty comments about Twilight like " Twilight is retarded", She doesn't deserve to be a Princess". Ugh.😡
Seriously, I have seen about as much vitriol as Starlight gets over a mistake anyone could have made. Also I found a fanfic that delves into what reasoning Twilight could have when she accused the CMC. It's called Glimmering Twilight, Sparkling Starlight by StatiZkyZ (yes it is spelled that way) on FIMFiction. It's a good read I recommend it.
Sean Gray Alright!🙄
No problem.
you forget Twilight time. that was still happenign as far as we know so in those she should know them.
you hit 100,000 subscribers
You should be a writer for my little pony friendship is magic
Eh. I liked the episode well enough.
Except for that one thing, I found the episode entertaining, even the filler in the first half.
yes!!! Twilight was sooo out of character in this episode!
I think we have been seeing this off and on ever since EQ Girls. I think becoming human has opened up in her mind new ways of thinking but she hasn't been one long enough to find balance (unlike Sunset Shimmer). Being human no doubt opened he senses to new experiences and insights as well. The problem is that it is also culture shock and her mind has not processed all the information for this. Humans don't get cuti marks but wear them on clothes. Oh that's what the handles on the tea cups are for. We have video in Manehatten but no TVs, huh? Wireless mikes but no computers. Twilight has not been back to the human world since the end of EQ TFG. She may even think her friends replaced her with SciTwi and is harboring hurt feelings on the matter. The thing is her mind is still asking questions but she seems unwilling to visit to find the answers. Think about it, why wouldn't she visit her human friends like say spending the day at the beach or at the mall. Go to a movie with them or just plain hang out. You know, things that friends do.
Also I think Cozy Glow is a plant by Chancellor Neighsay.
Chessking E4 that is a good theory about Twilight and the human world
Although this is too heavy for the target audience, it may be that long ago something happened in the human world that split the magical part of the human souls off, placing them into a pocket dimension that became Equestria (the history of how lost) and Twilight feels the tug on her other half (SciTwi) and is scared of losing herself. It would explain the tech issues there if the advances are intuitions ponies are just picking up on.
Rewrite the last few seasons basically. The good news is they can't really be made worse only better xD
I have another take on it...
Cozy Glow is a bad guy. This show does not hide its villains well at all. What if she did something to Twilight, making her act Neighsay-ish one minute, then forgetting that it happened that way the next minute?
It’s just speculation, but in a universe where mind-control magic is a thing, and Twilight doesn’t normally act the way she does here... you can’t call it the craziest idea ever.
Well at least it's clear why Cozy Glow is in the school. I think her cutie mark is a bit like Rapunzel's tower. She didn't leave home until she got her cutie mark. Her main manner to socialize was probably playing games (chess included but might not be only one). She's like "the girl raised in a barrel".
Twilight was a bit mean here but... I kind of get it. Student failing on purpose? For Twilight, that's unthinkable. CMC making said student fail out of spite by lying? Unbelievable. But not unthinkable.
Twilight sent cakes when she.needed to apologize during the Flurry of Emotions. This time her apology is done by diplomas.
The way you put it, it does sound like a big flaw for princess twilight has in the episode. Perhaps since she is the headmaster of her school she has a lot to do on her schedule and etc. Perhaps this could be both twilight and the writers fault for being judgmental. Anything is possible 🤷♂️
You’re right. Twilight didn’t apologize to the cmc for accusing them of pranking Cozy Glow. Learning to not judge someone from a misunderstanding is one of the many lessons that Twilight has betrayed. Like I said, Twilight has proven herself unworthy of being a princess.
Sir Aran especially the princess of friendship why not just have her be the princess of magic that's her cutie mark after all
If the standard for being a princess is "not messing up" then none of the alicorn princesses deserve to be princesses.
Except for Cadence, maybe.
Forward Tsender and flurry heart cuz she was born into royalty and she's a baby she's allowed to make mistakes
Marks for Effort terrible TV Shows wiki:
Cutie Mark Crusader torture
Jerky Twilight Sparkle, Cozy Glow and the rest of the Mane Six.
Twilight scolding the CMCs for something they didn’t do without realizing!
Cozy Glow’s Bad First Impression
Dozens of plot holes
Twilight wrongly accused the CMC in that episode. She should know that they would never do that out of spite. Ever.
It's not the first time she was out of character. *cough* No Second Prances *cough*
Little by little Twilight has become the worst pony on the show.
Nope. Worst pony is and forever will be Svengallop.
Matthew Crombie
No argument there.
Worst pony is Starlight, Svengallop is second worst.
I agree. Starlight Glimmer is definitely worst pony.
huh... nah, i think it be better if the cmc were replaced with one or two of the new students... but twilght was the weakest part >..
Any of these ideas would have made Marks for Effort better That episode is such a non-story.
To be fair, Cozy made the answers SO horrendusly bad, that Twilight thought the Crusaders epicly relapsed and as far as she knew, ruined an innosent student's score out of spite.
Legally she could've kicked them out and yeah they did know all the stuff. Heck if I were the CMC's I'd have taken then too court... or burned the place down!