• @garciagarcia4390
    @garciagarcia4390 2 роки тому +176

    I can't believe school staff would allow that to be in the school newsletter!! Omg!!!

    • @oscopin74
      @oscopin74 2 роки тому +4

      For real.

    • @Jenny_thebeaglemom
      @Jenny_thebeaglemom 2 роки тому +7

      Like they couldn’t have a teacher just skim the damn news letter before printing?

    • @LynxStarAuto
      @LynxStarAuto 2 роки тому +6

      Hahahaha. The 90's were a magical time.

    • @natashadelange4244
      @natashadelange4244 2 роки тому +4

      I agree, this is terrible.

    • @sulasmith3352
      @sulasmith3352 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah… that newsletter was the catalyst for Michaels decline

  • @beanmom0075
    @beanmom0075 2 роки тому +520

    Why would they allow students to put that in a student newsletter? The school should be held accountable

    • @LeftLaneDreams
      @LeftLaneDreams 2 роки тому +56

      That school and its administration clearly had no authority over the students, and IMO are partly to blame because of their incredible negligence and incompetence regarding the students… 🤦‍♂️

    • @jadegrant4119
      @jadegrant4119 2 роки тому +24

      I agree totally

    • @julietravis6451
      @julietravis6451 2 роки тому +9

      I hope the one thing they walk away w/ is, that kids are assholes. Middle school and HIgh school are hard. Kids act terrible. This will happen again and again, and not because of mental illness.

    • @feralon9570
      @feralon9570 2 роки тому +14

      This happened over 25 years ago before the anti bully campaigns in schools.

    • @jessicasinmas
      @jessicasinmas 2 роки тому +9

      Yes wth???? Poor boy

  • @kgem76
    @kgem76 2 роки тому +113

    Blaming a movie is a cop out from the adults in this boy's life, who failed him and his victims.

  • @goldenrulegirl7258
    @goldenrulegirl7258 2 роки тому +96

    And I bet the bullies grew up to still be bullies..

    • @guillermo3564
      @guillermo3564 2 роки тому +5

      @Tracey Leah It's pretty pathetic, isn't it? He killed the one person who tried to help him but not the little piece of sh*t who stole his gun. I hope that arrogant little f#@%er has karma kick him right in the a$$.

    • @goldenrulegirl7258
      @goldenrulegirl7258 2 роки тому

      @@guillermo3564 Ditto 😏

    • @mariamak4143
      @mariamak4143 2 роки тому +12

      And raise bullies , thats so sad

    • @goldenrulegirl7258
      @goldenrulegirl7258 2 роки тому +6

      @@mariamak4143 it IS so sad in that perspective. Also infuriating after giving it more thought and comparing the known bullies at my schools back in the day. I realized that this life altering event for so many, was literally no skin off of the bully's back. I'm sure since it wasn't directly related to the guy whole stole his gun, laughed in his face, etc and no criminal charges, he justified it as such, "it wasn't me, not my fault this happened." I would also be willing to bet the guy has bragged about it later, you know like telling his "crazy" high school stories over beers.. it makes them feel big, important. Which when you think about it, it is the foundation of what forms bullies 🤔

    • @marcospacondo4136
      @marcospacondo4136 2 роки тому

      Wishing them dead mf

  • @littlemissgwendolen1466
    @littlemissgwendolen1466 2 роки тому +63

    They made it seem like the movie was a big reason why he did what he did. When in actuality, it was the years of bullying and harassment that drove him to such an extreme. The school should’ve stepped in much sooner to prevent and put an end to the bullying. Also you can’t sue a movie for what happened.

    • @EarthIncompatible
      @EarthIncompatible 2 роки тому +4

      It sounds like in this and so many other cases, the bullies were never even talked to by the administration. Maybe if someone had asked Michael why he was acting out instead of just punishing him, some of the problems would've come to light sooner. There is NO way the teachers weren't aware at some level. I say that as a former high school teacher.

  • @rickclark6700
    @rickclark6700 2 роки тому +131

    None of this would have happened if it wasn't for the bulling, that's the catalyst. The movie was the inspiration , the relation to the hatred. This is how good people turn into evil killers.

    • @kwikky22
      @kwikky22 2 роки тому +2

      The murderer is the victim? Lol

    • @geercornuit9097
      @geercornuit9097 2 роки тому +9

      @@kwikky22 yes, the murderer is clearly also the victim

    • @raphaellavictoria01
      @raphaellavictoria01 Рік тому +3

      Well... yes and no. I was bullied, not less than him, let me tell you that much. Why do people get bullied? if you don't retaliate PROPERLY when a bully tests the waters, you're pegged forever.
      Funny enough, I was called gay in high school, bc I only had one friend and we were always together. One time in arts class, the whole class spent the duration of the class making fun of me. The teacher said not a word. This was in the 90s.
      So? Me and a ton of other people who've bullied, did we become killers? Quit trying to find a reason: some individuals will become monsters; others will not. Prevention is a eutopia not attainable in real life.
      He's a pathetic monster: he didn't even shoot the actual bullies, he shot people who were nice. I don't understand why anyone forgave him.

    • @rickclark6700
      @rickclark6700 Рік тому +4

      @@raphaellavictoria01 you need to do more reading about brain development and how it affects children. No one said he was innocent or forgiven. Severe bullying is a catalyst for these events. That’s why your statement
      Started with “yes and no” because, yes it can happen, but no it shouldn’t. This time it did.

    • @serenapolk4379
      @serenapolk4379 Рік тому +1

      I know right 🧐How TF is that even possible this world is ass backwards 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @glenysjacobs2565
    @glenysjacobs2565 2 роки тому +104

    The movie may have inspired but the rage was already within
    his peers created the hate and rage that just boiled within him
    their were many perpetrators here and unfortunately no one has learned a thing about the causes of such an act
    bullies create monsters

  • @kamlawilliams6549
    @kamlawilliams6549 2 роки тому +80

    I didn't like how the constant bullying wasn't addressed very much as a contributing factor. I know that this is supposed to be a copy cat killing but what about the way he was treated?

    • @jenniferyule8786
      @jenniferyule8786 2 роки тому

      I agree. Same happened in Columbine, those poor boys were bullied relentlessly. I hate that jock culture and the dumb girls who follow the boys around. I have no sympathy for the victims in most of these high school shootings,

    • @random23145
      @random23145 2 роки тому +2

      It was completely the bullying he even attempted to take gunsto school the day before but it didn't happen that way

    • @random23145
      @random23145 2 роки тому +5

      These reporters really left out a lot of facts

  • @AD-pd3ov
    @AD-pd3ov 2 роки тому +51

    I hope the school was held accountable for allowing "rumors" to be printed in the school paper! Nothing good was coming from that! Who approved that bright idea??? For the bullying to go on for two school years is just unacceptable! Wow!!

    • @codyferrell1896
      @codyferrell1896 Рік тому +1

      Well "rumor has it" has always been a newspaper themed column. Sure especially with school newspapers.
      But it's not supposed to heinous rumours... individual attacks. More so; innocent filler material for a paper. Such as "Rumor has it Allison thinks she is going hit a home run at tonight's softball game".
      Crazy AF the staff allowed students to write about anything... especially negative bully shit. Wild. And yes - doubt an adult proofread that paper. But still should be held accountable due to negligence.

  • @saspredydious9295
    @saspredydious9295 2 роки тому +303

    “It’s all because of a movie”? No, not all!
    Yes! Kid’s have been desensitised against violence with movies, video games etc BUT bullying is as much to blame in this case!

    • @minnietrout814
      @minnietrout814 2 роки тому +1


    • @einienj3281
      @einienj3281 2 роки тому +11

      Desensitizing doesn't change right and wrong.. healthy people will still be able to tell the difference..

    • @cirmily9882
      @cirmily9882 2 роки тому +8

      Right. That newsletter article! Wtf

    • @yukiefromoz2573
      @yukiefromoz2573 2 роки тому +5

      They do put ideas into fragile minds though

    • @argh9743
      @argh9743 2 роки тому

      running in circles

  • @CatsArePeopleToo
    @CatsArePeopleToo 2 роки тому +65

    So the school basically kicked off the bullying. Way to contribute to your student's well being (and at that pivitol age).

  • @PMaillet
    @PMaillet 2 роки тому +51

    There should be harsh punishments for bullies. And there should be a lot of education in the schools, making kids aware that their treatment of others can cause deep trauma in those less loved.

  • @Myamou
    @Myamou 2 роки тому +207

    This was a horrific event and I agree that there should more help with regards to mental illness yet no one has even approached the subject of how bullying affects students. There should be a discussion regarding the possibly drastic outcomes of bullying.

    • @marilyn1228
      @marilyn1228 2 роки тому +15

      YES, just what I was thinking. They always skirt around the bullies and who they affect. That poor kid was driven to desperation (not condoning his actions), but those bullies were just as culpable and should be held to some responsibility.

    • @chuckmoore8668
      @chuckmoore8668 2 роки тому +3

      Totally agree with you!

    • @feralon9570
      @feralon9570 2 роки тому

      This was over 25 years ago, anti bullying campaigns weren't around then. Mental health was something that wasn't talked about.

    • @chuckmoore8668
      @chuckmoore8668 2 роки тому +2

      @@feralon9570 and still isn't a very talked about subject trust me I know from first hand experience. It's hard to actually get the medicine we need to function normally. Doctors are too afraid to give us medicine we need due to possible addiction!

    • @trentcruise3084
      @trentcruise3084 2 роки тому


  • @shwinxtawz3842
    @shwinxtawz3842 2 роки тому +48

    and the bully is still alive... innocent lives lost...

  • @dellcoc
    @dellcoc 2 роки тому +44

    It wasn't because of a movie. It was unchecked bullying that caused it all.

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      it wasn't because of bullying either. he got a gun and shot up the school- end of story

    • @bradley940
      @bradley940 Рік тому

      @@craigime not end of story it's cause a school and teachers failed to do there job and make sure students are happy and not being abused by other classmates are teachers and it pretty simple you bully someone enough there gonna respond it probably not in the best way kids don't shoot people for no reason

    • @Connor-vx7mk
      @Connor-vx7mk Рік тому

      Honestly I do think bullying was a major part of it but at the same time there are some things that lead me to believe that the film did influence him in some way leading up to the shooting. For example, michael watched the basketball diaries, and not long after started to sport a black trench coat to school. and even though he had not worn such item of clothing DURING the shooting, he had been at times wearing a black trenchcoat like i said, leading up to the shooting.

    • @babyjuice98
      @babyjuice98 8 місяців тому

      @@craigimeit was because of bullying stop it

    • @craigime
      @craigime 8 місяців тому

      @@babyjuice98 it wasn't... Stop it

  • @christinamoller5742
    @christinamoller5742 2 роки тому +22

    Who on earth allowed the students to publish that bit about his sexuality???? Unbelievable.

  • @lauraswann5543
    @lauraswann5543 2 роки тому +30

    This is so sad. I know of a family where both sisters committed suicide because of bullying. Bullying can wreck people's lives, teachers really need to address it

  • @deftones8717
    @deftones8717 2 роки тому +47

    What’s even more sad is that he targeted the one girl who didn’t bully or treat him like an outcast.. and I’m only speculating, but I’m guessing the other 2 girls he killed that were in the prayer circle, didn’t bully him either. Not that anyone deserved to be killed more so than the next, but you would think that he would have targeted the kids who bullied him. Why kill the poor girls who didn’t torment you or treat you poorly? Also, the narrator said that this shooting happened “all because of a money”. I beg to differ.. the catalyst was the bullying. Bullying usually is the root cause of school shootings like this. So sad, and so prevalent here in the US. Parents need to lock away their guns more safely if they’re going to be gun owners.

    • @janetdonald9801
      @janetdonald9801 2 роки тому +3

      Yes but that girl said she wouldn't be interested in someone like him, not that she just wanted to be friends. So he really had no one who accepted him for who he was. His life must've been miserable, this is not okay for any kid.

    • @ca819
      @ca819 2 роки тому +10

      @@janetdonald9801 Ok, and that gives him the right to kill her? Very strange thinking.

    • @janetdonald9801
      @janetdonald9801 2 роки тому +1

      @@ca819 not at all. No one has the right to kill someone.

    • @masa7296
      @masa7296 2 роки тому +8

      @@janetdonald9801 she was honest with him instead of leading him on, he should be gratefull to her for treating him nicely and helping him.. there were other kids he had actual reasons to be mad at

    • @paulfrewzy7374
      @paulfrewzy7374 2 роки тому +3

      Well I feel the Only one's who Should be handling fire arms of Such is Police and Military
      It ain't the wild west time n dates no more, So Take them into total control is aww I wish was done Way back. I'm Scottish from Scotland n live in the Irish Republic now n Nope No NEED As such Simple..

  • @Raw_Roots
    @Raw_Roots 2 роки тому +65

    These bullies are now in the workplace. My 19 year old daughter just experienced it. It was awful. The company made the bully manager. She and another coworker would taunt my daughter, by walking by her office 40 to 50 plus times a day. Telling upper management she wasn't working, when in fact, her numbers were the highest out of the entire group. Meaning she was doing more than anyone in her department. So, bullying is still not seen for what it really is and the great harm it causes.

    • @EarthIncompatible
      @EarthIncompatible 2 роки тому +1

      Hopefully, adults have more capacity to deal with bullying logically. Kids going through puberty where their hormones and their brains are all over the place all the time don't have those coping skills.

    • @globalwarmhugs7741
      @globalwarmhugs7741 2 роки тому

      America is a country of bullies.

    • @serenapolk4379
      @serenapolk4379 Рік тому

      Sure are

    • @roygeorge5364
      @roygeorge5364 8 місяців тому

      I know I'm a little late to the party, but hearing that this stuff is going on in the workplace is really disappointing. My country has a legality which states that the workplace is responsible for your emotional wellbeing whilst in that workplace - I wish every country would adopt practices at work like this, so bullying can be shut down.

  • @jorgeluis3470
    @jorgeluis3470 2 роки тому +97

    Do not blame the movie, do not blame a boy with problems... blame the system who value bullies and their attitudes to others over anything else.

    • @kwikky22
      @kwikky22 2 роки тому

      Don't blame the murderer? Should all bullies shoot up their schools?

    • @Skyismify
      @Skyismify Рік тому +3

      Don't blame the boy? He murdered 3 people and gunned down 5 more. Yes, the system obviously needs an overhaul but saying he has no blame for this is ridiculous. He stole the guns, he brought them to school, and he shot into a prayer group of innocent kids.

    • @rls3745
      @rls3745 Рік тому

      Exactly Jorge but they see the crime the don't see what makes u commit crime

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      nah the boy gets the blame

    • @ingevonschneider5100
      @ingevonschneider5100 8 місяців тому

      you nailed it.

  • @amyyoung8669
    @amyyoung8669 2 роки тому +43

    Are you guys blaming The Basketball Diaries on these murderers I seriously hope not because that's f****** ridiculous

    • @serenapolk4379
      @serenapolk4379 Рік тому

      You know their ass is not the parents not the bullies but a fckng make-believe movie

  • @gabygaby5701
    @gabygaby5701 2 роки тому +58

    That poor girl that was left paralyzed… she was so brave. Hope she is doing well

    • @justagrrl1981
      @justagrrl1981 2 роки тому +2

      She had no hard feelings towards him! Holy shit

    • @jayfleming9647
      @jayfleming9647 2 роки тому +2

      @@justagrrl1981 I feel the same way

    • @random23145
      @random23145 2 роки тому +1

      I went to school with her in college Murray State she's really sweet girl

    • @random23145
      @random23145 2 роки тому +3

      @@basicbeach7544 she didn't get a lot of money I don't think she even wanted money she was happy to be alive

    • @Skyismify
      @Skyismify Рік тому +3

      She is doing really well. She has a family and children that adore her. She gives speeches and councils children. She even wrote a book. She made the best out of a terrible situation and wants to help children to do their best with their situations.

  • @Jennifer-iz4qq
    @Jennifer-iz4qq 2 роки тому +17

    Did he really say there weren't any warning signs in the beginning of this? The kid brought a gun to school and pointed at someone. On top of that he wrote an essay about killing preps. There were huge warning signs.

  • @wickedwonka9155
    @wickedwonka9155 2 роки тому +21

    I think every kid who was tortured in school by their classmates secretly has fantasies like this. The difference is most of us don’t actually do it. Everyone’s a little crazy.

    • @mudmudmudmudmud7605
      @mudmudmudmudmud7605 2 роки тому +2

      🎶But we're never gonna survive unless
      We get a little crazy
      No we're never gonna survive unless
      We are a little crazy🎶

    • @chelelee6321
      @chelelee6321 2 роки тому +1

      I fantasized about whooping someone's ass not shooting them.

  • @LeftLaneDreams
    @LeftLaneDreams 2 роки тому +88

    This school and its administration clearly had no authority over it’s students at all, and IMO are partly to blame because of their incredible negligence and incompetence regarding their students… 🤦‍♂️

    • @MrScubajsb
      @MrScubajsb 2 роки тому +5

      I agree, just like being able to write that a student was gay in their paper? Even when I was in high school in 1998, things were way different but the school paper would not let you print things that would be targeting other students and making fun of them or releasing their sexual orientation like that. This was ridiculous

    • @trentcruise3084
      @trentcruise3084 2 роки тому


    • @suzimonkey345
      @suzimonkey345 2 роки тому +2

      I’ve always hated this, blame the movie, blame Marilyn Manson, blame Steven King etc etc. Why do they think that writers could somehow empathise with feeling outcast, bullied, angry & shooting-up the school??? 🙄🤬🙄

  • @123UpNorth321
    @123UpNorth321 2 роки тому +26

    I can't help but feeling really, really sorry for him...

  • @smurfiennes
    @smurfiennes 2 роки тому +27

    Such a sad story. Bullies should be severely punished! So many kids live through hell because of them, and they explode eventually under stress, esp. when those kids are as powerless and weak as this boy.

  • @cherylmaynard5657
    @cherylmaynard5657 2 роки тому +15

    School bullying issomething that affects children very much.

  • @damianstarks3338
    @damianstarks3338 2 роки тому +35

    Keep these copycat killers videos coming I like this show.

    • @StephanyChills
      @StephanyChills 2 роки тому +3


    • @reillymoore3257
      @reillymoore3257 2 роки тому +1

      Although he wasn't a copycat killer, there will likely be a story done with Ethan Crumbley and his lunatic family. Different circumstances, but would still make a good episode.

  • @mechellewinslow65
    @mechellewinslow65 2 роки тому +22

    I was bullied bad at 14, physically and mentally, I can sympathize if I had the guts, I would have killed myself. I would have never hurt anyone else. But I do understand. I feel schools need to do a lot more to help stop bullying! Everyone who has ever done this is usually picked on and mentally ill.

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      you would have killed yourself if you had the guts?

  • @Candyliz2003
    @Candyliz2003 2 роки тому +19

    Because of a movie?!
    Because of the availability of guns is closer to the truth.

    • @ValentinG23
      @ValentinG23 2 роки тому +2

      yeah , cuz america loves to blame these things on anything than the availability of guns !!!!

    • @jadetaylor2443
      @jadetaylor2443 2 роки тому

      Well Leo shot people in the movie but you don't blame the movie you blame the gun?

    • @Candyliz2003
      @Candyliz2003 2 роки тому

      @@jadetaylor2443 How does the pro-gun faction not understand that without the gun the death or maiming likely doesn't happen? The only function of a gun is to kill or maim.

  • @JAMESBROWN-ih3ft
    @JAMESBROWN-ih3ft 2 роки тому +10

    I still can't believe that Michael's father was a lawyer, and he didn't sue the school district for printing that his junior high aged son was Gay!

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      who told you he knew?

  • @TY-dg4il
    @TY-dg4il 2 роки тому +5

    Bullying is so painfull, only a victim knows how it feels.

  • @cherylmaynard5657
    @cherylmaynard5657 2 роки тому +6

    I have accidentally discover this channel and I am hooked.

  • @donnagpalk912
    @donnagpalk912 2 роки тому +12

    Bullies should be kicked out of school.. a school paper like that should never be allowed..
    Tennessee floods here 🙏

  • @moomyung9231
    @moomyung9231 2 роки тому +10

    I hung out with the goth kids because they were completely accepting of everyone and I was also an awkward, shy kid. They weren't "against everything that was good". I dressed normally and didn't drink or do drugs, no one ever said anything negative about it.

    • @chelelee6321
      @chelelee6321 2 роки тому +1

      I hung with them too. To me, they were modern hippies. Very accepting and kind. Not against everything good like this program says..

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      goths are different everywhere. probably these goths were "against everything that was good".

  • @petermaher7740
    @petermaher7740 2 роки тому +13

    You could half the runtime of this documentary if you cut out every time they repeat the same thing over and over

  • @jeanniemarkech351
    @jeanniemarkech351 2 роки тому +58

    Every time someone under 18 gets hold of a gun and commits a crime, there is an adult somewhere who should be charged as an accessory to that crime. Every. Single. Time.

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      that's a dumb thing to say

  • @majesticfool
    @majesticfool 2 роки тому +18

    highschool was terrible for me, you just gotta get through it and build some confiedence in the things you like. maybe schools should teach basic life skills like that

  • @amyanonymous5896
    @amyanonymous5896 2 роки тому +2

    The Health High School shooting is something I will never forget. I live in Paducah, KY.

  • @ronballiet6078
    @ronballiet6078 2 роки тому +5

    How many times did we really have to hear about the BB Dairies!!!!

  • @jonesoutdoors9901
    @jonesoutdoors9901 2 роки тому +18

    He brought weapons to school so many times and nothing was said or done about it. Never could stand there while someone was bullied in school. I’d stop them in a heart beat and they all knew it.

  • @qldsafari
    @qldsafari 2 роки тому +5

    ‘All because of a movie” are you Fukin kidding?

  • @ellataylor6178
    @ellataylor6178 2 роки тому +11

    . I have a little smidgen of sympathy for him . He so desperately needed help , there was no one there to help this child. So sorry for the families who lost their children. What a tragedy.

  • @larryallred6607
    @larryallred6607 2 роки тому +14

    What do you think happens when you're being bullied and the school allowed it with their newspaper they should have sued the damn School also the kid that was doing the bullying should have went to jail for being a bully I was bullied in school and I still want to get even though the day I die once certain individual but I'm not a murderer teach your kids to have respect for each other instead of being punching God damn heathens

  • @nmjncc
    @nmjncc Рік тому +3

    I don’t think it’s just about a movie, this event shows how bullying can trigger anyone. We don’t know what other people are going through.

  • @eternall808
    @eternall808 2 роки тому +13

    Up for parole in *2023* . It's sad, the bullying was/is never, ever *addressed* !!

    • @baileyvick3429
      @baileyvick3429 Рік тому +1

      Just denied parole today! My hometown is very thankful

    • @eternall808
      @eternall808 Рік тому

      @@baileyvick3429 💯

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      they said several times he was bullied

    • @eternall808
      @eternall808 Рік тому

      @@craigime Meaning, do something about it!!!!

  • @zaravacher906
    @zaravacher906 2 роки тому +43

    Im not agreeing with the things he did they were truly horrid, i was bullied horrendously for 10 years for being fat or a goth and it does grind you down to the point where you feel you have no out. The school should of done something ! my school should of done something too but they never do they allow the bullying to go on and on until a student has a mental break down.

    • @bridgetkintz72
      @bridgetkintz72 2 роки тому +7

      I'm 50. I was bullied back in the early 80s. Things was thrown at me. I was hit on the head a couple of times. When I turned 16 my mom put me in an Adult High at a college. I had no problems there which I graduated from there. I definitely understand what you went through.

    • @Ladyjojo695
      @Ladyjojo695 2 роки тому +3

      Agree. I’ve been bullied and my autistic sons and it does have detrimental effects on your life. I feel for this kid.

    • @bridgetkintz72
      @bridgetkintz72 2 роки тому +2

      @@maryannswanson3832 I agree!! What he did was wrong, period!!

    • @Ladyjojo695
      @Ladyjojo695 2 роки тому +2

      @@maryannswanson3832 yes I thought that would be the first person tbh.

    • @roxayneochs1298
      @roxayneochs1298 2 роки тому +2

      I was bullied too. The school never did anything but my parents did. I feel for everyone in this story including him. So terrible.

  • @AndiSplatterpunk
    @AndiSplatterpunk 2 роки тому +5

    If you have never been have no idea have awful it is.

  • @hannahkaufman6720
    @hannahkaufman6720 2 роки тому +19

    It's sad the way the goth kids are portrayed as dark and evil "they want nothing to do with good and normal" or whatever. Goth kids aren't bad.

    • @Ladyjojo695
      @Ladyjojo695 2 роки тому +5

      Just an excuse to bully or find something to blame

    • @jayfleming9647
      @jayfleming9647 2 роки тому +1

      I want to hang around with the gothic kids

    • @jadetaylor2443
      @jadetaylor2443 2 роки тому +1

      They made fun of the prayer group.

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      they were referring to that specific group

  • @lindilangeveldt5004
    @lindilangeveldt5004 2 роки тому +2

    Bullies, including the rejection was the beginning of this!!!!!!!!

  • @hoserbike
    @hoserbike 2 роки тому +4

    Is this an advertisement for basketball diaries? Good video but damn.

  • @indrebartaseviciute913
    @indrebartaseviciute913 2 роки тому +21

    I was bullied at school, and many times it got really bad, but it wasn't in my nature to fight the bullies, so I just froze every time and cried at home afterwards. It never occured to me that I should do anything to them, no matter how unfair things seemed. My parents never understood or knew what was going on. The problem in America is that guns are normal, and almost every home has them. In my country I know nobody who would have a gun at home. That's why school shootings never happen here. They should do something about it.

    • @Iloveyoursmile
      @Iloveyoursmile 2 роки тому +5

      True. Same in my country Czech Republic.

    • @rm-ih1ns
      @rm-ih1ns 2 роки тому

      2012 long time q #1 Peter ? walker pianist (#2)
      sadly key -and we are all saddened by your experience AnD sharing - parents "never
      knew" 'they should do...' woulda coulda shoulda nOt knOwing IS a part f living
      many & myself, certainly nOt fond of THIS quandary knowing the prOblem ~ step 1 critical stay safe'n well

    • @Iloveyoursmile
      @Iloveyoursmile 2 роки тому

      @@rm-ih1ns ?

    • @EarthIncompatible
      @EarthIncompatible 2 роки тому

      The guns aren't at fault. They didn't pick themselves up and walk into the school to shoot people. Michael had to steal them from a friend's house. Stop blaming guns for people's actions. Remember his first fantasy was with a knife. Are you going to get rid of all knives too, so criminals are the only ones who have guns and knives. Good plan, there.

  • @antoniohuertas8909
    @antoniohuertas8909 2 роки тому +4

    All that and he didn't even go after the kids who bullied him. After the bully took not just one but TWO guns from him, the bully wins yet again. What a tragedy.

  • @Kate0817
    @Kate0817 2 роки тому +16

    Lately I have been hooked on true crime, and this channel is one of the best I have came across 👍 Thank you great work‼️

    • @krystalarmstrong3181
      @krystalarmstrong3181 2 роки тому +3

      Mrballen75 😉👌

    • @andrebrown10101
      @andrebrown10101 2 роки тому

      @@krystalarmstrong3181 eh..

    • @Kate0817
      @Kate0817 2 роки тому +2

      @@krystalarmstrong3181 yes, I like his channel also. TC is also one of the best.

    • @mudmudmudmudmud7605
      @mudmudmudmudmud7605 2 роки тому +1

      Yes "That Chapter" is one of the best true crime channels . Also some other good ones are "This is Monsters" and " Coffeehouse Crime ".
      I find those kind of channels to be more enjoyable to watch than ones like this (the one we're commenting under). I don't know why even though this channel seems to have more of a production budget than ones like I mentioned.

    • @Kate0817
      @Kate0817 2 роки тому +1

      @@mudmudmudmudmud7605 For sure, those are two of my favorites as well. Any more that's all I watch is true crime. 🤦 I think I need to get out more 😂

  • @Ladyjojo695
    @Ladyjojo695 2 роки тому +22

    You see the same thing happening time and time again. Bullied and struggling with mental health yet nothing is seen until something awful happens. He was bullied, constantly and yet not one kid, teacher or family see or help. Society is doomed. There is hardly any compassion for people anymore. Bullying effects people on a whole different level. Unless you been through it you would never understand. Everyday being tortured by idiots who think it’s ok and fun. Teachers and schools should do more.

    • @ca819
      @ca819 2 роки тому +1

      No, I think it's the parents! It"s the parents responsibility to look after, love and protect their children.

    • @Ladyjojo695
      @Ladyjojo695 2 роки тому +2

      @@ca819 parents aren’t at school and if you report it they don’t act. It’s hard to tackle but more should be done.

    • @jayfleming9647
      @jayfleming9647 2 роки тому +1

      @@Ladyjojo695 hi there is jay fleming how are you doing today I am a loner and I need some friends who like me ok

    • @jayfleming9647
      @jayfleming9647 2 роки тому +1

      @@ca819 I totally agree

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      what exactly should they do more?

  • @sapphiregonzalez25
    @sapphiregonzalez25 2 роки тому

    Thanks for adding the episodes

  • @CissyBrazil
    @CissyBrazil 2 роки тому +6

    This is so horrific! The poor families of the 3 lying dead. ☹️💔😢

  • @cherylmaynard5657
    @cherylmaynard5657 2 роки тому +6

    Young lives wasted. Even the young perpetrator.

  • @nicolemclement3045
    @nicolemclement3045 2 роки тому +5

    Bullying is how you learn to stand up for yourself. While I don't support it, I've experienced the same hardships. I was bullied and I didn't go around trying to kill. There was no excuse for this wickedness whether he was bullied or not.

    • @smurfiennes
      @smurfiennes 2 роки тому +2

      Everyone reacts differently in a particular situation. Some flee, some frozen still and some fight back. Most of us can forgive and forget whom bully us, or even don’t give any attention to what people say about us. But some are more sensitive and hurt more easily.

    • @1karenparrish
      @1karenparrish 2 роки тому +2

      Dumb argument. Not the lesson everyone learns obviously. Good for you you didn't kill anyone...I've seen bullying that didn't teach anything but humiliation and the death of self esteem for the target. Wish I could go back in time and take a stand in support of that poor girl. I recognized the wrong but said nothing. It was daily brutality.

    • @mudmudmudmudmud7605
      @mudmudmudmudmud7605 2 роки тому

      "Bullying is how you learn to stand up for yourself"
      Or it could drive someone to snap and kill innocent people. Or cause people to have mental problems growing up.
      It's just a wrong thing to do and should not be tolerated.

  • @clumsytriangle2436
    @clumsytriangle2436 2 роки тому +8

    I can't believe the narrator said: 'All because of a movie'!! That there is the problem in US society! ffs, this kid was bullied and treated badly and no one tried to help him or take note of his cries for help. But, yeah, let's blame it on a movie and on video games etc...smh. And the politicians all sing the same tune, but nothing has changed, because instead of dealing with the root of the issue, they prefer to point fingers and cover it up with blame and empty words. I feel sorry for the victims, but we all know that not all victims are blameless. And the 'psychologist' summarizes it in a way that does not even taking into account what led up to this kid's poor mental state. But yeah, let's just point fingers.

    • @Ladyjojo695
      @Ladyjojo695 2 роки тому +2


    • @jayfleming9647
      @jayfleming9647 2 роки тому +1

      @@Ladyjojo695 hi there is jay fleming how are you doing today I want some new friends who like mehave you been to Hot Topic my name is jay fleming I live in the Bronx New York lets you and me hang out and I want to do life with you

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      which one of these victims deserve blame?

  • @jay-ostar8494
    @jay-ostar8494 2 роки тому +3

    Shame on that school for allowing something so cruel to be published in a school news letter. With all the bullying and what was printed in the news letter, no wonder this boy snapped.

  • @perspellman
    @perspellman 2 роки тому +5

    A junior highschool newsletter with a column called 'rumor has it', where the students can put anything, and the teachers think 'I never would have thought...', but still they confront a kid with big problems openly in front of the other students, in a community where guns are highly appreciated, in a country full of hand guns, where a lawyer dad doesn't even notice that one of his pistols is gone but the parents only think of punishing , and where the movie industry just have pushed a movie where the coolest brightest shining young movie star portrays an outcast snapping school massacre killer - now some would say that's a perfect prescription for yet another school massacre.
    I give you - USA.
    I truly hope that another disillusioned 'young 14 year old kid' doesn't see this pathetic presentation, and gets inspired.

  • @top-knotchscuttabutta9836
    @top-knotchscuttabutta9836 2 роки тому +5

    I'm addicted to this channel..

  • @bigboss3136
    @bigboss3136 2 роки тому +5

    It's not solely because of the movie, rather it's because of bullying!

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      it's not because of bullying

  • @time558
    @time558 4 дні тому +1

    "He had a copy of Rage in his locker as part of the Richard Bachman omnibus. This was the incident that moved King to allow the book to go out of print"

  • @jennybrown4683
    @jennybrown4683 2 роки тому +2

    Bullies and clueless parents... so so sad.

  • @dawnywarthog6642
    @dawnywarthog6642 2 роки тому +5

    Did the narrator actually say "All this happened because of a movie". That's beyond ridiculous.

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      it's just as ridiculous as the people saying it happened because of bullying

  • @indi3024
    @indi3024 2 роки тому +6

    it is not the movies fault. Whoever thought a school newspaper with a "rumor has it" column, without ANY proofreading what so ever would be a good idea, should honestly be slapped. I'm in no way attempting to justify his actions, it is just pathetic when it comes to this point because no one can be bothered to reach out and help someone who is so obviously being bullied and picked on.

  • @black4pienus
    @black4pienus 2 роки тому +5

    "And it's all because of a movie." I doubt it. I think it would've happened with or without that movie.

  • @aneshiadixon8762
    @aneshiadixon8762 2 роки тому +6

    If he had just gone there a shot his bully I would have some sympathy for him. But he killed his friend and people that did nothing to him. He needed help.

  • @theoryofpersonality1420
    @theoryofpersonality1420 2 роки тому +6

    Blending in is the thing that sets the majority of people who kill apart from those who don't.
    Word to the wise, if someone is off by themselves go out of your way to include them. It may just save lives.

  • @Kthb80
    @Kthb80 2 роки тому +10

    It’s not all because of a movie, it’s because of Michael.

    • @heatherbowlan1961
      @heatherbowlan1961 2 роки тому

      Micheal represents a lot of young adults in this world with mental illness !

  • @tinytoot12
    @tinytoot12 2 роки тому +2

    Graduates from there in 2014 and we still had prayer circle every morning before school♥️

  • @loriepaix6391
    @loriepaix6391 2 роки тому +11

    I was not only viciously bullied for years, but one day other kids made a circle around me and threw stones at me. Never did I think about killing anyone.

    • @petejames1326
      @petejames1326 Рік тому +3

      you probably did, you just dont wanna admit it, i was bullied at school, and i thought about doing something i would regret seriously along with a "friend" of mine, but i thought no, ill just take the bullying like a man, and now i take revenge on society by stealing money from the company i work for , havent been caught in over 10yrs , lol

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому +1

      @@petejames1326 just because you thought about it, doesn't mean she did.

    • @michaelagrundler9250
      @michaelagrundler9250 2 місяці тому

      Not everyone is as strong as you 🙄

  • @haifaAB
    @haifaAB 2 роки тому +5

    Wtf where is the School principal about bullying him (school newspaper gay)
    Bully push people to there limits then you judge his act you don’t see why the person get to this point

  • @Gi_Lovely
    @Gi_Lovely 2 роки тому +3

    Why would the school allow that to be published? Michael went about this the complete wrong way 😞

  • @theeastwood-youngfamily
    @theeastwood-youngfamily 2 роки тому +5

    If that happened to my BFF I would've said I was his GF. That would've killed that rumour.

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      it wouldn't... you'd just be a liar

  • @heatherbowlan1961
    @heatherbowlan1961 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for a well made full documentary ! Hard to find good and new stuff on utube

  • @caroleejones4571
    @caroleejones4571 2 роки тому +16

    Goths stand "against everything good, and normal"? Whoa. Check your premises. Quit worshipping your stereotypes.

  • @petejames1326
    @petejames1326 Рік тому +3

    its such a shame he didnt kill any of the monsters that actually bullied him, he just killed 3 people from the prayer group, he should have targeted his actual bullies, that would have actually made sense, but i guess he was too weak to even confront and kill his bullies

  • @risaandjesus
    @risaandjesus Рік тому +1

    I don’t care how u look. We are all human and we all have feelings. I totally understand how it’s like to be mocked and belittled. We are all vengeful but if you don’t stop it before it intensifies, it can turn into something really bad. I wish this young man realized how worthy he is and developed a talent instead of diverting his pain to violence. I don’t know him but he probably could’ve made something very great of himself if he just believed things would get better. My heart goes out to the victims and this young man.

  • @bruggeman672
    @bruggeman672 2 роки тому +5

    Kinda seems like everyone is talking at this kid and noone is talking to him... The solution is always simple, but it's something most people simply won't do...

  • @maureen3134
    @maureen3134 2 роки тому +3

    The narrator said Carneal was sentenced to 25 years. What? For three murders? Actually, he was given three life sentences and will be eligible for parole after 25 years. He’ll be up for parole in 2023. I hope it’s denied.

  • @fmachine86
    @fmachine86 11 місяців тому +1

    I went to this school and Michael’s best friend (coincidentally also named Michael) was my next door neighbor. I knew him very well growing up.
    Everyone in here saying it was the bullying: you have no clue what you’re talking about. Absolutely nobody was surprised he would do something like that. There’s so much more to this story that what the news has reported.

    • @raspberrypi5518
      @raspberrypi5518 9 місяців тому

      Would be interesting to hear more. Why nobody was surprised he'd do something like that. News reports are, - i don't know how to say it in english, - but i don't trust the media at all. So i wouldn't be surprised that there's much more to this story (as usual). Thanks in advance and best regards !

    • @mcvee_
      @mcvee_ 7 місяців тому

      Care to elaborate?

  • @kerina6594
    @kerina6594 2 роки тому +2

    The actors playing the goths really made me laugh 🤣 35 year olds trying to act like 15 year old rebels LOL 🤣

  • @chuckmoore8668
    @chuckmoore8668 2 роки тому +10

    I'm not saying I approve of what he did, but we need to start taking mental health seriously! Maybe if we did we wouldn't have children sitting in jail with life sentences, and veterans committing suicide!

    • @craigime
      @craigime Рік тому

      we wouldn't have a lot of things

  • @cherylmaynard5657
    @cherylmaynard5657 2 роки тому +6

    Heart breaking.

  • @paulsherman6450
    @paulsherman6450 2 роки тому +9

    A good documentary but a little to much of repeating the same clips over and over in it.

  • @DH-pz7bc
    @DH-pz7bc 2 роки тому +4

    Surprised he shot at the prayer group. As he had had a good friend among that group and they were not bully’s. I expected him to blow away the jerk who stole his father’s gun. Unless I missed that part. What a tragic life and existence.

  • @cherylmaynard5657
    @cherylmaynard5657 2 роки тому +2

    You go Dr.Buzzy. Great voice.

  • @robotaholic
    @robotaholic Рік тому +1

    The school newspaper was so out of line it is unbelievable! That school is negligent in his bullying

  • @WarrenByrdSpeak
    @WarrenByrdSpeak 2 роки тому +3

    It’s very easy to say that a catalyst is to blame for inciting anything. A work of art, whether it incites or provokes, need not be the blame ever, but rather cherished for exposing what is disintegrating in the midst.

  • @gianna5869
    @gianna5869 2 роки тому +2

    This is why bullying needs to be stopped and not ignored AA it often is. Sure not every bullied person goes over the edge but this is now shown as a huge reason kids lash out and often violently.this is particularly sad he actually paid the goth kids to accept him. Yet still was shunned .

  • @ACarchives
    @ACarchives 2 роки тому +2

    The parents tried sued the makers and distributors of the basketball diaries? Umm you needed to sue the school for the slander in the newspaper and the ones who bullied him!

  • @jennifer9472
    @jennifer9472 2 роки тому +2

    This was not because of the movie this was because of bullying people

  • @hannahhobnob20
    @hannahhobnob20 2 роки тому +2

    The amount of school shootings that occur should be the cause for concern not a movie. Regardless of my opinion on gun laws why are more and more children getting their hands on weapons, it's crazy and it needs to stop

  • @milliphoebe4416
    @milliphoebe4416 2 роки тому +25

    What he did was wrong. What the bullies did set him up for it.

    • @leanncrittendon3673
      @leanncrittendon3673 Рік тому

      WRONG - what his family never did is truly unfortunate. Yeah ok let's blame kids for being kids and dismiss the lack of family to go home to where he can learn to have thicker skin and not allow others to tell him who he is. His parents set him up for it.

  • @Clogs2002
    @Clogs2002 2 роки тому +9

    There is nothing that ties this to the movie. Total different story

  • @jennypockets
    @jennypockets 2 роки тому +2

    I was bullied all through childhood and adulthood until I left the country. I can completely understand the need to be wanted, to be appreciated. I could never have hurt any of them, it's just not in my nature but Oooh, I can totally empathise with the feeling.