Osama Manan 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dogwin and hyena always shout and try divert the topic when they know they’re wrong, Coach Jay Smith keeps fooling them with false information and keeps making them look stupid
But how your last name khan bro ? If you're father's last name is not khan you shouldn't add it. It's illigal in Islam. So Add your father's last name. My beloved brother. But you can change your name David to dawood
@@ManhaJSalafee Actually brother, it is not impermissible to not take your father's surname - he is not imitating another surname which is impermissible so it is not haram for his surname to be Khan. Additionally, you do not need to have an Islamic / Arabic name - as long as the meaning of the name is good; the name is allowed.
@Handy Man its a testament to its preservation and many people who memorize it do go on to study and understand it! Its amazing and Allah swt told us in the Quran that he would make it easy for people to remember!
@City Of Charles Dirt if one wants to commit exegesis on an Arabic holy book, one should learn Arabic as to be as accurate as possible, we have scholars who dedicate their lives to understanding the quran. One doesn't need to learn arabic to understand the basics or fundamental rulings
i wouldn't say he's dishonest as he look to be confused when been explained on contradiction of the bible. insha'Allah he will be guided to the true path, we should just pray for them who have been misguided, so that they will return to Allah.
hoyanf , We should all be honest with ourselves and trying to find answers and a true way to our Creator and maybe what you read in your Koran is not exactly the reality and you have been misled by so long we should analyse honestly both the Bible and the Koran not just criticising one or another But it may seem Islamophobic to some people when you try to expose some facts that maybe are true Muslims tend to get over sensitive about this
@@conovi5738 Do share the process you have gone through in analysing the Qur'an and therefore being able to critique it. I recognise you are not a native English speaker. Are you going to tell me you are an Arabic linguist?
Kashif why would i have to be an arab linguists ? The Koran is translated into english and some laws Mohamed came up with are very silly regardless of the language and translation Muslims are also very critiques with the Bible and i find no offence on that , we are here to be honest , transparent and find the truth most muslims don’t speak hebrew so by your logic they shouldn’t criticise the Bible ?
Timestamps: 0:42 Christian man's claim debunked, that the Prophet (pbuh) killed a man and married his wife Safiyyah bint Huyayy bin Akhtab 3:46 God instructed Saul through the prophet Samuel to “go and ATTACK Amalek, and utterly DESTROY all that they have, and DO NOT SPARE THEM. But KILL both MAN and WOMAN, INFANT and NURSING CHILD, OX and SHEEP, CAMEL and DONKEY” (1 Samuel 15:3-4) 5:05 Now KILL all the BOYS. And KILL EVERY WOMAN who has slept with a man, but SAVE for yourselves EVERY GIRL who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31, Passages 17-18) 6:03 If a priest's daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; SHE MUST BE BURNED IN THE FIRE. (Leviticus 21:9) 6:24 But you shall surely KILL HIM; YOUR HAND shall be FIRST AGAINST HIM to put him to DEATH, and AFTERWARD the hand of ALL THE PEOPLE. And you shall STONE HIM with stones until he DIES, because he sought to entice you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. (Deuteronomy 13, Passages 10-11) 7:37 But I tell you that ANYONE WHO LOOKS AT A WOMAN LUSTFULLY has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your RIGHT EYE causes you to stumble, GOUGE IT OUT AND THROW IT AWAY. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. (Matthew 5: 28-29) 8:56 Discussing the foundation of the religion. 13:07 Would God the Most Wise, the Most Just, leave us with a book mixed with truth and falsehood or would He clarify the truth to us. 16:25 There are many proofs the Deen of Islam is the truth.
So in one instance Muslims respect Israel and say that these verses were corrupted and Cannot possibly be true as God's people could not do such an act. On the other hand, they say that these things did happen and use these the verses against Jews. Which one is it?
You muslims choose to turn a blind eye and are very sensitive when someone tries to expose what he actually did ! He was a military leader and a war lord he took the fifth part of the bounty when they robbed villages ! Would the final profet and a perfect example for humanity do such things just simple compare him to Jesus why Jesus didn’t do any of these things? Mohamed even asked for gifts when people wanted to speak with him . would a prophet of God ask for money if someone asks for his advice? By the way these are not just my opinion it is your stories from your hadiths and your Islamic sources if you think this is not true please show me the evidence
Musa Mohammed „ False prophet „ With this claim, however, they bite on granite ! If they knew better!!! He is the greatest prophet of all prophets ! As he said: "Whoever tells to lie about me can take a seat 💺 in hell "! This warning ⚠️ false prophet is meant Paul ! Who wrote the Bible 90% ! He preached the appearance of Jesus before the original disciples of Jesus died !!! False Prophets make False Prophecy ! He abolished everything Jesus was holy !!! Abolishthet the law of the prophets !
@@conovi5738 you show us where he asked for gifts.. and second what villages cities your talking about? Here's our Islamic history are you defending those that first went to war against Mohammad just because of his preaching of religion.. your defending first those planned prepared and was in battlefields to kill... you prove their actions to be innocent first then we can talk about what happened after the end of war that your loved ones that start
Love u soo much brother Shamsi. I just wish to meet u someday and hug u. The way u correct people about Islam its just amazing. May Allah grant u a great place in Heaven ❤️
Brother shamsi is the shield 🛡 of Islam against those who try to bash Islam in the corner.... May Allah grant you the highest paradise ( Al Ferdaws ) and us with you ameen 🙏
Shamsi: So your saying Jesus never had a father so god is is father? Christian: Yes Shamsi: Adam Never had a Father or a Mother so does that make God his Father Aswell? Christian: 😯 wowee Im a Muslim and Even I Felt that 1 For him May Allaah guide him to the Right Path Ameen.
@City Of Charles Dirt prophet Adam, saw us all.. he knows all of our names. God shows him all and also taught him all languages.. clearly the whoever wrote the bible have no clue who Adam was.
@City Of Charles Dirt Adam (peace be upon him) was the first of the Prophets, as it says in the hadeeth narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about Adam - was he a Prophet? He said, “Yes, a Prophet to whom Allaah spoke.” But he was not a Messenger, because of the hadeeth about intercession in which it says that the people will go to Nooh and say to him, “You are the first Messenger whom Allaah sent to the earth.”
@City Of Charles Dirt he doesn't need to prophesy anything to be a prophet.. a prophet is somebody who is appointed by god. Simple. Adam was the first human being and was appoint by Allah to be a prophet.
@City Of Charles Dirt yeah, but wasn't as a punishment but because god was already planning to have humans on earth.. so he taught Adam and eve lessons before he sent them to earth. and your bible criteria is not the same as the Qur'an.. when Allah says Adam is a prophet... he is a prophet.. another thing is... Adam.. already knows about all of us.. That's one thing he learned.. he saw all his children before they were born.. That's one of the things god showed him.. he learned all languages.. and also received regular instructions on how to rule the earth with his children before prophet idrees came along.
Brother may Allah bless you. 1- Our mother Aisha was a happy wife and she would never wish a non Muslim men to speak on her behalf. 2- We don't believe in everything in the Bible and Torah, we believe all previous books were corrupted by priests.
Allah almighty reward shamsi.. We learn from him sitting in our warm houses but these brothers are soldiers going out giving dawah.. No one is perfect and we should keep our intention clean but have to give respect to these brothers
20:23 very beautiful he asked the first honest question. Before he asked things in a way to make Islam look bad. Which is understandable in my opinion when you want to go to heaven. That's why it's evil trying to confuse people about Allah. But may Allah guide everyone to the straight path.
If you read bible,2 SAMUEL 11:25 ,it says ," It happened,late one afternoon,when David arose from his couch and was walking on the roof of the king's house,that he saw from the roof a woman bathing ; and the woman was very beautiful.And David sent and inquired about the woman.And ond said," Is not this Bathsheba,the daughter of Eliam,the wife of Uriah the Hittite ? So David sent messengers and took her,and she came to him,and he lay with her.And the women conceived,and she sent and told David," I am pregnant."Then David told his army to put the husband of that woman in front of the line of a battleship.The husband of Bathsheba was finally killed..READERS OF THE YOU TUBE : David sent a man to his death because he wanted his wife..MY QUESTION TO YOU : Is that right for us to kill an innocent person and confiscated his wife and then pregnanted her before getting married with her ? Is that a good behavior ?...tq
Idil Cimen i dont think The true God and our Creator choose a specific religion for us to follow ! religion sometimes divides people instead of uniting them , i as a Christian believe that faith in God is more important than belonging to a specific religion Your good heart , good deeds and you love for God I believe it’s what will save you not believing in 5 pillars of Islam and taking shahada and stuff like this would you agree?
@@conovi5738 That's a very subjective statement. Surely the only way we can know our purpose and how to attain salvation is through the instructions and clear guidance of the creator himself?
Kashif yes that’s why God spoke with Moses and he gave him the laws in the old Testament and then Jesus came with the new laws from the new Testament but then Muslims say that Mohammed came with another law but he didn’t even speak with God directly but with an angel in a cave which squeezed him 3 times so hard that he couldn’t breathe Which made Mohammed running scared to his home if you care about consistency where did this ever happened in thousand of years from Adam To Jesus? No other major prophet of God was squeezed by an angel and by being the final and last profit don’t you think that God would speak directly with him ? What about the miracles Mohammed didn’t do any miracles yet came up with such amazing rewards for believers with 70 virgins in paradise and all this kind of things that seemed very appealing to some people!
@@conovi5738 So you have made a number of fallacious points but I will endeavour to address them all to show you have shallow your thinking and understanding of Islam is. 1. "Jesus came with new laws". Error. What you'll find is that Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 " Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." And then in the following verse he also said, " For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.". You will find if you read your tainted scripture that it is Paul who changes the law to abolish things such the dietary laws. That's why you are referred to as Paulians and not Christians. 2. 'Muhammad ﷺ came with a new law'. Whats the issue here? Many prophets came with an new law or ammended law. Jesus himself said that “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth,comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." So you should be expecting something new as a so-called Christian. 3. 'Muhammad ﷺ didn't speak directly to God'. Another error. If you knew about the isra wal miraj, you will come to know that the Prophet ﷺ spoke directly to his Lord. 4. 'Muhammad ﷺ got squeezed by an angel'. Again, what's the problem here? You believe within your tainted scripture that Jacob wrestled with God and potentially won. What's more absurd? 5. 'Muhammad ﷺ didn't do any miracles'. Again another error and lie. Muhammad ﷺ did many miracles. Too many to enumerate here. I suggest you do some research and reading. An excellent book to read is 'The merits and miracles of the messenger ﷺ' by Ibn Katheer. It's part of a bigger work that has been translated into English to make life easier for you. And what you'll find is that whatever miracle was done by a previous prophet, Muhammad ﷺ has in fact done a greater miracle. Now that all your misconceptions have been obliterated, I come back to my initial statement - surely you can only attain salvation through the instruction of the creator. Which should make you question yourself - which made up instruction are you following in your bible?
Kashif Mate my thinking is not shallow you might think that because Muslims go to extreme lengths in order to justify their religion and their prophet behaviour 1 - Jesus came with new laws that’s why when people on the street tried to stone to death the woman that committed adultery he stopped them and came with laws about peace and love not about endorsing stoning people or other stuff like this 2 - I’m assuming when you quoted about the Spirit of truth this is Muhammad right? If yes then you believe in the Spirit as well 3 - What were the laws that were so much to bear in Jesus time that Mohammed revealed ? I’m assuming it’s not about the adult breastfeeding law or killing black dogs because they are the devil ? Please mention a few 4- No other prophet came from outside the people of Israel or he was squeezed by an angel or died poisoned by a Jewish woman nor did he tried to kill himself a few times as Mohamed tried 5- Please mention at least one or two miracles that Mohammed did you are the first muslim that claims he did any miracles I base my faith not necessarily on a specific religion although I’m Christian but more than that I’m a follower of Christ and I follow his teachings and messages about love , harmony , respect , faith And all the other positive teachings When Jesus came he did only good things he healed the people the blind the leprous he spoke with the homeless people and all the lowest of the society He was humble he washed the feet of his apostles Mohammed was quite the contrary he was arrogant he didn’t want to be seen with blind people he asked for money or gifts when people came in to speak and ask for advice He brought many wars and hate for the Jews and Christians He spread Islam by force and by the sword which is totally wrong nowhere in history God order this even in the Old Testament Faith is by choice not by force God can force us Himself if He wants to as He is The Almighty but he gave us free will to know what’s right and wrong and to choose
This man is talking about Safiyyah (R.A.) . Well allegation is false. Safiyyah has been given 3 choices, out of 3 she chose to marry our Prophet. This is well documented.
Ma shaa Allah TbrkAllah Lion, alhamdullillah. It is a pleasure to listen to you. Your smile, alhamdullillah. But one criticism. Please please please please don't mention any name of a Prophet of Allah, without saying alaihi salaam. Please Shamsi. Pl my beautiful brother. May Allāh protect you and keep you away from the evil eye. AAMEEN
I think this man is sincere but he just need to do the right research to come up with the right conclusions. By the look of his face he seems confused because of Christianity.
Allahumma barek, Mash'Allah, tabarak Allah my dear brother Shamsi. May Allah keep you on the right path and protect you against your enemies and make you stronger. This russian guy didn't know what he was getting in to. May Allah guide him to Islam.
Shamsi clarifying a slip of the tongue in this video:
▶ ua-cam.com/video/4FpslWF04w8/v-deo.html
How do you know if they we're happy
This man sure came with an agenda in mind but I admire his humility when pointed out - may Allah guide him. And well done Shamsi.
This is because he says what Islam says, he does not say it opinions.
Osama Manan 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dogwin and hyena always shout and try divert the topic when they know they’re wrong, Coach Jay Smith keeps fooling them with false information and keeps making them look stupid
Exactly brotha but we dont have to talk like that cuz he might look for answers and finally he will seek the truth
they all come with an agenda
No i think he is just drunk 🤣 and fall in shams
Lmao Brother Shamsi just made me convert to Islam and I'm already a Muslim lol
But how your last name khan bro ?
If you're father's last name is not khan you shouldn't add it. It's illigal in Islam. So Add your father's last name. My beloved brother. But you can change your name David to dawood
Welcome brother to our big family , always ask knoweledge
Let hug our Brother in ISLAM
@@ManhaJSalafee Actually brother, it is not impermissible to not take your father's surname - he is not imitating another surname which is impermissible so it is not haram for his surname to be Khan. Additionally, you do not need to have an Islamic / Arabic name - as long as the meaning of the name is good; the name is allowed.
Welcome bro 🤝
may allah bless you in right way always ❤
Come here to Philippines, even 5 yrs old memorise the quran.
The main point is that , I will never be forgotten
@Handy Man its a testament to its preservation and many people who memorize it do go on to study and understand it! Its amazing and Allah swt told us in the Quran that he would make it easy for people to remember!
@Handy Man i assuming that you know about the kid, do you?
@City Of Charles Dirt if one wants to commit exegesis on an Arabic holy book, one should learn Arabic as to be as accurate as possible, we have scholars who dedicate their lives to understanding the quran. One doesn't need to learn arabic to understand the basics or fundamental rulings
@Handy Man Have you babysit-ted him and had a convo with him?
Brother Shamsi is so amazing, it is always a joy to see and hear him.
Ma Shaa Allah, ameen. !
@Forex Life One tries my Brothers and Sisters. !
Me also ❤
Brother shamsi I always like listening to you . Always learn something. Alhamdullilah
Alhamdulilah for Islam
I like it when shamsi said r u getting email from Aisha
May Allah guide to the right pathway
totally dishonest, he was an expert when it came to criticising Islam, when it comes to evaluating his own religion, he is unsure and uncertain
i wouldn't say he's dishonest as he look to be confused when been explained on contradiction of the bible. insha'Allah he will be guided to the true path, we should just pray for them who have been misguided, so that they will return to Allah.
@@behumble2024 as I said, he was quite confident when criticising Islam, he fell apart when Shamsi started tearing the bible apart
hoyanf , We should all be honest with ourselves and trying to find answers and a true way to our Creator and maybe what you read in your Koran is not exactly the reality and you have been misled by so long we should analyse honestly both the Bible and the Koran not just criticising one or another
But it may seem Islamophobic to some people when you try to expose some facts that maybe are true Muslims tend to get over sensitive about this
@@conovi5738 Do share the process you have gone through in analysing the Qur'an and therefore being able to critique it. I recognise you are not a native English speaker. Are you going to tell me you are an Arabic linguist?
Kashif why would i have to be an arab linguists ? The Koran is translated into english and some laws Mohamed came up with are very silly regardless of the language and translation
Muslims are also very critiques with the Bible and i find no offence on that , we are here to be honest , transparent and find the truth
most muslims don’t speak hebrew so by your logic they shouldn’t criticise the Bible ?
Well explained brother Shamsi
Ru Arab
0:42 Christian man's claim debunked, that the Prophet (pbuh) killed a man and married his wife Safiyyah bint Huyayy bin Akhtab
3:46 God instructed Saul through the prophet Samuel to “go and ATTACK Amalek, and utterly DESTROY all that they have, and DO NOT SPARE THEM. But KILL both MAN and WOMAN, INFANT and NURSING CHILD, OX and SHEEP, CAMEL and DONKEY” (1 Samuel 15:3-4)
5:05 Now KILL all the BOYS. And KILL EVERY WOMAN who has slept with a man, but SAVE for yourselves EVERY GIRL who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31, Passages 17-18)
6:03 If a priest's daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; SHE MUST BE BURNED IN THE FIRE. (Leviticus 21:9)
6:24 But you shall surely KILL HIM; YOUR HAND shall be FIRST AGAINST HIM to put him to DEATH, and AFTERWARD the hand of ALL THE PEOPLE. And you shall STONE HIM with stones until he DIES, because he sought to entice you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. (Deuteronomy 13, Passages 10-11)
7:37 But I tell you that ANYONE WHO LOOKS AT A WOMAN LUSTFULLY has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your RIGHT EYE causes you to stumble, GOUGE IT OUT AND THROW IT AWAY. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. (Matthew 5: 28-29)
8:56 Discussing the foundation of the religion.
13:07 Would God the Most Wise, the Most Just, leave us with a book mixed with truth and falsehood or would He clarify the truth to us.
16:25 There are many proofs the Deen of Islam is the truth.
So in one instance Muslims respect Israel and say that these verses were corrupted and Cannot possibly be true as God's people could not do such an act. On the other hand, they say that these things did happen and use these the verses against Jews. Which one is it?
@@beslanintruder2077 its to prove that jew book is 200% contradictory. What prove that its not the word of God. So it a prove for jew not for Muslim
Hahaha muslims always say that the bible is corrupted yet they quote verses and texts from the bible . Strange people these muslims
نتمنى لك من الله سبحانه وتعالى يا اخي شمسي طول العمر والصحة في الرسالة الخالصة
Mash Allah great to see brother shamsi giving dawah. Learning so much
Why do Christians always lie about Mohammed( peace be upon him) and his family
You muslims choose to turn a blind eye and are very sensitive when someone tries to expose what he actually did ! He was a military leader and a war lord he took the fifth part of the bounty when they robbed villages ! Would the final profet and a perfect example for humanity do such things just simple compare him to Jesus why Jesus didn’t do any of these things?
Mohamed even asked for gifts when people wanted to speak with him . would a prophet of God ask for money if someone asks for his advice? By the way these are not just my opinion it is your stories from your hadiths and your Islamic sources if you think this is not true please show me the evidence
Accent Review
Jesus of the Bible is sick he ordered child Rape and massacre of babies.
and that’s sick that’s evil and psychopathic.
Musa Mohammed
„ False prophet „
With this claim, however, they bite on granite !
If they knew better!!!
He is the greatest prophet of all prophets !
As he said: "Whoever tells to lie about me can take a seat 💺 in hell "!
This warning ⚠️ false prophet is meant Paul !
Who wrote the Bible 90% !
He preached the appearance of Jesus before the original disciples of Jesus died !!!
False Prophets make False Prophecy ! He abolished everything Jesus was holy !!!
Abolishthet the law of the prophets !
Musa Mohammed SAW
@@conovi5738 you show us where he asked for gifts.. and second what villages cities your talking about? Here's our Islamic history are you defending those that first went to war against Mohammad just because of his preaching of religion.. your defending first those planned prepared and was in battlefields to kill... you prove their actions to be innocent first then we can talk about what happened after the end of war that your loved ones that start
Truly these brothers are working so much hard to spread islam. Hats off!!!
Love u soo much brother Shamsi. I just wish to meet u someday and hug u. The way u correct people about Islam its just amazing. May Allah grant u a great place in Heaven ❤️
“Send a email to her “ 😂😂😂😂😂
Wallahi Shamsi speaks the best !!!
Thats ridiculous honestly
Brother shamsi is the shield 🛡 of Islam against those who try to bash Islam in the corner.... May Allah grant you the highest paradise ( Al Ferdaws ) and us with you ameen 🙏
Shamsi: So your saying Jesus never had a father so god is is father?
Christian: Yes
Shamsi: Adam Never had a Father or a Mother so does that make God his Father Aswell?
Christian: 😯
wowee Im a Muslim and Even I Felt that 1 For him May Allaah guide him to the Right Path Ameen.
P4CK5 Did Adam perform any miracles? No !
did Adam rose to heaven? No !
did he claimed he was the son of God? No
@City Of Charles Dirt prophet Adam, saw us all.. he knows all of our names. God shows him all and also taught him all languages.. clearly the whoever wrote the bible have no clue who Adam was.
@City Of Charles Dirt Adam (peace be upon him) was the first of the Prophets, as it says in the hadeeth narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about Adam - was he a Prophet? He said, “Yes, a Prophet to whom Allaah spoke.” But he was not a Messenger, because of the hadeeth about intercession in which it says that the people will go to Nooh and say to him, “You are the first Messenger whom Allaah sent to the earth.”
@City Of Charles Dirt he doesn't need to prophesy anything to be a prophet.. a prophet is somebody who is appointed by god. Simple. Adam was the first human being and was appoint by Allah to be a prophet.
@City Of Charles Dirt yeah, but wasn't as a punishment but because god was already planning to have humans on earth.. so he taught Adam and eve lessons before he sent them to earth. and your bible criteria is not the same as the Qur'an.. when Allah says Adam is a prophet... he is a prophet.. another thing is... Adam.. already knows about all of us.. That's one thing he learned.. he saw all his children before they were born.. That's one of the things god showed him.. he learned all languages.. and also received regular instructions on how to rule the earth with his children before prophet idrees came along.
Always learning something new and new amazing ways to look at the creator from Shamsi Mashallah
Br. Shamsi.... let him breath, let him live! May Allah reward you and preserve you. Ameen
Brother may Allah bless you.
1- Our mother Aisha was a happy wife and she would never wish a non Muslim men to speak on her behalf.
2- We don't believe in everything in the Bible and Torah, we believe all previous books were corrupted by priests.
Allah almighty reward shamsi..
We learn from him sitting in our warm houses but these brothers are soldiers going out giving dawah..
No one is perfect and we should keep our intention clean but have to give respect to these brothers
Ma sha Allah
May Allah SWT protects and helps u brother shamsi u r giving clear dawah on point
ماشاء الله أخي الله يحفظك وينور دربك دائما - ادعوا إلى سبيل سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة
*oh Allah my Lord, guide our Russian brother to the right path and to Islam* 🌹
*he is very gentle and respected*
Yes he is gentlemen i noticed he is not arrogant
May Allah bless brother shamsii ❤❤🌷 love from Pakistan
Good luck shamsi from morocco neighborhood
May Alla protect you from all evil people my brother Shamsi I love you my brother for sake of Alla
This is the most powerful dawa.
May Allah bless samsi ameen
Brother Shamsi may Allah give you agre azeem.
20:23 very beautiful he asked the first honest question. Before he asked things in a way to make Islam look bad. Which is understandable in my opinion when you want to go to heaven. That's why it's evil trying to confuse people about Allah. But may Allah guide everyone to the straight path.
Wow, this christian brother at leasts answers to the quesions instead beating around the bush.
May Allah the most mercyfull guide him
Notice that most of the discussions are based on bringing Islam down rather than defending Christianity or any other religion
BarakAllaho fieik. Dear Brother Shamsi.
This Christian knows about prophet Mohammad saw but doesn't know anything about his own scripture
Mashaallah Shamsi may Allah bless you. Aameen.
Shamsi is very knowledgeable, respect from Russia
Great talk
This brudda watched a couple of anti Islam videos on UA-cam and tried to step to the big boys. May Allah guide him, and Shamsi
If you read bible,2 SAMUEL 11:25 ,it says ," It happened,late one afternoon,when David arose from his couch and was walking on the roof of the king's house,that he saw from the roof a woman bathing ; and the woman was very beautiful.And David sent and inquired about the woman.And ond said," Is not this Bathsheba,the daughter of Eliam,the wife of Uriah the Hittite ? So David sent messengers and took her,and she came to him,and he lay with her.And the women conceived,and she sent and told David," I am pregnant."Then David told his army to put the husband of that woman in front of the line of a battleship.The husband of Bathsheba was finally killed..READERS OF THE YOU TUBE : David sent a man to his death because he wanted his wife..MY QUESTION TO YOU : Is that right for us to kill an innocent person and confiscated his wife and then pregnanted her before getting married with her ? Is that a good behavior ?...tq
As salam alaikum shamshi bro
Love from India 🇮🇳
ما شاء الله
Amazing conversation
It could be she was opressed and unhappy and the phrophet (saw)
Saved her and she wanted to leave instantly with him.
Wonderful job Mr shamsi ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
These Orthodox Christians is who My fathers generation fought in Bosnia and Kosovo never forget Srebrenica.
0:32 The Guy: "i'm gonna bla-bla-bla", Shami: "Alhamdulillah" hehe.....
God bless you.
6:18 He tried and he failed. I feel so embarrassed for him.😥 May Allaah bless you Shamsi.
Whoever pointing towards our prophet s w a
They r not even having an eligibility
Of the dust under his feet
1:20 lol🤣You kill me bro
Shamsi, You are brilliant . Spot on
من فضلكم اين الترجمة للعربية للاخ شمسي
Shamsi you have to come to Ireland 🇮🇪
Shamsi is 🦁
baraka Llah feek brother mansur
مرحبا شمسي كيف من الممكن اتواصل معك؟ بدي اسالك سؤال
13:18 haha why does the camera man push Shamsi instead of moving him self? :D
اشهد لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمد رسول الله واشهد بكتبه الزابور والتورات الانجيل والقراءن الكريم
شيخ شمسي بارك الله فيك يا ريت لو تترجم لنا بالعربي حتى نستفيد اكثر وجزاك الله خير
May Allah guide him
This guy was absolutely mesmerized
Mashallah shamsi I see those forearms. How much do you bench
8:22 what is He doin this guy in Red pants hahahah
Haha :D
Maybe itching private part
Yeeey im so glad the man in adidas is back! He seemed sincere before. May Allah guide him to Islam
Idil Cimen i dont think The true God and our Creator choose a specific religion for us to follow ! religion sometimes divides people instead of uniting them , i as a Christian believe that faith in God is more important than belonging to a specific religion
Your good heart , good deeds and you love for God I believe it’s what will save you not believing in 5 pillars of Islam and taking shahada and stuff like this would you agree?
@@conovi5738 That's a very subjective statement. Surely the only way we can know our purpose and how to attain salvation is through the instructions and clear guidance of the creator himself?
Kashif yes that’s why God spoke with Moses and he gave him the laws in the old Testament and then Jesus came with the new laws from the new Testament but then Muslims say that Mohammed came with another law but he didn’t even speak with God directly but with an angel in a cave which squeezed him 3 times so hard that he couldn’t breathe Which made Mohammed running scared to his home if you care about consistency where did this ever happened in thousand of years from Adam To Jesus? No other major prophet of God was squeezed by an angel and by being the final and last profit don’t you think that God would speak directly with him ?
What about the miracles Mohammed didn’t do any miracles yet came up with such amazing rewards for believers with 70 virgins in paradise and all this kind of things that seemed very appealing to some people!
So you have made a number of fallacious points but I will endeavour to address them all to show you have shallow your thinking and understanding of Islam is.
1. "Jesus came with new laws". Error. What you'll find is that Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 " Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." And then in the following verse he also said, " For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.". You will find if you read your tainted scripture that it is Paul who changes the law to abolish things such the dietary laws. That's why you are referred to as Paulians and not Christians.
2. 'Muhammad ﷺ came with a new law'. Whats the issue here? Many prophets came with an new law or ammended law. Jesus himself said that “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth,comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." So you should be expecting something new as a so-called Christian.
3. 'Muhammad ﷺ didn't speak directly to God'. Another error. If you knew about the isra wal miraj, you will come to know that the Prophet ﷺ spoke directly to his Lord.
4. 'Muhammad ﷺ got squeezed by an angel'. Again, what's the problem here? You believe within your tainted scripture that Jacob wrestled with God and potentially won. What's more absurd?
5. 'Muhammad ﷺ didn't do any miracles'. Again another error and lie. Muhammad ﷺ did many miracles. Too many to enumerate here. I suggest you do some research and reading. An excellent book to read is 'The merits and miracles of the messenger ﷺ' by Ibn Katheer. It's part of a bigger work that has been translated into English to make life easier for you. And what you'll find is that whatever miracle was done by a previous prophet, Muhammad ﷺ has in fact done a greater miracle.
Now that all your misconceptions have been obliterated, I come back to my initial statement - surely you can only attain salvation through the instruction of the creator. Which should make you question yourself - which made up instruction are you following in your bible?
Kashif Mate my thinking is not shallow you might think that because Muslims go to extreme lengths in order to justify their religion and their prophet behaviour
1 - Jesus came with new laws that’s why when people on the street tried to stone to death the woman that committed adultery he stopped them and came with laws about peace and love not about endorsing stoning people or other stuff like this
2 - I’m assuming when you quoted about the Spirit of truth this is Muhammad right? If yes then you believe in the Spirit as well
3 - What were the laws that were so much to bear in Jesus time that Mohammed revealed ? I’m assuming it’s not about the adult breastfeeding law or killing black dogs because they are the devil ? Please mention a few
4- No other prophet came from outside the people of Israel or he was squeezed by an angel
or died poisoned by a Jewish woman nor did he tried to kill himself a few times as Mohamed tried
5- Please mention at least one or two miracles that Mohammed did you are the first muslim that claims he did any miracles
I base my faith not necessarily on a specific religion although I’m Christian but more than that I’m a follower of Christ and I follow his teachings and messages about love , harmony , respect , faith And all the other positive teachings
When Jesus came he did only good things he healed the people the blind the leprous he spoke with the homeless people and all the lowest of the society He was humble he washed the feet of his apostles
Mohammed was quite the contrary he was arrogant he didn’t want to be seen with blind people he asked for money or gifts when people came in to speak and ask for advice
He brought many wars and hate for the Jews and Christians
He spread Islam by force and by the sword which is totally wrong nowhere in history God order this even in the Old Testament
Faith is by choice not by force God can force us Himself if He wants to as He is The Almighty but he gave us free will to know what’s right and wrong and to choose
Salam Alaekum masha Allah brother keep it up
Salam Alaykum 💓👆🏽👍🏽
That's right Br. Shamsi, you tell 'em!
Keep on whit your souna bro live and let live love every body talking is Good
This man is talking about Safiyyah (R.A.) . Well allegation is false. Safiyyah has been given 3 choices, out of 3 she chose to marry our Prophet. This is well documented.
Well done brother shamsi.
Mr shamsi
proud 👏
proud to you always Subhanallah 🥰
It never says in the old testament if you look at a woman with desire your eyes will come out, the man plies on clueless people
Leviticus 21:9 😑
If the old testament doesn't work we go to the new updated one like God makes mistakes.....U guys must go and read
Ma shaa Allah TbrkAllah
Lion, alhamdullillah.
It is a pleasure to listen to you.
Your smile, alhamdullillah.
But one criticism.
Please please please please don't mention any name of a Prophet of Allah, without saying alaihi salaam.
Please Shamsi.
Pl my beautiful brother.
May Allāh protect you and keep you away from the evil eye.
May Allah s h wata Allah bless you b shamsi love you f t sake of Allah
This story is in their bible telling about prophet david far he is from doing that after all of that they attributed that to prophet mohamed..like omg
I like the question @ why do think you have right to speak on her behalf when she is happy.?
calmest guy ever
Shamsi there is heaven and hell
the guy: ok XD
Ya Allah I always thought this was Hassan Ridwan lol!!
My dear Shamsi 👍🏻
Shamsi..'Give him some water please' ..Booom Hadooooooooooooken!! backpacker KO'd..Bahaha the look in his face
Turn the tables on him
shAmsi on point
This christian guy is FULLY CORNERED, he will never visit the SC again.
love shamsi
1:50 drink your coffee....
You better answer his question rather than attacking him. And you did it well except for the part jumping to questioning him.
The russian man seems a bit confused but in the same time he doesn't look like someone who is interested in religions in general...
I think this man is sincere but he just need to do the right research to come up with the right conclusions. By the look of his face he seems confused because of Christianity.
7:46 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Shamsi ☢
God bless you brother mansur
4:00 the tables have turned
Guy in red pants started to play with his tool. see 7:55 hahah
Allahumma barek, Mash'Allah, tabarak Allah my dear brother Shamsi. May Allah keep you on the right path and protect you against your enemies and make you stronger. This russian guy didn't know what he was getting in to. May Allah guide him to Islam.
Shamsi goes
Drink your coffee bro Hahahaha
Subhaan Allahi wabihumdihi Subhaan Allahil Adheem Subhaan Allahi ammaayushrikoon.