Are You Morally Obligated to Vote for Biden?

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 7 тис.

  • @LeejaMiller
    @LeejaMiller  7 місяців тому +115

    PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at

    • @motomike71
      @motomike71 7 місяців тому +2

      They're not legit. They take your information and sell it to lending companies. Their advice for credit card debt relief is to let your credit cards go into default and then contact your credit card companies to renegotiate the debt. This is about as bad as declaring bankruptcy because the late credit card payments will seriously negatively impact your credit score as will their write off of part of the debt. This route takes years to repair the damage to your credit score and reputation. A better debt solution is to seek a debt consolidation loan or borrowing against your 401k at a significantly low interest rate. Leeja: do better with who your sponsor is and who you vouch for.

    • @makisekurisu4674
      @makisekurisu4674 7 місяців тому

      I can see plenty of democrats voting for trump this time.Trump is moving somewhat anti isreal and pro america first these days.Btw, trump hates BB netniyahu so..

    • @Milo-id9qd
      @Milo-id9qd 7 місяців тому

      Hmmm ... things will get far worse in the next few months Leeja.
      This for the most part is publicly about dems vs reps, but privately, behind the scenes is the neocons (biden is their champion) vs others.
      By november, Ukraine will probably implode and the financial situation of the US is not that rosy either ... expect a lot of weirdness this yr.

    • @RagdollM
      @RagdollM 7 місяців тому +30

      I hope you can find a diff sponsor! They've hounded me constantly w third party offers and voicemails when I didn't proceed w the service

    • @tonimojo5859
      @tonimojo5859 7 місяців тому

      Project 2025 is literally scary.

  • @portmantologist
    @portmantologist 7 місяців тому +1135

    A point Sam Seder is fond of making is that you're not just voting for the president; you're voting for the people they appoint to other executive offices. Biden's Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, is a former teacher and principal who headed Connecticut's DoE before his appointment; Trump's Secretary of Education was Betsy DeVos, an uneducated Christian fundamentalist who wanted to defund public schools and direct the funds to parochial private schools. Current EPA head Michael Regan has a long history of addressing environmental racism; former head Andrew Wheeler is a climate denying former coal lobbyist. While Biden may not deserve our votes, an FTC chair who's actively pursuing antitrust cases does, a Labor secretary who's cracking down on union busting does, and so on.

    • @gilberthamilton9312
      @gilberthamilton9312 7 місяців тому +137

      Say it louder for the people in the back!

    • @portmantologist
      @portmantologist 7 місяців тому


    • @antonSugar
      @antonSugar 7 місяців тому +172

      My friend had this epifany when she realized voting trump for the meme in 2016 led to Roe being overturned.

    • @MilwaukeeF40C
      @MilwaukeeF40C 7 місяців тому +3

      Abolish all that sht.

    • @_KungFuBarbie_
      @_KungFuBarbie_ 7 місяців тому +55

      Based Sam Seder

  • @OlafFichtner
    @OlafFichtner 7 місяців тому +1179

    Voting for someone not because you like that person, their agenda and actions, but because you're totally scared of what happens when the other person wins does sound just a tiny bit dystopian to me...

    • @MiseryRex
      @MiseryRex 7 місяців тому +77

      Yep. And...

    • @driftspecs13
      @driftspecs13 7 місяців тому

      Your point? The reality is we have a two-party system. Four more years of the orange fascist will not only screw over the US, but the entire world. He fucked up the first time. The puppets behind the scenes at the heritage foundation, etc., have learned their lessons and won't make the same mistakes again.

    • @rainbowkrampus
      @rainbowkrampus 7 місяців тому +178

      Welcome to America. Not voting is how we got here in the first place. It's a dystopia of our own making.

    • @mariatamburro
      @mariatamburro 7 місяців тому

      yes it's awful. BUT the problem is the rational average person DO NOT pay any attention to politics because of their privilege to not HAVE to. Then when I try to engage in conversations, I am not palatable because the topics are "too hard." If we want real change and a more positive decisions, EVERYONE needs to start paying attention to local, state and federal elections. That's not an easy thing to say but it's flat out reality. Right now the extremes of either group run the show, or as outlined here, the lunatic magas have pushed the democratic party to try and be palatable to the most people instead of affecting change.

    • @RisingRecluse
      @RisingRecluse 7 місяців тому +88

      @rainbowkrampus consistently voting for the lesser evil is how we get here. In the end we vote and condone evil.

  • @rockfire1669
    @rockfire1669 7 місяців тому +1691

    You are morally obligated to do more than just voting once every four years.

    • @FiercelyGold
      @FiercelyGold 7 місяців тому +81

      Dude, we were impressed by >60% turnout a few years ago. The standards are low.
      Not in my state though... We got ourselves that mail in voting. 60% is our worst case scenario.
      Combine that with ranked choice voting, making election days national holidays, and doing all primaries on one national election day, we could actually improve this hot mess.
      But here we are. Even the most responsible among us don't want to participate because it's just so damn disheartening

    • @jeremymizer8958
      @jeremymizer8958 7 місяців тому +81

      ​@@FiercelyGoldhonestly I think voting should be mandatory, I don't think any average person has any excuse to not vote. That being said my home state of Texas practically makes voting illegal in Harris County

    • @Andrew-pb6hy
      @Andrew-pb6hy 7 місяців тому +9

      I agree however.... what? What could make a difference? I'm genuinely curious, I don't see a way that my actions could help. What are some ideas?

    • @AntiContradiction
      @AntiContradiction 7 місяців тому +29

      THANK YOU!! Nothing great was ever achieved in this country by voting once every 4 years. Big change requires a sustained movement

    • @jeremymizer8958
      @jeremymizer8958 7 місяців тому +53

      @ville__ you have one video with one comment and it's a short of you stepping on an LGBT+ flag...

  • @zeyneptorun1688
    @zeyneptorun1688 7 місяців тому +132

    The US need more then two political parties…

    • @Darqshadow
      @Darqshadow 5 місяців тому +13

      Except we do. They just don't have the votes due to them being so small and unable to compete woth both parties stuffed to the gills with corporate allies.
      Green Party and Libertarians are two such groups. While one is right leaning but has a live and let live policy as far as LGBT goes, they are still a lot easier to deal with compared to the MAGA idiots.
      I say this as a libertarian btw. I'm not a fan of Biden but trump's rhetoric has me beyond concerned.

    • @garrettmoorman5213
      @garrettmoorman5213 3 місяці тому

      Absolutely. But if republicans win we get further from that chance

    • @jaewise6198
      @jaewise6198 3 місяці тому +2

      People need to consider other parties.

    • @Darqshadow
      @Darqshadow 3 місяці тому +3

      @jaewise6198 they really do. Most people in the US tend to be either just right or just left of center. A party that can address those major issues: gun rights, lgbt, abortion, and rural communities would have a strong voter base. Add in economic policies aimed to revamp both inner cities and agricultural areas and there's the minorities and farmers. But sadly... we're in an age of polarization

    • @garrettmoorman5213
      @garrettmoorman5213 3 місяці тому

      @@jaewise6198 I mean agreed but we ain’t there yet. You want multiple parties? Identify primary challengers that advocate for ranked choice voting. We all want a better system but no one wants to acknowledge you have to work within the system to change it

  • @LucyBean42
    @LucyBean42 7 місяців тому +901

    Also, the house and senate matter. Those are ACTUALLY democratically elected. Those votes DO count.

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer 7 місяців тому

      That's why the fights over gerrymandering and voter access.
      ...If your vote did nothing, Republicans wouldn't be spending money on making it hard to vote.

    • @sublimnalphish7232
      @sublimnalphish7232 7 місяців тому

      We need that promise Trump did but like all his other's were bs we need to not vote in those that spend a lifetime in office our. And Biden s one of them. He's done us injustice by being one of the main writer of the "patriot act that has and is a mistake. It being used to abuse innocent citizens. It's a scam btw they work together the main separation of Dems and repubs is solely with us. It's a divide and conquer technique. They work to fill their coffers and we're getting screwed. Biden has not my vote , nor does Trump both are creepy

    • @GloomyGoth13
      @GloomyGoth13 7 місяців тому

      There are rigged primaries for the house and senate and a LOT of the rigging is done by AIPAC bolstering conservative democrats.

    • @AntiContradiction
      @AntiContradiction 7 місяців тому

      They matter FAR more, really. Unfortunately, the senate is rigged against the will of the people

    • @Jettplayzgames
      @Jettplayzgames 7 місяців тому +51

      Not necessarily; it depends on the specific race. House races are often gerrymandered so that it’s basically a one-party district, while most incumbents have huge advantages in terms of fundraising and name recognition, so much so that in some cases the other major party doesn’t even get someone to run

  • @erikrungemadsen2081
    @erikrungemadsen2081 7 місяців тому +229

    When "Can you please stop mudering each other, and talk like adults" is the radical option."

    • @cwhit0110
      @cwhit0110 6 місяців тому +5

      When billionaire donors think it is

    • @IloveJesus777j77
      @IloveJesus777j77 3 місяці тому

      ​@@cwhit0110Romans 10:9-11 says, "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved".Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

  • @QueenCallisto
    @QueenCallisto 7 місяців тому +334

    Rank voting could solve a lot of these problems.

    • @Azrael_Garou
      @Azrael_Garou 7 місяців тому

      Or dissolving PACs and other political coalitions; the DNC being the top offending culprit.

    • @somerandomguy4919
      @somerandomguy4919 7 місяців тому +3

      For America to have a multi party system ot has to abolished and criminalized conservatism

    • @KingArthurWs
      @KingArthurWs 7 місяців тому +2

      As a Conservative Democrat, this is based AF.

    • @brianstephenson3682
      @brianstephenson3682 7 місяців тому +4

      Can you elaborate on that?
      I believe we would be better off with a consensus voting method, such as Approval voting (vote for all you approve of). And for legislative bodies, I strongly encourage you to look into Proportional Representation: (Open List ProRep shown in the video).

    • @Use_fediverse-7814
      @Use_fediverse-7814 7 місяців тому +2

      Ranked voting has a problem on how to tally 2nd and 3Rd choices. They can tally that how they want. Still better. Ranking would work better in primaries.

  • @yeeyeeyeeye
    @yeeyeeyeeye 7 місяців тому +219

    I'm not morally obligated to vote, but I am obligated to vote against tyranny and facism. It's dystopian, but it is how America works.

    • @user-zu5do6ri6r
      @user-zu5do6ri6r 5 місяців тому +19

      It's more of a pick your favorite fascists at this point. Both parties support tyrany.

    • @edstoy-o-rama4004
      @edstoy-o-rama4004 5 місяців тому

      Im don't voting. This 2 party system is broken. Neither party does anything for the voters. The big corporation machine runs the country.

    • @kylezo
      @kylezo 4 місяці тому

      but you can't, both parties are actively supporting genocide

    • @rikubear6549
      @rikubear6549 4 місяці тому +8

      And its that attitude right there that keeps the status quo

    • @edstoy-o-rama4004
      @edstoy-o-rama4004 4 місяці тому

      Voting for either party is keeping the same bs going. Both parties don't really care for the voters. They only care for their pocket books and power.

  • @UndertheNeedle282
    @UndertheNeedle282 7 місяців тому +495

    As an African American I feel a moral obligation to vote. Knowing there was a time when my grandparents could not vote, motivates me. Knowing that when my mother was born my people did not have the right to vote motivates me. I feel like I'm letting every person who fought for my right down by not voting. Especially when all of them were voting for white men who felt like they should still be slaves and they voted anyway. They voted through fear and Jim Crow and the KKK and the general degradation of African American people. I feel like they would all shake their head at any African American person in 2024 who wastes that right. Unless we not forget the reason why we are at oligarchy today is because our supreme Court legalized bribery in citizens United. And who picked those justices? Presidents.

    • @sarahlachman1349
      @sarahlachman1349 7 місяців тому

      US has ALWAYS been an oligarchy ; citizens united was them coming out of the closest.
      It is ironic though that the pro slave party, DNC is the party the former slaves now vote for relgiously against the GOP which was founded for the liberation of slaves.
      That said both parties have done NOTHING to actually help anyone but the rich; handouts make people POORER by inflation it creates. All they do is talk while communities are negleteced and let to rot.
      The US needs to ditch both parties; its time people protest again like MLK again and march to DC to demand change. Voting in a rigged system gets everyone nowhere.
      People die for freedom for a reason, because those who don't fight for it have it taken away from then. This is true for all times in history going back to the dawn of humanity in Africa. United we stand, divided we fall. A house divided against itself can not stand, but the elites will milk the bloodshed for every dime and dollar they can muster like the corrupt cowards they are. Also voting for the same thing and expecting a different result is insane.

    • @adamg378
      @adamg378 7 місяців тому +54

      Republican presidents* picked those justices...which is a point that should be highlighted over and over. People felt this way in 2016. What happened? The outcome of that election gave us a R supreme court that will be in place for generations.

    • @julmaass
      @julmaass 7 місяців тому +19

      @UndertheNeedle282. I love this! It really puts things in perspective for me. We need to be grateful to those who gave us this chance and not disrespect their sacrifice.

    • @SuperStella1111
      @SuperStella1111 7 місяців тому +25

      Who has earned your vote? The point of having it is that someone earns it from you. Witholding it is also power.

    • @MorrisPlaysGames
      @MorrisPlaysGames 7 місяців тому

      @@SuperStella1111 That's far from the truth, it's completely idiotic to not vote because "Withholding is Power" is not true. All you do is refuse to vote, allowing an opportunity for a candidate you don't like to win, proof? 2016, the Bernie supporters refused to vote because of DNC fooliery, then because of that Trump was allowed to win the presidency. The only power you have is voting, if you don't vote you deny yourself a voice.

  • @SebastianTheGreat
    @SebastianTheGreat 7 місяців тому +129

    While you might just be a drop in the bucket in the presidential election, your vote could make a big difference in a local election. At the very least, show up to vote in your local races.

    • @ErutaniaRose
      @ErutaniaRose 7 місяців тому +19

      THIS!! SO many people forget about other elections.

    • @TheCyberQuaker
      @TheCyberQuaker 7 місяців тому

      That is why when someone says they can't bring themselves to vote for Biden, instead of shaming them, democrats should be encouraging them to just vote downballot

    • @AbqDez
      @AbqDez 7 місяців тому +11

      The bucket REQUIRES all these Drops.... You may be a single drop, but without those dropw the bucket remains empty

    • @unicorn-glasses
      @unicorn-glasses 7 місяців тому +9

      Exactly, I'm strongly considering doing just this. Not voting for any presidential candidate, but voting in absolutely every other category. Local elections, congressional races, state/local laws, etc matter just as much as the president (and frankly tend to affect our personal lives more strongly) and our vote actually can make a real difference there.

    • @ErutaniaRose
      @ErutaniaRose 7 місяців тому +1

      That's true.@@AbqDez

  • @grapeshot
    @grapeshot 7 місяців тому +1010

    The United States has a history of supporting right-wing administrations all over the world.

    • @JayBee-cr8jm
      @JayBee-cr8jm 7 місяців тому +13

      I'm sorry Putin.

    • @grapeshot
      @grapeshot 7 місяців тому +129

      @@JayBee-cr8jm when Trump was President Putin was supported by the United States

    • @grapeshot
      @grapeshot 7 місяців тому

      @@JayBee-cr8jm and he's definitely still supported by the right wingers in the United States

    • @JayBee-cr8jm
      @JayBee-cr8jm 7 місяців тому +44

      @@grapeshot When Obama was president, Russia took Crimea and dropped pro-Bernie memes on Facebook.

    • @JayBee-cr8jm
      @JayBee-cr8jm 7 місяців тому

      @@grapeshot When Biden took office, he used the FILIBUSTER to give Nord Stream 2 to Russia.
      Biden fought the Republicans and WON! Putin finally got his pipeline to Europe!
      Biden suckles Putin.

  • @Ashberryvillage10
    @Ashberryvillage10 7 місяців тому +204

    There should be a law where we add an option to vote for none of the candidates and instead have a new batch of candidates run. Then add another law where employers have to give the employees the day off, with pay, to go vote.

    • @opinanlosjovenesrd3477
      @opinanlosjovenesrd3477 7 місяців тому +10

      It is never going to happen. I mean the first one, the second one may happen most likely in another country.

    • @voidroad
      @voidroad 7 місяців тому +8

      that simply doesnt work.
      Because if we made that law then we'd never elect a new one leaving the current president in position

    • @joshualavender
      @joshualavender 7 місяців тому +10

      @@voidroad What was described was basically the situation of a prime minister in a parliamentary democracy - that person remains in office until they no longer have the support to remain there. Where are you getting the idea it "simply doesn't work" or "we'd never elect a new one"? It *does* work in a number of countries, and yes, those countries *do* elect new prime ministers from time to time! Frankly, on the whole I think they have steadier leadership as a result of it. Once in a long while, they go through a turbulent period where a prime minister comes and goes quickly without achieving much (e.g. Theresa May in Britain). But they don't tend to have so much chaos, and actual work the government is supposed to be doing isn't brought to a screeching halt every four years. (Just how much time do our politicians spend governing versus campaigning anymore?) Consider the election-year politics that denied Merrick Garland a Supreme Court seat or even a vote on it in the Senate and, more recently, that killed the bipartisan immigration bill just because Trump wants to run on immigration. There will always be politics, but it doesn't have to be this cynical.

    • @voidroad
      @voidroad 7 місяців тому +4

      @@joshualavender me thinking there could be a whole message without talking about trump.
      Orange man living rent free in some people's head.
      And yes letting people get longer term just because the party cant find a decent candidate you'd want to vote for is silly.

    • @Ashberryvillage10
      @Ashberryvillage10 7 місяців тому +2

      @opinanlosjovenesrd3477 saying its never going to happen, to me, just feels like giving up. It may seem hopeless or impossible but i still believe if we manage to stop fighting amongst ourselves; we can make a change to create laws that benefit the people to help take back enough control to keep those in power in check

  • @Wizardofgosz
    @Wizardofgosz 7 місяців тому +201

    Voting is an essential part of a democracy. Except we're an oligarchy. A few years ago Princeton (I think) did a study on the US government, and determined QUITE CLEARLY that we aren't a democracy, and haven't been for quite a while. We are an oligarchy run by giant corporations.

    • @januspatermagnus
      @januspatermagnus 7 місяців тому +23

      @@exilecomplex7344 But Biden is not a chance - here, we had four years, still an oligarchy. So he is not it. Trump is not it. Electoral politics simply doesn't make any sense for us if we want to drastically change the country. This is literally a choice between two people who will do the same when it comes to income inequality and wages and foreign policy.

    • @Wizardofgosz
      @Wizardofgosz 7 місяців тому +18

      @@exilecomplex7344 Go on. Please tell me how we can take power back from the corporations when they have literally bribed all politicians except about five?

    • @Wizardofgosz
      @Wizardofgosz 7 місяців тому +12

      @@januspatermagnus exactly. We aren't going to be able to vote our way out of this considering how deeply ingrained the corporatocracy is. It's really going to take some sort of revolution, or the system is going to crash, which it is, and we're going to have to rebuild. Hopefully we can rebuild something better.

    • @jenniferhunter4074
      @jenniferhunter4074 7 місяців тому

      So what would you do? by not voting, you have even less influence. Why do you think that Republicans work so hard to restrict voting access? This argument is just carrying water for the more corrupt, more anti-democratic party. I don't know about where you live, but the democrats have done good towards me and others. I'm a woman. Democrats protected me. there are children that need food. Democrats made that happen.
      When you vote, you vote for the better option. In this first past the post system, that's only R and D.
      And guys, please don't play the accelerationist stuff. We have history to prove the failure. The Reign of Terror. Stalin. That funny guy who gained power in Weimar Germany and hurt a lot of people. Those radical leftists who were disappointed in their democracy thought it would be fun to listen to the crazy right and look what happened. They were the first faces eaten by that leopard. Of course, they killed a lot of people because they weren't interested in slow, steady, constant, never giving up, always getting back up, fighting for one small inch. That's the hard work. That's endurance and most leftists don't have that strength.
      Vote for the better of the two options. If not, just vote out of spite if your a leftist and stick one to "own the conservatives".

    • @FloorFerret
      @FloorFerret 7 місяців тому +22

      And In the meantime do you want bad or worse?
      There are many people who will be objectively more harmed than you if, for instance, their state shifts red or if trump wins.
      Apathy doesn't abdicate your role in that. Not choosing is a choice.

  • @Alaplaya9
    @Alaplaya9 7 місяців тому +228

    " seems that rather than voting, she could engage in civil disobedience; write letters to newspaper editors, pamphlets, or political theory books; donate money; engage in conscientious abstention; protest; assassinate criminal political leaders; or do any number of other activities. It’s unclear why voting is special or required."
    Why the 'rather'? Is there something about voting that prevents you from doing any of these?

    • @CaptainWoggy
      @CaptainWoggy 7 місяців тому +42

      Sometimes it feels like there's a belief that everyone has 1 "political action point" per election cycle, and you can either spend it organizing/volunteering/protesting or by voting on Election Day, but not both.
      In reality, you go down to the polls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, you vote, and then you spend the time until the next election day organizing/volunteering/protesting

    • @afreaknamedallie1707
      @afreaknamedallie1707 7 місяців тому +7

      I think they mean as far as total output for total outcome. Voting, especially in some larger cities, makes way less of a major difference.

    • @maxmichalik4938
      @maxmichalik4938 7 місяців тому +10

      Maybe the other way around. If you're not really skilled and careful then it becomes hard to vote after doing a political assassination.

    • @arcataslacker
      @arcataslacker 7 місяців тому +2

      Unfortunately, every voter expects it. If they vote for somebody in that person wins that they are going to deliver every single wishlist item for that one. Voter will ignoring the fact that there are 300 million voters in this country who all Have somewhat different expectations that are frequently and odds with one another, even within the same party.

    • @alexmeyer2222
      @alexmeyer2222 7 місяців тому

      It's insane that the list of actions doesn't include LABOR ORGANIZING. Your letter, your march, your donation isn't going to do anything but make you feel good. You aren't going to get politicians to do what you want by asking, because the system is set up such that they don't need you. You need a credible threat, and affecting corporate bottom lines is the only lever of power available to the working class.

  • @bskec2177
    @bskec2177 7 місяців тому +44

    There was a South Park episode about an election between a turd sandwich and a giant douche. In this case, the giant douche is toxic, and will result in the death of individuals. I dislike the turd sandwich, but it looks like turd sandwich or death.

    • @Red_Lion2000
      @Red_Lion2000 6 місяців тому

      How do you reference that episode but still miss the point xD

    • @AS-my3sw
      @AS-my3sw 2 місяці тому

      @@Red_Lion2000 We don't have time to cry about our limited options. All you can do is play the cards you're dealt.

    • @Red_Lion2000
      @Red_Lion2000 2 місяці тому

      @@AS-my3sw I'm sorry, but you are Insane if you think asking for actual democracy is "crying"
      As I said, Americans...

    • @Red_Lion2000
      @Red_Lion2000 2 місяці тому

      @@AS-my3sw Thats the mindset that prevents democracy.

  • @drkswordsman
    @drkswordsman 7 місяців тому +28

    I recently went to a town council meeting in which the vast majority of the people were vehemently against a move to allow new development without paying taxes. This measure had opponents on both sides of the isle and the council moved heaven and earth to try to hide, obscure, gaslight, and ultimately vote in favor of the measure.
    All because it was good for THEIR business.
    I have never felt more dis-empowered!
    Money in politics will be the end of us!

  • @lous111
    @lous111 7 місяців тому +266

    We cannot vote for federal judges and justices. The Constitution doesn't permit this. And so I don't want Trump and the Republicans appointing these folks, given what they did to Roe. I disagree with Leeja, here. There is a clear answer and it's the federal judicial branch of the government.

    • @rmand5181
      @rmand5181 7 місяців тому +27

      Good point taking one right from half the American population will lead to taking more rights from all Americans.

    • @our12silly
      @our12silly 7 місяців тому

      I disagree with her too. Russia needs Trump to win the war in Ukraine. Iran trained and sponsored the attack against Israel with using Hammas as the proxy. We know why, because Russia pushed Iran to stir the pot in the middle east during this election year. Putin knows what he's doing. This issue he knew would split the Dems because Israel support with the Dems has been a KNOWN issue. Leeja doesn't see the forest from the trees here.

    • @hherrie3tuoepiw
      @hherrie3tuoepiw 7 місяців тому +12

      That's really stupid that we cant vote for federal judges and justices, why do we still grasp on so tightly to interpretations of such a ridiculously flawed document?

    • @AmonTheWitch
      @AmonTheWitch 7 місяців тому +26

      ​@@rmand5181the ladder of fascism, never let them build a step

    • @amusedBYfools
      @amusedBYfools 7 місяців тому

      When Trump ran in 2016 we were warned that electing Trump would result in SCOTUS becoming exactly what it is. Nobody (the Dems) listened. Expect it to get worse.

  • @sapiensursus3034
    @sapiensursus3034 7 місяців тому +311

    There's a moral obligation to reject fascism, which means: sure, vote for Biden, but work in local activism in between elections, push for local candidates, do our collective best to move the Democrats left. The work doesn't end just because we barely avoid fascism.

    • @DrakonicMonarch
      @DrakonicMonarch 7 місяців тому +19

      This! This is what I keep saying

    • @rudeboyjohn3483
      @rudeboyjohn3483 7 місяців тому

      Why do we hate fascism? Because it ends in genocide.
      Biden just speed ran fascism, but the only difference is that it's some one else's children that he's slaughtering.
      Biden is competent. Trump is not.
      Biden IS committing genocide. Trump WANTS to but can't even drink from a water bottle.
      I hate both of them, and I don't support genocide. So I'm not gonna endorse either

    • @rudeboyjohn3483
      @rudeboyjohn3483 7 місяців тому +10

      And if that means the end of democracy, then I'm willing to ACTUALLY fight to get it back, and not a coward that thinks just raising my hand in a vote is the only resistance available

    • @Burevix
      @Burevix 7 місяців тому +20

      Right, you can vote and then do all the other stuff. I am surprised this video left out the fact that when you go out to vote you are also voting for local, state, and federal members which could have a bigger impact than just president i.e. I want the Dems to hold the Senate so they can place judges. A final note, I get the importance of local activity but say your local activity is to help trans people, that is a lot harder if the people in control of the state or federal government want them dead. Your opposition matters greatly.

    • @suprisedlink9374
      @suprisedlink9374 7 місяців тому

      @@s.a.3894 I understand what you're saying, but we won't get the opportunity to move dems left if the right takes power. They abuse power constantly and the project 2025 plan ensures they will essentially never lose another election.

  • @Tai112336
    @Tai112336 7 місяців тому +166

    On the "should Biden be primaried" issue, I dislike arguments that are based in "well this is how it happened before..." Voters in 2024 are completely different people from 1980. There's no reason to assume that they're going to vote the exact same way.

    • @dr.disimpactor1753
      @dr.disimpactor1753 7 місяців тому +14

      It's an excuse to entrench existing power structures of "it's his turn" and party machinery politics.

    • @eric2500
      @eric2500 7 місяців тому +1

      There is no "exactly the same" to be had. Ever. History does not work that way.

    • @meowy4720
      @meowy4720 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@dr.disimpactor1753 And I'm still voting democratic this year, so cry harder

    • @Tai112336
      @Tai112336 7 місяців тому +7

      @@meowy4720 I'm not crying, vote for whoever you want

    • @Grapevin
      @Grapevin 7 місяців тому +3

      It's also a blatant lie to frame it in the way she did. Carter didn't lose because he got primaried, he got primaried because everyone knew he was going to lose. Insane to claim otherwise

  • @bombshellmusical9566
    @bombshellmusical9566 7 місяців тому +173

    If 95% of college students voted, both parties would support student loan forgiveness.
    Politicians do not direct policies towards the public, they direct them towards Voters.
    The reason so many policies favour the elderly is because they vote in huge numbers.
    Edit: Everyone saying corporations etc matter more ask yourselves this.
    Why has no government, R or D touched either Medicare or the retirement age in 70 years?
    Presidents that cut welfare, attacked unions, the minimum wage, allowed bank deregulation, student loans to get out of control etc won’t touch welfare for the elderly.
    Did rich donors all get together and decide they believe in welfare for the elderly?
    Or are politicians to scared to piss off the group that votes in incredibly high numbers.

    • @bluester7177
      @bluester7177 7 місяців тому +40

      ​​@@exilecomplex7344As someone who lives in a place where voting is mandatory, no, you wouldn't, at least not by just voting.
      Politicians can say whatever they want to get your vote and not do any of those things afterwards, or do it in a performative way, put a bill foward they know won't get anywhere.
      People need to do more than vote, also, your local elections affect you more than the presidency.

    • @qjtvaddict
      @qjtvaddict 7 місяців тому

      Like how did he Chinese vote locally

    • @paulw.woodring7304
      @paulw.woodring7304 7 місяців тому +17

      Our elected officials vote in policies that their rich donors want, not we "The People". We have next to no say on what happens here.

    • @brina6680
      @brina6680 7 місяців тому +2

      Maybe the rich elderly

    • @afreaknamedallie1707
      @afreaknamedallie1707 7 місяців тому

      No they would continue to do what they HAVE BEEN doing since millennials were in middle school: talking shit and talking down to the young people who demanded the things like free college and student loan forgiveness.
      More millennials voted at younger ages than boomers of Gen X ever, and we still got told to go f ourselves

  • @PoeticPoppa
    @PoeticPoppa 7 місяців тому +37

    "Local government meetings are typically sleepy and boring." As someone who has been to many a town council meeting.. don't count on that. Usually it is that way because there are a small number of people who usually get their way. When that changes things get very messy very fast.

    • @jeffersonclippership2588
      @jeffersonclippership2588 7 місяців тому

      Shame that only ever changes for the worse

    • @Lunch_Meat
      @Lunch_Meat 7 місяців тому +2

      ​@@jeffersonclippership2588it doesn't always change for the worse, but the worst does make the most noise

    • @jeffersonclippership2588
      @jeffersonclippership2588 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Lunch_Meat the only time I've seen large numbers of people come and yell at local meetings is to spew antivax nonsense, fight affordable housing, or rant against queer people. It's never for anything good.

    • @Lunch_Meat
      @Lunch_Meat 7 місяців тому

      @@jeffersonclippership2588 I have been fortunate enough to see large numbers of people show up for women and POC issues as well as environmental issues, gun control, and smaller things such as public spending on increasing accessibility for pedestrians and the disabled. Maybe it just depends on where you live 🤷‍♂️

    • @jeffersonclippership2588
      @jeffersonclippership2588 7 місяців тому

      @@Lunch_Meat sure you have

  • @JoeNoshow27
    @JoeNoshow27 7 місяців тому +228

    When someone is told they are morally obligated to do something that they don't want to do, the typical response is defiance and resentment. The way to change someone's view is to focus on the benefits of adopting it, rather than the detriments of defying it.

    • @darthsilversith667
      @darthsilversith667 7 місяців тому

      And that’s how the democrats get you.. grade A fear mongering.. “don’t vote for us because we’re so great.. vote for us because a vote for them is literally a vote for Hitler!”

    • @User31129
      @User31129 7 місяців тому +16

      But the detriments have objectively never been worse. I'd vote for 2004 George W Bush all day long if it was him or Trump.

    • @eric2500
      @eric2500 7 місяців тому +16

      A mature discussion should include benefits, down sides, and obligations.
      Social media works against this.

    • @eric2500
      @eric2500 7 місяців тому

      Too true!@@User31129

    • @pano3607
      @pano3607 7 місяців тому +6

      I suspect that is the creator’s objective. It’s not terribly cool or necessarily easy to point out that Biden has - on the whole - been a decent president. One could list Biden’s achievements or at least what he has tried to achieve, especially in light of what republicans want to achieve, but it’s easier to say “Pfff here we go again. There’s no difference between the two candidates. Biden isn’t that exciting and he’s old, but I guess we OWE him our vote”
      It’s a properly tedious, well-trodden point.

  • @10.11stars
    @10.11stars 7 місяців тому +37

    Over here in Europe we are clenching our butt cheeks and hoping for the least bad consequence ✨️😃

    • @Charlene_Laberkalypse
      @Charlene_Laberkalypse 7 місяців тому +3

      The "funny" thing is, as little as the US tends to care about foreign politics (apart from Gaza since last october), their election results have quite the impact on all of us non Americans (Im also european)

    • @10.11stars
      @10.11stars 7 місяців тому +3

      @@Charlene_Laberkalypse it is terrifying :))
      whatever happens over there gets shipped here too

    • @jequirity1
      @jequirity1 7 місяців тому +9

      Over here in the US we are clenching our butt cheeks and hoping for the least bad consequence ✨️ 😃

    • @SeventhSaucer
      @SeventhSaucer 7 місяців тому +4

      You don't have to settle for "least bad." Joe Biden has been and will continue to be an excellent and effective president.

    • @AmedeeVanGasse
      @AmedeeVanGasse 7 місяців тому

      Yeah and we don't have a say in something that will fundamentally influence our life (or death).

  • @frankr7525
    @frankr7525 7 місяців тому +182

    As a resident of Pennsylvania, a swing state, I do feel obligated to vote for Biden, because that is the only way I can oppose Trump in a mathematically effective way.

    • @Jibril_Abdulkadir
      @Jibril_Abdulkadir 7 місяців тому

      Your not obligated to support someone they are obligated to get your vote, remember for the people by the people? Does that exist still? if they are killing kids you shouldnt vote it will be a tough 4 years with trump again but the democrats will actually have to listen to Arab and Muslim Americans and half the country who do not support a genocide

    • @SilverSlayer23
      @SilverSlayer23 7 місяців тому +4

      ... Genocide... You're choosing to vote for genocide....

    • @SgtKaito
      @SgtKaito 7 місяців тому +30

      ​@@SilverSlayer23I'm also a PA resident and I will not be voting for Biden, but I am voting against Trump. Unfortunately I think Biden will be the only option to vote against Trump. I am very much against Biden, I even protested him recently in favor of a ceasefire and freeing Palestine (And will do it again if he visits my area again). I hate it but I think the best bet is voting for Biden and then continuing to protest him. Things may change by November and I hope they do for the better somehow, but as it is looking now I fear I will have to vote for Biden. Will Trump not also continue the genocide? Seems like he will to me, and he'll make things worse for us, so I think we have to keep him out at all costs, even if we have to vote for someone as horrible as Biden.

    • @Jibril_Abdulkadir
      @Jibril_Abdulkadir 7 місяців тому +2

      @@SilverSlayer23 I am not voting for him exactly because of that

    • @SilverSlayer23
      @SilverSlayer23 7 місяців тому +4

      @@SgtKaito he's the only option you allow yourself to have. You have more options. Just wear that on your chest with pride. It's wild to me that you think genocide can be just a acceptable sidenote for a candidate rather than recognizing the reality that comes with it.

  • @klutterkicker
    @klutterkicker 7 місяців тому +142

    Blaming people for not voting or a candidate they don't like is one of a few things the left does today that has a very right-wing feel to it. It's the right who says "it's your responsibility if your employer doesn't pay you enough" and "if you walk out of the toilet paper factory to protest then it's your fault if we run out of toilet paper." If someone told me "It's your responsibility to vote for the established candidate even if you don't like them," I would assume they were talking from the right. Where's the Democratic Party's responsibility to give me a candidate that represents me?

    • @bothi00
      @bothi00 7 місяців тому

      That's not what the left does. That's what liberals do.
      Liberals are not the left or left wing

    • @ellebrown9675
      @ellebrown9675 7 місяців тому

      Under normal circumstances I would agree, but at this moment in time, fascists are at the gates, and they are in lock step. We have to keep the fascists out of power at the ballot box. If we fail to keep them out this year, we will have no more non-violent means to stop them, and there will be no one to come and save us. If Rs win this year, everyone who didn't vote for dems will be culpable for the collapse of american democracy. Rs have taken us to the brink, and like it or not, dems are our only viable protection.

    • @shirley444
      @shirley444 7 місяців тому

      Agreed. I do feel as though additionally the Democratic Party has been given passes when they move just like republicans. There’s not enough outcry from Biden with his actions supporting Ukraine and Israel but had that been a Republican president, all of the dems would have avengers assembled on the Republican Party

    • @cosmefulanito5052
      @cosmefulanito5052 7 місяців тому +20

      There's no candidate that will ever represent you.

    • @unyieldingsarcasm2505
      @unyieldingsarcasm2505 7 місяців тому

      In a normal election cycle thats a good point.
      Trump has publicly stated he wants to be a dictator, to enact martial law, and to mass deport and place into internment camp millions of Americans. Thats not even hyperbole, he flat publicly stated these things on record.
      This really isnt the time to be hawing over "the dems should be better in X way", this has reached basic survival.

  • @GreenCurryiykyk
    @GreenCurryiykyk 7 місяців тому +30

    Nothing about voting in local elections! Sure you touched on being active locally, but I believe it's important to say "Whether you vote for president or not, vote for local and state officials and issues and consider your congress person and senatorial votes." The presidential election often gets people to polls, but their votes are needed in many other races as well.

    • @vinista256
      @vinista256 7 місяців тому +2

      Very true, and I have a feeling that those local races are where we're first going to see the ground shift. I live in an ueber-conservative area of Virginia, and in my little towns local elections, nobody talks about party, but it basically comes down to two flavors of Republican--the old-time, not-crazy ones and MAGA. Thanks to this town, I can finally answer "Yes!" truthfully if somebody asks me, "have you EVER votes for anybody but a Democrat in your LIFE?" There's never a Democrat on the ballot, but I still think it's worth choosing between sane and crazy.

    • @razrv3lc
      @razrv3lc 6 місяців тому

      @@vinista256you’re lucky. My local elections are literally just psycho religious nutjobs in various flavors in Alabama. We don’t even have a “sane” option anymore.

  • @Werebat
    @Werebat 7 місяців тому +129

    We need ranked choice voting.
    We need ranked choice voting.
    We NEED ranked choice voting!

    • @thennicke
      @thennicke 7 місяців тому +1

      Sure do. You nearly got it with Bill HR1, right?

    • @mx.walrus
      @mx.walrus 7 місяців тому

      Star voting

    • @Smash_ter
      @Smash_ter 7 місяців тому

      Then make that petition in your state for a ballot initiative

    • @Werebat
      @Werebat 7 місяців тому +6

      Funny you should say that, because while I didn’t actually write the bill, I *did* put in hours working with an organization that supports it, and will continue to do so.
      With a bit of luck, my state will have RCV for at least the primaries of the next election cycle. Depends on whether or not this bill gets passed.

    • @Smash_ter
      @Smash_ter 7 місяців тому

      @@Werebat good

  • @maxhorner2409
    @maxhorner2409 7 місяців тому +6

    Yall need to stop this statement of a vote for 3rd party is vote for the other major candidate. No a vote for 3rd or independent is a vote against the 2 party system that has consistently showed that we the people do not matter. If I vote fer Brittney Jones then my vote is for Brittney Jones not fer either Biden or Trump. This rhetoric is what is keepin the 2 party thieves in power. We need to stand up to them and vote against them by electin 3rd party and independent candidates to show that we the people are in control

  • @AllHailZeppelin
    @AllHailZeppelin 7 місяців тому +80

    Here’s the problem with third-party candidates in the US:
    Our presidential election is essentially 50* statewide “first past the post” (ie. winner-take-all) elections, with a final winner-take-all election done via the Electoral College based on those state elections. A WINNER-TAKE-ALL VOTING SYSTEM WILL *ALWAYS* RESULT IN A DE FACTO TWO-PARTY POLITICAL SYSTEM. Always.
    (For an explanation of why, I’d recommend watching CGP Grey’s series of videos about elections)
    A third-party candidate will NEVER win a US presidential election until/unless the first-past-the-post voting system changes.
    *(technically it’s 48, since Maine and Nebraska do award electoral votes roughly proportional to the results of the popular vote in that state)

    • @PauLtus_B
      @PauLtus_B 7 місяців тому

      First past the post is always fucked and always leaves you just voting for the lesser evil.
      USA just has it with multiple stages which makes it so much worse.

    • @JuanMartinez-xf3uz
      @JuanMartinez-xf3uz 7 місяців тому +2

      Third parties tend to be extremely fringe so I'm rather thankful we don't take them seriously.

    • @brianstephenson3682
      @brianstephenson3682 7 місяців тому +3

      Yes/no. Changing the voting method at the presidential level to something like Approval voting (vote for all you approve of) or STAR voting (Score Then Automatic Runoff) would help somewhat in allowing 3rd parties. But enacting change at the local level and adopting Proportional Representation would do much more to make 3rd parties viable. My preferred ProRep methods are Mixed Member Proportional:, and List ProRep:

    • @PauLtus_B
      @PauLtus_B 7 місяців тому +3

      @@brianstephenson3682 Those CGP Grey videos are really great.
      A good voting system matters a lot. I'm from the Netherlands and while there hasn't been a government which I've been content with in well over a decade I've never felt my vote was wasted. As long as the party I voted for got 150th of the votes (which is not a high bar) it means they will get a voice in the government.

    • @PauLtus_B
      @PauLtus_B 7 місяців тому +3

      @@JuanMartinez-xf3uz What if they weren't and actually had policies you completely agreed with?
      The problem then is that voting for them will still be wasted and just ends up meaning a vote less for the party you would've voted for otherwise.

  • @blankenstein1649
    @blankenstein1649 7 місяців тому +123

    it's extremely cool how every election these days is described as "THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECITON OF YOUR LIFE" and that the vast majority of the population vote __against__ a candidate rather than voting __for__ a candidate they support. i love our stupid, gluttonous political machine. it's great.

    • @MiddleAgedMillennial
      @MiddleAgedMillennial 7 місяців тому +17

      The lesser of two evils argument, and winner take all, means people vote for who they think can get the majority and not for who they actually want. But is that really even your vote then? If it’s not the one you really wanted to vote for, but you do anyways because of the way the EC votes are allocated, is it even really your voice? It’s wild. Two party stronghold, is like the political version of price fixing.

    • @tskmaster3837
      @tskmaster3837 7 місяців тому +23

      2016 IMPORTANT Yeah, turned out giving Republicans three SC seats mattered. Who knew?
      2020 IMPORTANT Hey, turns out the country is on the cusp of turning fascist, who knew?
      2024 SAME

    • @rebeccap1441
      @rebeccap1441 7 місяців тому +8

      Maybe do some more research on Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation, read some intelligence reports from the last 8 years and then hopefully you will see why these last couple elections have been so critical.

    • @eltorocal
      @eltorocal 7 місяців тому +3

      The UN Genocide Convention was passed back in 1948, after the atrocities of WW2. The U.S. refused to sign on. It took nearly 40 years for the U.S.A. to sign on to this "Anti-Genocide" resolution, and in 1987, a Congressman from Delaware agreed to commit the U.S.A. to the Humanity of the UN and other World Leader's plans. If found to be complicit in such atrocities, any World leaders or a U.S. president who funds the Genocidal conduct of any other nation could be held in contempt, and found Guilty of War Crimes.
      The U.S. Congressman who FINALLY signed the UN Resolution in 1987 was none other than Delaware Senator Joseph Robinette Biden.

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer 7 місяців тому +3

      ​@@eltorocal history has a horrible sense of humor.

  • @tankeeyab
    @tankeeyab 7 місяців тому +13

    Individual votes matter in local and state elections which impact our daily lives I.e. taxes for roads, schools, school board etc.

  • @HughRGlen
    @HughRGlen 7 місяців тому +255

    It isn't "apathy" it is disdain. People aren't unenthusiastic about Biden, they actively dislike him based on his actions and words and lack of both where it matters.

    • @StFido
      @StFido 7 місяців тому

      This is just factually incorrect Biden has had HUGE policy wins many of which actually matters.

    • @AddBowIfGirl
      @AddBowIfGirl 7 місяців тому +11

      It is apathy for many given both candidates are unappealing.

    • @irnbrewhaha
      @irnbrewhaha 7 місяців тому +10

      Relax, you and everyone else will go back to not caring about Palestinians shortly.

    • @suarezguy
      @suarezguy 7 місяців тому +1

      But, though they rarely directly say it, most also dislike Obama, Harris, even Warren oddly, at least enough to not support her, dislike nearly everyone more to center of Bernie or AOC.

    • @kamwickw933
      @kamwickw933 7 місяців тому +16

      Well, right now, what's the choice? Do we always have to be 'enthusiastic' about the candidates? I just want the ones that won't turn us into a totalitarian state.

  • @kataroquasinzki7383
    @kataroquasinzki7383 7 місяців тому +17

    Fight the disease, not the symptoms. The fact that American voters, time and time again, are presented with only two choices, one's right-wing and the other's far right, shows how deep the rot has gotten in the American political system. So no _progressive_ choice for the top political office? Someone like Lula, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Gabriel Boric or even Pedro Sanchez like you see in other countries?
    Genuinely mad how progressive Americans have little or no influence on federal policy despite the high popularity of so many of their proposals (universal healthcare, high taxation on the richest pricks, tighter regulation of the banking industry, environmental protections, more consumer safety laws, free school lunches, a ban on private prisons, college debt forgiveness, social housing, rent control, government-negotiated drug prices and on and on it goes)

    • @PauLtus_B
      @PauLtus_B 7 місяців тому +2

      I see it as slowly dragging the political spectrum in USA in a certain direction.

    • @Bee-ol1xr
      @Bee-ol1xr 7 місяців тому +2

      The fact that they don't have universal healthcare will ALWAYS baffle me.

    • @PauLtus_B
      @PauLtus_B 7 місяців тому

      @@Bee-ol1xr How does the government not grant people the right to not die from sickness?

  • @springerjkreb
    @springerjkreb 7 місяців тому +80

    I live in a battleground state, so yes I HAVE to vote. If i don't the scale tips red.

    • @timothyhart7024
      @timothyhart7024 7 місяців тому

      Yeah safer America's that be brilliant

    • @katashworth41
      @katashworth41 7 місяців тому

      I have the opposite problem (but I’m in the UK) my constituency is one of the safest Tory seats in the country, at one point it was the 6th safest seat for them in the country. In the 100+ years since the constituency was formed it’s always had a Tory MP. The many joys of being in a semi-rural area where this millennial has a heart attack if they even glance at an estate agent’s (real estate) window with how many numbers there are (though it is fun after a couple of beers to laugh at the hideous interiors).

    • @michaeladkins6
      @michaeladkins6 7 місяців тому

      @@katashworth41 Are there still safe tory seats?

    • @katashworth41
      @katashworth41 7 місяців тому

      @@michaeladkins6 Maybe not, our MP has been making appearances. First (and last) time I’ve seen him around was when he was parachuted into the seat. Joke was on him, I’d rather nail my hand to a tree than vote Tory and my supervisor at the time didn’t even live in our area.

    • @jeka67
      @jeka67 7 місяців тому +3

      Enough people having your mindset is what stands between us and a dystopia. Preciate you.

  • @johnson12344
    @johnson12344 7 місяців тому +66

    I miss here the importance of voting for members of congress. A president (including Trump) has only limited power if not supported by both house and senate.

    • @michaeltaylor5451
      @michaeltaylor5451 7 місяців тому

      Except that if Trump wins 2024, Project 2025's Unitary Executive action will neuter the Legislative and Judicial branches while extending the power vested in the man, Donald Trump. It doesn't elevate the entire Executive branch, just one single person. This is why the GOP must not be allowed to install Donald Trump. It would be the end of our democratic constitutional-republic. I, for one, will not partake in the suicide of apathy.

    • @teresawashington882
      @teresawashington882 7 місяців тому

      Let's understand reality: If FRUMP Or ANY REPUBLICAN gets in the White House; the Congress can be overflowing with Democrats BECAUSE the REPUBLICANS are Prepared, on day 1 to give the president, what in the end, ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE OTHER BRANCHES. Doubt me? Listen to them, open your eyes, Wake the F*ck Up🤬 THEY'RE TELLING YOU THEIR PLANS! 🤬 i.e., Project 2025. 28:16

    • @jgray2718
      @jgray2718 7 місяців тому +3

      Couldn't agree more. The Senate is going to be really important this cycle, too. It'll be very hard for Democrats to continue holding it, regardless of the presidential outcome.

    • @BennettYancey
      @BennettYancey 7 місяців тому +1

      Exactly! I’m so sick of so much attention being given to the president and less attention given to those who make our laws (Congress)…smh!

  • @lastboyscout6437
    @lastboyscout6437 7 місяців тому +34

    Thanks for giving a non-american a down to earth opinion 👍
    I a multi-party democracy we still have the same problem as in the US.
    In Denmark the two major parties usually dont have a majority, so they depend on the minor parties.
    Not voting is = to voting on the other candidate.
    Voting on any of the smaller parties = voting for the big one on their side.
    But the smaller parties are usually able to get some consessions to a law proposal.
    Voting usually ends up in who you don't want as part of the goverment. Not the candidate you want. Welcome to the dilemmas of democracy. It's bad, but not as bad as having a dictatorship/Cleptocracy.

    • @danidiaz2377
      @danidiaz2377 7 місяців тому +1

      Voting for a third party is voting for dump

    • @Spido68_the_spectator
      @Spido68_the_spectator 7 місяців тому

      You have proportional vote or first last the post for the parliament?

    • @jamiepaulzine6725
      @jamiepaulzine6725 5 місяців тому

      The schools are currently a joke. So yes vote for moms for liberty in huge numbers

  • @osurpless
    @osurpless 7 місяців тому +103

    That bit of hiring for social media director really needs to become a meme…
    Right up there with “6 Olympic gold medals” and “what could a banana cost?”

    • @User31129
      @User31129 7 місяців тому +7

      I'm not up on the reference to the 6 gold medals ?

    • @osurpless
      @osurpless 7 місяців тому

      @@User31129 Tried responding with a link to a pic, but guess that gets filtered?
      Anyway, just do a search on "job requirements and superpowers" and you'll find it.

    • @najirachid-zayat2881
      @najirachid-zayat2881 7 місяців тому +1

      why was I labeled a right winger every time I brought this up. why is the "left" realizing now how bad Gen Joe is/was?

    • @artemis3120
      @artemis3120 7 місяців тому +4

      ​@@najirachid-zayat2881We've known for a long time. You're just now seeing the difference between liberals and leftists.

  • @thraxarioustailchaser158
    @thraxarioustailchaser158 7 місяців тому +21

    I think you might have glossed over the individual vote, not remarking that focus on individual voting priorities of "my vote doesn't count" also increases voter apathy, weakening the larger voting base. A good part of the goals of opposing parties is to find ways to make their opponents not show up. Apathy is one tool and The "My vote doesn't count" stacks up pretty quick.

    • @meredithprintz7009
      @meredithprintz7009 7 місяців тому

      WE have the power! And we need to use it. Rest assured that the MAGA folks will vote and if they take power they will not want to relinquish it.

  • @seanbradley2712
    @seanbradley2712 7 місяців тому +110

    Voting isn't just for the president, the lower levels of gov't directly impact your life. (People say, "I don't get involved in politics." Why not? Politics gets involved in your life.) One example in Texas, a rural area outside Austin voted on the issue of relying on Austin to provide fire fighting services, as there were none in the area. When the votes were calculated, the result was to NOT rely on Austin, so there were no FD services in the area at all. The measure won by one vote cast by the one man in the area that voted. It was pretty easy for the newspaper to track him down to interview. He said had he realizing no one else was voting, he would not have voted against it.
    Regardless of how one might feel about Biden's abysmal performance (let's face it, all Presidents have abysmal performance, so that's not a valid reason), now is not the time to "punish" the Dems. Regardless of what you do, politicians will always thrive, they are almost all apathetic, and if they don't call you personally for a donation, you don't matter to them. However, that doesn't mean all politicians are clones of each other. Our choice at this point is banal incompetent vs. overt evil.
    If you choose not to vote, remember the words of MLK, "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

    • @pollysshore2539
      @pollysshore2539 7 місяців тому +14

      I do not understand the “punish” rhetoric. It strikes me as rather bizarre, immature and even fairly delusional.
      Everyone is voting for someone they don’t agree with on all issues.
      I would not want to “punish” American citizens on the left by subjecting them to further rights erosions, loss of hard won freedoms and potentially risking the removal of their voting rights in general because of a years long conflict in Israel/Palestine.
      No one voted for 10/7 or what follows
      The “punishment” rhetoric is a little too similar to “own the libs” for my peace of mind.

    • @littlejerryseinfeld4168
      @littlejerryseinfeld4168 7 місяців тому

      @@pollysshore2539 yeah and its the narrative that all these "far left" commentators facilitate, especially the TYTs and Kyle Kulinskis. I dont even know what the point is of making a video like this in february. People put way too much stock in what a President can legally do, and never give any thought beyond whatever the flavor of the week is. Trump doesnt follow the law, but hes not going to make any currently volatile situation any better than Biden can, he can only make things worse. If I have to hear howhis best friends are dictators in any more speeches im gonna lose my mind, this isn't a hard choice.

    • @jamesmyers8619
      @jamesmyers8619 7 місяців тому +6

      I'll take the well-meaning elderly gentleman, please.

    • @somefunification
      @somefunification 7 місяців тому +4

      Yeah tell us how you don't care about genocide

    • @seanbradley2712
      @seanbradley2712 7 місяців тому

      @@somefunification Incorrect. Don't conflate not supporting trump with supporting genocide. The two are not related.
      Genocide is an abhorrent act of evil. If America hasn't started it (the CIA setting up dictators in the "battle" against communism) it has always turned a blind eye to or resorted to grandstanding and left the matter to the UN. The current Gaza Strip genocide is a manufactured atrocity designed by Netanyahu to excuse his xenophobia. I do believe Biden needs to take a much stronger stance on Israel, otherwise, he'll lose a lot of his base. But that should not be the reason he steps up his response; he should take a much stronger stance because it's the right thing to do. He seems to be, but we'll see.
      The reality is we cannot control Israel. They are a sovereign state hellbent on evil. We can only attempt to influence them. If we intervene, we would be intervening with an ally, what message would that send to all of our other allies?
      Regarding the upcoming election, I would rather the dems advance a better candidate, but they won't, they are too stuck in their ways of thinking and are always late to adapt to situations that have already changed. Just because something worked before doesn't mean it will work again. The Allies learned that lesson the hard way in WWII when they reused the successful tactics of WWI. The Nazis had already moved on and handed the Allies their collective asses.
      I think the dems are stupid. However, I am also aware of bad actors attempting to use discontent to foment discord on the left to control the election. Accelerationsts are using hypernomalization to increase uncertainty and fear to destabilize the world and force it into war so that we can get on with glorious "reconstruction," so that everyone (read: the wealthy) can prosper. A populace that feels secure is a populace the resists war. But they can be controlled with fear - a time tested tactic for success - and make them desire a civil war, which I'm hearing a lot these days from various pundits on the right. All of these "culture wars" are fabricated to keep everyone at each other's throats.
      I would rather not sacrifice America to "punish" the dems by not voting. There is a reason that the republicans are proud of being known as the war party. Wealth protect the people who desire war; their sons (and daughters) won't be dying on the front lines. For them to succeed, they have to make you believe their desires are your desires.
      There is too much at stake to risk short-sighted thinking.
      Scorched earth tactics will not save America from itself.

  • @jwalker2942
    @jwalker2942 7 місяців тому +116

    The problem is that we live in a two party system that has a strangle hold on politics

    • @sarahlachman1349
      @sarahlachman1349 7 місяців тому +20

      Uniparty baiscly

    • @Mollikar
      @Mollikar 7 місяців тому +3

      Yeah but thats not an excuse to vote blue anyway to win brownie points.

    • @jayargee492
      @jayargee492 7 місяців тому +6

      @@Mollikar It will never change just because people don't vote either. The electoral system is engineered such that it's mathematically near-impossible for a third party to gain significant enough ground to win or even become a significant threat. If you say that people voting blue is just for brownie points, it's just as fair for them to say that your refusal to participate at all because the situation is far from ideal is selfish (especially considering that not voting objectively will not end the two-party system and get you what you want).

    • @Mollikar
      @Mollikar 7 місяців тому +4

      @@jayargee492 Well thats a shoestring logic and assumption rolled up into one, I always vote but continulally doing a mental backflip to fool yourself into thinking your vote doesnt matter as an EXCUSE to just keep on voting blue is a self defeating exercise.

    • @lilacghoste8366
      @lilacghoste8366 7 місяців тому

      ​@@Mollikarbring socialism or communism then you will get people voting because democract and Republican seems like same thing except one is not soo progressive and prefers to hide in the chvrches

  • @joelharris4399
    @joelharris4399 7 місяців тому +93

    George Carlin: You don't have a choice. You have OWNERS. THEY OWN YOU! 🤣😂 Blessed are the souls of comedians, for they shall inherit wisdom

    • @zachnesmith
      @zachnesmith 7 місяців тому +7

      Carlin was a sage.

    • @MayorOfEarth79
      @MayorOfEarth79 7 місяців тому

      I agree with Carlin. But fuck comedians; lots of them like Joe Rogan are pushing for Republicans cause they want to be wealthy and they love using that first amendment to shit on people.

    • @Max4Z
      @Max4Z 28 днів тому +1

      Both candidates have sponsors, at least athletes proudly wear them, while politicians keep them a secret

  • @Prizzlesticks
    @Prizzlesticks 7 місяців тому +75

    At this point, voting feels like someone asking me if I'd rather have both my knee caps busted or a double leg amputation. Neither, please, but I guess I'll take the knee caps.

    • @banonKING
      @banonKING 7 місяців тому +2

      Perfectly and sadly put.

    • @dgrhm08
      @dgrhm08 7 місяців тому +9

      It's more like a salad with no dressing of a sucker punch to the ribs.
      Trump is criminally unfit.
      Biden's just old.

    • @Prizzlesticks
      @Prizzlesticks 7 місяців тому

      @@dgrhm08 I wouldn't be so blasé. 1) they're both old af and showing signs of confusion and dementia. 2) One old man can still fuck over generations. Lookit good ol' Joe himself, who reversed course on moving away from fossil fuels, restarted paused or stopped pipeline projects through indigenous land, and approved more oil and drilling projects than even Trump. And then there's the clusterfuck that came with pulling out of Iraq without heed to our allies there or the power vacuum that created. I'm sure that's not gonna cause long-term issues, haha... And do I even need to mention foreign relations? I mean, South Africa is releasing public, scathing criticism of the US support for Israel, and that's just the icing on the cake of shame other countries serve us.
      I mean, i like undressed salad. Literally munch it like a bag of chips sometimes. And doing so isn't going to condemn me to heart disease or cancer down the line. Both of these old fogeys, though? Shit. One is like a salad dressed in arsenic and another in lead. One will kill you faster, but you're fucked either way and should probably find something else to eat.

    • @maxmichalik4938
      @maxmichalik4938 7 місяців тому

      ​@@dgrhm08 Biden also supports the current far right Israeli government and is generally an establishment capitalist liberal. That's not just old salad.

    • @adamg378
      @adamg378 7 місяців тому

      That is a much better way to put it@@dgrhm08

  • @solido888
    @solido888 7 місяців тому +60

    Great analysis here. One thing that was not covered was how the Democratic party actively undermines challenges to its corporate owned mainstream candidates.

    • @teresawashington882
      @teresawashington882 7 місяців тому

      Not so great is the fact that regardless of what you do, how destructive and disruptive this government has and is to the rest of the world, pointing fingers and running home with your ball, to Punish Democrats and or Republicans because they aren't honest brokers, is the REASON that The Military Industrial Complex has Politicians in their pocket. The REASON why it is that wallstreet and mega corporations have been so powerful. Knowledge is a wonderful thing to have, BUT, knowledge can be a distraction when simple common SENSE, should tell you, it's not about what you want, but about, playing with the cards you HAVE, not the cards that you don't have but want.

    • @erinmac4750
      @erinmac4750 7 місяців тому

      Truth. The two parties seem to be working the hardest to undermine democracy.

    • @WhistleAndSnap
      @WhistleAndSnap 7 місяців тому +5

      Indeed. That's a whole topic in and of itself.

    • @ChipCheerio
      @ChipCheerio 7 місяців тому

      The parties themselves have no obligation to even let you vote for a candidate in the first place, it could be an entirely internal matter for them. I'd actively undermine people too if I had incumbant advantage on one hand and a gaggle of people no one has ever heard of on the other.

    • @solido888
      @solido888 7 місяців тому +4

      @@ChipCheerio yes just like the supreme Court has no obligation to not be corrupt. Just because it's not illegal doesn't make it good.

  • @PL45VYR
    @PL45VYR 7 місяців тому +106

    “Roll the intro…”
    UA-cam: *rolls an ad instead*

    • @johnnygoodman2003
      @johnnygoodman2003 7 місяців тому +1


    • @cormano64
      @cormano64 7 місяців тому +5

      Is uBlockOrigin a banned term on UA-cam? Let's put it to the test.
      If you can read this, install it. Now.

    • @BH-wk8vd
      @BH-wk8vd 7 місяців тому

      @@cormano64 not on iPhone :\

    • @jenjagger6745
      @jenjagger6745 7 місяців тому +1

      I got an ad to sponsor Biden 😂

    • @Ggaia-d9z
      @Ggaia-d9z 7 місяців тому

      Ad blockers still work sometimes

  • @Derekivery
    @Derekivery 7 місяців тому +13

    I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against dictatorship. Yes Blue no matter who

    • @sellis2819
      @sellis2819 7 місяців тому

      biden has ruled mostly through dictates or as the americans call them executive orders even compared to both trump and obama who abused them to no end
      the illusion of democracy is really nice for the conscious

  • @JasenJohns
    @JasenJohns 7 місяців тому +8

    Voting is a civic duty, but discharging that civic duty by voting is the limit. Politicians who feel entitled to your vote are the harm. No politician deserves votes. Each politician must earn votes. Voter apathy will be a problem for Biden in 2024.

  • @X3r0.
    @X3r0. 7 місяців тому +54

    I'm Canadian, but I pay attention to your channel as it tends to affect us significantly. It also helps me understand the American political system much easier than ever before, so I thank you for all your work.

    • @organicwest
      @organicwest 7 місяців тому

      I'm Canadian as well and the Conservatives are already beginning the MAGA handbook with culture war and christian garbage. Punching down.

    • @chalinosanchez8113
      @chalinosanchez8113 7 місяців тому

      This is not the channel to be learning US politics. This is a liberal commentary channel

  • @Flightkid90
    @Flightkid90 6 місяців тому +6

    Annnnnnd i will still say toll this day. We SHOULDVE VOTED BERNIE!!! WE AS AMERICANS FAILED!! We reap what we sow by only focusing on two parties

    • @CoronaHoax-nd2rr
      @CoronaHoax-nd2rr 5 місяців тому

      Your Big Mac would cost $18 if we had voted Bernie in lmao

    • @phillipanselmo8540
      @phillipanselmo8540 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@CoronaHoax-nd2rrif big macs costing $18 is the price to pay for a 32 hour work week, count me in

  • @HuckleberryHim
    @HuckleberryHim 7 місяців тому +49

    I wouldn't say anyone is strictly obligated to do anything, but you have to consider that voting for good things is only effective if everyone does it, regardless of the fact that any individual person doing it is negligible. It is almost as though it technically doesn't matter, but we have to pretend it does, because that's how it does.

    • @jmanakajosh9354
      @jmanakajosh9354 7 місяців тому +1

      I like your argument! ❤

    • @DarklordZagarna
      @DarklordZagarna 7 місяців тому +8

      This is why I'm of the view that people should be paid for voting. Doesn't have to be a lot-- just five or ten bucks to compensate you for your time. If it was good enough for Athens (I believe you were paid two obols for showing up for Assembly day), why not us?
      That being said, suck it up and vote Democratic anyway. Even if it's an annoying chore, it's no more so than any other part of being a grown adult.

    • @cosmefulanito5052
      @cosmefulanito5052 7 місяців тому

      You're not voting for anything
      You're voting for someone to make decisions for you. Democracy literally is the power of the masses.
      You hold 0 power in this system.

    • @remakitchen
      @remakitchen 7 місяців тому +2

      Except it does matter. People who think it doesn't are those that are privileged enough to not feel it's effects. Tell any trans person in a republican state that right wing control doesn't matter, see where that gets you

    • @HuckleberryHim
      @HuckleberryHim 7 місяців тому +3

      @@remakitchen Not sure when I said "it doesn't matter". There are trans people who share my views, and there are many, many people who suffer under corrupt right-wing (Dem and GOP) governance who are not trans (myself, and probably >90% of Americans, included).
      But really I think your argument hinges on a fundamental misunderstanding. No one is saying that things are good the way they are. They are saying their individual votes are inconsequential, which, in the vast majority of cases, is just objectively true. For reasons I described, we should still vote, but you act like people are saying trans rights don't matter, when they are in fact saying that they are powerless to change policy. If you think otherwise, argue that, but don't accuse people of indifference for acknowledging their objective lack of power.

  • @blackbird797
    @blackbird797 7 місяців тому +35

    I really like the measured take, but I disagree with your conclusion regarding moral obligation. Yes, for a lot of people, which party holds the executive branch doesn't impact their day-to-day life. However, the same cannot be said for non-citizens living here on a visa, trans people, or I'd argue even queer people. We're in a time where we're seeing a lot of red states rescind some women's and LGBTQ+ rights. Not to mention where they stand on matters like supporting Ukraine and accepting refugees and asylum seekers. The Democrats are not perfect themselves and have their own slew of issues to be addressed, but I do think everyday life would be demonstrably worse for a LOT of people under a Republican administration.

    • @cloverbeck2141
      @cloverbeck2141 7 місяців тому

      As a trans person, Biden has stood by and allowed the Republicans to destroy our legal protections. So, no, it's not much better in any way.

    • @WackadoodleMalarkey
      @WackadoodleMalarkey 7 місяців тому

      A Democrat candidate isn't a hero for drinking a glass of water
      Until you compare them to the Republican candidate foaming at the mouth floundering about the floor because they drank bleach

    • @bluester7177
      @bluester7177 7 місяців тому

      Biden literally mantained Trump policies about immigration, there were record anti-lgbtqia laws all over the country on Biden term, even if it wasn't him specifically passing them, even with Biden, things are still sliding towards the extreme right, just slightly slower.
      Voting for him doesn't help this people either, what you need to do is care about your local elections and the people in congress and the senate.

  • @quehablo
    @quehablo 7 місяців тому +47

    It's a question of utilitarianism vs deontology. A utilitarian standpoint shows that, of the options Biden, Trump, or not voting/third party, voting for Biden does the least harm. A deontological standpoint shows that voting for either Biden or Trump is voting for harm and thus we have a moral obligation to not vote at all (even though that would lead to more harm overall). It's a trolley problem, except the options are many people dying or slightly fewer people dying and it will affect the entire world.

    • @ElephanTigeR
      @ElephanTigeR 7 місяців тому

      Voting for Biden may do the most harm. Under Trump at least people got involved and demanded change. Things have gotten worse for almost everybody under Biden. He's genuinely evil and calculated. Trump is evil and impulsive.

    • @scifirealism5943
      @scifirealism5943 7 місяців тому +3

      that's messed up and i had never heard of deontology until i read this comment.

    • @quehablo
      @quehablo 7 місяців тому +4

      ​@@scifirealism5943You should take an ethics class or research ethics! I've found it really has helped me to make logically-guided decisions vs just what my gut tells me.

    • @scifirealism5943
      @scifirealism5943 7 місяців тому

      thanks. i know every issue is equally important: from poverty to immigration to healthcare. but poverty affects me the most. and it really affects the other ones too. i'm in poverty now despite going to school because of the high cost of tuition, healthcare(schools don't provide it, i'm on medicaid), and living($2k/month rent).
      if i won scholarships/grants. if the minimum wage was a living wage, if welfare was robust or we had UBI. i would vote biden.
      tldr i support minimum wage, welfare, UBI, free college. and biden doesn't.

    • @scifirealism5943
      @scifirealism5943 7 місяців тому

      i would say i'm leftist and that deonteologist thing you mentioned: i refrain from voting because the core problem in politics, besides scarcity, is ideology.
      On some level, people support women voting, but NOT immigrants having citizenship, students having debt forgiven, minimum wage workers making a living wage, etc. We don't believe all suffering is wrong. We don't believe all groups of people are equal.
      DESPITE women being proof of society changing to view women as equal.@@quehablo

  • @Sayithowitis-y3b
    @Sayithowitis-y3b 7 місяців тому +22

    Something else to consider. You're votes do matter even if you live in a red state you could still flip a district and get more representation in the house. Also the reason many red states are red is because too many people stay home. If voter turnout was higher the map would look a lot different.
    It's dangerous to tell 380k followers that their votes don't matter as convincing people that their votes don't matter is how dictators win elections.

    • @dahlia_doofenshmirtz
      @dahlia_doofenshmirtz 7 місяців тому

      spot on

    • @razrv3lc
      @razrv3lc 6 місяців тому

      My county voted nearly 80% for Trump in 2020. That’s never going to flip lmao

  • @MsPoliteRants
    @MsPoliteRants 7 місяців тому +118

    Working with and helping your community only eases the feeling of hopelessness if your community isn't hopeless. In my experience, volunteering in my town has made me more bitter and more defeated.

    • @Andrein.3237
      @Andrein.3237 7 місяців тому +8

      So it is about you after all ? It’s your vibes? You don’t care about actually improving your community and world?

    • @theeccentric7263
      @theeccentric7263 7 місяців тому +56

      @@Andrein.3237Buddy being demoralized doesn’t mean you don’t have good intentions.

    • @nkuhlman677
      @nkuhlman677 7 місяців тому +7

      Not being facetious...maybe a change of scenery would do you well. Not everybody wants to be 'saved,' and maybe your efforts would bear fruit more easily elsewhere.

    • @eric2500
      @eric2500 7 місяців тому

      So sorry.

    • @CyRxJustin
      @CyRxJustin 7 місяців тому

      Try helping somewhere else then. I honestly doubt there's an entire community that just can't be helped. There are kids that need your help. I live in a depressed oil boom town riddled with drugs. I work for a community outreach organization that provides goods and services to needy families. I see a lot of unscrupulous people but I also see a lot of truly grateful people who we can help dig out of a vicious cycle.
      Our local school district was being run inefficiently and it's a fun thing for everyone to complain about. My professional skills and work history made me uniquely qualified to help in a specific aspect of that so I ran for school board. I didn't WANT to be on the school board, but I figured if I was going to sit there and complain about it then I should be willing to be a part of the solution.
      My wife coaches young girls when before her there were no girls sports at that age. She found people and built the program and aside from the girls sports at all ages now doing better, she gets to mentor and provide resources to girls at a crucial age when they need it. Some of them don't want the help, some of them won't take it, but if there's one that does then it's worth it.

  • @underthedice1231
    @underthedice1231 7 місяців тому +21

    The moral obligation argument based on impacting the outcome fails a game theory matrix test.
    I'm surprised that zombie argument still refuses to die.
    Voting is the rational act if you want to affect the outcome. To say otherwise requires assuming everyone else's choice is independent from yours. It's full on a rejection of the notion of strategy.

    • @littlejerryseinfeld4168
      @littlejerryseinfeld4168 7 місяців тому

      well put - people need to realize that it took a solid 50 years to get to this point where shit is so tied up and its going to take multiple election cycles to untwist this right wing knot. Sitting out is only an option if you say you're giving up. People have no perspective past whatevers in the news that day, we've been living with this idea of instant gratification so long and being hypnotized by TV and now the tech companies who deliver the digital diversionary crack right to our pockets everyday.
      I would bet that 99 % of the people who bitch about Biden do not do much else on whatever their idealistic pet issue is. They just watch youtube shows, commiserate, and their world view is entirely through an 6 inch screen where they're just reading competing propaganda every day instead of being measured and looking at data, and thinking long term rather than thinking that voting alone will solve anything. Voting for anyone but Biden is a strategic error on multiple fronts, but on the biggest front, Biden's proven that you need more people in congress so you can enact your agenda.
      People can be idealistic if they want to but voting for someone like marianne williamson or cornel west in the general is even more useless , Biden got alot of shit done to get the country back on a positive track, Biden isnt the one who launched attacks on israel or retaliated against Hamas, and Blinken keeps going over there to do shit behind the scenes because public diplomacy does not work between governments. Beau of the 5th column is the most rational voice about this, then theres the TYTs and Kyle Kulinskis who both are responsible for their shortsighted political project that is a complete failure, so theyve been reduced to just being media people as they complain about media people.
      It's not just a rejection of the notion of strategy, it's unrealistic and it does nothing to advance what these people say they want. I don't see the American lefties doing what the far right nut jobs are doing and threatening violent takeovers, the left is supposed to be the wiser of the 2 electorates. To withhold your vote in this election when we have the worlds most notorious criminal who tried to end constittuional democracy by launching a near years long attack on the democratic process and ignoring his actual duties as president (like you know distributing vaccines that were made during the pandemic before he left office) - is like cutting off your hands to prepare for a fist fight. Totally irrational.
      Its also february, not november, and i wanna say that Ms Miller here is wrong that Biden doesnt campaign enough - especially given the criticism of trump in 2020 that all he did was campaign , to the health detriment of his supporters. No one FOCUSES on his campaign efforts because everyones against him for their own personal reasons that usually aren't based in reality or omit a huge chunk of it.
      People also refuse to accept our own responsbility for being disengaged so long that we allow the flipping of the parties every 2 years, ive only been paying attention since 2020 but I started by diving into the recent history of this country and its CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY to me that the GOP does nothing besides create problems or point them out and then prevent the Dems from doing it, creating this circular cycle where no president/party ever has control long enough to make meaningful change . Now we're dealing with a cult on the other side and people wanna protest by allowing a guy who will basicaly aid genocide in Ukraine, if theyre so worried about genocide.
      I also want to know why all the Arab countries in the actual middle east are not doing anything to intervene for their supposed own people. This is not a new problem, its just the latest version of a problem that dates back hundreds if not thousands of years. It's utterly moronic and narcissistic, not to mention nihilistic, to allow actual unapologetic fascism to win. Project 2025 should be all the motivation anyone needs to figure out everything else and seperate it from voting in november for the only reasonable choice. Bernie Sanders , if he did win, would still have needed the congressional support to pass the kinds of reforms he was calling for that I think were good ideas, but we have a fucked up system. Unless people are actually planning a revolution, which i sincerely doubt given how much time they spend bitching about it online, the obvious path is a) dont concede so early, people conceded on this years ago , I used to watch these kids who would freak out about things that hadnt happened yet, they did nothing but post what was going on on twitter into the David Pakman Discord that i had to leave because it was such a negative environment b) vote for Biden and put in that effort they spend bitching about it on social media and on live streams of second hand pundits , on doing real work.
      The fact that this isnt clear to people is losing people like me who were all ready to help a few years ago until I realized that alot of the things people bitch about are about getting attention for themselves and their own narcisssism rather than whats really going to help people.
      Not voting for Biden helps no one except our enemies, voting for Biden in November is the only thing that keeps their policy goals realistically achievable. No one gives the guy a break either or gives him credit for shit, most peoples attention spans can only focus on whats going on this week and they accept all the framing as fact instead of being media literate and civically knowledgeable enough to form their own explanation of why things are unfolding. I made a conscious effort to learn about all this shit in 2020 after i spent the first 35 years of my life ignoring it as much as possible, as I fell for the nihillistic "your vote doesnt count" myth as well, probably because I listened to alot of George Carlin growing up. But I can admit that I was wrong, because I dont automatically accept narratives, I verify all information, and I can put it in the proper perspective.
      Even making this video at this point in the year is kind of irresponsible and pointless. Ukraine should be an example of why morale matters, and all the Biden bashing even when he was doing good things, has been terrible for morale, so much that people cant recognize Bidens done a better job than any president in at least my lifetime. The negativity effect matters and people dont realize that by sitting here all day theyre playing exactly into the hands of the people they hate the most.

  • @highvibrational2007
    @highvibrational2007 7 місяців тому +18

    we need 3rd part candidate video. Being a black person, and not liking either candidate at the 2nd Obama inauguration [voted for 3rd party candidate], it is the best option when you must vote. It would be an insult to all who came before who fought for the right to vote!.

  • @babydactyl
    @babydactyl 7 місяців тому +10

    i thought i wouldn't end up liking this video with the kind of loaded question in the title, but i eventually did. i agree with most of these arguments and while i don't agree on everything said, you made a really good-faith and in-depth approach beyond just theory or whatever. i do believe that voting in general is easier to defend morally than specifically biden, though i do still believe in the latter.
    a HUGE reason that these candidates are so old is because youth turnout is pretty bad. you see in other countries with higher youth turnout that the candidates end up being younger, because they know which issues cater to younger voters. it's kind of a vicious cycle, but a necessary one to participate in. even voting for another candidate can send certain signals.
    i still favor the individualists voting argument at the end of your video, even if your state is blood red. high turnout (especially down-ballot) can signal a lot of things to campaign teams and strategists. you're probably not going to be the single vote that swings your state on a national level, but locally you might, and the difference between Kansas in 2020 being a net 14.6% for trump instead of 15% likely had a huge impact as to why Laura Kelly had so much funding to win as governor again. trends and swings are important, and moving your individual county, or even precinct, can be really good data for strategists.

  • @zoemoody6903
    @zoemoody6903 7 місяців тому +110

    Morally obligated to support whoever opposes Trump

    • @vinista256
      @vinista256 7 місяців тому +6

      ... and actually has a chance of winning.

    • @Red_Lion2000
      @Red_Lion2000 6 місяців тому

      Sorry palestinians.

  • @sftrick
    @sftrick 7 місяців тому +32

    Who do you want appointing the next Supreme Court justice, Trump or Biden?

  • @aesir748
    @aesir748 7 місяців тому +7

    If your candidates best quality can be boiled down to " The other guy sucks even more" you have a bad candidate

  • @usmansiddiqui1384
    @usmansiddiqui1384 7 місяців тому +17

    I’m only a minute and thirty seconds in, but let me just say how much I appreciate you making very clear right at the beginning of the video that the conflict in Gaza is actually a genocide. This genocide has very clearly shown who’s actually for humanity, and who’s just been virtue signaling this whole time. And even though I’ve been an optimist for people’s humanity, even I’ve been shocked at the overwhelming amount of support people are showing on the side of humanity. It takes a lot of courage to stand against Israeli lobby groups publicly. It’s also very heartwarming to see people like code pink literally going into congress members’ faces and telling them to stop committing a genocide. People like them, people like you are why I can’t hate America, in spite of all its flaws. People like you are why I still love this country and wish for it to improve.

    • @yonimations974
      @yonimations974 7 місяців тому

      Stop being childish and trying to be edgy by getting mad about a country on the other side of the world’s right to defend itself

    • @AmedeeVanGasse
      @AmedeeVanGasse 7 місяців тому +4

      ​@@yonimations974 so you agree that Palestine has a right to defend itself?

  • @paulgeorge1573
    @paulgeorge1573 7 місяців тому +55

    For me it is an obligation, if not a moral one. I am not a Democrat, but have been voting against Republicans from the time Nixon last ran. The one concern is that Lord Mendacious the Vindictive not get back to the White House.

    • @brandonh781
      @brandonh781 7 місяців тому

      Might as well choose your opponent in the next 4 years. I will pick the feeble old man instead of the senile fascist.

    • @scifirealism5943
      @scifirealism5943 7 місяців тому

      Do you remember nixon family assistance plan?

    • @MilwaukeeF40C
      @MilwaukeeF40C 7 місяців тому

      You're an old, old NPR/aging hippie leftist.

    • @ysf-psfx
      @ysf-psfx 7 місяців тому +2

      The fact is that the Dem party knows this about you. How long will you vote for them when they do nothing for you and you share nothing politically with them? They should have to work for it.

    • @scifirealism5943
      @scifirealism5943 7 місяців тому

      @@ysf-psfx voting is a right but receiving a vote is a privilege?

  • @hobochili92
    @hobochili92 7 місяців тому +22

    Biden is the clear and obvious choice

    • @2501bproject
      @2501bproject 7 місяців тому

      m4a, please. that's the obvious choice and none of the above is giving them to me

    • @hobochili92
      @hobochili92 7 місяців тому

      @@2501bproject campaign finance reform is obvious too, that’s not happening yet.
      Those battles become significantly less likely if Trump wins, obvious as they are to be had.
      Especially with SCOTUS the way it’s been stacked already, the path to M4A and other battles is by preserving democracy in the first place.

  • @Mr_T.
    @Mr_T. 4 місяці тому +4

    16:05 'Shits the cosmic bed'. I fell off my seat after hearing that one. lol.

  • @robertsouth6971
    @robertsouth6971 7 місяців тому +15

    We have no obligation to take heroic measures. But voting is a minor errand. We can so easily have an important impact it is indeed an obligation. Indulging in symbolic actions when real action is needed is defaulting on that obligation. Yes, you are morally obligated to vote for Biden in the general election because failing to do so can lead to such a disaster. The place to protest his imperfections is in the primary process.

  • @inferior-penguin8661
    @inferior-penguin8661 7 місяців тому +90

    John Fetterman literally stopped me from jumping off of the Fort Pitt Bridge and I STILL WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM. I worked my ass off to get him elected and now I will work my ass off to get him out of that seat the next opportunity there is.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 7 місяців тому +3

      "One day when the nation is done we'll wish we told him no"

    • @Cauldron6
      @Cauldron6 7 місяців тому +3

    • @8877dksljfa
      @8877dksljfa 7 місяців тому +3

      ❤❤❤ we need you here. Thank you for your principles. ❤❤❤

    • @Emissary355
      @Emissary355 7 місяців тому

      Only a total idiot would have worked to get Fetterman elected in the first place.

    • @ronneyrendon5045
      @ronneyrendon5045 7 місяців тому +5

      Why tbe disdain for Fetrerman??

  • @kiman6
    @kiman6 7 місяців тому +9

    they really just slipped in that “assassinate criminal political leaders” like it was nothing 24:00 😭😭

  • @eric2500
    @eric2500 7 місяців тому +55

    One reason to vote is this - IT KEEPS THAT DOOR OPEN.
    We HAVE ONE PARTY- the Republicans- who have devoted all of this young century to making it more difficult, wherever they suspect there might be a Democratic party majority.

    • @firstlast8258
      @firstlast8258 7 місяців тому +1

      Speak for yourself 🤓 🖕

    • @classyrobot5648
      @classyrobot5648 7 місяців тому

      Good. Every Democrat controlled state is in the shitter right now. The Republican ones are flourishing.

    • @JosephWalker-ip7pd
      @JosephWalker-ip7pd 7 місяців тому +4

      So giving migrants hotel rooms and preloaded credit cards is the answer? 🤡

    • @iamhyrumharris
      @iamhyrumharris 7 місяців тому +2

      You literally just have to show up one day to vote. That’s not that hard

    • @wepainc.811
      @wepainc.811 7 місяців тому

      Eww no lmao. I'm voting for the couch

  • @xxbatflowerxx
    @xxbatflowerxx 7 місяців тому +23

    Some of us voted for Nader, which handed us 2 terms of Dubya. Now compare Dubya to Dump, and add Project 2025. The stakes are much higher. Another term of Dump *must* be avoided.

    • @amusedBYfools
      @amusedBYfools 7 місяців тому +9

      At all costs. And voting Blue should happen until MAGA is gone.

    • @GeahkBurchill
      @GeahkBurchill 7 місяців тому

      Far more democrats voted for Bush in 2000 than Democrats who voted for Nader. In the critical Florida districts its was by _ten times._
      This old canard simply is not true.

  • @elisebrown5157
    @elisebrown5157 7 місяців тому +8

    The problem is the plurality of our election system. If we had another system that would, say, let you cast your vote for who you really wanted to win, but to cast a secondary vote against the person you really didn't want to win and then a third vote for the person you'd put up with if they kept the person you hated from winning - that would be a system that could keep true democracy alive. The UA-cam video "Simulating alternate voting systems" by Primer (no connection to me) explains well how different systems could work and the pros and cons of each. Your search will also turn up other videos on the topic. But a system like I mentioned would allow me to vote FOR Elizabeth Warren or Pete Buttigieg, AGAINST Trump, and a vote that I'd PUT UP with Biden if necessary. It might mean Biden would win overall just because enough people would put up with him against Trump, but it would also allow a real chance that a third party candidate (or challenger within either party) could win a plurality. We'd be voting primarily for what we wanted rather than against what we feared, and that could lead to real change politically.

  • @kriswillman2779
    @kriswillman2779 7 місяців тому +75

    Wish he had an actual left instead of lukewarm right

    • @ringilgondolin7490
      @ringilgondolin7490 7 місяців тому +7

      Wish we had actual moderates instead of not as fanatic left

    • @shade221
      @shade221 7 місяців тому +22

      @@ringilgondolin7490 i wish the "fanatic left" you were worried about were actual leftists and not idpol enthusiasts

    • @frogdeity
      @frogdeity 7 місяців тому

      @@shade221 All leftists are idpol.

    • @Wolf.81
      @Wolf.81 7 місяців тому

      How do we not have an actual left is what I am confused about? What do you consider "actual left"? This just seems like the Scotsman fallacy.

    • @ProfessorGroyper
      @ProfessorGroyper 7 місяців тому

      Hate to tell you this, but the Overton window moved far left. There are no right-wingers in office.

  • @hydra7427
    @hydra7427 7 місяців тому +73

    If the choice is between Biden or Fascism, I'm riding with Biden.

    • @blueconversechucks
      @blueconversechucks 7 місяців тому +7

      everything in this video is correct but you omit the fact that only one presidential candidate is threatening your opportunity to choose future presidential candidates. it's the one who is lobbying for total presidential immunity.

    • @Spido68_the_spectator
      @Spido68_the_spectator 7 місяців тому +4

      Biden is also leading that way. Just more gently

    • @Stuff857
      @Stuff857 7 місяців тому

      Nancy was in charge of security, he requested 10,000 more people for security, she refused.
      100k+ were there, 300~ charged with violence, 0 of murder and 0 of insurrection.
      So he wasn't charged with insurrection, large portions of each staye support and dems are taking him off the ballot for the """insurrection""" he wasn't charged for...
      To save democracy 😂
      Every democrat accusation is a confession.

    • @Red_Lion2000
      @Red_Lion2000 6 місяців тому

      Keep voting for one of the two creepy old men every election, wondering why things dont change.
      You, and most other Americans, are literally insane.

    • @EvanDizasterous
      @EvanDizasterous 5 місяців тому

      If you don't see the authoritarianism within Biden as well, that right there is a major red flag

  • @denemercer4703
    @denemercer4703 7 місяців тому +16

    "The majority of Americans don't want Trump or Biden"
    Third party it is!

    • @canada1529
      @canada1529 7 місяців тому

      Fuel legitimately think a third-party Victory is on the table, then you're legitimately stupid.

    • @jared_r
      @jared_r 7 місяців тому

      im voting rfk jr

    • @burtpenguin
      @burtpenguin 7 місяців тому +1

      libertarian party on top

    • @irnbrewhaha
      @irnbrewhaha 7 місяців тому +2

      So a vote for Trump. Unless your state has ranked choice, you may as well stay home. 3rd party will never mean anything until we can vote for them without wasting it.

    • @ragames7320
      @ragames7320 7 місяців тому +2

      @@jared_r name one thing rfk jr has done for this country other than babble?

  • @thomasb.smithjr.8401
    @thomasb.smithjr.8401 4 місяці тому +2

    'All politics is local' - Thomas 'Tip' O'Neill. It still is true that voting for your local dog catcher will likely have more impact on you and where you live than whoever occupies the Oval Office. 🇺🇲

  • @mandabob3001
    @mandabob3001 7 місяців тому +33

    As a foreigner we are taught that we not only have rights but that with each of those rights comes a responsibility. For example we have a right to freedom from discrimination in my country, at the same time we have a responsibility not to discriminate. Same works for voting, we have a right to vote and a responsibility to ensure we do.
    That said, my country has been backsliding and interestingly what coincides with that backsliding is a drop in voter turnout from almost 90% to 45%. This is the consequence of too many of us shirking that responsibility 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @sentientnatalie
      @sentientnatalie 7 місяців тому

      Maybe because the only parties and candidates they get to vote for are worse than dogshit, could that be it?

    • @watamatafoyu
      @watamatafoyu 7 місяців тому

      Yet we keep electing irresponsible people.

    • @sookendestroy1
      @sookendestroy1 7 місяців тому +1

      In many western countries more people believe the idea that "they took the right to discriminate away from you"

    • @sentientnatalie
      @sentientnatalie 7 місяців тому

      @@watamatafoyu You're assuming you have any say in who the establishment will back as a candidate, only a handful really do and neither you nor I have that say.

    • @mandabob3001
      @mandabob3001 7 місяців тому

      @sookendestroy1 There is not now nor has there ever been a right to discriminate against others. Freedom from discrimination is a right in itself. Your rights end the moment you infringe upon the rights of others.

  • @runcmd1419
    @runcmd1419 7 місяців тому +47

    The likelihood of your vote affecting the outcome is 100%. The likelihood of your vote determining the outcome is near 0%. Vote.

    • @Azrael_Garou
      @Azrael_Garou 7 місяців тому

      The likelihood of the DNC choosing the candidate over the voters is 100% since FDR's third term; "WE WANT WALLACE!"

    • @Skag_Sisyphus
      @Skag_Sisyphus 7 місяців тому

      For the presidential elections thats untrue. Your vote matters only in certain states.

    • @TDBanimefan
      @TDBanimefan 7 місяців тому

      I'm embarrassed for you.

  • @BinaryTremor-vs1iv
    @BinaryTremor-vs1iv 7 місяців тому +6

    Before I even watch this video, the answer is “No.”
    I should start by saying that I am an independent who does my research and votes based on who I believe is the most qualified and deserving and have political views that align with both major parties.
    Firstly, you, as a voter, have the right to use your vote as you wish. It’s anonymous for a reason.
    Secondly, politics is a controversial topic. People can come to different conclusions and have the rights to their viewpoints.
    So, pretty simple. Nobody is morally obligated to vote for anyone. I always vote because I find it exciting to take part in the election process, but not everyone wants to.

    • @BinaryTremor-vs1iv
      @BinaryTremor-vs1iv 7 місяців тому

      Well, there’s also another reason.
      Denying the nomination to an incumbent president is extremely hard. It only happened in 1852 and 1968.
      Biden’s opponents aren’t good candidates either. Dean Phillips is too unknown and Marianne Williamson is an anti-vaxxer.

    • @BinaryTremor-vs1iv
      @BinaryTremor-vs1iv 7 місяців тому

      Well, there’s also another reason.
      Denying the nomination to an incumbent president is extremely hard. It only happened in 1852 and 1968.
      Biden’s opponents aren’t good candidates either. Dean Phillips is too unknown and Marianne Williamson is an anti-vaxxer.

    • @BinaryTremor-vs1iv
      @BinaryTremor-vs1iv 7 місяців тому

      Well, there’s also another reason.
      Denying the nomination to an incumbent president is extremely hard. It only happened in 1852 and 1968.
      Biden’s opponents aren’t good candidates either. Dean Phillips is too unknown and Marianne Williamson is an anti-vaxxer.

    • @BinaryTremor-vs1iv
      @BinaryTremor-vs1iv 7 місяців тому

      Jimmy Carter wasn’t the only Democratic president who lost re-election after the Civil War. Grover Cleveland lost his re-election bid in 1888 (even though he won again in 1892) and Lyndon Johnson sought a second full term in 1968, but was firmly denied by the general public and dropped out early on.

    • @BinaryTremor-vs1iv
      @BinaryTremor-vs1iv 7 місяців тому

      As someone who is non-affiliated and hasn’t missed a single election, and studied Political Science in college, I am glad I stumbled on your channel because I feel as though it is informative.
      Truthfully, I feel like the Republican Party needs to find a way to soften their image because too many people see them as dangerous or untrustworthy. This is especially true for younger voters who are overwhelmingly left-leaning. (>65% -

  • @adamkoepke1366
    @adamkoepke1366 7 місяців тому +7

    The way our system is set up and the way our two parties think about their own power, basically makes it impossible to question them or hold them accountable. They care more about their relationships with their own party rather than their relationships with their voters. This who system is absolute garbage

    • @savshady15
      @savshady15 7 місяців тому

      Agreed 100%. Especially knowing that there are democratic systems that actually do hold their elected officials accountable to their campaign promises. It’s possible, but never going to be the focus of a nation operating like one giant corporation.

    • @adamkoepke1366
      @adamkoepke1366 7 місяців тому

      @@savshady15 100%. Until money is removed from politics entirely, there's no incentive for politicians to listen to their constituents.

  • @cynthiakozikowski1765
    @cynthiakozikowski1765 7 місяців тому +57

    I do not want Trump to win. I am not a fan of Biden either, but I will vote for Biden to help protect our democracy.

    • @JayBee-cr8jm
      @JayBee-cr8jm 7 місяців тому

      I hope Trump sends his pals inside the FBI an unverified Russian-sourced dossier on Biden. They can then use this unverified dossier (full of bar talk and rumor) to con a secret court into allowing them to wire tap the Biden White House and violate Joe's constitutional rights. That's how you save democracy.

    • @solowolf7418
      @solowolf7418 7 місяців тому +15

      I agree. I support progressive policies whenever possible but I would rather have a few progressive wins instead of MAGA rule. The purity tests need to stop

    • @JayBee-cr8jm
      @JayBee-cr8jm 7 місяців тому

      @@solowolf7418 Trump might take our Mexicans away.
      Then we will have top pay people a lot more.

    • @JRodrigues8014
      @JRodrigues8014 7 місяців тому

      You’re voting for a genocidal war criminal, hope you feel good

    • @ceg4609
      @ceg4609 7 місяців тому +10

      same! nothing has changed since 2020. I will vote for a plant before trump. biden still has my vote and i still wish he was someone else. plus, there's no way trump gets into office and supports palestine. boycotting does nothing to help palestine and the default vote for trump probably makes it worse for them.

  • @thomasdeakins9009
    @thomasdeakins9009 7 місяців тому +24

    "one vote doesnt affect the outcome of an election" right and the individual actions of a protester doesnt affect policy. Should people stop protesting and conducting civil disobedience to change policy? The action has minimal influence, the belief or idea behind the action is what allows for large groups to act together to create change on the large scale that we as a species operate on. I dont get why this wasnt part of the discussion

    • @dahlia_doofenshmirtz
      @dahlia_doofenshmirtz 7 місяців тому +5

      exactly. one individuals action doesn’t do much, but a collective decision made by many individuals can have massive effects. if enough progressively minded individuals choose inaction in a time of need while the regressives keep their strong will, we will inevitably lose to them.

    • @ghostlytavern129
      @ghostlytavern129 7 місяців тому

      It’s part of the ploy to keep people down. They’re trying to force this herd mentality, fine my voice and my Green Party vote means nothing in my republican state but it’s about doing what’s right. I would rather cast that stone to sea that live in a world where I didn’t.

  • @smacain
    @smacain 7 місяців тому +7

    I don’t think I’m alone here in suggesting the two party system is part of our problem. I think people often conflate independents for moderates, but there are certainly people on the left who don’t identify with the Democratic party. I’d like to see more of a ranked choice voting system, so you can vote your conscience, without worrying you’re throwing your vote away.

    • @DerAptrgangr
      @DerAptrgangr 7 місяців тому

      Correct. While popular vote would be an improvement over our bullshit Electoral College, it's still not remotely sufficient.

    • @PauLtus_B
      @PauLtus_B 7 місяців тому

      Totally, but you should still use whatever power you have in this broken system.
      Not voting is only going to make things worse.

  • @Finians_Mancave
    @Finians_Mancave 7 місяців тому +17

    Only if you feel morally obligated to try to save democracy for our children and their children. Otherwise I can't think of a single reason! (Seriously, you people learned nothing from voting third party in 2016)?!

    • @JonathanB138
      @JonathanB138 7 місяців тому

      Voting shaming does NOT work! Let's shame you for your vote. You are going to vote for someone who LOVES genocide and can't complete an incoherent sentence. Ffs he CONFUSED Former French President Mitterand who has been DEAD since 1996 with Macron. You want to vote for someone who receives money from fossil fuels, AiPAC, and other shady PACS. This is the tip of the iceberg.... HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE CALLED THE F OUT?!? FEELS GREAT, DOESNT IT? GTFO

    • @indiestripper5374
      @indiestripper5374 7 місяців тому

      I think there are far more people interested in voting 3rd party this time around compared to 2016. I voted for Hillary even though i didn't want to and I did the same with Biden. Personally, I don't know anyone whose life changed drastically under trump vs biden. The part that dems like to ignore is that for the working class, it really doesn't matter who is president because both republicans and democrats will be working against you. Trump gives tax cuts to the rich and Biden shuts down strikes. Both parties funnel all our money into the military and laugh at us while we can't afford to take an ambulance in an emergency. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell both make obscene amounts of money in the stock market, turning tax payer money into their own private wealth machine because their position gives them insider knowledge. Both parties are made up of uberwealthy people who spend all their time bending over for corporations. Fuck my "moral obligation" to save a "democracy" that already doesn't exist for the working class.

  • @sayuas4293
    @sayuas4293 7 місяців тому +5

    You have an obligation to vote, but only on the person that I like. Yeah that sounds like democracy to me.

  • @bannin2916
    @bannin2916 7 місяців тому +7

    Please do an episode on third party candidates. Really appreciate your research and effort in informing your audience.

  • @danieldykstra3079
    @danieldykstra3079 7 місяців тому +2

    Not voting for the lesser of two evils is the definition of virtue signaling.

  • @mortoth6706
    @mortoth6706 7 місяців тому +7

    I am not an american citizen, but i want that third party video

  • @hisbigal
    @hisbigal 7 місяців тому +19

    Absolutely make a video on third-party candidates.

    • @tannerwilson4843
      @tannerwilson4843 7 місяців тому +4

      Also changing the electoral format like Ranked Choice Voting, proportional representation, multi member districts, etc. Also bringing options like National Referendums to vote for major changes how the government operations! We’re one of the only major democracies in the world without these options.

    • @sm1purplmurderedme583
      @sm1purplmurderedme583 7 місяців тому

      you should vote for the woman

  • @georgegoddiess9173
    @georgegoddiess9173 7 місяців тому +60

    Politicians should earn your vote

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 7 місяців тому +3

      @@exilecomplex7344 I'm down to make voting mandatory, if we get a federal holiday to do it and simplify the process. I still won't be voting for the butcher Brandon, though.

    • @FloorFerret
      @FloorFerret 7 місяців тому +2

      I'm sure you'll love the other option lol

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 7 місяців тому +1

      @@FloorFerret Which other option? De la Cruz with the PSL seems good.

    • @jenniferhunter4074
      @jenniferhunter4074 7 місяців тому

      @@exilecomplex7344 What these selfish people who say they want a politician to earn their vote or do X immediately over all the other issues are telling people like us... it's that they don't care about our well-being. They don't really care about community and if there is a community, we are not part of that group. They're no different from republicans who are anti-immigration or pro-Israel. They are willing to sacrifice us, their fellow Americans. They value Palestinian lives more than Ukrainian lives. They value student loan debt over ... black people's rights or women's rights. They aren't interested in minimizing harm for the majority of victims. They play favorites.
      there's a reason I don't use the leftist label. I'm pretty sure they would find me expendable. Besides, I'm always willing to sleep in the bed I make because it's the right thing to do. They wouldn't be willing to suffer because they are an unjust people.

    • @sentientnatalie
      @sentientnatalie 7 місяців тому +1

      @@icantcomeupwithnames469 Yes, she does! And I agree, politicians need to earn, and are not entitled to, our votes. I'm not for compulsory voting though, we have that BS here in Australia.

  • @dogcarman
    @dogcarman 7 місяців тому +5

    All this rationalization about the duty to vote is cute, but the matter at hand is very simple: vote for Biden or win a chance to live in a fascist dictatorship. Your legal system is screwed up by politics, your congress by money, don’t expect another go for democracy after Trump.

  • @muttsareus
    @muttsareus 7 місяців тому +19

    We aren't morrally obligated to vote for Biden. We are morally obligated to vote for a candidate who will keep Trump out of the White House. And the only person who is going to do that is... oops!... Joe Biden. Would that it were not so, but it is.

    • @leobigelow7021
      @leobigelow7021 7 місяців тому +4

      Explain to me, with specific examples, of why we must, at all costs, "keep Trump out of the White House." Please avoid using the term "fascist" and also please avoid telling me that the world is going to end and/or we're all going to die.

    • @benhuang2773
      @benhuang2773 7 місяців тому

      @@leobigelow7021 The Republican party has a plan called Project 2025 that they will put into place if Trump wins. This will result in the erosion of rights and freedoms all over the country.

    • @geerky42
      @geerky42 7 місяців тому +7

      @@leobigelow7021 Project 2025.
      Well that was easy!

    • @vankraken5490
      @vankraken5490 7 місяців тому

      @@leobigelow7021 Jan 6, Supreme Court nominations, being pro Putin, tariff trade wars that only served to hurt US businesses, covid response which resulted in tens if not hundreds of thousands of potentially preventable deaths, the laundry list of criminal and civil charges against Trump and his many cronies, the disrespect that Trump has shown for our military (being pro Russian despite them putting bounties on the heads of US soldiers, giving up US bases and selling out our allies to the Russians in Syria, calling soldiers who died for our country losers), the willful retaining and illegal sharing of classified documents, the threat to try and withdraw from NATO, the encouragement of our geopolitical rivals/enemies to invade our allies, failure to carry out the lawful duties of the presidency with regards to trying to withhold aid to Ukraine in order to get dirt on a political rival.

    • @WiseSageBum
      @WiseSageBum 7 місяців тому +5

      ​@@leobigelow7021He said he'd be a dictator on day one, his policies were terrible for queer rights, he appointed unqualified judges approved on partisan lines who will negatively affect the lives of millions for the next few decades, he appointed the justices instrumental in overturning Roe and created a fast track for the religious right to raise cases to overturn other civil rights cases with strong precedence like roe, the child separation policy at the southern border happened under him
      Need I go on?

  • @LivSenghor
    @LivSenghor 7 місяців тому +3

    LOCAL IS KEY. In addition to getting involved in local politics and community like Leeja said, EVERYONE SHOULD SHOW UP TO THE POLLS ON ELECTION DAY AND VOTE FOR LOCAL CANDIDATES. Even if you don't want to vote for the President, there will be people on your ballot who affect your day-to-day life and local elections need and deserve more attention from constituents. That's how we build community.

  • @MiakaKirino
    @MiakaKirino 7 місяців тому +29

    I feel a LOT of this. I grew up instructed that voting was part of my civic duty. I've been voting in every election since I turned 18, with the consideration that I needed to make sure I had the best information I could readily get my hands on. As a disabled person who cannot do a lot of the other things that help my community, voting is really the bare minimum.
    Currently also involved in helping to try and keep our local mail sorting facility open and functioning as it has for decades. There's a tentative plan to take our mail out of state for sorting, which combined with the other places they're threatening to do this to would mean slowing down the mail all across New England by routing ALL of it through Boston instead of having each state sort mail in-state.

  • @SouthernGothicYT
    @SouthernGothicYT 7 місяців тому +14

    I just don't want a "fortified" election again

  • @jamesc7277
    @jamesc7277 7 місяців тому +14

    I feel it is absolutely essential to do everything possible to make sure trump/MAGA/Fascist/republikkkans DO GOT GET CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT AT ANY LEVEL.

  • @brentmartin1981
    @brentmartin1981 7 місяців тому +12

    "Sh*t's the cosmic bed", I seriously want that quote on a t-shirt lol.

  • @Drake33333
    @Drake33333 6 місяців тому +2

    Everyone let's finally make a stand and vote third party. This situation where the Democratic Party keeps sliding in the conservative direction only works if they assume we will vote for them regardless. We NEED to take a stand for the long term, otherwise our two party choices will be ultra-conservative vs conservative.

  • @Mr22thou
    @Mr22thou 7 місяців тому +6

    While I agree that my vote does not make much of a difference, the more people don't vote, the more power goes to those who do. Yeah, it's a tiny drop in the ocean, but it is for good. And every little action for good adds up, yours, mine and everyones.
    I'm sure the trump voters think their vote is for good, but I can't for the life of me see what good there is in trump or another 4 or more years of him.
    And lastly, despite all of Biden's shortcomings and failures, I challenge anyone to name a president in the last 100 years who was better. There aren't many. And in the last 50 years, maybe one, at best.

  • @RayKosby
    @RayKosby 7 місяців тому +10

    I understand Leeja wasn't being heavy handed and promoting local political involvement is good, but if the new president becomes an autocrat, will you be able to be involved in meaningful local politics?
    Will you still have free speech?
    Right to assemble?
    Right to protest?
    Right to religion?
    What other constitutional guarantees will we be able to count on?
    This election is a binary choice.

    • @luguy8347
      @luguy8347 7 місяців тому

      Yes, indeed.

  • @unicornsquad923
    @unicornsquad923 7 місяців тому +7

    They are other candidates the corporate media won't interview. Please research the other candidates

    • @irnbrewhaha
      @irnbrewhaha 7 місяців тому

      Yeah, we all know about RFK. No one's voting for him, because his policy revolves around nonsense no one cares about.

    • @darkchocolate3390
      @darkchocolate3390 7 місяців тому

      Those other candidates suck that's why. A combination of deadbeat parents who don't pay child support, anti-vaxxers who support giving Russia and China a free and Democratic Europe and Asia on a silver platter and some rando libertarian who thinks that Driver License are unconstitutional.

    • @CamilleBluestein
      @CamilleBluestein 2 місяці тому

      Bobby Kenndy Jr.

  • @luckygreentiger
    @luckygreentiger 7 місяців тому +10

    Obligated? Of course not. But I think people should pick Biden until we push the Dems for more progressive candidates. As others have said here, we shouldn't risk Trump because judges matter. We shouldn't risk Trump because democracy matters.