Yup my story again sigh 😔 trust me I know to let go now. I officially know to let go. I tried to give many chances. I caught him talking to another girl on Facebook again. His family spoke with me. They want to be involved with the baby but told me to leave him out of everything. I was going to do that anyway. I’m just glad they’re agreeing with me. I had high blood pressure at the end of the pregnancy. It was 140 over 120 and that’s pretty high. Overall the baby is healthy they said but this was my first time having high blood pressure and I know it’s because of him. The doctor even said for me to stay away from him. No I don’t want to be friends with him. He said and done things that burned bridges with everyone in my life so it’s over over. I don’t even want to see him again tbh. There’s no reason for me to see him again. He drinks a lot yes and has so much addictions.
Yup my story again sigh 😔 trust me I know to let go now. I officially know to let go. I tried to give many chances. I caught him talking to another girl on Facebook again. His family spoke with me. They want to be involved with the baby but told me to leave him out of everything. I was going to do that anyway. I’m just glad they’re agreeing with me. I had high blood pressure at the end of the pregnancy. It was 140 over 120 and that’s pretty high. Overall the baby is healthy they said but this was my first time having high blood pressure and I know it’s because of him. The doctor even said for me to stay away from him. No I don’t want to be friends with him. He said and done things that burned bridges with everyone in my life so it’s over over. I don’t even want to see him again tbh. There’s no reason for me to see him again. He drinks a lot yes and has so much addictions.