Thanks :-) This was planned for the Eurobricks TC18 contest as an MX5 convertable, but sadly I never finished it due to time... and now I don't have any more motivation as I couldn't get the proportions quite right...
@@Jundis1 It's alright if you made a mistake, at least it isn't as painful as getting a HUGE lego build destroyed! Be happy that you have done something nice, don't lose that motivation! You should keep it, if it's no longer for contests, then it will be for fun and more acknowledge!
Такой же механизм был в наборе примено 2012-2014 года, там был голубой с огненными принтами и черепами по бокам хот-род. И у него была точно также работающая складная крыша. Только в этой модели механизм немного улучшен
Hi Vit, thanks for the comment! Do you mean the 42022? You are right, but in this official set, the mechanism was much easier, just flipping (turning 180°). I tried to come up with a way more realistic movement :-)
@@Jundis1 да, именно про этот набор я писал) у вас действительно вышло реалестичнее. А вот что если в вашем механизме оставить каркас крыши, и натянуть ткань? Вышло бы даже круче) ваш механизм мне очень понравился, у меня самого огромное количество коробок доверху набитых деталями лего) часто собираю интересные механизмы)
@@Radiolover56 That idea actually never crossed my mind, thanks for the advice! I will order the rooftop cloth from the 10271 Fiat, maybe this will fit. I try to stay 100% Lego technic, so no other cloth is allowed, just my personal rules... :D
When it comes to making your own builds I know nothing but maybe it you like grow a tire on the gear it could play the illusion of a spare tire and when u turn it the top functions
For a classic convertable, this surely is a nice idea :-) On this very car, I had a 12 tooth gear attached to a axle with stop, which then goes to an axle connector driving this mechanism. This axle with gear could be pulled out and stuck into another axle connector, centered in the back, which was for steering. So double usage ;-)
Hi Kristof, I'm glad you like it :-) As I can't create community news yet, here is a link to a pic of the mechanism. Hope this makes everything clear. Red axle is input:
Wow! Nice work!
A very, very cool mechanism! great work! :)
Are you going to finish the rest of the car?
Thanks :-)
This was planned for the Eurobricks TC18 contest as an MX5 convertable, but sadly I never finished it due to time... and now I don't have any more motivation as I couldn't get the proportions quite right...
@@Jundis1 It's alright if you made a mistake, at least it isn't as painful as getting a HUGE lego build destroyed!
Be happy that you have done something nice, don't lose that motivation! You should keep it, if it's no longer for contests, then it will be for fun and more acknowledge!
@@Netosilvagames I got 3 MOCs on my table right now, so maybe afterwards I'll come back to this. Thanks for the encouragement! :-)
@@Jundis1 I'm happy that i could help you, and good luck with finishing, or perhaps, making it even better! ;)
I smell a future lego designer
That’s so cool!
The blessings of the algorithm are with you, my child.
Wow thats really cool
This is amazing 👍
Wow!!!!!!!! IT'S PERFECT!!!!
Damn that's good
Very nice build! But can you demonstrate the mechanism?
I wanna build mine too
Look at the comment from Kristof 😊
thank you so much!
Is this on the Porsche set?
Такой же механизм был в наборе примено 2012-2014 года, там был голубой с огненными принтами и черепами по бокам хот-род. И у него была точно также работающая складная крыша. Только в этой модели механизм немного улучшен
Hi Vit, thanks for the comment! Do you mean the 42022? You are right, but in this official set, the mechanism was much easier, just flipping (turning 180°). I tried to come up with a way more realistic movement :-)
@@Jundis1 да, именно про этот набор я писал) у вас действительно вышло реалестичнее. А вот что если в вашем механизме оставить каркас крыши, и натянуть ткань? Вышло бы даже круче) ваш механизм мне очень понравился, у меня самого огромное количество коробок доверху набитых деталями лего) часто собираю интересные механизмы)
@@Radiolover56 That idea actually never crossed my mind, thanks for the advice! I will order the rooftop cloth from the 10271 Fiat, maybe this will fit. I try to stay 100% Lego technic, so no other cloth is allowed, just my personal rules... :D
@@Jundis1 буду надеятся что у вас все получится)
When it comes to making your own builds I know nothing but maybe it you like grow a tire on the gear it could play the illusion of a spare tire and when u turn it the top functions
For a classic convertable, this surely is a nice idea :-)
On this very car, I had a 12 tooth gear attached to a axle with stop, which then goes to an axle connector driving this mechanism. This axle with gear could be pulled out and stuck into another axle connector, centered in the back, which was for steering. So double usage ;-)
Make it done! I wanted to see a finish.
Naa, if I get 100.000 views here, then I'll finish it :D
there was a lego creator car which used to do something similar but this has exta mechanism
Have you seen it? Did you take inspiration from there
I was not aware of it, can you Post the link? 🙃
@@Jundis1 Lego Creator Cool Convertible 4993
Good for the jame bond car 007
WOAH YANKEE WIT NO BRIM? Also awesome man
I neeeeeed tutorial
Hi Kristof, I'm glad you like it :-)
As I can't create community news yet, here is a link to a pic of the mechanism. Hope this makes everything clear. Red axle is input:
@@Jundis1 thanks so much
Is it done?
Sadly no... I just dont have the motivation to finish it and already many other project in the works...
Not planned, as I didn't continue the model... are you interested in the mechanics?
Im interested how the roof open/close mechanism works
@@vip-jad6821 you too eh?